When looking for a good customer satisfaction experience, what do you want? - HTC Inspire 4G

I posted this in the forums general category but got one response. I'm looking for more detailed responses, so I figured I would ask my Inspire owning piers. I am trying to collect data from a wide variety of places, not just here. Furthermore, if anyone (or mod) feels this is inappropriate please let me know and I will PM a moderater requesting they remove this thread.
I've been informed, via work, that I must put together a report of what would improve customer satisfaction and the customer experience.
Obviously I have my own ideas, none of which upper management really enjoys. But I would love to get opinions form other users.
Now, I realize that XDA may not be the best place to ask. Most of us know how to resolve our own issues, and when having to visit a device support center just want the phone exchanged, quick and clean. With that being said, try and make your suggestions geared towards if you didn't know your device, or if it was for an electronic gadget you didn't know, or what your friends and family have expressed.
Please be as detailed as possible. It would be nice to see specific requests and what consumers specifically want to see. Do you want in depth answer? Do you just want your problems solved? What nuances would make the experiences better, ex- coffee in the lobby, types of magazines, interactions, children's play areas, etc...
How much time would you be willing for a transaction, keeping in mind we have to troubleshoot the issue. What would be acceptable and what wouldn't be. Do you prefer someone that jokes around, or someone that doesn't.
Any very specific details as to what YOU would want to see, how you want people to act, what information you want to be given and what you don't. If you want, go ahead and write a novel for your preferred customer service interaction experience with in depth details.
Any help would be appreciated.

Well I might be speaking for myself, but some one reading a script and telling me to do things I have already done is quite annoying and tends to anger me more then help the problem. Transferring someone to a higher echelon of support quicker would be nice.
Also if the customer is unhappy with a phone, I don't think you should have to report the same problem 3 times, I would easily just by out my contract and go to another company.
Just my 2 cents.

I thank you for the feedback. Getting aspect at this point is slow moving across every avenue of research.
Your exact reasoning is why I try my hardest to keep users away from call lines. They frustrate me to no end.


To XDA, My reaction to Samsung RUSE

To the board of XDA.
Please give us more credit than what was proposed from Samsung. You are dealing with real people here, and no one is being paid to be a part of this great community that has been growing.
I found it offensive and belittling to all members that the solution that was brought forth was to try to establish a sub forum with specific brand in mind, for all our issues and concerns. We know, as well as them, the problems and concerns we have with our devices.
This site is "registration free", all they need to do is come in to each of the carriers forum and read what our concerns and issues are. Instead they try to take us on a rollercoaster ride that was very counter productive plus a waste of time. A mirage sort of speak for their political gain. In no way it benefited the members here.
I was actually shocked that it went as far as it did. The "hype" that they created was nothing like I've seen. They even posted a youtube video as a metaphor what was in store for us. Giving a false hope and yet tarnishing their company name even more.
What was the main goal? To sugar coat answers?
We want real world solutions, not the same redundant answer we've been getting (or poll).
Bottom line: A real fix. That's if they really cared
As a billion dollar company, Samsung, they can hire hundreds of people to go through all the post in these forums and collective data for themselves. As fore mention they know it's "registration free".
But someone was being paid to come in here to minimize bad PR. He was doing a job! And it was easily revealed. We, as members, are here voluntarily of our own free will. That's what makes this community so great. Keeping it real.
I know XDA was only looking out for our best interest, right? But I can say, "I saw this coming from a mile away".
*grabs torch and pitchfork*
Just wondering why SamsungJohn whats to create a "poll" when we've already gotten the shaft!
Come on guys no need to let it get out of hand. Let it go for now till we get more info.

When looking for good customer service, what do you want?

I've been informed, via work, that I must put together a report of what would improve customer satisfaction and the customer experience.
Obviously I have my own ideas, none of which upper management really enjoys. But I would love to get opinions form other users.
Now, I realize that XDA may not be the best place to ask. Most of us know how to resolve our own issues, and when having to visit a device support center just want the phone exchanged, quick and clean. With that being said, try and make your suggestions geared towards if you didn't know your device, or if it was for an electronic gadget you didn't know, or what your friends and family have expressed.
Please be as detailed as possible. It would be nice to see specific requests and what consumers specifically want to see. Do you want in depth answer? Do you just want your problems solved? What nuances would make the experiences better, ex- coffee in the lobby, types of magazines, interactions, children's play areas, etc...
How much time would you be willing for a transaction, keeping in mind we have to troubleshoot the issue. What would be acceptable and what wouldn't be. Do you prefer someone that jokes around, or someone that doesn't.
Any very specific details as to what YOU would want to see, how you want people to act, what information you want to be given and what you don't. If you want, go ahead and write a novel for your preferred customer service interaction experience with in depth details.
Any help would be appreciated.
what type of experience are you tailoring too? as in you want us to write about good customer service, but towards what? cosemetics? doctor appointments? computer repairs?
im kind of confused.
as for me, i like customer service to be the best it can be. Fun savy people who know how to keep a conversation while able to in depth tell me what is the problem with the device and how to fix it. Magazines at table near by with a few good reads is generally a good idea. Giving the customer a time fence of when they should expect repairs to be done is also good along with the company calling the customer themselves to tell them everything is done.
I'm actually gearing the info more towards a cell phone warranty/troubleshooting center. Trying to keep it as generic as possible. But looking for outside opinions to gear my reports on. Something outside of my ideas that I am able to present data with. I'm asking opinions frame multiple places. But ultimately the customer experience is what I'm after. And making sure customers happy and taken care of within reason, while resolving device issues.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA Premium App

ShootMe Dev Giving up on Android Community? What about you?

I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
I'm not a developer but did read this already on a posting at Google+.
But you are right, moving into that direction would be very bad.
Some people think they can be rude because they stay anonymous.
Its something that happens more and more these days on the internet.
I realize it's impossible - there are 12 year olds who probably run rampant.
Seems like there is SOMETHING that can be done.
I'm as Pro-Android as they come. But at times it feels like starting a relationship with a beautiful boy/girl only to find they come with a sack load of emotional baggage.
Here's my take on it: http://andgamesdevblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/android-culture-its-own-worst-enemy.html
I am far from giving up (thick skinned) but there is a real troll culture growing and needs to be stomped out. Anonymity has it's uses but, as with everything else, has its drawbacks. What we need is troll hunters!
(aka Strangemoo)
I have seen that there are some stupid comments on the market... But not so extreme as to take down your app...
Some users is just plain stupid... I'm from Denmark, so a lot of the comments are in danish... But that devs are many times foreign and really don't look or understand the comments... But a lot of them complain about pathetic things like no app 2 sd or that some function suddenly's gone instead of just writing the dev an email about the issue and giving the app the respect it deserves... 1/5 rating is a lot of the times not justified...
Just my 2-cents...
I'm sorry but this is a silly and immature move by the developer. Receiving negative feedback, dealing with trolls and idiotic users that don't understand technology are fundamental assumptions of the internet, just like not giving out your passwords or helping Nigerian princes get their money out of Africa.
I loved ShootMe and used it for our screenshots, but I don't have a lot of empathy for people that empower others to control how they feel.
Wrote about this a few weeks back: http://www.androidstatic.com/what-shootme-removed-from-the-android-market
I work in IT support and one of the things I have to support is phones. It blows my mind how many 10-12 year old kids have nicer phones than I do because their rich mommy and daddys think their precious little angels needs the latest and greatest smart phones. I went over to a client's office a couple of months ago and he had 3 brand new Droid 2s for his kids, ranging from 10-14.
Point of all this?
In this day and age, there are so many rude little kids with nice phones all over these forums, its amazing to me anyone sticks around. Im over 40 and was raised in a different time than these self entitled children I see around here that want everything now, for free and want you to do it for them.
I cant blame the guy for leaving. A lot of times I wish I could go live on an island somewhere where I didnt have to deal with people because most of them suck.
s15274n said:
I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
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I'm not a developer, but I was a ShootMe user on my EVO 4G. When it received the upgrade to Gingerbread, the app stopped working. The developer never replied to my email and from reading comments on Market didn't reply to anyone.
He did finally released a new version of ShootMe, but you had to have a computer to use it. Also everytime your reboot your phone, you had to sync everytime with your computer.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
Welcome to the "masses".
Want a better experience? Go smaller. Dev for Windows Phone, or Web OS, or RIM.
Once something becomes part of the main stream, you'll see the d-bags start rolling in. Even something like xda can be tarnished once it "gets too big". There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't read a thread here that doesn't make me shake my head. This used to be a highly technical forum, back when every devices was htc and running windows mobile.
The only thing that can really be done, is to work with a smaller, more appreciative community. I doubt you would get very many jerk off comments from a Windows Phone user, they are happy to get whatever they can.
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
s15274n said:
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
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As a android developer IMHO the android community is as bad as they come. Xda for example used to be a place of collaboration. Currently its a place where maybe .1% do dev, .9% appreciate the development and try to help, 99% ether complain or say nothing at all. Whether the development is for free or profite(which I won't evev get into here) how is a developer supposed to work off of that? Users would rather right a comment blasting a developer who has literally spent days of his life on some product without even attempting to resolve the issue themselves.
I'm not saying some complaints are not warranted, just saying flip the coin around and its not so hard to understand the developers standpoint.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
There is no denying that there is frustration on both sides. This frustration seems to stem from expectation, communication and control.
The developer expects their customers to be civil.
The users expects the developers to devote anything between some to all of their resources/free time building/making their products better.
Both are unreasonable expectations if you think about it.
Civility can only be maintained in a mediated environment - the Android Market seems only concerned about brand and copyright issues. Google seems to think that it's ok to put its developer behind chicken-wire with lights in their eyes whilst their customers are free to hurl beer bottles at them. Dealing with anony-trolls is time consuming and offputting.
Developers range from teenagers with spare time on their hands up to multi-million dollar development studios. I, myself, am a father of three, I work a full week (we've got to eat!) and I code when time permits. Even though I respond to every request put to my apps, if you think that I'm going to compromise the balance of other areas of my life to put in a bug fix - think again. Sure, some of the more effluent businesses can throw more resources into a project, but just bare in mind that most of us are just people and not doormats. Respect and encouragement is all it takes to make the market a happy place. Flaming just ruins things for all (on both sides).
Communication between devs and end users is and most likely always will be a bit of a sticking point. The fact that everyone has their own opinions, likes, dislikes kind of makes it obvious that there will never be an app with 100% 5 stars. Even the most popular apps on the market have ratings across the board. Though, admittedly, some of the low grades may be down to trolling - but some of them will be genuine. Communication takes time. From a user, it may take a couple of minutes out of their day. For the dev, they may have hundreds a day to deal with. This takes them away from the development that the mail is probably asking for!
A user doesn't, and should never have control over the developer. They should, however, be able to request, beg, plead *nicely*. If they get frustrated then they should remember the phrase 'you get what you pay for'. The developer doesn't get any money when you bought your phone - so don't think they have any obligation to give you something for nothing. If it's a paid app, then the developer is saying 'yes, I'll support it.' That's fair sport.
The developer should have some control over their customers in the sense that a shopkeeper can choose who they let in their shops. Unfortunately they have none. They can't even moderate the comments on the market. I've had a 'GAY - Pointless, uninstall' (his words, not mine) on a free app downloaded 12,000 times and has a 4* rating. I can't do anything about it. It always appears when people go to the page. This individual has hurt my app and me without provocation. I didn't ask anything from them. Fortunately, the following message pointed out that the 'Pointless' user was an idiot (thanks XZombie), hopefully it will negate some of the damage. We're completely at the mercy of the masses, and being a relatively new dev, it's a scary place to be!
It's a shame that the most influential party in all of this is hiding behind a wall of silence.
If you're interested - I'm keeping a track of my experience of Android development. The link is in my earlier post.
Paul, I do agree with you to a point. But I'm not sure if I like about developers editing comments. But I do see what you mean about people leaving dumb comments for an app that does work.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
I don't suggest developers could edit comments - that would make the process equally pointless, as devs can put all of the 'nice' things they want in the description anyway. Sorry if I implied otherwise.
Devs should be able to either remove, request for removal or even block the rogue elements. At present, we have to just live with the insults with no way to disprove their claims. Even a 'troll flag' would be an improvement - to show other users that the dev disagrees with the comment.
All accountability is on the devs whereas trolls can run freely.
Do any other devs out there agree with me on this? Others may have had a much more dealings with such than I have.
IMO if google was smart they would allow for a limited ammount(% of total) of "submissions" of there comments to a third party(google). If they are found outlandish they can be removed.
My 2 cents lol. I can say as a dev of a few apps on the market I have gotten rediculous comments n 1 stars b4. I mean if they are justified that's a different thing entirely. But my 1 stars are disproportionally higher then the trend of the others. Which proves one thing...
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
This is an honestly great thread. Good initiative to |OP|
Taking down an app just because of a few nasty comments is just
childish and quite frankly pathetic.
Seems that developer has chucked his toys out the pram, if he does
decide to release it again who is going to trust such a developer?
I know I wouldn't use the app again, seeing as he's stuck 2 fingers up
to loyal users and the whole android community all because of a small
minority of people.
The whole thing stinks of the guy thinking he is above any kind of bad
feedback, obviously a developer that doesn't listen to the users of his
app and a developer that turns his back at the drop of a hat.
I'm sure he will be missed... Not
Ps. there are better screenshot apps out there
I agree with your comment. Though I am not a dev. I have experience working in the retail end of software. This is a I want it now society, folks forget that they got this software/app for free and as soon as they have a little issue they fly off the deep end cussing out the maker/distribitor of the product. Anyhow like you said you get what you pay for.LIke in my IT course in school my book said "check the dummy behind the keyboard" anyhow thanks for the great apps i use the time flies app.
If a dev dropped his customers because of a couple of snide comments then, yeah, I'd agree with you.
But was that the case for ShootMe?
Before we start flinging hooks around here, wouldn't it be more productive to actually find out what happened first.
I may be proven wrong here, but the guy must've been given some serious grief to take such a newsworthy action.
In fact, that's not been mentioned - it could be media storming. Drum up enough publicity and come back blazing. Only time will tell on that one.
At the end of the day, it's his property. And if he makes a lot of people unhappy that's his prerogative. The reason he's giving though are indeed a real issue the community needs to address.
The plot thickens.
(Glad you like Times Flies! You're most welcome)
I've noticed that the flavor of a community will vary a lot by device. The Captivate community seems to be generally good and helpful for the most part, but I've heard horror stories of ungratefulness and rudeness about communities around other devices. It may be the same sort of thing with different varieties of apps. If people feel like an app performs a function they deserve outright, they may be less inclined to courtesy and more inclined to selfish expectation.

[Q] 3 REALLY REALLY! good app ideas.. where to go from there?

Hey, I'm new to this forum so if I'm posting this question in the wrong section, go easy on me. So I have 3 extremely good ideas for mobile apps and I don't know what to do with them. I'm not an app developer or programmer, I don't have capital to pay other developers and programmers to put these apps into motion and I'm not sure what steps I could take to get these ideas off the ground. I have a feeling some people will say, that's nice, but without any of the things I listed in the previous sentence, it'll be just a pipe dream and until I have capital, I'd be better off to forget about my ideas. So I'm here to see if maybe there is a place to go or how to find the right people to talk to about giving out ideas and getting a small percentage from the apps success.
All three ideas are related to business operations and one, in my opinion would be easier to develop than the other two, and as far as I know, there isn't any apps right now that do what my idea for the 3 apps would be doing. I could teach myself how to develop the apps but that would take years and by then, they may already be developed by someone else. I will vaguely describe the 3 ideas as one would grab information from GPS locations to gather information from the user and would be extremely beneficial to any private or public sector's finances. The second one would use a persons location and SIRI. The third would mainly use location and video/audio.
Is there a website people with ideas can go to and send the idea to whoever there with clear terms mentioned before submission of how the ideas are dealt with so that the idea holder gets some recognition or stake in the idea development and then passes on the idea to a company that will make good use out of it. If there isn't anything like that, a website similar to that would also be a good idea. Businesses need to constantly evolve and come up with new ways to attract and retain customers, and my ideas would benefit business operations by saving time, minimizing costs, and staying ahead of the game by taking advantage of new technology.
Even if my app ideas don't come to fruition, I'm still happy that I came up with them and can come up with more, because without new ideas this world would be a sad and boring place to live.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and help in advance!

[Q] How does one go about having an app designed?

OK I know there are two obvious and immediate answers to this question. First design it yourself, second try your luck on the app development forums.
Unfortunately my design and programming skills are non existent and as I am doing a full time biophysics PHD, my time is severely limited. Second I had a look through the app development forum and that place is so deserted you can practically hear the tumbleweed blowing through it.
I know every man and his dog probably thinks they have a great app idea, but my idea truly is great and I believe it may have vast commercial potential. It should be relatively easy to persuade a commercial company - or several large commercial companies to adopt it, because it fulfils a genuine need that currently isn't being met and it offers the potential to save businesses extremely large sums of money. Moreover there are a large number of areas within commerce to which the technology could be adapted.
At the very least there's no harm in an experienced app developer hearing me out. I know I might get some silly responses here, like tell us your idea and we'll tell you if its good or not. But clearly that isn't going to happen. Everything would be above board and strictly legal and would require anyone taking part to sign a full IPP confidentiality contract and/or an NDA.
So, by chance that there might be someone out there with significant proven experience in both programming for mobile devices and app design and if maybe someone might be interested in making a few million please feel free to contact George on [email protected]
For logistical and practical reasons I would be most interested in speaking to anyone from the UK, although dependant on experience I may be willing to consider someone from further afield.
Hello? More tumbleweed it seems ...

