[i9003]xxkb3 battery icon is misleading not updating the status. - Samsung Galaxy SL i9003

Well after 2 days of testing the xxkb3 battery usage which I have been talking about as great is a false perception, whats happening is that the battery indicator is not actually updating the real status thus showing good battery life.
I reported earlier that in ideal mode 12hrs night time its only consuming 2% that's not true, whats happening is that the moment i start using the handset in morning just after few mins I noticed a sharp drop in battery status I got confused the 1st day of test so did it another day & noticed the same behavior, hence installed battery Notifier (big text) which shows directly in the status bar & that showed a mismatch since this morning.
Here are few screenshot at 80% actual battery the icon is still showing me full charge to make me believe that its a good battery......now is it a bug in xxkb3 which should be reported or any way to correct it? DDKB1 which i was using earlier never had this problem.
The Green text at left is the battery notifier.

Dude i dont think its a problem.
The indicator changes according to the % of battery remaining. The default status indicator will have only a total of 4 to 5 stages of indication.
above 80 - state 1
above 60 - state 2
above 40 - state 3
above 20 - state 4
less than 10 - state 5.
For example
if % is above 80 , then the indicator will show full.
if it is in between 60 to 79 then it will show some changes.
Im using battery status widget to monitor battery as it gives more info on the battery status.

if % is above 80 , then the indicator will show full.
if it is in between 60 to 79 then it will show some changes.
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yes that is what happening so you confirm that its normal. I will test it for few more days, do we have any app which can graphically plot the battery stats?

Yes, this is normal, you can check this battery indicator out it's pretty detailed - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8639993
Or, you can replace the default indicator - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724778

Thanks a lot
I have been hunting for that app in the market but could not find any such app there.

sgsI9003 said:
yes that is what happening so you confirm that its normal. I will test it for few more days, do we have any app which can graphically plot the battery stats?
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Try JuicePlotter from the market!

btw, dont these battery indicator apps themselves drain battery quite too much?

bala_gamer said:
Dude i dont think its a problem.
The indicator changes according to the % of battery remaining. The default status indicator will have only a total of 4 to 5 stages of indication.
above 80 - state 1
above 60 - state 2
above 40 - state 3
above 20 - state 4
less than 10 - state 5.
For example
if % is above 80 , then the indicator will show full.
if it is in between 60 to 79 then it will show some changes.
Im using battery status widget to monitor battery as it gives more info on the battery status.
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......and it is the same in KB1 as well. It is the normal behavior. @sgsI9003 Now the point is why the battery indicator (the stock blue one) suddenly drops when u start using it.

needachange said:
......and it is the same in KB1 as well. It is the normal behavior. @sgsI9003 Now the point is why the battery indicator (the stock blue one) suddenly drops when u start using it.
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My guess is that at till 80 it wont show any drain & & then when I use for 30 mins assume it consumed another 10% so suddenly I see a drop of 30% bcoz the 1st 20% was not even showing at that time & I use to wonder how come 30 mins using consumes so much battery?
Now all is sorted out with these numerical indicators. After 3 days of testing I can say that xxkb3 has better battery life on ideal /standby if you use the phone just for calling it can last easily 48+ hrs, with web surfing, mail access & other multimedia usage it would last 12-24hours only depending upon how much its being used.
Another testing now reveled that each night I have different amount of drain which I assume that its due to radio signal interaction. Best practice is to switch off or put to airplane mode to conserve battery or have an app which can follow a time schedule to do this automatically.

Dude! why don't u try battery solo widget (free version from the market). It looks awesome & consumes around 2.9mb of ram with negligible cpu. so hardly any effect on the battery life.

For battery solo widget I have always had to go back to home screen to look the status but with battery Notifier (big text) I can see it always in real time on the notification bar.


Raphael Roms on Fuze - Battery Drain Issue

Bad Problem with the Battery
i have the TP and the bettery have a big problem it's ended in about 5 hours with no use.
how can i fix it?
is there any program to increase the use or tweak the settings?
from 5 hours no
change the battery
You have either some app running which consumes a huge amount of power (really huge! Even if you use TP as video player with the screen configured to full brightness TPs battery lasts for at least four to five hours). Or your device has got a faulty battery (which would probably be more likely).
Are you by any chance using Wayfinder Navigator gps-software? I found (the hard way) that this software doesn't close the GPS-unit in the phone automatically when you exit the application. Even after a soft-reset the problem persists. This will drain the battery in pretty much 5 hours. The solution is to manually close the GPS-connection in the WF Navigator program settings every time you exit the app (and hope for a fix ASAP). I've already reported this to Wayfinder, and they're working on it.
aBE-One said:
Are you by any chance using Wayfinder Navigator gps-software? I found (the hard way) that this software doesn't close the GPS-unit in the phone automatically when you exit the application. Even after a soft-reset the problem persists. This will drain the battery in pretty much 5 hours. The solution is to manually close the GPS-connection in the WF Navigator program settings every time you exit the app (and hope for a fix ASAP). I've already reported this to Wayfinder, and they're working on it.
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I was using a GPS related app the other day and the same thing happened to me. Try and find out what hasn't shut down properly...
10X for all
melcul-i think i will send an email to HTC about that
DeepThought-i checked if there is any programs that running but nothing is running acording to X-buttom 35% memory in use.
aBE-One- i am not using that app.just using QuickGPS and Nav N GO IGO8 and they are close.
l1234 said:
10X for all
melcul-i think i will send an email to HTC about that
DeepThought-i checked if there is any programs that running but nothing is running acording to X-buttom 35% memory in use.
aBE-One- i am not using that app.just using QuickGPS and Nav N GO IGO8 and they are close.
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what aBE-One is saying is that on his phone he had a similar problem, the software was closed but the GPS command remained active thus draining his battery, so your IGO8 might be shut down as software but there is a chance that the GPS hardware is still running in the background for no reason. go into your com manager and turn off GPS and that should resolve the issue
l1234 said:
i have the TP and the bettery have a big problem it's ended in about 5 hours with no use.
how can i fix it?
is there any program to increase the use or tweak the settings?
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Exactly the same happened to me, after a full charge it took only 5 hours to an almost complete discharge.
I bought TP 1 week ago and it came with radio with no battery issues at all but with the GPS issue -not finding sats-. After upgrading to radio ROM, the GPS now works ok with TomTom, GPS test etc, but the battery now drains dramatically even in standby with no software running and all radios off except phone.
Is possible that the GPS radio stays on even after closing GPS software? In that case, is there any way to manually switch off the GPS module?. In TTN there's no a button to do this.
Mine too..
But i've observed this drain even before upgrating to radio
In 40 minutes from 78% to 69% (9%), in stand-by mode (short press power) without any running application!
And I've done 3 or 4 full discharge-full recharge cicles...
LE: No active moderator here? There are plenty of battery problem topics.. why not merge them? It's hard to chose in which one to post... Also, that's not the only case. See GPS related bugs, opera, etc. Too many duplicate topics.
Ok, more info:
I've drained the battery completely till the device turned off then I've left the phone on charging overnight (device turned off).
After about 9-10 hours I've unpluged and turned on the device. Used for 1 hour and 25 minutes in total (about 1 hour for browsing - not downloading, so data transfer was not continously - and the rest for music). With "Auto adjust backlight". The battery level gone from 100% down to 68%, so 32% battery drain in less than a hour and a half!!!
Now, after 4 minutes (device was in standby - eg: short power button press), I wanted to check something and the battery metter was on 66%... so 2% in standy/idle mode in just 4 minutes?!
@l1234 any updates?
DSF said:
Ok, more info:
I've drained the battery completely till the device turned off then I've left the phone on charging overnight (device turned off).
After about 9-10 hours I've unpluged and turned on the device. Used for 1 hour and 25 minutes in total (about 1 hour for browsing - not downloading, so data transfer was not continously - and the rest for music). With "Auto adjust backlight". The battery level gone from 100% down to 68%, so 32% battery drain in less than a hour and a half!!!
Now, after 4 minutes (device was in standby - eg: short power button press), I wanted to check something and the battery metter was on 66%... so 2% in standy/idle mode in just 4 minutes?!
@l1234 any updates?
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That all sounds correct. I can be typing emails/sms with WiFi and phone on (not actually doing anything), drains about 1% per minute.
I read the other day that the percentage indicator is faulty. Some people have reported the battery draining down to 10% in a very short time, but then the meter will stay at 10% for hours before going down to 9%, etc. Has anyone else noticed this? If not, look for it and see if it happens to you. Also, open the power meter in the settings options and verify that it shows the same battery level. I've had that happen to me already where it would say 50% in the title bar but the power options still show 3/4 of the meter!
KevinACrider said:
I read the other day that the percentage indicator is faulty. Some people have reported the battery draining down to 10% in a very short time, but then the meter will stay at 10% for hours before going down to 9%, etc. Has anyone else noticed this? If not, look for it and see if it happens to you. Also, open the power meter in the settings options and verify that it shows the same battery level. I've had that happen to me already where it would say 50% in the title bar but the power options still show 3/4 of the meter!
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I have noticed that the battery percentage indicator does this. All in all, my device has better battery life after flashing a custom ROM, keeping screen brightness under half and leaving off bluetooth or wifi if possible. my battery will stay at 100% for hours, but if i soft reset, it drops 10%. other times it will drop right away but stay there. It really does stay at 10% or so though for ages before it drops further.
Gav_ said:
That all sounds correct. I can be typing emails/sms with WiFi and phone on (not actually doing anything), drains about 1% per minute.
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I was brosing via 3G/HSPDA connection. No WiFi/BT on.
Now, it seems that the drain in standby time is OK (haven't done something special, same processes opened.. maybe just now the battery can be used at its full performance, after some charges/discharges) - BUT when using the device the battery drains quite quickly..
I give you an example.
Battery was 100%. Browsing the internet with IE & Opera for 1 hour. Battery meter was on 75%. So 25% in one hour... tooo much... The display backlight is set to "Auto adjust".
Again, I'm not using Wifi/BT, push e-mail, etc. Just normal browsing (without downloads) with a 3G/HSPDA connection.
I've had my Fuze about a week and I've been testing out many of the available ROMs. I've noticed disturbing trend and want to know if anyone else is seeing this problem, and if so, how can we fix it? It seems like anytime I install a Raphael based ROM, I start to lose battery power at a fast rate - about 10%/hour, maybe even faster. With a cooked ROM based off the ATT Fuze code base, I do not have this problem. I get this even when I install the keyboard fix, etc. and I am doing a hard reset after install to no avail. Any help, input, thoughts or shared experiences welcome.
I am using PROven's latest 1.4 rom and the battery is amazing!!! I loaded it last night, charged it up around 9pm and at 5pm today I am still at 70%!!!
I've noticed this as well. I first go suspicious when after a long flight in airplane mode the battery drained significantly.
No I am in all day meetings this week so I am trying several combination to see what sucks juice and what does not by keeping the radio out of the equation.
So far it seems that RomeOS is a battery suck while NATF is not. This is with the device doing nothing but sitting there with no radio activity.
I've notice that the stock .32 radio on the fuze is the culprit (at least on MY fuze). After I downgraded to the .28 radio the battery life has easily doubled!
Which .28 radio do you mean? - Extract Official Shipped Orange ROM ESN
I'm using ROMeOS with radio and I have pretty good battery life on the Fuze. I've also used some other ROMs here and no issues either in regards to battery. Is your data connection on constantly or is it configured to disconnect after X # of mins?

[Howto]Tips n tricks for better battery life

Since we have better battery life on Android r169 version thanks to our devs i'm going to post tips n tricks for a even better battery life
1. Use "GSM auto (PRL) to save more juice while still connecting through 3G
- in the phone setting>wireless and network>MobileNetwork>NetworkMode
we are only allow to choose GSM only/ WCDMA / Auto between two
- but if you use type "*#*#4636#*#*" to phone Information, you can choose more type of networkmode. It is claimed that choose "GSM auto (PRL)" allow you to save more battery (cell standby) while allow you to connect to 3G network.
-there is one more setting which you can change:click settings(windows logo)>select radio band and change it according to your needs
- Please provide feedback on this. Thanks
2. Use AutoKiller Memory Optimizer
- This tool is different from other app killer
- It fine tunes android systems inner memory manager to keep your device fast over time.
- As a side effect it also lowers battery consumption.
- At certain free memory level (e.g. 250mb), the android os will automatically close those apps not in use (according to original android os logic)
3.Use Autostart
- Instead of closing them, it would be better if we don't let the app start from the begining
- You can choose to disable those app that u feel unnessary, so that they will not run during your phone startup
4. Check your Battery Consumption
- Download "Current Widget" or "battery monitoring widget" from market
- these apps will monitor your battery usage and recoded in a log file
- This is the normal consumption rate (varied across ROM, kernel and CPUI frequency and other factors)
to be continued....
General Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB) Usage:
• Discharging your LIB fully (or less than 2.4 Volt per cell) is bad for the battery. Every time you do that, it can be said that small part of your battery (some cells) dies (they forever lose their charge). Do not store your batteries depleted, there's a high chance they will die completely or will become very "weak".
• You cannot restore bad LIBs by overloading/heating/praying. You gotta go buy a new one. They DO degrade overtime, some cells naturally lose the ability to gain/give electricity.
• Although it is said that LIBs do not have memory, it's not entirely true. LIBs have gauges that monitor performance of cells, and if you do a lot of small charges, it won't let those gauges to monitor a full battery potential, causing an invalid indication of charge level. A complete charge/discharge should be made when battery capacity seems reduced, that will calibrate gauges and they will provide your phone with correct charge level status. A full charge/discharge cycle should be done every 30 (or so) partial charges.
• LIBs have a shelf-life. Do not buy them to store them. Use them early, use them often, they will die whether you use them or not. Do not buy LIBs to use them in 6 months/year/etc, buy them right before actually using them.
• LIBs have short lives (in comparison to NiCa batteries, etc). You should expect to buy a new battery in 2-3 years after being manufactured. It is caused by internal oxidation and there's nothing you can do to stop or prevent that.
• Worst LIB treatment is to keep it at 100% charge level at high temperature (think laptop/phone under direct sunlight, like car dashboard).
• Best LIB treatment, or LIBs "favorite" charge level - 40%. That's also the usual charge level you buy them with.
• LIBs don't like heat. For example, while always at 100%, typical LIB in a laptop, at temperatures of 25C (77F) will lose 20% (twenty percent!) of full capacity per year. That capacity loss is reduced to 6% (six percent) at 0C (32F), and increased to 35% loss at 40C (104F). So, keep them cool (LIBs like fridges), don't let your devices sit in the sun or overheat at charge. Also, keep in mind that while in use, battery will be significantly hotter than phone/outside environment.
• LIBs like frequent partial charges/discharges more than they like full charges/discharges.
General Android power usage advice from google:
• Although this part is somewhat controversial, they do recommend having a complete, full FIRST charge to be made. If time allows, a preferred time for the first charge is 12 hours. This may have more to do with the OS than the battery.
• Battery on a Android device, in average, will last about a full day with normal use (some videos, mail, calls). That's what you should kind-of expect.
• Speaking in averages, "idling" 3G/EDGE connection (when phone is sleeping and no data is transferred through 3G), drains almost no energy. Just a little more than having 3G/EDGE radio off completely. So when no apps are using 3G, you don't need to keep it off.
• Same goes to WiFi connection - although it's on, if there is no data flowing through it, it uses almost no energy.
• At full throughput (100% data flow), EDGE is using more energy than 3G. In average, 3G is more energy-efficient than EDGE.
• WiFi is using more energy than 3G (when both are at 100% use), but since it transfers files much faster and then goes to "sleep", it's actually recommended to use WiFi whenever possible. Since it'll "sleep" more often than 3G, overall it will use much less battery than using 3G.
• Some bad apps or widgets can use android's "WakeLock", keeping CPU at 100%, screen always-on, or both. I myself have encountered such widget (I won't mention the name, it's in the market) that used a WakeLock to keep CPU spun-up at 100% all the time. That makes a huge impact on battery life. My advice - use a CPU profiling app to monitor the CPU - make sure that CPU slows down by itself when it's not used. So, beware of such widgets/apps. To check for CPU cycles, many recommend OSMonitor (free from market, install it, go to options, sort by "Load" in descending order. It'll give you "busiest" processes at the top). At rest you should be getting about 10-20% for OSMonitor itself, and 1-10% Android System. At rest, everything else should be 0-1%.
• Android slows down CPU when not in use by itself, as a built-in feature. Apps that throttle/change CPU frequency, are not necessarily needed.
Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery
BatteryUniversity - http://www.batteryuniversity.com/parttwo-34.htm
Google IO Conference 2009 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUemfrKe65c
Electropaedia - http://www.mpoweruk.com/life.htm
this one too
this is very useful information, thx a lot!
Sorry Tzacapaca, but I do not understand where I have to type the code in order to have access to other network modes
Could you clarify?
doublej4473 said:
Sorry Tzacapaca, but I do not understand where I have to type the code in order to have access to other network modes
Could you clarify?
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Call this number with the phone dialer
Very good summary, thanks
I will definitely come back to read again and try in this way extend battery life.
Thnx, great tips to read !
Standard battery Capacity: 1200 mAh
HTC HD Mini have a standard battery Capacity: 1200 mAh.
When the battery loses capacity and you want to replace it, consider that there are batteries in the market for the HTC HD Mini with 1700 mAh Capacity, which would be logical to give a day or two extra pleasure
15MA1L said:
HTC HD Mini have a standard battery Capacity: 1200 mAh.
When the battery loses capacity and you want to replace it, consider that there are batteries in the market for the HTC HD Mini with 1700 mAh Capacity, which would be logical to give a day or two extra pleasure
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I still like and need my phone so I wouldn't trust those batteries
I would better get an emergency recharge which can charge my phone on the go
Edit: here is one http://www.phonesuit.com/primo-cube-battery-pack-for-android-phones/
hi how do i send a log to show my battery level? its draining way to fast,temperature is 38.8 is that normal?
with the battery moniter widget temperature is fluctuating from 35.5 to 38,stabilising to just over 35.0,also says 190mA in top left for battery indicater
BATFINK74 said:
hi how do i send a log to show my battery level? its draining way to fast,temperature is 38.8 is that normal?
with the battery moniter widget temperature is fluctuating from 35.5 to 38,stabilising to just over 35.0,also says 190mA in top left for battery indicater
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download current widget and enable log file,right now i have 32.5 C on 100% battery level
tzacapaca said:
download current widget and enable log file,right now i have 32.5 C on 100% battery level
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thanks dude,can i post log file results here?
BATFINK74 said:
thanks dude,can i post log file results here?
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battery history
hi heres my battery history,is there any clue in here as to why its draining so fast?
also upload current widget log
BATFINK74 said:
hi heres my battery history,is there any clue in here as to why its draining so fast?
also upload current widget log
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hi,tell me around when phone was in standby so i can figure out
anyway so far it looks bad :O
also i have some Q's :
do you have set brightness on auto in Android or on WM?
is it a fresh install of Android?
did you install apps after that?if yes,which?
do you have GPS on on droid or on wm?
With "CurrentWidget" you can also log applications which are running on background. Then it should be easier to find out cause of battery drain. Also don't forget to write about your current settings ...
tzacapaca said:
hi,tell me around when phone was in standby so i can figure out
anyway so far it looks bad :O
also i have some Q's :
do you have set brightness on auto in Android or on WM?
is it a fresh install of Android?
did you install apps after that?if yes,which?
do you have GPS on on droid or on wm?
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hi thanks for replying
i have brightness turned down in android,havent touched in winmo
yes its a fresh install
iv installed angry birds rio,a 3d game,zedge,ebay and sky sports apps from market place
gprs is always on in both
my device is currently in sleep mode,will upload a fresh log to show results for sleep mode
For the nexus s 4G , just put brightness on low and turn of background data
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App

dialer issue - workaround?

its possible that i just found out, how to solve dialer issue at least temporarily!
i just enabled flightmode and later dissabled it.
just then dialer(telefon) dissapeared from the powerusage list! before it was at 98% (of very less from 100% but it was there!)
just did a reboot and still only
telefone inactive
in this order!
will update this list later (just now 93% left)
my display is lowest possible and wifi is off bt and data too!
i test with answering to sms but no calls/data except i'll be called! so dialer shuldn't show up!
Sigh.. I will explain this one more time. After this I'll stop.
What you can see in the Battery Usage screen is the amount of percent each application drained from the total % of drained battery.
To draw some lines:
Battery - 95%
Drain - 5%
Dialer - 97%
Android System - 2%
X - 1%
This means that Dialer actually consumed 97% of 5% (the amount of battery drained).
You can get an app that tells you how much each is consuming. It's posted in the threads around here (by Mikevhl I think).
Alex C. said:
Sigh.. I will explain this one more time. After this I'll stop.
What you can see in the Battery Usage screen is the amount of percent each application drained from the total % of drained battery.
To draw some lines:
Battery - 95%
Drain - 5%
Dialer - 97%
Android System - 2%
X - 1%
This means that Dialer actually consumed 97% of 5% (the amount of battery drained).
You can get an app that tells you how much each is consuming. It's posted in the threads around here (by Mikevhl I think).
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i know this fact!
you are allright, that this are relative numbers but less from relative numbers is less from absolute numbers!
or not?
when there were before 5% an hour absolute
then the dialer consumped 98% of 5% so let's say 4%.
then now it should drain 1% an hour.
isn't that right?
In a perfect world, yes. But still it won't happen.
For me:
Dialer: 98%. Leave the phone idle, make 2 phone calls a day, less than total of 20 minutes. In the evening use the wi-fi for 30 mins.
Battery lasts 3 days..
Alex C. said:
In a perfect world, yes. But still it won't happen.
For me:
Dialer: 98%. Leave the phone idle, make 2 phone calls a day, less than total of 20 minutes. In the evening use the wi-fi for 30 mins.
Battery lasts 3 days..
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Damn, that means running CyanogenMod would massively improve your battery life! I currently am able to use HTC Sense on my Sensation for ~6 hours before the battery is done, and with CyanogenMod it lasts about two days. I guess your phone will be able to last all week!
Mikevhl said:
Damn, that means running CyanogenMod would massively improve your battery life! I currently am able to use HTC Sense on my Sensation for ~6 hours before the battery is done, and with CyanogenMod it lasts about two days. I guess your phone will be able to last all week!
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I do hope it will last me that long.. well I hope for 2-3 days with moderate-high usage.
I have an s-off phone which hasn't been rooted and I found this on the official wakelock issue page which has worked perfectly for me.
- Download the App "Proximity Screen Off" (by Shailesh Soliwal).
- open it(see note below) and select the box for "Enable Device Admin" (give permission)
- "Disable in Landscape" selected
- "Enable during call only" NOT selected
- Both "Cover..." boxes are NOT selected
- "Disable Accidental Lock MUST be selected
- For "Timeout", we have 1 second.
- Press the "back" button on the phone
- Chose "Start Service"
From the user in comment #204 in code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=17383#makechanges
---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ----------
after a while of using it however i have noticed dialer isnt an issue anymore however the app itself is now using power haha
Check your total uptime please. Perform this test (after a full charge):
- Network mode: GSM Only
- Maximum 30m of calls/day
- Maximum 15 SMS messages
- Wi-Fi for 30m-1h a day.
- No games.
If you get to 3-4d then there is some improvement.

[Q] Battery Drain Research

I"m running gummy 0.6.7. I've been meaning to flash something new but I have a nice theme setup (pretty looks are important to me , everything seems to be working normal, etc. Don't have the time to redo backups and stuff right now.
I'm trying to narrow down what is causing excessive battery usage. Even if I don't OC, when in use I lose damn near 1 bar of battery a minute. This morning I was at a 100 - 35 mins later on the way to work I'm at 89. Ridic.
Brightness is auto, facebook auto-updates gone, all i'm syncing is google and an exchange box. CPU Low is at 100mhz, according to CPU Spy it spends most of its time in Deep Sleep. Tried different governors over the past couple days. GPS/Wifi was off this morning. Get TOP/ON idle stats (not TOP/OFF).. In reviewing battery stats, android os likes to be on top but I cannot get any more detailed then that. What processes run under this? I used to have an app called BetterBatteryStats that would break down process usage and report what has held wakelocks, etc but it is now paid.
What are some more detailed methods you guy can suggest to track down battery usage? Just downloaded this battery mix app a few days ago but it doesn't give me the detail I'm looking for. However, based on trending, this morning when I was at 100 it predicted 0% in 5.5 hours.
Have you tried deleting androids battery stats? It could be, especially when you just installed a new ROM that the stored stats are not accurate any more, so I would delete the battery stats, let android rebuild them and then look if the battery drop is still that much (and if it continues till the battery is empty).
ghling said:
Have you tried deleting androids battery stats? It could be, especially when you just installed a new ROM that the stored stats are not accurate any more, so I would delete the battery stats, let android rebuild them and then look if the battery drop is still that much (and if it continues till the battery is empty).
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so i went ahead and flashed Codename. Charged to 100, did a reset in a calibration app. Put it on charger overnight till it got back to 100. Still draining rather quickly, 10 points between taking it off in the morning and getting to work. Thats about an hour.
I think auto brightness is buggy. Try disabling it and see if problem is solved
kernels ; battery ; ROM ; gov/sched
bedalus said:
I think auto brightness is buggy. Try disabling it and see if problem is solved
kernels ; battery ; ROM ; gov/sched
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you know.. i kinda had that feeling. it seemed to be too bright. I even went ahead and did the automatic backlight guide that has you set 25 brightness levels and it just made me bootloop. so i'll try that and report back..

[HELP] Note10+ abysmal screen on time

As the title says... is there something wrong with my battery? I got abysmal SOT of 4hr35min on mobile/cellular data only (No WiFi). Bluetooth OFF, location OFF, dark mode OFF, brigtness 40% or less, Samsung Cloud, Google Photos & Google One back up & sync - all OFF,. Bixby home, bixby wake up, literally everything bixby related OFF. Wake to lift OFF, smart stay OFF. Optimized battery settings, exceptions to optimize made on gmail, whatsapp, instagram. Everything else on optimization. AoD - always on, dynamic background on home screen - yes.
Also worth noting - after fully charging the phone, I went from 100% to 98% in like 3 minutes. I also went from 5% to 0% in a couple of minutes.
Is there something wrong with my battery? Surely 4 hrs 35min shouldn't be a norm, not even on cellular data only.
Signal Strength plays a huge rule in battery consumption, ever thought about that??
How many dBm's you get?
Mohamedkam000 said:
Signal Strength plays a huge rule in battery consumption, ever thought about that??
How many dBm's you get?
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Where can I check dBms?
furiouszagreb said:
Where can I check dBms?
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Settings > About phone > SIM stats > Signal Strength
Mohamedkam000 said:
Settings > About phone > SIM stats > Signal Strength
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It was in between -87dBm to -104 dBm. Screenshot provided. I honestly doubt its a signal, but cellular data really doesnt give me more than 5hrs SOT which is really bad....
First of all, I did a factory reset. Then, I did 100% do 0% and then charged the phone while OFF to 100% again and other time I did 100% to 0% and charged it while turning it on after couple %.
I also disabled EVERYTHING Bixby related AND I disabled Facebook running in the background.
The result are in, aaaaaaand.....
I am now getting at least 7hrs 30mins with 70%/30% wifi/mobile data usage.
On WiFi Only, I can now get EASILY 9 hours SoT
See screenshots - #1 & #2 showing 7hrs 30mins wifi/mobile data. Screenshot #3 WiFi only, 8hrs 22mins WITH 22% battery to spare! So, easily 9 hrs SoT...

