[Q]Torn between Phones - General Questions and Answers

Hi all,
Since the Evo 3D was announced I was determined to get it but just near the launch i hear they removed 1080P video recording :S which is sh!t if you ask me. Now you know I love technical features and im pretty sure the whole 3D pictures and videos thing is a bit of a gimmick. Ive seen 3d Movies in the cinema and all it does is give you a very slight feeling of depth in a 2d picture. Nothing like how they advertise in IMax where it looks like someones coming out the screen lol. So if thats the capabilities of IMax what will it be for this tiny HTC phone?
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S and I love it. The camera is good the features, the power and especially the Super Amoled screen. Its gorgeous.
Im sure many have pointed out before that the touchWiz interface is absolutely boring. There is no sense of design or thought in it. Im sure people just sat around and decided "well lets make some icons and then stick it in an iPhone-like menu". On the other hand HTC give a higher resolution AND the amazing HTC Sense 3.0 interface. It is absolutely lovely. I had an HTC before (TyTN) and when i changed the crappy windows UI for the Sense UI it was well worth all the hassle of learning to flash roms and so forth.
So now I present you a summary:
Samsung Galaxy S 2 Pros - 8MP camera, Full HD Recording, Super Amoled Plus, better benchmark results than the Evo 3d
Samsung Galaxy S 2 Cons - No 3D (?), Annoying TouchWiz interface, Same old design (of the phone)
Evo 3D Pros - 3D Cameras (?), Dual LED, Nice HTC Sense Interface, HTC Speaker is always LOUD, downright sexay lookin
Evo 3D cons - no 1080P Recording!!, Alot less powerful than the galaxy s 2, no amoled
So what do you guys think i should do? any opinions?

I'd go with the sgs2 just for the raw power then put a sense rom on it....many of them are great. But at the same time, if you are looking at an evo 3d that means you are on sprint like me, and we dont have sgs2 yet. It depends on if you want to wait or not. Personally, because of the power an sleekness i believe that the sgs2 is more future proof. Or you could go the same route as me and just wait for the Nexus 3....if it ever gets announced

See the thing is im in the middle east im not on sprint and the evo 3d has not been released here yet
tell me more about the sense roms is there one for the galaxy s i9000? And is there already one for the gs2? If there is something like that for the gs2 then i will take that although i do think the evo 3d has better design the gs2 could have used more buttons at the front so what about these roms?

tmobile g2x vs the sensation
anyone has any experience with these phones
and which do you prefer and why
sorry is starting a new thread and forgot to go back to general

Evo's camera is really messed, get the sgs2, it'a much better phone under every other aspect as well imho. 3d feature is bull and will bore you after a day i bet...

how bad exactly are we talking? and i had a look for the htc sense rom on galaxy s but its still in development... i have to say i really really like the htc sense UI and the last htc i had has a pretty nice camera and that was only 2MP
I was browsing around the reviews and i saw a few clips of Evo 3D recording... Was disappointed that such quality can come from an expensive high end 2011 phone. i mean i think the original galaxy S has better quality from its 5MP camera.
So instead of constantly baiting myself with reviews about Evo 3D and comparisons (which mostly turn out in GS2's favour anyway) I thought id look at a GS2 review.
I gotta say its amazing, its absolutely blazingly fast. I change my opinion there is no more competition the GS2 is way better Why? because:
Evo 3D has worse quality than what i originally thought
The Evo 3D scores ~1900 on benchmarks (quadrant)
My Galaxy S scores 1600 on benchmark after darkys rom so why should i shell out so much cash for 300 benchmark points??
Some people said Evo 3D is still new and I should wait for some optimizations. Taking this into consideration it occured to me that even if the Evo 3D manages to hit 2800 (and i guarantee there is only so much optimizing you can do that it will not cross 2800) it still wont be as powerful as a SGS 2.
Think of it in terms of cars, I have a V6 and i can race quite a few V6s on the roads. Now if i were to modify my car i can easily beat a V8. But what if the V8 gets modified too? So as such wait till darkys crew gets their hands on the SGS 2. I mean they added about 700 benchmark points on my i9000! It just shows the durability of the SGS series to allow a huge optimization and customization. For example the headphones volume was not loud lo and behold there came the Voodoo kernel app to give a boost. Now you tell me, if a phone allows you to fix every single niggle that u hate about it is that not a perfect phone?
Im not saying the Evo 3D is bad but the galaxy S 2 really kicks its ass in terms of speed.
Now about the UI:
Sure HTC sense is nice but I never actually saw the TW 4.0 UI up close. After watching a number of reviews my conclusion is, its not bad at all! Seriously, check it out. Its got 3D rendering, its got folders in its menu. It no longer looks like a cheap iPhone clone! It is really really slick. Its got a video editor a native chat application and FULL 1080p recording with flash. I was never too concerend about camera quality because im not much of a photographer but man oh man can you see the difference. As for the screens? the AmoLed doesnt even give the Super LCD of the Evo a chance!
Ive decided, SGS 2 it is!


[Q] Samsung Galaxy S vs HTC Desire

I'm going to buy a new phone very soon, and have some difficulties in choosing the perfect phone..
After a lot of thinking and reading I've come to a conclusion that it will either be the Samsung Galaxy S or the HTC Desire.
Samsung Galaxy S has overall exceedingly better hardware (GPU,CPU,Camera) than the HTC Desire, but the software, TouchWiz 3.0 looks like **** (iOS copy). Therefore I'm also thinking of buying HTC Desire since HTC Sense looks brilliant.
I want Galaxy S because of the amazing screen and the FLAC support which is quite important to me as I have the Monster Turbine Gold Pro headphones, and I don't want to waste them on bad audio quality. The HTC Desire as I said earlier has HTC Sense which is an extremely attractive UI, but then again it lacks the ability to play FLAC files and the screen is supposedly useless in direct sunlight.
Galaxy also lacks flash, but I could live without it as Galaxy's camera is better than Desire's.
Is the audio quality on the Galaxy S a lot better than the Desire, or is the FLAC support just there for advertisement, does it actually play FLAC in the quality it should be played?
HTC Desire from my understanding has already gotten Froyo while Galaxy has to wait till the end of September, is this true?
Is there any possibility that Galaxy S will get ROM for HTC Sense?
Which Phone is the better one and why?
Thanks in advance
Please do not come with recommendations of phones using another OS than Andriod and that doesn't sell in Europe.
Welcome to forums
Have a look here for a detailed comparative.
I would choose Desire as it´s HTC build and has Sense
Better design as well!
The Galaxy S has a 4" screen with a the faster hummingbird processor. Front facing camera.
I'd choose the Galaxy S.
Major hardware specs are probably agreed to be better for the Galaxy S over the Desire (i.e. cpu, gpu functionality, ram, screen) - that's something you can't change.
Externally, the Desire hardware design is nicer (subjective) - but that's something that a skin or case can change.
If you need a flash then that may be an important factor to you. The Samsung has had issues with gps (although that may be fixed now) and some lag (although all potentially suffer from that - may also be something that'll be fixed in firmware updates) - these are also mostly subjective though.
Desire has 2.2 already, Samsung has committed to bringing it to the Galaxy so that's hopefully a moot issue.
HTC do turn out phones rather quick so their current top may not be there for long - Samsung don't push that many out so their current champ *may* be so for longer and *may* get longer support...
Both are ultimately great. Software is software so you shouldn't really go on that - interfaces can be changed. Go with what you feel and what you can get the best overall deal on - I doubt neither would leave you wishing you had got the other.
Music quality
I'm leaning towards the Galaxy S.
Still not sure, only remaining factor would be whether the music quality on the Galaxy S is actually better than on the Desire.
Anybody tried to play music on both with good headphones?
I'm also about to get a new phone and my choices were basically between those two. I'm not enthralled by the fact that both have PenTile screens (which makes text less sharp, as they don't have the full complement of subpixels) but there's not really anything else in the UK at their level, and the Galaxy S' screen is both bigger and unambiguously better, particularly in sunlight. The Galaxy S also has a much better multi-touch digitiser - the Desire has the same one as the Nexus One, which only supports two points of contact and gets easily confused.
The Galaxy S also has a slightly better CPU and a much better GPU, and more built-in storage (though that's not very important), while the Desire has more RAM and a camera flash but is otherwise outclassed hardware-wise. But the Desire is more polished software-wise, with HTC Sense and without the lag and GPS issues of the Galaxy S - but it's early days and Samsung are clearly working hard on firmware so hopefully these will be fixed, and there's workarounds for the lag. The Desire also has the advantage that developers around here are more familiar with HTC devices, but there's work on porting CyanogenMod to the Galaxy S which suggests that developers are taking it seriously.
I'm going to go with the Galaxy S because of its hardware advantages - software can be changed but hardware can't etc. TouchWiz 3 gets mixed reviews, but it's always possible to just use something like Launcher Pro instead, that being the advantage of having an open OS!
Afraid I can't comment on the audio performance of the phones though.
audio and video are both excellent in the galaxy s (vibrant here)... I got one force close on touchwiz... it was day one and I was putting my phone under as much stress as I could... its the only one so far...
My quadrant score is between 1400 and 1500, linpack is between 8.3 and 8.5
--this blows all htc devices with the same software away...--
My phone gets 55+ fps on neocore and finishes the benchmark ten seconds quicker than a desire..
with all the different versions coming out and the developer support I see growing galaxy s hands down
(I have also owned or tested nearly every htc gsm android device... minus the aria, and desire.. )
As a current Vibrant owner I was unsure whether to wait it out for the rumored HTC handsets coming to TMO. I'm glad I didn't, the screen is unbelievable, the processor is lightning fast, and the dedicated gpu makes gaming an experience. In other words pick up the phone use a home replacement app, and you'll be good to go.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Galaxy S has froyo now leaked but all working
I think I'll go for the Samsung Galaxy S.
As a lot of you have said already the software can always be changed, hardware on the other hand, cannot.
I still want to know, just out of curiosity, if the Galaxy S' sound quality is actually better than Desire's?
If the sound quality is noticeably better on the Galaxy S' I'll 100% go for it, if not, I'll most likely go for it anyway.
Seems like almost nobody actually tried the music on both.
From the reviews I read people said sound was definitely better then the Desire...
All I can offer on audio quality is this:
According to that GSMArena review it has a flatter frequency response curve than the Desire, lower noise levels and higher dynamic range.
I don't have personal experience of it though, so I can't vouch for how it sounds myself.
Edit: It does do some odd filtering on headphones, though, which can apparently be turned off:
I'm going to buy the Samsung Galaxy S.
Thank you to everyone that replied to my posts.
Just to stir things up!!!
My partner received her galaxy last week, within 3 days she had returned it for the Desire. and is completely satisfied, as am I, that she made the correct choice.
Don’t get me wrong, the Galaxy was a nice phone. but it was very light and plasticy which was a major turn off for us. Plus the audio quality was no where near as good as the Desire.
on paper the Galaxy may have better hardware performance, but let me tell, actually using both devices you don’t notice anything different, other than the Desire feels like its built properly.
That’s just our opinion, but hope it helps you
dont know, the galaxy S should be faster and better than the desire... but i tried it at the store, hell, it has loading times wtf Oo some friends got desires.. they never really need to load long..
i think thats cause the touchwiz **** from samsung.. if there would be a possibility to flash a stock froyo rom (probably there is already one), that phone would be awsome, but ONLY THEN.
but i have to say.. i love the screen. its smaller then the one from my hd2.. but still big. for me its the almost perfect size of screen. probably 4.1" would be better, but 4" is enough, i lile it. + the super amoled screen is really fantastic
the only thing why the galaxy s is crappy is the software.. if someone gets that fixes, its the best android for my opinion^.^
EDIT: btw, for me the desire screen is just too small i could NEVER enjoy surfing with that...
gdallas said:
Plus the audio quality was no where near as good as the Desire.
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That does sound kinda weird, as GSMarena did say that the audio quality was amazing. There is a fix for getting the phone to sound good through headphones, and BTW, what kind of headphones did you use?
Sony bud earphhones. the sound isss both better in ear and via speaker
Short comment from me as i do have both of them in my hand for a while already.
What Desire have in advance:
- flash light
- much better mail client, support for meeting requests (create, accept, etc..)
- much easier switch of USB mode
- much better phone dial pad with really working search
- more widgets
- search in exchange global address list from peoples list (everywhere), displays even phone numbers not just email
- really good sw keyboard
What Galaxy S have in advance:
- better camera, picture is actually more crisper and more real colors
- much better display, with more precise multi-touch
- better battery live (lifetime was about 135% of Desire in my case, same usage)
- better sound from build is speaker (good for in-car instructions or as "radio")
- can play almost every audio/video format without noticeable lacking
- 3d accelerator, much higher FPS for 3d games
- 2 gigs ROM = more applications can be installed, good especially for games as games can be big
(i now froyo allows you to move it to SD card, but no app supports it so far)
- and have more sexy design!
My conclusion:
If you are sort of corporate user, with high usage of email and especially Exchange, go for Desire.
If you are multimedia freak or gamer, go for Samsung.
I find some of the software comparisons in this thread a little hard to swallow. There are over 63,000 (over 100,000 including paid) FREE apps/widgets/keyboards/games/FLAC that can be downloaded and installed without needing any form of root or warranty voiding modification.
The sound comparison may be the only issue. However, most of the sound problem is resolved by using lossless compression: FLAC, WMA, or otherwise (an app supporting various formats can be downloading for either device!). I have yet to notice a different between a qualcomm cpu's audio processing or a samsung cpu's audio processing - when using the same headphones, and same audio file. I mean... really???
I'm getting quite confused.
Some say that the Desire's sound quality is better, some Galaxy S' is better.
Which one of these two statements are actually true? Some even say that the sound quality is the same...
Looking at the poll it looks like most people think that the Galaxy S is better, so if to just go by the poll the Galaxy S would win, but well, democracy isn't always correct.
BTW nightswim, nice post, very detailed and nice to hear from someone who owns both. Would you say that the sound quality on both phones are the same? Since you said, and I'm quoting "better sound from build is speaker" (I assume that u meant "built in"), would that mean that the sound quality is only better on the Galaxy S when listening through the built in speakers?
Bottom line: Galaxy S is overall definitely the hardware king and Desire the software king , but still extremely confused about the sound quality.

Just for Vibrant user's, How many switched and why?

Just curious to know why you gave up on the Vibrant?
I bought the Vibrant on launch day - LOVED IT....
Then.... the GPS problems started... and seemed to get worse over time, to the point where the phone was rebooting itself when I used the GPS for more than just a few minutes (regardless of the app).
I updated to JI6 when it was released by Samsung since it was supposed to fix the issues, or at least make them a little better. HA! I used GPS that night on the way home, had a strong GPS lock... I was about half way home and looked down and it showed me in the middle of a river. What was truely laughable was that it was saying accurate to within 30 feet - and ever better was that the river it showed me in the middle of was over a mile away!
I swapped the Vibrant for a Nexus One, but after having seen the performance of the MT4G and the fact that everything I ever had rooted for before on other phones was right there ready to go stock-out-of-the-box on the MyTouch, I made the leap.
Something else that sold me - the screen. I can actually read the screen in sunlight better than I could the Nexus... Sure, the Vibrant was a little better in that area than the Nexus, but still not as good as this.
Oh yes - the front facing camera was a selling point as well. A lot of my friends (I say that term loosely since I dont like being associated with crApple fans!) have iphones and use video chat a lot via Tango - I just wanted to be part of the crowd without further lining Job's pockets and no way in hell was I going to AT&T.
30Glock said:
Just curious to know why you gave up on the Vibrant?
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Led notifications, ffc, samsung, and one of the main reasons... The horrible plastic feel
Samshitty, need I say more? Hardware not in sync with software does no good at all. Myt4G= Latest operating system, better processor/hardware, ffc, desk clock(best), FM radio, Sense (Love it) pinch to zoom email, best browser, better gaming, Genius button, no lag, less expensive,wifi calling, More ram (768), best battery to date, everything just works and is included. Unlike the predecessors, no need for make-shifts to get the stuff we want. It is more of a complete package then any Android phone to date.
I'm gonna keep using both but the mytouch is the superior phone. For me, the overall function of the mytouch is the reason. There are some things that the vibrant does do better though - 1. The samoled on the vibrant is definitely better (I love the true blacks and contrast ratio on this thing) 2. The speakers are also noticeably better with richer and fuller sound 3. The GPU is also more capable 4. Audio quality for media is better (mytouch and HTC phones in general have too much bass and not enough detail) 5. The camera while lacking flash is more capable 5. The multitouch, responsiveness, and feel of the screen is better 6. And the last thing is the notification bar is the best I've seen on an Android phone (the ability to have those toggle settings, change brightness by swiping, and change music tracks are amazing). Everything else, the mytouch does better. 1) GPS is much better 2) Solid feel while the vibrant felt plastic and creaked 3)FFC 3. Camera flash 4. Froyo 5. Optical trackpad 6. Much better battery life 7. The user experience is buttery smooth with little or no lag on this thing 8. The notification led
Wow sorry for the essay guys, got a little carried away haha.
When you say the plastic creaked, were you handling the white one? Only the white one has all that plastic - the rest have hard rubber - no creaking involved!
JWhipple said:
When you say the plastic creaked, were you handling the white one? Only the white one has all that plastic - the rest have hard rubber - no creaking involved!
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My bad man, I meant the vibrant felt plastic and creaked. I fixed it in my post. I have the black mytouch, feels really good with the rubberized plastic. You're right though, only the white has the plastic (main reason I chose the black over white, the other being a three-toned color setup for white which looks funny IMO).
I jumped ship tonight aswell. Main reason for me is because I love the widgets and the fact that I have a notification light after months of torture.
just picked up the mytouch 4g in plum color last night. will need to use this device for at least a few weeks to gauge whether i want to sell my vibrant or not. since i have two phone lines, as one phone is for my job, i will probably end up keeping both and just sell my hd2.
my opinion as it stands now, towards the vibrant, is that the vibrant can be the best android phone available if and when samsung fixes all the issues on the upcoming froyo 2.2 update. i.e., laggy rfs file system and persistent problems with gps even after the ji6 update.
I used the Vibrant from the first week's release. The Vibrant screen is way overrated. Sure, the blacks looks a thought they've been painted on the screen, but that's really how far I would go with its advantages. Readability on the MT4G is vastly better. And, the thing that made the Vibrant terrible was its color reproduction. White were blueish, and because the white balance was so off, all other colors were just completely off. This phone can show true whites. Another subtlety is the fact that varying brightness levels is oh so much smoother on the mt4g. You can't achieve that yet with SAMOLED, as brightness levels would go up or down in stages. I found it a little distracting.
The rfs file system was a main deal breaker to me. It got really annoying. Why did Samsung have to try and be different? It caused the majority of the lag in the phone in comparison to similar phones with the same specs.
For example, when I ran the Napster and Thumbplay apps on the Vibrant, it would take foreeeeever to load the album art and no other phones except Samsung phones have that problem apparently. On the mt4g, it loads instantaneously.
waiaung1 said:
I'm gonna keep using both but the mytouch is the superior phone. For me, the overall function of the mytouch is the reason. There are some things that the vibrant does do better though - 1. The samoled on the vibrant is definitely better (I love the true blacks and contrast ratio on this thing) 2. The speakers are also noticeably better with richer and fuller sound 3. The GPU is also more capable 4. Audio quality for media is better (mytouch and HTC phones in general have too much bass and not enough detail) 5. The camera while lacking flash is more capable 5. The multitouch, responsiveness, and feel of the screen is better 6. And the last thing is the notification bar is the best I've seen on an Android phone (the ability to have those toggle settings, change brightness by swiping, and change music tracks are amazing). Everything else, the mytouch does better. 1) GPS is much better 2) Solid feel while the vibrant felt plastic and creaked 3)FFC 3. Camera flash 4. Froyo 5. Optical trackpad 6. Much better battery life 7. The user experience is buttery smooth with little or no lag on this thing 8. The notification led
Wow sorry for the essay guys, got a little carried away haha.
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You may be long winded, but you said EXACTLY the reasons. I lived some things about my Vibrant that the mT4G just can't or doesn't do as well, but I swapped out for the 4G and an very happy I did so.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I did it for the speed,ummm speed, and ummm speed..basically.
lghorn said:
You may be long winded, but you said EXACTLY the reasons. I lived some things about my Vibrant that the mT4G just can't or doesn't do as well, but I swapped out for the 4G and an very happy I did so.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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#4 reason is open to debate. Some say the GPU on myt4g is better than the Vibrant. I've used the vibrant rooted almost a month and I think myt4g GPU is better. Next G2 and then the Vibrant.
The Hummingbird wins in one area of GPU only. in all other areas G2 wins. Which is slightly inferior to myt4g processor.
No more Sammy for me!
I had the same issues with the Vibrant as just about everyone else who has posted replies:
- unuseable GPS
- no camera Flash
- No notification light
- No FFC
- I hate capacitive buttons
- no trackpad
- no HSPA+
The only thing I liked better about the Vibrant is the screen...it is a beautiful screen that the MT4G can't compete with, but with all the other problems the Vibrant has, the screen is not enough to make me keep it.
I spent more time flashing ROM's on my Vibrant than actually using it...sure, it makes you feel cool for the first week when you are adding new features and trying new ROM's, but it gets very old very quickly when the UI changes, but the crappy hardware is still limited and there is nothing you can do about that except to buy a decent phone...for now, that is the MT4G.
floepie said:
I used the Vibrant from the first week's release. The Vibrant screen is way overrated. Sure, the blacks looks a thought they've been painted on the screen, but that's really how far I would go with its advantages. Readability on the MT4G is vastly better. And, the thing that made the Vibrant terrible was its color reproduction. White were blueish, and because the white balance was so off, all other colors were just completely off. This phone can show true whites. Another subtlety is the fact that varying brightness levels is oh so much smoother on the mt4g. You can't achieve that yet with SAMOLED, as brightness levels would go up or down in stages. I found it a little distracting.
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The main drawback to the Vibrant's screen, IMO, was the jaggy text. amoled and S-amoled screens use the pentile arrangement of pixels, which gives one less sub-pixel to each individual pixel (2 instead of 3). This makes text look pixelated.
Text looks very sharp and clear on the MT4G. Speed and good GPS are the two main reasons I switched. HTC just knows how to make android phones. Everything works very well on the phone and it flies!
kamasi36 said:
#4 reason is open to debate. Some say the GPU on myt4g is better than the Vibrant. I've used the vibrant rooted almost a month and I think myt4g GPU is better. Next G2 and then the Vibrant.
The Hummingbird wins in one area of GPU only. in all other areas G2 wins. Which is slightly inferior to myt4g processor.
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You could very well be correct but I kinda wanna see the tests once the Galaxy S phones get Froyo for a fair comparison. It is a known fact that Froyo adds somewhat of a boost to graphics performance seen by older Snapdragon processor phones performing better in graphics benchmarks after updating to Froyo. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I am right but from using both phones, it seems like the Vibrant is able to handle 720p HD videos and games a little better (the games could be due to devs not coding the games properly for the new Adreno 205). If you guys wanna see a comparison, I say you run the same games and HD videos side by side, and not rely too much on benchmark numbers. What I find interesting is that, the video frames are noticeably smoother on the Vibrant when running the Quadrant benchmark.
waiaung1 said:
You could very well be correct but I kinda wanna see the tests once the Galaxy S phones get Froyo for a fair comparison. It is a known fact that Froyo adds somewhat of a boost to graphics performance seen by older Snapdragon processor phones performing better in graphics benchmarks after updating to Froyo. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I am right but from using both phones, it seems like the Vibrant is able to handle 720p HD videos and games a little better (the games could be due to devs not coding the games properly for the new Adreno 205). If you guys wanna see a comparison, I say you run the same games and HD videos side by side, and not rely too much on benchmark numbers. What I find interesting is that, the video frames are noticeably smoother on the Vibrant when running the Quadrant benchmark.
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Froyo does it no good as far as the GPU. It is designed to enhance optimize the CPU. JIT. Which is why even with JIT activated on the leaked froyo (att) it didn't improve in MFLOPS where the Qualcomm processors did. (5) times improvement. AS for games. I have been playing asphalt on the myt4G and it is a better experience then the vibrant. (butter)
The above poster is right when he says that HTC does better with Android then Samsung. All the Samsung Android devices had problems. Most notably, no support. HTC makes better Android devices. Period.
kamasi36 said:
Froyo does it no good as far as the GPU. It is designed to enhance optimize the CPU. JIT. Which is why even with JIT activated on the leaked froyo (att) it didn't improve in MFLOPS where the Qualcomm processors did. (5) times improvement. AS for games. I have been playing asphalt on the myt4G and it is a better experience then the vibrant. (butter)
The above poster is right when he says that HTC does better with Android then Samsung. All the Samsung Android devices had problems. Most notably, no support. HTC makes better Android devices. Period.
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I know JIT mostly improves CPU performance but phones such as the Nexus One did get a little bit of a GPU jump in graphics benchmarks after getting Froyo. The reason I think is because these graphics benchmarks are not 100% GPU only; a little bit of CPU is involved as well. An example of a CPU affecting graphics is the PS3, the CPU does wonders for it which is evident through amazing graphics in first party games like uncharted 2 because the system is being used more efficiently. Another thing that Froyo adds is better memory management (unlocks hi mem and manages it better) which should also affect these scores a little IMO. I just don't think it's a fair comparison until the Vibrant receives the actual Froyo update, that's all I'm saying. It could be the case that they are even or that the adreno 205 is better, we'll find out once Froyo arrives.
P.S I whole-heartedly agree with you two that HTC makes a lot better android phones, heck phones in general, than Samsung.

What phone??? XL, EVO, RazR, SGS2, Galaxy Nexus.

Hi all,
Looking to get a new contract and i'm torn, i actually work as tech support in a phone shop and i'm stumped as to what to pick, I'm a big fan of sense but I'm an eye out, the razr for example is a lovely looking phone but it's senseless and it is a motorola, i've heard bad things about them.
The XL is a beast but it's only single core, i love the size, it's perfect for me and the screen is very vibrant plus it has snazzy headphones.
The evo is everything i want but it's a little small, i know the screen size isn't tiny but next to the xl it is, an xl evo hybrid would be magic.
The SGS2 is hardware wise a decent phone but again i'm not a fan of senseless phones.
And finally the Galaxy Nexus, one of my colleagues has it and it's a gorgeous looking phone, it does everything very well and it hides the fact that it's senseless very well.
I may go for this, but I can only get it on the three network were i am plus i wouldn't be able to get it today, as i don't have my ID.
I'm using the Lumia at the moment and it's a lovely phone but the lack of apps and the restrictions, the price of the apps, the whole experience is being hindered by these limitations.
anyone with experience of these phones, hands on or if they have them, what would you decide on?
Are there any phones in the near future which i should hold out for?
Any help would be good.
I think that you should buy the SGS2.
not getting this sorry... according to your sig you own already 2 htc devices where the sensation is quite new and not much of adifference to the sgs2. would either pick the galaxy nexus or wait for the s3.
My priority list for fones--
1.)Galaxy Nexus (for sure)
2.)SgS2 + 2000mAh battery(will get ICS later on, but i am patient enough for that)
3.)XL (size is downside for me coz i Have BuTTerFingers
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
Razr or galaxy nexus for sure.
If the razr had ics i would switch over to verizon in a heart beat. Phone looks so niceeee and has.good specs as well.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
from ur selection i really would go with either the galaxy s2 or galaxy nexus and since im a vanilla lover id def go with the galaxy nexus ...nexus phones ftw.
go mess with the phones at the store and decide for yourself. threads like this are pointless, imho. each device will have its fanboys and haters.
all i can say is galaxy nexus looks superior to others for now. wait a few months and something better will drop, dropping its value to 300-400 bucks.
Galaxy S2
The most powerful GPU
Best camera
Great battery
Fast UI that NEVER lags
Super lite and thin
Brilliant display.
You're a veteran of three HTC devices, so I wouldn't even look at the Evo or XL. Razr... Motorola... bleh.
Go for GN or SGS2. In that order.
rawrfische said:
You're a veteran of three HTC devices, so I wouldn't even look at the Evo or XL. Razr... Motorola... bleh.
Go for GN or SGS2. In that order.
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The GN has a crappy camera. Avoid. GS2 > GN
POLO_i780 said:
Galaxy S2
The most powerful GPU
Best camera
Great battery
Fast UI that NEVER lags
Super lite and thin
Brilliant display.
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Oh im sorry but the best camera phone in 2011 is the sensation and its been proven by the cnet and the best ui is always sense
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
I'd go for the GN for the updates.
yeah, other phones get it... eventually, but with a Nexus phone, you'll always be up to date, months in advance of everyone else.
plus phone looks great... not too crazy about the build quality as it's a Samsung phone but, nice design non the less.
5mp vs. 8mp... mp don't mean crap. what's more important is the sensor. (have not tried out the GN's camera to comment. just stating in general)
don't buy into the Beats Audio nonsense. it's pure marketing. better headphones/EQ settings out on the market.
Dare I suggest either the note (friend has one and it is huge) or wait until ces / mwc
Or get the nexus
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
POLO_i780 said:
Galaxy S2
The most powerful GPU
Best camera
Great battery
Fast UI that NEVER lags
Super lite and thin
Brilliant display.
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Shame on you,
It does not have the most powerful GPU, iPhone 4S and the iPad2 have the most powerful GPU. It doesn't have the best camera, two of my friends own SGS2 and after a month or two they both experienced a lot of UI slowdowns and lagging. Surely there is a point of being too thin also considering it is made of cheap plastic? Loving the ancient WVGA display!
I'd probably go for the Razr it looks lovely!
Joshhedge said:
Shame on you,
It does not have the most powerful GPU, iPhone 4S and the iPad2 have the most powerful GPU. It doesn't have the best camera, two of my friends own SGS2 and after a month or two they both experienced a lot of UI slowdowns and lagging. Surely there is a point of being too thin also considering it is made of cheap plastic? Loving the ancient WVGA display!
I'd probably go for the Razr it looks lovely!
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Did the PW ask about an iPhone or iPad???
In terms of overall Pic quality/video quality the GS2 is the best in the PW's list.
Majority of users and reviewers will tell you the GS2 hardly slows down, its the one high end Android that can be compared to iPhone4S and WP7 phones in terms of a UI thats fast and smooth.
If it was cheap plastic there would be tons of complaints of back covers breaking, screens cracking, plastic quickly chipping etc...all over the web, and the press would be all over it, yet wait...theres none of that.
The "ancient" WVGA display has been praised due to the Super AMOLED Plus tech it uses, and is up there with the Retina display.
POLO_i780 said:
Did the PW ask about an iPhone or iPad???
In terms of overall Pic quality/video quality the GS2 is the best in the PW's list.
Majority of users and reviewers will tell you the GS2 hardly slows down, its the one high end Android that can be compared to iPhone4S and WP7 phones in terms of a UI thats fast and smooth.
If it was cheap plastic there would be tons of complaints of back covers breaking, screens cracking, plastic quickly chipping etc...all over the web, and the press would be all over it, yet wait...theres none of that.
The "ancient" WVGA display has been praised due to the Super AMOLED Plus tech it uses, and is up there with the Retina display.
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Yeah you are right...I'm a[cough-cough] proud owner of a qHD display of my sensation due to which there are less apps and games available and those available have streched UI...
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
Joshhedge said:
Shame on you,
It does not have the most powerful GPU, iPhone 4S and the iPad2 have the most powerful GPU. It doesn't have the best camera, two of my friends own SGS2 and after a month or two they both experienced a lot of UI slowdowns and lagging. Surely there is a point of being too thin also considering it is made of cheap plastic? Loving the ancient WVGA display!
I'd probably go for the Razr it looks lovely!
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Are you kidding, I've done first hand comparisons to the Evo's cameras to the iPhone4 and the iPad2 and the Evo killed them easily.
The SGS2 cam is slightly better than the Evo (again first hand experience) more accurately detects lighting conditions on auto.
The Sensation camera is slightly better than the SGS2 (firsthand) capturing colors better on auto. I do love its camera button, pressure sensitive.
I haven't used the other phones so..
The cameras specs do not make it a good camera if it can capture in 1080p but its blurred, wrong exposure, colors over/under saturated, etc...
But the phones aren't all about the camera. Depending on what you want from it you need to consider how well it would be supported. What kind of accessory items will be available, like car/desk docks. If your a flashaholic then look at what phone threads get the most active developments.
My 2 cents
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I came from HTC and was HUGE Sense UI fan, now i have Google Nexus ("Galaxy") and couldn't be happier! it's by far the BEST phone i've got
HTC Touch Pro 2
HTC Desire
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Sensation XE (Borrowed)
Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S
SAMSUNG Galaxy Note (Won it from SAMSUNG launch contest then sold it after 2 weeks and got>>)
Google (Galaxy) Nexus!
Definitely the SGSII.
-Sent from my Droid 2-
I recommend you Galaxy S2 for sure. It's the best choice money/quality.

[Q] Pros for Sensation in face of SGS2?

Hi, I have dilemma, the time has come to buy new smartphone
I know this question was considered many times but let me describe my point of view.
My adventure with smartphones started with Nokia N82 and now I have HTC Desire Z. I was really happy having Desire Z and HTC made a real impression on me. Now I am considering to buy HTC Sensation or Galaxy S2. I really liked dev support for HTC and Cyanogenmod ROM and also other ones. I didn't use stock ROM. I am reading about many positives for SGS2 like display, camera, RAM and cons like Touchwiz, display resolution.
I would prefer to choose HTC maybe beacuse I know their product, I didn't have any samsung before.
My preferences:
For me the most important is performence, customization possibilities and dev support. I don't care about outside but only what is inside. I like sometimes to grab a picture or record a movie. For sure I am using the phone for multimedia: playing, web browsing and waching films. It would be nice if some newer games could be played smoothly. And I was really impressed by HTC custom ROMs (especially CM7).
Could you give me any view for situation repsecting my preferences? I wouldn't like to miss HTC and would like to have sure I will be satisifed if choose SGS2 (it said better performance/hardware).
I hope you understand my uncertainties.
Honestly, I think you'd be happy with either.
Both should be able to play new games smoothly e.g. Modern Combat 3.
Both seem to have a good range of dev support over here there's MIUI, Sense and CM ROM's so quite a few choices. Not sure about the GS2 but I'd expect there to be even more.
Overall, comes down to whether you want a Super AMOLED + Display or a Higher resolution screen, solid build quality or a slimmer phone and Sense.
Understand, but I have a little mess after all reviews I have seen and would like to know actually which differences are exaggerated and which are really negligible :/
For SGS2 in comparision to HTC Sensation I get known:
- SGS2 salmoled display better than LCD but worse resolution
- SGS2 1 GB RAM, for HTC left 200MB RAM free on stock ROM
- SGS2 pretty nice photos, better than for HTC
- SGS2 better movie recording
- SGS2 better movies playing
- SGS2 faster GPS sattelites localization
- SGS2 10 multitouch counted, HTC only 4
- SGS2 worse built than HTC (personally prefer HTC onecast built)
- HTC "death grip" issue
- personal - no experience with samsung products
- personal - fall in love with HTC - THE MAIN REASON OF PROBLEM TO MAKE CHOICE
- will CM ROM look and function similar on both phones?
So I am asking you to make some objective assessment of both phones.
Sebalos said:
Understand, but I have a little mess after all reviews I have seen and would like to know actually which differences are exaggerated and which are really negligible :/
For SGS2 in comparision to HTC Sensation I get known:
- SGS2 salmoled display better than LCD but worse resolution
- SGS2 1 GB RAM, for HTC left 200MB RAM free on stock ROM
- SGS2 pretty nice photos, better than for HTC
- SGS2 better movie recording
- SGS2 better movies playing
- SGS2 faster GPS sattelites localization
- SGS2 10 multitouch counted, HTC only 4
- SGS2 worse built than HTC (personally prefer HTC onecast built)
- HTC "death grip" issue
- personal - no experience with samsung products
- personal - fall in love with HTC - THE MAIN REASON OF PROBLEM TO MAKE CHOICE
- will CM ROM look and function similar on both phones?
So I am asking you to make some objective assessment of both phones.
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Saying SAMOLED is better is subjective. I don't find it's greenish hue all that tempting. Also S-LCD is actually legible in sunlight.
As for ram? Who cares, both phones have zero memory issues, so that in itself is a non-issue.
The Sensation is a decent phone, but it does have a known heat problem (Use it with the screen on for 15 minutes and it's noticeably warm, sometimes hot). Also, the speaker isn't too great. Performance and customizability is very high though. MIUI, that one WP7-esque rom, AOSP GB and 4.0, Senseless roms, and of course Sense 3.0/3.5/3.6. We have a lot to choose from.
Ok, but SGS2 isn't so much customizable and do you think the same ROMs probably except Sense couldn't be find?
I never said the Sensation is a better option - they're both wonderful phones, but two of your points were kind of off is all. Screen type is 100% subjective and RAM doesn't matter as long as the OS has enough. I don't care if the SGS2 has 1GB of ram if either phone can get away with 600-700MB.
Htc sense, camera, screen resolution. Build qualitu
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
sshede said:
I never said the Sensation is a better option - they're both wonderful phones, but two of your points were kind of off is all. Screen type is 100% subjective and RAM doesn't matter as long as the OS has enough. I don't care if the SGS2 has 1GB of ram if either phone can get away with 600-700MB.
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The Sensastion does have memory issues. The only reason I rooted and flashed was because Sense kept force closing even when I opened the smallest of apps. Granted, the update to ICS and possible Sense 4.0 may help things but if you don't want to root/flash, I would definitely go with the Galaxy S2.
I love my Sensation right now but the Galaxy S2 has a really, really great screen and it has great performance as well because of the killer CPU/GPU. But if you can, I would really really encourage you to wait for the new HTC One X or S or whatever.
No point in choosing either option IMO after MWC. Wait it out, get used phone, or maybe play with another OS in the interim. Come back for quad core, better camera, bigger battery, and HD screen. Also some of the quad core phones may be Playstation certified by end of year.
Superamoled plus is definitely better than super lcd except resolution. But there is not a big difference between samoled and super LCD. This is the only difference. But think about the future of your phone. Because samsung is the worst company i have ever seen. They won't publish ics for galaxy s ,plus and others. But htc community is bigger so sensation has a future. But galaxy s2 s future will be end by galaxy s3 s release.
I choose htc because I have used samsung before. And they really really pissed me off...
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio Z715e using Tapatalk

3d phones : lg 3d vs htc evo 3d (comparison + problem)

Edit: there is a comparison in the beginning if you are interested in these two phones.
*** the comparison:
The screen is better on the lg. It has more vibrant and saturated colors. High contrast, it looks very nice. The first time i got the phone i thought LG made lcd screen with colors of the amoled (beside the black that is typically lcd-like, but also deep and nice). Lg sometimes has bug with touchscreen, like some voltage issues or digitizer.
Red blue and green, also white color is very good. Viewing angels are also very wide. Its probably good ips lcd screen, lg make very good ones. Only htc one x can beat it. All sony ericssons with bravia are much worse that this. Only samoled+ can be better, or newest ips slcd2, or whatever one x has.
Htc evo 3d has a bit more natural colors, and white is a bit green, or even greyish but not so much really. But lg is nicer. Viewing angels also a bit worse. I've read that it's a hitachi screen with sony bravia engine. When you move the angle the colors starts to fade a bit. Lg is better. But the digitizer is more sensitive, hopefully without bugs on htc.
3d effect is the same for me, both very good. But evo has more natural colors, not so vibrant (a disadvantage when you are used to lg) but has bigger resolution so that it can be an advantage, little less pixels (but are also visible)
Music: dunno really, at first htc i didn't like the sounds, but now it's quite ok, thou it's different than lg. Hard to tell really which is better, thou at first lg seemed to be better player. After evo's ics upgrade i think evo plays better but it can be a placebo (i installed the leak of ics - almost final, very good, speed is nice)
Camera: i like them both, htc is worse in dark, more noise i think, but camera soft is brilliant, touch to focus and many effects on ics. Video worse than lg imho, and no fHD in standard ROM (but it's possible due to a modded camera)
Soft on evo is fluid on ics, on ginger there is slight tearing here and there, but can be used to. No lags in system, like in lg, that sometimes system stopped, or during a game was thinking suddenly for few minutes. But games on ginger was tearing badly (soft issues) Ppl say on ics it's ok. Benchmarks seem to show almost the same efficiency as lg 3d.
Htc Sense is much different, very complex, don't appeal visually to me. I like the simplicity of Android, lg has everything i needed, smart dialing, notification/power widgets with shortcuts to settings (long press) very comfortable. Sense is too complex sometimes. But it has many neat functions, good browser, lockscreen, widgets, apps etc.
If you have questions tell me.
*** The problem : I think I'm used to my lg phone, i like it, even with its faults. This is for sure because of nice developers here. Also the screen is very nice, colors are very vibrant. It's better than all other lcds. The processor is also very good, nice gpu, good for gaming. It lacks the ram thou. Lg is has a terrible support, update will be late and maybe buggy. Buy it's a simple and good phone, with nice hardware. GC fix is on the way...
But now i have htc evo 3d on the new contract with operator. I don't like htc sense, design is strange, screen colors not so vibrant. Games probably worse than omap4. But it has ICS (the leak but official will be very soon) 1gb of ram etc.
I'm tied to this phone (p920) and don't want to sell it. But two is too many for me. I had the same situation with the Milestone. Sometimes it was driving me crazy, but i liked that phone in general. After 1,5 year i sold it but i missed it, especially the qwerty.
It's strange that anybody can be so tied to a phone, it's just a thing. I'm afraid that i will regret if i sell lg. Now there are many good ROMs and games run very well..
I don't like htc very much, but I'm torn apart, cause it's good phone but not that i really wanted (just it was a good offer and i decided that i must take and maybe sell it)
argh... I'm so confused... I sell them both to buy a galaxy nexus maybe ...
Lg is now very fast on custom ROM, evo isn't for me a satisfying upgrade. Evo is also not best for modding, cause on aosp camera don't work (because there are 2 versions on evo, on mine camera won't work in aosp, miui, cm roms, i have older version with 2 5mpix cameras, newer has 5+2mpix camera, custom roms are for newer one)
Ok. EVO has the cm9 that looks beautiful, and is fast as hell. So i will sell optimus, which is also fast and runs games smoothly, but dont have so much aosp roms and is difficult to mod. slcs screen is worse than ips, but i dont care anymore. I started to like htc. Compared to my previous phones it is like an advanced tech phone. And htc is best choice for modders.
Thanks for your attention, and cheers..

