Anyone think they can grab the cal wodget from the o2x and make it work for us? Tried it without messing with the framework but no dice.
Wondering how much of the lg framework we would need to get this going...
The dump has been posted here
I tried deodexing myself and signing the apks, could get them to install but would crash when trying to load. Mainly interested in the new livewallpapers and touchwiz launcher, anyone care to try?
I got the live wallpapers working here if you are still interested....
already snagged them, works great!
Good find and good work! Thanks! +1
I wish I could get Write and Go ported to the Inc. Anybody know how one would go about that if it's possible?
I am hoping that someone will be able to help me. I was playing with the Inspire and one of the things I really like is the stock email app. Would someone be able to pull that out of a ROM as an standalone app that I can install on an Atrix?
Won't work. The Sense framework needs to be in place for Sense apps to work.
-and it is a Sense app? Dang....
Guys, I was curious if someone has modified the Samsung Gallery3D.apk to allow it to work on other non Samsung phones? I briefly used a Samsung Fascinate and was loving the optimized Samsung gallery. Much faster than the stock Gallery3D and also had other nice optimizations like a share menu that does go off the top of your screen.
This guy posted the APK here from one leaked Samsung ROM. When I try to use it on my Droid X, for instance, I get errors about missing libraries in the logs.
Unsure if this is even possible..
The missing libraries, do they refer to touchwiz? If so, you'll probably need to install all those apk's too - lot of bloat. Perhaps you could use ApkTool by Brut4All to decompile the 3dGallery and the touchwiz files, and merge the appropriate files into 3dgallerys apk?
Can you show the error messages?
I like the G3 interface and many of the features. I prefer less bloatware than AT&T comes with and I don't need all of Goofles crap either, but I an get rid of them. I just want a rooted ROM with the Nexus dialer. I've tried most of the ROM's posted here and none of them have it. I don't really want to use a 3rd party launcher to do it so any suggestions? Anything I might have missed?
You can get .apk from here i used the flashable version on cloudy v1.2 and just go to app drawer and move phone to home screen(blue icon not green one)
I'll give this a try...
But from what I've read you can't fully replace the stock dialer and the caller I'd feature doesn't work. It's worth a shot though, thanks.
I had the Nexus 6 and switched to this just to get a lower EIP
1. I used the .apk for Facebook so I didn't have to use messenge . I thought it would work on Android 4.0 and no avail. Was I mistaken. It won't work
2. I also can't get scrolling to work on LG G2 with Nova. It does work with the default launcher. I searched and found things about stopping scrolling but not about this
Thank You Much