[Q] anyone know what the process scribble is? - HTC Sensation

i have a process running that says its called scribble... com.htc.mysketcher... anyone know what this is?

Judging from the name, I'd say it is likely to be an application or widget where you can scribble. Seeing how it is an HTC software, I'd say it is their Notes widget.

thanks for the response, that sounds viable but i don't have the notes widget installed .....

maybe it's this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=696193
how i got this piece of delightful information:
1. i went to http://forum.xda-developers.com
2. i went to the forum-search (click on those gears next to the field in the upper right)
3. in the field with the label "Keyword" i entered the word "scribble"
4. i've hit the "search now" button.
alternative route:

brndklng said:
maybe it's this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=696193
how i got this piece of delightful information:
1. i went to http://forum.xda-developers.com
2. i went to the forum-search (click on those gears next to the field in the upper right)
3. in the field with the label "Keyword" i entered the word "scribble"
4. i've hit the "search now" button.
alternative route:
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Thanks for your delightful information . now let me tell you how retarded you are:
1. i do not have a custom boot animation running
2. Upon first viewing your link to "delightful information" did you stop to think that maybe I wouldn't install this boot animation because it might not be the proper size for our screens?
3. if I had in fact installed this, don't you think I would have enough common sense to know what the process might be considering this would be the name of something I MYSELF had installed?
4. Try posting a useful comment instead of a smart**s one

Scribble is an htc app used for two things. The first is its an app that works with htc's stylus enabled devices (e.g. The flyer and evo view) to draw or "sketch" directly onto the screen. The other thing, and why its on our phone, is it is the app that facilitates htc's built in screen capture feature.

i can confirm screen capture, i took scribble out and bye bye screen capture

awesome, good info, thanks alot to the both of you!

mattdub1 said:
Thanks for your delightful information . now let me tell you how retarded you are:
1. i do not have a custom boot animation running
2. Upon first viewing your link to "delightful information" did you stop to think that maybe I wouldn't install this boot animation because it might not be the proper size for our screens?
3. if I had in fact installed this, don't you think I would have enough common sense to know what the process might be considering this would be the name of something I MYSELF had installed?
4. Try posting a useful comment instead of a smart**s one
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woah, calm down there. My post wasn't meant to sound like a "smart**s" one.
I just tried to help. Although, the lmgtfy might let you think that, i just added it for the giggles.
I truly apologize if my post offended you in any way.
I just wanted to show you, detailed as possible, how i got this (indeed delightful,
because information is always delightful ) information.
You were the one who opened a thread with "blabla scribble blabla"
without mentioning your ROM that you're using
the date you first stumbled over this process
what applications you have may installed or other modifications/configurations you made to your device
what research you've done to get additional information
and finally:
not sharing your research results in your post
You gave SOME information as an answer to my post, but not in your
original post. Why not?
Would you've shared more detailed information on your problem
in your original post, i might have not came up with such a "smart**s" reply.
And i am the one you call retarded. Nice move.
As i understood this forums, this place isn't meant for:
"I have a question xy, can someone give the answer?"
It's meant for:
"I have a question xy, i have done this and that to resolve it, but i still have some open points i want to clarify, can someone help?"
The difference is, that you SHARE the information you have, to PREVENT people come up with guesses (like i did).
Guesses will form up to rumors, rumors spread out, become an urban legend and
everyone will soon swear to god that he or she knows someone who had "xy" resolved by some urban legend... true story.
In addition, this place is not for:
"yo, the answer is bla"
it is for:
"yo, the answer is bla and i have this and that information to back up my claim, go and check up if this works for you too."
Instead of calling me "retarded" you could've simply stated in a proper manner,
that my given information is not useful at all, because of the resolution or something
else i could've easily checked myself but i did not, because i was in a hurry or whatever.
This would've improved my behaviour in this place, but now i am just frustrated
with some guy i don't even know just because i tried to contribute.
Sorry for using my crystal ball, it was foggy in there.
I guess i am back to reading this forums, instead of contributing to them.
[edit] fixed some of many typos ~.~

brndklng said:
As i understood this forums, this place isn't meant for: "I have a question xy, can someone give the answer?"
It's meant for: "I have a question xy, i have done this and that to resolve it, but i still have some open points i want to clarify, can someone help?"
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I think you're really reaching here. In a prefect world that'd be great but this is the real world. There really was nothing wrong with the OP! I understood it just fine and was able to answer the question with no problem. I also think that anyone that took 2 seconds to read it should have understood as well. Also if there were a rule that you had to post links to back up every answer then I wouldn't have even posted the correct answer because I don't have time to track down links for simple questions that I know, I know the answer to.
brndklng said:
Sorry for using my crystal ball, it was foggy in there.
I guess i am back to reading this forums, instead of contributing to them.
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Good idea.


(Sticky?) ROM List -- Complete (and editable!) database of all builds.

Several months ago, SimonNWalker assembled a ROM database (http://www.simonwalkerphotos.com/android/android_build_information.asp) full of details of just about every build cooked up. The problem is, users can't edit it, and thus, one person is stuck tracking every single ROM -- many of which are updated daily.
So, I've decided to put together a spreadsheet -- fittingly, a Google Doc -- that can be edited like a wiki. The obvious advantage to this Doc is that it's so easily editable -- just click the link, fill in a cell, and the spreadsheet will automatically save. This can be used by developers (so they won't have to constantly answer "Does this build have the HTC Dialer?", "Does Bluetooth work?", etc.), and by those looking to help out the Android community.
If developers start putting this link in their threads, those who use their builds will probably update the Doc themselves. Essentially, this can turn out to be the best way to keep track of the dozens of ROMs scattered about the community. I understand that it has its limitations -- the inability to sort by data field, for example -- but it seems to be the best and easiest way to keep things organized.
I don't have time to fill in the entire spreadsheet, but I got it started with a sample. If you guys want to get to work filling in the rest, we can have a complete, comprehensive database within days/hours!
PLEASE, only include information that is accurate and truthful. And if you see a cell with incorrect information (perhaps something that was absent in one build, and added in recent updates), feel free to fix it!
Here's the link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tAs2qa3xlveMKSI2BLcUI7g
Read-only, printer-friendly, old-browser-friendly page: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tAs2qa3xlveMKSI2BLcUI7g&output=html
How to add a new ROM:
Find the type of build (Hero, Ion, etc.) that the ROM belongs to. Right-click on the letter of the last column within that build family. For example, If I wanted to add a Hero ROM (and let's say that the last Hero ROM was in the E column), I would right-click "E" (top of page), and click "Insert 1 left". This will get you a new column to work with.
How to add a new Base OS/build (Hero, Ion, etc.)
Follow the steps above ("How to add a New ROM"), and make two or three columns.
You should now have a current build with some actual columns, and two or three blank ones. Click the Base OS cell (it should be highlighted in a background color already; Hero, for example, is green), and unmerge the cells by clicking the "Break Apart" button (third from the right; left of the formula and wrap text buttons). This will give you individual cells.
At this point, highlight the three/four/however many cells of the original build (let's say, Hero), and click that same button to merge just those. Then, highlight the two or three new cells, and merge those separately. Give it a new color, and you should be done.
It's definitely more confusing to explain than to just do; you should be able to figure it out once you get to the spreadsheet. If anyone wants to expand on/rewrite this tutorial, please do so, and I'll paste it up here.
I've inserted a sample comment in cell B4 (T-Mobile US OTA/Developer) as a sample. It's represented as a small colored square in the top-right corner of that cell. If you hover over it, a comment window will appear.
Comments can be useful for disputed information, questions/concerns, etc. For example, if you believe a cell to have incorrect information -- but aren't certain enough to change it yourself -- just add a comment asking someone to verify. If you see a resolved comment/issue, please delete it by deleting all of the text within the comment popup window.
(Space saved in case needed later)
PS: Like a wiki, revision history is available (File > Revision History). So, if someone feels the need to vandalize the spreadsheet, it can probably be recovered by reverting to an older version. And of course, it couldn't hurt to backup the Doc on your computer every once in a while!
cyrowski assembled it? Didn't SimonNWalker do it? Great idea however. Im beginning to edit!
Good call. wiki = good.
alritewhadeva said:
cyrowski assembled it? Didn't SimonNWalker do it? Great idea however. Im beginning to edit!
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Oh, you're right. I scrolled down on his page, saw cryowski, and just went with that. Fixed it now; thanks!
jay652 said:
Oh, you're right. I scrolled down on his page, saw cryowski, and just went with that. Fixed it now; thanks!
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no problem! Just finished filled in JAC and most of cyrowski's hero build. You mind adding cupcake builds? Don't want to mess up the layout you built
alritewhadeva said:
no problem! Just finished filled in JAC and most of cyrowski's hero build. You mind adding cupcake builds? Don't want to mess up the layout you built
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Sure, I added an ADP section to get you started. I also put two little tutorial blurbs at this top of this thread; explaining how to add a new ROM and a new base OS (which you were requesting). That way, if you want to add one on your own, you'll know how. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything; it was a little difficult to explain, but not that difficult to actually execute.
alritewhadeva said:
Im beginning to edit!
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Lord help us
Shouldn't 1.5 be first (left side)cause the G1 is based off of that?? the others are ported
Mikey1022 said:
Shouldn't 1.5 be first (left side)cause the G1 is based off of that?? the others are ported
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I agree! 1.5 should be first.
What a great idea. I've deleted two idiotic cells already!
wddglr said:
I agree! 1.5 should be first.
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I've rearranged it so that ADP comes before Hero. I suppose I should move Ion too, but maybe I'll leave that for someone else.
The beauty of the spreadsheet is that if you think something should be changed, you can change it!
Of course, that could be a bad thing, too...
jay652 said:
I've rearranged it so that ADP comes before Hero. I suppose I should move Ion too, but maybe I'll leave that for someone else.
The beauty of the spreadsheet is that if you think something should be changed, you can change it!
Of course, that could be a bad thing, too...
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what about MyTouchski?
ccyrowski said:
what about MyTouchski?
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Haha, like I said, go ahead and add it. Developers editing their own ROM entries will likely be the most reliable.
love it..great idea.
added to informative thread list
added t-mobile cupcake
Great idea!
Great Idea!!
I always found it difficult to find the info I wanted on builds. I am just too lazy to do anything about it! Kudos to you sir. This forum is really going places...too bad we are all still sitting behind our laptop screens! I will hop on there and check it out shortly...see if i can put my two cents in anywhere. I have probably tried everyones build so maybe I can help. Keep up the great work DEVs!
Would any mods be in favor of stickying this? It doesn't really require much discussion, so it's likely to slip down the pages, but it really should be visible for everyone to see. Adding it to the informative thread list is defintiely a good start, but keeping it in plain sight on the main page might stop (at least some) people from asking if ROM X has app Y or feature Z every other post.
Any thoughts?

Custom Auto Corrections... star report?

I created a feature request for Google for a custom auto correction feature, which I think will go a long way in improving upon the stock Gingerbread keyboard.
Please visit the link and star it if you'd like to see this feature added in a future update. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=14420
I think the keyboard will only get better with future releases. Google recently brought a company called blindtype, so hopefully they will implement it in their keyboard soon.
Anyway, I stared it stock keyboard is kinda bad!!
Ummm ... Doesn't Gingerbread have custom auto-completion? If I type a new word, then click on it, it says to click on it again to add it, then when I type that word, it comes up in the list of auto-completes. Or did I misunderstand what you are trying to achieve?
onthecouchagain said:
I created a feature request for Google for a custom auto correction feature, which I think will go a long way in improving upon the stock Gingerbread keyboard.
Please visit the link and star it if you'd like to see this feature added in a future update. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=14420
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I starred it, but as soon as my email box starts flooding with all the idiotic "yeah, you google jerks fix this or I'll return my phone" comments that these starred reports tend to attract, I'll be un-starring it.
PLEASE people, only comment on starred reports, be they bug or enhancement requests if your comment actually adds value to the concept or bug report, such as additional steps to reproduce a problem on a bug, or an idea of how to improve the enhancement request. All the other stuff just spams people's mailbox and ticks them off.
Star Shadow said:
Ummm ... Doesn't Gingerbread have custom auto-completion? If I type a new word, then click on it, it says to click on it again to add it, then when I type that word, it comes up in the list of auto-completes. Or did I misunderstand what you are trying to achieve?
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I believe he's trying to achieve a way for us to EDIT or IMPORT the autocorrection list. With a feature like that, we could move our autocorrects from phone to phone, or better yet, they could be synced to the Google cloud with all the rest of our personalizations. As it stands now, wipe/reset your phone, and your keyboard has to re-learn all your habits/words.
BTW - I've found that whenever people start their post with "ummm..." it's taking as some kind of snarky put down of the person they're responding to. I've had perfectly innocent posts replied to with name-calling and insults over that.
distortedloop said:
BTW - I've found that whenever people start their post with "ummm..." it's taking as some kind of snarky put down of the person they're responding to. I've had perfectly innocent posts replied to with name-calling and insults over that.
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Thanks for the tip/warning. I usually mean ummm to mean, "I'm confused by what you say" and not a snarky put down of the person. I think I understand what he's trying to achieve now and it makes sense to be able to transfer the custom list. Under Language in settings, you can view your list and add or delete words, but that's it. I don't think it would be too hard to add and Import and Export button to it at the very least.
Star Shadow said:
Thanks for the tip/warning. I usually mean ummm to mean, "I'm confused by what you say" and not a snarky put down of the person. I think I understand what he's trying to achieve now and it makes sense to be able to transfer the custom list. Under Language in settings, you can view your list and add or delete words, but that's it. I don't think it would be too hard to add and Import and Export button to it at the very least.
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I hear you on the "ummm", it's what I mean too, but it seems to upset people.
Now that's a good tip about going to language settings...I did not know that, but I don't really use stock keyboard, I use SwiftKey almost exclusively, and I believe it puts your auto-correct stuff on the sdcard, so they stick between roms/resets, and you could even move to a new phone.
edit: actually, looking at that Settings user dictionary, is that just user defined words, or actual autocorrects, or does the system use some kind of algorithm to compare what you're typing against those words?
It would be tedious if you have a lot of words, but you could always copy/paste your custom word list into that feature with a pre-saved text file listing them.
Thanks for starring, folks. I agree, I hope people don't get carried away by responding with their every two cents, which ends up just spamming mailboxes.
As for what I mean by custom auto corrections, if anyone is using or have used Smart Keyboard Pro, they'll know what I mean. Basically, you get to edit and choose what specific words you want to be auto corrected to what. For example, if you're prone to typing "km" instead of "I'm" you can create a custom auto correction to make km=I'm. That way, anytime you type "km" by accident, it'll automatically switch it to "I'm."
Another example, "tmr=tomorrow" or "idk=I don't know." You can do this on Smart Keyboard Pro and it's one of the best features in making the typing experience easier.
Bump. This got moved from General to Q&A and got lost in the shuffle. Please visit the link and star the request if you wish to see Custom Auto Corrections implemented by Google. I think it'll enhance greatly the typing experience.
Custom Auto Correction Request
distortedloop said:
I starred it, but as soon as my email box starts flooding with all the idiotic "yeah, you google jerks fix this or I'll return my phone" comments that these starred reports tend to attract, I'll be un-starring it.
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I ended up just blocking the address they send notifications with. All I do is star genuine bugs. It's not like anything helpful ever goes up for those anyway; when it's fixed, it's fixed, and if someone really cares, they'll know it.
zorak950 said:
I ended up just blocking the address they send notifications with. All I do is star genuine bugs. It's not like anything helpful ever goes up for those anyway; when it's fixed, it's fixed, and if someone really cares, they'll know it.
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I actually use a gmail filter to just archive the things and keep them out of my inbox, then every now and then scroll through to see if anything interesting.
I agree, that code site is pretty much just useless.
The Google Help Forums, though, tend to get a lot of Google employee attention.
: ) http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Google+Mobile/thread?tid=4d8d957040f12326&hl=en

A question for the Moderators and Senior Members.

I am here and I was wondering where I was suppose to post tutorials in the Xoom Section. I was thinking about making some New Xoom User tutorials with screenshots, and if I am to find a good screen recorder app too, some videos, of basic questions as well as operation of the tablet. I would like to make sure I post it in the correct forum before I continue on with it as well as make sure someone has not already done an extensive overview of the actual operations like I am wanting to start here. I hope that I can start this up soon (well I am working on the posts now in word doc, but I am meaning by posting it up...)
Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for the help with this idea
Cranvis said:
I am here and I was wondering where I was suppose to post tutorials in the Xoom Section. I was thinking about making some New Xoom User tutorials with screenshots, and if I am to find a good screen recorder app too, some videos, of basic questions as well as operation of the tablet. I would like to make sure I post it in the correct forum before I continue on with it as well as make sure someone has not already done an extensive overview of the actual operations like I am wanting to start here. I hope that I can start this up soon (well I am working on the posts now in word doc, but I am meaning by posting it up...)
Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for the help with this idea
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Just a thought...you could post in general...if related to rooting it could be added to diablo2224's. Rooting thread, otherwise create your own. I hope you do some tutorials...do you know what you'd like to cover?
I was thinking about the little small things like "how to get to settings" and "explaining your questions for help" and so on. and then when i get a feel for how people react to them, maybe deeper into programming, rooting troubleshooting, and other stuff
Thanks for the encouragement okantomi! I will keep things updated on my sig and profile page!!
Cranvis said:
I was thinking about the little small things like "how to get to settings" and "explaining your questions for help" and so on. and then when i get a feel for how people react to them, maybe deeper into programming, rooting troubleshooting, and other stuff
Thanks for the encouragement okantomi! I will keep things updated on my sig and profile page!!
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I think that "how to get to settings" is a little basic, but I definitely think we need more tutorials on how to make the most of the Xoom (and Honeycomb in general) so have at it.
If you make videos "how to"s, I would create a single post in General and post links to all of them there. If they are just written guides, I would make a new post in General for each one.
rschenck said:
I think that "how to get to settings" is a little basic, but I definitely think we need more tutorials on how to make the most of the Xoom (and Honeycomb in general) so have at it.
If you make videos "how to"s, I would create a single post in General and post links to all of them there. If they are just written guides, I would make a new post in General for each one.
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I was thinking about making on big tutorial in on general location for all the links, kind of like the index of a book, and then you click the link and it goes to the forum post about that said link. I might have to do this on another page like a personal website but i really do not want to do that so i am looking into alternative ways. I was thinking too about making the videos a playlist and use youtube and maybe add a few Here's why and commentaries to the list. I have a whole list of ideas and I am hoping to get started (as in posting it up) soon! cause i use google docs, I can write on my phone when away and have an idea... so this should be interesting Also looking into screen recording material for ON the Xoom cause i do not want to be doing DDMS all the time for ever single frame that i need... if i had a video recorder it would be nicer ... but i will get to that when i cross that bridge! I will keep everyone updated on the tutorials when they get posted... I will if it suits people, us this as a "to go" point and just change the title, or make a new thread for the index.... Here we GO!
also! thank you for the words of encouragement and advice rschenck!
Cranvis said:
I was thinking about making on big tutorial in on general location for all the links, kind of like the index of a book, and then you click the link and it goes to the forum post about that said link. I might have to do this on another page like a personal website but i really do not want to do that so i am looking into alternative ways. I was thinking too about making the videos a playlist and use youtube and maybe add a few Here's why and commentaries to the list. I have a whole list of ideas and I am hoping to get started (as in posting it up) soon! cause i use google docs, I can write on my phone when away and have an idea... so this should be interesting Also looking into screen recording material for ON the Xoom cause i do not want to be doing DDMS all the time for ever single frame that i need... if i had a video recorder it would be nicer ... but i will get to that when i cross that bridge! I will keep everyone updated on the tutorials when they get posted... I will if it suits people, us this as a "to go" point and just change the title, or make a new thread for the index.... Here we GO!
also! thank you for the words of encouragement and advice rschenck!
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If you wish to see an example of one approach to this sort of idea, we have been building a community wiki for CyanogenMod 7 on the SGS and created a How To section. Of course this is a group effort as opposed to a single member, but the idea is much the same.
http://sgscm7nightlies.pbworks.com/w/page/41716809/i9000 How-To´s
awesome to hear onn the cyanogen mod but I want to keep it as close to stock as possible... like right now I have super user but I have not changed the rom at all I'll look at the how to that you linked me to and I will study it and see what advice to writing a tutorial it will give me :-D
Keep you updated and thanks again!

*** ~ List Of All The Best Apps For Each Type/Function, Please ~ ***

Hi! Updated to 4.1.2 after lots of pain -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2571305 -- not sure if there's anymore updates you should do
It deleted all my apps, settings, everything when it wasn't suppose to...
Best launcher to download? Just one please.
And the rest of the other kinds of apps?
Links are helpful.
I cannot believe that I'm getting almost zero help as to what are the best apps. For this simple problem. So I made a list that anyone can edit (wasn't sure what site to put it so I put in on google spreadsheets). It's a gift to the droid community!! --
far from completed
Please include links or other really good support when recommending an app that you've meticulously tested (in comparison with other apps of its kind) for inclusion.
You received no help because your question doesn't have an actual answer, or rather: every answer is equally valid as it's a highly subjective question, and the answer depends on each user. Besides, it's open ended (you're asking for *every* single app category out there) and shows a lack of research from your part.
About your rant on that spreadsheet, where you basically say that people pretending there's no "best" don't understand the meaning of "best"... Perhaps you should revise your definition first.
of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.
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All that is superlative, and subjective. How do you define that? Obviously it depends on what each user wants. You could say "if an app can do everything, then it's the best!" - but what if it lacks speed? Or security? Or something else? There's always a trade-off, one app cannot be suitable for everyone.
Your list is nice, but it's for you. Other people will disagree. I'd actually recommend discussing those apps your like in this thread, for example, if you want to.
With all that in mind, and considering your question is open ended, I'll try to give you what you need to answer your question yourself (because no one else can.)
You can find a list of launchers here (a quick Google search showed me that.) Obviously, some newer launchers may be missing since new launchers come out often (you can contact the OP if you find any.) I can't help you about "the rest of the other kinds of apps" because I don't know what those are.
If you have something more specific in mind (*what* *you* want app X to do, no "what is the best X,") do ask and give the necessary information and someone will help you out if they know.

[Completed] How to Install apk to a folder with maximum size constrictions?

Hi Everyone,
I'd like to install an apk to a folder on my SD which will limit the potential size that the apk will grow to. Any advice? Appreciated !
I first thought of creating a separate partition on the SDcard to install the apk to, but I'd like to do that without formatting (wiping the SDcard)?
Tetragrammazoid said:
Hi Everyone,
I'd like to install an apk to a folder on my SD which will limit the potential size that the apk will grow to. Any advice? Appreciated !
I first thought of creating a separate partition on the SDcard to install the apk to, but I'd like to do that without formatting (wiping the SDcard)?
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XDA assist is here to help newbies find their way around the site, not for technical support. Try posting your query in:
> Android Development and Hacking > Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting.
Experts there may be able to help you.
Good luck
Thank you, I'm finding my way about the site.
Unrelated: I was in a website the other day and noticed they have some really nice layout buttons for responding. What do you think? (Screenshot attached).
I thought they'd look pretty nifty on XDA.
Tetragrammazoid said:
Thank you, I'm finding my way about the site.
Unrelated: I was in a website the other day and noticed they have some really nice layout buttons for responding. What do you think? (Screenshot attached).
I thought they'd look pretty nifty on XDA.
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They look similar to the XDA buttons (I use the 2013 theme). Buttons are buttons to me, as long as they're in the right spot I'm happy.
What do you use the 2013 theme for, do you have a website I can check out?
I just mention the design as I found the buttons on XDA a little confusing at first and some other members, well one, (in particular) said that I had quoted too long or something like that.
So I was just wondering about it and I noticed this little layout when I was on another website. I just thought I'd mention it. It looks quite nice and self explanatory. As a new member I found the respond buttons a little bit confusing. Would you be kind enough to explain to me what the button that looks like a one of a pair of speech marks is for exactly (I say one of a pair, as in the UK we use double quotation marks). When one uses the reply button and the auto quote goes into the field, do you then have to then just delete that each time, or is there a way around that?
I'm just wondering.
I was also wondering, you might be able to give me some advice on the best way to respond on these forums. Is there an app that you can suggest that would be particularly good for responding on XDA and other forums in general?
I tried Tapatalk once before and found it glitchy, like it had its own agenda and wanted to wiz me around all over the net instead of being functional.
Tetragrammazoid said:
What do you use the 2013 theme for, do you have a website I can check out?
I just mention the design as I found the buttons on XDA a little confusing at first and some other members, well one, (in particular) said that I had quoted too long or something like that.
So I was just wondering about it and I noticed this little layout when I was on another website. I just thought I'd mention it. It looks quite nice and self explanatory. As a new member I found the respond buttons a little bit confusing. Would you be kind enough to explain to me what the button that looks like a one of a pair of speech marks is for exactly (I say one of a pair, as in the UK we use double quotation marks). When one uses the reply button and the auto quote goes into the field, do you then have to then just delete that each time, or is there a way around that?
I'm just wondering.
I was also wondering, you might be able to give me some advice on the best way to respond on these forums. Is there an app that you can suggest that would be particularly good for responding on XDA and other forums in general?
I tried Tapatalk once before and found it glitchy, like it had its own agenda and wanted to wiz me around all over the net instead of being functional.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you scroll down to the bottom of any page here you'll find a bar on the left that says "XDA 2015". If you click that there's a drop down menu that brings up all the themes you can use. I use the XDA 2013 beta because I think that has the cleanest layout.
The speech marks always refer to quoting a post which is what I just did now. You can edit what your quoting and delete parts out of it. Just play around with the editor and you'll get it. As for an app, try XDA labs. You can click the banner in my signature to go to that thread.
Great, Thank you Art Vanderlay. Got it!
Art Vanderlay,
I've had a look in the "groups" section. There doesn't appear to be all that much activity in there (at least in the groups I looked at).
Can you suggest a good group, or place (area) for hanging out and perhaps learning a bit more about Android, app making and what's going on @ the scene as a whole?

