Hi there
I have just installed TT5 on my XDA2 ( WM2003). The package came with 2 maps for Spain. I should probably mention that we are talking about a cracked version of TT5. 8) The installation was ok but once I start the program and I go through all the settings ( language bla bla bla…) I get a message saying “maps not found”. I know that the maps are there, on the memory card. Is there anything I’m missing? Is there any folder where I should place the maps? Or anything in the registry that should be changed?? I would appreciate your help as I intend to travel to Spain in the next 4 days.
How did you install it ?
Which version was it ?
As far as i am aware ... ou need to install the map that came with it at the same time, them it will reconise the extra maps.
Gee..i’m so smart. 8) After a night of fiddling with TomTom I found the problem. Once installed TomTom will create a folder called TomTom ( dooh ) in My Documents. Inside that folder you will find a file called CurrentMap.dat. Copy the file on your PC and open it with a notepad. In my case the maps were located on the Storage Card. All you have to do insert the path where your maps are located. I.E : \Storage Card\Iberia-Map\
And voila…is working. Just got a Fortuna Slim GPS and everything works absolutely fine.
Anybody know how to add a map in Tomtom 5?, I have copied Deutschland-Map to my SPV M500 but my Tomtom does not recognize it.
I have tried to modify a file in MyDocuments called "CurrentMap.dat" by way of copy the file on my PC and open it with a notepad. In my case the maps were located on the Storage Card then just insert the path where the maps are located. I.E : \Storage Card\Deutschland-Map\ but still it doesn't work...!! :? Any idea would be highly appreciated..!!!
take the card out soft reset then put the card back in if that doesnt do it try a soft reset with the card in
tomtom map not found
I found this to be a problem also. I've got all the maps on the storage card along side the GREAT BRITAIN map and it doesn't pick them up.
I also tried amending the CURRENTMAP.DAT file to reflect the correct path, but nothing changes. Has anyone else suffered with this that could help us please? as this is getting really frustrating.
yes, this makes frustration as Tomtom5 doesn't pick the extra map like Deutschland, Great Britain, Spain etc etc.
In this case, my standard map is Benelux so after I modify the file called "currentmap.dat" in Tomtom folder like : \Storage Card\Deutschland-Map\, it always returns to Benelux map and no other map options.
Before I changed that file the size was about 31kb, after I changed it became 62kb, however...once I started Tomtom to see whether it picked the Deutschland map, it returned to the original size of 31kb.....****t...!!! (
anyone can help me pleasseee...?
Map Not Found
Hi Guys, i Have had the map not found error a few times, i find its some how deleting this file from my memory card " Great_Britain_Plus.mid " not sure why. Once i put it backin the zip folder all is g00d, think it could be my windows media player adding it to libary en me removing it.. who no's.. hope it helps .. LAterZ
I also meet this problems. Map not found...
any ideas?
map not found
I simpley reinstalled the Tom Tom 5 software and it found the maps straight away!
I found this solution for me.
In each map folder there is a PNA file, e.g. Great_Britain-Map.PNA, this can be opened with notepad.
The last line of this PNA file for the maps that did work no problem were all the same number, 566. So, I opened their PNA file and changed that number to be the same as the maps that did work and bingo. it picked them up.
Give it a go.
USA Maps
I don't have the USA maps for TomTom 5....can anyone help me out!?
I had this problem when i first used TomTOm
The way i got it working was to install again but make sure you install the benalux map, leave it there then add your own maps.
Once your map is installed and youve ran TomTom, swap to your map then you can remove the benalux map.
Updated to Navigator 5.1 thanks to some great advice here, but Navigator still isn't saving my Home, Favourites etc...
Anyone know how (or if) I can get it to do so?
Thanks in advance
I had to copy maps to desktop, right click properties and un tick read only, move back to folder and it all works.
Am I right in thinking the maps should be stored on the storage card? Mine are just in 2 folders - 1 for GB & 1 for Austria.
Oh No!!
did as you suggested, but now it can't find the maps at all!!
Can anyone tell me where the map files should be stored - thanks.
You can get TT to save home location, favourites etc by deleting the Great-Britain-Map.cfg file. This will then be re-created the next time TT loads and now retain your information
Be embraced with your big baby!
I have been spending days diving around the Google to search for useful offline map applications for my BigB (HTC HD2), which comes really handy when you are on trip to overseas.
(Especially for desperate traveler like me!!)
*Finally* I managed to install one good offline map app (Google Map based!!) with GPS function enabled!
OK, let me go through the setup process before talking too much about my tears & blood of how I've got it:
[BIG Tip] It is recommended to install "MyMobiler" into your PC & HD2, so that you can use PC to control your phone remotely, save much efforts!!
**Credit to William
1) On your PC, goto "mapcacher" home page and cache the map area you want. (Tip1)(Ref1)
2) Locate the area you want to cache, then use LEFT-CLICK to place markers around the area on the map and define the zoom level. (Tip2)
3) Click "Generate" button and same the file into your HDD
4) Download gMapMaker and install into your PC (Ref2)(File1)
5) "Cache Folder": Choose the location where you want the exported maps be saved
"Max Parallel Downloads", "Hash Size" & "Tiles per file": not sure what these are but done as recommended
6) Click "Go" button and specify the .map cached in Step-3, and let it download the offline data
7) Rename the folder "MGMapsCache" to more readable one, e.g. "London", "Tokyo", "Hong Kong", etc.
8) Copy the renamed folder in Step-7 to your SD Card (Tip3)
9) Download Myriad, copy to SD Card and install on your HD2 (Tip4)(File2)
10) Download and copy mgmaps.jar into SD Card (v1.39.21 [jar]) (Ref3)(File3)
11) In File Explorer on HD2, click the JAR file in Step-10 to install
12) When installation completed, the "MGMaps" application short cut will be placed in Start\. Click the "MGMaps" icon to launch the app.
13) It will ask you many permission settings:
- Allow Local information permission
- [Optional] Not allow for HTTP access
14) Finally, when it finished asking you for permissions, you will see a map with no data (if you didn't allow for HTTP access). Click he menu button on the lower-left side, click Settings->Map Browsing
15) Check the options "Stored Maps" & "Offline Mode", and click "Browse..." to locate the map you saved in Step-8
16) Click "Menu"->"Save" to save the setting, go back to the app top and click the lower-left button again, click "Exit"
17) Repeat Step-12~13 again, then you will be able to see the offline map. (Tip5)(Screen1)
18) [Optional] Exit the MGMap app, goto HD2's "Settings"->"Other"->"Java", click "Menu.."->"Actions"->"Security", and set the permission settings to "Session only" etc.
19) Copy and *backup* the file selector.utf from HD2's \Windows\AppDB\ to your PC (Tip6)
20) Download HEX Edit and unzip into your PC (File4)
21) Open HEX Edit application, open file selector.utf copied in Step-19, change the value "domain=midp1" to "domain=tckmax " (3 trailing spaces) (Screen1)
22) Save the file and copy it back to HD's \Windows\AppDB\
23) Download policy.utf and copy to HD's \Application Data\JavaDB\ (need to create these folder) (Ref4)(File4)
24) Launch MGMaps from HD2's Start\ again, hola! no loonger asking for permissions while you can browse the offline maps
25) Goto somewhere open space where you can see the sky ^^, click MGMaps lower-left button->"GPS"->"Where am I?" (Tip7)
26) Congratulations!! You did it! (Screen2)
1) For first try, it is recommended to cache the area you actually are and later you can test the GPS out right away.
2) Don't try to cache a very large area in the first shot (or later you will find you are spending much of your time in exporting the offline map), just locate where you are and then set the zoom level to 13~19.
3) For better arrangement of maps (surely you will export more maps of other areas later), create a root folder called "Map", then place the folder in Step-7 under it.
4) If you stick to JBlend shipped with your HD2, then you will not be able to browse offline map data, only the online ones which is no difference than Google Map app.
I have tried JBed3DMod at first, screen whiteout when the MGMaps launched on it.
I have also tried Esmertec Jbed, with versions:
"20090217 5.1 R2": MGMaps can be launched, but *always* ask for permissions (Access to location info, internet, local user files, etc.)
"20090507 2.1": Same as "20090217 5.1 R2", plus font size for buttons are way too small for tapping with bare finger!
5) If you are not able to see the map, properly the default GPS location is far from your map. You can search the GPS data for your location from the Internet, then input "Latitude" & "Longitude" data into MGMaps by clicking lower-left button->"Favorites"->"Menu.."->"Edit"
6) HD's File Explorer and PC's File Browser cannot view HD2's folder \Windows\, you are recommended to use 3rd party's file browsing too for this operation, e.g. Resco File Explorer
7) There would be Error message saying your GPS is not available, just ignore it and go back to the MGMaps top. Click lower-left button->"GPS"->"Show Compass", and if you see location data on top then that means the GPS is working. You may then click lower-left button->"Back to Map", and you will see the lovely Google Map blue marker on the map.
[links removed due to forum restriction policy]
Attachment Files:
1) For Step-4 gMapMaker-Setup.exe
2) For Step-9
3) For Step-10 mgmap.jar
4) For Step-23 policy.utf
Attachment Screenshot:
1) For Step-21 HEXEdit.jpg
2) For Step-26 workable.jpg
I have been installing Mapking but the map quality was way too bad, so I really do recommend this app!
I am sorry for lacking of reference links because I was too desperate during the trial and error process, with my Google Chrome packed with 20+ tabs.
Thank you very much for creating such a beatiful app for us!
Or just use NaviComputer!
Waw ..what a great effort!!
Thank you ..!
What about Open Mobile Maps with the replaced maps.xml file so you have 8 sources of maps. When you`re browsing online the maps, the cache builds up and never empties, so you build up maps for offline browsing.
hi, i have downloaded mgmaps in my hd2 as per the first email. i am able to view and browse through the maps. however the problem is that everytime i zoom in or move the map just slightly it asks:
"Untrusted application mobile GMaps wants to read data located on this device or removable media attached to this device. Do you allow read user data?"
the above message appears several times consecutively before i am able to see the map.
How to resolve this issue?? would appreciate any help from the experts.
Please read carefully file -- instructions.txt.
I have followed all instructions as is written in that file and Mgmaps no loonger asking for permissions.
there are steps for security (take attention on step Nr. 21- don't forget 3 traling spaces) :
18) [Optional] Exit the MGMap app, goto HD2's "Settings"->"Other"->"Java", click "Menu.."->"Actions"->"Security", and set the permission settings to "Session only" etc.
19) Copy and *backup* the file selector.utf from HD2's \Windows\AppDB\ to your PC (Tip6)
20) Download HEX Edit and unzip into your PC (File4)
21) Open HEX Edit application, open file selector.utf copied in Step-19, change the value "domain=midp1" to "domain=tckmax " (3 trailing spaces) (Screen1)
22) Save the file and copy it back to HD's \Windows\AppDB\
23) Download policy.utf and copy to HD's \Application Data\JavaDB\ (need to create these folder) (Ref4)(File4)
24) Launch MGMaps from HD2's Start\ again, hola! no loonger asking for permissions while you can browse the offline maps
Good luck
What is myriad???
What is myriad? moreover I am unable to have a quick link of mgmaps in my start menu
I searched almost everywhere for a solution.
I have the Huawei U8800pro with official ICS. I use Sygic a lot. My problem is the maps.
I use cracked versions. When I find a version that works well with my phone (not all are) I get stuck with outdated maps. I tried to download updated maps with the map downloaders but Sygic can not recognize them. I put them in the maps folder, nothing. I rename them, nothing. I can't seem to find a way to get them to work with older version.
Is there a way to get the new maps to work with an older version?
I'm searching the same. Do you find any solution?
Is anybody found solution for above. We use old version of Sygic as interface and serching is good and fast. In new versions, it takes lot of time to search the desired location as well as it crashes frequently.
to this day the best version is still 14.3.x, mostly due to custom POI sound notification. Anyone found a solution?
yes there is a solution and i have implemented it successfully. download Sygic versions 14.0.1 and 15.3.3 which are of old and new interface respectively.
1. Install the new version i.e. 15.3.3 and download the desired maps.
2. Now copy the files inside the folder containing the maps e.g. sygic/maps/ . Copy the files inside the folder and keep them in a separate folder outside of sygic folder.
3. Now uninstall the new version and install the older version i.e. 14.0.1.
4. Now again download the same maps which you downloaded previously.
5. Now again go in the maps folder (sygic/maps) and you will see that the downloaded maps are not the latest maps which you downloaded with the new version because the name of the folder containing the map files will be different e.g. sygic/maps/ Previously it was and now it is
6. Now replace the files in with files you copied from the folder
7. Now run the sygic and you will see that it will have new maps in the older version.
ubaid2317 said:
yes there is a solution and i have implemented it successfully. download Sygic versions 14.0.1 and 15.3.3 which are of old and new interface respectively.
1. Install the new version i.e. 15.3.3 and download the desired maps.
2. Now copy the files inside the folder containing the maps e.g. sygic/maps/ . Copy the files inside the folder and keep them in a separate folder outside of sygic folder.
3. Now uninstall the new version and install the older version i.e. 14.0.1.
4. Now again download the same maps which you downloaded previously.
5. Now again go in the maps folder (sygic/maps) and you will see that the downloaded maps are not the latest maps which you downloaded with the new version because the name of the folder containing the map files will be different e.g. sygic/maps/ Previously it was and now it is
6. Now replace the files in with files you copied from the folder
7. Now run the sygic and you will see that it will have new maps in the older version.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have tried this before and it didnt work for me. With Greek maps, not the TomTom ones.
kourampies said:
I have tried this before and it didnt work for me. With Greek maps, not the TomTom ones.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
the truth is i dont know about greek maps or tomtom maps. i just know the maps that i downloaded from sygic maps manager in settings. i am from pakistan and it worked perfectly. maybe you are changing the folder names. you are not suppose to change folder names. old folder name in old sygic (14.0.1) with new files inside and not the complete map folder only the folder with country maps files inside. and yes it does not work with every version. with me it only worked with mentioned versions 15.3.3 files in 14.0.1. do not try any other version. thankyou
So, the maps are compatible betweeen different versions of Sygic, that is pretty good. But even if the software/user interface is running, is it possible that newer maps include more featureas and therefor require more hardware?
For instance tomtom has different maps for low spec devices and high spec devices, so even having a very old gps device you can have updated maps.
Does Sygic deliver light weight and heavy weight maps?