Safe Mode - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Whenever i say that new smart phones aren't really phones, but actually entertainment devices that make calls, everyone nods and agrees. But what if there was a way to reverse that so they only made calls and pretty much nothing else? I'm looking to find a "safe mode", in which lots of services and drivers aren't even loaded.. ever. A good example of its use would be when i needed to drive 4 hours away for a funeral. I had no need for twitter and angry birds, I just needed to freely communicate with relatives. Another example is being stranded on the highway cause of dead car battery. Most Evo users would be clinging to dear battery life. Sometimes we want to be saturated with features, and other times we would be just fine with a classic green screen phone that only needs a weekly charge.
Would it be possible to dual boot into a very minimalist rom? If i knew my phone had a mode for emergencies, i wouldn't be searching every inch of the web for juice saving tips. Is this possible? If so, which rom would accomplish this? Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G [rooted] Sprint 2.3.3(stock Sense, came preinstalled) Freedom-Aggressive kernel 0.8.5 hardware v.4

I have an option on my DroidX and it might work for you. I think it is generic for Android phones.
From the dialer do *#*#4636#*#* and go into the phone menu and you can change the network or disable the data connection altogether. On my phone it makes and receives phone calls and text messages but nothing else.
There is sometimes a delay when I make a change, a few seconds, so be patient.
I have a feeling you could do some damage in this menu so make a note of anything you change.
Since you are rooted, you could also install Droidwall or something similar and be very selective about what applications you allow to have a data connection.

You can theoretically create a custom CM7 or AOSP ROM with only the essentials- the phone.apk, contacts.apk, mms.apk, settings, and their corresponding supporting files/ framework.
Mind you, the screen would still be the biggest battery drain. And there comes a question of dual booting (which should be possible in my phone at least, with Magldr...).
Swyped from my HTC HD2 running CM7 (Gingerbread 2.3.5)


Sprint TP 2 stock ROM - Wifi and lock

These Qs probably have been answered many times, but my searches did not return meaningful answers
I'm running stock ROM and do not want to change at the moment until Sprint ships WM 6.5. SO I have 3 issues that have been bugging me big time:
1) How do you force applications to use WiFi? The only way I can make it work is to disable the Phone in Communications tab. There must be a way to do it w/o flashing a new ROM, right?
2) I always thought having a sliding screen lock is a matter of finding the right setting. Well not really. I know and tried the free program called S2U2. However I did not like the interaction it had with the phone and my hands free. Things were slower and the additional layer did not add to better user experience. So is there a way to get the sliding screen lock on this phone w/o flashing non-stock ROM?
3) The call answer slider. Who came up with this? The split nature of that slider bar puts your chances of successfully answering a call at 50/50. I like my chances better with the old style on my original TP. Any way to get that back w/o flashing a new ROM?
Pardon these simple questions, folks, but the have been nagging me for weeks now
The slide to unlock feature is stock on WM 6.5, unless you use a third party app like S2U2 I don't know of a way to get the enhanced locking feature. Try pocketshield, it work better for me than s2u2. However it did glitch sometimes and sleep/lock when opening apps. Flashing is not as scary as all the warnings posted by Rom devs. Unless you have to remain with a stock rom, I suggest trying one. Slide to answer is another story. Hope I helped.
As far as wifi goes, if your wifi is on, your carrier data is off. Most apps should be able to use wifi for net purposes but some use triangulation of cell towers to determine your relative location (goog maps , etc). Without cell data active these apps wont work.
Yes, this helped. Thanks!
I was able to figure out and test my wi-fi connection and amazingly enough it works as you described i.e. transparently. I simply checked device's IP address via an extrernal site and it did change when I turned my wi-fi on/off.
I'm not as much scared as I'm still suffering from rippling effects of bricking my previous phone - Touch Pro. I lost all of my contacts (my own fault). So while I could have done hard reset and bring the unit back, Sprint gave me an option to upgrade to TP2 for free. I took it, of course. This is a much nicer phone! Just those little things ...

[BIG FAQ] Nexus S General [Start Here before Clicking New Thread!] ** OUTDATED **

EDIT: EXTREMELY OUTDATED. I have not had this device for some time and will not be updating this post.​
Please report all bugs encounter or search for and star the ones mentioned on these forums here: ; This is the official bug report forum of Google and the best way to let them know of the problems you are having. Don't post "Me too"s on known issues, simply star and cross your fingers!
Because people seem to be incapable of using the wonderful "Search" function built into these forums, I'm putting together a list of questions that keep popping up in new threads every other day.
Q: How's the Battery Life?
Officially, the Nexus S is rated for 6hrs of talk time and 427 of standby time. How much battery life you get will entirely depend on what you use the device for and how much. On my first real non-vacation day, my Nexus S lasted a little over 16hrs on one charge through what I would consider heavy usage (flashing roms/backups, emails, texting, web browsing, long phone calls, etc). Your mileage may vary. Fellow poster @Luxferro managed to get 2days, 14hrs, and 13minutes out of his phone on a single battery charge. Discussed here:
Q: Does your GPS work?
Most people have reported their GPS to be functioning just fine, though there have been quite a bit of variation on lock times.
Q: Will this work on AT&T?
Yes, but you will not get 3G service. This is due to the different frequencies that T-Mobile and AT&T's 3G runs on.
Q: But it says it supports GSM band 850mhz!
GSM is 2G. UMTS is 3G.
Q: But Joe Bob/Dude down the street/My cousin's brother's nephew's wife said...
Stop it. It is likely that Google will release a version of the Nexus S with support for AT&T's 3G some months down the road, just like they did with the Nexus One but for right now, if you want 3G service, T-Mobile is the only way to go.
Q: Is tethering free?
So after having the phone for a bit of time now and tethering unimpended, I'm going to have to agree with @nxt that T-Mobile is not charging for or redirecting for tethering on this device. At least, for now. However, like in the original version of this answer, T-Mobile did announce that they were going to be charging for tethering but I've tethered every day for various amounts of time (including torrenting nearly a gig to my netbook) without so much as a hiccup. Source:
Q: Will TZones/Web2go/grandfathered web program work on this phone?
No, or at least, it doesn't appear to anymore due to T-Mobile locking down the IMEIs. When the phone was first released, people were reporting that it worked fine, then after a few days it became sporadic, before finally not functioning at all. See the discussion here for more information:
Q: I unplugged my phone, and my battery dropped from 100% to 95% immediately, or it won't/takes along time to charge past 99%, what gives?
This is by design. Your phone will slow down and eventually stop pulling charge at or slightly greater than ~95% regardless of what your battery indicator says. This is to extend the overall life of the battery, as constant 100% to 0% charge/discharge cycles will cause it to fail prematurely. If you're interested in really pushing it to 100%, you can use a technique that is called "bump charging" and is better detailed here:
Q: When I reboot my phone while it's charging, the battery jumps from X% to Y%, what gives?
I'm honestly not sure what causes this, but sometimes Android/Gingerbread gets confused on how much exact charge is in your battery if you reboot it while it's charging. However, from personal observation, it's just a display issue. Android/GB will eventually start showing the correct percentages once the battery has "caught up" with what it thinks it is at. Also wiping the battery stats(root only) seems to help alleviate this issue. Either way, it's not a large concern.
Q: Can we port SenseUI/Galaxy S apps to the Nexus S?
Most likely, no. Those apps typically require the Rosie/Touchwiz framework in order to function. You can have those apps when and if a developer decides to port those ROMs in their entirety.
Q: How do I root/unroot the Nexus S?
Check the development section links below for more detail, but you gain root on the Nexus S by booting the phone into fastboot mode and typing "fastboot oem unlock." This will wipe your phone and it's SD card partition. To unroot it, again boot into fastboot mode and type "fastboot oem lock."
Follow the root guide stickied at the top of this forum:
In the event you want to return to stock, simply flash the NAND backup found here: . This will restore everything, including the stock recovery image. Then as mentioned above go into the bootloader/fastboot mode and enter "fastboot oem lock" in ADB.
(All credit goes to the original author(s) of the linked thread!)
Q: Linpack/Quadrant Scores?
Linpack doesn't play very nicely with the Galaxy S lineup generating very low numbers in comparison to HTC devices. This is because the processors that are powering these devices operate in different ways. Does this mean the Nexus S processors are slower? Not really, just different. As for Quadrant, it doesn't currently work very well with Gingerbread and needs to be updated. The scores folks have been seeing though put it in the 1600 range without a modified kernel.
Q: There's no LED Indicator? What are those two circles next to the speaker?
Correct, like all Samsung devices(minus the Epic 4G on Sprint) thus far, there is no LED indicator light. There are apps, such as NoLED, on the marketplace which work great on the Nexus S and provide more or less the same functionality. There's another app called BLN which will blink the capacitive touch keys to let you know you have a notification, but it requires a custom kernel to support it. Those two circles are the Proximity Sensor and Ambient Light sensor.
Q: I can't zoom in and out on the camera app!
Correct, the digital zoom feature seems to be missing.
Q: Can the Nexus S do 720p?
No, at least, not right now and not on the stock ROM. It is possible that eventually our wonderful developer community will come up with a software hack for custom ROMs to allow 720p video recording, but at a reduced framerate than if it had a true 720p chip similiar to what they did with the Nexus One. Until then, the answer is no.
Q: But that one guy in Italy says the Italian version can do 720p recording!
No, he says that it can do 720x480 which isn't the same thing. The 720p "name" comes from the last numbers in the resolution, so in this case, it would be 1280x720(which the other Galaxy S phones are rated to shoot at).
Q: How do I video chat?
Google, unfortunately, did not develop a native app to support video chat and so we must rely on some from the marketplace. Right now, as far as I'm aware, Tango is the only one that has been updated to support video chatting on the Nexus S.
Q: My toys are better than your toys! Hahahaha!
Stop it and grow up. Different strokes for different folks. People spend their money on what they want to spend it on regardless of your agreement on their choice. Not to mention that this kind of behavior goes against the spirit of this community.
Q: I'm rooted with Clockwork and can't install the OTA! I updated to 2.3.1 and lost root! What gives?
most of the time, official OTAs will not install through custom recoveries because of their tendency to break root or restore things like the stock recovery. Also if you've made any modifications to the system files such as replacing the default Mms.apk(messaging) with the custom Black Mms.apk found in the Themes & Apps section, or deleted any .odex files from the system partition, it will not install. The easiest way to update to 2.3.1 is to flash a custom rom such as one of the custom ROMs or use the 2.3.1 Stock NANDROID backup found in the development section. And yes, 2.3.1 "broke root." To regain it, simply follow the steps in this thread: (All credit goes to the original author(s) of the linked thread!). The aforementioned procedure is only needed on the Stock Nandroid Backup, not any of the custom ROMs.
Q: Clockworkmod says I'm not set up for OTAs! What gives?
That's not for official OTA updates from Google. Some custom ROM developers set up their roms to receive custom OTA updates or at least notifications of said update specifically for that ROM.
Q: Why have my Wifi/3G/Signal bars switched from green to white?
A green set of bars typically means that you are connected to and syncing with the Google Account servers. White means that this is not happening for whatever reason, usually something like a bad signal or low coverage area. Also the WiFi connection is set by default to turn itself off(aka sleep mode) when the screen is off, this can be adjusted under Settings > Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi Settings > Menu Key > Advanced > Wi-Fi Sleep Policy. Don't panic, though, it's nothing too major.
(Suggested by mmas0n, thanks!)
Q: How do I restore the stock recovery?
Right now, it is NOT possible to flash the stock recovery over Clockwork Recovery at all. The only way to restore it is by NAND restoring the Stock 2.3.1 backup in the development section.
Q: Does the Nexus S have Gorilla Glass?
No, it does not. Take care of your device.
Q: The Nexus S only gets 3G? Omg, I only see a 3G icon!
The Nexus S gets UMTS and HSDPA, which are both technically 3G. Your phone idles on UMTS 3G, and when it starts downloading/uploading, it'll flip to HSDPA after a few moments. You can see this by typing *#*#4636#*#* into your Dialer, going to Phone Info, and looking at Network Type while downloading something. The ability to switch the icons on the notification bar is something that was added in custom ROMS, and is not supported by the stock ROM. Furthermore, the icon is not always an indicator of what kind of data connection you have. If I were so inclined(and I'm not) and/or had the technical skills(which I don't) to modify the framework, I could make it say OVER9000g when connected to anything. Rest assured, if you are on a network that uses the 3G bands the Nexus S supports, then you are recieving HSDPA regardless of what icon you see.
As suggested by Gogol(thanks!), now adding a...
Possible Known Issues(Reported by some users but not all):
Lag in the Web Browser
Back button is not responsive or doesn't light up
Pink / white / yellow tint on the screen
Weak WiFi signal
Weak cell signal (not necessarily specific to the Nexus S; T-Mobile's frequencies typically have bad building penetration)
Some apps running wild consuming battery
Missing apps in market (until Google updates to recognize 2.3.1 buildprint)
Accelerometer becomes "locked" after using Google Sky Maps requiring a reboot to free
Ringtones changing on their own following reboot/USB plugin (Push the .mp3 to /system/media/audio/ringtones to stop this *requires rooting*)
Stock launcher has home screen/scrolling lag issues (not present on market launchers like ADW/LauncherPro)
Home screen icons on stock launcher randomly disappear, disappear after move, or show up in folders they weren't moved to. (not present on market launchers like ADW/LauncherPro)
Please report all bugs encounter or search for and star the ones mentioned on these forums here: ; This is the official bug report forum of Google and the best way to let them know of the problems you are having. Don't post "Me too"s on known issues, simply star and cross your fingers!
EDIT: EXTREMELY OUTDATED. I have not had this device for some time and will not be updating this post.​
Sti-cky! Sti-cky! Sti-cky!
Thanks for taking the time to make this list. Should be the first thing newbies read when they join the forum
Stuck due to the usefulness of this thread
Great FAQ thread man. Thanks a lot.
And lol @
But Joe Bob/Dude down the street/My cousin's brother's nephew's wife said...
Great FAQ, but it would be much better to add the list below, because there are many threads opened and will be more and more ...
Possible known issues:
1. Web browsing lag
2. Back button is not responsive
3. Cannot zoom when taking photo or video
4. Pink / white / yellow tint on the screen
Q: There's no LED Indicator? What are those two circles next to the speaker?
Correct, like all Samsung devices thus far, there is no LED indicator light.
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Actually not true, the Galaxy S Epic 4G does have a LED notification light.
Q: Is tethering free?
No, tethering is not free. T-Mobile charges for this service. That being said, people have and still do tether without paying for the service with little to no consequence. T-Mobile seems to track the User Agent of the browser you're using on their network, and it is possible to mimic the Android browser's user agent on a desktop PC and tether undetected. In the event that T-Mobile discovers you tethering, you will receive a text message and all internet traffic on their network that doesn't contain the Android UA string will be redirected to an official T-Mobile site encouraging you to sign up for their tethering service.
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This is wrong.
Tethering is free and included with the Nexus S as long as you have a normal data plan with T-Mobile (not any $5.99 or $10.00 T-Zone hacks/etc.). There is NOT an extra special $10 add-on tethering free.
jblparisi said:
Actually not true, the Galaxy S Epic 4G does have a LED notification light.
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Thanks! This has been corrected.
nxt said:
This is wrong.
Tethering is free and included with the Nexus S as long as you have a normal data plan with T-Mobile (not any $5.99 or $10.00 T-Zone hacks/etc.). There is NOT an extra special $10 add-on tethering free.
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Negative. As of 11/03, T-Mobile has begun charging for this service.
Android 2.2 introduced the ability to hotspot tether regardless of a paid service on nearly any device(and before that, this was available through some market apps). I believe some have had this ability "disabled," in the sense that it doesn't show up in the Wireless & Networks menu(such as the G2, though this was corrected in an update) but through apps such as AnyCut you can still activate the service and tether.
So, once more, you CAN tether without paying for it, however, T-Mobile may start redirecting your web traffic that doesn't contain the Android UA string to their website. They've been super inconsistent in their enforcement (a good thing, if you ask me!).
EDIT: After looking through the "services" options on my T-Mobile account, I don't see anything about a tethering plan. If other folks could take a peek and let me know, I'll revise that section and make the correction.
gogol said:
Great FAQ, but it would be much better to add the list below, because there are many threads opened and will be more and more ...
Possible known issues:
1. Web browsing lag
2. Back button is not responsive
3. Cannot zoom when taking photo or video
4. Pink / white / yellow tint on the screen
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Thats a great idea, I'll definitely start try to start collecting known issues.
Understand that the development section for more detail on rooting / unrooting, but would greatly appreciate if you could post specific links in your FAQ to threads that you would use to root / unroot.
Am a newbie and since I see more than a couple of threads on the subject in the development section, I would greatly appreciate it if you can give links here based on your order of preference (after all its your thread) if there are more than one ways.
Point is a link in the FAQs would give more greater confidence
Paparasee said:
Understand that the development section for more detail on rooting / unrooting, but would greatly appreciate if you could post specific links in your FAQ to threads that you would use to root / unroot.
Am a newbie and since I see more than a couple of threads on the subject in the development section, I would greatly appreciate it if you can give links here based on your order of preference (after all its your thread) if there are more than one ways.
Point is a link in the FAQs would give more greater confidence
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Updated to include links to two threads in the development section which should get you on your way.
The first one will help you setup ADB and the relevant drivers needed to input commands to the phone from your PC. The second is the actual rooting method and custom recovery installation.
unremarked said:
EDIT: After looking through the "services" options on my T-Mobile account, I don't see anything about a tethering plan. If other folks could take a peek and let me know, I'll revise that section and make the correction.
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Again, since this is the Nexus S forum, the Nexus S, has NO tethering pay plans for T-Mobile. It's included and free. Yes that option was removed on the G2, etc., but again, this is the Nexus S.
nxt said:
Again, since this is the Nexus S forum, the Nexus S, has NO tethering pay plans for T-Mobile. It's included and free. Yes that option was removed on the G2, etc., but again, this is the Nexus S.
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I'm well aware of which forum I am in and which phone I have.
The option was removed in the G2 and added back in via OTA update, it was also there on the MT4G at launch. I'll admit even setting my device to to show as one of those still does not pull up that option under services. I'm willing to believe that perhaps T-Mobile announced their intention to charge for the service then decided not to.
However, just to point out, the Nexus S/Nexus One are not special phones(as far as T-Mobile are concerned) on T-Mobile's network and thus entitled to special privileges. They are subject to the same rules and regulations as any other phone. In any which case, I'm going to make an adjustment to that section to note the ambiguity.
Is it just me or does the Nexus S seem to be more riddled with problems on release than most other phones? Perhaps it's just because of high expectations after the mind blowing release of the N1?
PhaedraCorruption said:
Is it just me or does the Nexus S seem to be more riddled with problems on release than most other phones? Perhaps it's just because of high expectations after the mind blowing release of the N1?
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Not really. Every device has it's bugs and issues at release, the Nexus One included. Touch screen wigging out randomly, capacitive buttons misaligned, the relatively easy "death grip," and just generally (at least for me) weak 3G connection. My favorite was when the Nexus One wouldn't send or receive any text messages or phone calls.
We should also keep in mind that Gingerbread itself is brand new as well.
unremarked said:
Q: Can we port SenseUI/Galaxy S apps to the Nexus S?
Most likely, no. Those apps typically require the Rosie/Touchwiz framework in order to function. You can have those apps when and if a developer decides to port those ROMs in their entirety.
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regarding this...
we might see some ports over in due time.
they guys over at SGS are already in the process of porting the SenseUI
once they are done with that feast, it'll be a lot more doable to bring it to Nexus S
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
} Alpha ready for testing!
Please add "Q: Why do the Cell and WiFi signal icons switch to white?" or something to that effect.
We have 3 thread on this issue and I foresee many more.
mmas0n said:
Please add "Q: Why do the Cell and WiFi signal icons switch to white?" or something to that effect.
We have 3 thread on this issue and I foresee many more.
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Done so! Thanks for the suggestion.
PhaedraCorruption said:
Is it just me or does the Nexus S seem to be more riddled with problems on release than most other phones? Perhaps it's just because of high expectations after the mind blowing release of the N1?
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its just the high expectations, the NS wasnt a game changer like the N1 was
After the update I can't download anything from the marketplace. Anybody else have this problem?
katana24 said:
After the update I can't download anything from the marketplace. Anybody else have this problem?
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Can't say that I have. Are you talking about missing apps, or are you getting some kind of error message?

Ford Motor Company SYNC/MyFordTouch/MyLincolnTouch Compatibility

Hello, Hopefully I can help with some frustrations regarding the various levels of SYNC systems and their apparent compatibility issues with Galaxy S phones. I will help anyone with this system to the best of my ability, and being a technician for Ford, i have a pretty good handle on these systems.
First off, I would encourage anyone with a question about this system to reference the Device Compatibility Matrix that is available at, as is some basic troubleshooting information.
Always make sure that your CIP is up to the most current software level. Version numbers are different for each vehicle line(Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Flex, Edge, MKx, MKt, MKs, MKz, F series, E series, Mustang etc).
There is a known compatibility issue with Samsung Galaxy S family phones that is fairly consistent, however not 100% of the time.
The common symptoms both from my engineering department, and from my own experience is a complete lockup/disconnect when updating the phone book(sync) or a blackscreen and complete system lockup(mytouch variants).
In some instances, mainly with the AT&T flavor, the phones will not connect via bluetooth for media/text messaging or sync services, however they will usually work as a phone. None of the Galaxy S series will accept phone book downloads, and that has been known to completely lock out the system, requiring a hard reset and occasionally a full reflash of the APIM(Accesory Protocol Interface Module, SYNC's brain box) to unlock.
I have found a dead consistent workaround for this that I dont imagine ford would be willing to back, but it is rock solid reliable and relatively simple, it involves flashing a rom that does NOT include touchwiz. I am not familiar enough with these phones to say exactly what, however every phone I have attempted to pair/use with touchwiz has failed, with touchwiz, or stock touchwiz gone, and again, I am not familiar enough to say for sure, the problem disappears.
I have first hand used Bonsai(epic 4g) and Beautiful SGS4G(Galaxy S 4g) as well as CM7(Vibrant) and had zero problems pairing or using any functions with the vehicle. Phone calls, streaming audio, Pandora, Text messaging, navigation etc all work smoothly with no hangups or hitches since romming the phones.
Again I hope this is helpful and if i can help you directly, feel free to contact me via pm or in this thread, however pm is going to be the best way to get in touch with me.
A few quick things that I have consistenly observed...Blackberrys are trouble. SYNC does NOT like BB's. Sync is also very sporadic with non smart-phones. Regular ol dial only phones do not seem to be very compatible, even though there are some listed on the compatibility matrix. Mytouch systems(8" touchscreen navigation with a black background and 4 way grid homescreen with top left-phone, top right-nav/services, bottom left-audio, bottom right climate control) are VERY tempermental. SYNC systems(smaller MFD that is non touch screen, or newer mustangs/raptors etc) are much more forgiving and much hardier from my experience.
Take care!
Great information, thanks.
Hmm -- app possible to remote control a late model ford, like driving the thing around with nobody in it?
lol its not quite that integrated. So far our capabilities in the shop are not that far above what you can do as an end user. I would imagine they will tie remote start, unlock/lock, windows etc in probably by end of the 2013 m/y.
We have managed to run diagnostics through sync as its tied into the HS/MS can networks, but beyond basic code pulling and system network integrity tests we haven't been able to pull reliable data out. Nowhere near solid enough to do realtime diagnostics or fault tracking.

Stock vs Custom ROM

After using custom ROM for 2 months now I quiet fed up. I have been using mainly Carbon, tried also CM10.1 but I have persistent problems:
- bluetooth handset is pretty much unusable. In 75% of the cases when I connect it the phone freezes. I have to shut it down and start it again. Most of the times I have to repeat the procedure multiple times.
- Poor battery life. I know that Photon Q is not a champion in the battery department but I can not survive a day of periodically synchronizing mail in the background + some browsing + 1h bluetooth audio.
- Application freezing. Touchdown always freezes when I compose a mail for more than a 3 minutes.
- When on bluetooth and listening to music and call comes in, the phone freezes either during the call or after the call has ended
I was hoping when CM10.1 is announced stable there will be no more problems but this didn't happen and now the development is shifted to 10.2 and I don't want to wait any more. After monitoring my phone use for a few days I started to wonder "do I really need a custom ROM"? Hence the thread. Definitely pure stock is not an option and I see here are a few modified ROMS based on the stock but I would like to save myself some time in testing .
What I expect from the stock based ROM is:
- Possibility to hide the buttons! This is absolute must. I can not stand the buttons eating my screen space.
- PIE control (LMT seems to be working quiet nicely although the CARBON PIE is the best)
- CM Themes! I would like to change the battery and clock colours. I have the Android blue colour for the notification bar:silly: Changing the wallpaper and icons is not enough for me.
- longer battery life - one day easily
- stability and reliability - I should be able to trust my phone
- functioning bluetooth
- removal of the Sprint crapware ( I am using GSM moded phone) I guess this can be achieve by uninstalling the corresponding apps.
Could you please recommend a better option than the custom ROM.
Do you have observations and comparison between the custom ROM and the stock in the above topics? Mainly battery life?
Thank you in advance.
P.S. I am very thankful to the developers working on the custom ROMs but I couldn't make it work for my device.
Run stock and theme it to taste.
Sounds like the only option for you.
In my experience all ROMs have their own quarks.
Good Luck
Screwed by Google. Canceled ICS upgrade on my Moto Photon 4G.
Yes the CM 10.2 gives you poor battery life. Compares to my HTC one, Photon Q's battery life is unbearable, even with Mobile data off.
Sent from my One using xda app-developers app
I like ROMS
But you say that you have had all these problems have you checked out the CM roms or others types of roms... so far i think CM is the only one yet to make ROMS for this device you can check only nightly builds ... I just checked yes dev arrrghhh has made the PAC Man ROM for this device just google photon q pac man rom & it will come hope I was able to help.. I''m running Pac man rom on my Fascinate verzion so far I love have all 3 roms in 1 AOKP CM ParanoidAndroid it's best I feel build 8/21/13 Jellybean 4.3
I'm running the latest CM10.1 Skrilax build and it's so stable. I love the option to use sdcard as primary storage. It's been my daily driver since it was released on august 21st.
Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
I'm running stock, but have removed a lot of bloat.
I'll have a look & see if I can find the thread where a member pulls out all the sprint stuff. That's what I followed.
Just need to figure out how to send MMS.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
schmandroid said:
I'm running stock, but have removed a lot of bloat.
I'll have a look & see if I can find the thread where a member pulls out all the sprint stuff. That's what I followed.
Just need to figure out how to send MMS.
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Maybe change the APN settings will solve the MMS problem.
I can't send & receive MMS on my sprint one even after I changed the APN settings.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
j_rivers said:
Maybe change the APN settings will solve the MMS problem.
I can't send & receive MMS on my sprint one even after I changed the APN settings.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
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Click to collapse
Yeah, it doesn't work. The hidden DATA menu has extra settings for accts & MMS etc. I have changed these, but there is still something else stopping it. Typically need to have the acct number to edit these (although there are other ways).
Its due to the Sprint acct settings, I'm sure.
I CAN receive MMS though.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
yeah, but the thing that stock is NOT perfect is the reason why we are using customs...
every roms have their own kink to iron out and we have to bear with them.
In my case, sound volumes of recorded videos are obviously not like them with stock, but I choose to go with CM10.2 just to be on par with other things.
Go SMS Pro allows me to send MMS on stock, so this solves the stock ROM in a round about way for me.
Now to find a custom ROM that will connect to my WiFi ap for my other Q.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
To answer my question - definitely stock. The battery life is incomparable to the CM based ROMs. I can easily survive the day and may be have some juice for the morning. No restarts and force closes. I am not afraid any more that I will get a phone call while listening to music on bluetooth headset.
The main disadvantage of the stock for me is the lack of customizations. But with the expose framework and some other apps I am almost at same level as with the custom ROM.
As I am with modded GSM version I just have to find out how to remove the annoying Sprint activation message at each phone start.
Hey there - I have removed a lot of sprint bloat out of stock, and I no longer get the activation request on boot. Can't remember the thread where one of the guys (German I think) listed all the bits to pull out, but you'll find it if you look.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
WIFI is now connecting with CM Rom if using WPA2-PSK
Just a quick note to say that I have now resolved the WIFI connectivity with my WiFi AP while running CM Rom (10.2-20131129 by Skrillax).
In a nutshell, after adjusting many settings on my AP (TX power %, Wireless Mode, etc, etc), it is the security mode.
CM don't want to connect when running WPA-PSK. Changing to WPA2-PSK has fixed it.
I get a 'connecting' notify, then 'saved' if I switch back to WPA-PSK. Just don't know if this is due to the recent build, as I was running CM from around June, previously.
Pretty certain I tried the different security modes before, even turning security off didn't help. Manually assigning IP's in the phone also didn't help.
I DID however have the TX power set at 25% when it first connected, but I have reset all settings back to normal/default, & it is still going strong.
You can decide for yourself whether it is better that CM won't connect when using WPA-PSK, for me it has been a pain in the A$$. Stock Rom connected fine on WPA-PSK.
Hope this sheds some light on poss wifi issues for the propeller heads, and other connectivity frustrated individuals. May even help others that suffer dropped connections??
I am using the stock ICS ROM and I am getting 169hrs of standby time.
I use a combination of Tasker and Smart Actions to automate my phone. Tasker controls plugins for Greenify, Secure Settings and Taskill (for some apps)
I am easily getting a full day out of my phone with 60% battery usage. I do use my phone quite often.
The screen brightness and keyboard backlight are the real killers of battery life. Set these to as low as you can handle.
Every time the screen is OFF, my (WiFi, Mobile Data, Bluetooth and GPS) is set OFF.
WiFi is my main data connection when I am near a WiFi spot.
Mobile Data only turns on when I need it.
Bluetooth on when I am charging to connect to my car. Everything gets Greenified on automatic exit of Car Mode
GPS is only set on when I am in the car.
Certain Apps only sync when I turn the screen on, others only when I open them. Even though I can set an interval for this.
When I jump in my car, Car Home V3 is launched with my custom widget setup and plays Spotify Automatically.
With root and xposed framework, Greenify will allow data sync at set intervals. The main thing is it Hibernates all chosen apps and their data usage. Set Tasker to Greenify (hibernate) apps for certain triggers, i.e. Leave home Wifi = Greenify (Hibernate) All Apps.
I also deleted a lot of the Sprint bloatware.
"Better Battery Stats" helped me get to the bottom of my battery draining apps.
I also have a "Battery Graph Widget" installed so I can keep an eye on my levels.

How to turn an old phone into tablet/skype device for kid?

I have an old HTC Evo Design 4G phone (Boost Mobile) that I no longer use. Is there a way to turn it into a tablet like device with lets say Skype via wi-fi? No need for an actual phone capability because I will never reactivate service on this phone. I could give something like that to my kid to play around with. If there is a wi-fi, he could use it with Skype or some internet messenger. The only caveat is that the current software (stock rom) doesn't work well and I would have to flash it with something else (custom rom). Unfortunately, the old guides are full of old and non-working links. Any easier way to reuse old phone for something that's kid-friendly?

