I have about 27 GB left on my TF.
I try to put about 4GB worth of musics and a little into the files transfer it told me I don't have enough space. Is the internal music folder allocate only so much space?
Also all my Album Art is the same one picture of a certain Album I have.LOL
Hello everybody!
I ask for your help, because I tried all possible solutions, but unsuccessfully.
I can't make TF3D music player to play my MP3s on the SD card.
When I had HTC Universal, I had MP3s on the SD in the "MUSICA" folder.
I copied all the folder to the new MicroSD for the Touch Pro.
Inside there are other sub-directories, as MIX, ARTISTS, etc...
The first time I open TF3D music player, it searches for music in the internal memory and in storage card.
They are a lot of files, about 3Gb, so it takes a long time to finish.
When it finishes catalogation, I find the list of all MP3s, someone with the album art.
But when I try to play one, it doesn't start.
Someone starts playing after 10s I pressed the play icon, it plays for 7-8s, then playing stops.
I can't change MP3 file with the up and down arrows near the play icon.
If I open the catalog to select another MP3 on the list, it doesn't select it and it returns to the music player showing still the previous MP3.
I read in some threads to try to stop TF3D and delete the catalog file (AudioManager_Eng.vol).
I did it, the catalog regenerated, but still the same problem.
I tried to rename the folder "MUSICA" in a more stardard "Music" or "My Music" and relaunched a new catalogation, nothing changed.
I tried also to move all files from the sub-folders to the "main" folder "My Music", nothing changed.
I had this problem with the shipped WWE ROM, but also with my actual ROM, a reconstructed ITA ROM.
I noticed that after a hard-reset, without the SD inserted, TF3DMP plays correctly the sample MP3s inside "My Music" in internal storage.
I will try to move some files to "My Music" on the internal storage to see what it happens, but it's not the solution.
I can't copy 3Gb of MP3s in the internal storage!
I saw that people can play MP3s on SD card with no problems with the TF3DMP.
So what's wrong?
I don't know what other tries I can do to try to find where's the problem.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi, that means you have something wrong - for htc's music player - with some of the mp3s on your sd card, and that the ones you chose to put in the device's memory are OK.
I have run into the same kind of problem, with a much smaller amount of music, because some of my files didn't have correct meta data (artist / album).
The best way is to try putting the albums one by one and test - or to use another music player. Personally I'm wondering if I'm not goint to switch to pocket music player, less eye candy, no album covers, but no bugs, instead of a library sorting you can chose to play a directory - I didn't find a way in HTC's player to just take the songs of a directory instead of scanning everything, in order to prevent this kind of bug...
I haven't really used my phone as an MP3 player, but now I have a nice, big SD card in it and have decided to copy some songs over.
When I load up Media Player (I like it. So sue me.) and tell it to update the library, it doesn't see the MP3s I put on the storage card. I tried putting them in the My Documents/My Music folder on the card and I even tried putting them in the same folder as that stupid Dogbark file in the main memory and the library NEVER finds them. Is there a trick to make media player see MP3s or what? I can open the files manually and Media Player will play them just fine.
I wanted to mention that, when I do 'Update Library', the phone says it found 40+ files, but the device library only shows 4 files (dogbark, mommy, allouete and ding) and the storage card shows nothing.
Did you switch to Storage Card (Next to the Library button there is a drop down menu)?
is it possible to only display songs on the cloud space rather than mixing the songs on the cloud and local storage on the phone?
so far my only solution to this would be if i delete all the music i have on my SD card...
but i'd like to keep them, so any suggestions?
Hello. I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I tried searching and did not find anything.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 (32GB model with a 32GB micro SD card) and have been using HTC phones for years now.
My dilemma is that I tried to organize and create sub-folders for my media, and now I cannot play or access my music. Note: I realize this is of most likely my fault.
1. I originally loaded all my music (mp3) and movies (avi files) onto the device. (sdcard) in the DCIM folder. In the "music folder" I created sub-folders for types of music. ie. Alternative, Electronic, Inde, etc.
2. Now, the only way I could access everything through the "Gallery" and the problem was all the media was jumbled together. The music cover art, and movies were mixed together with the camera photos.
The music was all mixed together in the "Music player" There was no organization, it took a very long time to find whatever I was looking for, whether it was Music, Photos, or Videos.
So I did the following...
1. In the EXTSDCARD, I made sub-folders to organize everything ie. (Music, then Alternative, Electronic, etc) (a Movies folder) (a Camera folder) and a (Saved Photos) folder. Note: I put all of my saved photos taken from the camera in this folder.
2. Now, --- ALL pictures taken with the camera end up in the "camera folder" (accessible through the Gallery & NO MORE ALBUM ART) [good]
--- ALL the movies (avi files) ARE available through the "video player" [good]
--- NONE of the music is available through the "music player"
I am completely lost. I don't understand what is going on with the Music Folder. Does this make any sense? Has anyone ever had this issue before? I'm sure I did something wrong, I just don't know what it is. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to read through this mess.
I almost wish I just left it how was before. It took about half a day to transfer all the media from sdcard into the extsdcard and in sub-folders. Very slow transfers. Thanks again.
I recently added all my music (roughly 90GB of music) to a Sandisk 128 GB Class 10 microSD. I put this microSD into my phone and my music players were unable to locate all the music. I don't know how, but at one point, all my music was finally scrollable. After some tinkering with the ".nomedia" file, all my album artwork showed up in my gallery. I've since then installed QuickPic to deal with that annoyance. However, I have been unable to look at all my music again. The majority of my music are in one big folder with no name, or in Shuttle, every song in it is called "null - null". How can I restore my phone's ability to view my entire library of music?
I've yet to try deleting everything off the card, and then retransferring, but that's a real pain in the butt and I would rather do that as a final option (though I don't know if that would even help).
I have tried deleting my music players' data and uninstalling/reinstalling and restarting my phone and unmounting/mounting my SD card, but still no luck.
Oh, and I am rooted on QF6 Hybrid Nougat ROM.
Sounds like the files are corrupt. To test this plug your phone into your pc and try playing the music with a media player on your pc. If the music plays, then it is not corrupt.
I had a similar issue a while back and it was because my music didn't transfer correctly and some of it wouldn't play.