[Q] Need Acer A500 APK's - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am looking for a complete zip package of all apk's on the Acer A500. This will include all the pre-installed apk's both under /system/app & /data/app.
Seen some really neat things on one at staples want to try side loading a few on the Xoom.


[Q] Question(s) about theming...

Today I've found a great guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=916814) on how to theme Android and so I want to start theming and then I found some themes for the Transformer. I just have a little question: where do I get the stock-Honeycomb-theme from? It should be a *.zip, but with Root Explorer I can only see framework-res.apk and lots of *.jar-files (I'm running gnufabio's Revolver-ROM).
(why should it be a *.zip-file? Stood there:https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AcdxIJRSH9ypZGZzc2pxNDlfMjdnazk4OHNxZA&hl=en
3. Open the .zip and inside are typically 3 files, framework, system or app, and META-INF. Leave META-INF alone, you won’t be touching that, this area tells the phone where to install the folders. Inside framework and system/app is where the files are that you can change. In this case we will open the .zip, then double click framework and then double click framework-res.apk (this is where the next archive will open inside the same window, your life just got a little easier).
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Please could anyone share the stock-Honeycomb-theme from any stock-ROM (or any other fitting unmodified version)?
Hope that you can help me and I'd really be happy about it.
Thanks in advance,
Lunchbox115 said:
Today I've found a great guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=916814) on how to theme Android and so I want to start theming and then I found some themes for the Transformer. I just have a little question: where do I get the stock-Honeycomb-theme from? It should be a *.zip, but with Root Explorer I can only see framework-res.apk and lots of *.jar-files (I'm running gnufabio's Revolver-ROM).
(why should it be a *.zip-file? Stood there:https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AcdxIJRSH9ypZGZzc2pxNDlfMjdnazk4OHNxZA&hl=en )
Please could anyone share the stock-Honeycomb-theme from any stock-ROM (or any other fitting unmodified version)?
Hope that you can help me and I'd really be happy about it.
Thanks in advance,
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There is no "stock theme" take the files you need from the stock rom. SystemUI, framework and resources
Sent from my TBolt using my f***king thumbs...
Yeah, you would have to get the stock files (framework-res.apk, SystemUI.apk etc) from any stock ROM... or I would suggest getting the framework from the same version of Revolver you are on (make sure you get the modded version of the framework which can be downloaded from Revolver Parts). If you try to install the stock framework on Revolver it could cause problems because Gnufabio modded his framework.
What it seems like you are trying to do is look on your tablet for a theme.zip... you won't find one... A theme in a .zip is extracted when it is installed and the .apks (and .jars etc.) are put here and there on the system.
If you want a theme in a .zip you will have to look on the forums and find one that works for your ROM. You can then edit that theme to your liking if you have the know-how.
I don't wish to sound cruel here, but I would suggest waiting and reading up on theming and Android in general a little more first. You can cause issues (possible boot-loops/bricking) if you don't have the correct files in the correct places.
If you still wish to test out theming (and I think it is great that you have an interest) please do a backup in Clockwork first.
Thanks a lot, you are right. I'll read some threads about theming (there are some good threads here on XDA ) and then start.
Themes for the transformer are still few and far between, I don't mind really since I am pretty familiar with android from my days with my old G1.

[Q] How to get GTAB P5113 Samsung Keyboard on CM10?

Not liking the Android Keyboard too much in CM10 JB for Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 wifi
so, looking for way(s) to get the Stock Samsung Keyboard app/apk from ICS to work on CM10.
Tried using Titanium Backup / restore, as well as, recovery update.zip options but no luck.
Any ideas on how to get this app as well as few other Samsung Stock apps to work on CM or other builds?
You need the APK (and odex if it wasn't deodexed) as well as the lib for the keyboard.
a bit mre detail plz
imnuts said:
You need the APK (and odex if it wasn't deodexed) as well as the lib for the keyboard.
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Dude, is that an Audi? I am guessing you drive one, I do and Love it!
As for how to make the apps run, I have searched but confused about Smali, Baksmali etc. And don't think I am going the right direction here. So, if you could, plz post some steps as to how this is done. Also, where to find the lib and odex files...
I'd have to restore my original backup and extract the files and later restore the current running cm10. Since I have only one tab, it is not easy to experiment as it takes time for loading etc. If u can post some specific steps, I'll just take it from there for all the stock apps I need (I.e. calendar, memo etc.)
The easiest way to do it would be to pull the APK from a deodexed ROM, then you don't need to worry about an odex file. For the lib, I believe it is libXt9core.so or similar, and it will be in /system/lib/. Then all you would need to do is put the APK in /system/app and the lib in /system/lib and it should work for you.
Also, yes it is an Audi

[Q] Question about stock Samsung apps after custom mod

I know this has been asked before, but it hasn't been asked too clearly, at least to me. I'm using CM 10.1 on a Tmobile Galaxy S3, and I want to install a few of the Samsung apps like the Accuweather widget, sMemo, etc. I have all the apps in a backup folder, and they all have two files; a .apk file, and a .odex file. Can I just install them (.apk) like normal apps, or do I need to do something special with the .odex file, or can you even run them on a custom rom? I just really like a few of the stock features and would prefer to have them, but not at the cost of giving up CM 10.1 just to use them.
The stock apps need kinda stock environment to work with. So most of the stock apps don't work properly on a custom ROM.
That shouldn't prevent you from giving it a try.
You shouldn't be installing it as a normal app, but you should push the apk to system/app with right permissions (rw-r--r--) and reboot.
See if that works. Try with and without the odex file.
Look at this thread on how to set permissions.
A search would have told you that you can't run OEM apps in an AOSP based rom
Wayne Tech S-III
You need the framework that samsung adds. Using a rom based off the original will do it for you.

[Q] Where can I find stock apps+odex files?

Hey everyone. Is there anywhere I could go to download the system apps that come preinstalled on the M8 with their respective odex files. Not thinking I just went straight ahead and deleted a bunch of them using root explorer and now I am unable to use ART.
Thanks for any insight + help in advance
check the android development section. I have a thread there that has the system dump .. download, and pull the files you need from the .zip
-HTC One m8-

[Q] Best way to install new de-odexed system apps?

I have a samsung galaxy note 2 (sgh-t889) I have de-odexed framework, and all system apks after a long learning process but i tested two of them and they worked on my phone! Pleased i would like to install the 151 apks and the framework files onto my phone but what is the easiest fastest way to do so?, i am still unfamiliar with adb but i know push pull, how can i delete system/app and replace it with my own app folder with all my de-odexed files?

