Does anyone know if it's possible to use a USB cellular modem such as the Verizon LTE card (pantech u290) with the USB port on the Xoom WiFi? That would be a really cool ability if it were possible.
I imagine that it COULD work given the necessary drivers and tools. The device would have to be unlocked and rooted, and you would need to load a boot.img with the capability already in place. Beyond USB storage, a driver would have to be ported/written for a device like that.
Given that Verizon is already the mobile data sponsor of the Xoom, and are offering LTE antenna upgrades once its launched in the Xoom, they might have a problem with that.
But yes, it is possible in theory.
The xoom definitely detects a UML290 when it is plugged in via a xoom host cable. This should be very feasible to get working and I'll be looking into it.
YuryAC said:
Given that Verizon is already the mobile data sponsor of the Xoom, and are offering LTE antenna upgrades once its launched in the Xoom, they might have a problem with that.
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There's no difference between using a laptop with an external radio and using a tablet with an external radio. It's not like you're bypassing charges or anything.
If anything, Verizon would be against xooms having a wifi radio at all. But they'd certainly prefer you to use a 3g dongle (which would make them money) than using just wifi.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
tupshin said:
The xoom definitely detects a UML290 when it is plugged in via a xoom host cable. This should be very feasible to get working and I'll be looking into it.
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Any news on this? I am interrested...
Have you considered using one of these? Its what I use in canada due to lack of 3g option...
huawei mobile 3g/4g e5836
Sent from my Moto xoom using XDA Premium App
jimboogly said:
Have you considered using one of these? Its what I use in canada due to lack of 3g option...
huawei mobile 3g/4g e5836
Sent from my Moto xoom using XDA Premium App
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The problem is that someone will have to take the SDK and drivers from the USB modem manufacturer and adapt them to the Xoom. This is way beyond my skill set unfortunately.
Okay someone must know how to do this. My friend has the Acer Iconia and he was able to get it to recognize a Novatel USB760 modem for Verizon. Some directions are over in the Acer Iconia forum. It running Honeycomb and similar hardware sure someone could get the Xoom working with this.
I'm quite interested in this as well. Is there any guidance on where to look to do this? I am a software developer, although I don't have any experience at building software for the android, but I could certainly come up with something.
the SDK's are usually available on the web site of the modem manufacturers. The big ones are Pantech, Novatel, and Sierra Wireless. They all should have Linux SDK info that should be portable to Android. I'm thinking that if someone wrote an app for this, they could make quite a bit of money selling it on the Android market
Can't you buy something that accepts the USB modem like a router of some sort?
Better yet wouldn't you be able to get a Linux driver for the aircard and hack that some way?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
This won't help you get on the Verizon network, but it may help for people with GSM carriers, and may lead in the right direction
It's for the viewsonic, but all the 10.1 tabs pack about the same hardware, and it's all Android, or rather linux at this level. You guys might have some luck getting the Huawei sticks working
the carrier's can't detect what is attached to the USB modems. As long as the USB stick is activated with a legit data plan, it should work fine. the key is getting the android drivers together and working using the linux SDKs provided by the USB modem mfgs.
Also...I'm opening up a pool for a donation to any developer that will work on this. I'm putting $50 in.
I would also be willing to donate to get this working.
After a lot of researching, i was very sad i had the wifi only version but after that, i noticed that it was the best option, One Data Plan in your Huawei e5 hot spot and enjoy the connection of simult four devices in the same data plan - all on the go, i have hd2 "Androided" and the xoom wifi.
Enjoying less monthly charges for the hd2 and sharing the xoom. i even though of tethering from my phone but phone data plans are much higher than Data Only SIMs.
burden010 said:
I would also be willing to donate to get this working.
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Same here. Any developments on this?
Acer guys have it figured but it'll need compiling against the right kernal
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
getting Acer code working on Xoom
yoshitweaky said:
Acer guys have it figured but it'll need compiling against the right kernal
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
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This doesn't do me much good unfortunately...still open to paying someone to develop this...or you could build it and launch in the app market. Support for the common ATT, Sprint, and Verizon modems would probably get LOTS of buyers including me. I'd bet there's a good market on all the wifi only tablets for this type of work
So after doing the exchange rate the transformer in the uk comes out at 620usd so as im in the usa until the end of may im going to get one here before i leave the usa
Few quick question that im hoping people can answer..
1, does the charger have the usual 110 to 240v sticker on there?
2, if i cant key the keyboard addon over here im guessing the uk version of the keyboard would be the same?
3, can anyone think of any other compatability issues?
m1ket said:
So after doing the exchange rate the transformer in the uk comes out at 620usd so as im in the usa until the end of may im going to get one here before i leave the usa
Few quick question that im hoping people can answer..
1, does the charger have the usual 110 to 240v sticker on there?
2, if i cant key the keyboard addon over here im guessing the uk version of the keyboard would be the same?
3, can anyone think of any other compatability issues?
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1. I will answer this when i get home if nobody else has at that point
2. I cant imagine that they would be different, it would make no sense for them to retool the machines to make different tabs for different markets. If you have the language set correctly i dont see why it wouldnt work just fine. Come to think of it, im not even sure they differentiate(sp?) between us and uk english
3. nope, especially if you root when the method becomes available.
dcmtnbkr said:
Come to think of it, im not even sure they differentiate(sp?) between us and uk english
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There are a few differences between UK and US keyboards, most notably the inclusion of the £ symbol on UK keyboards. I would imagine that these differences would be taken into consideration on the Eee Pads keyboard.
only real problem i see for you OP, is that they've already sold out in the US :/a
Ive got until the end of may so a bit of time to find one
If i dont find one then so be it!
Good point about the keyboard but ill live with that.
Sticker says 100~240v
seshmaru said:
Sticker says 100~240v
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Thanks thats very helpful
I checked with Asus Benelux earlier and dock and connection is generic so I can use a US-transformer in a dutch dock. I guess there's no reason why you couldn't with a uk-dock...
does anyone know how to root this device, and or have any custom roms for this?
I am sorry if this is on the wrong thread, I couldn't find the right place.
aliendev said:
does anyone know how to root this device, and or have any custom roms for this?
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It's already rooted for you.
It just went on sale today so it's a bit early for custom ROMs to show up, but I'm sure they will.
Kevin Warne
Director of Software Development
X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.
Can you tell me if the company will deliver to Hawaii, I saw on website the U.S. but that doesn't always include us Islanders
kevinwarne said:
It's already rooted for you.
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It comes rooted? That's awesome!
Does it have official Google Market support? The website implies that it does but doesn't say for sure.
What are the prospects for an Ice Cream Sandwich firmware when it's released?
Nice tablet..
q711179 said:
Can you tell me if the company will deliver to Hawaii, I saw on website the U.S. but that doesn't always include us Islanders
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I just called and asked them, they said they do have an option to get it to alaska and hawaii.
Lord Bodak said:
It comes rooted? That's awesome!
Does it have official Google Market support? The website implies that it does but doesn't say for sure.
What are the prospects for an Ice Cream Sandwich firmware when it's released?
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I also asked those questions, it does have G market support, and when ice cream sandwich comes out, they will be making an upgrade and will make it available.
Ordered one today, but guess I missed first shipment.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
q711179 said:
Can you tell me if the company will deliver to Hawaii, I saw on website the U.S. but that doesn't always include us Islanders
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Hawaii is no problem.
One of the Best Tablets in the Market
How are these working out for owners? I am considering one as a gift for my daughter... but they are out of stock again.
jaysus145 said:
How are these working out for owners? I am considering one as a gift for my daughter... but they are out of stock again.
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Seeing as how I manage the Airpad program at X10 I'm hardly impartial. Hopefully someone else can reply too. But about the stock -- We have 3 shipments arriving this week and next week.
Its a shame i don't see anyone trying to port CM7 to this.
I would buy it for sure then
tgwaste said:
Its a shame i don't see anyone trying to port CM7 to this.
I would buy it for sure then
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I have to ask why. You haven't even used it, how do you know that the stock firmware isn't great to begin with?
I assume he just really loves CM7
Airpad questions
Does anyne know if the mini-usb is really an On The
Go compatible port, meaning it can act as either client
or host usb port? I have an OTG mini m to a f adapter.
Does it auto recognize it or does it need an app like
the NOOK color?
How does it handle USB host port (a f) flash drive
mount / dismount? Is there built in support or do
you need to issue the commands from an ADB shell
or a terminal shell?
I'm interested in being able to backup all the
partitions (regions), would I just do DD's for each
/dev or is there a tool / app to do that? Something
like clockworkmod recovery's nAndroid backup
/ restore functionality?
Does it boot from the microSDHC like the NOOK
Kev.. I have a very important customer who fell in love with the Airpad 7 and wanted all his field inspectors to have one. He also ask me to custom develop an app he needs in the field. ALthough I have been a software developer for over 30 years, I have never develop for a device like Airpad. Is there a resource you can point me to for developers? TIA..
kevinwarne said:
It's already rooted for you.
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If it's already rooted, why doesn't Titanium Backup work? It displays a message that it could not acquire root privileges.
Attempts to use su from a terminal screen yields a message that says that UID 10067 not allowed to su.
So, is it rooted or not?
NO ANDROID MARKET but not horrible
Overall the tablet is pretty good for the price. Just picked one up and am posting from it now. I am VERY disappointed in the lack of the android market and i hate the amazon app store. Limited selection and emails me for every free download because it is a "purchase"(lame).
Good little ereader and web browser. Much more useful with the apps i copied from my other android devices using root explorer. Battery life could be better but as an appliance around the house, we are always close to an outlet so it isnt a concern for how we are using it.
The gTablet with CM7 is still my primary tablet for on the go. It is heavier and more cumbersome than the airpad but having my google services is more important on the go.
I will primarily be using this tablet for my home automation controller, at least until cm# is ported or they give me android market access
Hi Kevin. Quick question on airpad. I'm in BC Canada and can't get on this device and I also can't get access to the android market. All I want is access to a netflix app for streaming to my TV. I managed to download the slideme app store but they don't carry netflix. Any ideas? Thanks rgk123
Hey Guys
I have bought the asus Fonepad which so far is a great device.
But i can´t find any information onn the internet on how to root it.
Could you use a general root for the padfone or do i have to wait for
a special root.
Thank you
I got my Fonepad this morning and its nice, but it needs some developer love to be my daily driver for more than a couple of weeks.
You cant count me in for at least $50 towards the cost of a device if a developer wanted to take it on.
Sexxmax said:
Hey Guys
I have bought the asus Fonepad which so far is a great device.
But i can´t find any information onn the internet on how to root it.
Could you use a general root for the padfone or do i have to wait for
a special root.
Thank you
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I've on this device for cluple of days and it's really a kind of device with great potentials. The screen is nice with good density and the connectivity are all in. The telephony features is unique for this kind of device and the best part is it's running on Intel, I know developers can do wonders on this device and not to forget the price is very affordable. The kernel source code are available at asus website.
So dev's let's start the exciting work and really I need to root my device ASAP.
Thanks for the reading.
Asus fonepad
Hi to everyone, i have bought this device too, great phablet but no chance to install Firefox or Firefox beta in order to test flashplayer. It s says damaged or invalid packet. Poor rear camera with NO flash, so guys let me change ideas about this device...:cyclops: i ve tried a lot of version of flash apk with no result. Please help us
Why don't you use this root method
Karim Kahale said:
Why don't you use this root method
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Tested it on the fonepad. Doesn't work. The shell doesn't show up after booting. Also after "Restore my data" the script doesn't recognize that the restore is done. I have to power off the device manually.
Up to now I haven't found a solution on the net to get root access. I want to use the fonepad with USB OTG to controll a DSLR. If this isn't possible I have to sell it again
I've ordered it and I'm waiting for the device, I hope that will be opened a dedicated forum!
Coming from P1000 that was kept alive still today with 4.2.2 by amazing developers. I hope this will too.
I got one too
I have had mine for a week now and am finding the performance to be a bit sluggish, but not too bad. The total package is quite nice. However, we need to be able to root it to get the most out of it. I will contribute as well.
How much?
Hi guys, just curious how much you bought the Fonepad for and if anyone using it on T-Mo? If so, what speed are you getting with the HSDPA?
Edit #1: I'm blind, PERLMANE is on T-Mo. What data speeds are you getting?
Edit #2: Oh and can you side loan Flash Player so viewing of websites with Flash content? I read somewhere saying since it's X86 that Flash Player won't work, though I couldn't understand why not.
fasda1984 said:
Hi to everyone, i have bought this device too, great phablet but no chance to install Firefox or Firefox beta in order to test flashplayer. It s says damaged or invalid packet. Poor rear camera with NO flash, so guys let me change ideas about this device...:cyclops: i ve tried a lot of version of flash apk with no result. Please help us
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I got the same error message when I tried to install Firefox. I looked at the Firefox release notes and it says Firefox does not support Android running on an Intel chip. I had not realised this was going to be a big limitation.
I hope asus fonepad get some love from dev soon. Lot of potential in these phablet. Intel has some software compatibility but seems makes up in battery life.
Sent from my ME371MG using xda app-developers app
Loving this phone but please someone, give us root!
Sent from my antique Speak and Spell running Froyo.
I try every ways that I know to root it, but none success~
so still waiting for root~
I know youcan get a firefox for x86 android, try to search it~
atagent said:
Hi guys, just curious how much you bought the Fonepad for and if anyone using it on T-Mo? If so, what speed are you getting with the HSDPA?
Edit #1: I'm blind, PERLMANE is on T-Mo. What data speeds are you getting?
Edit #2: Oh and can you side loan Flash Player so viewing of websites with Flash content? I read somewhere saying since it's X86 that Flash Player won't work, though I couldn't understand why not.
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I am getting good speeds on T-Mobile. While it says "H", it is clearly delivering H+ speeds consistently over 5m download and close to 3m upload. This is much faster (almost double) that of the H+ speeds I was getting from AT&T.
As for Flash, I could install it, but that effort was not worthwhile since it does not seem to work with any browser.
Asus Fonepad USA Fedex asking FCC Form
I ordered from Taiwan for delivery to USA.
Fedex called and says they need FCC form 740 and it asks for FCC Id. Otherwisea they say it will not clear custom. How do people get this into USA? Has Fonepad passed FCC requirements?
Not sure how I can proceed...
amimu said:
I ordered from Taiwan for delivery to USA.
Fedex called and says they need FCC form 740 and it asks for FCC Id. Otherwisea they say it will not clear custom. How do people get this into USA? Has Fonepad passed FCC requirements?
Not sure how I can proceed...
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That form is supplied by the shipper. The same thing happened to me, but it was resolved immediately without issue.
Did you guys try motochopper? It might work...
perlmane said:
I am getting good speeds on T-Mobile. While it says "H", it is clearly delivering H+ speeds consistently over 5m download and close to 3m upload. This is much faster (almost double) that of the H+ speeds I was getting from AT&T.
As for Flash, I could install it, but that effort was not worthwhile since it does not seem to work with any browser.
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Thanks for the feedback! I wish Flash worked since I'm on constantly streaming videos...!
nerotNS said:
Did you guys try motochopper? It might work...
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It fails to install SuperUser Binaries. Perhaps the Intel Atom chipset has something to do with this failure to exploit for root.
So has anyone figured out how to unlock the software restrictions to make the shield tablet LTE usable as a phone?
I want to buy it but I would like to have the option to use it as a phone in an emergency if something happens to my phone. I am an international buyer but i would have to import it to my country regardless what version I get since it is not sold here, and the EU version happens to be for 450 USD (I would rather get a controller or a cover with the extra cash) .
ZK85 said:
So has anyone figured out how to unlock the software restrictions to make the shield tablet LTE usable as a phone?
I want to buy it but I would like to have the option to use it as a phone in an emergency if something happens to my phone. I am an international buyer but i would have to import it to my country regardless what version I get since it is not sold here, and the EU version happens to be for 450 USD (I would rather get a controller or a cover with the extra cash) .
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i have lot of these bugs.. even in maxthon browser etc.. we must wait for their updated versions though.
I am sorry... but what bugs? I am not talking about any bugs here.
Its a software restricted feature of the shield tablet in the US.
ZK85 said:
I am sorry... but what bugs? I am not talking about any bugs here.
Its a software restricted feature of the shield tablet in the US.
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ZK85 said:
So has anyone figured out how to unlock the software restrictions to make the shield tablet LTE usable as a phone?
I want to buy it but I would like to have the option to use it as a phone in an emergency if something happens to my phone. I am an international buyer but i would have to import it to my country regardless what version I get since it is not sold here, and the EU version happens to be for 450 USD (I would rather get a controller or a cover with the extra cash) .
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I used hangouts and the hangouts dialer APP and it works for me. Slight lag in voice but works on WiFi OR LTE sim card.
LunarHound said:
I used hangouts and the hangouts dialer APP and it works for me. Slight lag in voice but works on WiFi OR LTE sim card.
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Yeah I mean we could always use skype or hangouts, but if that's the only way, I might as well get the wifi version then (wifi is pretty much everywhere u go)
I thought by now someone would have figured out a hack or something lol
oh well ... how is it as a tablet btw? do you have any complaint regarding it?
ZK85 said:
Yeah I mean we could always use skype or hangouts, but if that's the only way, I might as well get the wifi version then (wifi is pretty much everywhere u go)
I thought by now someone would have figured out a hack or something lol
oh well ... how is it as a tablet btw? do you have any complaint regarding it?
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Yeah but the point of getting the LTE version is so you have data when you need it, so you might be able to rely on your data coverage to make calls. That and the boost in storage.
aenews said:
Yeah but the point of getting the LTE version is so you have data when you need it, so you might be able to rely on your data coverage to make calls. That and the boost in storage.
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Meh, to me the LTE is useless if not to make calls with (in case something goes wrong with your phone) I mean there is free wifi everywhere I plan to take it with me... Airports, Hotels, most shopping malls, Coffee shops, friends house, the office... every single place I can think of that I would have my tablet with me in would have free wifi
The only thing thats going for it and I fully agree with you on that, is the extra storage... kind of a D move from Nvidia if you ask me... they should have and option for same storage for wifi version as well.
ZK85 said:
Yeah I mean we could always use skype or hangouts, but if that's the only way, I might as well get the wifi version then (wifi is pretty much everywhere u go)
I thought by now someone would have figured out a hack or something lol
oh well ... how is it as a tablet btw? do you have any complaint regarding it?
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I have none !! I guess I got lucky cause I have none of the issues with battery, wifi, data, cracks, etc. that alot of those on here and the nvidia forum have complained about---->
I'm rooted and still on 4.4.2 and don't expect to go to 5.0 or 5.1 anytime soon. Too many horror stories I don't want to experiance. If and when the bugs are ironed out, maybe.
I've not heard of any success stories using the Shield Tablet as a device with LTE + Voice Calling.
I did have limited success when flashing the wx_un_mo 1.2 ROM.
I now have a working SIM from my provider, but have not yet tried re-flashing that ROM due to time and family constraints. I've been hoping to get back to it and try again.
LunarHound said:
I have none !! I guess I got lucky cause I have none of the issues with battery, wifi, data, cracks, etc. that alot of those on here and the nvidia forum have complained about---->
I'm rooted and still on 4.4.2 and don't expect to go to 5.0 or 5.1 anytime soon. Too many horror stories I don't want to experiance. If and when the bugs are ironed out, maybe.
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I think most people were fine (in terms of software) until they installed Lollipop. I'd stay with 4.4.2. If the next update doesn't fix all my lagging, locking and rebooting, I'm either going to downgrade or get rid if this tablet. Too bad, because I bought both the cover and the controller. Although there is a rumor that Nvidia has already lined up the next version of the tablet with the new processor in it... could be tempting...