Genius Idea. (I Think) - Motorola Droid Android Development

So I was thinking I would love to repurpose my camera button as a Facebook Share Button like the HTC Status.
Also I think it would be a great Idea to implement the coding to choose Google+ for when it's popularity increases. it can easily be switched to.
So allow a default option to be selected and then changed later hopefully someone has the coding from the status so it can be easily done.
I might try it but I am not a good programmer.

Sounds pretty cool, go for it.
Sent from my ApeX-ed, Overclocked, and Automated Droid 2. seems to have done it before. The dev gave up development of it, but maybe it will work for you anyway?


Stupid question that is probably more of a rant...

Ok, so we all have the latest greatest most "open source" phone, right? LMFAO
Why is it, seeing as battery life is complete CRAP, that programs are not smart enough to be able to turn on and off the wifi, gps, wireless networks, etc as needed? When I open google maps, it should start up the GPS. When I try to get on the web, it would be nice if it could check for pre-configured wifi. When those programs are exited, or after an inactive time limit, the wifi, gps, etc should shut back down. It seems silly to fumble around in settings to turn things on and off all the time.
Since this is a problem with Google's software, I assume they will continue to support the "not our problem, let the developers figure it out" stand, while locking us out of the ability for a fix.
Am I the only one that thinks this way?
I completely agree! I am greatly disappointment in the direction Android is going. Leaving everything to 3rd party developers and then locking root access, yeah, really smart move! As soon as T-Mobile USA releases a 3G pocket pc, I am so gone. I would have left my HTC Wizard behind for another device (and G1) but I'm stuck with this strange 3G AWS frequency and no real option for a WM device except what my provider offers. Google still has a chance to fix this issues for Android but I am very impatient with things in general. One day, it could be a great OS but as of right now and the way the road looks ahead is a dismal path to possible destruction. My suggestions to Google would be to jailbreak all devices, create your OWN soft keyboard so all programs can be used with it, ADD SOME KIND OF OFFICE SUPPORT, add support for your own software (built in) to be able to control all settings (like speed racer mentioned), video recorder, better camera options, and better Marketplace support. Again, this is a new mobile OS and it will evolve somewhat but if things continue to happen in the same path or pattern, failure is practically the only option.
gospeed.racer said:
Ok, so we all have the latest greatest most "open source" phone, right? LMFAO
Why is it, seeing as battery life is complete CRAP, that programs are not smart enough to be able to turn on and off the wifi, gps, wireless networks, etc as needed? When I open google maps, it should start up the GPS. When I try to get on the web, it would be nice if it could check for pre-configured wifi. When those programs are exited, or after an inactive time limit, the wifi, gps, etc should shut back down. It seems silly to fumble around in settings to turn things on and off all the time.
Since this is a problem with Google's software, I assume they will continue to support the "not our problem, let the developers figure it out" stand, while locking us out of the ability for a fix.
Am I the only one that thinks this way?
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Hi, download Locale or Power Manager.
I have seen both, and they are good....but they dont do what I am asking.
NATIVE support. Its like Google has all these different departments, and none want to work with the others. Everything needs to be streamlined together, maps should be able to turn on and off resources....instead of me doing it with my keypad. Who chooses to leave GPS on all day? Same with Wifi?
I am fed up with Google thinking everyone needs to do the grunt work. They cant even get their own software working properly (for example, try using the search function in maps, then try to get directions to that search...good luck!) and instead of USEFUL updates, we get updates that RESTRICT us.
gospeed.racer said:
for example, try using the search function in maps, then try to get directions to that search...good luck!
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Hmm... seems pretty easy for me? Open maps application, start typing your search (e.g. "starbucks mountain view"). List of locations comes up. I tap one, it shows location on map. Tap on the address and it brings up menu. Choose Directions to this Address and click Route button.
true...but if you simply click on "directions" and type in the exact same items you searched before, it suddenly forgot how to search.
For example, if I search for "pdx" or "gresham" on the maps, no problem. But, when I click "directions" and type in the same thing, it cant find it. It cant do a search and come up with a list of results? Google cant? LMAO. Seriously? I guess I need to do a search, write down the results. Then do another search, get directions, and type in the previous location that I wrote down. Pretty handy if you ask me!
Never had this issue with the desktop version of google maps. I can type in "gresham" and "PDX" and it can get me there. On the phone, it cant figure it out.
Apparently no one can read or understand what has been said. Google hasn't left it to 3rd parties, they are working on these things as we speak. It is in their "roadmap"
OK so it doesn't do everything your home computer can. Why can't you give it time. Why did you buy something that is brand new if you weren't ready to be patient? That is like the people who claim Vista sucks just because they used the beta version and had problems.
Give it time. As for directions are you talking about Gresham, OR? I get directions just find typing pdx and then gresham, or
Obviously you have to type the state for the city, also that little bookmark icon can be usefull... just search for the two things you want first (PDX then do a search for gresham) then use the history bookmark to add those to the direction. Worked simple that way too.
And guess what... I also can use copy and paste too... wow I guess there are many ways to do it you just have to figure it out.
gospeed.racer said:
Ok, so we all have the latest greatest most "open source" phone, right? LMFAO
Why is it, seeing as battery life is complete CRAP, that programs are not smart enough to be able to turn on and off the wifi, gps, wireless networks, etc as needed? When I open google maps, it should start up the GPS. When I try to get on the web, it would be nice if it could check for pre-configured wifi. When those programs are exited, or after an inactive time limit, the wifi, gps, etc should shut back down. It seems silly to fumble around in settings to turn things on and off all the time.
Since this is a problem with Google's software, I assume they will continue to support the "not our problem, let the developers figure it out" stand, while locking us out of the ability for a fix.
Am I the only one that thinks this way?
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No, it's not an open source phone (and I don't think google or T-mobile have said that the G1 would be), but the _software_ is. If you want a totally open phone, you should be looking towards the openmoko platform, or the dev version of the G1 that google have now announced.
neoobs said:
OK so it doesn't do everything your home computer can. Why can't you give it time. Why did you buy something that is brand new if you weren't ready to be patient? ....
... wow I guess there are many ways to do it you just have to figure it out.
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If Google was up front and said that it wasnt ready yet (why are WE the beta testers?) that would be one thing, but the way it is marketed in commercials and on the website, this is a phone that is ready for mass use. It is very much still in beta.
The problem with your "its not a home computer" logic is that is CAN do the functions I am referring to. It just doesnt. I used bad examples- try using something like "denny's" instead. In a search it will pull them up, but in the "directions" it will not. Apparently if there are more than one result it gets confused. My example was bad.
I have been patient, the updates so far have done nothing (for my phone at least) but fix problems and patch loopholes. There has been nothing updated that improves functionality that I have seen yet. I found their roadmap- Looks like some soft keyboard functionality next year, and more supported languages. Who hoo.
gospeed.racer said:
If Google was up front and said that it wasnt ready yet (why are WE the beta testers?) that would be one thing, but the way it is marketed in commercials and on the website, this is a phone that is ready for mass use. It is very much still in beta.
The problem with your "its not a home computer" logic is that is CAN do the functions I am referring to. It just doesnt. I used bad examples- try using something like "denny's" instead. In a search it will pull them up, but in the "directions" it will not. Apparently if there are more than one result it gets confused. My example was bad.
I have been patient, the updates so far have done nothing (for my phone at least) but fix problems and patch loopholes. There has been nothing updated that improves functionality that I have seen yet. I found their roadmap- Looks like some soft keyboard functionality next year, and more supported languages. Who hoo.
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Don't get mad a google for marketing... the commercial doesn't even say that it is google's OS... it just says Powered By Google. It blows for them.
And for the maps... I haven't been able to get either the phone or desktop to map the locations for me. Besides that doesn't it make more sense to figure out where the dennys is before getting directions to it?
It hasn't even been a month in a half yet and you think you are patient. I don't remember any significant updates to any OS in the first month it was out.
I guess my point is that tmobile (not Google apparently) released a phone that isnt ready for the general public. It should be in beta still, until the bugs (like a battery that lasts half a day under light use, calls that do not ring through, messages that dont show up, and ringtones that sometimes work and sometimes dont) are fixed. There are many problems with the phone and the OS and if you cant admit that I dont know what to say. If you are happy then fine, but not all of us are. We did NOT sign up for beta testing, if we had then there is no issue.
Sounds to me that someone should have done a little bit of research before purchasing their phone? I mean, come on! It hasn't even been 2 months yet. Maybe a razr would fit your likings more? Tmobile has plenty of those.
I say if you aren't gonna get out there & learn to write your own apps to make it the phone you want it to be, don't complain. No one held a gun to your head & said buy the phone or else. You bought into the hype. Deal with it.
No one is perfect the first time out the gates. You should have known this if you came from a windows mobile device previously. Microsoft has been at it for how many years & they still haven't gotten all the bugs & kinks out. If you think you can do better than google, I'm all in! Lets see what you got. Till then, buy a phone that doesn't have all the hype you want. Then you won't be setting yourself up for disappointment.
I haven't had any issues with this phone. So you can't save apps to the SD (YET) but that can be fixed. So your battery isn't the best (YET) but that can be fixed. Give it time. You didn't come sprinting out your mothers womb did you? Didn't think so. Let Android learn to crawl before you expect it to run hundred yard dashes
gospeed.racer said:
I guess my point is that tmobile (not Google apparently) released a phone that isnt ready for the general public. It should be in beta still, until the bugs (like a battery that lasts half a day under light use, calls that do not ring through, messages that dont show up, and ringtones that sometimes work and sometimes dont) are fixed. There are many problems with the phone and the OS and if you cant admit that I dont know what to say. If you are happy then fine, but not all of us are. We did NOT sign up for beta testing, if we had then there is no issue.
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That is funny... I had all those issues on my wing... guess I should go complain in the herald forums about my beta testing that device too.
I admit it has errors... but that doesn't mean it is the worse phone ever made like you make it out to be.
Yeah go complain at the Herald forums! They'll just tell you that you're an idiot and to unlock your phone and flash a new ROM on it. Oh wait... you can actually do that with a wing and not this pos and it actually ends up being a decent pda. That's the difference... and yes a lot of this anger comes from people with stock RC30. Also, to the dude who wipes his ass with money, lol, a lot of tmo. customers didn't have much of a choice for pdas with 3g. It's not a matter of not having the facts but the expectations were very high for this os and phone seemed to have fallen quite short. I'm not going to repeat what the shortcomings are... for they have been hammered into our skulls enough already but Google basically copied a lot of things from different mobile OS and seem to have forgotten the basics and left them out. They other thing is they won't admit any mistakes were made but simply state that they will be left to 3rd developers. After that, a security update was pushed out that locked root. How will or why should this affect developers? Well, there are several applications that only be used on rooted devices and this number will continue to rise. Several developers have quit trying to port over a few applications because of this and the crappy java layers used on android. And finally, T-mobile, google, and htc all claim that this is an open source device and os. It used to be.... the security flaw was announced on every tech blog and web site so basically google (yes google!) Sent a quick patch to fix it and now open source is dead essentially. I guaranty that root will be locked down on every other android device released next year. I know we will find a way to unlock everything here but it's just bs and you guys know it. Of course, no fanyboys will admit it while having their lips firmly placed on google's ass. It's not open source and it won't be until we unlock root ourselves. And now one can argue with me until the next android device comes out. Yes, it is its infancy but it really seems more like a beta. Just disappointed like many others. It's such a stable OS and has a lot of potential but a lot of basic things have been left out, nothing less or nothing more...
I'm sorry, can you show me where T-mobile and HTC claim the G1/Dream is an "open source device" please? I haven't seen anything from either company stating that the G1 would be open source. Android, on the other hand _is_ open, and while, yes I will agree that it's frustrating that you need to "hack" the device to be able to use it to it's full potential, Google have addressed this by releasing the "dev" handsets. Ultimately, as a previous poster has pointed out no-one forced you into picking up the G1, and as you've discovered, frustration often comes with picking up bleeding edge hardware.
So basically your mad at htc/google/tmobile cuz you neglected to read the specs on their websites? Damn my headlight just went out on my car. I'm gonna go yell at chrystler for not putting a better bulb in it! Your forgetting to realize what I stated before, no one forced you! You can piss & moan all you want but again as I stated before, make your own apps to make it the phone you want it to be! So you want 3g? Why? Cuz its faster? Umm I forgot where htc/google/tmobile said this was a laptop? Can you show me? Cuz last time I checked, it was still a cell phone. 3g is a novelty. I don't live in a 3g area so maybe I'm just speaking on deaf ears. I by no means am a fanboy of htc. If tmobile got that touch blackberry, i'd be all over it like white on rice! Be angry but all your gonna get is white hairs & wrinkles. Its wasted energy. Take a seat & wait for android to grow & then you may speak. Or go out & do it better than google. Make your own os. Let's see how you do your first time out
And as far as the unlocking & flashing, how long did it take for that to be a reality? I wasn't there from the start of windows mobile but I'm pretty sure people weren't able to do that right out the box. It is a skill that needed to be learned, as with Android. Maybe you'll research your device better next time.
so I can write apps that will make me not to miss calls when they dont ring through? Will help battery life? Will keep me from missing messages?
I AM TALKING ABOUT THE ROOT GOOGLE SOFTWARE not just apps. Have you heard me complain about a video recorder? A video player? no, because those CAN BE FIXED. How do we change the way Google maps works? WE dont...Google does.
The OS itself is very nice. Coming from WM6.1 the stability is great. I dont need to reboot daily, constantly shut down programs, etc. I understand that WM has been around forever, I had a tmobile PPC2003, so I have been around this stuff for a bit. Android is new, given time it will get better. But I am missing calls NOW. I am constantly charging my battery NOW. These things are important as it is a "phone" after all. The roadmap addresses NONE of these things, just some multi language support and a keyboard.
I am quite sure that there will be many more replies to how f'd up my thinking is, but I am done. I am at the point where all I can do is repeat myself. Its NOT ready yet, and there are MAJOR things that need fixes.
gospeed.racer said:
so I can write apps that will make me not to miss calls when they dont ring through? Will help battery life? Will keep me from missing messages?
I AM TALKING ABOUT THE ROOT GOOGLE SOFTWARE not just apps. Have you heard me complain about a video recorder? A video player? no, because those CAN BE FIXED. How do we change the way Google maps works? WE dont...Google does.
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No, you DO fix the problem - you file a bug with google, and if you have the skills, a patch that fixes the problem, if it's all ok, then it'll get accepted into the source and fixed.
The only problem is, that as T-mobile have (I assume) insisted that the G1 is locked, google need to compile the release for you.
please, go read this: and, if you can return your G1, I don't think it's the phone you want.

Gmail Tasks

This may be a goofy questions, but do the tasks from Gmail get synched to our phones?
I setup about 50 last night and non of them have made their way to my calander, and there doesn't seem to be a native task app.
Yeah it's kinda buggy with that. I tried Astrid, and it syncs it and allows you to make notifications and stuff. But this also was buggy as i couldn't figure out how to get it to sleep (it kept waking me up in the middle of the nite to remind me to do things.
Try this. I've been using it for a while. It works but you have to manually sync.
Going to develop my own.
I am going to start work tonight on my own Task Sync program. Seems like all the ones out there aren't quite right for me.
I have been trying to think of something useful to write for the phone and try my hand at it. Low and behold it bit me in the rear with this one.
It seems like the Google Calander API is realtivly simple.
This will take several weeks seeing as how I have very limited time resources. I am sure someone will ask to beta, thats cool. If you want it, I will PM you with a Link.
Don't expect anything pretty, I am a function person, I don't care what it looks like as long as it works and works well.
Oh and keeping the spirit of the phone alive (something our carriers have not done) I'll make the source open.
I use the mobile website, it is pretty good ( in your Android browser.
Kcarpenter said:
I am going to start work tonight on my own Task Sync program. Seems like all the ones out there aren't quite right for me.
I have been trying to think of something useful to write for the phone and try my hand at it. Low and behold it bit me in the rear with this one.
It seems like the Google Calander API is realtivly simple.
This will take several weeks seeing as how I have very limited time resources. I am sure someone will ask to beta, thats cool. If you want it, I will PM you with a Link.
Don't expect anything pretty, I am a function person, I don't care what it looks like as long as it works and works well.
Oh and keeping the spirit of the phone alive (something our carriers have not done) I'll make the source open.
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i'll take a shot at beta testing if you'd like. i've tried gTasks and it wasn't for me... and i don't really care that much for Astrid.
ersocia said:
i'll take a shot at beta testing if you'd like. i've tried gTasks and it wasn't for me... and i don't really care that much for Astrid.
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I am just now sitting down and getting the project started. I have this thread bookmarked so I can remember who wants to try it out. Should have something at least operable by tonight if it is as simple as it looks...i hate Java forms. .Net is so nice about those.
beta tester
I'll beta test foe you as I'm always looking for a better to do app.
I have been using gTasks -beta. Works good for me. + (optional)

Is this guide accurate and easy to use?

I need some peeps to look over my new guide b4 i post it up. Just wrapped it up 10 min ago.
Its a word document attached to this post. Just double check my info or make sure its easy to follow/read.
I'm online if I can do anything to help just let me know.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
pm sent, if anyone else wants to take a look and throw in their two cents, let me know
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
Heres the guide, alpha version.
man i guess you cant do attachments in pm's. I'll attach the word doc here (first post). Take a look and pm me my noob mistakes
Layout is incomplete, ill take care of that later. Im mostly interested in clarity and accuracy of information.
i love the name to start it off!
I think the overall post is very good. I couldn't test much of it because I have a mac.
One thing I would suggest is once they get launcher pro, to get something like retro clock or a clock widget since I couldn't find one within the widget system using launcher pro.
haha thanks mad, i needed something that would catch people's attention and hopefully get to them b4 they started posting questions that have already been answered.
i love the name to start it off!
I think the overall post is very good. I couldn't test much of it because I have a mac.
One thing I would suggest is once they get launcher pro, to get something like retro clock or a clock widget since I couldn't find one within the widget system using launcher pro
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Thank you, i'll add that info now.
I still need more people to read through this.
Should i suggest that you should provide .doc format too?
Not a lot of ppl have 2007+ MS word.
I have to say this guide is wonderful.
We should start a wiki or something.
Thanks :]
there's a free Word 2003 plugin that lets you read .docx files, and Google Docs can read 'em too.
The only thing I have an issue with is the whole Cult of the Task Killer thing, as I'm an Apostle of Android Memory Management and find it offensive.
But seriously, might want to put some of the cons of Task Killers in that article. This isn't 2008 and we're not using underpowered G1's running poorly disciplined first generation applications. Or Windows Mobile.
croak, i guess im uninformed onthe subject, ill do a google search on that topic. In the meantime, if you drop back in, would you mind elaborating? I'd be glad to clarify/expand what i've written in the guide to ensure users understand their options so they can decide what they would like to do and what they wouldnt .
and thanks alot for the support accinfo. I'll release the plugin officially later tonight in a thread where everyone can read it (woot). Gonna make a few changes first.
Croak said:
there's a free Word 2003 plugin that lets you read .docx files, and Google Docs can read 'em too.
The only thing I have an issue with is the whole Cult of the Task Killer thing, as I'm an Apostle of Android Memory Management and find it offensive.
But seriously, might want to put some of the cons of Task Killers in that article. This isn't 2008 and we're not using underpowered G1's running poorly disciplined first generation applications. Or Windows Mobile.
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Similarly, I find the whole "oh task killer is a must have" quite misleading. My phone is fast enough for multitasking.
Okay, here are some reasons.
Con: Either the task killer will kill too fast or too slow. The ignore list isn't really 'perfect.' Sometimes, you want to kill the app, sometimes you don't. In the end, you will have to manually delete the app.
In short, task killer does not kill the right app at the right time.
Any objjection, anyone?
One more suggestion, please add your name in the darn document, so people will recognize for your magnificent work.
Edit 2:
You should edit "
I chose only the best I’ve experienced for this section. Ofc, look something up on google b4 buying it to make sure it’s your cup of tea too."
to something along the line thhhhhhhhatttt "you can also try with trial / lite / ad version." to offer more options.
Edit 3:
You should add a FAQ later on :]
systoxity said:
croak, i guess im uninformed onthe subject, ill do a google search on that topic. In the meantime, if you drop back in, would you mind elaborating? I'd be glad to clarify/expand what i've written in the guide to ensure users understand their options so they can decide what they would like to do and what they wouldnt .
and thanks alot for the support accinfo. I'll release the plugin officially later tonight in a thread where everyone can read it (woot). Gonna make a few changes first.
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Here's a good start:
There's still a time when you need to nuke something, but you can do that with Android's built-in task management if need be. There's even an easy way to access it.
Long-press on the desktop, select Shortcuts, scroll down to the bottom of the list, select Settings, and then select Manage Applications.
Once you have that open, hit Menu, Filter, Running Programs. Find your rogue program and nuke it by clicking Force Close.
I should add there's a few other useful shortcuts you can select under Settings, the most handy for new users probably being Battery Usage.
accinfo said:
Similarly, I find the whole "oh task killer is a must have" quite misleading. My phone is fast enough for multitasking.
Okay, here are some reasons.
Con: Either the task killer will kill too fast or too slow. The ignore list isn't really 'perfect.' Sometimes, you want to kill the app, sometimes you don't. In the end, you will have to manually delete the app.
In short, task killer does not kill the right app at the right time.
Any objjection, anyone?
One more suggestion, please add your name in the darn document, so people will recognize for your magnificent work.
Edit 2:
You should edit "
I chose only the best I’ve experienced for this section. Ofc, look something up on google b4 buying it to make sure it’s your cup of tea too."
to something along the line thhhhhhhhatttt "you can also try with trial / lite / ad version." to offer more options.
Edit 3:
You should add a FAQ later on :]
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Thanks for the great suggestions, i'll write it in now and leave some space for an FAQ. and the document is only there for bad ass mofos like you who actually take the time to proof someone's work when they need it. I'll post the contents of this doc here after i add in some of the suggestions i've gotten and reread it one more time.
Im thinking about adding a section for the recovery that was recently released for us, but im wondering if that will cause too much confusion
You're welcome, you should be being thanked more than me being thanked.
Confusion? If you are able to format document with enough usage of "bold / italicise / underlining" then it would be a breeze for readers to read it.
Usuaully, people combine letters / number assigning to the table of contents. In turn, it'll be easier for users to use search (Ctrl + F) to search that most immediate issue.
For instance,
(PYP) Prep Your Phone
(PYC) Prep Your Computer
(RYP) Root Your Phone
(SO) Speed Optimization
(SO1)Swapping out Slow Samsung Launcher
(SO2)Task Killer
(SO2)Removing ATT Bloatware
(BO)Battery Optimization
(GPSO)GPS Optimization
(SME)Sideloading Made Easy
(RAMR)Removing ATT Market Restrictions:
(RAG)Recommended Apps and Games
Thank you, i will do that. Currently adding an idiot proof section on how to use clockworkmod recovery . I wish i had some mac users that could give me some tips on how to root and set up their macs for the captivate. I really want someone's personal experiences on the subject.
systoxity said:
I wish i had some mac users that could give me some tips on how to root and set up their macs for the captivate. I really want someone's personal experiences on the subject.
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I use a mac, what do you need to know?
badass thanks, where did you get your usb drivers and how do you sideload apps to your phone
Oh i also heard you have to do something different when you root from a mac. did you use the android sdk? what would you recommend other mac users do to root their phones?
Macs don't require USB drivers, but for god know what reason it only connects when you are in debugging mode. I'm assuming this will change with a software update though. Rooting is the same as a PC once you have the and sideloading apps is supposed to work with the mac/linux version of sideload wonder (android and me) but I haven't been able to try it because the download link is down. Additionally I don't see why the DB solution shouldn't work, but for me it didn't even after correctly altering the database (I did for sure because I confirmed it with a SQL DB editor on the phone. Regardless everything is much the same on the mac, except the actual software solutions of sideloading which require a different program.
You should really consider creating a Mac version to go along with the PC version to cover all bases (granted you don't actually own a mac)

Tasker: is it all that?

I have read a bit about Tasker and never ended up getting it in the past, but I ran into someone (online) who said it was a must-buy.
I was wondering what people here think... Is it that great? Is out more beneficial for those who might not root their phones?
For the tasker fans...can you give me one or two examples of "tasks" you have set so I can get a feel for its potential?
Sent from my HTC One-S (rooted), stock ROM
You can take a look at
There are many Infos about Tasker and it's Profiles.
I use it longer and i love it.
Gesendet von meinem HTC One S mit Tapatalk 2
Me too long time user ~2 years now and very happy with the abilities although never used the very sophisticated ones...
I bought both Tasker & Locale at the same time a couple of years ago. Tasker is no doubt more powerful, but Locale works better for me. So simple to setup, and works perfectly. You set a 'Default' condition that is active if no other conditions are met, you then set different profiles for different locations\times\actions\application conditions and stack them. If two profiles have the same triggers, the one higher up will override the lower. I've attached some screenshots for examples
I also used Llama for a while, its free, and very good.
Also, if we are suggesting some additional profile software, take a look on Automate-It...
I've been using Tasker for over a year now and it's great. I have automatic sound profiles for home, work and sleep time. It uses tower location and switches sound profiles when I get into range. I also mad ecustom vibrate pattern for the wife. Set up profiles and widgets to mark my car location and navigate back to it. I can send a text to my phone if I lose it on vibrate to turn ringer on. Also have one where I can text my phone and it will text back a Google Maps link with its location. I have one that brings up an app menu when I plug in my headphones. Many more uses.
Check out the forums and wiki for it. A lot of people have gotten very creative with their profiles.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
Ok. Thanks guys.. I will loo into it. I know I do a lot of repetitive steps during the day, and it would be nice to create something as a shortcut.
I suppose I should play with it.
Does it know how to open any app? Can it use all haptic sensors? I mean is it like a Siri without the silliness?
And finally, two other apps were brought up here: "Automate It" and "Locale". So, these apps are just like tasker, but less involved??
I will go study the wiki... Thanks!
Sent from my HTC One-S (rooted), stock ROM
Also check out the new Microsoft app on{x}. Very similar to what these apps do. I started a thread with links and info here
Try this profile: yanawa
Remember: Tasker isn't always easy stuff, especially when you're a beginner. So download these profiles and start reading and trying.
Tasker is a great app, but I found the learning curve to be steeeeeeeeep. I've been try out a similar app called Llama. I haven't dug into it very deeply but the interface seems a bit easier to understand (at least for me). Might be worth a look.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U
rootrider said:
Try this profile: yanawa
Remember: Tasker isn't always easy stuff, especially when you're a beginner. So download these profiles and start reading and trying.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am not to worried about a learning curve... I am sure it has one, but if it were that great of an app, that would be the fun part.
But since I don't know how to write apps for Android...which would be singing obviously with the most control over the phone... can you give me an idea of something Tasker can't do? I read all the wiki profiles and scenes and everything, and it does sound like it could be good at some point when I need a great deal of automation, but that's not so much the case... But then again, I am sure I am not thinking of something. I am imagining all of the sensors for movement, temperature, light... Plus time, and statuses of apps (like new email), or any other thing that could be deemed an "event", and I just can't think of anything that fascinating to try and create.
Probably should just learn flex.
Sent from my HTC One-S (rooted), stock ROM

App Permissions - Need a little help

I'm still newer to Android and today realized the permissions that apps request. Before I was quick to just accept & go. I was about to install an app that is requesting a LOT of permissions. Phone calls, hardware controls (pics/vids at any time), and network communication (SMS I believe). My questions are simple.
1. Do some mods already implement certain things into itself to disable some of these features? I understand this is a mod-by-mod basis if so. Does Synergy do anything to disable this crap, anybody know?
2. How worried do I have to be about this? Will the app literally take pics and send them out without my knowledge? Or is it only the pics I take it can send out? How does this work?
3. Which of the permissions that apps request do I really need to keep an eye on and watch out for? AKA, what could take info/pics that I dont want it to?
4. Is Anti-Virus software REALLY necessary since I'm all rooted and such? I read articles saying it's useful and others saying it doesn't even provide much protection, and the chance to get something is quite rare if you only use google play/android market?
Thanks in advance for any and all help. I ditched Apple and AT&T for this thing, and with it being rooted, I am unbelievably happy I made the switch to both VZW and the S3! AWESOME phone, screen size, and customization!
Ok, so maybe this is getting ignored because it's too much of a noob question, or self explanatory? Not sure, but I want to know how far this crap goes...To my worst fears, like hardware control can take pics any time they want and I never know about it, or is it not that bad?
Thanks in advance for any help!
It is somewhat self explanatory... just use common sense when downloading an app... If you don't think it really needs the permission that it's asking for then don't download it. For example, there's no reason a music app that plays your sdcard contents needs your GPS location, etc... Look at the reviews of apps in question also... that's your best indicator right there if the app is trustworthy or not... If it's a bad app then its going to have bad reviews.
See your other thread on this
I tried to explain as best I can
--Sent from GlaDos baked potato

