which SD card to get? - HTC Sensation

ordered the sensation today and wanna ask first how is the card that comes with the device? are people using it or most of you bought a new one?
2nd, which card would you recommend?

It's not a bad card, 8gb class 4 so it's fast enough for most everything. What is too bad is that the phones doesn't have more built in memory. I can fill 8gb fast so for me, a 16 GB card is minimum and the higher the class the better imho.
There are a lot of cards out there, I would recommend a name brand unit and at least class 6. I've got a 32gb class 10 from newegg and it works great (cant find link right now).

good enough? or too much?

That's a link to the seller's feedback so I don't know what item you were looking at. Feedback seems good though.

A Data 32GB here.

sorry, this is the link

mazinya said:
sorry, this is the link
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You need a micro sd. That link is the wrong one.

ok i give up.. can anyone recommend me on a good and not expensive 16gb card?

I brought a 16gig pny card, its been very good so far.

Newegg has the ADATA 16GB Class 10 card for $25 right now. I bought it for $35 when I got my phone last month & I thought even that price was worth it

Try not to buy anything that are related to storage on ebay or online in general, e.g. microsd card, external harddrive, usb stick...they tend to be always fake. Best to go to local stores with good reputation for these things.

I bought a Lexar 32GB class 10 microSDHC card.
17 MB/sec read
8 MB/sec write
this was using SD tool for android.
I am hoping that once S-OFF is achieved, and we get cyanogen running on this device, the speeds will improve. The card cost me about $90 shipped, and came with a USB to microSDHC adapter. At this point I am very disapointed in the card's performance. Even when using my computer to transfer the data to it, the best I got was about 8 MB/sec write.
Also after a full format on Windows 7, the card only shows 29.8 GB capacity
though the detailed figure was 32,005,685,248 Bytes
I am hoping this card is not a fake. Can anyone else confirm their benchmarks with a 32 GB lexar class 10?

locate a Lexar 16gb class 6 from a reputable dealer.
can be had for around $20.
I get around 7-9mb write and around 17-20mb read speed.
seems like about the same speed as the class 10 Lexar above.
32gb version is too expensive still. don't understand why they cost almost 5 times more when the capacity is only double.

WhiteSites said:
I bought a Lexar 32GB class 10 microSDHC card.
17 MB/sec read
8 MB/sec write
this was using SD tool for android.
I am hoping that once S-OFF is achieved, and we get cyanogen running on this device, the speeds will improve. The card cost me about $90 shipped, and came with a USB to microSDHC adapter. At this point I am very disapointed in the card's performance. Even when using my computer to transfer the data to it, the best I got was about 8 MB/sec write.
Also after a full format on Windows 7, the card only shows 29.8 GB capacity
though the detailed figure was 32,005,685,248 Bytes
I am hoping this card is not a fake. Can anyone else confirm their benchmarks with a 32 GB lexar class 10?
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Your capacity is correct. The difference is due to the fact that a properly calculated byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, or terabyte is calculated in base-2. The manufacturers have long been in the habit of calculating in base-10, hence the difference in what's claimed and what you actually see.
miniflight said:
Try not to buy anything that are related to storage on ebay or online in general, e.g. microsd card, external harddrive, usb stick...they tend to be always fake. Best to go to local stores with good reputation for these things.
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I think it might be a bit much to imply that any online vendor should be avoided when purchasing flash memory. As long as it's from a reputable vendor (not a ebay seller or amazon seller), you should be OK and in the event that you end up with a fake you would be protected by the vendor's return policy.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App

Like white i purchased a lexar 32gb class 10 card. Although transferring to the card was slower than claimed from my hard drive but transferring from my old micro sd to the new one i recieved much higher speeds with a class 6 limit due to the old card. As for onlkne vendors i have purchased all my external/internal and sd cards from ebay. I have had 1 problem but that was my fault because the offered price was too good to be true
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App

hmm i read an article on the main xda page about microsd cards.. it says the sandisk one has better i/o and random reads and writes.. so now im really lost..well in the end.. u still cant transfer more than 4gb file onto your microsd card.

vvilliamm said:
hmm i read an article on the main xda page about microsd cards.. it says the sandisk one has better i/o and random reads and writes.. so now im really lost..well in the end.. u still cant transfer more than 4gb file onto your microsd card.
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why cant you transfer more than 4gb file onto the card?

sorry for not being specific. You cant transfer more than a 4gb file because that's the limit for a fat32 microsd.... i believe.. lol

Yep, fat32 has a file size limit of 4Gb.

now i doubt there will be any difference between sd cards. We need a2sd or d2sd in order to evaluate better. On the HD2 there was a major difference between class 2 and a class 6 card. On the sensation i have tried class 2 and class 6 the performance seems the same.


where to buy 16GB micro sdhc class 6 from?

amazon is too annoying, brings up anything and everything, don't trust ebay
mymemory has class 2 or class 10 for £80+
NM, found a thread on this forum and got one ordered. yay!
from? link?
Bought all my SD Cards from these guys http://www.mobymemory.com/micro-SD.asp
this thread isnt in the wrong section at all.............
Can I ask why people care about the class? I've just got a class 2 32gb card from Vodafone for £89. I've not noticed any problems or slowdown taking pictures or playing media...which are the only things my card is used for. Transfers are no slower than any other device I connect via USB.
What's the big fuss?
it's for running apps from in the (hopefully) near future.
class 6 means (i think) a minimum 6Mb/sec transfer rate
oh, got it from memory cow
Yes, but most people have suggested they see no difference when using apps2sd with the "slower" cards. It seems there's a lot of assumptions being made leading to actual sales decisions where it may not be needed.
See this fellow who thought a faster card would solve his issues: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=708859
So where is no differences between class 2 and class 6 ?
Because i have dilemma now, i want to buy some high capacity microSD card, and if i take 32GB it will be class 2, and if i take at same cost 16GB card it will be class 6.
And does any body try to buy 32GB card from Ebay ? ( i am worrying that 32GB is not GB, its Gb, and that means just 4GB )
Thanks for help
i woul;dn't trust the cards off ebay tbh
I went ahead and bought the Transcend 16gb class 6 card through OFFTEK. It arrived with the adaptor, and was very prompt.
Pretty good price too. I just copied everything to my desktop, swapped cards and copied back.
The new card works great, but i did notice that the full card size is stated as "14.96gb" on the phone, rather than 16.
I also wonder if there is a difrence between a class 2 or class 6 card when playing movies, apps or taking pictures on your SD card.
because that would make the difrence between going for a 32gb or 16gb card.
well, i noticed a difference when copying files. both cards broke 10MB/sec on large files, but the old card dropped damn quick when copying loads of small files - e.g photos.
i'd imagine it would be like this when looking through an album or flicking from one image to the next. it's not about the max speed, but the minimum.
hi mate,
what do you think about this one
I know you don't trust ebay but class 10
monkeydrufy said:
hi mate,
what do you think about this one
I know you don't trust ebay but class 10
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37 euro's for class 10/16GB seems waaay to cheap for me.
I also doubt it's a micro sd
dragonithe said:
37 euro's for class 10/16GB seems waaay to cheap for me.
I also doubt it's a micro sd
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right it is not a micro-sd, I have see bad
deviouscreation said:
The new card works great, but i did notice that the full card size is stated as "14.96gb" on the phone, rather than 16.
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Perfectly normal not to get the quoted capacity, combination of space lost due to formatting and the tendency of hardware producers to size storage media in decimal (ie. 16 000 000 000 bytes) rather than the binary equivalent - which the OS displays (16 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes).
I've confused myself with that statement - in short the hardware manufaturers use a commonly accepted, flattering but actually incorrect notation to lead you to believe that you are getting more for your money - HTH
Kingston make a 16gb class10, but it's pretty expensive (~100€)
http://www.mymemory.co.uk/Micro-SDHC?&filters=size:16384|Class:class 10
Oh, and by the way, up to what class num can the Desire actually handle ?
I picked up my SanDisk 16GB Class 6 from the Carphonewarehouse when i went and got my Desire,,, i beleive it was £42
IMO i have always used Class 6 cards, i think they are the business, i dont care for read and write speeds i just need something that works and is reliable, SanDisk have always had my back so there ya go

MicroSd Card Size Limit

Sorry if this has been answerd alread..I have search google and here with no luck...Just purchased the Gtab (currently charging) and I want to get an sd card 8 16 or 32 .. Would like to get a class 6 16gb but don't want to pay 70 to find out it will not support the full 16..
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
I am looking at getting the. A-Data micro SDHC 16gb Class 6..from compusa if that helps
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Gtab will support up to 32gb microsd. so yes 16gb will work just fine, this is what I am currently using as I don't want to pay around $100 for a 32gb card. I am using a 16gb class 4 (Patriot memory) and it works really well, I have also tested a 16gb class 2 (SanDisk) and I really don't see any difference in the feel or performance. I assume that higher class would be faster data transfer but haven't had any issues with a class 2 or 4 yet (I keep my music library on SD2).
I purchased a couple of those from NewEgg. That manufacturer has given me NOTHING but problems with their SDHC cards.
Just an FYI
xBANGx said:
I am looking at getting the. A-Data micro SDHC 16gb Class 6..from compusa if that helps
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
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They also have the Patriot Class 4 might just go with that 30 cheaper....
What were the problems you were having with the a-data?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
I have an OEM 32GB Sandisk microSD, and it works just fine in the device (so far).
As for ADATA, I have a relationship with them now which I will pass on... in 2008, my wife had gotten me a Class 6 16GB SDHC by ADATA, it had a "lifetime limited" warranty. Last July, I started using it pretty heavily in my Pandgital Novel, a LOT of remove / reinserts as I was testing mods on it. It quickly disintegrated (literally, the outer case fell apart - I have never seen anything like it).
So, I called them. Several times. At first they weren't going to honor the warranty as they claimed it was unusual wear and tear. But, I was persistent and slightly irate at points ("I will never buy from you again, and neither will anyone in Slatedroid!") and they eventually caved and gave me an RMA. It was a long process but my replacement card is now on its way to my home. So, in the end, they did honor the warranty but "the squeaky wheel gets the oil", as the saying goes.
Very insightful..Thanks for the replies..Won't know till I am there.Might just get a 32gb and be done with it...At work and can't wait to get off so I can root this thing...
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Just a reminder (its been pointed out in this forum and many others), but you're wasting your money on a "faster" class micro sdhc card for use in a g-tablet. The higher class cards are all with respect to WRITE speeds. You also need special hardware to take advantage of the faster write speeds. Usually fast writing hardware is only found in expensive digital SLR cameras. If your device doesn't mention the ability to make use of the faster write speeds then a class 2 card will perform identically to a class 6 card, etc.
I am 95% sure that Adata makes the cards that Micro Center sells cheap, under their name.
With that in mind, I have bought many MicroSD(HC), SD(HC), and USB flash drives over the years from them, and had a few fail. However, they have a lifetime warranty on them too, and all I have to do is take it to the store, and they replace it on the spot. No receipt, nothing.
They don't have a 32GB MicroSDHC card yet, but I am eagerly waiting for them to so I can get one. Best they got for now is a 16GB for $24.
Like roebeet mentioned... nothing but failure after failure on all of them. Lifetime warranty or not, it's not worth the hassle returning it, copying data, etc..etc..
I guess, it all depends on if your time is worth more to you then a few dollars more for a "name brand" SDHC card that won't fail after a few months.
Size of card.
I answered this 3 weeks ago. The limit is 32GB, and my Sandisk works well on my stock gTablet. I bought the micro card locally at a Verizon Wireless store. No other retailer in the Philadelphia area carried a 32GB micro card, not even on their Web sites. I have audio and video files on the card; no hiccups when playing same.
64GB microsd limt
According to the manual (gttp://w w w .viewsonic.com/assets/104/20736.pdf sorry can't post URLs yet) on p. 54:
"The G Tablet currently supports up to 64GB micro SD cards. It
is recommended that the G Tablet be used with at least a 32GB
micro SD card to ensure the best user experience."
I've been using a 32GB SanDisk class 2 which seems to be working well.
64GB microsd...
So has anyone taken the plunge and actually tested out a 64?
usafle said:
So has anyone taken the plunge and actually tested out a 64?
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Try to find one. I did and failed completely. 64GB SD and CF, yes. But no micro I could find anywhere. I got a couple of 16s from Amazon, and almost filled them with media (left room for a backup folder on each) and I am going to rotate them.
Here's a 32GB Class 6 for only $56 http://www.mwave.com/mwave/SKUSearch_v3.asp?px=PW&scriteria=AB02429
It would be nice to know if the gtab supports SDXC as well as SDHC. What say you Viewsonic?
Supposedly there is no real distinction between SDHC and SDXC 3.0 specs. Hardware wise it is the same. Other OSes (Android?) should be able to support SDXC with support drivers. This would mean any current SDHC device can be SDXC with a software update. SDHC won't support SDXC 4.0 specs (which isn't final yet) which features higher data transfer rates. That is according to wikipedia at least...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Digital
I don't believe micro SDXC cards exists just yet.
I still don't understand why manufacturers aren't using full size SD cards, they're cheaper and with tablets the size they are, a full size SD won't add much to it. It would save everyone a lot of money.
japhule said:
Supposedly there is no real distinction between SDHC and SDXC 3.0 specs. Hardware wise it is the same. Other OSes (Android?) should be able to support SDXC with support drivers. This would mean any current SDHC device can be SDXC with a software update. SDHC won't support SDXC 4.0 specs (which isn't final yet) which features higher data transfer rates. That is according to wikipedia at least...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Digital
I don't believe micro SDXC cards exists just yet.
I still don't understand why manufacturers aren't using full size SD cards, they're cheaper and with tablets the size they are, a full size SD won't add much to it. It would save everyone a lot of money.
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^ This. On an iphone sized device, sure uSD makes a decent savings size. On a 7+ inch tablet not so much. I wouldn't mind playing around with some USB SD readers and seeing if they work. If so you might be able to fit one somewhere in the chassis. There is the USB port, just need space to solder to the leads and add a hub and/or reader.
bobtran said:
Gtab will support up to 32gb microsd. so yes 16gb will work just fine, this is what I am currently using as I don't want to pay around $100 for a 32gb card. I am using a 16gb class 4 (Patriot memory) and it works really well, I have also tested a 16gb class 2 (SanDisk) and I really don't see any difference in the feel or performance. I assume that higher class would be faster data transfer but haven't had any issues with a class 2 or 4 yet (I keep my music library on SD2).
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I think I have the same Patriot 16GB SDHC Class 4, and just like the reviews on NewEgg state it seems to run @ Class 6 speed. The price was good and so far I'm happy with it.
Shortly after I posted that, I went and looked around and couldn't find one either.
I also realized I am only running a 16GB SD card... thought I had a 32. Doh!
nunjabusiness said:
Try to find one. I did and failed completely.
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SD card recommendation?

I never bought one before.... so, please recommend me a solid performer.... and price does not really matter but I always like the price/performance ratio..... 16-32 is fine.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
i just picked up this 32GB one, works great, says its a class 4, but im getting class 6 speeds.
cool, thanks.
it really is down to the class speeds, if it's too slow then it will be a pain to use (ie the stock one)
quite reasonable
I always recommend anything class 6 or 10 if size bigger than 4 gb or you will suffer when transferring files
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Scandisk 16gb class 6
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
What about this one:
kevinm2k said:
What about this one:
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I would completely avoid using ebay for SD cards! They are alot cheaper but you will be lucky to get a genuine card, Ive heard that over 90% are fake. Often you will be lucky to get 2GB on a card and it will probably break within a week.
"This is a brand 16GB Class 10 Micro-SD memry card and comes supplied with a full sized SDHC adaptor and comes in a memory card case with no other retail packaging. All of our memory is 1000% genuine. This 16GB memory cards use Intel memory chips.
Please note: printing on the memory card may differ slightly from our image."
wow 1000% genuine. that's a whole 10x more genuine than an actual genuine one!
I might be cynical but if the seller uses bad English and grammar in his advert I would be careful! Also if they are genuine cards why would the printing differ?
Best spending a little extra and buying from a trustworthy website.
I am using a patriot class 10 16gb off amazon for £26 which I'd recommend without hesitation
The joyflash one looks more legitimate as they are a known company.
However that patriot one just posted is cheaper.
What difference do the brands make I know sandisk and kingston are the best known, but what differences is there between them 2 and the joyflash and patriots?
I've used Sandisk, Kingston and a couple of other ones in my desire HD and best one I have found so far is Lexor 16gb class 4 , quite fast for copying files, HD video records without stuttering and for £14.99 off play it was a bargain
Remember that class speeds are a minimum, known brands are more likely, in my experience, to understate the class thus you know a sandisk class 6 card is going to be a fair bit faster than a no make class 6
I've got a 16 GB SanDisk microSD Card in my DHD.
It's reliable, cheap and the speeds are descent.
I would post you a link to amazon.com, but it looks like I am not allowed to do this right now with my few posts^^
Adata 16Gb Class 10
Just spotted this one:
Looks quite cheap, anyone had any experience with that brand?
ghostofcain said:
I am using a patriot class 10 16gb off amazon for £26 which I'd recommend without hesitation
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Sounds interesting. I was thinking about 64GB but can't find patriot nor any other at a reasonable price. Top capacity is 32GB at least for patriot class 10. Is there any known limit for class 10?
wander_jarra said:
Adata 16Gb Class 10
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I'm using one of these and for 30 Euro you will hardly get anything better. Don't expect any super performance though, it performs exactly as advertised: ~11MB/s write speed.
Why do you need such fast sd cards? How oftern do you plan on transfering large files in a hurry? Personally when I transfer something from my phone I just leave it charging while it does it. What's the hurry? You can still use your phone while it's doing it.
8igdave said:
Why do you need such fast sd cards? How oftern do you plan on transfering large files in a hurry? Personally when I transfer something from my phone I just leave it charging while it does it. What's the hurry? You can still use your phone while it's doing it.
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I would hazard a guess it's more about apps2sd and dalvik2sd. Whilst I personally think that on this phone apps2sd is something that isn't worth bothering with, if you are then you want the fastest card you can get to avoid lag.
I forget who said it but I saw recently the comment "you all moaned when you had no internal storage so we got 1GB now no one wants to use it".
I agree though Dave, when I'm doing SD backups to PC I use it as an excuse to grab yet another brew.

[Q] Micro SD suggestions?

Not sure if this is the right forum, but looked like accessories was the best bet.
Im looking at 32G cards, but open to 16 as well. Just switched to Android, so would be good to know others experiences, and whether there is something I cannot do with a Class 4, for example or whether you see any lags with other cards you have used etc, or if a specific class is needed for using some specific feature?. I did do a search, and didnt find anything, maybe I missed it. Might be useful to have a thread regarding people's experiences..
Any suggestions/recommendations for what I should be looking at?
I have read that the Partiot/Adata/Wintec cards are not too reliable, though their prices for a class 10 are much lower..But I dont want to go through the hassle of returning/copying data, so I am thinking Class 4 is enough.
Here is one option, Sandisk 32g, doesnt say class 4, but some reviewers mention it is actually class 4. At the same time, some mention they got Class 2. Cannot post a link since I don't have 8 posts yet
Search for SDSDQ-032G-A11M, US Retail Package on Amazon, maybe someone else can add the link! Its for ~62, shipped from Amazon.
Thanks for your help!
This is what I bought.
The nice 32gb ones were to expensive for me. This is a good price for it. i have been using for about a month and half. No issues at all.
Thanks cableguychad!
Anyone else have suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
I'm rocking the Patriot LX series 16gb as well. Class 10 and with transfers(usually 3-5 gigs) I'm hovering around 8-9mb/s.
EDIT: If you live by a Frys Electronics, I picked mine up there for $32.
I have the Patriot 8 GB Class 10 from FRYS. I'm getting speeds of ~11 Mbps.
I think it would be better to go with a 16 GB class 10 (~30 for Patriot class 10), than a 32 GB that's close to three times the cost of a 16 GB.
I just got this one, so far it seems to perform well enough. It's only a class 6 and it was writing at about 8-9 megs. Not too bad IMO.
gmurphy0487 said:
I just got this one, so far it seems to perform well enough. It's only a class 6 and it was writing at about 8-9 megs. Not too bad IMO.
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You can't go wrong with this one. Great deal.
Many of my buddies have had 32GB MicroSD cards and a lot have malfunctioned. Never really had issues with 2-16GB MicroSD
Dont get HP brand, I had a hell of a time making a gold card because it kept getting corrupted. Format took forever to do as well.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
I took the 16g card out of my Epic and it works great its a class 2 I formatted it 1st and no problems. So it seems Samsung cards are good.
i bought a Wintech 16GB class 10 off newegg for $28. Out of curiosity, will the format SD card function in clockwork recovery work to just format it so I can use it? Or should I do a full format on a pc, why do you need to format before use? Why cant you just pop it in and go? Does HTC format the sd card before they ship all these phones to the carriers/customers? Just curious, thanks for input.
I've recently been having a great experience using Kingston 8 gig class 4 cards to record hd video.
To check the card speeds on pc I use CrystalDiskMark 3.
There is also an android app called SDTools that will show card information.
I also use SD Formatter 3 from sdcard.org to format my cards.
Another tool to find out if your cards are what they claim to be is H2testw. It checks capacities, corruption and read/write speeds.
Just an update, got the card in the mail, so far so good, dont know any way to test the speeds but i tryed two apps, one said it maxed out at 20mbs and the other 14mbs, so i dunno how acurate thise numbers are but all seems well!
BAleR said:
i bought a Wintech 16GB class 10 off newegg for $28. Out of curiosity, will the format SD card function in clockwork recovery work to just format it so I can use it? Or should I do a full format on a pc, why do you need to format before use? Why cant you just pop it in and go? Does HTC format the sd card before they ship all these phones to the carriers/customers? Just curious, thanks for input.
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Just pop it into computer, and format it as FAT 32, and use it. Generally all cards are pre-formatted when manufacturer sends u out. But I reformat it before first use to make sure its in the FS as per my preferences .
I bought a cheap 16gb card on ebay
I'm sure it's a counterfeit Sandisk. I've had it at least a year. I only paid twenty bucks for it back when 16gb cards were 50 bucks. It's only class 2. I used it for a long time with my Tilt 2 without any problems, even though I store 10gb of music on it. Now I'm using it in my Inspire. I tested it using the SD tools app. The write speed is 11.6 and the read speed is 20.4. Sometimes those numbers fluctuate slightly, but that's what it tested just now. It does fine with HD video. About once a week I was getting a disk error on my phone in which the card was becoming unmounted, particularly when I would use google navigation. I used SDFormatter 3, the one mentioned in the post above, and I turned on "format size adjustment", and the error hasn't happened in a while. I appeciate the poster who mentioned the software. It seems to work better than the native Windows 7 formatter on my pc.
Here's a link to a 32gb class 4 for sell right now on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/32-GB-Micro-SD-...906?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2564d3c83a
Cards with the exact same generic blue and white packaging are abundant on ebay today from 17 to 30 bucks. Most are receiving good reviews. I may take a gamble. You never know.
Update: Ha ha. I asked the above seller if the card had been tested for capacity and speed. The reply was "Card no is fake. It real." lol
i wanna 32
hi, i looking for a 32 gb, i saw a wintec 32 class 10 but heard alot of bad reviews. i bought a trancend 32gb online for $45, turned out it was a bad card. thank god for paypal, told them my problem, got a refund. now for father's day, i wanna 32gb any suggestions? thanks. btw, does the diff class speeds make a big diff? i mainly put music in it. thanks again.

Is a 32gb class 4 sd card worth investing in?

I'm thinking about gettin one for about 20-25$. But do you think micro ad cards are becoming obsolete? I wish I had more space than I do with my 8gb that came with my phone but I make it work. But at the same time I do want another sd card with more space but I think my next phone probably won't even have an sd card slot.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
I don't think it's worth it unless you are going to put ALOT of music or videos into your sd card. I use a 16gb sd card and I have over 200 songs in there.
Nascai said:
I don't think it's worth it unless you are going to put ALOT of music or videos into your sd card. I use a 16gb sd card and I have over 200 songs in there.
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I wouldn't even use it for.music since I use google music. I would just use it for a couple 700 mb AVI movies and for gameloft games that need up to 1gb of sd storage.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
get a class 10. with windows 8 my writing speeds in USB mode went from 10MBps to 20MBps LOL.
akbisw said:
get a class 10. with windows 8 my writing speeds in USB mode went from 10MBps to 20MBps LOL.
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To much money. I'm not trying to spend that much Bro.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
I guess it'd be a waste. I recently saw sandisk 32 class 4 for 25 on slickdeals
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
iverson3-1 said:
do you think micro ad cards are becoming obsolete?
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Micro SD cards are not becoming obsolete, sure there are phones that don't have micro SD slots but not that many. Haven't seen any recent phone use a regular SD card though...
Also, the current format SDHC is becoming obsolete, because of the faster and higher capacity XDXC cards. The new XDXC cards can have capacities up to 2tb but it's going to be expensive.
As of the Moment I have a 16gb Sandisk Micro SDHC class 4. Have enough space for several Backups, Apps, Music, and a ton of pictures.
Toms Hardware did a review on 15 cards and the Sandisk class 4 cards surprised them, having speeds rivaling that of class 10 cards.
JeTJL said:
Micro SD cards are not becoming obsolete, sure there are phones that don't have micro SD slots but not that many. Haven't seen any recent phone use a regular SD card though...
Also, the current format SDHC is becoming obsolete, because of the faster and higher capacity XDXC cards. The new XDXC cards can have capacities up to 2tb but it's going to be expensive.
As of the Moment I have a 16gb Sandisk Micro SDHC class 4. Have enough space for several Backups, Apps, Music, and a ton of pictures.
Toms Hardware did a review on 15 cards and the Sandisk class 4 cards surprised them, having speeds rivaling that of class 10 cards.
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Cool. Maybe I can find a cheap 16gb sd card. But I really don't want to spend that much on one because I'm getting the one x or the g4x soon maybe this summer when it comes to T-Mobile US.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
16gb's are cheap, about $15-25, the 32gb are about $30 and up... Don't Quote me on the prices though.
Only you can answer this mate. Are you gonna use 32 GB or will 16 suffice? I've got a Sandisk 32GB class 4 in my phone right now and its fine but i fill mine with music.
For $18? Definitely.
i filled mine 32gb full...music and movies...
it's all depends how u use...worth if u need it
Yep it is.....I hav just 5 gb left from my 32 gb...
My friend and I both have Sensations running ARHD with the SebastianFM Kernel.
Then only difference between our phones is that mine has a cheapo no-brand 8Gb SDHC card in it, whereas he bought a Sandisk class 10 32Gb card.
I scored higher than him in both the I/O score of Mandro and the SD card read/write score of Antutu.
I wouldn't worry about what speed class the card is, I doubt it makes much difference in a phone.
i think it's worth it, the class is gonna depend on if you record video. get a class 10 since it's HD video
Big_Rich_1983 said:
My friend and I both have Sensations running ARHD with the SebastianFM Kernel.
Then only difference between our phones is that mine has a cheapo no-brand 8Gb SDHC card in it, whereas he bought a Sandisk class 10 32Gb card.
I scored higher than him in both the I/O score of Mandro and the SD card read/write score of Antutu.
I wouldn't worry about what speed class the card is, I doubt it makes much difference in a phone.
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I call bs. ._.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
JesusFreak316 said:
For $18? Definitely.
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This is a really good deal.
I bought a class 4 16gb for under 10 dollars from Ebay, with free shipping. I started loading music and realized it wasn't enough.
I went through Ebay again, spend just under 32 dollars, got a 32GB Class 10. The change in transfer rate speeds was amazing. Transfering ROMs from PC to Card started taking a third of the time.
If you plan on investing in one anyhow, spend the few extra bucks to get a class 8 or 10. This is just my opinion.
eviLutions said:
I call bs. ._.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
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I am with him on the BS call.
iverson3-1 said:
I'm thinking about gettin one for about 20-25$. But do you think micro ad cards are becoming obsolete? I wish I had more space than I do with my 8gb that came with my phone but I make it work. But at the same time I do want another sd card with more space but I think my next phone probably won't even have an sd card slot.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
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I got myself an ADATA class 4 32gb one. The speed is acceptable. Cost me ~$35 CAN dollars.
I would prefer Kingston 32 GB class 4 or 6. Or just a class 10 but I needed a SD card for updates and actually use the phone.
My advice:
- Yes it is worth it
- Get a 32GB SD with class 6/10. Trust me. Faster file transfer, faster camera due to saving the picture etc.
- you will feel like a boss when you are next to a 16GB iPhone or built-in fixed smartphone
Sent w/ HTC Sensation 4G (Z710a) XDA Premium
If your looking for a cheap 32gb SD card... I just bought a Sandisk 32gb for $15 on Amazon, cuz I keep filling up my 16gb with music and roms
Sent from My $40 Sensation
buy or not
I would rather buy a class 10 16gb just as the others have suggested!
since you probably own a pc/laptop
replacing music and files would be easy if you need extra space.
i had an 8gb iphone 2g before and i thought it wasnt enough. but having a pc made it easier to sync files i needed. but on our sensation - i suppose having the max capacity storage is a caveat.
just my two cents.

