WP7 - Usable without Data? - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm considering moving away from my WP7 device. It doesn't appear to have much resale value so I was thinking of giving it to my son to replace his again original iPhone.
I don't want to pay for data and honestly would prefer him not online at all for now.
First can I disable data on the phone in a way that wouldn't let him turn it back on easily, perhpaps through a diagnistic code? Any way to disable wifi again to make it tough to turn back on?
Next, how usable is the phone with data disabled? So much uses the internet that its hard to tell what would happen. For instance, would all the XBOX games still work? What would be broken? People hub I'm guessing, not sure what else.

You can always just take out the SIM card I suppose? Or do you want it keep as a phone and not just gaming device?
There is an off-switch for data connection in Settings, it prevents from connecting all together I think.
Btw, what device is it?

Games work with no data. Even livegames, you just won'thave the benefits of live (acheovents, posting scores online) Phone works.
Turn off data through settings to see how it works.
Do you have a focus?
I think there might be a diagnosis setting that will turn off data. I'll check.
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I have been using it on a no-data plan for 6 months now...no problems whatsoever, except for navigation, which depends on data connection to pull maps...but even GPS gets a lock without data. I have apps like Weave installed that cache data for reading while away from WiFi or in commute...

If Settings you can disable Data & WiFi as has been stated. As for hiding them so it'd not be easy to re-enable, it should be possible through the registry to add a redirect reg value. I'm not sure how to implement that though & of course you'd need it unlocked & a registry editor installed. Also, the device can get internet via a USB link with Zune. So, if he's at home where he has access to a pc/laptop with internet, the device would still get data, but as he'd have internet access anyway via the pc/laptop.
@kapanak: GPS should work find if you are using Navigon as it has the maps installed locally.


Best way to lock down data usage when roaming

Hello everyone.
I hope someone can advise me on the best way to completely lock down GSM/3G/HSPDA data usage (as opposed to voice or WiFi) when roaming.
I'm in the UK with 02 (Orbit2) with an all you can eat data package, but
I'm off to the US in a couple of weeks on business, and I'd like to be completely confident that I'm not going to get a nasty bill when I get home.
I know I could use the HTC communication manager, but I not yet sure I can trust it. It seems that when I hook up to data based apps (explorer etc.) it initiates a new data session anyway.
I also want to be able to use Wifi for my main data access whilst away, but Ideally, in a pinch I'd like to be able to send the occasional short email - but only if I'm sure what its going to cost. If I expressly block data via o2 whilst I'm away then my options will be limited.
So what does everyone else do?
What about the gotcha's like autoupdate of weather forecasts, quickgps etc - these I know about, but there are probably others...
So to summarise: I want free use of data, but only WiFi whilst away. GSM or 3G in emergencies, but only if I unlock it.
Alternatively is there a US based service I can subscribe to for a few dollars a day whilst I'm away?
Try This
this this little tool... Makes it easy to change what type of phone connection you will allow.
Thanks, this seems to do just what I wanted.
it's very small, and when run it gives you the option to individually toggle your data connections.
I toggled to off:
- O2 Active
- Mobile Web
I then fired up explorer - no access (and it said that it couldn't re-establish the connection) - Good.
I then enabled Wifi and was able to use explorer.
Checked phone working, no problem
Then re-enabled GPRS data etc (toggled the two settings back to enabled), and everything returned to normal.

[Q] Possible to use Android without any data plan at all?

I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
I'm very interested in getting a Samsung Vibrant. I wasn't a big fan of Android at first, but it's really growing on me. However, I have absolutely no interest in getting a data plan -- Everywhere I frequent has open wi-fi. If I got the phone, I know no carrier would let me leave the store without a data plan, so I'd just get one on eBay.
Is it possible to completely disable data, contact/email syncing, cloud connection, etc. and still use the full capabilities of an Android phone through wi-fi without screwing anything up? I've heard that if you don't have a data connection it's possible that your contacts will delete themselves when the phone tries to sync -- Is this true? Is there anything I should know about using Android without data, or are there any apps I should get to help with the whole process?
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
Thanks for the info -- I didn't know you could actually toggle the syncing!
I hope I get more into Android, too. I'm a huge Windows Mobile person right now, but after looking at the Vibrant, I think I've been converted.
I also hope I can help in the community a bit, too -- I've been coming here for a long time, and I think you guys are amazing at what you do.
guitargler said:
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
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I'm sorry, I've got one more thing to ask: So can you disable ALL data, except for the phone data (calls, texts, etc.)? I can actually still get apps and do pretty much everything data allows all through wi-fi without any issues?
You can do syncing/cloud connection over WiFi too.
Thee other say my wife forgot to pay her bill.they shut her phone off.. Connected phone to wifi in the house and was able to use google talk email market... No text or calls though
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well i had a first gen my touch 3g, i unlocked it and put it on att. what i endened up doing was i set up a different apn and since the settings were wrong i couldnt get on the internet. i could be wrong, but i think thats what kept me from getting on the net with it. and then i realized i had a data plan on my contract so i put the correct info for the apn and got data.
U can delete all your APN Info so that your phone will not be able to connect via 3G or Edge only with WIFI ;-)
Have fun with this great os!
There is literally an option in the network settings to disable the "mobile network". This disables internet/3g data traffic but does not affect call/text (that is not considered "data").
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for. I have no idea why I was told it wasn't worth using Android without data - This all sounds like just what I had planned to do. Thanks, everyone! :-D
deathsled said:
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
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Relying on that alone won't work as soon as you get in the car with the phone...when it loses the wifi connection, it looks for a cell data connection again. You are right though, so long as it has a wifi connection, it doesn't look for 3G data at all.
People say it's no use having Android without data because there's literally TONS of awesome stuff you can do with data (Google Maps walking turn-by-turn, for example. And Zombie, Run!, which is the best game ever made). But if you're like me and are cheap/broke, or you just don't see yourself using data much, you'll be golden. But I think as you get into Android more and discover what you *could* be doing, you'll want to add data. I intend to put data on when I upgrade
i dn't have a data plan and when i attempt to use a data connection w/o wifi i get an msg from my provider (asking if i really want to and telling me how much it will cost). If your provider allows you access to their data network without you agreeing and then charges you that's pretty bull**** and i would definitely switch providers.

[Q] Android updating

I bought a Telstra Smart touch phone, powered by Android. I bought the phone because I wanted to use wi/fi and connect via my modem/router and use the phone when I have turned off my computers and leave the modem on so as to access the wireless. I didn't want to use the phone for the internet outside of the house via the 3G network because I can't afford that. I was told by my ISP that I could use the gigs I pay for by connecting to my router but that was not the case, I was misinformed. I only wanted to do this in case I thought of something after turning off my computers and leave the router on to access wireless. This did happen & I was able to pick up the wireless signal but I only did it once, one web site and 2 emails were sent in 3 weeks because I was worried that I was getting charged. Then I got my bill, $90 for internet charges for the mobile phone. After many questions to Telstra finally spoke to someone who seemed to know that the charges were because Android updates the applications on the phone. I tried turning off the Internet part but then I couldn't even use the calender on the phone unless I put in my gmail account, is there any way I can use the phone without Android updating all the time and causing me to be charged. I put the phone back to factory settings hoping I could just use it for general things, text messages, phone, calendar, reminders etc.
thank you,
Turn off background data and uncheck "Automatic update" in the market under your installed apps. Apps such as Gmail, Maps etc. Is set to update automaticly.
And go through the phone settings and uncheck things that includes "data" and "auto".
Oh, you also want to disable auto sync. (it's in settings)
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA Premium App
thank you very much for helping me.
Sorry, I meant to ask ...if I do as you suggest will I be able to use the applications, such as the calendar, take photos etc., just like I can with my Samsung smart phone, but I don't have that enabled to the internet although it can be done but it's not wi/fi, thats why I bought this smart touch one and use it if I wanted to but only through my router wirelessly and it doesn't cost anything. I just want to be be able to send text messages including picture messages sometimes (I know the latter does cost). I could even use it as I first intended as a wi/fi phone at home, not through the 3G network though, through my router. I just don't want to have to pay for Android updates but would like to use the other features if they are available. I put the phone back to factory settings because I didn't think I could afford to use it but it's been bugging me so thought I would try again. I can't do anything with it though unless I enter my gmail account, so should I do that?.
Thank you very much for your time,

WP7 is always data connected

Hello my friend,
I have recently migrate to WP7.5(Tango) and i have some little questions.
My data is always connected, but, i don't have activate the pushmail.
So, why my data are always on ?
Does Windows Phone has an autodisconnect feature ?
If no, is there a way in order to install an application in order to autodisconnect data after X seconds of innactivity.
Thanks a lot for your help,
What phone you are using?
Does your cellular provider charge by the minute, or something like that? All the rates for data that I've seen are either by the month or by the megabyte. I don't think I've heard of auto-disconnect as a desired feature since the days of literal modems (the kind that sent sudio tones over the telephone connection instead of using a communication protocol actually intended for data).
The only way I know of to turn off the data connection is manually, in the Settings hub. Be aware that a lot of the features of WP7 use data connectivity in the background, not just email sync. For example, syncing your Facebook (and Twitter and LinkedIn) account, syncing your contacts and calendar from the server, checking the Marketplace for updates to installed apps, and so on. These use very little data, but they connect fairly often.
In theory, I'm sure there's a way to programmatically turn the data connection on or off. It might even be possible to tell when it's not in use, and hasn't been for some time. This is not going to be easy, though, and as far as I know nobody else has figured it out.
Thanks for the answers,
So, i will coding an apps in order to turn OFF the DATA connection during a period.
( the night for me)

Share wifi over mobile data?

Hello. I have this weird problem. I have an app that does not work over wifi (it's coded, everything's normal). But in a weird situation that I am in, I need it to use it via wifi. So is there a way to somehow trick my phone into thinking that it's using LTE connection, when it's actually connected to my home router wifi?
The problem is.. Phone is not rooted and cannot be.
The approach I'm thinking of: using another phone (that I could root) to somehow reverse mobile data connection in order to create LTE/3G hotspot that shares... wifi. But whenever I google a solution for this, I always find myself finding tutorials that show how to share mobile data over wifi (so.. the opposite of what I need). But I wonder if that's even possible.
I heard about femtocells, but I was trying to avoid spending money on hardware that's going to be used once.
Also, I spent a whole day trying to use an emulator that would allow to spoof mobile connection. Apparently, application creator has blocked the ability to run application via emulator. So unless someone knows how to go around this little situation, this way doesn't work.

