[Q] Where can things go from here? - General Questions and Answers

both are pluggin into what are to all sense and purposes dumber than dumb terminals.
I'm thinkng that smart phones (with security enhancements such as biometrics etc) with become ID, processor modules.
In theory I can see a smart phone with a seriously underclocked 6 cored cpu in it with core user data and mega encrypted ID capabilites.
Screens (gfx HD ram units) could now have a docking function that allows you to plug your device in providing the extra power and cooling (thats the interesting bit) to then allow you to have a fucntioning desktop.
THe corporate world will love it (hotdesking the next generation) and provide the market need to begin with.
TV's then start shipping with docking stations, slate devices.
I know the cloud is meant to help with this sort of thing but with out a decent global wobile data netwrok that really is falling flat on its 4rse.
So I got all geeky about somehow allowing a docking socket to introduce extra cooling into a CPU housed in a smart phone. (peltier tab, but how to deal with condensation?)
any way, its and idea I thought I'd throw out to the world ofXDA to play with.

ahn... what?

basically an universal ID card and a beefy processor combined into a smart phone shell that I can imagine being the norm in the new future

I can see this maybe happening for some execs and sales types. But anyone that doesn't need to have a company provided phone on them (and isn't getting one) will still have a regular PC to complete their work on.

Just had a thought, the idea falls down hard hard if you want to make or receive a personal call whilst 'jacked' in.
I still think the idea is sound though. ID card and settings stored on a portable CPU.


Nvidia tegra

Noone has discussed these yet. Ok so it's not a Dream. But what do you think the chances of usm getting a cuda gpu sdk? I wouldn't put it past nvidia to give every edge for graphics programing when every last drop of power will count for the (on the apx android not 600) 720p hd output. This will change wireless network security as we know it. Imagine how few phones you would need to crack most wireless security. We would be back to being as secure as only having wep (which is flawed).
now imagine the ability to sit in a busy area and hack phones with enabled bluetooth in the time it takes to... oh.... eat a meal... and now you can make calls from their phone to a toll number you setup. We may be a little ways off, but in the near future we are going to have to have to rethink encryption/security.
A single 8800 ultra card can break a 8 character md5 password with no dictionary/rainbow table in about 16 days. Even if the tegra's are not as powerful as the 8800 ultra yet, add dictionary or rainbow tables and some bluetooth clustering of some friends phones, and the 8800 ultra won't even compare.
Anyways, my $0.02. Noone had mentioned the tegra (maybe there is a different forum for generic android development?) I thought it might be interesting.
You don't "crack" md5 passwords, you find collisions for MD5 hashes that *could* be encrypted passwords, and I don't see what that has to do with WiFi/bluetooth security.
the point is not if md5 protects bluetooth/wifi. md5 is just the benchmark for how fast brute force cracking is with cuda. In fact the point is never to get the password, its to unlock what is protected. (from a crackers standpoint)
say we have a function - (password×3+salt (remove last digit)=hash) , we are keeping it simple.
we would know the salt, lets say 2
this is extremely simple, but we are only looking to unlock the encryption, not find the password.
Anyways, im just saying we will be looking at programs which are able to hack both wifi and bluetooth quickly and from the palm of our hand, thanks to nvidia. our encryption is valid as long as it takes longer to crack it than iwould be useful aka encrypted message with orders saying japan will bomb pearl harbor only needs to be encrypted long enough to have the bombs drop. but we are becomming able to shorten this time tremendously and soon the power will be in our hand to hack security implementations which are not strong enough to keep secure what we need to keep secure the obvious targets with a handheld device being wifi/bluetooth
We are already able to hack wifi and bluetooth easily... not from our palm, but from our laptop.
WiFi (No fancy RADIUS stuff) is relatively easy to hack... all you need is enough client-logons sniffed, and you will be able to guess the password, you don't need that much processing power.
Anyway, the world won't go under because of the tegra... if the tegra can do it, any other device can (Even though your C64 might be a bit slower...).
Jakorf said:
A single 8800 ultra card can break a 8 character md5 password with no dictionary/rainbow table in about 16 days.
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By 8800 Ultra, do you mean the video card?
Either way, cracking an 8 character letter only lower case MD5 hash in 16 days would require 151,000 MD5 hashes per second.
I doubt even using the most optimised code, programmed entirely in native ASM, is that possible. I don't even think the new i7, utilising all 4 cores could achieve 151k hashes per second. I'd love to see some benchmarks for this.
(this is assuming, of course, that nVidia doesn't have some top secret MD5 algorithms built into the GPU that I'm not aware of).
Also, as said above this can all be done on a notebook. Not only this, but you could relay the info via 3G to a cluster of PC's dedicated to cracking it.
And on top of all of this... Android running Debian/Ubuntu is already capable of running aircrack. It may not be the fastest, but again... use the G1 to dump packets, upload it to your main quad core CPU to crack it.
This is nothing new. It may seem new, but ALL of this is already possible, and has been possible by just using remote servers and the data connection built into your phones.

Your thoughts on Asus Padfone

I feel this is more of a general "lets get your opinion/feel" but ive experienced in the past, any topic that has any question in it, gets moved to this section.. So im posting it here.
I'd like to get people opinions (and experiences if any) on the Asus Padfone. I've been eyeing the HTC Amaze, but there have been a few issues reported with it, and with new tech being released this year, im also considering other devices. The Padfone caught my eye due to its apparent versatility. (Especially since the HTC One series has been a massive letdown with the non-existent mSD card slot)
Though there do seem to be some things lacking with this device, such as the camera (apparently, the HTC one has an independent processor which speeds it up) for example.
Also the fact that its 3g and not 4g/LTE seems to be a step back (tho this isnt an concern for me, but could be later).
Anyway.. Thoughts? Concerns?
Not worth buying
I'm considering getting one. I'm from the Netherlands so 3G is just fine for me!
Pricing is rumoured around €699 euro here, pretty steep though... That's without the dock (which will set you back another €150 I bet)
I love the idea of having everything in one place (on your phone) and basically click it into the tablet for typing during class or watching/reading something.
Jam it into the dock for longer writing sessions... I can see this being a very useful combination for me personally. I'm not sure the average user will find this a useful gadget though.
Downside is that you really have to use the phone all the time and I'm not sure how well everything works softwarewise when you load the phone into the dock, screensize wise etc, etc.
Its just that I got a Gnex that I love so dearly
PokeiShoW said:
Not worth buying
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Care to elaborate?
newbie thoughts on the padfone
Last July 2011, I posted this thread on another forum and look at what happened in the interim - the Padfone!
"Looking for serious multi-purpose (non-existent yet) tablet
I am a newbie. I have been communicating with a variety of tech publications incl Walt Mossberg, WSJ. But no serious response. I do not own a tablet right now but want to propose features that can be incorporated to the current crop. You folks can chime in (with respect) if you think my ideas are plausible.
Full disclosure. Currently, I am not a fan of the crop of tablets in the market today. What is out there (regardless of brand) are just pure "gadgets" for me. I do not do social networking nor games. I realize that I am in the minority in the high-tech populace.
I will consider a tablet with the configuration below to trim my techie equipment inventory. I believe this would be a truly PORTABLE, POWERFUL, SINGLE COMBINATION alternative to having (1) a communication/convenience/entertainment" device (tablet) AND (2) a PC for serious professional computing work, should I need to do some.
Samsung Galaxy-like form factor (or maybe even slightly larger or heavier)
Full Cell phone call capable (CDMA/GSM) - 3 or 4G thru BT (either on ear device or car's BT wireless communicator) - not just Google Talk or Skype
Web-access wireless card (a/b/g/n)
BT enabled to pair with my car's BT audio system wireless connection to play music stored in the tablet and other BT capable devices (tech already available)
Semi-full size BT keyboard/case (tech already available)
Available USB2 or 3 port/s
Available docking device to connect to an external larger LCD monitor, full-size keyboard, printer, optical drive, external HD, etc (?) to really replace my office/home notebook
Enough processor power (Intel/AMD dual core or higher), storage to support a full PC OS (Windows 7/8 or Mac OS), Internet Browser (IE9, FF5, Chrome, Safari, etc) and APPLICATION PROGRAMS AND DATA!
Sufficient battery life (replaceable) with AC/DC charging/connectivity capability
Do you think this config for a tablet system has market and production potential? Or better yet, is there one already out there? I know that the technology to accomplish all of these exist already. It just takes somebody to put it all together.
Your professional insights are greatly appreciated."
Since the Pf is not in our shores yet and I have been sick and tired of the all the unboxing, first videos from Barcelona, Taiwan specs and availability, I just implore ASUS to get their act together and stop the teasing and give us the US model! Regardless how a bunch of folks have trashed it, I on the other hand WANT ONE NOW. I realize that this desire is sight unseen, performance and quality unknown and not all the specs I listed above are in the model available everywhere else, I believe the concept of 3 in 1 is a brilliant one. I may not be as techie as you folks but for my use and from prelim videos and specs, what ASUS has done is phenomenal.
I would greatly appreciate your more techie input as well as marketing intel (US availaibility, specs, price, carrier, etc.). BTW, I still refuse to buy and do not want any of the tablets available today. Thanks.
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
Dark3n said:
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
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It's possible, it depends if the "door" needs to be closed before it will output to the tabdock. Plus, im sure alot said that about flip phones and sliding phone. My Touch Pro 2 is still going pretty strong, and it has a sliding keyboard.
Something id like it know is with the Keyboard dock, is it 'closeable'. As in, can you dock the tablet to it, then "close it" like a laptop so you can transport it as one piece?
first try... and probably last
very difficult positioning for Asus. They're trying desperately to innovate more that the competition to get a strong foot in that market.
However, this solution might not be fully interesting for a lot of people... If its a failure, they'll have lost a great deal of money that could have been used to make up for the difference with the latest ipad...
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
addiz said:
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
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Why do you think it will be a failure?
it's something new and different let's see how people will act after buying it
Has a lot of potential...
Has a LOT of potential if marketed correctly.
I have a original ASUS Transformer TF101 with keyboard dock for eight months now and I can say its an amazing machine. The performance is just right, the battery lasts forever, almost stock ICS, lots of updates.
I have the only combination of devices that can compete with the full Padfone setup: a modern smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note) and the mentioned Transformer, with full tethering support. If the Padfone system can have a significant price advantage, the consistency it provides (the Note have Android 2.3.6) can make it a winner.
Feels way to expensive.
$1 gets you a reply
yes the hinge closes like a laptop
problem: the hinge only opens around 90 degrees so you won't get a great viewing angle unless you are at a similar level.
when the latch of the tablet station opens to release the phone, it stops the phone being bent outwards, so you have to pull up and thus, not breaking the connector.
not having 4g is a big downer for me. I was going to get this and might still but seriously, uk is getting 4g this year so I doubt I'd want this when it gets released.
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
tytung2020 said:
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
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beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
Lyian said:
beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
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I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
sounds good
tytung2020 said:
I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
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Well, i wont get apple products. If i were to get two devices, both would be android. Im sure it would be similar, but i don't like messing with clouds either, that's just a gimik to eat up your limited "unlimited" data package. Especially when your talking about my case of 400+mb PDF files.
I'm not completely sold on it, but it seems like a good idea, plus ive not yet seen official pricing on it.
Not that benchmarks mean much.. but...
ASUS PadFone gets benchmarked: a mere teaser of what's to come

Tablets worth the price?

So, feel free to flame, but I was writing something in another thread about tablets and the following came to mind:
Are tablets worth what we pay for them? Or are they just a marketing 're-deploy'? Allow me to expound:
Literally just before tablets careened onto the current computer scene(I know windows failed to promote tablets years back), there existed Netbooks. What it seems to me is that Netbooks are what the Industry thought we would want, A very portable yet still completely functional computer. As if even the small laptops weren't small enough...anyway. What I think happened is these things weren't cool enough. Maybe not powerful enough either, but that point should be moot because modern hardware can support this, as proven by current tablets.
I bought a Netbook and loved it, BUT I don't do a lot of gaming, just some simple web browsing, skyping, some skript kiddie type hacking. Plus for me the ultra small design was essential due to the nature of my work/constant traveling blah blah. This thing played movies, had the latest support of my favorite *nixes and performed pretty well except for battery life(typically a measly 3-4 hours) and of course gaming. Then came tablets; they look cooler, offer touch screen capabilities which sometimes feel as cumbersome as alt-tabbing, and have much much better battery and gaming performance, with the added benefit of blending nicely with the current "app store eco-structure".
Ahh, finally my point!!!:
A trend I see rising with tablets is the ability to add a keyboard and mouse....really? So what, then you have a laptop again? Or just the ability to go from cool-tech-but-not-too-nerdy tablet guy, to an fully functional device, and back again? I don't get it, other than the obvious shift to more clever marketing and selling us yet another device. On top of that I can use a USB 2.0 anything on my netbook, or be stuck with a proprietary connecter as with the Transform or iPad. Why would we choose this other than to look cool or because it's being shoved down our throats? What I see is a device (tablet) that is less fuctional, less productive, and more money compared to the more practical, just as portable netbook. I just miss the support of my Netbook, which I only paid $200 for....
Any thoughts...like maybe I'm a crazy hippy that needs to go live in a commune?
my points why my a500 is better use then a netbook,.
portability - no one can say its not easier to carry a slim tablet with a integrated keyboard
functionality - being able to do such things as stand in the street looking through the tab with the camera and seeing augmented reality deal, offer, new location without having to open startup, login and hold a massive block of hardware to do the same, and also a whole plethora of other uses such as barcode scanning, video making ,etc etc imaging scanning barcodes to find cheaper prices with a netbook,,,.,..one handed possible? probably not
battery life, my tablet can go 2days on a single charge with medium usage, a netbook would last a few hours,
i can do pretty much anything on my a500 i can do on my laptop.
i can access and use my laptop with screen and sound from anywhere else in the world.....from my a500 tablet (phonemypc)
also most usb devices connect to my a500 i think the only thing my lappy has that my tablet doesnt is a dvd drive, but the one in my lappy is dusty as hell as i download all my movies and move them between devices to play in diff' areas anyway. and then again my laptop has no gps. and only a front camera
if my laptop im writting this message with was a tablet it would probably be a crap one lol
no gps,no touchscreen, no back camera, front camera is weak no accelerometer no hdmi port lol etc etc
Major edit:
I see your point and don't want to convolute my thoughts too much. I just think a lot of the things you mentioned could be implemented, if the money was there.
You have pointed out that I have kind of answered my own questions...
Why tablets, because the phone market was so successfull and it allows for a lot of control on the developers end of the OS, so it's easier to implement the apps, market place as apposed to a traditional PC software sales setup.
r0zj0k3r said:
I think that depends on what you want to do. with my netbook, I literally could do everything I could on my computer because they were the same OS!!! That means, compiling software, video/audio editing, skype with group video , a similar app store could be integrated into a netbook style os (see ubuntu store). The industry just doesn't want to push it, and because it was easier to shift from phones to what amount to "really big phones"
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Do you think that the new windows OS will allow you to switch between a Tablet and your Netbook without loose of functionality?
warus1 said:
Do you think that the new windows OS will allow you to switch between a Tablet and your Netbook without loose of functionality?
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I think it would be a great way for windows to break away from the pack, but I don't think they want to do that now. They seem to be in the same mode as everyone else, lets follow the market instead of trying really new things.

[Q] PHONE SIM banned from TABLET use

Why do mobile companies restrict the use of SIM cards from phones from being used in tablets?
While phones were mostly less powerful than the new tablet devices and the larger screens meant there was a greater data demand by tablet devices, this is certainly no longer the case.
Phones are now more powerful than most tablets and the rest are simply equal. Processors are quad core clocked at similar speeds, if not not higher speeds, the working memory is again the latest 1-2Gb configuration with 16-32GB internal NAND flash memory. With phones having the latest 128GB external SDXC memory support to compliment the superior camera resolutions of 22 Mega pixels. Cloud services are now just beginning to gear thewmselves up to cope with this data interchange whereas tablets still have only modest cameras. Phones do now have front and back facing cameras and the similarities continue to converge.
But crucially the screen resolution has become irrelavent because of technical innovation and it is commonsense the data is sent highly compressed through the Internet where it is decompressed and interpolated to match the local screen resolution by the local graphics processing unit, GPU. This item is again of superior design, as a matched technology to the central processing unit, CPU where the mobile phone market is concerned. Both CPU and GPU are expected to have multiple cores to improve performance and the designs are optimised to consume as little power as possible. A great advantage for a mobile phone. The competition leads to great performance in wider world applications and this is the reason for the extreme competition that has been encouraged in the mobile phone marketplace. But of course we, the public, are paying for this R&D whereas it used to be hideously expensive top secret military R&D budgets. The senate was worried about the cost of a hammer and a handfull of screws at one stage.
There has been a complete change in the definition of mobile phone and tablet where the OS is now exactly the same for each, being Android 4.x.x.
So why are telcos forcing people to purchase a separate SIM for each device? I am disabled. I need specialist communication software to assist me in communicating when I am travelling. For this the tablet is better. But while at home or when meeting friends during the evening the mobile phone is the better option. But the telcos refuse to let me use the same SIM in both devices. I cannot use both devices at the same time so I don't see the logic behind this situation.
The situation continues because the telcos think we cannot see they are continuing to enforce this barrier so that they can make a greater profit from users. Please help get people to recognise the false pretence that prevents us all from exercising a freedon of choice to use either device according to our intended purpose without the need to purchase separate SIMS. Afterall, because I can only use one device at a time why am I forced to pay for two 3G or 4G contracts with separate data components?
I don't see any common sense in this situation and I do think we are all being ripped off by this legacy programmed system restriction.
And I did install the phone SIM in my tablet after being told by the telco staff it was OK, where it worked happily for approx 12 hours. Later when I enquired how I could set up the voicemail and SMS services an arrogant technician then told me I could not install this SIM into a tablet, followed rather weakly by, it will stop working after a time.
Given the conflicting statements and the fact the SIM was working when I was being told it would not work I question the reality of the reason for it not working. It may be recognised by a systematic ID check. But the blocking of the data services after an arbitrary period of time raises the question, "Why shouldn't a SIM now work regardless of whether it is a Phone SIMor a tablet SIM.
The legacy rationale a history of tablets as they were originally a platform for advanced circuitry and software to be released and the resulting extra data demand to their internet connection lasted only as long as the phone market had not become so competitive that their technical facilities raced ahead of tablets. In fact the technological improvements in hardware and saftware have brought both devices to an equal status where users can choose the device according to the context of their intended purpose.. So much so that having more than one device to suit practical applications in varied social settings with no impact on the data portion of their respective uses. Example, you can now watch films or TV series while commuting.. Preferable to use a smartphone here. But you can continue exactly where you left off on a tablet or even a smart TV! The data compression and local pixel mapping to suit the resolution of the device is done locally and absolutely without any impact upon the data demand or stream.
There is no reasonable argument to continue differentiating between Phones and Tablets other than to enforce an obsolete regimen and to unfairly extract money from phone and tablet users who unwittingly pay twice for the same telephone and data services! Copyright(CC) Arclite 13-03-2015
I swap my SIM between my phone and my tablet several times a day. Never had a problem with it...

Best Recent Android Phone/Device for 400 Bucks?

Hello, I've been on the market for something to replace my Nexus 4, which I use much like an Ipod touch, in the respect that I only use it on wifi and wont attach it to a cell service provider. I'd appreciate your input on what phone to get.
I'd like as many hardware features as possible, for a price range of 400 bucks maximum. The Essential phone, and Motorola Z2 play and Force are a few I had in mind. The Essential phone is missing a good camera, and I'm skeptical about Motorola after watching my dad try to navigate their horrible customer service. They killed his phone with an update and sold him a dud as a replacement, although some of the mods add functionality Id be interested in if you guys can recommend one they won't patch-kill.
I tend to use my device for a number of things, but virtually never as a phone. It just happens that nowadays most android devices that are small enough to carry in my pocket are garbage if they weren't designed with the functionality of a phone in mind. Past devices I've bought and liked are the Toshiba Thrive 10.1 and Nvidia shield portable, offering on board ports for HDMI and etc without adapters. I can live with using Type C adapters for a more pocketable device however. I like compatibility with other devices for data transfer or flying a drone, controlling LEGO Mindstorms, etc. I have not rooted devices for fear of ruining them, but if there is such a thing as "as close to being rooted without being rooted", I'd be interested.
Please note that I need these features:
*Android OS, preferably Oreo and better, pure android or better preferred
*USB OTG, type C plug, 3.1 for using an adapter to turn it into a workstation via HDMI, USB and ethernet ports added on.
*NFC for editing nfc tags
*Good camera for everyday pictures but also close up pictures of LEGO models in particular
*64 GB storage minimum, 128 and/or expansion preferred.
*1080P screen or better. I can live with or without whatever weird notch or bezel thing.
I can live without these but if they happen to be there then all the better:
*Headphone jack
*Fingerprint reader
*Water resistant/nanocoating
*Wireless charging
I've checked out XDA's recommended phones, but it seems their recommended phones cap off at the 250 dollar price range and without my preferred 128 on board storage or are missing NFC or something, unless I'm missing a separate "up to 400 bucks" article. They are all surely a vast improvement to my Nexus 4, but significantly under my budget while missing some things I'd prefer. I'm hoping I can just spend a bit more to hit more of my marks.
Thank you for your time and input!
Added more info on my preferences to original topic, I found out USB Type C 3.1 is what I need if I want to use an adapter to use a dock to give it Ethernet, HDMI out, keyboard and mouse support, etc.
Someone suggested the Nokia 7 Plus, a very good candidate though it has USB Type C 2.0, which supports data transfer OTG but not a work station dock. Still have to keep the 7+ in mind, has some good features despite this.

