Verizon AutoRun Crap - Thunderbolt General

Anyone know where the AutoRun files that start up everytime I plug my phone into my computer are hiding? I've already gotten rid of a bunch of the annoying crapware, but this is eluding me.

The best way to handle that is root + custom rom

Root, Root, Root. Fixes most of my problems with a custom rom.

If you dont root, then the only way to stop these from loading on the Thunderbolt is to disable autoplay for the fake cdrom drive your phone creates whenever you plug it in. Right click on the drive when you see it, and browse the tabs/options till you see something called "autoplay". The autostart files are part of the rom and cant be deleted, unless you wipe your phone with a new rom from here.


New to G1

Good afternoon to the G1 community. I just purchased my G1 yesterday through Tmobile and I have a couple question.
I just came from using a wing so I am pretty savy with wmo rom flashing and whatnot, but android is completely new to me. Now, of course i want to get the most out of my device. I must say, out of the box it is by far the best device that I have used. Even so, i know that there is some stuff that i am missing.
I have done some reading here in the forum, and i do know how to search, but im not clear on a couple things. For starters, I have been reading about Rooting my device. Now to be totally honest with you, i've read through the Rooting Thread but only walked away with I would love to have autorotate for my screen! I mean, truely what are the benefits to rooting the phone? Will i loose access to the "market" or loose any other functionality of the phone as it is now? Future updates?
In a perfect world i'd love to have the auto rotate feature.... the ability to change the way the program list slides up to maybe sliding panel, and an onscreen keyboard (such as chompsms) when i select a line to type in (whether im in the browser or anyother program.)
I Love the phone as it is.. so all in all, what functionality would i gain, and what would i loose? besides warranty of course
I apologize, i realized i may have put this in the wrong section!
1. Rooting you phone allows you to basically use it to the best of its capabilities. For example, you can change themes, boot image, auto rotate, multitouch, etc. You won't lose the market or any other functions after you root the phone. (To my knowledge, I see paid apps and such just fine on my phone.) You will continue to see future OTA updates, but if you download them, you will lose root access for your phone.
2. The "Cupcake" OTA release is planned for April (As has been discussed on the forums, may be true, may be false. TMobile is claiming its false, but Google controls the updates) If we ever recieve this update, then we will be able to get things such as an onscreen keyboard.
3. I'm not sure about changing the order of the way the apps are presented on the slide-up menu, but there are apps like ahome or dxtop that have alternate home styles, such as the "Iphone" style horizontal scrolling or multiple menu tabs.
Thanks, I do appreciate your prompt response!
if you want the best out of your phone root it.. but thats completely up to you.. when you root you'll be able to get the latest builds from JF anyway soo you'll never be out on whats new.. if anything you'll be a couple steps ahead of regular g1 users at all times
Just to verify.... The market is still available for apps after rooting.. Now I will loose root if I download from the market or just the "OTA" updates for the phone?
Also, i was going through the instructions for the process and got to the point where you upgrade to the latest build. So, i assume RC33 is US Tmo vs RC8 being for UK. What is ADP1.1? So is my choice between ADP1.1 and RC33?
you shouldn't even recieve an OTA update notification if you follow directions, so you don't have to worry about that, and many apps on the market are actually FOR root users and only root users so you will not lose market obviously. the greatest thing about getting root is that you can basically make your phone do anything you want(so long as you are comfortable with linux commands and aren't afraid to temporarily "brick" you phone) but even if you kust want autorotate you will need to root the phone and you will need to grab a JF update. there is an app that someone has written, almost completely idiot proof rooting, and i am trying to help it to be COMPLETELY idiot proof, if you want to try it out search app that roots your phone and it should pop up
Ok, so I have decided to go ahead and play with this and see what there is to offer.
I have successfully downgraded to the rc29 firmware and verified it in my phone. Now I have also done these instructions to get root;
Rooting your RC29 or lower phone:
On RC29 phones and lower, anything you type into your keyboard is also being run in a hidden console with root permissions. More information regarding that at the bottom of this post. But, to get root access, do the following:
Download recovery.img and copy it to your SD card (see the previous instructions on how to copy from your computer to your Phone's SD card).
Download the Hard SPL and copy the zip file to the SD card.
All files must be on the root of your SD card.
Restart your phone. Wait for your phone to start up fully and show the home screen.
After your phone starts up, hit the enter key twice, type "telnetd" and press enter. (Yes, it will start up a contact search, don't worry. Just type it.)
Download an Android "Telnet" application from the Market and connect to localhost.
If you connect successfully, you will have a root prompt "#".
Type the following into Telnet (these commands will give you root access easier in the future):
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd sdcard
flash_image recovery recovery.img
cat recovery.img > /system/recovery.img
Now of course i dont know if it was successfull cause it doesnt tell you. Now here is my problem. I am trying to upgrade the rc33 now but with NO LUCK! Now the instructions say to download the file, rename to and go into recover mode and run update. However it keeps giving me the error "Can't open /sdcard/ (bad). I have downloaded two copies and this happens with both and the radio version.
What am i doing wrong? I have tried to rename the file on both the phone and the computer, with the extension .zip and without it but with no luck. I have the file directly on the root of the sd card. Do I need any other files on the sd card? or just the zip file?
I have read and read, but I have not found a clear explanations.
I'm not on a G1 (I'm on a Google dev phone that came rooted out of the box), and thus haven't gone through that process myself, but I seem to remember reading something about having to go through RC30/JFv1.3x and THEN to RC33/JFv1.4x. Not RC29 -> RC33/JFv1.4x directly.
I could very well be wrong though.
Ok, well I did get it to install.. still working on it...
Definitely wierd. I'll update when i finish!
I successfully went from rc29 to rc33 v 1.41 but realized that the newest is 1.42 so thats loading now.
Its odd, it seems that my problem was when i was in recovery mode, I would alt L to bring up the menu and alt s to update from sdcard. It didnt work for nearly 10 times.. then all the sudden instead up alt L to bring up the menu, i just did alt S and it booted. I didnt realize that linux was that sensitive! Other than that, i'm about to play with the new firmware.
So there is no way to get an onscreen keyboard like chompsms? I kinda found that hard to believe.
while it is SUGGESTED that you go from 29 to 30 to 33(what ever happened to 31 and 32?) it is not necessary, i am gonna assume you are on windows and you may be naming it because extensions are hidden. try it after just naming it update, and also make sure that you unmount the phone correctly after you put the file on there, a lot of times it is still writing data when you yank it out, and that will cause the (bad) error. hope this helps. if you get a file not found error after naming it update then just put the .zip extension back on the file and make sure you unmount properly
tubaking182 said:
i am gonna assume you are on windows and you may be naming it because extensions are hidden.
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This, and maybe you've downloaded the 'build environment' package.
At my first attempt I got the 'bad' message, too. I didn't know which one to pick up so my first try has been 'ADP1 build environment'. Later with 'ADP1' (not the build environment one) no problem. Now I'm going with the UK because I wanted the UI in german and because some market apps didn't download with ADP.

Samsung Galaxy Indulge 4G nand lock

I just got one of the new Galaxy Indulge 4G phones and tried rooting it.
BusyBox installer is telling me that the phone is rooted however it is nand locked.
and ideas on how to unlock nand on this phone?
How did you root it?
Thaxx said:
How did you root it?
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Yeah i tried adb, super one click, and zroot. None of them worked, and for some reason everytime i try to start up root explorer, it crashes trying to get super user. I've tried all means of forcing super user to get onto the phone. No matter what it wont work. Mike thinks its Nand locked. Another thing i noticed is when I used super one click, i had two options at the top right hand corner that looked like names of my device. I can get my serial number with adb, and it shows it. Another darn problem is no drivers are out for this phone yet. Also have no idea of the LTE chip is interfering with this either. So come one come all dev and droid guru's help us out!
So basically I think this means we a need a custom recovery, flash image and stuff. Bah, that'll probably take like a month
K, also tried visionary rooting, which did some wierd ****. I rebooted and it seemed like i had root, but super user still didn't work. It fooled a couple programs into thinking i had root, but it would not let me "touch" the files on the phone. Even though it claimed I had r/w permission.
Silvist said:
Yeah i tried adb, super one click, and zroot. None of them worked, and for some reason everytime i try to start up root explorer, it crashes trying to get super user. I've tried all means of forcing super user to get onto the phone. No matter what it wont work. Mike thinks its Nand locked. Another thing i noticed is when I used super one click, i had two options at the top right hand corner that looked like names of my device. I can get my serial number with adb, and it shows it. Another darn problem is no drivers are out for this phone yet. Also have no idea of the LTE chip is interfering with this either. So come one come all dev and droid guru's help us out!
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The Samsung Epic 4G drivers worked for me, also tried the rooting process used on the Epic whoever busybox says im rooted but that nand is locked, i downloaded Terminal emulator and it says im not rooted, also installing superuser not possible, I was able to install root explorer but not any good if doesnt let me delete the bloatware only read.
Yeah, busybox says the phone is rooted but nand locked.
superuser app was added to system/apps. however im not able to mount system/apps with R/W from root explorer. The rooting process seems to gain access to r/w the files but the apps cant.
seems 4G still have far distance from us...
Supposedly there's a work around for Nand locked, but the first one didn't work for me.
With the absolutely beautiful ADB exploit I use, titled rageagainstthecage (ratc), absolute ALL devices can be rooted. This is because it exploit is ADB which all devices use. There is an issue though. Some devices have a NAND lock which does not allow you to write to the /system mount. Because of this, you can’t copy su, sqlite or busybox to /system/bin. This creates some issues but there is a work around. For things that don’t need access to /system (like enabling non-market apps) I can use the ratc exploit to make those changes. If your device cannot use su in /system/bin then you can simple select a checkbox (as of v1.5) that says to use ratc.
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This didn't work still for me. So the only other option was unrevoked, but when I went to the site, it listed only HTC. Kinda confused how using HTC roms is a work around for a samsung phone lol. Still need some master guru's help on this stuff.
I too have been trying and am unable to get nand unlocked, I would really love some other ideas. Anyone out there able to help?
I'm waiting 'till the $50 MIR on the 1st, then I'll jump in with both feet.
Some guy suggested to shell root > perm root > restart device. That doesn't work either. I also noticed something called "media scanner" that scans as the phone boots up, i wonder if that's preventing any modified files.
If anyone knows how NAND unlocking has worked for other phones (and im not just talking about what apps to run or what room to use) please contact me so that we can try a few things out and hopefully get a full root for everyone.
Supposedly Mr. Parker rooted:
I'm asking him through both post and through private message if he could elaborate. Apparently he had trouble with getting Win 7 x64 to work, but it worked with Win Xp. I'm still not sure what drivers he used, and he said he had it not in debug mode. I tried in non debug, and my phone wouldn't even register. So hopefully he'll expand on how he did it. If not, back to the drawing boards, at least till we get a real pro in here.
Got my hopes up that even though we dont have full root yet, I would be able to get rid of the bloatware.
The SuperOneClick is able to get read/write access and send commands to the phone so I opened Root Explorer on the phone and then rand the superoneclick. As soon as the program mounted the phone with Read/Write I started clicking on the Mount R/W button in root explorer until it showed the app as having read/write access to the system/app directory. I tried deleting the Iron Man app and it said it was deleted successfully.
but then I checked and the app was still there loading root explorer agian then showed that the file was still there and had not been deleted.
Wow you managed to get root explorer to work? Mine just tries to obtain root, and crashes everytime i start it up now. I've tried to unroot, and uninstall and reinstall it. I used Linda manager to view the files on the phone, but like you if i deleted they would return on boot. That's why I think metro or samsung has some kind of media scanner that scans at start up, and it somehow reinstalls files, or prevents root. Can't confirm this yet because super user fails ;/
I've been trying also to get root. Programs often will think i have root access. as far as adb is concerned i do have root access till i dont something that requires it. I've been able to install root manager and look through some files. Im under the impression metro or samsung did install something odd, though im not sure the media scanner is it. Also the phone does not require root in order to install other-market software.
What do you mean programs "think" you have root? You mean you have super user? And what "programs" are you referring to? You can install root manager without a root yes, but in order to put it into "r/w" mode and delete the files from the phone itself, such as bloatware, you need root and Super user access. Most people here I hope are aware that you don't need to root to install "MOST" apps. There "is" apps that require root, and you cannot run them without root access.
Such as:
Titanium backup
Why do I want to root is like everyone keeps saying, to delete all the metro apps, and have "full" manufacturer control over the phone. That's the whole point of rooting. So far no one has rooted this phone PERIOD, or at least shown proof they were even able to. So any info you find regarding rooting please post it here.
Alright, so I tried what Mr. Parker did, and no go. Whether I ran super one click on Win 7 x64 (which was all in admin) or win xp, it would not install super user. In fact I noticed a couple of the files copied from super one click were already on the phone, and weren't able to be overridden. Which may relate to nand lock.

Need Help

I down loaded Imnuts CWM, PBJ with voodo kernel and the SD card fix to my EE4 Charge. Everything went well and I have root until I noticed that the card wasnt, being read by the computer. Turned the phone off and then back on and now I get the stock lock screen, was running launcher pro and then I get sorry messages that application Luancher Pro ( process android. process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. I am also getting these messages for any app I download from the market, apple keypad, widget pro, etc that they have stopped also, i do a force stop but it doesnt seen to matter. I cant get past the lock screen. I have tried rebooting from the recovery screen and no luck. The phone also wont mount to the computer to reflash it. Any ideas or help how to get past this. I also deleted some of the bloatware prior to this problem (rock band, golf, block buster etc). Right now the phone turns on and goes to the lock screen slide the puzzle piece and then get the messages can't get past that.
Do you think if I downloaded a diffent ROM to the card directly from my computer and put a different rom on the card and then opened the zip file and installed from recovery will get me out of this or what about a reset.
Thanks for any help.
Demoscrapper said:
I down loaded Imnuts CWM, PBJ with voodo kernel and the SD card fix to my EE4 Charge. Everything went well and I have root until I noticed that the card wasnt, being read by the computer. Turned the phone off and then back on and now I get the stock lock screen, was running launcher pro and then I get sorry messages that application Luancher Pro ( process android. process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. I am also getting these messages for any app I download from the market, apple keypad, widget pro, etc that they have stopped also, i do a force stop but it doesnt seen to matter. I cant get past the lock screen. I have tried rebooting from the recovery screen and no luck. The phone also wont mount to the computer to reflash it. Any ideas or help how to get past this. I also deleted some of the bloatware prior to this problem (rock band, golf, block buster etc). Right now the phone turns on and goes to the lock screen slide the puzzle piece and then get the messages can't get past that.
Do you think if I downloaded a diffent ROM to the card directly from my computer and put a different rom on the card and then opened the zip file and installed from recovery will get me out of this or what about a reset.
Thanks for any help.
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I suspect your issue is one I went through.
You said you have the voodoo kernel, right? Sometimes, if the external sdcard doesn't mount in time, voodoo creates a folder in the internal rom memory named /sdcard. When the real sdcard mounts, it gets mounted in /mounts/sdcard. The apps that look there have no issues, the ones that just look for /sdcard but only find the voodoo related one puke and cause issues.
I think Imnuts has some terminal commands you can check/run to fix it, but I also fixed mine by using root explorer, going to the "/" folder, finding he "/sdcard" folder, then checking in it to see if it's the real external sdcard, or the voodoo created one. (hint:, the voodoo created one will have nothing in it but the /voodoo stuff).
If you're sure it's the voodoo stuff only folder, just delete and reboot. Should fix it. For extra safety, backup your external sdcard contents before messing around with this...just in case.
P.S. - You might get crap from some folks for posting this in Development rather than general; you might want to ask a moderator to move it for you.
Moderator, please move to general questions thanks
Did that fix you?
I am a little further along but not where I should be. I have been able to get past the lock screen and disable launcher pro. I have the phone working and email etc. But the unit itself is very laggy and I get continous force stops from calender, google apps etc. I went and did a CWM reboot and checked the vodoo file and it says that vodoo is disabled it will not let me enable it, is this normal? At this point I have a functioning phone but it is nowhere near were it should be with all these force closures and the lag.
I also cannot down load anything from the market and it seems all of the apps I installed through market are doing force stops even if they aren't opened. I have also been able to get the phone and the card to show up when connected to the computer.
This is my first android phone and after spending weeks reading about this stuff I figued I was ready to root, I guess I was wrong.
Still stuck and dont have any idea where to go from here.
Should I reboot and install the voodoo kernal again. Can I just install a different ROM like GummyCharged from a zip file and can I do it with or without lagfix enabled?
It really seems like the phone reset itself to stock and some part of it doesnt like PBJ kernal with voodoo lag fix.
Thanks for any help
Do you know how to use adb? If so, start up an adb shell session and run the command "mount" (no quotes). Paste back the ouput here, but you're basically looking to see if your stuff is mounted as RFS or ext4.
If you're not familiar with adb, get a terminal app from the market and just do the same thing from the terminal app.
Flashing another ROM will probably get you going, but make sure to wipe/reset (this will delete all your data on the phone, but not the sdcard).
Have you pulled the sdcard out and looked at its contents on a computer? Is there a voodoo folder on it? Is there a file or subfolder named "disable-lagfix" in it?
Got it working, downloaded Gummy Charge and everything is back in working order.
Thanks for your imput.

[Q] Bad rooting of android phone?

I rooted my phone today. Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570.
It went quite well. I deleted all the bloatware that I didn't want etc.
After all that was gone I starting disabling things that I thought was extra. At one point the phone switched off and didn't come on again. I rebooted it and when it did come back on the only things I can access now are the notification panel at the top of my page, my volume control and the power key. The screen has gone black. I cant use anything else now. Its obvious I've disabled the home screen or something.
What can I do, if anything?
Really appreciate any help. Thank you.
speedy2014 said:
I rooted my phone today. Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570.
It went quite well. I deleted all the bloatware that I didn't want etc.
After all that was gone I starting disabling things that I thought was extra. At one point the phone switched off and didn't come on again. I rebooted it and when it did come back on the only things I can access now are the notification panel at the top of my page, my volume control and the power key. The screen has gone black. I cant use anything else now. Its obvious I've disabled the home screen or something.
What can I do, if anything?
Really appreciate any help. Thank you.
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You have removed the "homescreen" (Launcher)
Do you have usb debugging enabled?
If so then you can move a launcher apk to /data/app
(if you need a launcher apk and instructions to do this then ask me )
if not then go find a cwm launcher installer (if you have recovery installed)
and flash that.
It will give you a launcher to work with.
If you need help with modding or removing apps, etc.
Then you can pm me so we don't spam this thread.
Use Samsung PC suite it will fix all the errors in your phone then root it again.
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda app-developers app
speedy2014 said:
Attention quote
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An apk is an application package for android.
The homescreen is the app that is run when you unlock the screen. (It is also known as the launcher)
You will need the drivers for your phone.
Which you can obtain from your manufacturers website. (Example: Samsung mesmerize > Support > downloads > driver.msi)
I have attached a zip file that needs to be extracted. (I put it together just for you )
Once extracted you must go inside the extracted folder and double click the start file.
Follow the instructions from there.
You will not need to connect wirelessly so just press enter.
It does almost all the work for you.
It's not a flash zip.
Its a script.
Go here
Then install the kies from software tab
run that and plug your phone in with usb.
Then let it detect it and install whatever is necessary.
Make sure it has a connection then try my tool.
My tool is a Windows script.
For Windows.
Not Android.
Extract my zip and run the start file.
If it detects your device then let it fix your stuff.
It cant get any clearer than that. Really appreciate this. I just need to get onto the computer now. Will do it in the next 24 hours and let you know how I get on.
speedy2014 said:
It cant get any clearer than that. Really appreciate this. I just need to get onto the computer now. Will do it in the next 24 hours and let you know how I get on.
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I have a zip here as an attachment. (The Cwm veersion of my homescreen Repair)
Don't use it without a backup in recovery.
You might have to disable signature checking.
Make sure you put the zip on the sd card of the phone.
Goto mounts and storage in recovery and make sure that /data is MOUNTED!
I repeat, Mount /data FIRST.
Then go flash the zip from the sdcard or adb sideload(>Haven't tested sideloading)
Reboot. Enjoy.
It doesn't work for some reason.
Can I get a dev to help me?

Need help to reinstall OS/restore APKs [Fire HD 6 but don't need specific Fire info]

So I rooted my old FireHD 6 perfectly using this:
It was my first time ever trying the do a root and it worked perfectly! I then installed System App Remover (ROOT) to clear some remaining Amazon apps out. It seems I selected some system apps by accident and hit remove. This totally screwed everything up in the OS as expected and I was very annoyed at myself for not double checking my selection. So these deleted apps are sitting in the recycle bin of SAR and I CAN restore them I assume? The only problem is that my tablet does boot up, but you can't select hardly anything and my screen is just a black background flashing when plugged into USB. It accepts commands form ADB, but I need to somehow restore the whole thing or open this app remotely via ADB. There's no options in recovery to reinstall the firmware either.
Can anyone help me with my weird issue? Pretty please?
P.S I'm new so if I have missed any information please say. I have also tried the unbrick floating around via Linux, but it doesn't load on my PC. I don't think it is totally bricked though obviously.

