[Q] Sense 3.0 on the new virus kingdom B1.1.2 - General Questions and Answers

I am not sure if anyone else is having this same problem with the new sense 3.0 on the virus kingdom rom out B.1.2, but every time i do something it doesn't matter what it is, it keeps trying to find the sense and tells me it's fc or if i want to send a report to HTC or if i want to wait. I tried all three, nothing seems to help. Even took the ROM off 7 times, and redid everything step by step as they had mentioned. It is getting so very frustrating.
I have an evo supersonic 4g. I've always favored the virus roms on my phone, never had any problems till now. Also, i keep trying to log into the sense hub, but it keeps telling me my email and password are invalid when I've been using the same one for a while, also when entering my phone number it tells me it can't find my phone. I tried calling HTC today but just gave me the run around and made me even more frustrated.
I also went into ROM manager, fixed all the permissions, which is suppose to more than likely fix all the Fc problems usually, and then went into the boot loader and fixed the uid apk problems. However, this only seems to work for a while, and is only a temporary fix for the time being, but then i am back to doing it all over again at least a few times a day. This is not suppose to happen!
Can someone out there help me please, this is driving me crazy, and already tried everything i could think of on my part, but if anyone is also have the same problems or has in the past and knows how to fix, i would really appreciate your generosity in sharing your secrets with me! I will be very thankful!

The reason that sense keeps fc'ing is because the board (meaning the electronics board) in the phone is not quite compatible/not new enough for what sense 3.0 needs. Virus has done a very commendable job in getting it as far as it is, but as he says, this rom will never be 100% stable. I have had the same repeating issue that you have and honestly it happens at the most random times with no explanation, but what has somewhat helped for me when this happens is to go into recovery and wipe the dalvik, then reboot and *WAIT* until the phone completely boots up and wait about 3 minutes more without even touching the screen, for the phone to be all settled. This helps the sense and lockscreen from not working in my case. I hope this helped!

But does this help permanently or just for the time being? Also what about why i can't log back into sense hub? it won't take my email and password I've been using. I noticed that when i went into their site for the actual help they were down for maintenance and have been for a couple of days now, i wonder if that has something to do with it?
Also one other question? I found another ROM it's got the same exact build, however the radio may be different, the biggest downfall though is, it's for a desire and the ROM is exactly the same but stable. It's ReMix3D Kingdom for desire but am afraid to use without someone knowing if it would be compatible or not. I found it by accident when i was looking for help on here and it looks really nice and everything works there are no problems as far as i know!
Thanks for all your help as well, I've been running wild trying to figure this out for over a week now, but when i went onto their actual virus ROM site and talked to Norwester, he told me there was nothing wrong with the ROM and was the most stable one yet and that it was my phone. However, I knew it wasn't due to the fact that i never had problems ever before, and i know what i am doing and know a lot about computers, it's all the same. He thought my phone wasn't compatible with it, but i got it on here under supersonic evo 4g and included, it specified it was built for supersonic evo, so i was very frustrated, thanks again.
Just let me know on that last question i had for you if you can about the ROM for desire, i really, really appreciate all your help!

HTC hub's login issues are related to the server maintenance going on right now.
You'll want to avoid flashing ROMs designrd for another phone, as they definately wont work correctly, and may end up bricking your phone.
3.0 will take a while to get mostly stable on the EVO. You might want to try SACs v4 of the kingdom port, which may be out tommorrow. Its supposed to be a bit more stable from what I've read.

Do you know about how long? What i don't understand Is.... The leak for gingerbread 2.3 coming to the Evo sometime in June Also leaked that sense 3.0 was Also getting added? So if this is the case they don't have much time. I wish they'd fix it, so we could see what's its all about as to whether we like it or not! That's really hard to do if we can't get it on long enough to get a glinch of it.
Lastly, sense 3.0 works if you log in through a regular computer. I set up an account that way for the most part, so far so good. My virus kingdom ROM is doing a hell of a lot better than it was a couple weeks ago.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


Automatically Powering Off Solution?

I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
pezx44 said:
I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
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My guess is you guys have tried to overclock and your phone really didn't like it and caused some minor damage. I have heard reports from stock 2.1, 2.2 and Cognition, most of them I have talked to have tried overclocking at some point. If you haven't, maybe just faulty hardware out of the box, if you can flash stock and it still happens, take it back and exchange it.
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
I only had overclocking on my phone once in a sre build and tested it once and found it worthless to me so i disabled it.
Anyways i have never had an issue with shut downs prior to flashing ji6. Now when i leave my phone plugged in over night, on, i wake up in the morning to find it off. This has happened every day so i cant use my phone for an alarm at the moment. Otger than that ive had a few random shut downs during the day. I do want to know what the problem/solution is for the phone shutting off during the night though.
When i flashed over to ji6 i formatted sd odined jf6 then odined ji6. I did try to do tge master clear only to have it start then say FAIL! In a red box. Someone suggested i reinstall my drivers. I do plan on trying that but am getting so sick of flashing and redoing stuff i havent got aroubd to it.
Would a master clear do anything or make a difference you think since i formatted the sd?
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designgears said:
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
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Agree - the extra battery drain and heat buildup in the chip is not worth it... this device works pretty good with stock and/or new FS tweaks applied.
I do hope the OP gets his device recovered with Odin etc.... hopefully just a glitch that can be remedied back to stock....
I've Odin'd it back to stock but currently am running Cognition 2.2. This has been an issue from the getgo, however (maybe I should mention that I SIM unlocked it if that makes a difference). I couldn't return it because I live out of the country and didn't even receive the thing for about 40 days (gotta love Costa Rican customs). I agree that OC seems pretty pointless on this phone and I have avoided OC roms. I only thought it was interesting that running programs doesn't seem to prevent it, but for some reason playing music does seem to prevent the shutdown perhaps meaning that accessing a certain dll or something fixes the issue (I really have no idea why it works). I just thought that info might be helpful to people who understand the OS better than I if it is a consistent problem for people and if no solutions other than "return it" have been found.
Edit: Oh and DG, great work. You'd be one of those smarter than I guys I referenced...
i've never overclocked my phone and i've mostly run it without a lagfix and no matter what ROM i've used (i've been using cognition beta 1 since it came out) i've always had random shut-downs. For a while there on the stock rom it seemed to only happen when my wifi was on but now it doesn't matter. I don't have any special automation software running (task managers, tasker, ..etc). It's the single most maddening thing about this phone.
Same here... i have had my phone since launch... i had random shut downs since launch. I have had less problems now then before and i have flashed every rom that has come out including overclocking.
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My wife's phone was never overclocked and it developed the random shut down problem about two weeks after she got it. After trying numerous things to fix the problem, some resulting in it working fine again for a few days and then starting random shut downs again, I came to the conclusion that it was definitely a defective hardware problem and had her return and exchange it. The new one is now set up exactly the same as her old one (rooted stock jf6 with the bloatware removed, side loading enabled, and market fixed) and has been running fine, with no shut downs for over two weeks.
I have been in the electronic repair business for over 25 years, and my conclusion is, the only fix is to return it and get it repaired or replaced. Nothing you can do is going to fix your defective hardware.
I had my phone for a month and it was flawless, updated to 2.2 beta and started getting random shutdowns. I replaced the phone and the new one doesn't shutdown at all on 2.2. The one I returned would shutdown at least 5-6 times per day. Again only after installing 2.2, on 2.1 it seems ok. Which could be a software issue, or just more strain on the hardware making the problem happen
Personally I think it's just bad hardware. Replace the phone.
I guess I'll have to see if there's any way of getting the hardware replaced but I don't think I'm going to be able to manage.
I just want to repeat, however, that I have tested this many many times and with numerous iterations of DG's roms as well as stock. I can guarantee a shut down soon after unplugging the phone in the morning, but I have never gotten it when I start playing music (specifically through Grooveshark - I have not tested it with the regular music player). I just think that even if it's a hardware problem, there appears to be a relationship which suggests that a software solution could prevent it (at least given my experience). I just thought it might be helpful information to people who might understand a possible relationship between the two and to see if anybody else can confirm or refute this behavior. If there is any way to trick the phone into thinking it is playing the music without actually playing it, the problem may go away for people who are experiencing it.
If anybody else can refute my observations or back them up, I would be interested to hear. Perhaps if enough people can confirm it, it may be worthwhile to investigate further. If people can refute it, I guess I'll just count myself "lucky" to have only a mildly faulty phone. Either way I'm happy with my phone. I just thought I might be able to help others out.
I actually convinced four coworkers to pick up Captivates here (our company policy is with at&t) and my boss' phone (completely stock) would randomly shut-down four or five times a day. I've been around the community since the G1 dev launch and my phone is definitely not stock but has never randomly shutdown.
I finally convinced him to return it and his new one came in today. With this many reports, it is not a user-induced problem.
+1 to everything im reading here. i tried a few software and hardware 'fixes' so to say and nothing fixed the issue for long term. sent in for a new captivate #3 yesterday. Im sorry its just got to be a hardware problem, its just to far widespread from what im seeing.
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
Believe it or not, this has been working for me for a couple of days now
I called ATT and was told to call Samsung because I don't have an account. They did tell me, however, that they didn't know anything about a bad production run or anything like that or about many exchanges. Of course I take all of that with a grain of salt...
Out of curiosity, to the people that have had the shutdown issue: Did you SIM Unlock your phone? I have and I use a foreign SIM (just trying to see what is in common).
I understand that it seems to be a hardware-based issue, but there really does seem to be a correlation to software as well. If I'm told by Samsung that there was a bad production run, I'll go with it. But until then, I'm the meticulous sort and will continue testing.
I don't want to beat a dead horse though and I don't want to be one of those guys claiming some fanciful fix to something there is no fix for. I'm still doing some testing on my end. So far the music "fix" has worked for me (although I do not see it as a long term solution) and I just wanted to float it because it seems to work consistently (unfortunately you can't prove a negative). I understand, however, that others have claimed fixes that just plain don't work and so if I hear of anybody trying this and it not working for them I'll move along to focus on other possible correlations. Thanks for all the feedback so far!
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
ZoinksS2k said:
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
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Blaming the 2.2 builds as the sole culprit is false. I have coworker who has two stock captivates. His had never had an issue, his wife is up to phone #2 and has had power issues on both.
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It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
pezx44 said:
It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
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Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
bamonkey said:
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
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If you bought a new phone from AT&T, the warranty is 1 year. During this one year, you can have the warranty replacement (refurbs) as many time as you want and your warranty stays as the original (counted from the day you purchased your phone).
If you bought a refurb phone from AT&T, the warranty is 90 days.
bamonkey said:
Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
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If I lived in the states I probably would have pushed for that myself. Unfortunately getting things shipped to/from me where I live costs money plus customs delays so I'm sort of resigned to the fact that I'm stuck with this handset for now. I was hoping I could just bust into an ATT store and get it exchanged but it doesn't look like that's an option. Calling Samsung was more to just document it with them. I'm glad you have had better luck.
3rd you say though? Has it been the same issue with each?

[Q] Newbie to HTC Legend

Hi all,
I have a friend who has a bricked Legend, and I have said that I will attempt to install a updated ROM for her.....
Problem is, although I have done this a few times with MY LG GT540, I have done nothing with HTC.
Could anyone point me in the right direction for a guide to updating the Legend to the latest ROM, including any downloads that I'd need.
Thanks very much,
I would start with the sticky at the top of THIS page.
Good luck.
Thanks Dirk (Love the name, by the way!)
But looking through that it's very difficult to get a sense of what I'll need to do, and in what order.....
The LG is pretty easy, as you have a KDZ installer......But on that stickie it seems a bit random!
Right....having now got the Legend in front of me, I need to know what to do!
It seems to be having a software glitch on the previous update.....Cannot get in to see which update it was, and my friend has no idea either.
She had sent it back to V'phone, and also HTC to get them to do something, but they keep fobbing her off.
I said I'd have a look, but it really doesn't seem as straight forward as LG!
Are you ever able to boot into a working OS (doesn't sound like it), or does it crash out before loading the desktop?
What sort of errors or faults are we dealing with here basically?
Basically, it starts up.....
It loads up the OS, but from there, it can take anything from 2-5mins to freeze up.
The notifications bar will not pull down, and then, when it does it sticks.
I've said that she probably needs it to be re-installed.....(Hopefully with a newer version).
Vodaphone and HTC have both been useless for her. I woulda thpought HTC would've just flashed it and be done....but no!
So I thought I'd come searching on here! But the sticky doesn't help me that much! I'm from the LG forum, where everything is set out in !idiot guides"!!
I do work in IT, so I am pretty competent, but haven't touched an HTC before!
Thanks for your replies
Right....Done a factory reset, and when the Legend comes on, it is completely unresponsive.
Plus, the screen image shakes from side to side, in a quite violent manner!
It would appear that I can move the screen without even touching it!
Any help is gratefully received!!
Sounds like a hardware issue then. If you were able to factory reset without any improvement at all i'd say that software problems are pretty much ruled out.
If i were you i would have a good rant at Vodafone until they agree to swap the unit with a working model.
Thanks again, Dirk....
I have emailed her to let her know your thoughts!.
Long, dark tea-time awaits
Always a pleasure to speak with a fellow fan
Good luck with the phone. Vodafone have always caved in when i've kicked up a stink about various faults etc so i hope your friend gets a result.
Apparently, she has already been intouch with both HTC and V'phone....and neither are prepared to do anything about it.....
Still worth a screaming match with them???
On an unrelated point..... Did you see Steven Mangan as Dirk? Was disappointed that the book was so thoroughly mashed, but was still entertaining!

[ROM][V6/19/11] Miui 1.6.10 Mtd (Mesmerize only)

Ok I did this the other day and haven't messed with it much. Not sure I would recommend it for daily use. As landscape, gps and some other minor issues are present. This also isn't for the showcase. This started out as a mix of the Fascinate port/Cm7 Mtd for the mesmerize. Then a mix of miui android. So credit goes to them guys though it has some stuff done by myself.
First I am not responsible if your phone bursts into flames and melts down. Or anything of the such. You took the risk flashing it.
Now on to getting started first you need to download the fascinate radio below:
Plug it into odin in the pda spot. Yank the battery, plug in your usb cord, followed by holding volume down. Then flash it ( Pretty sure you know the deal) Once done download Miui 1.6.10 Cmtd below:
Transfer it to your sd card. Boot into cwm recovery using the 3 finger method. Perform a wipe and format system. Though probably not needed. Then install the above rom. Once installed reboot. First boot will take awhile. But it should boot.
To get off of the rom you need to odin ec-10 on repartition. You can supply feedback as it would better help me with issues you find. But do not complain something doesn't work. Also if someone would grab screenshots and upload them I will add them to the post.
Gonna give this a shot....not being pushy, just asking, is there a mes version of the latest release in the works?... I dont know what happened, but I was running this fine (the Fascinate version) with the EC01 radio, then something happened, I did a Factory reset, and since then, any 2.3.4 MTD rom I flash is missing 3g Data. It keeps connecting and disconnecting, and will never actually transfer information almost like it will only connect to Verizons towers and will not register my 3g data...really bummed
**Edit Also, does the latest CM7 MIUI MTD kernel work with this??... curious
** Edit 2 Apparently this breaks my 3g Data as well.... WTF
bwot75 said:
Gonna give this a shot....not being pushy, just asking, is there a mes version of the latest release in the works?... I dont know what happened, but I was running this fine (the Fascinate version) with the EC01 radio, then something happened, I did a Factory reset, and since then, any 2.3.4 MTD rom I flash is missing 3g Data. It keeps connecting and disconnecting, and will never actually transfer information almost like it will only connect to Verizons towers and will not register my 3g data...really bummed
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If you have not yet try to reflash the eco1 radio and see if that fixes the issue. if not relash to ec10 stock and see if issue exists. if it fixes it then try and come back to the eco1 miui
col try dl09 radio im using it right now on my mez and its working fine..
I have tried everything to fix this data issue.. I have COMPLETELY wiped the phone and started from scratch (even re-activated it) re-partitioned and flashed EC10 flashed EC01 radio, factory reset, deifferent roms...it ONLY breaks with 2.3.4 MTD roms...I think I may try having US Cellular reset my phone....I dont know..frustration level is on the rise though lol... it all started when I went to do a factory reset on my phone, after it re-booted it forced me to do an activation (just like *228, but I didnt initialize it) and then 3g data was COMPLETELY broken..I fixed that, but since have not been able to make an mtd rom work
Any mtd aosp kernel should work. I have a few things on my plate at the moment so I haven't finished this or working on a update today.
As for the data. Gas says he has the issue also but I don't. Data works fine for me and was reported working for a few. So the only thing I can guess is perhaps something in your guys area is different in the network compared to say mine. Which possibly isn't handled right or just something missing. It could also be that a piece of code is incorrect or missing.
I really have no idea though as I am not in the loop for details on what is being done. How ever cm fixed the source for the apn issue and once I can track it down to what is causing it to happen we should have mms in miui and cm. Unless fixed already as I haven't been paying attention.
2fast4u88 said:
Any mtd aosp kernel should work. I have a few things on my plate at the moment so I haven't finished this or working on a update today.
As for the data. Gas says he has the issue also but I don't. Data works fine for me and was reported working for a few. So the only thing I can guess is perhaps something in your guys area is different in the network compared to say mine. Which possibly isn't handled right or just something missing. It could also be that a piece of code is incorrect or missing.
I really have no idea though as I am not in the loop for details on what is being done. How ever cm fixed the source for the apn issue and once I can track it down to what is causing it to happen we should have mms in miui and cm. Unless fixed already as I haven't been paying attention.
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Thats ok...what annoys me the most is the fact that it WAS working for a while...then I royally F'd things up lol
bwot75 said:
Thats ok...what annoys me the most is the fact that it WAS working for a while...then I royally F'd things up lol
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How are you doing a "factory reset", through CWM - right?
If you really want to help us figure this out you need to try and debug and pull log's so that we can try and locate the problem - MTD is obvoiusly VERY new so there is no "known" fixes or issues, so it's not going to be easy figuring out the problem.
When you're using odin to go to a FULL STOCK BUILD (meaning one without the added recoveries and root) are you checking the "repartition" box?
OK, three things,
1. This isn't an actual port.
2. Any and all Fascinate rom should work with this method.
3a. For TW roms, build.prop needs editing;
3b. For AOSP roms, /system/ect/ppp needs to be copied from a TW rom;
3c. For both, apns-conf.xml and coma-carriers-conf.xml need to be copied from a Mez rom.
So, yeah, not for the faint of heart, but that's what we get for being regional.
KillKount said:
OK, three things,
1. This isn't an actual port.
2. Any and all Fascinate rom should work with this method.
3a. For TW roms, build.prop needs editing;
3b. For AOSP roms, /system/ect/ppp needs to be copied from a TW rom;
3c. For both, apns-conf.xml and coma-carriers-conf.xml need to be copied from a Mez rom.
So, yeah, not for the faint of heart, but that's what we get for being regional.
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Uh, not sure where this came from (meaning why you're posting it at this point) but a small correction to your list above would be - build.prop needs to be edited for ALL rom's tw/or AOSP based.
wait odin full ec10 then when it boots up *228 then after tht flash to mtd
KillKount said:
OK, three things,
1. This isn't an actual port.
First you are going to piss me off. As I believe you need to stick to trying to port w/e you were asking about not to long ago.
2. Any and all Fascinate rom should work with this method.
To the above and I have no clue wtf you are talking about.
3a. For TW roms, build.prop needs editing;
3b. For AOSP roms, /system/ect/ppp needs to be copied from a TW rom;
3c. For both, apns-conf.xml and coma-carriers-conf.xml need to be copied from a Mez rom.
Again you need to stick to w/e you do as you are doing a good job posting something you have no clue about. As any miui is port besides what is released for I think 4 devices maybe 5 is a port. You left out the roaming indicator. The apns isn't going to do **** when the mnc & mcc numbers are not picked up right hence the 00 when opening the apns via voice dialer. Third cm source was broke till yesterday and has been for a month where apn's wouldn't do you crap any way. Though miui doesn't have the issue as it is being built on a older nightly source code.
So, yeah, not for the faint of heart, but that's what we get for being regional.
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Also since it is clear you don't have a clue about a port. As if you did you would notice more than that is changed. As since miui is built off cm. Cm things will work hence how I port it on the desire and others do on other devices. In turn the rom actually has a good bit from the cm7 rom for the mes in it. The build prop is also not the same and is actually fixed to set up stuff right on default. Along with I think I changed the vmheapsize to be what it should. I fixed the roaming indicator also. It will boot on the mes just sms will not work which I haven't fixed or messed with this since I let gas try it a few days ago.
Also I never claimed it to be a port to the mes. It is to a port and isn't. It is how ever a port of a port of a port from the device the rom is released for.
Now have a nice day
bdemartino said:
How are you doing a "factory reset", through CWM - right?
If you really want to help us figure this out you need to try and debug and pull log's so that we can try and locate the problem - MTD is obvoiusly VERY new so there is no "known" fixes or issues, so it's not going to be easy figuring out the problem.
When you're using odin to go to a FULL STOCK BUILD (meaning one without the added recoveries and root) are you checking the "repartition" box?
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OK, here is exactly what I did....and I know I F'd up...I was on the first test of MIUI and everything was working perfec (what was supposed to be working) it was great, but I was taking a trip...so I flashed the stock EC10 (re-partitioned checked) flashed EC01, OTB kernel, miuiwiz 1.1.1 rom and all the fixins, later that day..or the next?..I was getting some FC errors...so I decided I was going to reset..so I did it from the ROM..(stupid stupid stupid)..not from CWM. When the phone re-booted it went directly to an activation screen and forced me to activate...stupid me I did it with all Verizon rom and radio..when it activated I had COMPLETELY lost 3G, to the point where there was no 3G indicator by the signal...after about a twenty minute curse filled rant, I decided to tryh something, I flashed EC10 again, but this time I also checked the Phone EFS clear box. What this did was remove my Phone number and MIN from the phone (and who knows what else it may have done, I havent been able to find definitive answers on that, well..now with all stock USC I did a *228 and the phone went through its initial provisioning, activated, and bingo...everything was back to normal, 3g was alive and kicking, ...then I went to flash the newest MIUI and started getting the latest 3G problems. I have a 3G indicator, but it never seems to be active (upload/download indicators not flashing), then the 3G indicator will dissappear then reappear, and do this randomly. when I try to use data, it just says that I have no network. However, if I do this same process, mbut instead I flash say MIUIWiz rom, everything still works, 3g and all.
I know that was a leangthy description, and I am sorry, but that is all I can give you right now...the wife is all over me to get back outside and mow the lawn and finish cleaning the pool LOL
2fast4u88 said:
Blah, blah, blah...
Now have a nice day
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I'm sorry, I haven't actually dl'd this, I was just trying to give some basics as to how to get most, if not all, Fas roms working for us. And for the build.prop, most current aosp roms don't have but four lines concerning Verizon or Fascinate.
Again, I am sorry, I will shut up now.
bwot75 said:
OK, here is exactly what I did....and I know I F'd up...I was on the first test of MIUI and everything was working perfec (what was supposed to be working) it was great, but I was taking a trip...so I flashed the stock EC10 (re-partitioned checked) flashed EC01, OTB kernel, miuiwiz 1.1.1 rom and all the fixins, later that day..or the next?..I was getting some FC errors...so I decided I was going to reset..so I did it from the ROM..(stupid stupid stupid)..not from CWM. When the phone re-booted it went directly to an activation screen and forced me to activate...stupid me I did it with all Verizon rom and radio..when it activated I had COMPLETELY lost 3G, to the point where there was no 3G indicator by the signal...after about a twenty minute curse filled rant, I decided to tryh something, I flashed EC10 again, but this time I also checked the Phone EFS clear box. What this did was remove my Phone number and MIN from the phone (and who knows what else it may have done, I havent been able to find definitive answers on that, well..now with all stock USC I did a *228 and the phone went through its initial provisioning, activated, and bingo...everything was back to normal, 3g was alive and kicking, ...then I went to flash the newest MIUI and started getting the latest 3G problems. I have a 3G indicator, but it never seems to be active (upload/download indicators not flashing), then the 3G indicator will dissappear then reappear, and do this randomly. when I try to use data, it just says that I have no network. However, if I do this same process, mbut instead I flash say MIUIWiz rom, everything still works, 3g and all.
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To half of what you did I have no idea what would happen or what it did lol. As for data gas said his doesn't work on any mtd release. Since this uses cm7mtd it also gives the same issue. On my phone if I sit next to the wall facing the hill. I get barely any service and it will do as you are saying. If I move away from the wall it is fine maybe a spaz out here and there.
KillKount said:
I'm sorry, I haven't actually dl'd this, I was just trying to give some basics as to how to get most, if not all, Fas roms working for us. And for the build.prop, most current aosp roms don't have but four lines concerning Verizon or Fascinate.
Again, I am sorry, I will shut up now.
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No you came in here saying this wasn't a port. Where you had no idea what you were talking about clearly. I also never said anything about the build prop in aosp roms. Well nothing like that. I also have yet to see one thing you mentioned yet how do you get sms to work in a fas rom ported to the mes? Besides the radio? You have only said these few things which is half of it. Also nearly word for word from the guide I think gas posted or someone in the fascinate radio thread.
Honestly I have no idea why I am even talking about it besides the fact you made a post claiming out of no where. I didn't post this to have a noob claiming something that I really have no idea why. Though do a little searching the next time on miui and tell me what samsung device it is released for.
2fast4u88 said:
No you came in here saying this wasn't a port. Where you had no idea what you were talking about clearly. I also never said anything about the build prop in aosp roms. Well nothing like that. I also have yet to see one thing you mentioned yet how do you get sms to work in a fas rom ported to the mes? Besides the radio? You have only said these few things which is half of it. Also nearly word for word from the guide I think gas posted or someone in the fascinate radio thread.
Honestly I have no idea why I am even talking about it besides the fact you made a post claiming out of no where. I didn't post this to have a noob claiming something that I really have no idea why. Though do a little searching the next time on miui and tell me what samsung device it is released for.
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Jesus man, smoke some weed and chill out. Yeah the guy was wrong (somewhat) but for crying out loud are you going to turn all of your threads into a pissing match? All we need is Adam back and we have the Phoenix thread all over again.
akellar said:
Jesus man, smoke some weed and chill out. Yeah the guy was wrong (somewhat) but for crying out loud are you going to turn all of your threads into a pissing match? All we need is Adam back and we have the Phoenix thread all over again.
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You have a lot of room to talk. Last I heard you weren't using anything I do any way so why troll posting and add to the fire? As I didn't see anyone yanking your chain. I didn't start the adam crap to begin with yet you like putting it off as that I did. I also didn't post claiming miui isn't a port for what ever reason that has me baffled.
If you don't have some constructive to say. Then don't post. Along with the fact how would you like it if you actually did something for someone in two threads start claiming **** that isn't true. As it's really starting to get old. Then when someone bashes what you do on top of it. As in if it was that simple why didn't he do it?
Also that is all I got to say in which I said what I wanted to. Now the thread can get back on track.
2fast4u88 said:
You have a lot of room to talk. Last I heard you weren't using anything I do any way so why troll posting and add to the fire? As I didn't see anyone yanking your chain. I didn't start the adam crap to begin with yet you like putting it off as that I did. I also didn't post claiming miui isn't a port for what ever reason that has me baffled.
If you don't have some constructive to say. Then don't post. Along with the fact how would you like it if you actually did something for someone in two threads start claiming **** that isn't true. As it's really starting to get old. Then when someone bashes what you do on top of it. As in if it was that simple why didn't he do it?
Also that is all I got to say in which I said what I wanted to. Now the thread can get back on track.
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LOL point proven. You really need to learn to ignore some things. It's a message board, people are going to say things that may not be accurate. And really at no point did you mention this was a port or give credit to Andmer or any of the Fascinate people that did the MIUI port for the Fascinate. If you didn't get this from them then I really don't know why you spent the time to port this yourself as you are already using their radio. It would have been much easier just to change Andmer's MIUI to work for the Mes. Again man I am not trying to argue with you, I just think it's funny you get so worked up about this stuff. Deep breaths.
S'okay guys, no need to even worry about it. I'll get things taken care of tonight. I won't post more here, this is 2fast's thread, his work.
akellar said:
LOL point proven. You really need to learn to ignore some things. It's a message board, people are going to say things that may not be accurate. And really at no point did you mention this was a port or give credit to Andmer or any of the Fascinate people that did the MIUI port for the Fascinate. If you didn't get this from them then I really don't know why you spent the time to port this yourself as you are already using their radio. It would have been much easier just to change Andmer's MIUI to work for the Mes. Again man I am not trying to argue with you, I just think it's funny you get so worked up about this stuff. Deep breaths.
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Ok I did this the other day and haven't messed with it much. Not sure I would recommend it for daily use. As landscape, gps and some other minor issues are present. This also isn't for the showcase. This started out as a mix of the Fascinate port/Cm7 Mtd for the mesmerize. Then a mix of miui android. So credit goes to them guys though it has some stuff done by myself
^First post very first sentence

[Q] does your SGH-I777 crash somewhat regularly no matter the code versions?

I wanted to see if I can post something without getting ridiculed. I know that I should probably just put up with the few crashes that are happening, cause its the greatest phone in the world, puts my previous iPhone3GS to absolute shame, and I LOVED that Phone, and turns out I like showstock too . I usually keep things /prefer stock all the way just rooted but I couldnt be and be at 2.3.6. I want to get some clarification on couplethings.
I am on my second ATT SGS2. First one had a GPS issue. Tried everything and finally convinced ATT warranty that the problem was hardware. They said they would advance replace the handset. So I got it back to stock in every way except the flash counter,this was in December so long before I was aware of mobile odin. Flash counter was at about 12 when I was done trying different ROMs,mostly just try to get the GPS to work. Has anyone ever heard of someone getting charged on a return phone that had a flash counter above stock? Ill update, I seriously doubt I have anything to worry about but, just wondered.
My real question, does everyones SGH-I777 crash on occasion? If so how often? I so happy with the current code that is running on the phone with the exception that it sometimes sleeps and wont wake up, and sometimes it just plain crashes hard, locks up and has to be hard rebooted. Usually this happens about 1 time a day each the lockup and the forever sleep. I wiped before installing current rom and any before that. The only reason I am not stock is cause I wanted the CKK6, 2.3.6 update to work and to keep root privaledges, but also needed my wifi cause ATT is throttling me down to dial up speeds when I reach 2GB. So wrong. Anyway thats another thread.
Anyway I loaded shostock with siyah kernel after wiped everything including both caches. The GPS is solid now, phone is fast, battery is egh, I keep a charger with me... but it crashes hard from one to three times a day. Locks up playing tunes, or wont wake up with out being plugged in or rebooted by holding down the power button, screen blank whole time. Do I have another defective handset or should I just go back to 2.3.4 and UKH7 or should I just deal with the crashes and should get my ass chewn out for the next 10 posts for banned or asking an absolutely ridiculous, moronic, long winded question?
Thanks for the hours of fun all you code writing types.
Oops I knew I was gonna screw it up and get hazed!!!
I knew Id screw it up. I was so nervous about posting on this site.. lol. I meant to post this in the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S2 Q & A forum and it ended up in this one some how. It does not appear that I can move it to where it should be, so maybe someone will have an answer here, or maybe I will get my head torn off, or maybe one of the nice moderators can move it for me.... Thanks in advance.

Just want to let you know,...

...that my time with HTC One SV is running out.
But lets start from beginning!
I'm very sad to tell you, that my device has an error. Something i can not reproduce, its happening randomly, from time to time and that makes it hard to solve.
The phone is shutting down, from one moment to the next. Without any logical reason, and without i get noticed of it. That means, until i see that my phone is off, nobody can call me. And thats the reason, why i can't longer use this phone anymore.
Missing calls or connectivity is a no go for me!
Of course i have sent in the phone for warranty/repair, but without luck. Every time i've got it back, it was ok some time, but always this error came back.
What i know is, it is related to GSM network. Its happening, when the phone is trying to connect to mobile internet. But like i said, not always, only sometimes.
Without Sim-Card, all is fine (changing Sim-Card to a new one did not solve it). While plugged in for charging, also all is fine.
This situation was also the reason, why i stopped almost all of my development activities with this device! I had to make it sure, that its not coming from buggy mods
So now i came to the point, where i had to make a decision. And the answer is: HTC One (M8) :laugh:
Yes, i've bought it. And it is great. And i love it. Yes, Kitkat and Sense 6
It feels so good to hold this alu-unibody phone (i know, its "only" a phone, but its simply fantastic). It feels like One SV was the step i needed on the way to a 5" phone.
Back to HTC One SV:
I'm not sure, maybe i'll try another time the repair service, but i always have to pay the cost of the delivery. Maybe i'll sell it as defect. Maybe i'll keep it as "Wifi-Surf-Machine", lol. Don't know yet.
But that means, my phone is back to stock, completely "Locked". No TWRP, no root, nothing.
That also means, no development or testing or anything like that from my side for this phone anymore.
Sorry, this was not planned, but the situation was not longer bearable!
Well, i will try to look into this forum here and keep my threads up to date, but i also will not promise anything (i can't look what happens in the future).
You still can contact me, if you see something in my threads that needs to be updated or if you want something added to my index thread.
All in all i think it will be a long slow goodbye! :crying:
At least, i wanna thank all people here, for the funny time i had and for the good things i've learned!
Special thanks i want to bring up to @Modding.MyMind @russellvone @xpirt @rollon76 @BrateloSlava (and all i forgot, can't mention all), who helped me to bring this device going up and growing better from day to day!
Thanks guys! :good:
Thanks a lot for your great work on this device and bringing up this forum!
Just one last question! Is your car holder compatible with the M8!?
Thank you for you help and for everything that you do for us ! Enjoy your new device I will leave the phone soon too ...
I may be joining you @old.splatterhand. Battery on my device is becoming unstable and I am not in the mood to deal with repairs. Can't afford to be without a phone for a week or so. My line of work won't allow it lol.
Sent from my C525c using Tapatalk
Very sad news. But thank you very much for your time, help and company, old.splatterhand.
I afraid that without you this thread will be dead
"I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward."
~Fridtjof Nansen
Au revoir...
This saddens me. However the M8 is on my radar anyway. ?
Glad to had you here. You have begun this xda forum and put a lot of work. Thank you for your support here and have fun with All New One.
I got my LG G2 since few days . My friends just made me a gift for my bday . Sorry but i am leaving the phone too ...
Thank you soooo much for responding to all our questions, Especially mine
You are another reason for me to buy a M8
Thanks so much for help, for ROMs and any other things you've done for our One SV
Regarding unstable phone... Try to clean gold connectors on battery and phone. I had similar situation. Phone 10months old just started to shut down. I press power to turn on screen and htc sign - turning phone on...it was off. Random, once-twice a day. I think also network coul be problem... So I did twrp restore and clean those connectors because i read somewhere that it can be oxidized and need to be schrached a bit. Since then phone is ok. Maybe weak signal + some apps load phone to give more energy and oxydation on conectors cause instability... I didnt do any big mods. Stock one sv lte 4.2.2 root supersu, twrp, rumrunner s off. Just deleted some bloat. In time of restarts i started using app superbeam, but restarts happened random. Also instaled call recorder, but didt use it. Thats it. I have now super beam and works ok. Didnt try call recorder again, dont need it.
mlesic said:
Regarding unstable phone... Try to clean gold connectors on battery and phone. I had similar situation. Phone 10months old just started to shut down. I press power to turn on screen and htc sign - turning phone on...it was off. Random, once-twice a day. I think also network coul be problem... So I did twrp restore and clean those connectors because i read somewhere that it can be oxidized and need to be schrached a bit. Since then phone is ok. Maybe weak signal + some apps load phone to give more energy and oxydation on conectors cause instability... I didnt do any big mods. Stock one sv lte 4.2.2 root supersu, twrp, rumrunner s off. Just deleted some bloat. In time of restarts i started using app superbeam, but restarts happened random. Also instaled call recorder, but didt use it. Thats it. I have now super beam and works ok. Didnt try call recorder again, dont need it.
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Interesting find!
What did you use to clean? Can you make a picture of yours?
Actually my wife is using the One SV as her main phone. Without a problem!
But she has no mobile internet in her provider contract, so it is disabled all the time. And for me it crashed always when it was connecting to mobile internet.
The idea about the "higher energy load could cause instability" was also in my mind, but i had no idea how to resolve it.
I think i will take a look at this :good:
I used small knife, pocket knife..didnt press hard. I read that affects some htc phones, sensation i belive.. when it happened i was in forest, weak signal...
Report back if that helps...i dont know is that solution or twrp restore solved things...i did everything i could think off so dont know what solved problem..
I will try as soon as the problem comes again.
Right now i don't want to wake sleeping dogs...
There is nothing strange you do. Just pull battery out an clean...
Now my phone works ok 2 months without turning off.. fingers crossed..
I'm sorry sir I've just now noticed this....The m8 is great, I bought two early this year.
The M9 (HIMA) I will buy as soon as it's released
See you around my friend
russellvone said:
I'm sorry sir I've just now noticed this....The m8 is great, I bought two early this year.
The M9 (HIMA) I will buy as soon as it's released
See you around my friend
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Hi Russel, nice to talk to you again
Sometimes i have seen your posts in M8 forum or in Sunshine thread, always great to see "old" folks again :highfive:
Yeah, i have the M8 since early May now and its great. Nothing to worry about, for me!
That also could be the reason, that i maybe skip the M9. My M8 is just great :good:
And honestly: i'm in hope that HTC releases a tablet with Sense, similar size like Nexus 9 and with Snapdragon CPU...
I think its amazing to see your dedication to the sv forum..
All the work, time, effort and time you have put into this..
Its simply amazing..respect!!
Did the error also contain inernet browser shutting of randomly?
I have never had any issue with my sv..
I did not do much to it, dont know much about all the how to's, why not's, but have shyed away from the stuff i thought to be too risky for me (well for my sv).
In the mean while i bought a m7 and tried a bit of the risky stuff, wich made me smile and think back to my sv..
Yesterday i did s-off my sv for the first time and wanted to remove red warning, wich, in the end resulted in my sv not booting up into rom any longer.. will look into that to solve that, but...
Before i did this, i wanted to change my boot animation, turned on 'show gif' in internet browser and immediately i experienced random shut down's of internet browser.
Maybe you forgot about the sv, maybe you still think back once in a while, maybe this info is of any use, maybe not...

