[Q] I really need some clarity on this - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently updated my xoom to android 3.1 using this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1073884
But I want to get the benefits of the method that bigdogrush just popped http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1074609 but I don't know where to start at. I would gladly appreciate if someone could help me out. I don't care about losing data or anything

I'm getting ready to hit the sack and don't have time to see what the advantages are to BRD's method (which I have), but I don't see why you can't simply start from scratch via the link you posted?
BRD does say from the start of the post - "Regardless of what setup you are coming from, MicroSD will be at /sdcard/external. Have fun!"
You may want to search the thread (if you haven't already) or ask your question within the thread. I realize new questions can get lost quickly within the thread, but it's worth a shot.
Do you already have Clockwork installed? If so, you should be good to go. Also, his newest version of Clockwork is already included in the recovery file which will bring you up to date.
I certainly don't want to give misleading advice causing you to have issues and do urge you to verify my post.


[Q] Looking for step-by-step directions for rooting US 3G 3.2 stock (build HTJ85B).

Okay. I am a virgin rooter, but I have I have been following the various threads for awhile and I am ready to take the plunge. Love the Xoom but would like to be able to read-write micro-SD and have better USB access to external storage and devices (and tinker with OC, etc). I find instructions for various configurations, but not mine. The forum help looks terrific but I would like to start down the correct path. Can anyone point me to a proven method for my configuration (US 3G 3.2 stock)?
Thanks in advance.
Yesterday'sDog said:
Okay. I am a virgin rooter, but I have I have been following the various threads for awhile and I am ready to take the plunge. Love the Xoom but would like to be able to read-write micro-SD and have better USB access to external storage and devices (and tinker with OC, etc). I find instructions for various configurations, but not mine. The forum help looks terrific but I would like to start down the correct path. Can anyone point me to a proven method for my configuration (US 3G 3.2 stock)?
Thanks in advance.
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I have the WI-FI only version of the HJT85B and I used the root Guide found here -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1170760 --
it was pretty straight forwards and as long as you do ever step as he says, it comes out exactly like it should (I am typing on it now and I have only had one problem that was fixed by using Rom Manager [Clockwork] Permisson fix, rebooted the tablet and wala everythign is hunky dorry and I got my SDcard permisson fixer at -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1173195 -- have yet to have any troubles with that APK I hope that I have helped you out and good luck to rooting your xoom! Dont do what I did and follow a friends advice as well as the tutorial haha... i got stuck on the first step cause of him haha!(and that was 2 days of not so much fun haha)
Good luck and let us know if it worked for you ^_^ (as this is a WIFI Only tutorial, but we ahve the say model number so I do not know how this can be any different?)
ALSO A note for the wise and future readers! OTA UPDATES that get pushed out by your 3G carrier CAN Brick yoru tablet if it has SU on it, as well as ANY UPDATE So anyone that is new to this please make sure that before you allow the update, you deroot/de-su your tablet to stock and then allow the update ^_^
Cranvis said:
I have the WI-FI only version of the HJT85B and I used the root Guide found here -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1170760 --
it was pretty straight forwards and as long as you do ever step as he says, it comes out exactly like it should (I am typing on it now and I have only had one problem that was fixed by using Rom Manager [Clockwork] Permisson fix, rebooted the tablet and wala everythign is hunky dorry and I got my SDcard permisson fixer at -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1173195 -- have yet to have any troubles with that APK I hope that I have helped you out and good luck to rooting your xoom! Dont do what I did and follow a friends advice as well as the tutorial haha... i got stuck on the first step cause of him haha!(and that was 2 days of not so much fun haha)
Good luck and let us know if it worked for you ^_^ (as this is a WIFI Only tutorial, but we ahve the say model number so I do not know how this can be any different?)
ALSO A note for the wise and future readers! OTA UPDATES that get pushed out by your 3G carrier CAN Brick yoru tablet if it has SU on it, as well as ANY UPDATE So anyone that is new to this please make sure that before you allow the update, you deroot/de-su your tablet to stock and then allow the update ^_^
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Thanks. I will read and reread (several times) before attempting. Probably won't get to it until this weekend. I'm a bit anxious about using the wifi instructions on a three-G. We'll see what happens...
I'll go out on a limb here and add that YD, may be like myself, I read the instructions tonight, I'm in the same boat, but when I say I'm a Virg. rooter, I mean that I'm I'm totally new to Linux/android and the instructions still don't make sense.
Sooo, is there a dummy version that fills in some of the little details? What I got out of the post was that all the downloads go on your laptop or desktop and after setting things up on ur PC you attach ur xoom via USB? That really is the extent of my understanding.
I'm not much more experienced than you virgins, but I have rooted my xoom and have uploaded a different rom. It was a lot of trial and error. Mostly error. I'd be happy to talk to either of you on google talk and walk you through it if you have any questions. Again I'm not a pro, but some of the instructions are intimidating for the first-timers, and maybe I can help make some sense to it. My gtalk is radi0chik. the 0 is a zero.
If you are willing to downgrade I posted a possible solution at the end of this thread: http://www.xoomforums.com/forum/motorola-xoom-development/8693-xoom-3g-3-2-first-root-2.html
Post #15
Have you tried this link?
If you already rooted I followed the instructions under the header "You Must Use this nandroid backup if you are running a non stock Rom. This is already Rooted"
All you're doing there is upgrading the recovery then restoring a backup for 3.2 that is rooted. No wipe needed. It just restores the files you need to be on 3.2. Once I was done it stopped nagging me to do the 3.2 update & said I was up to date.
I finally got around to trying to root my 3G 3.2 stock. I used the updated tutorial from jase33 at this link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1170760
I had a few minor issues that I was able to resolve without too much difficulty (slow and steady). I see at least one other poster on that thread had a similar issue.
[oshizzle1991] "I was able to unlock my bootloader, but when i try and flash the rootboot.img, i get this error "error: cannot load "rootboot.img"" any ideas? i'm very experienced with adb and rooting lol, its not like i dont have adb or fastboot set up. any help would be appreciated!"
I found a solution but I wasn't able to post it on that thread (Developer's) because I am a newb. Here's what worked for me. After receiving the same error message (several times), I typed this in at the command prompt:
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
THEN I continued with the tutorial from where I had been stuck::
fastboot flash boot 3Grootboot.img
It was smooth sailing the rest of the way.
Big THANKS to jase33.

[GUIDE] Getting Started With Your G2x

Yes, this guide is outdated a bit. I lost my job and in between school, 3 kids, and writing resumes, I do not have the time to do the proper research and update this. I apologize for my desertion, however, if anyone would like to take it over, feel free to copy/paste the contents of this post and repost, update, and request a sticky from the mods.
If you have an LG P999 (Not the P990!) you should not brick while using this guide. If you do happen to brick your device, I will not accept responsibility for it. Nor will I support you. There is more than enough information in our section to fully troubleshoot almost any known problem. If I link to a thread, please read AT LEAST the original post (OP) in its entirety before taking the steps it contains. If a method I linked does not work, please let me know. I don’t have the time to read every post on every thread on every section.
This guide is for Windows users only. If you are on a Mac or Linux box, there may be ways of doing this, but I don’t have any way of testing it. You’re on your own.
So you just got the LG P999 (T-Mobile G2x or Wind O2x) or you’ve had it for a while and finally decided to root it. This is an updated step-by-step guide on what you need to do in order to unleash your device.
Thank you to all of the developers and scripters out there. I didn’t do any of the work and I claim no rights to anything linked in this guide.
Thanks to:
Mr Rusty
All the other people who contributed to all of these methods.
Anyone who spends their free time coding, modding, troubleshooting, helping, and a special thanks to anyone who does his or her research.
General Information
This guide assumes you’ve had your phone long enough to have gotten T-Mobile’s 2.3.3 Gingerbread update by now. If you’re on 2.2.2 Froyo, search on how to update to 2.3.3 Gingerbread as it will upgrade (maybe?) your radio as well.
If you are an advanced user and coming from a different phone and are used to different practices, let me break it down for you. The bootloader and radio are already unlocked (or S-OFF, if you will). There are only 2 radios which may actually be exactly the same, but they are not flashable zips. All ROMs are compatible with either radio.
All links are tested and up-to-date as of 11 April 2012.
Step 1: CWM
Install ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) via NVFlash. This should always be your first step no matter what you intend to do with your device. Installing CWM will allow you to flash roms, kernels, etc., as well as recover from minor bricks or bad flashes. DO NOT install CWM via Rom Manager. The following thread will help you install NVidia's APX drivers and flash CWM via NVFlash:
[RECOVERY]CWM-Based Recovery For P999(Internal & External SD)
After completing this step, you will be able to access CWM at any time from a power off state by holding the Power and Volume Down buttons until the white “LG” logo goes away and the blue “LG” logo appears. Release the buttons when you see the blue "LG" logo and wait for the CWM menu to pop up. I recommend at this point that you test it out to make sure it works and that you perform a backup with CWM. Once backed up, copy it to your computer, burn it to a CD, archive it on your tape drive, whatever. It’s just good practice to keep these things in case someone’s link goes down and you really needed that file to return to stock.
Step 2: Decision
Here, you will make a decision:
Are there any apps that you need to save your progress in (for example, Angry Birds scores, etc.) and can’t simply be reinstalled?
If no, skip to Step 4: Flash
If yes, proceed with Step 3: Root
Step 3: Root & Backup
I know, I know. There are apps that can backup your angry birds scores and all that, but this makes reinstalling all of your apps easier. First, you need to download an app to backup your apps. Titanium Backup is my favorite. The price tag seems a little high at first glance, but it’s worth it, especially if you plan on doing this to other phones in the future. Download Titanium Backup from the market, and purchase the PRO key. If you want to go the cheap route, there are alternatives. Next, we need root access. Achieve this by following this post:
[ROOT] G2X Gingerbread 2.3.3. stock ROM with flashable zip in Clockworkmod Recovery
You have a rooted phone and Titanium Backup now. Open Titanium Backup and allow it root access. Press menu, then “batch” and backup user apps only. Never backup system data. You will only get yelled at when people find out that you backup system data.
Step 4: Wipe & Flash
Select a ROM. There are many to choose from (stock Gingerbread, AOSP-based Gingerbread, AOSP-based Ice Cream Sandwich, MIUI). If you’re not sure what you’re looking at, flash one from each category and play with it for 30 minutes to make a final decision. Please read the OP for the ROM you are flashing and follow their directions. If it is not based on the stock ROM, you will need to flash a zip that contains Google’s Apps (gapps). Read your ROM’s OP for the details on this.
When you flash a new ROM, at a minimum, perform the “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” in CWM just prior to flashing the ROM. This will clear old data and cache. I recommend using:
[TOOL] G2x Nullifier [UPDATED!] 26 March Cache only Nullifier!
The dual wipe nullifier is in my opinion, not needed. Single wipe will be fine. Keep in mind, once you nullify, you need to flash a ROM immediately after you nullify! If you reboot after nullifying, you have a soft-brick that should be recoverable, but that’s extra grief you don’t need. So, again, make sure you have a ROM ready to flash on your SD card BEFORE you use the Nullifier.
Step 5: Restore & Enjoy
If you backed up your apps in Step 3: Root & Backup, open up the Market and redownload Titanium Backup and the PRO key (or whatever cheap alternative you decide on) and start it up, granting root access. Press menu, “batch” and restore missing apps with data.
All done! If you want to underclock or overclock or flash kernels, you need to read up on it. They will not be included in this guide.
I am open to *constructive* feedback. If your feedback is “this guide sucks,” move on. I don’t need you here. If you have a legitimate problem with the contents and maybe a suggestion on how to fix it, by all means, let me know. I know there are a couple guides out there, but some are outdated. Just putting a fresh one up for those just joining the game.
I don’t ask for donations. Save them for the people who do the real work. If I helped you out, just hit the thanks button.
Very simple and easy guide, nicley done
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Awesome Guide. I was thinking of doing something like that for noobs like me. You can include OC/UV guide from Klatmon
Its a great guide. Plus you will have a complete G2x guide for dummies after this as Step 6 (optional) .
Great guide, only issue is in step 3 you say to gain root. The way we gain root is to flash a rom that already has it. I would recommend backing up data before that point us possible (i don't remember if backup apps can be run without root)
And, you might want to link to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=24087341 thread for the cwm flashing, it's one file to download and one thing to run, helluva lot simpler for a first timer
Also, pm a mod and ask if you can get this stickied. We need something like this up top
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
cricketAC said:
Awesome Guide. I was thinking of doing something like that for noobs like me. You can include OC/UV guide from Klatmon
Its a great guide. Plus you will have a complete G2x guide for dummies after this as Step 6 (optional) .
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Yeah, my original thought was that the oc/uv guide was a little advanced for the level of the guide. I think I will add it though, thanks for the tip!
Klathmon said:
Great guide, only issue is in step 3 you say to gain root. The way we gain root is to flash a rom that already has it. I would recommend backing up data before that point us possible (i don't remember if backup apps can be run without root)
And, you might want to link to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=24087341 thread for the cwm flashing, it's one file to download and one thing to run, helluva lot simpler for a first timer
Also, pm a mod and ask if you can get this stickied. We need something like this up top
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
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The root method I linked to is merely a flashable zip with superuser. It keeps the current rom but adds root access so that people can back up their stuff prior to flashing.
I will add the easy flash for cwm for sure though. Thanks for the feedback!
r4d14n7 said:
Yeah, my original thought was that the oc/uv guide was a little advanced for the level of the guide. I think I will add it though, thanks for the tip!
The root method I linked to is merely a flashable zip with superuser. It keeps the current rom but adds root access so that people can back up their stuff prior to flashing.
I will add the easy flash for cwm for sure though. Thanks for the feedback!
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Lol my bad i didnt even read the link
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
Don't we also have the option to create an update.zip from TBuPRO to reinstall all previous apps from within recovery??? I have read about it but never done it. And thanks for this great tut.
harrytorta said:
Don't we also have the option to create an update.zip from TBuPRO to reinstall all previous apps from within recovery??? I have read about it but never done it. And thanks for this great tut.
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i would highly advise against this...
doing that across roms of the same version is risky, doing it across roms of different versions is down-right mad. it just plops them back into the rom pre-installed with data and everything, bad bad bad idea.
I tried searching about it on google but found nothing so thanks for the reply. Kinda sucks that it would muck with things though :\
I've never done it either. It's tempting to "flash" your old apps back over, especially with the amount of time it takes for Titanium Backup to run, but as Klathmon stated, it's probably a bad idea. Patience is a virtue, I suppose.
Very easy guide for noobs like me, I have a problem my phone shows p999 in about phone and its have a logo of videotron. but the sticker at the back cover shows p990 :S should i go with p999 method ??
Hasooboy said:
Very easy guide for noobs like me, I have a problem my phone shows p999 in about phone and its have a logo of videotron. but the sticker at the back cover shows p990 :S should i go with p999 method ??
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That's an interesting situation. I would install the LGMobile Support Tool and see what model it says you have. If I had to *guess* it's a P999 but you should definitely contact one of the other Videotron users and ask them. That is beyond my scope of knowledge, so proceed with caution!
r4d14n7 said:
That's an interesting situation. I would install the LGMobile Support Tool and see what model it says you have. If I had to *guess* it's a P999 but you should definitely contact one of the other Videotron users and ask them. That is beyond my scope of knowledge, so proceed with caution!
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I have connect my phone with Lg software update its detect as p999dw and proceed towards the update process after Update process my phones become T mobile G2X which was videotorn earlier I am thinking of making new thread with all the information i have along with snap shoot
Hasooboy said:
I have connect my phone with Lg software update its detect as p999dw and proceed towards the update process after Update process my phones become T mobile G2X which was videotorn earlier I am thinking of making new thread with all the information i have along with snap shoot
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Yeah, enjoy your new G2x. haha...
Always nice to give back to the community! Give it a shot! I haven't seen much Videotron stuff here yet, just T-Mobile and Wind.
r4d14n7 said:
Yeah, enjoy your new G2x. haha...
Always nice to give back to the community! Give it a shot! I haven't seen much Videotron stuff here yet, just T-Mobile and Wind.
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One more thing i just want to know what happen if i install CWM of p999 which its is most probably then what happened if its p990 :S
Easy to follow, thanks alot!
Good guide, one additional section would be a general overview of ICS-based vs GB-based ROMs, advantages of ICS are latest Android OS, but downside is non-working binary drivers for video camera & playback & uses more memory for OS. GB is more functional & stable, but older-style.
Great Guide!!!!!:
thanks for this amazing guide. Works perfectly without any problems.
Hasooboy said:
I have connect my phone with Lg software update its detect as p999dw and proceed towards the update process after Update process my phones become T mobile G2X which was videotorn earlier I am thinking of making new thread with all the information i have along with snap shoot
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lol i wish i had you're problem. If my phone was doing that i'd have no issue what so ever getting the march 2012 baseband

newb: after root then what

So I think this thread is pretty common to most other phones, but I couldn't really find a stickied one or anything of the sorts? After using the search function to the best of my ability, I would like to begin a thread on what's most important after rooting.
From what I understand, Supersu and BusyBox are a must (taken from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1709296&highlight=no+such+file+or+directory)
Then, I went to remove the animation and music from startup (taken from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1645818&highlight=
Last, I attempted this but I don't know if it actually works. This one-click tether tool has me guessing at its methodologies, but it seems to be working at the moment so I am happy? Haven't actually tested it, but here is link I used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1677261
Debranding seems like a great idea! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1634171 (edit1)
Unlocking bootloader, taken from the huge index of guides, but specifically this one. (edit2)
Getting TWRP, from their website: I used the automated one because I tried downloading and launching with no luck. Backing up currently, very easy through Goo Manager; all I did was click "boot to recovery" or whatever from the main page of the app. (edit3)
Here is how to disable software update/upgrade and generally protect yourself from AT&T updating your phone (don't know how to describe it) (edit4)
I humbly submit all the knowledge I have of my phone to the rest of the users. My technical experience is limited, am scared of recommended bootloader unlocks, but am willing to help bundle for newbies like me.
And thank you devs and mods for making this all come together!
(edit1) Because I was looking in the wrong section, I found this thread about the post I made later. Hopefully someone can learn from my mistake? For mod, should this be placed into Q&A at this point? Thanks!
(edit2) Having lots of fun just exploring what other people have recommended me do. So far, got root access and unlocked bootloader, am in the process of getting the "flash recovery" or something to that extent? Unsure of how much more research I should do before continuing to dive in! Thanks for all the input, will keep updating if only to provide log for myself, hoping that some users will find this helpful still
(edit3) Found time to play with TWRP! Really want to get the Sense 4.1 stuff, but scared!
(edit4) Forgot to update with the old post I found to work around the system update thing.
(edit5) useful thread I'm reading through for more information on odex/deodex, am about to update again soon so that I can explore roms and the such!
nutnub said:
So I think this thread is pretty common to most other phones, but I couldn't really find a stickied one or anything of the sorts? After using the search function to the best of my ability, I would like to begin a thread on what's most important after rooting.
From what I understand, Supersu and BusyBox are a must (taken from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1709296&highlight=no+such+file+or+directory)
Then, I went to remove the animation and music from startup (taken from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1645818&highlight=
Last, I attempted this but I don't know if it actually works. This one-click tether tool has me guessing at its methodologies, but it seems to be working at the moment so I am happy? Haven't actually tested it, but here is link I used: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1677261
Request: if someone could divulge how to remove the annoying Software Update message/prompt, I would be much obliged
I humbly submit all the knowledge I have of my phone to the rest of the users. My technical experience is limited, am scared of recommended bootloader unlocks, but am willing to help bundle for newbies like me.
And thank you devs and mods for making this all come together!
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Guessing you have AT&T HOX and you rooted it, next steps are explained here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671237 ....
Have fun
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
if your on att, use the link above my post. you want to go in this order.
root>super cid>unlock bootloader>flash recovery>make backup>save Sd card contents to PC>flash a rom "optional"
frozen at system update
XsMagical said:
if your on att, use the link above my post. you want to go in this order.
root>super cid>unlock bootloader>flash recovery>make backup>save Sd card contents to PC>flash a rom "optional"
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I'm in a little bit of a pickle because I left my phone alone and luckily when I came back, I stopped the system update download at about 50%. So I'm paranoid to turn on any radio function. Would you happen to know if the methods you used above will disable the system update (permanently)?
As soon as I can get off this dilemma, I do want to try to unlock the bootloader, though it is a bit intimidating to realize that I could break my warranty if I fail...
Thanks in advance! Learning lots from this grand adventure with my AT&T HOX
Do a factory reset for now then run setup, after that go to system updates and uncheck, auto update or what ever it says. That will hold you off for now
Sent from my Nocturnal'd ONE XL Running Sense 4.1
If your rooted, use a file manager, go to the /cache folder and delete the chunk of the ota that downloaded, then untick sys. Updates in settings. Just a 2nd method.
if your rooted iI would do a factory reset and then use the one click unlock bootloader method to unlock the bootloader. then from the play store download Goo manager and from there flash the twrp recovery and finally flash a custom roms i recommend the nocturnal rom
XsMagical said:
if your on att, use the link above my post. you want to go in this order.
root>super cid>unlock bootloader>flash recovery>make backup>save Sd card contents to PC>flash a rom "optional"
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kt086 said:
if your rooted iI would do a factory reset and then use the one click unlock bootloader method to unlock the bootloader. then from the play store download Goo manager and from there flash the twrp recovery and finally flash a custom roms i recommend the nocturnal rom
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Can either of you point me to where to figure out all these rom things? To be honest, I just want to ask you guys straight out but I feel that's disrespectful to all the knowledge you have. I'm seeking more information about how the flashing thing works, whether it wipes everything outside of my twrp backup and/or whether they're exclusive to anything to that effect. Specifically, I'm debating between "[ROM][8/3] - Stock Rooted AT&T 2.20.502.7 - Android 4.0.4 - Odex or De-Odex", "[ROM][AT&T][08/18/12][]Sandstorm_v2.1", and "[ROM][8/17] Stock Rooted - Sense 4.1! o2 German Carrier!"
Any place that you can point me in the right direction would help me (and other readers for this post). Thanks again so much!
nutnub said:
Can either of you point me to where to figure out all these rom things? To be honest, I just want to ask you guys straight out but I feel that's disrespectful to all the knowledge you have. I'm seeking more information about how the flashing thing works, whether it wipes everything outside of my twrp backup and/or whether they're exclusive to anything to that effect. Specifically, I'm debating between "[ROM][8/3] - Stock Rooted AT&T 2.20.502.7 - Android 4.0.4 - Odex or De-Odex", "[ROM][AT&T][08/18/12][]Sandstorm_v2.1", and "[ROM][8/17] op Stock Rooted - Sense 4.1! o2 German Carrier!"
Any place that you can point me in the right direction would help me (and other readers for this post). Thanks again so much!
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XDA is not a help site, and we don't encourage members to create help threads just to get someone else to show you, what you could have looked up yourself. The answers are there, if you put some effort into it. This is the wrong section, btw.
Thread Closed
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.

A Different "Root Jelly Bean" question

This might belong in the other "[Root] Jelly Bean" thread - I'll leave that to the moderators to figure out.
Can anyone vouch for the veracity of this method?
tutznet. com/ root-asus-transformer-tf700-android-41-jelly-bean. html (forgive the extra spaces - I'm too new to be able to post a URL.]
Honestly, I read all 39+ pages of that thread mentioned above, and I'm not confident I know what to do, and in what order, so I'm leery of trying it out. A noob like me can easily create an expensive brick if I screw it up. But this one seems sort of "plug-n-play" and is appealing for that reason. If you folks here validate it, I might try it out.
n4ogl said:
This might belong in the other "[Root] Jelly Bean" thread - I'll leave that to the moderators to figure out.
Can anyone vouch for the veracity of this method?
tutznet. com/ root-asus-transformer-tf700-android-41-jelly-bean. html (forgive the extra spaces - I'm too new to be able to post a URL.]
Honestly, I read all 39+ pages of that thread mentioned above, and I'm not confident I know what to do, and in what order, so I'm leery of trying it out. A noob like me can easily create an expensive brick if I screw it up. But this one seems sort of "plug-n-play" and is appealing for that reason. If you folks here validate it, I might try it out.
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That would be a portion of the method laid out in the above thread...
n4ogl said:
This might belong in the other "[Root] Jelly Bean" thread - I'll leave that to the moderators to figure out.
Can anyone vouch for the veracity of this method?
tutznet. com/ root-asus-transformer-tf700-android-41-jelly-bean. html (forgive the extra spaces - I'm too new to be able to post a URL.]
Honestly, I read all 39+ pages of that thread mentioned above, and I'm not confident I know what to do, and in what order, so I'm leery of trying it out. A noob like me can easily create an expensive brick if I screw it up. But this one seems sort of "plug-n-play" and is appealing for that reason. If you folks here validate it, I might try it out.
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The instruction is assumed that you already unlocked and have custom recovery installed. If you provide your setup we can help.
1. Are you unlocked?
2. Do you have custom recovery installed like either twrp or cwm?
3. What os version you are running currently? I assumed you're on JB?
Thanks for the offer of assistance. I bought the TF700 on ICS, and immediately did the following (based on advice I hopefully gleaned correctly from this board):
- Factory Data Reset three times (by booting with the volume key held down, etc.), even wtih nothing personal done to it (like add my name as Owner, or install anything).
- Loaded the full update downloaded from the ASUS site and flashed (correct term?) accordingly. Those instructions, at least, I could figure out.
- Another FDR.
- Used as normal on the current version of JB. I believe it had a minor JB upgrade shortly after that, which I let it perform through the "You have an update" process.
As it sits, the TF700 works quite well for me, but I use Titanium Backup on my Droid Razr Maxx (for which I rooted using one of those "automated root" programs that worked well), and I'd like to use it here. And Root File Manager (also found on the Droid).
As a noob, the instructions for that other method (using CWM and SuperSU) look like they presume too much knowledge on my part of what to install and when, and I'm leery of creating an expensive brick. For example, there is something in there about "fastboot," but that is completely over my head.
buhohitr said:
The instruction is assumed that you already unlocked and have custom recovery installed. If you provide your setup we can help.
1. Are you unlocked?
2. Do you have custom recovery installed like either twrp or cwm?
3. What os version you are running currently? I assumed you're on JB?
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n4ogl said:
Thanks for the offer of assistance. I bought the TF700 on ICS, and immediately did the following (based on advice I hopefully gleaned correctly from this board):
- Factory Data Reset three times (by booting with the volume key held down, etc.), even wtih nothing personal done to it (like add my name as Owner, or install anything).
- Loaded the full update downloaded from the ASUS site and flashed (correct term?) accordingly. Those instructions, at least, I could figure out.
- Another FDR.
- Used as normal on the current version of JB. I believe it had a minor JB upgrade shortly after that, which I let it perform through the "You have an update" process.
As it sits, the TF700 works quite well for me, but I use Titanium Backup on my Droid Razr Maxx (for which I rooted using one of those "automated root" programs that worked well), and I'd like to use it here. And Root File Manager (also found on the Droid).
As a noob, the instructions for that other method (using CWM and SuperSU) look like they presume too much knowledge on my part of what to install and when, and I'm leery of creating an expensive brick. For example, there is something in there about "fastboot," but that is completely over my head.
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It's not that complicated, if you have someone leaded you. Again, I need you to answer the following question, so I can point you to the right direction; Do you plan to use custom rom/kernel? (if yes, you need to unlock your device, which void warantty) or you just want root?
buhohitr said:
It's not that complicated, if you have someone leaded you. Again, I need you to answer the following question, so I can point you to the right direction; Do you plan to use custom rom/kernel? (if yes, you need to unlock your device, which void warantty) or you just want root?
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All I want to do is root it. While I know there are some advantages to a custom ROM or Kernel, that's NOT what I forecast doing*. I plan to leave it on JB.
* = Caveat: Eventually ASUS will stop supporting this tablet, at which time I will probably look at custom ROMs if I still own it (and haven't EBay'd it).
n4ogl said:
All I want to do is root it. While I know there are some advantages to a custom ROM or Kernel, that's NOT what I forecast doing*. I plan to leave it on JB.
* = Caveat: Eventually ASUS will stop supporting this tablet, at which time I will probably look at custom ROMs if I still own it (and haven't EBay'd it).
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Since you already on JB, the only way you could root is to downgrade back to ICS (version .30). Here is general guide line:
1. Download full package firmware .30 from Asus site
2. Then use root tool to root,
3. Download and installed SuperSU to replace the old superuser
4. Download Voodoo OTA root keeper to preserve root (If you have a paid SuperSU version, you just have to click on "preserve root" and it automatically saved root for you).
5. Let the OTA upgrade to JB
6. Once done, use root keeper to restore root.
Here is the link to details:
buhohitr said:
Since you already on JB, the only way you could root is to downgrade back to ICS (version .30). Here is general guide line:
1. Download full package firmware .30 from Asus site
2. Then use root tool to root,
3. Download and installed SuperSU to replace the old superuser
4. Download Voodoo OTA root keeper to preserve root (If you have a paid SuperSU version, you just have to click on "preserve root" and it automatically saved root for you).
5. Let the OTA upgrade to JB
6. Once done, use root keeper to restore root.
Here is the link to details:
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not true my friend
you can unroot without downgrading to version .30
just take a look in the general section there is a HOWTO
sent from my cutting board
jokapo said:
not true my friend
you can unroot without downgrading to version .30
just take a look in the general section there is a HOWTO
sent from my cutting board
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I think he's looking to ROOT, but not to unlock!
I rooted and unlocked allready on JB
sent from my cutting board
Could you share the steps/sequence (in detail, not like the way they are described in that 40+ page thread, which is (IMHO) sparsely)?
jokapo said:
I rooted and unlocked allready on JB
sent from my cutting board
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Might wanna try out this thread then http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1969303

[Q] Breathing some new life into my LG Optimus V

So let me start off by saying that I haven't root this device, and that's what I mean by breathing in some new life into the phone. I'm also using this as a "testing" opportunity to root. Seeing as how I've never rooted I'd like to gain the confidence and experience to later root my Nexus 4 and 7.
While I contemplated not making this post, I decided to go through with it because when I tried the "[HOW-TO] Simplified Root + Recovery + Custom ROM" it did not work, I got an error, and googling made it even more overwhelming, when I read things like, "you can't root unless your in the old baseband, it'll brick if you're in the newest one." something about "ZV5" and "ZV9" and when I read the "gordita root" I decided not to got through with it because the information did not match.
So my question is simple and I'm sorry that it is, but can you direct me to a good guide to root this device. I did not know any information I should provide so I took a screenshot of it. Also, this phone is disconnected and I don't see myself connecting it in the near future... if that matters.
Since I'm new I can't post outside links until I've had 10 posts, so here is the url to the screen shot
EDIT: I'd also like to change ROMS after I root, and run things like dSploit or things similar to that
NotFromPrivileged said:
So let me start off by saying that I haven't root this device, and that's what I mean by breathing in some new life into the phone. I'm also using this as a "testing" opportunity to root. Seeing as how I've never rooted I'd like to gain the confidence and experience to later root my Nexus 4 and 7.
While I contemplated not making this post, I decided to go through with it because when I tried the "[HOW-TO] Simplified Root + Recovery + Custom ROM" it did not work, I got an error, and googling made it even more overwhelming, when I read things like, "you can't root unless your in the old baseband, it'll brick if you're in the newest one." something about "ZV5" and "ZV9" and when I read the "gordita root" I decided not to got through with it because the information did not match.
So my question is simple and I'm sorry that it is, but can you direct me to a good guide to root this device. I did not know any information I should provide so I took a screenshot of it. Also, this phone is disconnected and I don't see myself connecting it in the near future... if that matters.
Since I'm new I can't post outside links until I've had 10 posts, so here is the url to the screen shot
EDIT: I'd also like to change ROMS after I root, and run things like dSploit or things similar to that
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To figure out your baseband, go to settings, about phone, and scroll down to baseband info. For zv4 and zv5, the gingerbreak apk works well for rooting. If you are on vz9, you will have to use jcase's method. I will pm you with some links when you tell me what baseband you have.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using xda app-developers app
Following the method here should help you. It is the Jcase method.

