[Q] your view of dual screen android - General Questions and Answers

I am one of the donkey in a small company working to develop our first android tablet with dual screen.
S\dince this will be our first flagship android device, we would like to make sure our device match the needs of our future customer.
It will be a 7" dual screen device as title stated.
The machine is planned to be
- Dual core CPU, for instance by Samsung
- 512MB DDR3 and 1GB SLC
- dual touch on both screen
- swappable battery
- back-flipping screen
- 5/8Mpixel camera and 720p camcoder
- target to sell around 450usd
- target to weight 700g less
We love to hear from our customer, as we did for all our other products. Please feel free to comment, or simply kick my ass if you totally disagree with the concept, we are more than happy to have our ass kicked in order to prevent making a device no one will buy.

Is it two 7 inch screens? Or two 3.5 inch screens?
Does it close in the same way as the DS, so both screens are facing each other?
Could be a great concept. A tablet that fits in your pocket.

it should be 2 7" screen, we take consideration of cost, weight, and usability, since it is a 360 back-flipping machine, there is no concept of "closing" it, it can be both facing in, or both facing out.

Sorry folks if it's just me being particularly dumb. But I'm not getting it.
It it like the screen on the Dell Inspiron Duo? Are the screens on a swivel so one can face the back?
Have you got a link to something similar?

love the idea. That price range would be perfect too. I would be looking for one that can make phone calls too.
Being able to make phone calls is the deal breaker for me. Don't know why more tablets can do this.
And your device should be 8mp at least. 5 is too little for a high end device now a days.

Personally I love this idea!
If you have to cut corners, cut on the camera. 5/8 mp on a dualscreen tablet is not necessary at all. Take the iPad route to save money, go with a cheaper camera.

Some phones have more RAM than 512MB, so if this is a tablet ideally youd want more than that

Thanks a lot for the reply.
Seems there is no similar one in the market. Think of a door that can be push or pull 360 degree.
A 5MP is costing less then the dual core, but 8MP seems out of budget, we can even support up to 12MP, but the point is the image quality.
Yes it has 3G, HSPA+, can dial, as a speaker phone, and connects to headset. We are trying to make a all in one tablet for sure.
We think 512MB suits the current needs, considering my X10i has never less than 80MB free. More ram means more current draw.

Not knocking the idea, I'm just interested if anyone has any ideas on what uses a dual screen device like this would have? Smaller size for mobility is one, but I'm looking for usage ideas. How would you use the two screens effectively/differently than a single screen?

Watching a video on one screen, while doing something productive on the other, would that be possible?

Keep in mind that your device should be competitively priced to sell well. Look at the asus transformer. Selling like hot cakes.

Personally, the idea of it isn't terrible but I don't think I would use it. It's not something I want in a phone.

I think I owe everyone a thanks. So here it is
@dquille there are many usage in a dual screen device, social sharing is one, multi-tasking is two, some little more piracy maybe, all depends on how you use it, just like single vs dual core CPU.
@Zaigham it can be done, but personally I dont think anyone can work like this, my example will be, say, reading a excel file while typing message? But we look on social sharing more, you will see what we are talking when more information can be given.
@DPMAce yes we totally understand this point, but thats too early for us
@vbetts thanks for the info, in my opinion phone is secondary nowadays


What phone to go for?

edit: for the most up-to-date indecisive rambling, just jump to the most recent post, though feel free to peruse the whole thread.
I understand this is a very difficult question to answer, especially given that no two people's needs are ever quite the same but I'm just looking for some ideas/a sounding board.
I currently have a Touch HD which I have been quite happy with, I really quite like TouchFlo, but it's starting to show it's age and I'm due an upgrade in about a fortnight anyway.
At the moment, given what's available on the market, Android is the only choice IMO.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against WinMo/WinPho but I'm not buying a phone that won't be properly upgradeable and therefore, arguably, rendered obsolete in a couple of months and I'm definitely not waiting two months plus for a new phone on the off-chance I like what I see.
As for the rest, Symbian's a joke; Blackberrys aren't my thing; Palm is not an option; and the iPhone, well unless they announce something pretty damned special on Monday, my dislike of iTunes alone is enough to put me off - before we even get onto the flaws with the handset(s)...
In terms of what I want, that's where it all gets a bit difficult.
I can't work out if I want to go for an all-out powerful handset à la the Desire or the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S or if I want something a bit less fancy, the Sony Ericsson X10 Mini being a prime example - trading off absolute power for benefits in terms of size and cost.
My worry about a high-end handset is that I get one, then a month or two, or even a week or two, later, something else comes along that makes me regret my decision - not least the impending WinPho 7 release and all the potentially 'awesome' new handsets that will accompany that.
With the X10 Mini, I'm not too worried about something better arriving in the near-future, I think it's too niche a device to end up with much competition but, having read the review of it on GSMArena, it seems that my biggest concern is the handset's Achilles Heel - the low screen res. If it was even HVGA, I would probably just go for it but QVGA is pushing usability.
Anyway, yeah, I'm just looking to bounce ideas/suggestions around, so if anyone wants to chip in, please feel free.
Nexus one is my phone of choice at the moment. I've just made the jump to Android and this device is nothing short of awesome! The 2.2 upgrade will be rolled out soon which brings several improvements too. (It is available already but this early release isn't very polished yet. I'm waiting for the OTA release).
Unusually for me i'm keeping this device stock, so no custom ROM flashing etc. It's just such an improvement over the WM phones that i'm used to that i don't feel the need to change anything. I could harp on for hours about all the features that makes this such a good device but you should have a look around instead and make your own informed decision. There are lots of good forums devoted to this device but i'd start with the dedicated xda, nexus one section.
If I were going for a high-end Android device, then it would be the Desire and not the Nexus One - partly because I like the Sense UI and partly because I wouldn't entertain the idea of switching to Vodafone, their tariffs aren't competitive and their coverage is poor where I stay.
I have played extensively with the Desire and it is a lovely phone but, as I said previously, I'm concerned that if I upgraded to it, I'd only want to change again when say the Galaxy S comes out or in a couple of months when WinPho 7 arrives.
Obviously, there's a chance that would be the same if I went for the X10 Mini but I would be able to get it on such a cheap deal instead, that the idea of then choosing to shell out for a new device a few months down the line isn't so bad.
I'm also starting to question whether I need all the features that the Desire/Nexus One offers as opposed to merely wanting them.
I bought myself a laptop back in January and, since then, I'm using the web a lot less on my phone, so do I really need something with a huge, high-res screen?
Thanks for the input, it's greatly appreciated (as is anyone else's opinions/ideas), I fear I've a bit of thinking ahead of me yet though...
At the moment, there are a few phones that I'm considering and I'm trying to weigh them all up, so I'd appreciate any input, suggestions or ideas anyone can offer up.
First up, the HTC Desire
HTC Sense
Decent CPU and RAM
AMOLED screen
HTC handset - excellent build quality and 2 year warranty
No HD video
Screen is only AMOLED, not sAMOLED
It's already sold a lot and, as sad as it is, I don't really like the idea of having the same phone as everyone else
Samsung Galaxy S
superAMOLED screen
HD video
CPU that's potentially even more powerful than the Snapdragon in the Desire
Samsung handset - 2 year warranty
No HTC Sense
Even worse, it uses Samsung's childish UI
No camera flash - seriously, wtf?
Not yet released
Motorola XT720
8MP, HD video, Xenon flash - the best camera on an Android handset just now
480x854 screen resolution - more pixels are never a bad thing
[edit] HDMI out - a real boon for an HD-recording handset [/edit]
LCD screen - not even AMOLED, let alone sAMOLED
480x854 screen resolution - non-standard resolution may cause some app compatibility issues
No LED flash for video use - a minor point but the ideal camera phone would have LED and Xenon
Question marks over CPU compared to the Desire or Galaxy S (720MHz OMAP A8 Cortex as opposed to 1GHz Snapdragon/Hummingbird on other handsets)
No HTC Sense
Motorola handset - 1 year warranty, not sure of build quality
Not available until the start of next month
Sony Ericsson X10 Mini
Tiny size
Well thought-out UI
Sony Ericsson handset - 2 year warranty
Small screen size and resolution - will have a negative effect on web browsing experience and app compatibility
Only running 1.6 'Donut' with very vague upgrade roadmap
Sony Ericsson handset - questionable build quality, possible (probable?) software issues
LCD screen - not AMOLED or sAMOLED
No HD video
I know it may not seem like it, given the large number of points in the 'Cons' category for it but I'm actually drawn the most to the Motorola handset.
The problem is, having only just been released there's a number of questions I have which I can't as of yet get answers for - for example, the build quality may not be an issue but I won't know that until I can have a play with one, the CPU may not be a downside, etc etc.
Anyway, yeah, any/all input is always welcome.
i guess your best choice can be galaxy s
but if you give up on browsing(use your laptop instead) then x10mini will be the best...feature wise and price
wish you luck
I do currently use my laptop a lot for web browsing but I'm not prepared to carry it around with me every day on the off-chance I want to go online.
If the X10 Mini had even an HVGA screen instead of QVGA, then it would probably be high enough to just to alleviate my concerns - at least in terms of app compatibility, though obviously for the likes of web browsing it would never match a WVGA (or higher) handset like the others I'm considering.
As for the Galaxy S, the power, screen and HD video do appeal but leaving out a camera flash just seems so unnecessary, almost like they're doing it deliberately.
But, between that and the Samsung UI, it's just enough to sour my feelings towards it.
As I say, against my better judgement, I can't help but like the Motorola handset.
At least, unlike the Desire, by sticking with an LCD screen it should mean it's ok to use in sunlight - obviously AMOLED has it's advantages but unless you make the jump all the way up to sAMOLED then there's still a cloud attached to that silver lining.
And regarding the CPU, while there are question marks over it, I've also heard it suggested that the TI OMAP 3430 CPUs are actually more powerful than the faster-clocked Snapdragon CPUs like the Desire uses, so it could actually be a better handset than the Desire in that respect.
Also, I should probably point out that my plan when I upgrade is to negotiate as low a tariff as I can out of T-Mobile, then if I see a phone I really like partway through the contract term, I'll just buy it.
So, the shorter warranty on the Motorola may not be an issue.
Thanks for your input, even if it doesn't seem like it, it's definitely appreciated.
Ok, so here we are a full 5 months since the last post and I'm still stuck in the same situation - want, almost need, a new phone but don't know what to go for.
Since last time, obviously things have come on a long way.
Symbian has reached the next level, meaning it's only a bit behind everyone else as opposed to significantly behind; Apple announced the iPhone4 which is a nice piece of hardware but the OS and price are too big of a stmubling block; Blackberry have moved on to OS6 but really there's nothing new about it; WinPho7 was released and looks OK but the hardware is just slightly underwhelming.
As for Maemo/Meego, Bada and WebOS, they're not even worth considering IMO.
So that leaves us with the only thing I am sure about, that my next phone will be an Android handset but beyond that I've still not been able to reach a decision.
Looking back at what I was considering before, none of them are still in the running - the Motorola XT720 turned out to be a dud, the X10 Mini was plagued with problems and the Galaxy S and Desire have both been out-done by the Desire HD.
Obviously the daddy just now is the Desire HD.
The best hardware around, the best UI around, there should be no reason to even consider anything else. And yet, I'm just not taken with it, I know I should love it, I know there should be no competition but it's not exciting me.
On the other hand, against all the odds and especially since the XT720 was so poor, I find myself quite taken with the Motorola Defy.
I know that the specs aren't so great but the idea of a ruggedised handset is pretty neat and the size is just a bit more pocketable than the Desire HD's, though that's not my biggest concern.
Going in the other direction, I'm also quite taken by the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Given how I use my phone making/receiving very few calls, mostly texting and using the internet) a larger device like the Tab is in many ways better-suited to my needs. However, it's biggest advantage is also it's biggest downfall - the larger screen makes the Tab a far less practical device than the likes of the Desire HD or the Defy (I know I said with regards to the Defy that the size difference wasn't my biggest concern but the Tab is a whole order of magnitude larger), to the point that if I decided to use the Tab as a phone, I'd need to get myself a second handset to use on occasions when the Tab's size made it impossible to take with me.
Once again, any/all help will be greatly appreciated.

Why G-Tablet seems to be losing steam..

New eLocity Tablet:
NVIDIA Tegra 2 T250, 1GHz, 1MB L2 Cache
•Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) ** When available (2.2 on release)
•DDR2 512 MB, 667MHz RAM
•10.1″ IPS Multi Touch 1366×768
•4GB – 256GB Flash Memory
•1.0W Stereo Speakers
•3MP Front Facing CMOS Cam
•Analog Microphone
•Haptic Feedback
•3.5mm Stereo Headphone Output
•802.11b/g/n w/Internal Antenna
•Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
•3G &3.5G Options w/GPS
•1 x USB 2.0 Host
•1 x Micro USB
•1 x Micro SD Card Slot (Up to 32GB)
•HDMI Output (1080P)
•Docking Port
•3-Axis Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor, Vibrate Mode.
Ships in a few weeks.. starts at $449
Not too shabby...
Nice catch.....IPS YES!!!!
These tablets remind me of Blackberry phones. They're all different, yet they're all the same. You have a Curve,Bold,etc..one or two things may be different, other than that, you can't tell them apart. Perfectly fine with my GTab, until something really major is brought to the table.
Aside from the better screen I can't see a good reason to ditch my g tablet.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
well as someone that was planning on buying on g-tablet i was waiting for nice screen to show up
but with someone already coming up with this yeah im getting this instead...
kxs783kms said:
These tablets remind me of Blackberry phones. They're all different, yet they're all the same. You have a Curve,Bold,etc..one or two things may be different, other than that, you can't tell them apart. Perfectly fine with my GTab, until something really major is brought to the table.
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Big ditto!
Colour me surprised if they can actually deliver all that and still keep that price point...
With the 3G/3.5G + GPS Option included I don't expect it to stay @ $449
I got my gTablet because it was a great value for the cost...I still think it was a great deal...
Will be nice to compare how this tablet measures up once it is released and we have a better idea on the real cost...
Thanks for the link!
Couldn't really tell from that video, but are the viewing angles any better on that screen? If they are, maybe a replacement screen for the Gtab is in our near future. ;-)
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
No offense, but the OP is pure conjecture, considering that device has not released yet. How can the G lose steam to a device not even out or (until now) made notice of?
That same premise could be used for several other devices coming out, as you could for any device "losing steam". I would say sucky out of box experience lost the steam for the G for most but modders.
Not to mention this device still has to actually ship in a few weeks and at $450. Not to mention mod support. G is already locked in for that.
I will take my $350 G with 13gb of extra space and proven mod community ANY day over that. Unless Webtop is being used, 1gb is is yet to prove a big difference maker for speed. Webtop needs 1gb ram just to not choke the system down. Seriously.
I am in total agreement with rushless. Our gTabs are a piece of electronics. And like all electronics there is a never-ending march of newer and "better" models on the horizon. Personally, at this moment in time, I can't think of a better tablet for me.
Thanks to the efforts of the gtab-devs here I have been thoroughly enjoying this tablet for the last month. This tablet was the perfect mix of price, performance, and the right amount of support from the xda community.
I wish nothing but the best for the OP and hopefully he enjoys the tablet he ends up with as much as I enjoy my gTab.
IPS screen is the only thing (if true) that would be of interest to me.
I will wait and see what the final specs are - I for one hope that this is true, and that we find this at some B&M stores to try out.
As much as I would like a better screen, the Gtablets' will do for me till there is an option with a minimum 720P (1280x720, 1280x800 or 13##x768 ) screen, posibly IPS, with a tablet optimized OS ( Honeycomb ); oh, and resonably priced. Think I might be waiting a while. Well I did buy a second one in December so I'd stop haveing mine taken by the familly to play 'Angry Birds'.
This post cracks me up..you want to play the waiting game? go ahead...shortly after you buy the next great thing something better will be out. I myself was going to wait but i'm tired of waiting. I have a gtablet and i am very happy with it.
TeutonicWolf said:
Colour me surprised if they can actually deliver all that and still keep that price point...
With the 3G/3.5G + GPS Option included I don't expect it to stay @ $449
I got my gTablet because it was a great value for the cost...I still think it was a great deal...
Will be nice to compare how this tablet measures up once it is released and we have a better idea on the real cost...
Thanks for the link!
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This is a 10" version of their current 7" device. The specs seem smack talk at $450, due in part to both the radios it will have, extra 512mb ram and ESPECIALLY the display.
Following the path of their 7" model, expect two months or so wait for the device and then a little more for mods- G serves me well now and at less cost.
The Moto Zoom seems interesting, but since tied to phone carriers, it will be artificially too high prices (like the Galaxy Tab) because of it.
Side note:
A positive about our display is when on a plane or other places, you have less spectator viewing. VS should have marketed it as a "private display" Then again, based on the out of box effort- there was NO marketing in the first place.
Gtablet vs Elocity A7
I have both and the Gtablet is the king. The Elocity A7 I enjoy but it has not been tweaked yet. The forum is just sort of getting started. The initial firmware updates are slower than what Viewsonic has been doing.
Cifs, NTFS, IPV6, and more in new kernels everywhere for the Gtablet and there are no kernel options yet for Elocity. No source code has surfaced from Elocity which could be bad for user development.
Don't get me wrong, the Elocity has its place in my hands, for size, weight, slightly better display.
Pros: Both devices
Gtablet - long life battery, flexibility, Great developer community and user support, 3300 on Quadrant
Elocity - Size, portability, fast out of the box, stock UI, rooted out of box, however need root manager to access /system. Has tremendous potential when firmware matches hardware.
Cons: Both devices
Gtablet - Weight
Elocity - Battery is far from the monster the Gtablet carries
I'm sticking with this until something completely different or superior comes about that I have to change.
Keep in mind that they announced 7 different configurations for the 10" model. I'm guessing for the min at $450, it'll be 4gb internal with 512mb ram wifi only with no 3g/gps.
wrong specs i see online it says 7
" inch screen not 10"
Not for me
this one did not tickle my taste buds, with the extent of customization, low price tag, battery life and not to mention incredible dev support; so far Gtab is more hot and spicy. Need a better recipe on table to loose my gtab. Regarding screen on this g string i do not mind it, with restricted viewing angle it works like privacy screen so that i can enjoy my stuff....
Hats off to the g tab dev for transforming this raw beauty to bombshell..
their efforts are really appreciated.

Your thoughts on Asus Padfone

I feel this is more of a general "lets get your opinion/feel" but ive experienced in the past, any topic that has any question in it, gets moved to this section.. So im posting it here.
I'd like to get people opinions (and experiences if any) on the Asus Padfone. I've been eyeing the HTC Amaze, but there have been a few issues reported with it, and with new tech being released this year, im also considering other devices. The Padfone caught my eye due to its apparent versatility. (Especially since the HTC One series has been a massive letdown with the non-existent mSD card slot)
Though there do seem to be some things lacking with this device, such as the camera (apparently, the HTC one has an independent processor which speeds it up) for example.
Also the fact that its 3g and not 4g/LTE seems to be a step back (tho this isnt an concern for me, but could be later).
Anyway.. Thoughts? Concerns?
Not worth buying
I'm considering getting one. I'm from the Netherlands so 3G is just fine for me!
Pricing is rumoured around €699 euro here, pretty steep though... That's without the dock (which will set you back another €150 I bet)
I love the idea of having everything in one place (on your phone) and basically click it into the tablet for typing during class or watching/reading something.
Jam it into the dock for longer writing sessions... I can see this being a very useful combination for me personally. I'm not sure the average user will find this a useful gadget though.
Downside is that you really have to use the phone all the time and I'm not sure how well everything works softwarewise when you load the phone into the dock, screensize wise etc, etc.
Its just that I got a Gnex that I love so dearly
PokeiShoW said:
Not worth buying
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Care to elaborate?
newbie thoughts on the padfone
Last July 2011, I posted this thread on another forum and look at what happened in the interim - the Padfone!
"Looking for serious multi-purpose (non-existent yet) tablet
I am a newbie. I have been communicating with a variety of tech publications incl Walt Mossberg, WSJ. But no serious response. I do not own a tablet right now but want to propose features that can be incorporated to the current crop. You folks can chime in (with respect) if you think my ideas are plausible.
Full disclosure. Currently, I am not a fan of the crop of tablets in the market today. What is out there (regardless of brand) are just pure "gadgets" for me. I do not do social networking nor games. I realize that I am in the minority in the high-tech populace.
I will consider a tablet with the configuration below to trim my techie equipment inventory. I believe this would be a truly PORTABLE, POWERFUL, SINGLE COMBINATION alternative to having (1) a communication/convenience/entertainment" device (tablet) AND (2) a PC for serious professional computing work, should I need to do some.
Samsung Galaxy-like form factor (or maybe even slightly larger or heavier)
Full Cell phone call capable (CDMA/GSM) - 3 or 4G thru BT (either on ear device or car's BT wireless communicator) - not just Google Talk or Skype
Web-access wireless card (a/b/g/n)
BT enabled to pair with my car's BT audio system wireless connection to play music stored in the tablet and other BT capable devices (tech already available)
Semi-full size BT keyboard/case (tech already available)
Available USB2 or 3 port/s
Available docking device to connect to an external larger LCD monitor, full-size keyboard, printer, optical drive, external HD, etc (?) to really replace my office/home notebook
Enough processor power (Intel/AMD dual core or higher), storage to support a full PC OS (Windows 7/8 or Mac OS), Internet Browser (IE9, FF5, Chrome, Safari, etc) and APPLICATION PROGRAMS AND DATA!
Sufficient battery life (replaceable) with AC/DC charging/connectivity capability
Do you think this config for a tablet system has market and production potential? Or better yet, is there one already out there? I know that the technology to accomplish all of these exist already. It just takes somebody to put it all together.
Your professional insights are greatly appreciated."
Since the Pf is not in our shores yet and I have been sick and tired of the all the unboxing, first videos from Barcelona, Taiwan specs and availability, I just implore ASUS to get their act together and stop the teasing and give us the US model! Regardless how a bunch of folks have trashed it, I on the other hand WANT ONE NOW. I realize that this desire is sight unseen, performance and quality unknown and not all the specs I listed above are in the model available everywhere else, I believe the concept of 3 in 1 is a brilliant one. I may not be as techie as you folks but for my use and from prelim videos and specs, what ASUS has done is phenomenal.
I would greatly appreciate your more techie input as well as marketing intel (US availaibility, specs, price, carrier, etc.). BTW, I still refuse to buy and do not want any of the tablets available today. Thanks.
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
Dark3n said:
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
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It's possible, it depends if the "door" needs to be closed before it will output to the tabdock. Plus, im sure alot said that about flip phones and sliding phone. My Touch Pro 2 is still going pretty strong, and it has a sliding keyboard.
Something id like it know is with the Keyboard dock, is it 'closeable'. As in, can you dock the tablet to it, then "close it" like a laptop so you can transport it as one piece?
first try... and probably last
very difficult positioning for Asus. They're trying desperately to innovate more that the competition to get a strong foot in that market.
However, this solution might not be fully interesting for a lot of people... If its a failure, they'll have lost a great deal of money that could have been used to make up for the difference with the latest ipad...
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
addiz said:
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
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Why do you think it will be a failure?
it's something new and different let's see how people will act after buying it
Has a lot of potential...
Has a LOT of potential if marketed correctly.
I have a original ASUS Transformer TF101 with keyboard dock for eight months now and I can say its an amazing machine. The performance is just right, the battery lasts forever, almost stock ICS, lots of updates.
I have the only combination of devices that can compete with the full Padfone setup: a modern smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note) and the mentioned Transformer, with full tethering support. If the Padfone system can have a significant price advantage, the consistency it provides (the Note have Android 2.3.6) can make it a winner.
Feels way to expensive.
$1 gets you a reply
yes the hinge closes like a laptop
problem: the hinge only opens around 90 degrees so you won't get a great viewing angle unless you are at a similar level.
when the latch of the tablet station opens to release the phone, it stops the phone being bent outwards, so you have to pull up and thus, not breaking the connector.
not having 4g is a big downer for me. I was going to get this and might still but seriously, uk is getting 4g this year so I doubt I'd want this when it gets released.
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
tytung2020 said:
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
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beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
Lyian said:
beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
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I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
sounds good
tytung2020 said:
I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
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Well, i wont get apple products. If i were to get two devices, both would be android. Im sure it would be similar, but i don't like messing with clouds either, that's just a gimik to eat up your limited "unlimited" data package. Especially when your talking about my case of 400+mb PDF files.
I'm not completely sold on it, but it seems like a good idea, plus ive not yet seen official pricing on it.
Not that benchmarks mean much.. but...
ASUS PadFone gets benchmarked: a mere teaser of what's to come

You want a SINGLE device that is a tablet AND a phone?

I would like to get some opinion from you guys....
I am a startup developing a new kind of mobile device that combines a phone and tablet - putting a 7" screen on a less than 5" phone body. (It is not like the Galaxy Note, where the size is fixed.)
SO when you just want to make calls, check SMS and emails, just use the "phone mode" with a 4"+ screen.
When you want to surf web, watch videos/photos, transform it into a 7"-screen tablet.
Now my question is about the potential market for this device, as it seems that no company is creating a device like this, I am worried if there's no market for it.
a) For those of you carrying two devices (a phone and a tablet), are you feeling a bit inconvenient, annd would you like to have this device?
b) For those of you carrying only a phone, would you like to have a bigger screen, perhaps 7", while retaining the same portability?
c) Would you still buy a 10" tablet after you have this device? (assuming you already have a laptop)
Your help will be very much appreciated!
the first thing that came to mind upon reading this post is the asus padfone.
i do carry the 2 devices (S2 + TF101), and IMO it isn't really a big inconvenience, thus i might not be that interested. Unless it comes with a unique feature / selling point?
if the tablet could make calls and i could pair a Bluetooth headset to it, i would get it. maybe it would stop me from texting and driving if it was 10 inch
I see no market for it. Some will buy it for what it is but not enough to make profit or even break even. Try focussing resources on let's say the body of the Droid Razr with an edge to edge screen, custom ROM that gets rid of the touch buttons of the bottom of the device so that can be more room for screen. I would buy something like that.
Or how about a smart-watch that can sync with any tablet to become a secondary display.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
Didn't they already do this? And if I recall it kinda flopped... Not being negative, but I think people are used to carrying around a bunch of gadgets...
deliriume said:
the first thing that came to mind upon reading this post is the asus padfone.
i do carry the 2 devices (S2 + TF101), and IMO it isn't really a big inconvenience, thus i might not be that interested. Unless it comes with a unique feature / selling point?
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Thanks for your reply.
There are some aspects of Padfone that we don't think it will be a market success:
1. You still need to carry the 10" screen, and it is not as portable as a 4+" phone 2. When the phone is inside tablet, you'll need a headset to receive and make calls
Anyway our product is not in compete with padfone, although we have something in common - to combine devices from different categories. The key difference, besides the size, is that we emphasize on PORTABILITY; while they probably emphasize on versatile performance.
Our device is small and light and easily slip into pocket, yet comes with a beautiful 7" screen.
BTW, we think the combination of devices (our device + laptop/ultrabook) is more reasonable than (Padfone + laptop/ultrabook), because Padfone size is already very similar to laptop, and almost everyone already has a laptop.
Didn't they already do this? And if I recall it kinda flopped... Not being negative, but I think people are used to carrying around a bunch of gadgets...
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Thanks for your feedback!
Do you mean Sony's Tablet P?
However, since there is a bezel between the two screens, it cannot be seen as a one screen tablet when unfolded. In fact this is one of the main reason why it gets poor reviews and market reactions (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-21/what-was-sony-thinking-with-tablet-p-rich-jaroslovsky.html). The bezel is simply annoying.
Our startup have found a way to remove the bezel.
Yes people now used to carry around many gadgets, because currently we have no choice
I love the idea of the padfone...4 inch phone during the day, 10 inch phone when at home.
If you have something to offer please let me know, as of know i am seriously looking at the padfone to be my next phone.
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
I love the idea of the padfone!
bigboxrate said:
Maybe this one can be a good choice for you if you do not mind using big screen to make telephone calls.
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800 mhz and 256 ram, gross...
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
Good Stuff....Thanks
Tablet s Phone
I really dont understand why Tablets dont incorporate phones, I own a Dell Streak Mini 5, (best phone Ive ever owned) also a sony tablet s.
Both brilliant devices but most of the pros are duplicated by one or the other,
Dell streak, android device, good general purpose but screen too small for word processing or watching vids, not to mention the small onscreen keybord.
Tablet s, android device, good for all things android but no phone.
I dont follow the logic that there would be no market for a tablet device with a phone, I carry a phone and I carry a tablet I would far rather only carry one, i.e. the tablet with a phone in it, I use a blue tooth earpiece for all my phone/music/audio books so its not as if Ive got it stuck to my ear all the time, in fact the phone never comes out unless i want to use an app.
So the answer for me is a resounding YES device of that nature.
This is a great idea. Today's smartphones have all this horsepower but what good is it if the tiny screens make it a chore to get anything done. I'm having difficulty imagining how one would go about incorporating an additional big screen on a phone, but if you can do a clean job at it, I believe it will be success. By clean, I mean the screens should be good quality either glass or matte, not some flimsy folding ****.
noobletsausecakebbq said:
This is a great idea. Today's smartphones have all this horsepower but what good is it if the tiny screens make it a chore to get anything done. I'm having difficulty imagining how one would go about incorporating an additional big screen on a phone, but if you can do a clean job at it, I believe it will be success. By clean, I mean the screens should be good quality either glass or matte, not some flimsy folding ****.
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Yes we are not using folding screens.
I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note exactly for this reason.
The screen is big enough for non-phone usage but small
enough to fit inside a pocket to carry around like you would
carry around a phone. It's already 5.4" so 7" is not that much
larger, you'd better have a real compelling reason for your
device in order to convince people who would otherwise
pick the Note.
Cool Idea
I don't know of your resource base, but have you seen the new translucent material they have demoed for new tablets. That would make your product something that would stand apart. They demoed the material at one of the electronic shows this year.
fetchinson said:
I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note exactly for this reason.
The screen is big enough for non-phone usage but small
enough to fit inside a pocket to carry around like you would
carry around a phone. It's already 5.4" so 7" is not that much
larger, you'd better have a real compelling reason for your
device in order to convince people who would otherwise
pick the Note.
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Yup! Ive had my g2 since the day it came out. The two devices im looking at is the padfone or the galaxy note. Im on tmobile usa so hooping one will get 4G sometime this summer. August is my upgrade month
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
challa3223 said:
I don't know of your resource base, but have you seen the new translucent material they have demoed for new tablets. That would make your product something that would stand apart. They demoed the material at one of the electronic shows this year.
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No, we are using standard touchscreens...
I think you will have a harder time distinguishing yourself from the padfone since it is out now.

TF700 VS Nexus 7

After purchasing 2 defective Nexus 7, I've decided to seek for an alternative tablet..
How does the TF700 compare?
Pricing is not a concern for me .
See Lisa's review comparison.
Kinda apples to oranges isn't it? Entry level budget minded device versus high end loaded device? Don't get me wrong, I like the nexus, but they would need a 10" for me to even bother looking their way. I already have a couple nook colors. BUUUT...how do they compare, well lets try...
TF700 = Bigger better screen
TF700 = graphics
TF700 = brightness (super IPS is nice)
Nexus = From google OTAs
Nexus = Lighter
Nexus = Handier as a casual every day "assistant" type device that still is great for movies and games.
Overall it depends on what your looking for really. Quite a difference in price.
**Disclaimer: I don't own a Nexus, just taking a guess at most of the things I listed**
i dont think there is much of a comparison.
Currently, I own both devices. While I agree they are apples vs oranges (lower end to higher end), I can perhaps share some insight. Let me start by saying getting either device is a win. What we have here is 2 quality tablets utilizing the android OS. The Nexus 7 is more of a convenience device. What I mean by this is the portability, weight, and smoothness are unprecedented. I love walking to the coffee table, picking the 7 up, checking my twitter feed, checking the score of the game, etc... One of the other things I enjoy (despite the lower resolution than the TF700), is e-reading. The lack of stress on my wrists makes it an absolute pleasure to read. I can lay on my back, and hold the tablet above my face with one hand, and have no fear of dropping it. There's a lot of little uses I find the 7 brilliant for. My hang up is the idea of a 7" tablet. It's not big enough, but it's not small enough to use with 2 hands making is slightly awkward for some users.
The Infinity is more of a laptop replacement (especially if you get the keyboard dock). I went with the 64gb version, with a 64gb micro SD card. I have not touched my laptop since. If you are looking for a daily web browser, this is your guy. I never have to zoom in to read, the text is crisp/clear, and I don't find myself straining to view websites. That's another advantage of the 10" tablet over the 7". The screen noticeably trumps the Nexus 7, and sometimes it pains me to switch between the two. Although i'm a big fan of Google and Nexus devices I really like what Asus did with their personal widgets and notification bar. Really makes the tablet feel fluid. The downside with the TF700 is most things aren't optimized for the gorgeous display. I'm sad to say, it's almost a waste. That is one area i'll give the nod to IOS for. Apps look grainy with their icons, games can look poor at times, and some games aren't even available at all.
bhillegass said:
Currently, I own both devices. While I agree they are apples vs oranges (lower end to higher end), I can perhaps share some insight. Let me start by saying getting either device is a win. What we have here is 2 quality tablets utilizing the android OS. The Nexus 7 is more of a convenience device. What I mean by this is the portability, weight, and smoothness are unprecedented. I love walking to the coffee table, picking the 7 up, checking my twitter feed, checking the score of the game, etc... One of the other things I enjoy (despite the lower resolution than the TF700), is e-reading. The lack of stress on my wrists makes it an absolute pleasure to read. I can lay on my back, and hold the tablet above my face with one hand, and have no fear of dropping it. There's a lot of little uses I find the 7 brilliant for. My hang up is the idea of a 7" tablet. It's not big enough, but it's not small enough to use with 2 hands making is slightly awkward for some users.
The Infinity is more of a laptop replacement (especially if you get the keyboard dock). I went with the 64gb version, with a 64gb micro SD card. I have not touched my laptop since. If you are looking for a daily web browser, this is your guy. I never have to zoom in to read, the text is crisp/clear, and I don't find myself straining to view websites. That's another advantage of the 10" tablet over the 7". The screen noticeably trumps the Nexus 7, and sometimes it pains me to switch between the two. Although i'm a big fan of Google and Nexus devices I really like what Asus did with their personal widgets and notification bar. Really makes the tablet feel fluid. The downside with the TF700 is most things aren't optimized for the gorgeous display. I'm sad to say, it's almost a waste. That is one area i'll give the nod to IOS for. Apps look grainy with their icons, games can look poor at times, and some games aren't even available at all.
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How does e-reading on the TF700 feel?
The main reason I'm getting a tablet is to do reading and daily browsing,checking for news etc..
qwerty123321 said:
How does e-reading on the TF700 feel?
The main reason I'm getting a tablet is to do reading and daily browsing,checking for news etc..
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Great, very sharp and clear text.
I actually read more on my tablet then on my e- reader. Because of the higher resolution, and that I can easily switch to pocket to read an article or read a magazine with colours.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Chief Geek said:
Kinda apples to oranges isn't it?
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Depends on what's important to you. It was between the tf700 and the n7 for me too. Both tegra 3, both Asus, similar pixel densities, and before it became the n7, it was officially announced as the 370t, and also had an sd slot and hdmi port. Google lost me when they lost the extras and when Asus made it clear they wouldn't consider a transformer dock on a 7" device (no, I didn't want a smaller dock -- same size dock, smaller slot to put it in, and bonus space for front facing speakers). All extras being equal, I'd have preferred a 7" form factor. A few ended up not being equal.
One area the N7 has the tf700 beat is that it has BT4, while we only have BT3. The 4 is a pretty big jump, enabling super low power accessories. Virtually none exist yet, but they will. Apple's moved their phones and tabs to bt4, and they're a big accessory driver. Another area, arguably, is RAM capacity. They both have the same amount, but the n7 won't need as much to drive its lower res screen down the road. I'd rather have half the storage I have and double the RAM, since I aim to keep this device for many years.
The main reason I'm getting a tablet is to do reading and daily browsing,checking for news etc..
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The larger screen on the tf700 is going to make it a much nicer magazine reader. On the n7, you'd really want to reflow mags into mostly text for readability, but on this you can read mags as they are without having to pan and zoom all over the place. I suspect comics might be more easily consumed on this too, but I'm just guessing, I haven't gotten to that yet. Some websites are going to be much easier to read without panning and zooming, but apps like Google Currents are often far more convenient than the sites themselves anyway -- much better layout on any tab.
Finally, the tf700 has super IPS+, which basically means it can get brighter than virtually any other tab out there. This is touted as being daylight readable, and it is more than any other mobile I've had, but the uber-shininess of the glass and reflections that come from it really mar the outdoor reading experience. In summer heat, the metal exterior sucks up the heat just as fast as you'd expect too. I will use sips+ for outdoor typing once it cools down a little (its been over 110F for me for two weeks), but I haven't decided how much outdoor reading I'll do.
The n7 would be more comfortable to hold for extended periods, both because it's lighter and it has the textured back.
bottom line: please do not compare. of course tf700 is the better option.. its like asking do you like mercedez or kia ?? when the money is not an issue!!
imagine cars said:
bottom line: please do not compare. of course tf700 is the better option.. its like asking do you like mercedez or kia ?? when the money is not an issue!!
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Fragmentation much? We're all android bros, we need to unite to beat the fragmentation and the isheep.
Like others have said, there is no comparison between the two. Both have their pluses and minuses. I own both and enjoy both equally.
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