I've been trying to make Whatsapp work on Android Emulator without success. The only problem is to send the right sms to the emulator in response to the one sent by Whatsapp. The key is to convert the PDU packet correctly from SMS-SUBMIT format to SMS-DELIVER one, but it seems I didn't make it so far.
Original PDU
if there is anyone who want join me in this I'll be glad to be more specific about this process. It will be usefull to hack confimation on mobile devices too. here you can find a quick guide how to understand PDU packets www dreamfabric.com/sms/
Hi! I've been trying this aswell and I use this to convert the code: rednaxela net/pdu.php
yours seems to be incorrect as it doesn't contain any message.
Btw I've managed to make it work but after it recieves the message the program gets stuck in the screen where you have to chose your nickname.
ktix, how do u do it. please help me.
were you ever successful ? Can you please post an update.
Hi,I recently reinstalled thebarb android emulator and whatsapp,this time it just accepted the number whitout trying confirmation,don't know why but it works now...
First let me apologize if this question has been answered previously. I did try searching all forums for the solution, but the search methods make it very difficult to narrow down the search results.
I"m also having trouble posting. I get the message "To prevent spam to the forums, ALL new users are not permitted to post outside links in their messages", so I'm editing this message to see if I can find the "outside link" (there is none that I can see.)
I have an original Motorola Droid 1 - purchased the first month that Verizon had them 2 Decembers ago.
I am trying to root my phone. Here are the stats from the "About Phone" screen
Android version: 2.2.2
Build number: FRG83G
I have tried Z4MOD 1.3 and Super One click 2.1 (not 2.1.1) (had to put spaces in because message parser though it was an outside link?)
For both, the symptom is the same. Root appears to work, Superuser application shows up, but phone is not rooted. Apps requiring root access fail, and I've read that the simplest way to absolutely confirm root is to go into Terminal Emulator and see if there's a # prompt instead of a $ prompt. My Term Emulator screen has a $ and when I type S U (with no spaces) , it comes back with "permission denied".
I'm a software consultant (but not a Linux guy) so I understand the steps and concepts involved.
I've also tried once or twice in the past to do a couple of the "step-by-step" methods Same result.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm not against resetting my phone completely if that's what it will take.
The Super one click install log is attached - seems to indicate that everything is OK.
Thanks in advance
Found the info that caused the "outside link" error message, thought it might be informative, so I'm including that info in the text file attached to this message.
I recently singed up for a Pandora account and my user name and password work when I navigate to it throgh my web browser on my PC but on my phone when trying to log in via Metro Raido it give me the following error; .. Error logging in.. Would you like to check MetroRadio news and see if it is a global issue? WT Help !!!! Please !!!!
Once again, never mind; I figured it out my self as usual. Thanks for the 200 plus views and 0 attempts to help. I downloaded this other app named Raido Controled and it works perfect, seems that MetroRadio has issues.
Hello XDA!!!this is my first post...
I wanted to be able to send sms messages using my pc but i couldnt find anything useful....
So, after doing some research i managed to create and modify some scripts and got the results i wanted...
The scripts run on linux and have been tested on Arch Linux and Ubuntu...
There are 2 main scripts:
One for reading the phone's messages..
And one for sending messages...
The second script also reads a file called "contacts" and displays its content...
The "contacts" file does not use the phones contacts...the user can open it using a text editor and write his own contacts...
There is also another file called "adb_location" which the user must open with a text editor and paste location of adb...
* Rooted android phone with sqlite3 installed(I believe most custom roms have sqlite3 installed)(My phone is rooted nexus S with CM9)
* Linux pc (tested: Arch Linux and Android)
* ADB installed and working properly
#######After Download#########
* Extract sms.zip wherever you want
* Connect your rooted phone to pc in debugging mode (so it can interact with ADB)
* Open the extracted folder
* Open the file: "adb_location" using a text editor and replace the line: "/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb" with your own adb location
* Open the file: "contacts" and replace the examples with the contacts that you will be using
* Open in terminal the file: "reader-refresh.sh" to read the messages from your phone
* Open in terminal the file: "launch-contacts.sh" to view your contacts and send messages
Here is a demonstration video...not vary instructive but i thing it will help:
XDA wont let me post an outside link...so if you want to see the video search on youtube : "Send sms using pc via adb (linux - android)"
note: If you don't know how to root your phone, flash custom roms or install adb on your linux system, there are plenty of tutorials available on the web
Thanks 1000 times. I have been trying with Qtadb (qtadb installed on both sides). It is supposed to send sms but never could make it ork (client not responding)
I just found your script, and as an Arch user, noting to do than run it!! And working.
Very good script mate.
TY again, as I spend all day long on my box, and typing SMS on my SGS2 small keyboard is a pane in the ass.
polizois said:
Hello XDA!!!this is my first post...
I wanted to be able to send sms messages using my pc but i couldnt find anything useful....
So, after doing some research i managed to create and modify some scripts and got the results i wanted...
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I think I will use this and adapt it to a web page my sister can use in Abu Dhabi to text anyone in the US for free through my phone.
Thank you so much for the research you have done. KUDOS!
can anyone confirm this is working in ICS/Jellybean (particularly on a SGS2)?
thanks, Ian
Got things working again ... needed another
sleep 1
$ADB shell input keyevent 22
after the first one.
thanks for the fix...
iandoug said:
Got things working again ... needed another
sleep 1
$ADB shell input keyevent 22
after the first one.
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Thanks for the fix my friend...I have't worked on it since I posted it on xda, because noone seemed to care...
Update 12/Nov
Video Tutorial ...
English qnd germqn in CC
Requirements :
Whatsapp with verifed number
Xposed frame work
Rooted phone
Titanium backup
Donkey guard
Lets Start
The Idea of this trick is to fake the Imei number of second mobile which will make Whatsapp think that it's the first mobile and keep receiving messages without ask to re-verify .
step 1 :
In first mobile . Dial
, You'll find the Imei number (15 digits) , just write it on piece of paper .
step 2 :
Open Titanium backup , Grant Root permission and backup data of Whatsapp , you'll find three files in dir
copy them to your desktop
step 3 :
Install Whatsapp, Titanium backup.
Install Xposed frame work , and thin install Donkey guard module .
You can find out how here:
step 4 :
Open Donkey guard, find whatsapp, and select settings , Identity , thin click on pen icon next to Device ID
Popup will show up , write the IMEI you get from step 1 , and press save , then click on floppy icon in upper corner to save the rules , then close donkyguard.
step 5 :
copy the files you get from step 2 to /sdcard/Titanium backup
Then open Titanium and perform a restore .
That's it , easy right ?
Now you can use chat with your friend from two devices without use another number .
For me I'm using YouWave from Laptop and mobile
Titanium backup : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup&hl=en
Donley guard : http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/app-donkeyguard-security-management-t2831556
1) It's impossible to recive messages on two devices on same time , The device which is connected to Internet will recieve the messages , If both were conncted, The last devices you send message from will be the receiver .
If you find this Useful , please press like , It mean a lot to me .
Sorry for my bad English
I see you don't have many replies yet, but it is actually a really useful guide. I think the replies will come overtime, because a lot of people are searching for this.
I was searching this for a while and at last found it thanks. will try this now and let you know thanks.
felixpaul said:
I was searching this for a while and at last found it thanks. will try this now and let you know thanks.
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So does it work?
Yeah ..
Today i've tried it again .. bit using xprivacy instead of Donkeyguard bt with same method
Because .Donkey guard not working on my 5.0.2
lzk123 said:
So does it work?
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Yeah. Today i've tried it aagain using xprivacy instead of Donkey guard because it's not working on my 5.0.2 lollipop.
does it ask for re registration on the second device having the same number? or after backup, whatsapp will just open up and work as before??
iamlijoe said:
does it ask for re registration on the second device having the same number? or after backup, whatsapp will just open up and work as before??
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Just open and start chat, no ask for re registration .
Hit thank if helped .
I guess this only works on two Android phones?
charliebigpot said:
I guess this only works on two Android phones?
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I think so.. I don't have IOS mobile to test
xbarsasy said:
I think so.. I don't have IOS mobile to test
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1)can i use the second phone just to read notification from the 1st phone?
2)does the second phone always receive notification?
IzArsha said:
1)can i use the second phone just to read notification from the 1st phone?
2)does the second phone always receive notification?
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You got t he Notification and the message once .
I mean when you got a notification on the first Device , the second device will not get the message and will not got notification .
I couldn't make it work. Titanium backup doesn't seem to work on my pricipal device. Always got a storage problem error.
Is there any workaround for the TB step? Tryed to copy the system folder and the media folder but with no luck.
Also i'm using lollipop in one side and the JB on the other. This should cause any problem?
Thanks a lot!!!
evilinheaven said:
I couldn't make it work. Titanium backup doesn't seem to work on my pricipal device. Always got a storage problem error.
Is there any workaround for the TB step? Tryed to copy the system folder and the media folder but with no luck.
Also i'm using lollipop in one side and the JB on the other. This should cause any problem?
Thanks a lot!!!
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I got the same problem here. I've tried to change the backup location so many times and still isn't working.. I'm running KK 4.4.2
Use WhatsApp with the same number on Bluestacks (with English subtitles).
riovi said:
I got the same problem here. I've tried to change the backup location so many times and still isn't working.. I'm running KK 4.4.2
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evilinheaven said:
I couldn't make it work. Titanium backup doesn't seem to work on my pricipal device. Always got a storage problem error.
Is there any workaround for the TB step? Tryed to copy the system folder and the media folder but with no luck.
Also i'm using lollipop in one side and the JB on the other. This should cause any problem?
Thanks a lot!!!
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Sorry for late Answer, I hat exams .Have you tried this ?
Key file
If I have a backup of conversation, but only this, and I want to use this method to get the key file, there a possibility of this be done? Or can I read old backups in the new phone without problems?
If you don't understand, I'm sorry, English is not my primary language.
joneves said:
If I have a backup of conversation, but only this, and I want to use this method to get the key file, there a possibility of this be done? Or can I read old backups in the new phone without problems?
If you don't understand, I'm sorry, English is not my primary language.
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I didnt understand exactly
But with this method the chats from old mobile will be automatically copied on the new one.
Hit thanks if helped ?!
@xbarsasy is this trick still working??
Hello guys,
this is my first post on this forum (sorry for my poor English, I'll try to write my best), and I'd really like to ask you some advice about my situation.
I used to have an Android 2.3.3 device and Whatsapp installed on it, regularly updated (I still have it, but I'm not using it).
Almost a month ago I bought a new device, with Android 4.4.4 installed, and I immediately put WhatsApp on it.
Before removing SD from the old phone, i saved my backup file OLD.db.crypt8, in order to let the "new" whatsapp restore my messages. Unfortunately, a month passed before i could be able to think about restoring my old messages.
Thus, i have accumulated (?) a month of messages, and i "backup-ed" them in a MIDDLE.db.crypt8 file.
I already managed to decrypt the "middle" db.crypt8 file (extracting the key file from my android 4.4.4), but don't know how to decrypt the OLD.db.crypt8 file.
OLD, in fact, comes from Android 2.3.3, as said, and i got no key file
My final goal is, after decrypting all three databases (OLD, MIDDLE and "NEW" - provided that NEW is the database i'm "growing up" on my phone at the moment), merging the three databases in an only database (and this is possible with the XDA guide i already have read)
Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much :laugh:
Samberotto said:
Hello guys,
this is my first post on this forum (sorry for my poor English, I'll try to write my best), and I'd really like to ask you some advice about my situation.
I used to have an Android 2.3.3 device and Whatsapp installed on it, regularly updated (I still have it, but I'm not using it).
Almost a month ago I bought a new device, with Android 4.4.4 installed, and I immediately put WhatsApp on it.
Before removing SD from the old phone, i saved my backup file OLD.db.crypt8, in order to let the "new" whatsapp restore my messages. Unfortunately, a month passed before i could be able to think about restoring my old messages.
Thus, i have accumulated (?) a month of messages, and i "backup-ed" them in a MIDDLE.db.crypt8 file.
I already managed to decrypt the "middle" db.crypt8 file (extracting the key file from my android 4.4.4), but don't know how to decrypt the OLD.db.crypt8 file.
OLD, in fact, comes from Android 2.3.3, as said, and i got no key file
My final goal is, after decrypting all three databases (OLD, MIDDLE and "NEW" - provided that NEW is the database i'm "growing up" on my phone at the moment), merging the three databases in an only database (and this is possible with the XDA guide i already have read)
Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much :laugh:
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Hi and thank you for using XDA Assist
That's a very unusual situation, but try to ask over here for better help, if no one answer you then try to ask here > Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting .
Good luck!
Thank you, I will try ask there.
Have a nice day