This question if for anyone that recently placed an order with bb for a nexus s and also received it.
My cousin just placed an order online for a nexus s, however the free overnight shipping was not advertised anymore. Instead it said free express shipping. My cousin contacted bestbuy mobile to change his shipping method to overnight but they said he couldn't because the tracking method for the NS is automatically selected as Free Express.
So my question to you all is the express shipping the same as the overnight shipping?
And also.if you placed a online order with bb for a NS on Christmas day or after, have you received your phone yet?
This comes from the deepest thing ever rooted my ...HTC Evo 4G!
This comes from the deepest thing ever rooted my ...HTC Evo 4G!
as far as i know the offer was good only until before the 24th/25th
I work for the wireless kiosk in Costco and we are already selling them. I would buy one today but my manager is off. they are 79.99 to upgrade or 49.99 new contract.
Seriously? Hmm ima have to check If there's one here ...oh don't u gotta have a membership to shops there? F that
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
can i change my service plan with costco?
other places i must keep the same plan for 180 days.
Do you guys know if it would be possible to pay the $200 early upgrade fee at costco?
Awesome! Thanks for posting. I might have to swing by Costco
we can change plans when ever. we just call AT&T for you and then it's changed.
since were not a corpatre store we don't sell the phones out right and you can't pay the early upgrade/termination fee here.
and yeah you need a Costco card. you can borrow someones and just pay cash but hey if you come to me I'd let you use mine so I get commission off your sale haha
I just called Costco and was told that they don't have the phones yet
maybe tomorrow
I am buying mine tomorrow
what is costco's policy on dead pixels and dust?
you have 90 days with Costco. you can bring the phone back/exchange for any reason within those 90 days. there's no restocking fee either.
also you get free car chargers with any phone you purchase. I suggest go to Costco. save 20 bucks (phone is 79.99) so you can go buy a case with the money you saved.
iPrevailed YDG said:
you have 90 days with Costco. you can bring the phone back/exchange for any reason within those 90 days. there's no restocking fee either.
also you get free car chargers with any phone you purchase. I suggest go to Costco. save 20 bucks (phone is 79.99) so you can go buy a case with the money you saved.
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really? 90 days returns on cellphone? nice!
I called my local Costco kiosk, and they just got 5 of them this morning. One is set aside for me, and I will drop by after work.
Damnit. Now I regret pre-ordering at Radio Shack.
Anyone know if you can just pay full price?
Confirmed...I just picked mine up. You a car charger, Leather case, and headphones in the package. The 90 return policy is for the only get 30 days to return the phone in case you dont like it. The same AT&T policy.
i called 2 costco around 1:30pm in my area, both said they dont have it. maybe i should call another costco and ask.
update: just called another costco, they said they have 4 left! haha
i going now to take a look!
I'm from modesto ca got mine at the Costco in turlock. The kiosk in modeso said they were getting it today just waiting on ups
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
jsut came home with my new Insipre 4G from costco, they got 5 in two hours ago
milleirish said:
Confirmed...I just picked mine up. You a car charger, Leather case, and headphones in the package. The 90 return policy is for the only get 30 days to return the phone in case you dont like it. The same AT&T policy.
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run this by me again? 90 day return policy for the phone but you only get 30 days to return the phone?
iPrevailed YDG said:
you have 90 days with Costco. you can bring the phone back/exchange for any reason within those 90 days. there's no restocking fee either.
also you get free car chargers with any phone you purchase. I suggest go to Costco. save 20 bucks (phone is 79.99) so you can go buy a case with the money you saved.
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wish i had a costco card..
Anyone heard of or expecting big red to put the thunderbolt on sale for 4'th of July? I recall verizon having a sale on memorial day sale & also remember Amazon having the thunderbolt for $129.00 with free shipping.
If I can get into a thunderbolt this weekend for $150.00 or less, I'll jump on it.
If so, do you think they'll honor the discount for new customers who are still within the 14 day cancellation period? I just got my TB and VZ service on monday.
I got my Thunderbolt from Amazon Wireless last week for $129 (I was on Tmobile without a contract).
Aaargh, right now it is $99 for new subs!
RunNgun42 said:
If so, do you think they'll honor the discount for new customers who are still within the 14 day cancellation period? I just got my TB and VZ service on monday.
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If so, then yes. If the first rep you speak to says no, then ask for a manager (not a "supervisor') and they'll most likely give you even more of a discount for yor troubles.
^Same question as this guy, I got mine yesterday
FWIW, since I noticed that Amazon Wireless went down to $99 for the Tbolt, I called them and politely asked for the difference, since i just got the phone and "am still within my return period."
I had a very helpful and cute sounding CSR, and she actually refunded the $30 difference! w00t! Thanks, Amazon!
This definitely improves the old customer satisfaction rating.
Sub-Standard said:
Anyone heard of or expecting big red to put the thunderbolt on sale for 4'th of July? I recall verizon having a sale on memorial day sale & also remember Amazon having the thunderbolt for $129.00 with free shipping.
If I can get into a thunderbolt this weekend for $150.00 or less, I'll jump on it.
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I actually was about to order my TBolt from Amazon last week (New Customer Switching Over From At&t) until I decided to drive around to a couple of stores and see if I could get the same pricing as Amazon so I wouldn't have to wait for shipping (Patience Is Not My Virtue....). After going to a couple of stores and being told that they would not budge from the $250.00 price I gave up and went to the Mall with the wife. I came across a Best Buy Mobile store and decided to give it one last try....
I told the guy that Amazon was offering me the phone for $130.00 with free shipping and after he spoke to his manager he came back and told me he couldn't do the $130.00 price but that he could give me the phone for $150.00 with one month of black tie protection, the buy back program and a car charger or case (me and my wife both picked the case). We immediately said yes and had our TBoltz rigth there and then.
After closely looking at the receipt I noticed that what they did was give me the phone for $100.00 bucks and then sell me the buy back program and the one month of black tie protection. The case was a complete freebie seeing that it cost 30 bucks (Platinum Best Buy Case). Total cost in the end for the phone was like $140.00 bucks....
I swear, today's BS at the Sprint store has me engulfed in fumes! Last week, i ask to have a white Note 2 ordered as I wanted to pay the full retail value. Had a good chat with the sales rep(long time friend), and took care of me accordingly. Due to the late order, this was last week Thursday, said the phone would be in today and to come by then. No problem, waited patiently.
Walk into the store today and ask for my phone. Was told only one shipment came in and there's no white N2's to be seen with my name on it. The girl rep told me, I'd be notified once the phone arrived. Said, np and waited patiently again. Hrs go by till about an hour ago. Call, girl rep says phone is here. I'm like wtf, why wasn't I notified!! Then im told to bring all the payment upfront or no phone, on top of the ***** telling me she was confused about everything and couldn't help me!! FACEPALM...
Called up Sprint and *****ed about it all. Ordered the phone, through the billing 1-800 number and had it over night shipped. The helpful lady waved the $35 activation fee, along with the $12 shipping fee. Even though it was nice, i feel like a better discount could have been given. When you spend $700 ++ on the phone followed by 12yrs of customer loyalty, you'd think that sprint would throw in a phone case w/10%-15% off my phone purchase...!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
the last time i tried replacing my nexus s 4g (after having dropped it and cracking the screen), asurion offered me a different phone because they had none at hand that very moment. i would be okay with this IF it was an upgrade from my phone, but they tried giving me some LG phone that was anything but an upgrade spec & feature-wise. turns out the lady was offering that phone to me only because their highest priority was to have a phone to me by the next business day. i told her waiting an extra business day to get the same phone was no problem... got a replacement 2 days later ::rollseyes::
Wrong section.
I ordered my OPO yesterday around 21 hours ago, and my order status still says processing.
How was your order process like, and do you guys know when it might ship?
My order took around 55 hours before it was shipped. I'm in Washington, but mine was shipped via USPS Priority (2-day) and I got it on time. Super straight forward for me.
It's normal for the status to say processing for a while, in some cases it actually stays that way until the device is delivered. My personal experience was that update ordered last Friday, the status remained as process until Monday or Tuesday, then it changed to complete. The device was actually delivered to Illinois on Wednesday. Now I'm waiting for it to be forwarded to me in Australia.
Sent from a crappy Samsung because my Evita died
Got mine today. Order status said "processing" for about 5 days. Then it changed to completed and took about 2 days to get to me. I'm in Europe, express delivery. Was shipping was faster than advertised and the delivery guys (dhl) were fantastic. Got a text this morning saying the package was in transit and I should give then a call if I wasn't planning on being at the address I gave them. Did and they gladly went where I was at the time.
So all went well.
It has been atrocious...
I ordered my phone last Thursday 17th July with 'Express Delivery' and it was on 'processing' until the 23rd July. I still haven't received it yet even though DHL have had the delivery label since Friday 18th July and are waiting on instruction from OnePlus to collect the item for delivery to me. I'm not getting any response from them via their ticket system so I'm waiting until Monday and if it's not here by then I'll be filing a complaint via PayPal for my money back.
The kicker is I've heard of people ordering on Sunday 20th July and getting their phones on the 22nd with 'Normal Delivery'
An absolute farce
Ordered two weeks ago on a Friday. Finished processing on a Monday night, arrived Wednesday morning. From California to new York
Sent from my One using Tapatalk
Mine has been processing for 45 hours now. I don't think I'll be receiving the device for a while...
OK, so my order changed to ship. It was shipped yesterday night with priority mail. From California to Atlanta. It should get here on Saturday.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
It was very quick for me, I ordered on the 15th of July, got the email that it has been shipped on the 17th and actually got the phone the very next day, a day earlier than the expected delivery date on the USPS website.
EddyOS said:
It has been atrocious...
I ordered my phone last Thursday 17th July with 'Express Delivery' and it was on 'processing' until the 23rd July. I still haven't received it yet even though DHL have had the delivery label since Friday 18th July and are waiting on instruction from OnePlus to collect the item for delivery to me. I'm not getting any response from them via their ticket system so I'm waiting until Monday and if it's not here by then I'll be filing a complaint via PayPal for my money back.
The kicker is I've heard of people ordering on Sunday 20th July and getting their phones on the 22nd with 'Normal Delivery'
An absolute farce
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They've just (finally) replied to my email and are looking into what's taking so long...I won't hold my breath
i have ordered mine on 19.07., then i had 2 days pending shipment on order
on monday 21.07. when i woke up order said processing
yesterday around 19:15 CET i got mail that my order was shipped, and got tracking number to see where my mail is
so that leaves in total 6 days until shipment, 2 days pending, 4 days processing, and ETA for delivery is 29.07. in address i want
so just be patient, you will get your device, and also, some users reported that they got their device while order was still in processing
if you want answer about your order, submit a ticket and ask what is the sitaution with your order, is it shipped, or still in processing
dev0lver said:
i have ordered mine on 19.07., then i had 2 days pending shipment on order
on monday 21.07. when i woke up order said processing
yesterday around 19:15 CET i got mail that my order was shipped, and got tracking number to see where my mail is
so that leaves in total 6 days until shipment, 2 days pending, 4 days processing, and ETA for delivery is 29.07. in address i want
so just be patient, you will get your device, and also, some users reported that they got their device while order was still in processing
if you want answer about your order, submit a ticket and ask what is the sitaution with your order, is it shipped, or still in processing
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The issue I have is that DHL are waiting on OnePlus to tell them to deliver it. They've had the initial order submission since last Friday but won't send it until told to. And this is 'Express Delivery' as well...
Apparently my order is being 'expedited' but they don't know how long it'll take so can't give me a delivery date yet
Hope this doesn't come off too much as trolling, but the contrast between what I'm reading here, and my own experience ordering domestically (in China), is comical.
I had the phone in my hands less than 24 hours (22 maybe?) after clicking "buy" on their website.
No invites. Although they do limit buying to Tuesday and Friday mornings @10am, so I had to do the order from work.
One of the handful of benefits of living in China, I suppose...
Sent from my One using XDA Free mobile app
tobin_o said:
Hope this doesn't come off too much as trolling, but the contrast between what I'm reading here, and my own experience ordering domestically (in China), is comical.
I had the phone in my hands less than 24 hours (22 maybe?) after clicking "buy" on their website.
No invites. Although they do limit buying to Tuesday and Friday mornings @10am, so I had to do the order from work.
One of the handful of benefits of living in China, I suppose...
Sent from my One using XDA Free mobile app
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you have just answered to yourself
you live in CHINA, where you can buy that phone normally, we live in rest of the world where we need invite and mail forwarding systems to get the phone delivered to us
because of that you got phone in 1 day
I ordered on a Monday, it didn't say shipped until Tuesday night and it was delivered on Thursday with a signature confirmation with USPS.
I was very happy with the shipping and also with the device
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Woot! The phone is getting delivered in a few hours. I reeeeally hope I don't get the yellow screen problem...
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Mine arrived this morning after OP rearranged my delivery. Just need to get a SIM adapter for my nano sim
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
VG order process so far
So far my order has been very smooth ... received my invite at around 2pm EST on7/24; ordered at around 9pm EST on 7/24; was in processing until around 9-10pm CA time 7/25 (guessing a little here); left LA at 11pm CA time on 7/25. Shipped Priority Mail, sig. conf. (altho I have heard USPS doesn;t actually get a sig.? .. anybody confirm either way?)
So I have to say VG so far .... and WAYYYY better than the N4 fiasco. I know people have really been down on the invite system, but it does some good things too and it is Ok as I am reasonably patient and have a working phone so it's all good .... cheers
Anybody from Austria?
I bought my on 29.07.2014.
It took one day to come to the state Processing, but till know there has nothing changed.
Should it change to Shipping completed or on some countries it just switch to Completed when it was transfered to the local transfer Business(DHL or