who has used pandora radio off your mobile hot spot with asus tf? If you do are you having any problems loading/cutting off?
I stream Pandora, Slacker, iHeartRadio at work. Randomly but constantly the music stream stops and the programs shut down. I have to keep starting the programs up. Is this a normal Droid Charge problem. There is no sigle event that I can see causing it but sometimes it just seems as if I try to do something else with the phone, using more resources, it stops. Like the phone is freeing up resources and shuts down the feed / program. Is there some way I can make it stay on? My charge is totally stock using 2.2.1 but happened when I was using custo ROMS too. I used some ROMS with streaming audio fix included, but this did not help. I seem to have a good 4G signal, but sometimes it switches to 3G, but this should not close the program, it should just stop awaiting a signal. I also happens when batter is cold or hot. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello all
I have a PoW Tablet 10" that I'm running MoDaCo R8 Vegarom on. Point of View is, as I understand it, pretty mutch the same as Advent Vega. At least the vegarom runns smoothly on it.
Now. My problem is that I cant stream sound threw bluethooth when Im on WiFi. I have googled around and I'm not alone on this problem. It's very anoying as I want to use the tablet as a spotify client and stream the music threw Bluethooth to my stereo.
If i turn Wifi off the tablet pairs upp with my bluethooth unit (I have tried several different devices) but as soon as I turn Wifi back on it disconnects my bluethooth device.
I have two questions.
1. Have anyone found a solutions to this problem?
2. Will uppgrading to vegacomb solve my issue?
Hi there, does anybody have experience with sensation & docking station ?
I just got one and I'm puzzled.
As soon I place the sensation in the station all weird things starts happening:
the device becames unresponsive to my touch
media HD link app starts searching over and over again
notification flips open and shut
if I start the car app is somewhat worse tune in radio start automatically, the phone call up the recent calls.
I would like to have someone else experience to evalute if it is a software problem (android 4.0.4) htc sense issue (4.0) a particular ROM (OrDroid 3.0.2) or it is my docking station that is crap.
Thank you, G
Ive installed the Nexus wireless charging pad, in my car. It charges and works fine, but when I play spotify the music stutters all the time. Might get 3-4 min of clean music, but then it goes back to stuttering. I tought at first it might be because of low signal to the 4g network. Ive checked with full signal strenght and it still stutters. Tomtom even stutters when I use it with voice directions, and that app is offline.
Anyone got similar problems, or know how to fix it?
My buddy has this tablet and LOVES it... except 1 thing. He listens to Pandora over Bluetooth headphones. If he uses Cellular data, all is well. If he goes over WiFi... it start cutting in and out.
I found this article:
Which basically says trying to change the WiFi channel on the router.
He is thinking of returning the tablet but I'm curious if anyone else uses WiFi + Bluetooth (earbuds, gamepad, etc) at the same time and notice any slowdowns, lagging, stuttering, etc...
I often listen to Spotify over wifi with Bluetooth en now and then it needs to rebuffer. Just now and then. Does it also happens when he listen to Pandora without Bluetooth? I read somewhere that the Bluetooth protocol could also be the cause instead? Just checking because i am interested also in that matter.
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