Wifi Calling UMA GS4G Vs G2X - T-Mobile LG G2x

Ok. I have the G2X from the GS4G.
Does anyone notice really bad wifi calling quality?
When I was on my GS4G, the call quality was awesome. I mean, no problems, fast connection, no jitter.
With the G2X, the jitter is almost unusable.
Should I wait for the 2.3 update to see if that fixes the issue or should I just return the G2X for my old GS4g. The only thing I would miss would be the flash.. I know.. crazy, but I really just use my phone for business and rarely need that much CPU power.

I use wifi calling in my office since the reception is horrible. I haven't had any issues with call quality, more or less smooth and crystal clear. Not sure what could be causing the jitters with yours.

ALuton said:
I use wifi calling in my office since the reception is horrible. I haven't had any issues with call quality, more or less smooth and crystal clear. Not sure what could be causing the jitters with yours.
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I'm using wifi calling in my office and at home and haven't had any issues with call quality.

ikaden said:
I'm using wifi calling in my office and at home and haven't had any issues with call quality.
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if you are not having problems, what the network type you are using.
Are you using a bluetooth,etc,?

I can attest to my wifi calling being poor. The call starts out with good quality then slowly diminishes and either drops me or says my wifi lost connection. It definitely isnt my router and I shouldnt have lost connection... Not sure what the deal is.

Home and offfice are both N, not using a BT headset.

I use Wi-Fi Calling a lot. On the G2, the call quality was good even with a moderate signal. Sitting five feet away from my Netgear N600 n-speed router with 0 dbm the G2X flakes out on Wi-Fi calls. It'll start out great then voices start to drag and muddle and then goes back to great. I don't think it's the Wi-Fi Calling app, I think it's LG's F-d up implementation of Wi-Fi which is causing the signal to fluctuate. The router's bullet proof and the G2 performed flawlessly (as do other telephony devices hanging off the router) so I know it's the phone.

I've had issues with wifi calling as well. static not clear. Turned off the wifi calling and it worked perfect. I'm not high on wifi calling right now
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk

My experiences with wifi calling have been mixed. Sometimes I get absolutely perfect calling, and other times its completely unusable due to stutters. Based on this and what the rest of you are saying, I'd agree that its LG's wireless drivers that are the problem. The hardware itself seems to be capable, and its not the router, so the software is the only thing left. And if people have been able to use t-mobile's wifi calling app on other phones, that leaves this phone's particular software, ie the stuff LG provided us with, since the wifi calling app is the same throughout the different phones. Hopefully gingerbread or even better cm 7 will fix this.

wifi calling on my g2x is awesome! Way better than what it was on my old blackberry 8900.

Wifi calling was horrible on my SGS 4G, while it's great on my G2x.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

I'm definitely getting better call quality on my g2x than I did on my mytouch 4g. However, I do occasionally have a problem with the app failing to register on T-Mobile's network. However, a quick restart of wifi and the wifi calling app always seems to rectify the problem.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

I had the MyTouch 4G, MT4G with CM7, GS4G, and G2X
Here is my experience.
At first I did everything, Linksys, Netgear, Apple Router, N/G/A/ 2.4/5(for the 4g that had that), QOS, WMM, Blah blah blah..
It was never my network.
My phone calls are not short, they can be 1-2 hours long with tech support/customers
MT4G - Jitter.
MT4G(CM7-RC) - Better But Occasional Jitter
GS4G - Almost Perfect, some jitter but we are talking 1 time a day, not 20 times during a call.
G2X - Jitter, similar to the MT4G
Well.. sigh..
Because I used Wifi Calling exclusively when I am in my home office (all carrier have a problem because of the houses around me and a basement Office - (Sprint/VZW/ATT/TMO)), I exchanged my G2X back to my old Galaxy S4g. I loved the G2X but the wifi calling was critical for me. I agree with someone who posted Cm7 might help, but my gut is telling me it is a wonky wifi chip/card, not the wifi application.
I know software will update, but by then I might be getting the HTC sensation and Android will fully support the dual core procs and more improvement time for the wifi calling.
Why I had to return it:
Wifi Calling Bad for me, Had to do a battery pull a couple times, reboots didn't bother me every once in a while, I notice with wifi calling it would many times not release the router, in other works, I would leave my house and even though I was on 4G full bars - I could not complete any calls - Bug in Wifi Calling software?, Battery wasn't by far the worst (i think the thunderbolt has that honor ), but with the galaxy I could go through my 5am-11pm day. Bluetooth not connecting automatically, (I noticed this with an LG Optimus S - Buggy?) I like the touchwiz (shoot me).

I notice that Wifi calling goes south when the screen goes off. Cyanogen includes a program called GANOptimizer which, for Gingerbread, uses a new API to disable wifi power saving.
The built in gingerbread SIP stack also disables wifi power saving on its own, BTW.

My wifi calling is flaky. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's very poor. I just went ahead and disabled the wifi calling using Titanium Backup Pro.


4G LTE Data Connection "Stall"

So I have a perfectly good 4G LTE signal going, data speeds are great and all, but every once in a while it will just stop receiving data. The 4G LTE icon is still there, occasionally I see the upstream arrow flash, but the downstream arrow remains blank. A difference that I see from other people's connectivity issues is that I never once see it switch to 3G/1X when this happens.
One thing to note is that this behavior is not readily apparent until you're doing something real-time network dependent, like streaming audio/video for a considerable duration of time until it cuts you off suddenly.
Between 10 seconds to several minutes after data stops transmitting, it starts working again. Sometimes I get impatient and just toggle between CDMA only/LTE automatic to get 4G LTE working again without having to wait.
Is this a common issue among Charge owners? I noticed the reviewer at Anandtech had a near identical experience (though not always fixable without a reboot for him):
"My only complaint is that every once in a while, the LTE data session sometimes stalls briefly – sometimes for a a few seconds, other times for a few minutes. When that happens, you’ll see the uplink green arrow blink, but no orange downlink arrow. Rebooting the device fixes things."
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After conversing a bit with him (he also reviewed the Thunderbolt/Revolution), this apparently only happens with the Charge, but he also has faith that Samsung would fix this through software (RIL) or hardware (firmware). Given Samsung's track record with smartphone updates, I'm not so sure they will.
PeterDLai said:
Given Samsung's track record with smartphone updates, I'm not so sure they will.
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Considering a month after the phone's launch we already have a Gingerbread leak I think this device will most definitely see support from Samsung. It is a DROID branded phone after all, and Verizon is statistically the best carrier for updates, they do take special care of the "DROID" phones over every other Android handset.
4G is flakey, on both devices that offer it. I have both the Thunderbolt and Charge with me most of the time, and I see all kinds of flakiness on both. It's the network.
It is definitely the network. I had a Thunderbolt before the Charge and it was FAR worse with network connectivity falling off the face of the planet despite having full 3g/4g.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
I have had the same problem. I usually wait and it comes back in about 30-45 seconds, but it is annoying. It was really bad for a couple of days but has been better the past couple.
I personally haven't had to much issue with 4g dropping out. However people need to keep in mind that LTE is new for both the mfgs & carrier. So it is going to take time to get all these bugs worked out. That said I have to give props to VZW and the mfgs tho because back when they were building out 3G originally you want to talk about issues my lord was it bad.
I have had this issue, with the 3G and the 4G, but I can't say that it's a deal breaker for me, compared to the lousy HSPA+ signal my Vibrant had. It's only ever happened to me at my house, which is right on the edge of LTE coverage, so it switches back and forth a lot. But I have to give the network the benefit of the doubt for right now, it's a brand new network and a brand new device. And the 97% of the time that things work properly, it's so far above and beyond the T-Mobile network I have no regrets about switching.
I called Verizon with the same issue last Friday. Their resolution after a couple of questions was to overnight me a new (certified like-new) Charge and SIM card - the replacement was received on Monday. I haven't had any issues since, but I also stopped seeing the issue after I made the complaint.
Regardless, replacement has been better and locks a GPS signal much quicker. Maybe it's the SIM card?
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
I tested if I have this behavior using LTE only mode (dial **583 in Phone app) and indeed I do, so this furthers my belief that my issue is not due to something wrong in the hand-off between 4G/3G.
I found out the way to actually change the data modes and tested using EV-DO Rev. A instead of eHRPD (in conjunction with LTE) and also using just CDMA 1X (in conjunction with LTE, essentially disabling 3G), but my issue of dropping data exists. The 4G LTE icon is displayed the entire time when it happens, I just seem to lose connectivity (and all three of the tests in the Phone Info area fail) temporarily. For what it's worth, I'm not moving the phone around at all when this happens.
I think I would actually be more content if when the data connection stalled, my 4G LTE icon just disappeared or if it switched to 3G because then it would make more sense to me (that I may have lost connection to the 4G service and it's attempting to reconnect to either 3G or 4G), but as it stands, all I get is a constant 4G icon with intermittent dropouts. The switch to 3G/1X seems to be the more common issue among 4G smartphone owners, but my (and the reviewer at Anandtech's) issue seems to deal completely within the 4G network, and I've tried every leaked radio to no avail.
The regularity of the dropouts seems kind of random as well; I'm not sure how I can figure out the source of the issue. Does anyone know if there are some logs that I can look into to see if something is happening to my phone at the very instant that I'm having these stalls?
Of course, I'm not discounting the fact that it might completely be on the side of Verizon's network and/or my area in San Diego and has nothing to do with my phone, and I may in a minority of users that actually continuously uses the 4G enough to notice these dropouts, which on average happen once every half hour to hour or so. Sometimes I'm able to stream something for several hours without the stalls, and other times it'll happen frequently within a short time span.
I just got off the phone with tech support for the intermittent data drop problem. After confirming that I was on EE4, and that I had tried doing a factory reset, he is fedexing me a new sim card.
Really hope it works, I love the phone but losing data for 1-2 minutes at a time randomly is pretty lame. Especially since I switched to Verizon for their reputation as the better network.
Racer447 said:
I just got off the phone with tech support for the intermittent data drop problem. After confirming that I was on EE4, and that I had tried doing a factory reset, he is fedexing me a new sim card.
Really hope it works, I love the phone but losing data for 1-2 minutes at a time randomly is pretty lame. Especially since I switched to Verizon for their reputation as the better network.
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Is your problem the same as mine (data drops all while 4G icon is displayed) or is yours the more common 4G to 3G/1X transition or losing the 4G network icon data drop?
PeterDLai said:
Is your problem the same as mine (data drops all while 4G icon is displayed) or is yours the more common 4G to 3G/1X transition or losing the 4G network icon data drop?
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The data will stop. Then the 4g or 3g icon will disappear entirely for a minute. Then it will reconnect at either 4g,3g or 1x, I don't really see a clear pattern, it seems totally random to me.
Is there anyone who's reading this that regularly uses their 4G continuously (i.e. hours) for streaming web content (e.g. radio streams, live video streams, etc.)? If so, do you experience any occasional dropouts or is the 4G connection for you rock solid?
Racer447 said:
The data will stop. Then the 4g or 3g icon will disappear entirely for a minute. Then it will reconnect at either 4g,3g or 1x, I don't really see a clear pattern, it seems totally random to me.
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hey, I have exactly the same problem!
same here,lose 4g icon when i use either the mobile hotspot or the tethering option.longest i have been connected was about 15 minutes.
fender22 said:
same here,lose 4g icon when i use either the mobile hotspot or the tethering option.longest i have been connected was about 15 minutes.
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Tested on mine and same result.
Edit: Rebooted and it works fine been on it 20+ now, I'll be testing some more
A couple of days ago my SIM card crapped out.
Now that i have a new one my 4G signal has been more consistent and stronger than ever. I live in a fringe area and before the new SIM it would constantly switch between 4 and 3G. Now i go for hours on 4G and it even stays on 4G in places that it would always switch and stay on 3G.
Get a new SIM before getting a new phone.
Sent from my Samsung Droid Charge: Stock EE4
After reading this thread I'm considering switching to either the Thunderbolt or the Revolution, or something else when it comes out...
Anyway, I have experienced this same thing.
The only difference in my situation is that I'm trying to use my LTE internet as a dedicated connection. The setup I'm trying to do is plug my phone into my router and have the router distribute the verizon LTE internet through my apartment. My router currently has the latest version of tomato installed and I compiled my own RNDIS module (modified to work with the charge). Everything works for the first few minutes (15-20), then I notice the 4G icon "stall", then disappear, then reconnect. After the first disconnect and reconnect, the internet connection is very unstable and will disconnect every couple of minutes until I disable and re-enable the internet again... very frustrating.
In the interim, I've been using EasyTether and this works very well. I have streamed hours of 720P video and it works flawless; not one skip or reconnect.
This leads me to believe that it is either one of the following:
The kernel - I'm currently using the PBJT kernel found in the latest version of humble. I'm not sure if the stock rom will provide better stability.
The radio - I currently have the EE4 radio installed, but am very curious to know the stability of the GB radio updates (EP1f, etc.).
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

How's the reception on this phone? Wifi, bluetooth, 3G, 4G

Phone looks great, but i figure with the antenna's on the back of hte phone like that there's bound to be some "death grip" issues.
I see one thread on this forum about this issue, but since the community has grown since then i figured i'll ask again.
Compared to my previous phone (Galaxy S), the reception is better in all regards except for wifi. Although wifi is comparable, covering the antenna with your hand causes an instant and noticeable degradation in signal strength. If you're not close to your router, this signal loss is enough to drop the connection.
smacman said:
Compared to my previous phone (Galaxy S), the reception is better in all regards except for wifi. Although wifi is comparable, covering the antenna with your hand causes an instant and noticeable degradation in signal strength. If you're not close to your router, this signal loss is enough to drop the connection.
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Damn, that's a little messed up..
I dont use wifi that much, but still....
any other opinions?
My girlfriend had just got her sensation yesterday and usually I'm the one to get all the new gadgets I've had the mytouch 4g, g2 4g the evo 4g and now shift and we live in a apartment and all the tmobile phone I've ever had sucked but that phone has the best connection I've ever seen or used in my house for some reason she's getting way faster speeds and of course she wouldn't let me flash anything to it like new radios or anything lol oh yea and she's also using the phone without a case
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
smacman said:
Compared to my previous phone (Galaxy S), the reception is better in all regards except for wifi. Although wifi is comparable, covering the antenna with your hand causes an instant and noticeable degradation in signal strength. If you're not close to your router, this signal loss is enough to drop the connection.
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This. This describes the reception perfectly.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
All the reception on this phone is amazing for me. Way better than my G2 and Nexus S! Especially data and Wi-Fi reception. I never lose a 3G/4G connection and at work where I don't have signal I really on Wi-Fi calling and it works perfectly for me (My G2 used to always cut off and drop calls).
GSM reception is excellent. Better than HTC of the past. The G2/MT4G have atrocious reception especially on 4G. GSM reception is better than my Galaxy S, 3G/4G seems to trade off with the Galaxy S picking up on a weak HSPA signal more often.
WiFi reception is horrible in landscape. Fine in portrait with no hands over the top half.
zoltrix said:
any other opinions?
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I have to concur with my peers. GSM is great here in southern California, but even as I type this...I'm in portrait because landscape will cause my WiFi to drop. This only happens when I'm not next to my router...so pretty much dies all the time. I already went through 3 phones all with the same death grip, which HTC is just looking into the cause. That's what one rep told me from their USA tech support. Hope this helps
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G
Everything has been fine for me. I haven't noticed any death grip issues with WiFi in portrait or landscape.
Cover the top of the phone and I lose WiFi, cover the bottom and I lose 2/3/4g. Thus when I hold the phone sideways I lose almost all signal.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
Thus far I have not had any deathgrip issues like most others complain about however compares to the BlackBerry I came from the radios receive much less signal side by side. Don't get me wrong I love the phone and features but signal is poor in my opinion and with my job I am around cell sites all day so I know what I should expect
Mine's just really bad when it comes to receptions -___- I get no wifi at all no matter how close I am to my router, once I cover it when on landscape mode. && how I see these people having reception when I'm on Bart(underground) I use to have full bars with my cliq down at bart, but with my sensation I don't get any service at all down there.
Jimx2 said:
Mine's just really bad when it comes to receptions -___- I get no wifi at all no matter how close I am to my router, once I cover it when on landscape mode. && how I see these people having reception when I'm on Bart(underground) I use to have full bars with my cliq down at bart, but with my sensation I don't get any service at all down there.
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Sounds like you have a bad device
cellsitetechstl said:
Thus far I have not had any deathgrip issues like most others complain about however compares to the BlackBerry I came from the radios receive much less signal side by side. Don't get me wrong I love the phone and features but signal is poor in my opinion and with my job I am around cell sites all day so I know what I should expect
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Blackberry uses a different scale to determine the amount of bar, the -dBm reading goes all the way down to -120. Android only goes down to -113 even though the actual signal can be lower than that, to -121dBm. A Galaxy S with Touchwiz can show you the real -dBm reading after -113 on Android (no bars) with it's field test mode.
yeah fortunately i do not rely on my phone for field testing we use test sets working on the antennas and lines. and we work with a remote test center that runs NRPM testing for diversity issues. (we work primarily AT&T UMTS technology work in the midwest)
wifi issue is the worst, drops in and out constantly from wifi to mobile network. dont ever use a case in your house you will lose wifi 90% of the time. dont listen to these fan boys
Hamsteriel said:
Cover the top of the phone and I lose WiFi, cover the bottom and I lose 2/3/4g. Thus when I hold the phone sideways I lose almost all signal.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
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I was having the same issue for a while, but it seems to have worked itself out.
I've not had a problem with Bluetooth or WiFi, but the 2g and 3g reception is erratic wherever I go. This is on Vodafone UK.
Have tried my sim in my old HD2 and I get a much more stable signal.
just went to Bell to talk about the HTC Sensation. I asked if the lady heard anything about reception issues with the Sensation because of its design.
She said she hasn't heard of anything but she likes the new galaxy s 2 because, and i quote: "the pixels are faster even though they're the same speed"
I said "oh yea? " and left.
the responses in this thread seem to be 50/50. i guess ill need to hold one myself to test
anyone want to have input on this vs the sgs2?

[Q] Question about Wifi Calling.

I recently just got rid of my Mytouch 4g, which had HORRIBLE reception with wifi calling. I had the phone replaced 3 times from T-mobile before finally giving up. Does anyone use wifi calling with the G2X on a regular basis? I know with my wife's sidekick 4g, the wifi calling is flawless and is just as clear as talking with a full signal. I am looking at picking up a G2X soon, but am really hesitant since I have NO signal at my house, and am not sure the quality of wifi calling with this phone. Thanks for any input.
I also have horrible reception at my house, so I use wifi calling all the time. I haven't had any issues with it on my G2X, and haven't heard any complaints from people on the other end.
You still have to have a connection to Tmo. If your phone says "no service," the wifi app will not connect. I'm assuming though, that if your wife's phone connects, the G2X should as well. I put off getting an Android phone, until they got wifi calling. I cannot live w/o it lol. Losing the wifi calling is one of my "Top 5 fears of an AT&T takeover."
My first G2X had major issues, and the wifi and wifi calling wouldn't work at all (it said it was connected, but it wasn't). So, if you DO have issues, try getting a replacement.
Good Luck.
Thanks much. That's what I needed to hear.
my wifi calling works fine. Can barely tell the difference between the two. The blue icon turns green when you are using it.
Most important thing is that make sure free wifi calling is included in your plan. Otherwise, 1 hour of wifi calling will subtract 60 mins from your plan. If you have unlimited talk you shouldn't worry.
I just picked it up today, and wifi calling is perfect. Thanks for the input folks.

[Q] Nexus S extremely poor wifi

Hello there,
i know that this topic has been already debated several times but I couldn't find any solution to it.
I'm running MIUI 1.8.19, android version 2.3.5, kernel version, baseband I9023XXKB3.
Wifi signal is extremely weak, few meters away from any router and the connection becomes extremely unstable making the wifi experience a total nightmare.
I've been previously tried NSCollab and also different baseband configuration files but nothing seems to get things better.
For what is worth (even though the wifi is bad anywhere and with any router) my router is a Linksys WRT150N running on DD-WRT.
The Nexus S wifi thing seems to be a little bit controversial. Some users seem having no problem with it, some other experience the same problems i do.
Question #1: is that a hardware, software or both kind of problem?
question #2 : is there any workaround that would allow me at least to comfortably browse the internet from my bedroom (5-6 mts away from my router) without getting disconnected every other 30 sec?
Thank you in advance,
You kept a phone that can't hold a wifi connection over a distance of 5m? I'd have returned it on day 1.
It's normal that the distance of WIFI on smartphones is less than say a laptop or pc, but 5m is definitly not normal.
Verify w/ other wifi networks, same problem = return it. If not, bad luck, might be the combination of your phone + the router not working properly.
You can try changing radios to see of that improves your situation, for some it did.
Yes, it is normal having a weaker wi-fi but my blackberry has no problem at all. it is the nexus and it seems to be quite a widespread problem around the globe.
Well i was abroad on business and couldnt return it. Just looking for clues....
I know that netarchy's kernel uses updated wifi drivers, you can try flashing that and see if it does anything.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Hi there,
i tried several kernels: netarchy, matrix and also installed MIUI and also tried the MIUI Brainmaster ROM. Same result: in my bedroom the wifi signal score a miserable -85/90 db. Is there any kernel out there optimized for wifi? I mean, it seems that the wifi weakness on the nexus S is a common problem.
Thank you in advance.
It sounds as though you have a hardware problem or a router problem. I have to go to a room in the other side of my house to get -90 db and even then it doesn't disconnect. I have to get about 200 feet away before it disconnects.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Also it might have something to do with interference on whatever channel you are connecting on but I don't really know enough about wireless networking to help you troubleshoot that.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
What i'm wondering is wheter Samsung uses different wifi chipset on the same phone cause i'm not the only one complaining about it. just google "nexus s weak wifi" and you'll see hundreds of people with the same problem.
still wondering if there's a software solution to it.
caravaggio971 said:
What i'm wondering is wheter Samsung uses different wifi chipset on the same phone cause i'm not the only one complaining about it. just google "nexus s weak wifi" and you'll see hundreds of people with the same problem.
still wondering if there's a software solution to it.
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It has been documented that the Nexus S uses an under powered wifi chip. The chip uses less power but with that comes a weaker signal.
mine seems to be weaker than average...
Yours does seem weaker than normal, but no nexus s has decent wifi range.
What I have done is purchase 2 old linksys wrt54gl routers, have them both loaded up with DD-WRT and then link them (bridged mode or WDS if you prefer) and situate the routers in either end of my house. I have a decent sized 3 bed detached house, with a 70ft garden, I can now get a reliable wifi connection near the end of my garden on my nexus, where as previously I couldnt get to the back door
Might be an old thread, but I just traded my trusty HD2 for a Nexus S and god I hate the WIFI reception on this thing.
I am on stock 2.3.4 Rooted with KD1 radio and's) kernel. Tried just about anything out there, and nothing worked out.
Being a Pure Google experience phone, I was expecting a lot more happening for this phone, but it seems that my 2009 released HD2 was way better for all it had to offer.
Subscribing to this thread!
WIFI is fine for me, same as with HTC Desire, and stronger than iPhone 3G...
Its terrible on my Sprint Nexus.
Where I have an Ipod touch and a LG Optimus, they get an 'excellent' connection anywhere in the house. The Nexus drops the connection all the time, shows a 'poor' 5Mbps connection.
Will swapping the phone do any good?
I bought my Nexus S yesterday and I was soooo disappointed because of its poor wifi reception... But...
I am a network Administrator and a few minutes ago i just couldn't beleive that about 10 meters away from our Cisco Antennas i had about 89db signal so i started playing... and guess what i now have 55dbs at the same spot! What i found out is that Nexus S doesn't work well with High Frequencies so I disabled channels 8-13 and my AP had to work on the low channels and BAM! everything works fine now (My phone is in stock FW)
I hope I helped
Gorbi_gr said:
I bought my Nexus S yesterday and I was soooo disappointed because of its poor wifi reception... But...
I am a network Administrator and a few minutes ago i just couldn't beleive that about 10 meters away from our Cisco Antennas i had about 89db signal so i started playing... and guess what i now have 55dbs at the same spot! What i found out is that Nexus S doesn't work well with High Frequencies so I disabled channels 8-13 and my AP had to work on the low channels and BAM! everything works fine now (My phone is in stock FW)
I hope I helped
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Awesome tip! Thank you so much
I found this channel number which it uses to make no difference to the wifi performance.
I tried channels 1,6,11, no difference.
The phone just has poor wifi.
As a note, usually I don't use the low channel '1', as this gets interference from microwaves more than the upper channels.
just bought a Nexus and and experiencing heavy wifi issues.
I tried changing AP channel but doesn't fix.
Testing signal strenght with a LG Optimus one for comparison:
1- LG: -72db. stable
2- Nexus S: -85db web pages loading fails quite often.
Tomorrow my NS will return to the store. Bye Bye

[Q] Issues/Questions

Overall I am loving this phone. I have never had an Android phone this fast. I can't find a hint of lag on this thing.
I am, sadly, having a couple of other issues and want to get other peoples thoughts on things before I do anything "Drastic".
1) I heard somewhere they boosted the sound by 25%? If I have mine at full... I am hearing static and popping... like it is too much for the speakers. This is when I get a text/ringtone, or when I am playing a game (Robot Unicorn Attack for instance... don't judge).
2) Wifi.... I am getting weird "lag" when I am on wifi. Websites take longer to connect to and load... same with apps and the Playstore. Speed test I am only able to pull down 15MB/s. Low ping... but it takes forever (6-10 seconds) to connect to start the test. Have tried three different routers, same results (Netgear,an E3200, and a D-Link). Everything looks normal under settings. Full strength (in the room of the router... gets worse when I am downstairs). I unchecked the Wifi Optimization. Also it is doing this on 5 and 2.4 GHz.
3) GPS Lag - It seems to be taking longer than normal. I am going on a trip this weekend, and I will really get to test this then... but wanted to know if this is normal for an HTC device now a days (last one I owned was the Thunderbolt.... shivers, and GPS was always wonky).
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
1 - In my experience so far, the speakers are definitely louder, but I haven't found any distortion besides audio files that I artificially increased the volume on for previous devices.
2 - I haven't seen any WiFi lag yet. But I'm on vacation currently and the internet here is only 12mbps, instead of my 65mbps at home.
3 - The Engadget review noted some wonky GPS issues.
Sent from the all new HTC One M8
NotATreoFan said:
1 - In my experience so far, the speakers are definitely louder, but I haven't found any distortion besides audio files that I artificially increased the volume on for previous devices.
2 - I haven't seen any WiFi lag yet. But I'm on vacation currently and the internet here is only 12mbps, instead of my 65mbps at home.
3 - The Engadget review noted some wonky GPS issues.
Sent from the all new HTC One M8
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If you could... when loading up a web page or something... see if it is taking longer than normal to connect to a web page initially. Mine is acting like there is no internet... then all the sudden it loads up fine.
I am also noticing MMS is taking longer than normal to send (I had an S4 before this and it didnt take half as long... maybe it was compressing it more?)
I have just had radio issues in the past with HTC devices and want to nip them before it is too late.
meteron said:
If you could... when loading up a web page or something... see if it is taking longer than normal to connect to a web page initially. Mine is acting like there is no internet... then all the sudden it loads up fine.
I am also noticing MMS is taking longer than normal to send (I had an S4 before this and it didnt take half as long... maybe it was compressing it more?)
I have just had radio issues in the past with HTC devices and want to nip them before it is too late.
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I've been browsing a good bit on WiFi and LTE in the past 2 days. Haven't noticed any lag prior to pages starting to load, at which point I just blame the slow internet here.
Sent from the all new HTC One M8
Sadly I am still having this issue. Now that the phone has been out a week, anyone noticed anything?
I am not having issues connecting to the Wifi, I am just having issues connecting to the internet once connected to the Wifi. I have now tried this on 5 different home routers and several public Wifi areas and all the same results: going to a webpage has a delay anywhere up to 15 seconds before the page starts to load, and apps have issues connecting as well (Instagram will tell me unable to refresh, and Facebook will tell me I have no network connection). I have tried everything: Renamed the Device to HTC One, tried switching to 2.4 and 5 Ghz band, Unchecked WiFi Optimization... nothing is fixing this "lag".
Speaker issues - Still hearing a popping and crackling of the speakers, and I am seeing others are having the issue as well.
GPS - Went on my trip, I think I was getting the typical "Chicago GPS" lag before, as I would normally get a lock on with my GPS in 3 seconds or less while out in the middle of no where this past weekend.
I personally do not want to go through 15 phones trying to find one that has working WiFi, as it seems the One series has been having issues with WiFi since 4.3. Anyone have any suggestions?
Just browsing the forums for a WiFi issue my M8 has, to hopefully find a fix. This is what I have, not sure if it fits your symptoms as well:
Speedtest on network and bluetooth 11.39Mbps down / 3.85Mbps up
on network no bluetooth 13.98Mbps down / 3.98Mbps up
Speedtest on WiFi and bluetooth 2.53Mbps down / 5.53Mbps up
on WiFi no bluetooth 20.79Mbps down / 6.67Mbps up
Basically, if I keep my BT off, my speeds are fine and inline with what I expect to get, but if it's on it's at a crawl. Seems like WiFi and BT don't want to work in tandem. I haven't found much information on my issue yet, but I'm hoping to before I either do a a full reset or warranty replacement.
blutenchi said:
Just browsing the forums for a WiFi issue my M8 has, to hopefully find a fix. This is what I have, not sure if it fits your symptoms as well:
Speedtest on network and bluetooth 11.39Mbps down / 3.85Mbps up
on network no bluetooth 13.98Mbps down / 3.98Mbps up
Speedtest on WiFi and bluetooth 2.53Mbps down / 5.53Mbps up
on WiFi no bluetooth 20.79Mbps down / 6.67Mbps up
Basically, if I keep my BT off, my speeds are fine and inline with what I expect to get, but if it's on it's at a crawl. Seems like WiFi and BT don't want to work in tandem. I haven't found much information on my issue yet, but I'm hoping to before I either do a a full reset or warranty replacement.
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No problems here with simultaneous bluetooth and WiFi. I am using a 5GHz router.
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