Using Froyo, the volume hard buttons on my Nook color are hardcoded to Back and Menu functions. I have looking for a way to add full-time volume softkeys OR find a way to make long presses on the volume buttons change the volume. Another option would be to have volume controls in the notification bar and keep the bar open all the time.
Button Savior has the ability to have full-time softkeys, but nothing for volume (that I know of).
Any ideas?
You could use ClutchPad for this. There's just one item on the screen, but you could set swipe up to be volume up and swipe down to be volume down.
Thank you. I got it to work, but it's a little slow and the up/down swipes are a little difficult to perform correctly. I don't know why it's slow to access the volume controls, but I think the swipe difficulty may be due to the Nook's screen edge sensitivity. Overall, though, I'm very happy to finally have a solution. Thanks again.
Is it possible to remap the action invoked by pressing the Back and Home buttons? Or can it be removed? Like long-press Back acts as the Home key. And long-press Home pulls down the notification bar?
It's annoying because I always press Back to exit an app, not Home. And sometimes it lags so a tap of the Back key registers as a long-press and actually sends me Home.
Is it possible to remap by changing stuff around in the keylouts?
And also, is it possible to remove that "feature" of the volume being lowered when headphones get connected? That's annoying, too.
badboi_zero said:
Is it possible to remap the action invoked by pressing the Back and Home buttons? Or can it be removed? Like long-press Back acts as the Home key. And long-press Home pulls down the notification bar?
It's annoying because I always press Back to exit an app, not Home. And sometimes it lags so a tap of the Back key registers as a long-press and actually sends me Home.
Is it possible to remap by changing stuff around in the keylouts?
And also, is it possible to remove that "feature" of the volume being lowered when headphones get connected? That's annoying, too.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
directory may be of some use.
I'm not able to access those files at the moment but i think the file s3c-keypad.kl allow for some remapping as well.
I'll post back with more help when I'm actually able to access those files for the phone.
is there some app that disable the touch buttons when some other apps are opened? Becuse with an s-view cover it really hard to take a photo, because to have the cover opened i can't hold the phone from the back and holding it from down it's a pain becasue it is really easy to push the touch button (back or menu). So is there any app that can disable this buttons when a camera app is opened, so to exit i need to use the central button?
Hi all,
I've been using GMD Auto Hide Soft Keys to, well, auto hide my soft keys. But I'm frustrated by the two-step action to press a button--first an upward swipe at the bottom of the screen, then a press on one of the buttons. But since the buttons are always in the same place, I'd like to just swipe up in the vertical of the button to engage the press--for example, swiping up in the bottom left corner will press the back button without ever showing it.
Does anyone kow of an app t hat does this, or how I can go about this?
Update: Got it. GMD Gesture Control!
I keep accidentally pressing the Home key when typing a message, and I would like to find a way to move the keyboard up on the screen just a bit to avoid this. Or to disable the home key when keyboard is up, either way. I am open to third-party keyboards, but I don't want Swipe-style.