install multi apps in /system/app - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

My problem is i want to install multiple apk's into my /system/app and som of them is going to overwrite the old apk's how to i do that?. if it can help i have clockworkmod installed.


Apps to sdcard Problem(zip. instead of apk.)

i am moving my apps to the sdcard obviously, and when i copied my apps to the sdcard(cp -R /data/app/ /sdcard), i get a zip file for one of the apps. it should be an a apk. but the res, resources, and the android manifest, are all in this zip folder and i dont know a way to install that app to my sdcard to make it work.i tried the package installer on the phone, it worked by recoginzing the app but it said install uncessfull. so does anyone know a way so i can install the app someway or get it to a apk. format?
id appreciate it very much and thank you!!!!
mybackup saves backups in a "zip" file, could this be what you are seeing?
davidhooper4 said:
i am moving my apps to the sdcard obviously, and when i copied my apps to the sdcard(cp -R /data/app/ /sdcard), i get a zip file for one of the apps. it should be an a apk. but the res, resources, and the android manifest, are all in this zip folder and i dont know a way to install that app to my sdcard to make it work.i tried the package installer on the phone, it worked by recoginzing the app but it said install uncessfull. so does anyone know a way so i can install the app someway or get it to a apk. format?
id appreciate it very much and thank you!!!!
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i noticed the paid apps are showing up in /data/app as *.zip and in /data/app-private as the *.apk .. things like pac-man etc

[Q] HELP ME! I deleted a system app with Titanium Backup

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, running Gingerbread XWKDD, Android 2.3.3, Samsung's Touchwiz 4.0.
Rooted my SGS2 and got Titanium Backup, I uninstalled the clock app because I thought it was a widget and I didn't want to see alot of widget. Anyway, turns out the clock 1.0 is actually a system app by the name of
and titanium backup can't reinstall it, when i extract the .apk from the backup file and try manually installing, it doesn't install either, just says application not installed.
I also can't find this on Android market.
ok, so after some digging i found that still existed in system/apps but just wasn't running. I also noticed for almost every .apk, there was a .odex. But for my clockpackage, there was no .odex, maybe that's why it's not working?
on that thought, maybe anyone here can copy their .odex files for the 2 clock .apks and send them to me? Just use Root Explorer to see the system/app folder, mount R/W if you need to, then copy the 2 .odex files and then upload them somewhere? Pls?!?
if you want root explorer, holla at me via pm
I have the same problem with Contacts.apk (no .odex, Titanium or. RootExplorer can't install), so i can't open the number-pad to make a call.
I have tried to copy the backuped Contacts.apk manualy to /system/app, the rebooted, but it don't hlep.
Solved: I have Installed the VillainROM 1.0 and the app is back.
U tried reflashing your current rom??
Its the most clean solution... Because if you copy and paste from another device i'm sure about the system file its not going to work correctly(cache data from another device...mmm i think it will not work...)
sent from my amstrad CPC powered by LOL..(premium xda)

[Q] Google Maps installation issue

I tried updating google maps today and it kept saying the package was not signed correctly. Upon researching the issue, I decided to delete the Maps.apk and Street.apk from system/app and trying to install from market after reboot. I tried to install and I got the code "unknown error code during application installation "-8"". I tried to move the downloaded apk from cache to system/app and renaming it Maps.apk and rebooting and that didn't work. When I try to hit install, it asks me if the permissions are ok, I hit install and it says application was not installed. I've deleted the com folders and every trace of maps I could find through root explorer to try to start fresh and no such luck. Can anyone help out?
Use the non signed version, it has always worked for me, but don't install it as a regular app, just copy the Maps.apk to system/app , change permissions to rw--r--r and reboot, all the applications should appear...
most like its because the modded rom you flash uses the unsigned version so it can't be updated. If I were you I would have stick with the unsigned version. If you don't want to reflash, you could extract the unsigned map.apk from the rom you flash and manually install it. It SHOULD work.

[Q] Uninstalled TaskManager by mistake

Could someone help me? I uninstalled the Task Manager by mistake. I already extracted it from the zip file of the rom, but i am not sure about how to reinstall it. I am using NExtGen Rom
If you already have the apk, simply use a root explorer and copy the apk to system/app folder. Change permissions to rw-r--r--. Reboot, and done!

[Q] Put app in system

Can anybody tell me how to install apk from phone as system app
first move apk from /data/app to system/app
then move library files to /system/lib
what next???
I need full guide
Then reboot. If the app doesn't appear in your app drawer, go back to /system/app and install the apk like usual from that folder. Reboot again and see if it works.

