Raphael Roms on Fuze - Battery Drain Issue - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Bad Problem with the Battery
i have the TP and the bettery have a big problem it's ended in about 5 hours with no use.
how can i fix it?
is there any program to increase the use or tweak the settings?

from 5 hours no
change the battery

You have either some app running which consumes a huge amount of power (really huge! Even if you use TP as video player with the screen configured to full brightness TPs battery lasts for at least four to five hours). Or your device has got a faulty battery (which would probably be more likely).

Are you by any chance using Wayfinder Navigator gps-software? I found (the hard way) that this software doesn't close the GPS-unit in the phone automatically when you exit the application. Even after a soft-reset the problem persists. This will drain the battery in pretty much 5 hours. The solution is to manually close the GPS-connection in the WF Navigator program settings every time you exit the app (and hope for a fix ASAP). I've already reported this to Wayfinder, and they're working on it.

aBE-One said:
Are you by any chance using Wayfinder Navigator gps-software? I found (the hard way) that this software doesn't close the GPS-unit in the phone automatically when you exit the application. Even after a soft-reset the problem persists. This will drain the battery in pretty much 5 hours. The solution is to manually close the GPS-connection in the WF Navigator program settings every time you exit the app (and hope for a fix ASAP). I've already reported this to Wayfinder, and they're working on it.
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I was using a GPS related app the other day and the same thing happened to me. Try and find out what hasn't shut down properly...

10X for all
melcul-i think i will send an email to HTC about that
DeepThought-i checked if there is any programs that running but nothing is running acording to X-buttom 35% memory in use.
aBE-One- i am not using that app.just using QuickGPS and Nav N GO IGO8 and they are close.

l1234 said:
10X for all
melcul-i think i will send an email to HTC about that
DeepThought-i checked if there is any programs that running but nothing is running acording to X-buttom 35% memory in use.
aBE-One- i am not using that app.just using QuickGPS and Nav N GO IGO8 and they are close.
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what aBE-One is saying is that on his phone he had a similar problem, the software was closed but the GPS command remained active thus draining his battery, so your IGO8 might be shut down as software but there is a chance that the GPS hardware is still running in the background for no reason. go into your com manager and turn off GPS and that should resolve the issue

l1234 said:
i have the TP and the bettery have a big problem it's ended in about 5 hours with no use.
how can i fix it?
is there any program to increase the use or tweak the settings?
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Exactly the same happened to me, after a full charge it took only 5 hours to an almost complete discharge.
I bought TP 1 week ago and it came with radio with no battery issues at all but with the GPS issue -not finding sats-. After upgrading to radio ROM, the GPS now works ok with TomTom, GPS test etc, but the battery now drains dramatically even in standby with no software running and all radios off except phone.
Is possible that the GPS radio stays on even after closing GPS software? In that case, is there any way to manually switch off the GPS module?. In TTN there's no a button to do this.

Mine too..
But i've observed this drain even before upgrating to radio
In 40 minutes from 78% to 69% (9%), in stand-by mode (short press power) without any running application!
And I've done 3 or 4 full discharge-full recharge cicles...
LE: No active moderator here? There are plenty of battery problem topics.. why not merge them? It's hard to chose in which one to post... Also, that's not the only case. See GPS related bugs, opera, etc. Too many duplicate topics.

Ok, more info:
I've drained the battery completely till the device turned off then I've left the phone on charging overnight (device turned off).
After about 9-10 hours I've unpluged and turned on the device. Used for 1 hour and 25 minutes in total (about 1 hour for browsing - not downloading, so data transfer was not continously - and the rest for music). With "Auto adjust backlight". The battery level gone from 100% down to 68%, so 32% battery drain in less than a hour and a half!!!
Now, after 4 minutes (device was in standby - eg: short power button press), I wanted to check something and the battery metter was on 66%... so 2% in standy/idle mode in just 4 minutes?!
@l1234 any updates?

DSF said:
Ok, more info:
I've drained the battery completely till the device turned off then I've left the phone on charging overnight (device turned off).
After about 9-10 hours I've unpluged and turned on the device. Used for 1 hour and 25 minutes in total (about 1 hour for browsing - not downloading, so data transfer was not continously - and the rest for music). With "Auto adjust backlight". The battery level gone from 100% down to 68%, so 32% battery drain in less than a hour and a half!!!
Now, after 4 minutes (device was in standby - eg: short power button press), I wanted to check something and the battery metter was on 66%... so 2% in standy/idle mode in just 4 minutes?!
@l1234 any updates?
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That all sounds correct. I can be typing emails/sms with WiFi and phone on (not actually doing anything), drains about 1% per minute.

I read the other day that the percentage indicator is faulty. Some people have reported the battery draining down to 10% in a very short time, but then the meter will stay at 10% for hours before going down to 9%, etc. Has anyone else noticed this? If not, look for it and see if it happens to you. Also, open the power meter in the settings options and verify that it shows the same battery level. I've had that happen to me already where it would say 50% in the title bar but the power options still show 3/4 of the meter!

KevinACrider said:
I read the other day that the percentage indicator is faulty. Some people have reported the battery draining down to 10% in a very short time, but then the meter will stay at 10% for hours before going down to 9%, etc. Has anyone else noticed this? If not, look for it and see if it happens to you. Also, open the power meter in the settings options and verify that it shows the same battery level. I've had that happen to me already where it would say 50% in the title bar but the power options still show 3/4 of the meter!
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I have noticed that the battery percentage indicator does this. All in all, my device has better battery life after flashing a custom ROM, keeping screen brightness under half and leaving off bluetooth or wifi if possible. my battery will stay at 100% for hours, but if i soft reset, it drops 10%. other times it will drop right away but stay there. It really does stay at 10% or so though for ages before it drops further.

Gav_ said:
That all sounds correct. I can be typing emails/sms with WiFi and phone on (not actually doing anything), drains about 1% per minute.
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I was brosing via 3G/HSPDA connection. No WiFi/BT on.
Now, it seems that the drain in standby time is OK (haven't done something special, same processes opened.. maybe just now the battery can be used at its full performance, after some charges/discharges) - BUT when using the device the battery drains quite quickly..
I give you an example.
Battery was 100%. Browsing the internet with IE & Opera for 1 hour. Battery meter was on 75%. So 25% in one hour... tooo much... The display backlight is set to "Auto adjust".
Again, I'm not using Wifi/BT, push e-mail, etc. Just normal browsing (without downloads) with a 3G/HSPDA connection.

I've had my Fuze about a week and I've been testing out many of the available ROMs. I've noticed disturbing trend and want to know if anyone else is seeing this problem, and if so, how can we fix it? It seems like anytime I install a Raphael based ROM, I start to lose battery power at a fast rate - about 10%/hour, maybe even faster. With a cooked ROM based off the ATT Fuze code base, I do not have this problem. I get this even when I install the keyboard fix, etc. and I am doing a hard reset after install to no avail. Any help, input, thoughts or shared experiences welcome.

I am using PROven's latest 1.4 rom and the battery is amazing!!! I loaded it last night, charged it up around 9pm and at 5pm today I am still at 70%!!!

I've noticed this as well. I first go suspicious when after a long flight in airplane mode the battery drained significantly.
No I am in all day meetings this week so I am trying several combination to see what sucks juice and what does not by keeping the radio out of the equation.
So far it seems that RomeOS is a battery suck while NATF is not. This is with the device doing nothing but sitting there with no radio activity.

I've notice that the stock .32 radio on the fuze is the culprit (at least on MY fuze). After I downgraded to the .28 radio the battery life has easily doubled!

Which .28 radio do you mean? - Extract Official Shipped Orange ROM ESN

I'm using ROMeOS with radio and I have pretty good battery life on the Fuze. I've also used some other ROMs here and no issues either in regards to battery. Is your data connection on constantly or is it configured to disconnect after X # of mins?


TouchPro2 Battery Life falling rapidly :(

Hoping someone might be able to help me here..
Within an hour of being taking off the charger (and confirming it was 100% at that time) my battery life is down to 80%.
What's happened so far is:
1) alarm went off (set to ring only - no vibrate)
2) recieved 2 emails on yahoo (set to check every 60 mins)
3) received 1 push email through exchange/active sync
4) 1 calendar appt reminder.
The screen has probably only come on 3 times for no more than 10 seconds each time. My brightness is set to the 2nd lowest level possible. My ringer is on the highest.
Here are the apps I have installed. I have not "launched" any of these today.
.net 3.5
Easy Shares
Google Maps
Microsoft My Phone - (set to sync once at 3am & was on charger then)
Mobil manager for netflix
Waze (another GPS app)
Phone is about 4 weeks old.
download HD Tweak and set up data disconnect after to 1 minute. I am almost positive your data is staying on after downloading email because i had the same problem with my Touch Pro. Keeping the data session open is a huge battery drain
My battery life is terrible too! I charge it fully throughout the night and the phone typically dies by the time I get home from work at 6PM or so. I barely use it at work. Never talk on it. The occasional text message. But by the end of the day the phones dead. I have no idea why. I know for some odd reason by phone will not automatically go into sleep mode. It should, but doesn't. Not sure if that kills the battery even though I manually push the sleep mode button each time.
I set up the HD Tweak software. We'll see if this helps. Does it work for the Touch Pro 2 also?
Any of you guys using a case with a magnet on it by any chance?
Possible explanation...
ade333 said:
Hoping someone might be able to help me here..
Within an hour of being taking off the charger (and confirming it was 100% at that time) my battery life is down to 80%.
What's happened so far is:
1) alarm went off (set to ring only - no vibrate)
2) recieved 2 emails on yahoo (set to check every 60 mins)
3) received 1 push email through exchange/active sync
4) 1 calendar appt reminder.
The screen has probably only come on 3 times for no more than 10 seconds each time. My brightness is set to the 2nd lowest level possible. My ringer is on the highest.
Here are the apps I have installed. I have not "launched" any of these today.
.net 3.5
Easy Shares
Google Maps
Microsoft My Phone - (set to sync once at 3am & was on charger then)
Mobil manager for netflix
Waze (another GPS app)
Phone is about 4 weeks old.
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Just curious, did you charge the phone while it was on? If so, I've found it a problem. I once charged my phone while it was on, and I took it off after about 2 hours (the green LED indicator probably showed up an hour before I took it off). I checked the battery meter and it registered at 89%! I found out that there's a flaw in the way the found charges. Once the LED turns green for a full charge, the charger cuts off, but (I think what I'm about to say might be true) the phone thinks it's running something as it charges, thus causing the rapid battery drop.
Since then, I stopped charging my phone while it was on. I now turn off the phone and then charge it. I can last a whole day with about 45 minutes total on the Internet, and my battery would go to about 60+%.
However, as jaas666 pointed out, are you putting your phone near a magnet? The magnet tricks the phone into thinking the stylus/keyboard is being pulled out, thus causing it to wake up, which will drain your battery.
Have you tried a task manager to see if a program is running when it's not supposed to?
I had terrible battery life and found two issues. One program was always taking up around 10% CPU usage (VZO video chat software). Also found that Google Sync, set up through ActiveSync, was having trouble. I'd open ActiveSync and find it in a synching loop. For me the solution was to untick "Tasks" in the sync menu. Since then, battery life has been great.
Aspesi4 said:
My battery life is terrible too! I charge it fully throughout the night and the phone typically dies by the time I get home from work at 6PM or so. I barely use it at work. Never talk on it. The occasional text message. But by the end of the day the phones dead. I have no idea why. I know for some odd reason by phone will not automatically go into sleep mode. It should, but doesn't. Not sure if that kills the battery even though I manually push the sleep mode button each time.
I set up the HD Tweak software. We'll see if this helps. Does it work for the Touch Pro 2 also?
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HD Tweak works fine on mine, I've also heard of some people using Diamond Tweak. I mostly text all day maybe some internet but I have gone a day and a half without charging and even then my battery had only gotten to ~20% so I think with a few changes it could be fixed. I'd check out some of the Tweaks threads here and at PPCgeeks for registry edits u can do to save the battery too
I had those issues with my 2000mAh battery on my sprint tp1. With my verizon tp2 my battery life is fantastic. I use the crap out of it all day also. Was wondering if the bad battery life is happening mostly with sprint users.
I have my active sync connected at all times for wireless email calendar task syncing. I charge with the phone on all nite long and the battery drains only slowly throughout the day. Less than 50% today. It is on 24/7 I never shut it down unless I'm soft resetting due to a file or app install. I use my ms3.5 task manager to keep stuff closed after using. I always put it to sleep mode by the button when I'm done with it. My screen is set to brightest and stays on 2 min. before sleep mode engages unless I manually do it.
I'm sorry to hear your battery issues, my tp1 with sprint was really hard on battery juice. I found it would struggle to find a signal alot, one reason I switched to vzw.
Hope you figure it out.
Sad to say that my less than 4 days old Sprint TP2 is disappointing to say the least in battery life and all around usability. Now i'm coming from a Treo Pro and so used to one handed operations and such. But i digress...
Battery life on this beast is sad, really sad. Someone alluded to Gmail Exchange ActiveSync as a potential battery drain so i might look into that. Basically i'm gonna hard rest and start from scratch applying less tweaks. Basically i find TF3D tedious really..takes too many steps just to do some basic things. I turned it off and managed better a bit but i just might go back to my Treo Pro and sell this thing..
My battery "appears" to drop quickly, but actually hangs in there quite nicely. My old phone only showed me 20% increments, so going to 1% makes it very noticable.
I ran cleanup first thing, then went back and customized.
I use Activesync in push mode (7 days per week 8am - 9pm), have it checking Hotmail, stocks, weather every 30 minutes. BT is on, Data on, WiFi off. I even went back and turned auto screen back on as I couldn't read cleanups default change in the sunlight.
Gets turned on at 7am, and at 10 pm I'm ussually 30-40%. Medium user - 40 minutes phone use daily, 1-2 hours total IE time, ALOT of email checking, hardly any SMS.
I do use a magnetic holster too. S2U2 fixed that issue.
Biggest drain I noticed is screen. If I turn off auto and go back to CleanUp default, I can get through almost 2 full days if I turn it off around 11pm, and back on 7am.
And as far as battery total use, my older phones always turned themselves off at about 15%. THIS THING WARNS ME AT ABOUT 4% and turns off 2-3%! That's alot of extra battery use.
There is a company making a 1750a battery that will fit in stock case.
Not sure if this will help you but some phone cases can cause battery drain. Read here:

7 hrs of Standby = 33% of Battery?!?!

Okay so I noticed my Captivate seems to lose a lot of battery while in standby. To test this, I left it unplugged when I went to bed last night. I checked the battery level right when I went to sleep and then again when I woke up...
My battery drained from 64% to 31% in about 7 hours!!!
I know other threads discuss bad battery life. A bright screen and a 1GHZ processor can cause this so I can understand why the phone won't allow me to browse the web for 10 hours straight. But is everyone else getting an almost 5%/hour drain in battery while in standby?
Here is a little info about my setup:
-I took off an animated background and put one that is relatively dark (Screen is off during standby so I would think this doesn't matter)
-I have WiFi and Bluetooth enabled.
-I use both wireless networks and GPS for location.
-I have 1 Gmail account setup to check every hour.
-I have the Daily Briefing set up to check every 3 hours.
-I have the Slickdeals widget set to check every 2 hours.
-I have the Latitude widget running (you can't set how often it refreshes).
-I have the ESPN ScoreCenter widget running.
That's about all I did that I can think of that can possibly affect battery. I know I would get better battery with less background widgets, but all of this is in line with the amount of background services I had running on my last phone (Tilt 2) and that thing would last for several days with light use.
So, what I'm trying to find out is whether or not this is normal behavior that everyone is seeing or perhaps if one of the background widgets I'm using is known for draining a crazy amount of battery. Maybe I need to hard reset the phone? Thanks in advance for any ideas on how to lock this down.
In poor reception I could see that. But I'm good area that's too much. Like 2% every hour is good... 5 is too much....
Thanks for your reply. I had 3 bars of service where I was last night. Also, this isn't the first time I've noticed about 5%/hour for standby, just one example...
So it sounds like I'm getting worse drain than normal? Now, how to fix it?
Well...with all the email checks and having various Widgets check for updates..it will definitely drain the battery. I have been able to easily get twelve+ hours on standby without GPS on and turning off wifi when not at home or in a place with wifi.
Definitely can't go days without charging like I could with previous phones like my blackjack II buy I can get 12-16 hours with light to moderate use and 10-12 with somewhat moderate use of Facebook, wifi, various other apps.
EDIT: the Bluetooth as well will drain the battery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I have very similar battery usage to use. About 5% an hour not doing anything. I am always around a wifi and leave it turned on. I have nearly an out of the box setup. Between the poor battery life and crappy GPS, I may very well be taking this thing back.
Under Settings > Wireless and Network > Wi-Fi settings > Bring up the Advanced menu and set the Wi-Fi sleep policy to "Never".
This has helped my battery life immensely, since I am around Wi-Fi most of the time. This way all your data happens over Wi-Fi instead of 3G when the screen sleeps. I disable Wi-Fi when I'm not around any APs I normally connect to.
Pulled phone off the charger at 6:00AM yesterday morning. Streamed an hour and half to 2+ hours worth of Pandora over wi-fi getting ready for work and then some in the car. Did some web surfing during the day, various other things. (No phone calls really, except a brief wrong number). 4 e-mail accounts checking every 30 minutes (one an Exchange server). Also have Touchdown running push e-mail for another Exchange mailbox along with the Touchdown widget. Played around with some GPS apps (new google maps, Places, etc for a few minutes). Battery was down to about 16% by about midnight last night.
My phone charged fully overnight (with power off). Was turned on at 7AM, it is now 11am, and am at 90%.
I do not use GPS, have nothing running, no emails or social networking status updates.. The phone is on standby on my desk. I only do a few text messages and 5 minutes of voice calls / day.
So this means I get 40hrs of standby time? That is a little ridiculous.
I chatted with AT&T tech support and they said that the AT&T stores don't have battery replacements yet, but I could get a full phone replacement since I am within the 30 days still.
But from what I am hearing, it seems most people are having the same issue if not worse, correct?
I really don't want to set everything back up AGAIN. I am coming from using a Samsung Eternity - understand it isn't a true "smartphone" - but I use it the same, and would easily go 3-4 days without needing a charge.
with GPS off, wifi off, BT off, no data sync or background data turned on, i charge it fully at night -
last 3 nights in a row, at midnight it was showing 100% and at 7:30AM it would show 97-98% remaining, and that was using the alarm, set to loud and probably ran 2 minutes before i'd hit the off button
From 7:30am-11am, I have used 4% of my battery. I have these things going on:
-Exchange sync (real time)
-Facebook sync (once every hour)
-wireless off, bluetooth off, GPS not being utilized
-Weather.com and a Google search widget
The battery use shows this:
-Cell standby: 48%
-Phone idle: 36%
-Display: 8%
-Android System: 3%
-Email: 3%
-Android OS: 2%
I've barely used my phone this morning, so I'd think 4% of use in 3.5 hours is quite acceptable. It sounds like you need to make some modifications to improve your performance.
firehazard - what modifications have you done? I have wifi/bt off, background data off, no email syncing - display brightness all the way down..
To anyone who is having very poor battery life, I suggest a factory data reset when you exhaust other options. My phone wasn't lasting me more than about 8 hours on a full charge, with light to moderate usage. After a factory reset, I just ran nearly 24 hours with similar usage.
I can't tell you what changed or what got removed, maybe it was an app that was running and draining the battery that I didn't see, but battery life is MUCH better now. Hell, everything is running much better, even the GPS.
I went from wanting to throw this phone at a wall and return it for my iPhone 4 again, to loving it in less than 24 hours.
born_fisherman said:
firehazard - what modifications have you done? I have wifi/bt off, background data off, no email syncing - display brightness all the way down..
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I'm referring to him running wifi and bluetooth when he's not even using his phone. Stuff like that.
Just for recording keeping, when a phone company says their phone can last XXXHours in Standby this means, that all wireless transmitters are off. this means (for the most part) airplane mode, with bluetooth, and wifi OFF.
these continuous wireless transmitters are why you didnt get the 200Hours or what ever it is in standby mode.
I recently took my phone back to BestBuy for a replacement since my battery was trying to kill itself overnight as well. I did the full charge when I first got it and purposely ran the battery down to quickly get it to turn itself off at 0%. Did a full recharge and repeated this process about 3 times and last night my battery only went down 3% over 6 hours. Compared to the 30-40% that was draining before, I'd say the full discharge/full recharge works that people have been talking about in the battery threads works. Thanks, everyone! I use Y5 to have it automatically connect to my WiFi at home when it's in range. Not much more than the usual was left to sync (although JuiceDefender may be working to turn stuff off when my screen is off) such as Gmail, Beautiful widgets, facebook, and one rss feed.
Either that or I had a crappy battery before
Seems like some folks are having the same problem as me, while others are having much better results. Firehazard's situation and drain while not in use is pretty much in line with my expectations of the phone. With my old Tilt 2, I left WiFi and Bluetooth on all the time and still got great standby time out of the phone. When those connections weren't in use, they weren't really draining my battery in any way. I'm going to try to disable them though and see if that helps. I'll also try to monitor the battery usage screen and see how much power is going to wifi and bluetooth when I have them on.
I've been suspicious of my battery as well, tracking it casually today.
Took it off the charger approx 8:30am, immediately went to 99%.
Watching it over the last hour it appears to be losing 1% / 10 minutes.
Running services:
DMService (Device management)
TransactionService (Messaging)
org.npr.android.news (NPR)
Battery Widget
Dictionary.com (word of the day widget)
Android Core Apps
Google Voice
Cached Applications:
AT&T Nav
Daily Briefing
My Uploads
Samsung account
Just using it for the past 5 minutes to write up everything running has dropped the battery almost 3%. Albeit I have terrible cell coverage where I am. It does seem that the cell and wifi receivers are a bit weak, or the meters are biased conservatively.
*edit* I want to be clear that I love this phone, I just want to try and find out what and if certain services/applications drain the battery and if not then if I have a bad battery.
Okay, so I turned OFF bluetooth and WiFi and checked the battery before bed and right when I woke up. This time, I lost 24% over 8 hours. Certainly a big improvement over 33% in 7 hours, but also no where near where my old Tilt 2 was. I would lose 2-3% overnight at the most with that phone. I checked the battery meter and the majority of the battery went to Cell Standby and Phone Idle. Those don't seem like things that can be avoided through tweaking. I was in an area with 3 bars of service (same as night before), so I don't think that was an issue.
I'm debating whether or not I should try a factory data reset. Some folks reported good results with that. I really don't feel like reconfiguring my whole device if there isn't a good chance for improvement. Maybe the GPS fix that's coming will help battery life?
Have you tried reconditioning the battery? That would be the charging/discharching cycles mentioned throughout the forum?
I have done it and my phone has been on standby for more than 24 hours and I am still at 50% battery. It's just had very light usage. Wifi on for about an hour, snapping a few pics, deleting some others. A bit of calc usage. When I first got it, my battery was dismal.
Mine hasn't been modded one bit yet, just installed some apps from the market and a weather widget.
Yes, tried that. It actually helped a little but I'm still getting poor results compared to some.
I have another theory/question. I use gmail as my only email account on my phone. Its set up through the system and it syncs to the gmail application on the phone. I also have it set up in the Samsung default email client (which I prefer). Am I wasting battery because the two apps are checking mail independently? Does the gmail account sync while the Samsung one checks at intervals (I have mine set to 1 hr)?
TheSopranos16 said:
Yes, tried that. It actually helped a little but I'm still getting poor results compared to some.
I have another theory/question. I use gmail as my only email account on my phone. Its set up through the system and it syncs to the gmail application on the phone. I also have it set up in the Samsung default email client (which I prefer). Am I wasting battery because the two apps are checking mail independently? Does the gmail account sync while the Samsung one checks at intervals (I have mine set to 1 hr)?
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follow battery optimization guide in pimp my captivate.pdf thread. I get 1-2% battery consumption per hour with moderate to light usage.
heavy usage drops my battery about 4-5% per hour. By heavy usage I mean playing 3D games for hours str8

battery drain using navigon/copilot while not in use

I noticed a strange thing when I had navigon installed a few days ago. When the app was not used (and not running in the background), it still took away about 10% of my battery, according to the overview in the 'about' settings. I uninstalled navigon and installed copilot because of that; But now I notice that copilot is behaving in exactly the same way: it also uses 10% of my battery.
This makes me believe that it is not navigon or copilot's fault, but android's. I googled for this problem and it was reported a few times, but I can't really see where the problem might be: is it android, just gingerbread, or just gingerbread on my desire s? Is there someone else who noticed this or could you check for it when you have either programme installed? It only occurs when the applications was started after a reboot. When you reboot, it seems to be go away until it is started again.
stevennekens said:
I noticed a strange thing when I had navigon installed a few days ago. When the app was not used (and not running in the background), it still took away about 10% of my battery, according to the overview in the 'about' settings. I uninstalled navigon and installed copilot because of that; But now I notice that copilot is behaving in exactly the same way: it also uses 10% of my battery.
This makes me believe that it is not navigon or copilot's fault, but android's. I googled for this problem and it was reported a few times, but I can't really see where the problem might be: is it android, just gingerbread, or just gingerbread on my desire s? Is there someone else who noticed this or could you check for it when you have either programme installed? It only occurs when the applications was started after a reboot. When you reboot, it seems to be go away until it is started again.
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If these applications are configured to use your GPS for location detection then this makes perfect sense....GPS = Hungry battery consumer.
GPS is off, but I noticed that the location determination by cell network in the location settings was off too. Maybe it just occasionally checks in the background where the phone is using GPS? I just switched the cell network location on again. I hope this solves the problem...
Was this after using Navigation then closing it?
Also bear in mind a hot battery drains faster than a cool one. I usually find that after any period of Google Navigation the phone heats up. Then after I finish navigation and my car charger has kept me at 100% battery (making it even warmer) with all data and GPS turned off my battery drains from 100% to about 70% in an hour just sat in my pocket.
When I charge my phone to 100% before going to bed and it has 6 hours to cool down (in Airplane mode between 1am and 7am) before heavy use, it takes 12 hours to drop to 70%.
I have not noticed Navigation trying to activate any GPS or location info after I've exited it, either with stock or custom ROM. It shouldn't be checking where you are if you are not running it in the foreground. I'll open it, close it again, and leave GPS on to see if I can replicate your problem.
Did the battery actually last shorter? the 'about' setting has to be read different i think!
My phone shows at the moment that it runs for 19h on the battery, the percentage of the applications show what there part was from that 19h use.
count all those percentages and it will be around or slightly above 100%
navigation uses a lot of energy so the percentage of usage from the battery is high but if you do not use it the percentage will decrease as other applications will continue to use battery.
Well, I opened the app to check wether it worked (for about a minute or so), and closed it. Later that day I recharged the phone completely. When it was down to 60 percent again, the copilot/navigon app accounted for 10 percent of the battery use. Strange, isn't it? I still believe it is doing something in the background, although it is closed completely. It must be some kind of android bug with external navigation programmes, google maps/navigations doesn't seem to do it.
I turned on the location based on cell network now, and this seems to solve the problem. Now the percentage used by navigon is about 3 percent since it was charged, which seems normal, considering that I have opened it for a few minutes.
In other news, Garmin bought Navigon.
i'm 12hrs in battery and i haven't used gps or navigation for 5 days or more. i 've installed sygic aura, copilot ndrive and gps status. Android says that copilot and sygic have drained 3% each!
Can you explain this?
I get the same drain, 13% with Sygic... doing nothing. I don't even see any reference to it in processes/Services with Elixir.
Not good when you're a trip and need both cached maps for no data traffic and a battery that lasts.
If those percentages reflect reality that is.

[Q] About Battery Life

I have a question regarding battery life of the OPO. I'm still not sure whether I have a defective battery, or some apps drains my battery like crazy (or both?). I hope you can help me with this.
In the first 2 weeks since I got it, I use my OPO for mid to heavy activities (a lot of Whatsapp, Youtube, streaming music, etc). I always start the day with 100% battery and I thought it was normal to see the battery drops to at least 20% at the end of the day. To be honest, I didn't check the battery stats in Settings even once in this time frame, and due to my heavy usage, once again I thought this was normal.
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery. I did some research and found some advice including 1) denying GPservice abilities to "keep awake" and "wake up" via privacy guard (from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-google-play-services-battery-t2832525), 2) turn off location, 3) turn off sync, but none of them seems the solution to my problem. Since then, I always check the battery usage and reset it, to see if GPservice still at the top. Sadly it still there. After I reset the stats, go to sleep directly and check it about 1 hour later, GPservice uses 40% - 60% of the battery usage, draining about 6% battery / hour.
With screen on a few minutes, it easily drops to 5th or 6th place with ~7% usage, with screen and main apps I use on the 1st and 2nd place. When I googled about this using Firefox, that's when I start worrying about something else, the battery itself. With wi-fi and low brightness (less than >20% if I convert it from the slide bar), browsing with Firefox decrease the battery 1% in 2-3 minutes, no or low usage drains 1% in about 5-6 minutes. In contrast, charging increase the battery 1% in 1 minute. Is that normal? IDK, usually bad battery increasing faster when charging and decrease significantly when in use.
Please help, especially about the excessive GPservice battery usage. And if it's possible, I prefer non-root solution for it. Thanks and sorry for my bad English.
OPO - stock rom (unrooted XNPH44S)
Google Play Services 6.7.76 (reverted back to 5.0.89 factory version but things pretty much the same)
cliffflip said:
I have a question regarding battery life of the OPO. I'm still not sure whether I have a defective battery, or some apps drains my battery like crazy (or both?). I hope you can help me with this.
In the first 2 weeks since I got it, I use my OPO for mid to heavy activities (a lot of Whatsapp, Youtube, streaming music, etc). I always start the day with 100% battery and I thought it was normal to see the battery drops to at least 20% at the end of the day. To be honest, I didn't check the battery stats in Settings even once in this time frame, and due to my heavy usage, once again I thought this was normal.
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery. I did some research and found some advice including 1) denying GPservice abilities to "keep awake" and "wake up" via privacy guard (from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-google-play-services-battery-t2832525), 2) turn off location, 3) turn off sync, but none of them seems the solution to my problem. Since then, I always check the battery usage and reset it, to see if GPservice still at the top. Sadly it still there. After I reset the stats, go to sleep directly and check it about 1 hour later, GPservice uses 40% - 60% of the battery usage, draining about 6% battery / hour.
With screen on a few minutes, it easily drops to 5th or 6th place with ~7% usage, with screen and main apps I use on the 1st and 2nd place. When I googled about this using Firefox, that's when I start worrying about something else, the battery itself. With wi-fi and low brightness (less than >20% if I convert it from the slide bar), browsing with Firefox decrease the battery 1% in 2-3 minutes, no or low usage drains 1% in about 5-6 minutes. In contrast, charging increase the battery 1% in 1 minute. Is that normal? IDK, usually bad battery increasing faster when charging and decrease significantly when in use.
Please help, especially about the excessive GPservice battery usage. And if it's possible, I prefer non-root solution for it. Thanks and sorry for my bad English.
OPO - stock rom (unrooted XNPH44S)
Google Play Services 6.7.76 (reverted back to 5.0.89 factory version but things pretty much the same)
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Definitely sounds like somethings not right, what apps do you have that access or could potentially access your location? If you're still not having any luck, as a last resort you could try a fresh install of CM11S and install your apps one by one to see if you can determine if any are responsible for sucking battery.
Give the below app a try:
Install Gsam to see if you can gain any more insight into whats causing battery drain.
cliffflip said:
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery.
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did you try to use this App: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179809
there you can see which app prevents your phone from going to sleep (partial Wakelocks)
gsmyth said:
Definitely sounds like somethings not right, what apps do you have that access or could potentially access your location? If you're still not having any luck, as a last resort you could try a fresh install of CM11S and install your apps one by one to see if you can determine if any are responsible for sucking battery.
Give the below app a try:
Install Gsam to see if you can gain any more insight into whats causing battery drain.
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Maps, Google Fit, Google Now, among other things.
CMIIW but I read somewhere that GServicefix does the same like privacy guard, denying some service to keep awake, wake up, etc.
So I installed Gsam and run it about 1 hour. Interestingly in there, Kernel (Android OS) is on the top the % list with 60% usage (mostly phone in idle/sleep). When I switch sorting to Kernel Wakelocks, it shows event0-798 & event2-798 as the top 2 wakelocks with around 7000 wakelocks. I'll update in few hours, thanks.
drcyber said:
did you try to use this App: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179809
there you can see which app prevents your phone from going to sleep (partial Wakelocks)
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From what I read on the Play Store description, Kitkat and above requires root?
cliffflip said:
Maps, Google Fit, Google Now, among other things.
So I installed Gsam and run it about 1 hour. Interestingly in there, Kernel (Android OS) is on the top the % list with 60% usage (mostly phone in idle/sleep). When I switch sorting to Kernel Wakelocks, it shows event0-798 & event2-798 as the top 2 wakelocks with around 7000 wakelocks. I'll update in few hours, thanks.
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Please post screenshot of gsam
Try clear cache+dalvic cache in recovery
Hi, sorry for the late reply.
It seems reboot the phone a few times solves the problem. Battery usage now seems normal when idle, even with location & sync turned on.

Stop wifi drain on standbyI

I just got an LG V20 which is good on battery when in use but sucks when not in use. The culprit is always wifi. I just discovered the root cause is Location services that is using wifi to get locations even when wifi is off.
To stop this, go to settings->location->scanning.
Uncheck wifi scanning. For good measure, uncheck bluetooth scanning.
Go to wifi menu ->advanced-> keep wifi on when screen is off
Change to never or "only when plugged in"
thanks for your helpful tips..
So out of the 3 tips you have:
1. Uncheck wifi scanning
2. Uncheck bluetooth scanning
3. Turn wifi off when screen is off
Any idea how much does each option save (if you've quantified)?
I'm happy to follow points 1 and 2. I'd only do 3 if it really helps a lot, because most apps would use data if wifi isn't available to periodically phone home.
I have always been dissappointed with my V20 standby time.. I had all of these settings on.. so i'll see how she does now they are off.
My standby time is from 0-4% over 8-9hrs. I really cant complain.... but the phone is facing down.
I wasn't aware of the wifi location scanning, and the bluetooth scanning. Giving it a try as my standby time has been horrible lately.
I am also facing severe battery drain on my LG V20. Battery easily drains by 5-10% per hour even when the phone is lying idle with screen off. Major culprits are 'Phone Idle', 'Android System' and 'Android OS'.
coolravsun said:
I am also facing severe battery drain on my LG V20. Battery easily drains by 5-10% per hour even when the phone is lying idle with screen off. Major culprits are 'Phone Idle', 'Android System' and 'Android OS'.
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Try what is mentioned here
Post your screen shots here and tag or quote this post
As a side note, I've found that using wifi and cell data to help location services causes maps to scan these options and slow down (maps keeps saying every 5 to 15 seconds "searching"). By using gps only, the maps app is faster and less battery drain.
Obviously if you are indoors you need the help of wifi or cell data. But in the car or outside it is unnessary.
Thanks for your tips it's very good for my life battery. :good:
One Twelve said:
Try what is mentioned here
Post your screen shots here and tag or quote this post
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I tried as suggested in the post you shared. Once the Bugreport was generated, I got a notification to click it to share. But, upon clicking nothing happened. I did not get anything (no pop-up, no options) further to share it. I tried thrice but, every time same end result.
How can I access the Bugreports generated on the phone?
coolravsun said:
I tried as suggested in the post you shared. Once the Bugreport was generated, I got a notification to click it to share. But, upon clicking nothing happened. I did not get anything (no pop-up, no options) further to share it. I tried thrice but, every time same end result.
How can I access the Bugreports generated on the phone?
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Ah, seems like the obvious question but you can't.
I've found the most reliable way is to email them and then download them
One Twelve said:
Ah, seems like the obvious question but you can't.
I've found the most reliable way is to email them and then download them
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Finally! I was able to share and download the bug report. I am attaching the Historian Graph and Aggregated Stats screenshots here. Please let me know what you find.
coolravsun said:
Finally! I was able to share and download the bug report. I am attaching the Historian Graph and Aggregated Stats screenshots here. Please let me know what you find.
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- see the cpu running, userspace wakelock & screen on lines. They seem to match. Screen is on, cpu working with userspace wakelock. Close to 7pm the screen is off but the cpu is running, because you were listening to audio. I don't see a problem here. Looks normal
- you screen off discharge rate is 2.56%/h which seems a bit high. If you were streaming audio this might add to it. Do you have the second screen on when the main screen is off ?
- somewhere around 12pm you are using data for about an hour. Mobile Signal strength isn't very good, mostly yellow. What i don't understand is why your wifi is also on ? and this is in an area where wifi signal is bad. Both of these will add to drain. And in two hours your battery dropped from 70 to 40
- little after 1pm you're on wifi for a couple of hours but the signal is weak
- around 5pm you're back on data streaming audio and battery takes a nose dive here. Down 30% in like an hour. Were you moving ?
- then you charge up to 85%, doze kicks in which is good, if there was app drain doze would not come on, for the next 5h without use, you lose about 5%
- the part i don't understand is between 1am & 6am, battery drops 10% yet full doze (blue) is on. So there is some activity going on there. What ? sync ? updates ?
Not sure about the aggregated stats as you've recharged up and run down fr a second cycle so it could be your off screen drain is twice as high because of that
charge up again, go through your day and save log when you're at 5% and lets see the two screenshots from just one charge cycle
One Twelve said:
- see the cpu running, userspace wakelock & screen on lines. They seem to match. Screen is on, cpu working with userspace wakelock. Close to 7pm the screen is off but the cpu is running, because you were listening to audio. I don't see a problem here. Looks normal
- you screen off discharge rate is 2.56%/h which seems a bit high. If you were streaming audio this might add to it. Do you have the second screen on when the main screen is off ?
- somewhere around 12pm you are using data for about an hour. Mobile Signal strength isn't very good, mostly yellow. What i don't understand is why your wifi is also on ? and this is in an area where wifi signal is bad. Both of these will add to drain. And in two hours your battery dropped from 70 to 40
- little after 1pm you're on wifi for a couple of hours but the signal is weak
- around 5pm you're back on data streaming audio and battery takes a nose dive here. Down 30% in like an hour. Were you moving ?
- then you charge up to 85%, doze kicks in which is good, if there was app drain doze would not come on, for the next 5h without use, you lose about 5%
- the part i don't understand is between 1am & 6am, battery drops 10% yet full doze (blue) is on. So there is some activity going on there. What ? sync ? updates ?
Not sure about the aggregated stats as you've recharged up and run down fr a second cycle so it could be your off screen drain is twice as high because of that
charge up again, go through your day and save log when you're at 5% and lets see the two screenshots from just one charge cycle
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Thanks a lot! Please find my answers in sequence.
- I listen to music while going to work. But, that is, till 8:30 AM only. Yes, I have 2nd screen ON when the Main display is OFF.
- I watch stored videos during lunch (12-1pm) for around an hour but it shouldn't be using data as I am playing stored videos.
- Around 5 pm, I leave for home. Again while going home I listen to music for half an hour.
- I have no Idea of what is happening during Night because I just leave it and don't use it until morning. In fact, I have scheduled the 2nd screen to be off between 11 pm and 6 am
I will try to run a proper cycle as you have suggested and will recapture the logs.
I understand the battery dropping while I am using the phone (listening to music/watching videos/browsing/anything else). What I don't get is the battery dropping insanely when I am not using it. For example, once I reach the office, I stop the music, kill the music player and just keep the phone aside. After 1-2 hours, as I check my phone I find battery dropped by 10% or so! It's the battery drain while my phone is just lying idle that is troubling.
Also, I have noticed that once I charge my phone and then leave it (Not using it) the battery drain is minimal like 1% per hour. But, once I run some app (music/browsing etc) for a little while and then leave the phone, the idle battery drain is pretty high.
coolravsun said:
Thanks a lot! Please find my answers in sequence.
- I listen to music while going to work. But, that is, till 8:30 AM only. Yes, I have 2nd screen ON when the Main display is OFF.
- I watch stored videos during lunch (12-1pm) for around an hour but it shouldn't be using data as I am playing stored videos.
- Around 5 pm, I leave for home. Again while going home I listen to music for half an hour.
- I have no Idea of what is happening during Night because I just leave it and don't use it until morning. In fact, I have scheduled the 2nd screen to be off between 11 pm and 6 am
I will try to run a proper cycle as you have suggested and will recapture the logs.
I understand the battery dropping while I am using the phone (listening to music/watching videos/browsing/anything else). What I don't get is the battery dropping insanely when I am not using it. For example, once I reach the office, I stop the music, kill the music player and just keep the phone aside. After 1-2 hours, as I check my phone I find battery dropped by 10% or so! It's the battery drain while my phone is just lying idle that is troubling.
Also, I have noticed that once I charge my phone and then leave it (Not using it) the battery drain is minimal like 1% per hour. But, once I run some app (music/browsing etc) for a little while and then leave the phone, the idle battery drain is pretty high.
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Same sequence
- When you have the second screen on, is the phone facing up or down. What i notice with that second screen is it ignores any brightness settings. If the phone is face up and pointed at a light, the second screen becomes very bright. If its facing away from the light then it dims. Depending on how your phone faces you will either have more or less drain here, without doing anything and phone just sitting there. Typical overhead with second screen on and normal brightness ie not too bright is around 1% per hour. This could be adding to your off screen drain. Why not try a couple of cycles. One with second screen off and another with second screen on. Just to see how your off screen drain rate is like.
You say you listen to music only upto 8:30AM, take a look at the audio line. Can you see audio triggering ? there's little blips there after 8:30AM which continues till 5:30PM where its solid. This is your ride back where you listen for an hour. The 5:30 audio is ok but the blips in between are not leaving aside lunch video. Each time there is an audio blip there is a wakelock. Pay attention to the duration of the audio blip, if its a few seconds it could just be notification, but if its longer, does it correspond to your use.
Now look at the top app line, try to find which apps are running when audio triggers. To do that hover over the top app line which coincides with audio when you were not listening to audio. You will see a popup screen with a list of apps. Or check History Stats - TopApplicationSummary for a table, screen shot that and post
Do you use a lot of widgets that update in the background ?
- something was using mobile data when you were watching stored videos at lunch. Take a look at the'mobile radio active' line and you see activity there around lunch. Your wifi however is off and not running. If there were any apps running they were using mobile data, this is extra drain
- take a look at the line that says 'foreground process'. it's pretty solid right through both your runs. The only time it stops is when you recharge. This is a hint something is up. If you hover above it what does the popup say ? try moving along the line and observe whether the information changes
There shouldn't a foreground process running when you're not using the phone. Maybe if you can screen shot, the table that displays under History Stats - Foreground Process Summary
Scroll down and under the graph and on the left you will see three headers with twisties, System stats, History stats & App Stats
Hold on to your bug report files and they will be useful to verify if any changes you make take effect or not
- 1% per hour corresponds to second screen on, with it off your drain would be halved. However having drain after leaving a music or browsing app isn't good. It means a wakelock was caused and its not releasing so doze can't kick in. So battery will drain. If the phone is shaking, say in your pocket as you walk around, full doze won't kick in either
Which social media apps do you use.
Stock launcher or other if so which
I've found just buying a new battery off of ebay for $10 is the the easiest way to gain back that extra hour of on screen time and extend stand by. That's why the phone was made with a removable battery. I have 3 of them and don't need to touch a charger for a week. and when the time comes to charge the batteries, just put them in the charging docks and done.

