Whats up with Push notifications in Mango? - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ive had my Omnia 7 with Mango RTM for about 3 weeks now and one of the most annoying things about it is the terrible UN-reliabiliy of push notifications. I don't care much about weather tiles or tweets but this things is utterly and completely useless for email.
Ive tried using both my @live and @gmail accounts set to "as item arrives" but it seems to only work for the first email. So many times i randomly check emails on the desktop to discover 3-4 new emails (sent 2hrs ago) and glancing on my phone there is none. It just says (email is up to date)
Anyone with advice please share otherwise its one of those things i cant cope with, might have to sadly go back to IOS. My iPhone 4 had "functional" email

Is ur data connection turned on? My email is working fine
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

antmagpie said:
Is ur data connection turned on? My email is working fine
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Yes, i have excellent 3G signal where i live. Full bars
Wifi is also turned on but tried using data only and still push stop working after a few emails.

Considering 99.9% of users have reported extremely reliable push in Mango, including myself, I think the issue may be with your wireless carrier maybe dropping idle connections... Or another signal issue.

I have my Gmail set to receive every 15mins. Have you ticked the 'email' check box in 'content to synchronize' in Gmail settings? Otherwise I aint got any ideas. All my email accounts update on the start screen fine.
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Yep, my e-mail notifications work perfectly fine. No issues here. Sometimes, I get so many e-mails, my phone is too attentive to this fact and it gets annoying, but hey, at least that means its working.

i wasn't really hoping to hear positive news about push, means its just me
my latest setup is to have my phone @live id push everything but unticked the "sync email" and then created an outlook email account with the same @live email that syncs email, calendars etc with push
what does the "logging" bit have to do with email? its in email settings (off -recommended, basic, advanced)
my push works fine but just for the first few emails then for some reason it stops working. i wonder if its the constant connection/disconnection from wifi that trips it up

I have web.de...so it's a free email provider,too. Normally you can login every 15 mins at free mailproviders. My phone uses mango beta 1 and it loads every mail I get. Maybe you have set up something wrong...
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

SicilianTony said:
i wasn't really hoping to hear positive news about push, means its just me
my latest setup is to have my phone @live id push everything but unticked the "sync email" and then created an outlook email account with the same @live email that syncs email, calendars etc with push
what does the "logging" bit have to do with email? its in email settings (off -recommended, basic, advanced)
my push works fine but just for the first few emails then for some reason it stops working. i wonder if its the constant connection/disconnection from wifi that trips it up
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I've had this happening before on Nodo. I figured out I wasn't deleting enough emails, keeping loads of them as read for no particular reason and at some point the inbox on my phone would get full and stop synchronising. Happened about 3 times since I've had the phone and I solved that by deleting plenty of emails on the phone itself before doing a manual synchronisation.
I'm not saying it's the solution but that worked for me.

SicilianTony said:
Ive had my Omnia 7 with Mango RTM for about 3 weeks now and one of the most annoying things about it is the terrible UN-reliabiliy of push notifications. I don't care much about weather tiles or tweets but this things is utterly and completely useless for email.
Ive tried using both my @live and @gmail accounts set to "as item arrives" but it seems to only work for the first email. So many times i randomly check emails on the desktop to discover 3-4 new emails (sent 2hrs ago) and glancing on my phone there is none. It just says (email is up to date)
Anyone with advice please share otherwise its one of those things i cant cope with, might have to sadly go back to IOS. My iPhone 4 had "functional" email
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Same WP7 device, same eMail accounts, same problem, and I also have an iPhone 4 with full working push notification!
I'm trying to let them work... Keep in touch...

I have LG Optimus 7 with Mango RTM. Push notifications worked fine before Mango for both personal @live and corporate exchange mail. After Mango update push notifications has worked similarly as the first post describes (hasn't worked properly).
Today I manually added APN setting in mobile network settings and after that push notifications has worked. So for me the problem seemed to be a network connection issue, even if I was connected to WiFi.
Before Mango I had not touched APN settings in this phone and 3g did work.

It's worth knowing battery level also affects push reliability - to save power it turns the channel off when the charge is below around 25%.

Mixaus said:
I have LG Optimus 7 with Mango RTM. Push notifications worked fine before Mango for both personal @live and corporate exchange mail. After Mango update push notifications has worked similarly as the first post describes (hasn't worked properly).
Today I manually added APN setting in mobile network settings and after that push notifications has worked. So for me the problem seemed to be a network connection issue, even if I was connected to WiFi.
Before Mango I had not touched APN settings in this phone and 3g did work.
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Not working for me...
otherworld said:
It's worth knowing battery level also affects push reliability - to save power it turns the channel off when the charge is below around 25%.
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I've two battery, so I never enable battery saver...
I'm waiting for the Hotmail event in San Fransisco and NYC: if tomorrow emails will not arrive in push, I'll hard reset my WP7... :-(

In this two days, sometimes emails arrive in push, and sometimes not. Also, if I manually sync, sometimes it gives 2-3 different sync errors... :S I hope that is a server problem that will solved soon... :-\


Push Email - FREE (for 3 months) and available to all !

For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
mark.peters said:
For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
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Just downloaded and tried to installed 4 times, reboots my XDA everytime at start of install.
I have installed it and it works ok. When setting it up I'm not sure about the connection screen where you tell it how often to connect. I thought the idea of this software was for it to be connected all the time, and "push" the email to you as soon as its delivered.
At the moment it just seems like it connects every few mins to see if I have any new mail.
Can anyone explain it to me - Im sure Im missing something.
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
I got it to work as well, but found that setting my email account to check every minute\or 5mins produced the same effect.
I did have one problem that Smartner is currently checking into and that is to uninstall the d... program. It would not let me uninstall, the second it starts to uninstall it rebootes the XDA.
So I moved the folder and removed the icons and registry settings. Tried to reinstall to see if I could maybe do a proper uninstall and when it starts the installation it reboots my XDA (justice for the rude uninstall i suppose).
welby said:
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
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Im new to "push" email, but I thought it sends email to my PDA as it arrives on the server. But this Smartner software just seems to connect/check for email every 5 mins - is this true push emeil?
I used it for 8 hours one day and did not have any email sent to be, but the gprs cost/data seems to be alot.
Any comments on the above?
Smartner? What does it really provide?
I agree with last comment, it is great, works well, but what is the dfifference with seting my mail to check via GPRS every ten minutes?? I don't quite get it? Can someone enlighten me? SO far, it's free, and I like not having to pay 15GBP permonth for Blackberry...
I tried Smartner a few months ago, prior to the 1.72.181 ROM upgrade, when I switched over to using the Blackberry client.
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed. Unlike Blackberry, Smartner does not seem to be able to switch the device "on" when mail is sent. When the screen is on, I was receiving e-mail via smartner actually FASTER than it received it on my RIM device!
You can get around the "asleep" problem by also having your e-mail messages autoforward from your e-mail account to your xda, as an SMS message. This forwards the first 160 charatcters of the e-mail as an SMS message, which in turn "wakes up" the xda and lets it receive the Smartner pushed message in full, including any attachments.
So what are the advantages over Blackberry or just having your e-mail client poll every few minutes?
I have found the Blackberry client to be very reliable, but it has one or two annoying problems... First is that the way Blackberry has been implemented on the XDA, means that the "Blackberry Web Client" does not show up in the "sounds and notifications" menu. This makes it impossible to set any kind of custom alert for when a Blackberry pushed message arrives. Second is that I have been unable to get any attachments using the Blackberry Web Client (BWC) software. On both these areas, Smartner performed much better. Could set notifications and get attachments no problem.
So what's the advantage over frequent polling? Well Smartner does really pust messages to the device as the arrive, so you can use it as a substitute to the RIM pager. In my experience, I have not been able to set anything less than every 15 mins for polling and have it work reliably. Either misses a connection or stops trying to connect regularly.
So if you want true push e-mail, that also lets you receive and read all your attachements, then the Smartner/SMS combo probably works the best. If you can do without the attachments, then I would go with 1.72.181 ROM with the Blackberry client. Cant't beat the push on that one.... There is also a Sybase product called Pylon Anywhere that has a bit more functionality in terms of allowing access to contacts, tasks, calendar etc. that might be worth a look.
Hope that's helpful
Very Informative
But I am on O2 uk, and using the Blackberry option cost 15GBP per month +5GBP per DAY if roaming.., whereas Smartner is free for now. Given the big cost differnce, which would you suggest?
Hi Mickey
Ouch! , that's a hefty tarrif... I would definiately go with Smartner then and use the SMS notification method I mentioned in last post to wake the device up automatically when a new e-mail arrives in your POP3 mailbox. This will allow the Smartner pushed mail to download automatically. Not sure what you pay for SMS messages, but that should be a cheaper way to go. You can also simply just turn the XDA on to start the push too... If Smartner inc. can figure out a way to wake the device up when pushing mail, I think it would beat Blackberry hands down, because the Smartner client application so much better intergrated with the XDA than the Blackberry application is.
cbrow51 said:
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed.
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I have a PDA2K and it seems to get emails via gprs while the screen (pda) has been turned off.
(There is a setting which can be set between 15 and 120 mins (I think) which will connect via gprs to Smartner if the gprs/pda is off)
Why does it connect to Smartner every 5 mins, is costing lots more then I expected it would. I thought it would use as much data as something like messenger would.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Not sure about the cost/data size issue. I am fortuante in that TMo US has a great "Allyou can eat" data plan for $19.99 per month, so I have never watched the data charges that much. I believe the function your are referring to in Smartner is built into it to somewhat overcome its inability to wake the device up. So when the device is off for a period of time, it polls the server to look for messages . I was using regular client version that I ran on a separate pc connected to the internet this effectivly has been replaced with the web client now being offerred. Its possible that the web client works in a slightly different way to the regular PC client in thsi regard. That said, I do not remember being able to get it to poll regularly. It may have been something to do with the XDA 2 ROM I am tempted to experiemnet with it again, but my current 1.72.181 ROM has the Blackberry software, but as a biproduct of that, does not have a permanent internet connection. I would have to go to 1.72.187 I think...
I am thinking of upgrading my device to the PDA2K, which currently does not have the blackberry software. If you are having success with Smartner, then I might be tempted, as I need the push e-mail more that pretty much anything else. Have you found the Polling to be reliable? What is the highest frequency you can set it at? 5 mins?
Hi Chris.
I have just tried a few things out on my PDA2K.
If I have my PDA turned off and the GPRS also off you can set Smartner to turn on PDA, connect the GPRS (a message shows telling you whats its doing), get email, turn off GPRS, turn off PDA.
You can set it to do the above from every 15 mins to 120 mins or never. You can set it how you like for the weekend or night time for example.
If you turn off the PDA, GPRS will still be connected and Smartner will collect your emails etc. I take it that polling is when it checks for emails on their server? If you look it its activity it seems to do this every 5 mins - this you cant change.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks for trying this. Sounds as though the PDA2K and Smartner are working a little better than my XDAII / Smartner combo. One question. If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
cbrow51 said:
Hi Ian
If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
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Am I correct in saying that polling is when the PDA connects with Smartner to check for mail etc.?
Ok.... The device is off (screen off) I get a email to my POP3, around 5 mins later my PDA sounds and LED flashes red. I turn it on and my email is ready to read.
Im not 100% sure what you mean in your last post? But it goes from my POP3 to the Smartner server, then to my PDA.
If you PM me I can send you the instructions.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks! Yes, that sounds like polling is taking place. When the XDA is swiched on and a message arrives in your POP3 mailbox, I have found that its almost instantly relayed to the XDA. The fact that you are waiting about 5mins, suggests that the XDA is going out to check. This in effect wakes the device up and allows Smartner to send the mail to the XDA. Never the less, the fact that you can set it up like that and have it work reliably, and notify you of incoming messages with a selecteable notification, is a big improvement over my previous experienec with the Smartner on the XDA 2. Polling was never reliable and I would often only get messages if I turned the device on.
I don't have the right ROM on my device right now to try this, as the 1.72.181 ROM (incds Blackberry client) does not support an "always on" GPRS connection. I'll need to swich to the 1.72.187 ROM. I'll PM you after I have done that if that's ok.
Many Thanks

Any problem using Mail2Web lately?

Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
On my side I'm having problem synching my set to Mail2Web
Sorry, I mean using 3G/GPRS?
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
I am glad it is not only me. Mine started working again 5 minutes ago, but I don't know if it is something I did, or a host file I made with the ip address in it. I was always able to sync over wifi though. Maybe cingular DNS lost them.
FOSA said:
Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
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Yes, since yesterday no sync via GPRS is possible (o2 Germany).
With wifi via my home cable connection syncing is possible.
When using https://mobile.exchange.mail2web.com in Pocket IE via GPRS I get a certificate warning and after that a login page with a cisco logo, http-connections work fine.
Unfortunately I need a secure connection for active sync :-(
That makes sense, that is what the error code points to. Anyone else up and running? What ever it was, I am glad it is fixed.
there is a problem.....I confirm...tried syncing with 4 differrent operators..every time got the error message " Sync cannot be com,pleted.Try again Later" :shock:
I can't sync via gprs either.
I'm on T-Mobile's network in the USA. I can surf the web via GPRS, but syncing via activesync and mail2web is not working via GPRS. Certificate error, which means its an issue on their end...
It IS working via any WiFi connection though...
I submitted a trouble ticket at http://services.mail2web.com/About/Contact/
I used "mail2web exchange email" in the subject drop down box.
They replied w/n 10 minutes...!!! Thats better than my Verizon, T-Mobile and Direct TV customer service...and I PAY for those...!
The message:
Please try doing a hard reboot of your device, by powering your device
off and then on again.
If you are using SSL with your account, please try then turning off your
SSL in your device and sync with the severs, then turn SSL back on and
try to sync again.
If this does not help, please verify that the time and date settings on
your device are correct, as this can also cause an issue when using SSL.
If you continue to experience difficulties syncing your device with your
account, please let me know and I will look in to the issue further.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
our 24/7 support team at [email protected].
Thank you for choosing mail2web.com!
Customer Support"
...and wow...it worked...!
Try turning OFF the SSL option in your Active Sync Exchange options. Then hit the sync button.
I feel bad, like I should be paying for this...lol...its a rare thing that a CRS over email can INSTANTLY solve a tech issue for me...!
Gotta give em credit for this one...
I am still having an SSL email issue and they are looking into it...but I dont have an issue w/ sending non-ssl email for a few days...
Give it a try...
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
Doesn't work for me. Do you use GPRS?
Sync without SSL doesnt work either
Hi, urksaddy
Are you using SSL to synconize? Because, if I swith to Sync without SSL, the active sync shows that the sync couldn't reach the Server and an error code of 80072f78 is given. What server and Domain did you use for the sync without SSL?
thanks in advance.
Mine is working without SSL only, switching it back on does not let it sync.
Doesn't work for me either, because my O2-Wap-Flatrate in Germany needs SSL-Connection!
The MS-Support-Code is 0x80072F17
Re: Mail2Web
kashortie said:
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
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What exchange server did you switch to? always looking for an alternative.
Direct Push mail
I eventually unwillingly switched from Mail2Web because of the heartbeat interval ( possibly to do with the firewall settings at their server ) the device/server connection was pulsing every 30 secs, using data in ídle'mode and draining my battery. Ï mailed them often and they couldn't/wouldn't resolve it ( but I agree, they always reply fast, !! ) 4Smartphone is an alternative, althought there is a U$ 3.99 per month fee, I calculated it to be cheaper than the "ïdle"data cost per month with Mail2Web. (2kb every 30 secs adds up if you're connected 24/7 !! ) and i'm not on an unlimited plan ! Battery life is also a big issue for me when i'm "on the road". Interesting off topic, for anyone using a non-windows device, push mail is coming to 'normal' mobile phones. Search net for Tricastmedia and/or "Alwayssend" due July 06
thanks for the info, I keep hoping Mail2web will resolve the heartbeat issue, however they seem happy the way it is.
i have mail2web and got no problems connecting.
HOWEVER, my battery life has decreased dramatically once I started using the service. How do I know the pulse interval?
Also, i really dont know if this is an issue with activesync or with mail2web, but sometimes it takes FOREVER to get an email. Sometimes more than FIVE minutes. this way its even more effective to turn on automatic check every five minutes on outlook. Its really not push at all!
I used to have "chatter mail" on my treo 650, and any account that supports IMAP idle (a LOT of providers support it, many of them free) makes it true push. It would take, on everage, 2 to 6 seconds to receive an email. Now THATS push!
urksaddy said:
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
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Thanks your information , when I took off SSL it work fine.

Exchange Server on TP2.. not being pushed automatically....

Sprint Touch PRO2
Stock ROM
I use the exchange server. my email is not being pushed in real time. on the TP1 i had no issues with this and the mail would come in "as items arrive" which is how i prefer it.
if i do a manual sync it will connect and download any email..
if i set it to a predetermined number to sync in the drop down list it DOES those intervals with no issues..
data switch is ON and data works. i am just not getting the "as items arrive". adjusting the peak times does nothing...
are there any reg entries i need to look at?anything i can check? ive deleted and re-installed the exchange server but when set to "as items arrive" it will not fetch. it WILL fetch if i have the phone connected to ASync on the computer (either via BT or USB).
would appreciate any response from others who use an Exchange... could it be an issue on the company Exchange server side? i dont see how as i was getting the email just fine using "as items arrive" on the TP1. i no longer have the TP1 so cant check anything there...
I used to have an HTC Sprint Mogul, now have TP2. When I first got the Mogul 2 yrs ago, I could connect to my company's exchange server from the phone but direct push didn't work. Same issues as you described. I double checked all my settings.
I got a free mail2web account and deleted my comany's server to set it up (can only have one exchange server which is dumb). From the mail2web server, direct push worked perfectly every time.
To me that said there was a config problem with the server. I brought this to the attention of my company mail server admin. who was not impressed. He said his winmo phone gets push mail from the co server no problem so that was that.
A few months later, direct push started working. I didn't change any setting on my phone.
You could try mail2web free trial and see if that works.
I have the same server set up with my Sprint TP2 an so far DP works fine. Stock ROM.
You wouldn't happen to be using the Gmail push, would you? Many people have been having problems with Google's rollout of the new feature. My push email works sporadically, and attachments won't download if the file name is too long/complicated.
thank you for your response! i will contact them and see if i can get some more info.. this is a blackberry company FIRST! well it seems that it may lie on the company end... thx again and if i get some response back ill respond here...
ok i have been thru 3 sprint touch PROs now and this new one still can not hold onto the Async connection wirelessly.
a few times after a soft reset it will connect wirelessly but after some time it will just close the connection. im always in a good signal area and i have not installed any programs to alter the outlook ordata in any way. in fact the only programs i have are resco photo view, pocket mechanic, and resco registry editor.
can any sprint users comment on if they are able to KEEP their exchange running WIRELESSLY on their phone and have it set to "as items arrive" with no issues? i can set it to those preset fetch times in the drop down box but i dont want to do that and thats not PUSH email as im used to with the PRO1.
any help/opinions appreciated....
are there any reg entries i can look in to see what may be the issue?
Hi, I'm trying to sort out a similiar issue using FlexMail.
Flexmail is the best software I could find to receive mails instantly. It works great with Gmail and Exchange servers. Right now, I have 2 accounts configured (Gmail and Exchange).
In my TYTN II (which I don't have anymore) flexmail worked great. Mail got pushed 5-20 seconds after being send.
Now that I have Touch Pro 2, everything seems to work fine but somehow, when the device is sleep, the connection will eventually drop and I won't receive any mails until I wake up the device.
When I wake up my device, GPRS connection is still there. I don't know if it's related but I also configured my device to download weather every 1 hour and that doesn't happen if the device is asleep: I mean, when I wake up in the morning I can still see the moon in TF3D wheather tab.
I'm using latest official HTC ROM and everything seems to be fine in the registry settings.
I'll probably try a different ROM, but I'm pretty sure this can be solved digging a little more in the registry.
Another big difference is windows mobile version. TYTN II uses 6.1 while TP2 uses 6.5. I could try installing the official 6.1 rom and see what happens.
Marctronixx are you still having issues with Push Mail?
hey there, yes its still hit or miss with exchange on the TP2 (sprint). i also have a htc hero with exchange and it gets the email pushed instantly as it should with no issues... even while sleeping... others state they dont have this issue with exchange on their PRO2 on sprint but i am having it.. sometimes the connection will stay up even after the phone is sleep (Screen off) then it will eventually just disconnect.. no rhyme or reason as to why... didnt mean to vent! LOL but yeah issue is still there...
I can confirm Flexmail works ok with HTC Official ROM (WinMo 6.1). This is the ROM I'm using right now: RUU_Rhodium_hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.19.721.3_Radio_Rhodium_3.44.25.27_Signed_Ship
It doesn't have all the eye candy you will find with new TF3D and WinMo 6.5 but your battery should last longer and push mail should work like expected.
I don't know If I will keep this ROM. I'll have to try another windows mobile 6.5 roms to check if the problem persists with every 6.5 rom out there.
Another thing we could try is ping every 5 minutes some address in order to keep the connection alive. I think this problem has something to do with the connection closing because of inactivity, even if your device is configured to stay connected.
What do you guys think?
has nothing to do with the connection being alive or not because the data connection is always up on my device. i also have other things running in the background that uses data. out of a hard reset and only loading up the exchange credentials, it will still disconnect. its hit or miss as sometimes it will be connected.. most often it will not stay connected and it wont always connect out of a soft reset... luckily i have the htc hero so i get my items pushed... just weird... yeah i cold do the 5 minute poll but that kills battery faster. once seido gets their extended batt out i may end up doing the 5 minute poll..
My connection is also up all the time on my device, but Flexmail loses IDLE with server when the device is asleep for some time (this doesn't happen with the ROM I told you).
What other things are you running that uses data?
I could try gmail with exchange and tell you my results with different roms. What ROM are you using?
Can you try the ROM I'm using right now? (RUU_Rhodium_hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.19.721.3_Radio_Rhodi um_3.44.25.27_Signed_Ship)
i tried the gmail exchange early on and it was slow and didnt make a difference either... still had unreliable push service... i dont know i have wifi on with the PRO and maybe the WIFI messes with something? im going to try and remember to turn off wifi when im at the job tomorrow and see if it stay connected with wifi off.. maybe i interferes? my PRO is cleaned up nicely. i dont want to install a ROM and redo things...
...ooh the reason im late responding is i could not get on the site.. kept getting a "bad gateweay" error....
marctronixx said:
i tried the gmail exchange early on and it was slow and didnt make a difference either... still had unreliable push service... i dont know i have wifi on with the PRO and maybe the WIFI messes with something? im going to try and remember to turn off wifi when im at the job tomorrow and see if it stay connected with wifi off.. maybe i interferes? my PRO is cleaned up nicely. i dont want to install a ROM and redo things...
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Can you tell me what ROM are you using?
marctronixx said:
...ooh the reason im late responding is i could not get on the site.. kept getting a "bad gateweay" error....
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Same happened to me
ooh im using stock ROM from Sprint. i take it by looking at the link you gave me you not in the US? and as for data programs, i have the instant messengers up and running as well as 1 imap email and several pop emails...
ooh and im glad im not the only one who had the bad gateway issue...
Well, one big difference between our devices: mine is GSM and yours is CDMA. Besides that, I still think we might have a similar issue. Why? Because my TILT was working flawlessly with Flexmail and when I bought my TILT 2, using the exact same program, same SIM, same service, etc; it doesn't work like it should. And what is more, the problem for both of us is somehow related with push mail/imap idle which is the same idea (I mean, we need to get mails "as they arrive").
Right now I'm flashing another ROM. This time it's a clean AT&T ROM (without all the usual garbage).
I think I'll try Exchange connection this time with my work server and let you know how it works.
Wish me luck
thank you for updating... yes i do believe we have the same issue.. i know there is a heartbeat sent from the exchange server to the device.. kinda like how wifi devices talk to APs to let them know they are there... and somehow the device loses that. anyway, yes definitely keep me on the loop on how this new rom works out. if i may ask, do you use wifi when our home or do you just let your device stay on the cellular connection? do you let the wifi "take over" when you get home automatically or do you not use it at all? im going to turn off wifi today and see if the phone will stay connected to exchange...
Sorry for being late!! I have news
After fighting with my TILT 2 I found the perfect mixture for me.
Please remember that I don't have a CDMA device but a GSM one, don't know if ROMs and radios are different, I guess they are .
First of all, I flashed original AT&T ROM from here: http://mobilitydigest.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15639&postcount=10
Flashing that ROM brought back the original radio that came with my device which is:
After that I had to get rid of that ROM because it's full of software I don't want so I flashed this one which is an AT&T clean ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=585403 (with HTC Sense 2.1 instead of AT&T Manila).
I've been using ActiveSync through Exchange for 4 days and it works flawlessly. I also installed Flexmail and it's working like a charm.
For some reason, Touch Pro 2 radio didn't work too well with my device. I have latest HardSPL.
I did a hard reset after installing my final ROM, it's always recommended to do a hard reset after flashing.
Now to answer your question: I'm always connected through data connection (3G). I don't use wifi unless I get out of my country.
welp glad all worked for you... perhaps i should look into a 3rd party ROM but i just like how mine is working , save the Async issue.....
Same Issue here
I have a unlocked sprint touch Pro2.
I have the caluklins ROM installed.
The activesync works only for the first time when I do a soft reset.
After that even if i try to do a manual syn it does not work.
Any luck so far guys?

email app not syncing

i'm having a problem with the email app syncing emails consistently. i'm using Exchange corporate email and when i put in my account info, all of my emails pull down without any problems. however after a while (not sure how long) i can try to manually sync or auto sync...and the circle refresh graphic just spins and never gets any emails. i have a Droid Incredible and that email sync works just fine (same system and username/pass).
the only way to starting getting emails again is to remove the account and add it back. as soon as i do that, it starts receiving emails. i googled and this is essentially what is happening to me http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Google+Mobile/thread?tid=3a08e190f76c66b4&hl=en
Yes, I can verify also that this is one of the bugs found in the honeycomb email client.
I also encountered this issue daily. What I can tell so far is that, whenever the tablet loses its connectivity for a certain period of time, the email client will never work anymore. Even though the connection was established later, the email client will not work synching anymore, it will simply spin and spin without any ending. And cannot be stopped from the email client.
Every morning when I bring my tablet to work (it will lose the connectivity from my home network) when I arrive in my office and get the wifi connection, everything else will work but the email client will not.
The GMail client, however, will continue to work just fine.
My work around currently:
1. Restart the tablet, or
2. Go to setting, Applications, then force stop the Email client.
Then relaunch it again, and it will work.
This morning I tried to swich between my office wifi and my cell phone Wifi (tethering) and the email client actually can switch between 2 networks without any problem. I wonder if it will stop working after a certain period of no-connectivity.
I hope this is a bug in the Honeycomb 3.0 and hopefully this is fixed in the new updated Honeycomb 3.1 which we supposed to get anytime now in our Transformer.
lie_ui said:
Yes, I can verify also that this is one of the bugs found in the honeycomb email client.
I also encountered this issue daily. What I can tell so far is that, whenever the tablet loses its connectivity for a certain period of time, the email client will never work anymore. Even though the connection was established later, the email client will not work synching anymore, it will simply spin and spin without any ending. And cannot be stopped from the email client.
Every morning when I bring my tablet to work (it will lose the connectivity from my home network) when I arrive in my office and get the wifi connection, everything else will work but the email client will not.
The GMail client, however, will continue to work just fine.
My work around currently:
1. Restart the tablet, or
2. Go to setting, Applications, then force stop the Email client.
Then relaunch it again, and it will work.
This morning I tried to swich between my office wifi and my cell phone Wifi (tethering) and the email client actually can switch between 2 networks without any problem. I wonder if it will stop working after a certain period of no-connectivity.
I hope this is a bug in the Honeycomb 3.0 and hopefully this is fixed in the new updated Honeycomb 3.1 which we supposed to get anytime now in our Transformer.
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that worked to at least get my email without having to reboot my TF. thanks for the workaround. hopefully this will be fixed soon. i saw this on the xoom forums as well so i'm assuming its a honeycomb problem?
Kind of sad/dissapointed, this issue is still there after the Honeycomb 3.1 update this morning. The Email client still behaves the same! After loses the connectivity for a while, it will not work anymore when the connection is reestablished.
It will keep spinning and spinning, no end.
The other issue with the email client (the embedded image/picture not shown in an Exchange account) was also still there.

Google Talk - Delayed Incoming Notifications

Hey guys,
Tried searching for this, but nada.
Anyone else having issues with your phone being idle but powered on ans upon bringing on the screen you receive a google talk notification that's old? Is been happening to me lately, and I can't tell if it's the phone or the fact that my desktop version is intercepting the message and preventing the phone notification.
I'm tempted to no longer use the desktop built in gmail version, but I wanted to see if others are having similar issues.
Thanks in advance!
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Can't guarantee this, but I have a feeling it may have something to do with the phone letting the Google talk process close when the phone is in it's sleep state. I've noted that I keep having to re sign in to gtalk when I wake up my phone and suspect that it is an issue with the horrible multitasking that HTC has bundled into sense 4.0.
I assume both of you also get delayed notifications with push email using the native Gmail app? I also frequently get logged out of Google Talk when I put the phone in standby mode. When I am logged out of Google Talk, my push emails are delayed in the Gmail app until I log back into Google Talk.
So it seems to be some problem of getting disconnected from google services when the phone is asleep.
I don't think i've been getting delayed notifications, but I do notice that my chat gets out of order a lot. My replies will be above whoever is talking to me no matter what order each was sent in.
Almost every phone that comes out gets a google talk going eventually so there is lots out there, but each phone has it's own issues. Here is a thread that was pretty good from the Galaxy Nexus Forums.
With the HOX I have had issues with Google Talk not working great when the wifi is dropping, so this might be part of the wifi issue that pretty much everybody is having with this phone. The wifi stays connected but seems to go to sleep so your phone only gets the notification once it is woken up. Try turning off the wifi and seeing if you have the same problem.
As for Google Talk, there are some oddities that go along with using it on multiple devices. Here is some stuff I figured out playing around with it on multiple devices and computers at the same time. (I posted this in the GN forums as well)
"Google Talk is my main means of communication it seems so I have played with it a lot. Here are my observations.
1. To keep it "up" all the time in the Talk App hit the menu button (three dots now) >settings>uncheck automatic away status. Also make sure your phone has automatic syncing turned on for your gmail account: Setting>Accounts and Sync>ON (for your chat gmail address anyway). Additionally make sure your mobile data is turned on if you are ever off wifi: Settings>More>Mobile networks>Data Enabled (checked to turn on)
2. You can have up to 6 devices linked to your talk account at once, after that they just stop working.
3. When you receive a IM it appears on both your phone and your gmail account. If you start typing on the gmail account (or G+) it hijacks the whole session and you phone no longer gets the notifications, but the conversation still shows up on the chat window on the phone. When you are done with the IM session make sure you close the window on gmail (or G+) and send one last message from your phone or tablet to take the session back over, if you don't your phone will not receive future chat notifications. You can also just log out of your gmail/G+ session and it will automatically return everything to your phone/tablet but who ever does that?
4. To figure out how it all worked and tinker with it I use both of my gmail accounts and chat back and forth with them. You can do it from separate browsers or just open an incognito window in Chrome and log into your other gmail account. I would recommend this so you can see all of this stuff in practice.
Good Luck, hope this helps"
Gtalk and gmail delays
Hi all,
I have performed tests and discovered that if i disable WiFI and only use the phone's data connection "4g" or LTE that i receive all my messages with no problem even when the phone locks/goes to sleep. However if i leave wifi turned on, within 5-10 seconds i stop receiving them and will only receive them when i wake up the phone/unlock or wait for the delay which can be anywhere from 5-15 mins.
Trying to figure out a way to by pass this, but can't seem to figure it out. I don't want to keep my wifi off when i'm at work or home so i don't use data as i have 3GB and not unlimited so it kind of sucks that i have to keep wifi off for now. Any thoughts/ideas would be great, thanks.
k0sun7eash3d said:
Can't guarantee this, but I have a feeling it may have something to do with the phone letting the Google talk process close when the phone is in it's sleep state. I've noted that I keep having to re sign in to gtalk when I wake up my phone and suspect that it is an issue with the horrible multitasking that HTC has bundled into sense 4.0.
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This. I have issues with timely/accurate reception of notifications from GV. I only use my account for voicemail, but typically I only get voicemail notifications if I open the actual application (which I do because my gmail account receives an email notification now, as well). Sometimes I notice GV as a running task, but often times not, so to me it seems that (possibly) multitasking or some other form of process management in ICS or Sense is not prioritizing the GV process and it's associated actions. I dont mind the aggressive multitasking, but it would be nice to have the option of protecting some processes, such as GV.
I removed google + app completely with titanium backup, and the problem is gone., I get the messages immediately
Push Notifications Fixer can fix it
xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2142503
play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andqlimax.pushfixer
I'm running the latest Viper, I've never had an issue receiving or sending msgs. The only time the phone won't alert me is if I am actively typing in the browser window.
I'll note though that I never have wifi on, it's always on the mobile network.
andQlimax said:
Push Notifications Fixer can fix it
xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2142503
play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andqlimax.pushfixer
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I tried everything not even this works for me
Same problem, screen off - phone disconnects, unlock the phone - messages start to appear
Same problem on 2 different phones and 2 different numbers
I don't use G Talk, but I see the same thing with G Voice. I almost never get voicemail notifications on my HOX (they show up instantly on my old GNex). I blame Sense (for this and other things).
Same problem, but with Nexus 4 when I am on WiFi. With data connection, it works without problems.

