Application that captures signatures - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just picked up my Transformer yesterday, and am looking for an application that would allow me to sign a document on the tablet. Keep in mind that I also use a tablet PC, and have been able to sign paperwork on a computer for the past 5 years. I would love to keep doing it with this device too. Thanks for the help.


Elderly parents and tablet

Years ago, my elderly parents decided to get a computer and become "high tech". And ever since, I've been having trouble to get them to understand the basic functions of a pc. I still occasionally get the phone call from my dad asking me how to perform the most basic functions like downloading pdf files or downloading music. Just the other day, I was asked again how to get into email.
I recently got them a tablet so they could surf, check email, and eventually skype (when it finally comes out) while sitting comfortably on the couch watching tv. Somehow, they're not having trouble with the tablet.
I don't get it. They've been having trouble with the pc for years. I've always figured it's because of the multi-function aspect of the pc that's been giving them trouble. Almost everything else in the house (microwave, washing machine, dish washer, oven, toaster, tv, dvd player, bluray, etc.) has a perfect hardware-software integration and only serves 1 purpose.
But for some reason, they're not having any trouble with their first touch screen device. They're actually able to explore and find new ways at doing things with the gtab. I've been watching in awe as my parents do one thing after another with the gtab. Never seen them so technical before.
I can't seem to find a pattern here. How come they're still having trouble with the PC and yet they have no trouble with an android tablet? Anyone else observing this in their elderly parents?
PS - My 80 yr old uncle is thinking of getting a tablet after seeing how my parents have been playing with a tablet.
Doing the same thing with my mom too. Recluse and giving up on life at 71. The grab has really changed things alot. I put Facebook as a icon on the main screen and she now pecks away talking to my sister 1200 miles away. And her grandson too. Trying video calls next with Skype but haven't got there with working 2 jobs. The gtab has been a God send for me. Even jewels helps with mental abilities and now she is addicted. I can't get it away from her. I am really greatful for this wonderful device. Took it to work and a coworker bought 2 at woot where I bought mine. She asked me to flash them for her. I told her I would show her since she is like me working in lab and IT. Its a wonderful thing. Dan
The more I think about I think its about ease of use. Giving mom a laptop. She is afraid she would break it. Also size. Desktop means sitting at a desk etc. And a keyboard. She can't type. And oh I am going to break this big expensive machine. But she is good at hunt and peck.
Fear factor. By giving her something small, thin and eyecandy takes the fear out of it. Its more like a microwave screen than a huge desktop or even a laptop. Also her gtab has become personal. This is mine and I like it. Its fun and functional at the same time. You should see her playing stuntcar and steering the screen like a car. I also like to say she is partially blind in one eye and bad in the other. This has really helped her visual aquity alot in the month we have had our devices.
I have had the same experience with my mother. She is a complete technophobe. So much so that she retired early from her career as a nurse because she was about to start having to use a Palm Pilot to monitor prescriptions and such. She's wanted email for years and we've tried computers, laptops, etc, all to no avail. She's intimidated by them or something and after a very short period she just stops using them. This is a woman who's scared to program numbers into her cell phone and usually asks me or my brother to do it for her when she needs someone added.
My brother broke down and bought her an iPad for Christmas this year and it's really stuck with her. She's using it everyday to email people (it's the first time we've been able to get her to email consistently) and search recipes on the Internet. For whatever reason, it doesn't intimidate her like every thing else, including her basic, no-frills cell phone. I don't know what it is, but it's working and I'm not complaining.
I'm starting to wonder if it isn't the touch screen that allows a lot of this. Is it that non-techies are actually more comfortable manipulating things this way? Perhaps a more natural method of input allows them to have a higher comfort level and the higher comfort level allows them to push the boundaries of what they know a little harder. I don't know, but it sure seems to be a common theme.
Technology tots
Funny how the elderly and the very young take to tablets/itouch but probably for very different reasons. My 4 year old grandson just bought $60 worth of extras off my daughters iTouch while playing a game.
Not to take your thread off topic, but yahoo messenger + video plugin works great on the gtab if you didn't want to wait for Skype to get their butts in gear. My wife and I use it everyday when I travel.
crispyone said:
Not to take your thread off topic, but yahoo messenger + video plugin works great on the gtab if you didn't want to wait for Skype to get their butts in gear. My wife and I use it everyday when I travel.
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Have you any idea how many hours I put in to showing, explaining, showing again, explaining again, etc... my elderly parents, elderly uncles, elderly aunts, and all their computer illiterates how to use skype? Just last week, they had issues with hearing my parents. My parents had to call me and tell me about it. I, in turn, called all the way to the other side of the world to tell them to turn up their volume.
No, I think I will wait for skype on android, thank you very much.
goodintentions said:
I, in turn, called all the way to the other side of the world to tell them to turn up their volume.
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Or turn up their hearing aid!
To the computer illiterates, something as simple as double clicking on an exe file is a world of confusion. Those who live in a modern country like the USA have trouble understanding this. Usually, when I tell people that my folks back in my home country have trouble finding the print button or even have trouble understanding the print button concept people don't believe me. Surely, they thought, nobody in the world would have trouble with clicking on print and out comes a printed paper.
Last month, one of our relatives back in my home country paid a couple of guys to set up their computer for them to yahoo vid with us. The dumbasses (the guys who got paid to set up their system) put the camera facing the front window. Those who have the least experience with cameras should know that you never shoot anyone with the sun as the background. Won't see anything. It took me about half an hour to instruct them to move the camera to face somewhere else for this side of the family to see them.
You know how when someone calls you on skype there's a big green button that says "accept"? Well, some people have trouble understanding the concept of a virtual button, so even something as simple as moving the mouse cursor to the accept button and press it requires time, explanation, and frustration.
You think you have it bad dealing with android newbies? Try dealing with people who until the last couple years never even know what a computer was. Now, try explaning what a mouse cursor is over the phone with the other side of the line being 3 thousand miles away.
And to the previous post, have you any idea how painful it was to instruct them to press the Fn button while pressing the + sign to up the volume? They even had trouble understanding the concept of pressing 2 buttons simultaneously. And no doubt, some people here will not believe me. Again, surely, they thought, everybody in the world knows how to turn up the volume.
My guess is that you've already used some sort of remote PC app, but if not,
I would suggest trying out Teamviewer.
It's free for personal use and is dead simple to set up (you might consider setting it to auto-start when they turn on the PC - just put good PW protection on the service.)
I like TV better than any other Remote app.
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
My guess is that you've already used some sort of remote PC app, but if not,
I would suggest trying out Teamviewer.
It's free for personal use and is dead simple to set up (you might consider setting it to auto-start when they turn on the PC - just put good PW protection on the service.)
I like TV better than any other Remote app.
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Been using VNC pro. But again, the problem is trying to get them to install and give me their ip address. If I can remote control their PCs without having them install the software and giving me their ip's, then I might as well hack into banking systems and make myself rich.
goodintentions said:
Been using VNC pro. But again, the problem is trying to get them to install and give me their ip address. If I can remote control their PCs without having them install the software and giving me their ip's, then I might as well hack into banking systems and make myself rich.
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I know we went way OT here, but that's why I like TV. It uses the TV server's as an intermediary, so you don't need their IP. All you need is the ID for their install (which never changes) and their password. If you can get it set up the one time, then you'll never have that issue again.
You can even set up a profile/login to store all of the ID's that you commonly connect to (and their passwords) to make connecting/logging in very easy.
I have a small company with 5 remote employees who are at varying degrees of tech savvy. Once I got TV set up with all the ID's, I can take over their computer anytime I want ... Doesn't need their intervention at all.
Can you please tell me what TV stand for? Don't tell me to google. Every google result has something to do with television.
goodintentions said:
Can you please tell me what TV stand for? Don't tell me to google. Every google result has something to do with television.
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Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
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Just spent the last 2 hours trying to instruct relatives how to run teamviewer on their vista pc. No go. I gave up after an hour trying to explain to them what a window was. I even showed them my screen showing them step by step instruction. They just couldn't understand why I couldn't "remote control" their pc because I already knew their email pass.
Again, you people think its bad dealing with droid noobs? Try being tech support for people who don't know what a mouse cursor is on the other side of the world.
TV is no go. Any other suggestion? Apparently, checking a box and clicking next is too complicated.
goodintentions said:
Just spent the last 2 hours trying to instruct relatives how to run teamviewer on their vista pc. No go. I gave up after an hour trying to explain to them what a window was. I even showed them my screen showing them step by step instruction. They just couldn't understand why I couldn't "remote control" their pc because I already knew their email pass.
Again, you people think its bad dealing with droid noobs? Try being tech support for people who don't know what a mouse cursor is on the other side of the world.
TV is no go. Any other suggestion? Apparently, checking a box and clicking next is too complicated.
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I'm surprised they can turn the computer on.
I really don't know of anything easier than TeamViewer.
Did you try using the QuickSession? I think you can download the QuickSession app and pre-configure it to 'auto-dial' back to your system. 'all' you have to do is get them to run the app (which sounds like a chore in and of itself).
If you figure out how to get through this pain one time and get control of the system, TeamViewer will be your best friend forever
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
I'm surprised they can turn the computer on.
I really don't know of anything easier than TeamViewer.
Did you try using the QuickSession? I think you can download the QuickSession app and pre-configure it to 'auto-dial' back to your system. 'all' you have to do is get them to run the app (which sounds like a chore in and of itself).
If you figure out how to get through this pain one time and get control of the system, TeamViewer will be your best friend forever
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Unfortunately, most of the problem is getting them to run the damn app.
See, we have to understand the fact that some parts of the world just haven't dealt much with a multitasking machine. A tv, vcr, frige, radio, etc. all have perfect software-hardware integration. people don't even notice the software part. They think the hardware is all of it. But with a computer they have to deal directly with software. Huge part of my problem was getting them to press software buttons. They just can't wrap their heads around soft buttons.
This is why back in my home country people get paid ridiculously high for teaching basic microsoft office skills. Heck I should quit my job and go back there and be a professor there.
God that was frustrating.
My mother just moved, and her old WinXP PC didn't survive the move. I built her a new one using an dual core Atom/ION2 mobo, and since she only browsed and checked email I installed Ubuntu. She is 84 years old.
I had made shortcuts for Firefox and Yahoo email on her WinXP box, so I did the same with the Ubuntu one. I even installed a WinXP-looking desktop wallpaper.
She had U-verse internet installed, and the tech booted the PC to do the online registration. He had to call me and said he had looked all over and couldn't find Internet explorer on the PC. I had to tell him that he was using a Linux OS, and not a Microsoft OS!
I considered offering my second Woot g-tablet to my mom, but not sure if she would really use it.
Wow, great thread reading about technology touching people in a positive way...
IMHO, LogMeIn Hamachi is hands down easier than ANYTHING else. Install, join network, finished.
It works similar to TV, but with less 'stuff'.
Install on your computer an create "My Hamachi Group"
Create a password for "My Hamachi Group"
Give your group name "My Hamachi Group" and "group password" to whom ever you wish to join your network
They simply install, enter "My Hamachi Group" and the "group password" and are now on your virtual private network.
Use good old native remote desktop to view remote computers, not another program. Works excellent with Vista and Seven when installed with right-click and Run as Administrator, no special tricks for XP.
Runs by default at startup and you can see who is available and connected at all times.
tenet420 said:
IMHO, LogMeIn Hamachi is hands down easier than ANYTHING else. Install, join network, finished.
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I looks like that is a windows program. I, and now my mother, use Linux. Fortunately (for her) she lives close enough that I can just go over to her apartment. If she ever starts to actually use her Ubuntu PC for something other than browsing/email, then I'm screwed!!

[Q] Wireless Printing - Anything on the horizon?

My brother asked me a question this morning I don't know the answer to. I just moved him from the iPhone to the Focus and he loves it, but wants to know if there is a way to print wirelessly.
The only way I can think of is the way I did it on my Android which is to set my dropbox with a printque folder which will automatically print to the printer on my computer at home where I have dropbox installed.
However, I believe Airprint on the iPhone actively searches for available printers on any network you have access to. Is there anything like that available in the market? Or perhaps coming later this year in the OS?
Thanks in advance.

Anyone having issues with Asus Webstorage?

I was able to sign up for the one year unlimited storage with Asus Webstorage. I was able to upload over 10gb of files. It worked flawlessly to sync data between my computer, tablet and phone. Then today everything disappeared from my sync folder and I get a message about not being able to access my files when not connected to the internet. I get this messege even when absolutely connected to the internet.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled, cleared cache, etc.
The Asus Webstorage forum is practically worthless as a few people have mentioned a similar issue and a single "staff" member simply replies "contact support". Unfortunately they do not reply to support requests.
Anyone else? Anyone find a fix?
I have an Asus Transformer tablet and galaxy s II phone. I'm suffering the same symptoms on both. But OK on PC.
I've not called anyone yet. Be interested to see if you get a resolution.
for me the same problem here. but when i open recent files it is working. for my phone the same. pc is working ok
Same thing still today. No contact from support. I hope that our data/files are safe...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I stopped using it the moment I figured out that it wasn't as suited to roaming away from internet than Dropbox.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I received a reply from Asus support today... They said they were doing an "upgrade" to the system and that is should be fixed.
Well, its not...
Good work guys!
I agree, time to go back to DropBox!
The price is right for AWS, the problem is the software isn't. Dropbox ain't perfect (I want FreeBSD support!).
AWS for Android is a pretty decent application but it wasn't designed with an offline state in mind. I just found it useless because for example, Dropbox lets me easily open the cached file in other apps, even if I have to use a file manager. It's proven itself in battle when I'm disconnected. AWS, basically told me to chatter with there server and I said go to hell . Can't speak for the non Windows versions but the software for desktops is also lacking enough that I don't really trust this pseudo-out-sourced software. So I never moved any of my stuff out of Dropbox, something I can rely on even if I'm somewhere it'll cost $15/MB data to roam.
There's also other such apps like SurgarSync or w/e it's called (not cross platform enough for me).
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Deletes files
I have used it on both my Transformer Prime and my laptop (Windows 7). I discovered the other day that it had deleted half my files for no apparent reason. I simply found them in the recycle bin on my laptop. So make sure you back up your online backup service.

[SOLVED] Smartphone as a writing pad for laptop?

Update: solution in post 5
I recently started school again and I have this habit of taking notes only on my Laptop. I just cant take notes on paper, it irritates me.
My laptop is perfect for note taking until the professor gets to the part of the lecture where they start drawing molecular arrangements and drawing images on the smart board.
I was wondering if there was any app, or any way i would be able to hook up my smart phone to my laptop so i can draw these images on my phone and have it show DIRECTLY to my laptop. i know there are apps out there like bamboo paper etc, where i can draw on my phone and just transfer it later to my laptop but i take a lot of notes, and the information goes by quick and i want to make sure i insert necessary drawings into the right place in my notes.
Ideally i would like to just draw something on my phone and have it appear directly in word (on my laptop), or just something i could quickly drag into my word document.
Not sure if anything like this exists or if this is a stupid 1st world problem , but if it does exist let me know.
and no, i dont want to buy a tablet or another laptop that i can directly write on, that would be too easy.
Thanks in advance.
ps. i have a vaio with windows 7 and a rooted S3, if that matters.
MaynardMonster said:
I recently started school again and I have this habit of taking notes only on my Laptop. I just cant take notes on paper, it irritates me.
My laptop is perfect for note taking until the professor gets to the part of the lecture where they start drawing molecular arrangements and drawing images on the smart board.
I was wondering if there was any app, or any way i would be able to hook up my smart phone to my laptop so i can draw these images on my phone and have it show DIRECTLY to my laptop. i know there are apps out there like bamboo paper etc, where i can draw on my phone and just transfer it later to my laptop but i take a lot of notes, and the information goes by quick and i want to make sure i insert necessary drawings into the right place in my notes.
Ideally i would like to just draw something on my phone and have it appear directly in word (on my laptop), or just something i could quickly drag into my word document.
Not sure if anything like this exists or if this is a stupid 1st world problem , but if it does exist let me know.
and no, i dont want to buy a tablet or another laptop that i can directly write on, that would be too easy.
Thanks in advance.
ps. i have a vaio with windows 7 and a rooted S3, if that matters.
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OK. This is a shot in the dark. I haven't confirmed that this will work, but you can try it. I have the Evernote app running in Chrome on my computer. Evernote has a companion app for android called Skitch. It is a drawing app and it MAY be able to do what you need. Please keep us posted on your success. You are not the only one who could use this!
geronimo48 said:
OK. This is a shot in the dark. I haven't confirmed that this will work, but you can try it. I have the Evernote app running in Chrome on my computer. Evernote has a companion app for android called Skitch. It is a drawing app and it MAY be able to do what you need. Please keep us posted on your success. You are not the only one who could use this!
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Thanks for the info. I tried it out and it's not exactly what I was looking for but it does work.
I have skitch on my phone and I can draw and sync it to evernote (this can also be done with evernote app) . Then I can open evernote on my pc, sync and save the file.
The only downside (and big one for me) with this is the necessity of Internet. The University I go to has very thick concrete buildings and sometimes I am in an underground laboratory, both of which make Internet and wifi very difficult if not impossible to use.
I am still looking for a way to directly hook up my phone to pc through usb as a writing pad for these situations.
Thank you for trying, maybe there are some more ideas out there?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium HD app
Ok guys I figured it out.
Instead of looking for an app that is specifically made to just draw on a smartphone and have it come up on pc, i looked up an app to control my pc.
I used Unified Remote ( ) which allows you to use your Android to remotely control your pc. You can do this through wifi or blue tooth, and thankfully my laptop has blue tooth. This app is very easy to use and convenient, thanks a lot Unified Intents for this app.
Anyway its simple to connect and i just type up my notes on my pc normally, and when my professor throws up those nasty equations and diagrams I just grab my stylus and draw the image directly into Microsoft word, power point, or virtually any app like paint or photoshop.
Keep in mind that since you are using a smart phone, drawing detail may not be great (don't expect any Picasso action) and this is completely due to your specific phone.
Hope this helps someone else out there, and if it does please let me know.
Happy note taking!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium HD app
MaynardMonster said:
Ok guys I figured it out.
Instead of looking for an app that is specifically made to just draw on a smartphone and have it come up on pc, i looked up an app to control my pc.
I used Unified Remote ( ) which allows you to use your Android to remotely control your pc. You can do this through wifi or blue tooth, and thankfully my laptop has blue tooth. This app is very easy to use and convenient, thanks a lot Unified Intents for this app.
Anyway its simple to connect and i just type up my notes on my pc normally, and when my professor throws up those nasty equations and diagrams I just grab my stylus and draw the image directly into Microsoft word, power point, or virtually any app like paint or photoshop.
Keep in mind that since you are using a smart phone, drawing detail may not be great (don't expect any Picasso action) and this is completely due to your specific phone.
Hope this helps someone else out there, and if it does please let me know.
Happy note taking!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium HD app
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+1 for unified remote. I use it as a remote control when I am laying in bed and watching videos on my big PC monitor. I'm surprised however that your professor don't mind you pulling out a smartphone during class. My professors would kick me out of class for that no matter what the reason
pennjersey83 said:
+1 for unified remote. I use it as a remote control when I am laying in bed and watching videos on my big PC monitor. I'm surprised however that your professor don't mind you pulling out a smartphone during class. My professors would kick me out of class for that no matter what the reason
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I'm in higher education and at this point my professors could care less what anyone does as long as it is not loud. We pay several thousand dollars for our educations, jokes on us if we spend that money on texting and Facebook.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium HD app
do you have a try with digital writing drawing pad
with a digital drawing / writing tablet , you can Note down your ideas with ease in your handwriting. drawing tablet come with a digital pen /stylus . offer good writing experience .
I've had my XP-Pen Star G430 : drawing pad for almost four years, and it stills works well, even if it sometimes has issues with the driver, but that's more Windows 10 and Microsoft than the tablet.

Application Data Sync or Share between 2 devices

Good day to all
Well, just as the title says, that's what I am hoping to do. This is for my church I am doing this btw.
Scenario is this: my pastor has a tablet with an app he generally uses every now and then for certain quotes as he preaches. I'm the I.T guy there, so i have a setup where he can display his tablet on our projector for the congregation to follow. The projector is used, well to display lyrics and scripture throughout the service. The new aim is now to have the song leader view lyrics displayed through the projector that he may not know, especially newly written songs for example plus other things. So now I have a dedicated tablet for use at the pulpit and I have gotten apps setup for displaying purposes, in addition to the app my pastor uses.
Thing is now, he has some bookmarks in it (the app) that he uses to save time when looking for his desired quote. During the song service, he prepares the quotes which he won't be able to do with the new tablet while the song leader has it. The tablet he uses, his personal device, is a samsung galaxy tab 3 and what i got is the fire hd 8 (which is faster and doesn't lock up like that samsung does with apps open).
So I am wondering and hoping if it is possible, to share the data of the app on the samsung with that of the fire hd 8. I came across some things but the device must be rooted which the fire hd 8 is not and I am not sure if it can. What I have not tried yet is the google app sync, came across it some minutes ago (which I am hoping it will do) but I am looking for the best solution for this, without root. My main desire is for the data to be shared speedily. And in case you are wondering, I do have a wifi network setup.
ALSO: Something else that I would like some input on. I want an app that I can use to say, send notes with requests (prayer request for example) or just a note to the tablet at the pulpit. We tend to have it written down and someone will walk to the pulpit to deliver it but I am looking for an app for that. Would like the app to be really fast as far as updating itself with new notes. I am trying evernote but I find it takes too long (at least my from stand point) to resync and what not. There is a notification alert which I don't find efficient especially if the song leader is using the app i setup to view the projector.
Hope my comment isn't too long but I tend to be detailed in things like this. Thanks
In desperate need here x_x
AnoitedOne347 said:
In desperate need here x_x
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SmartSwitch will help out because it's used to share backups between galaxy device's and other devices also
good luck

