CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER- Basic Functions not working. - T-Mobile LG G2x

Hello everyone, first off introductions out of the way.
Former iPhone 2g, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, Droid 1, Nexus one, iPhone 4, Atrix 4G owner.
Now i've got the G2x.
Let me first get the scenario out of the way before I go on my Epic rant, in case those of you don't want to read my rant.
Went to bed last night, with Wifi TURNED ON, plugged into the charger.
Woke up this morning woke up the phone, looked at the top and the wifi icon was missing and 4G icon was missing just bars and that's it.
I turned off Wifi with the Widget, then turned it back on and all of a sudden a bunch of stuff POPPED as the Wifi icon came back.
I had 2 missed phone calls, 3 text messages and tons of Emails both IMAP and Gmail waiting for me.
So wait a second..I didn't even have a data connection???
Actually you know what.. as i've been writing this, i don't even feel like going on a rant.. it's just not worth wasting my breath.
So tell me people, what type of Epic fix and tweaks Do i have to make to my phone in order to be able to fix this BASIC function not working properly.
What is this i'm hearing about a Wifi sleep policy? and Why can't I have a data connection if things go "sour" with the software not working properly.?

Go to settings, wireless and network settings> wifi settings, hit menu> advanced> turn wifi sleep policy to never. It seems u may have the policy so wifi disables when the screen is off. Also make sure u have mobile data enabled

My phone still does odd things now and then.
But my wife's has data issues. We will be replacing hers.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

xdmds said:
Go to settings, wireless and network settings> wifi settings, hit menu> advanced> turn wifi sleep policy to never. It seems u may have the policy so wifi disables when the screen is off. Also make sure u have mobile data enabled
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How do you make it so "Mobile Data" is enabled? where is that setting at.

Go to settings > wireless and network settings > mobile networks > check the data enabled box.

It's already checked for me.
That still doesn't explain why the data is turning off when my Wifi goes haywire.
does this have something to do with the Wifi calling app? I have that Disabled as well, but that still doesn't mean there's a bug out there somewhere that's still disabling my data.

A rant over this seems like overkill if this is the only example of this for you. Sometimes stuff like this happens and the data connection may drop out. Has it happened again? If have not had any connection issues at all on my G2x so it is not a phone problem. Could be any number of setting or network issues, or just a one time glitch.

xdmds said:
Go to settings, wireless and network settings> wifi settings, hit menu> advanced> turn wifi sleep policy to never. It seems u may have the policy so wifi disables when the screen is off. Also make sure u have mobile data enabled
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Thanks! I had no idea that such a setting existed... I get almost no signal in my apartment, and am heavily dependent on Wi-Fi, so I was losing all data every night until I changed this.

The OP is right - if the phone can't do the basics it's pretty much useless no matter how fast the processor is. In his situation, when Wi-Fi dropped, the phone should have failed over to 2/3/4G. To have a slew of calls, e-mails, and texts not make it through means the phone was off the network entirely.
We're all big boys and girls and know that no electronic device is perfect. The G2X is just plain erratic. The problems are intermittent, not consistently repeatable, and can screw up using the phone for basic communication in the process.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are a mess - especially the way they interact with the 2/3/4G and the different apps loaded and pre-loaded on the phone.
Here's my list of issues:
1) Wi-Fi loses signal even though the task bar indicator shows full strength.
2) Apps turn on 2/3/4G even when Wi-Fi is enabled.
3) Wi-Fi Calling enables itself randomly shutting down all other data. If item 1 occurs the outcome is what happened to the OP - the phone's off the network.
4) The task indicator's always showing 4G whether it's connected at 4G or not and the signal strength shown isn't accurate - sometimes it's optimistic sometimes it's pessimistic.
5) The Bluetooth profile appears and disappears randomly and doesn't show at all if Bluetooth is turned off.
6) Wi-Fi won't connect to anything less than a strong signal but will hold the connection if it weakens. If you try to connect to a weak signal it disables the profile of the device it's trying to connect to.
If you look at the post count of the people that are having connectivity issues they're fairly senior members and have owned a lot of high-end phones. I've played around with two demo units at two different T-Mobile stores and most of what I've detailed above is repeatable. If you aren't a heavy Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or outside connectivity user and/or don't depend on your phone's reliability for business some or all of this may not matter to you or you may not experience it. But, choose to accept it or not, this phone (and not my particular unit) has some serious stability problems.
I like the phone and I'm sure that because of the severity and quantity of the problems that there will be an update soon. That's the reason I'm keeping it. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that T-Mobile needed something newsworthy to show they're still viable as a stand-alone entity after the AT&T acquisition was announced. They rushed this phone to market to generate buzz and it shows.

I've had no issues with this device but my post count is pretty low

jlevy73 said:
I've had no issues with this device but my post count is pretty low
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Out of curiosity, how do you use your phone? Are you using Exchange push? Wi-Fi calling to make and receive calls from foreign counties? Responding to Twitter and Facebook posts on behalf of a 10K person company? Connecting to a Cisco Bluetooth conferencing speaker system to hold multi-party conference calls? Do you average 8GB of data (not songs and movies) a month? Is your average monthly bill over $300?
I don't mean to be *****y, but after playing with three random samples of this phone I find it hard to believe that there could possibly be a perfect specimen out there as the majority of this is caused by software and we're all using the exact same ROM.

Your radio must have failed completely since voice calls and SMS don't require a data connection to Tx or Rx. I seem to have no problem connecting to weak WiFi signals. I never leave WiFi enabled unless I'm browsing or downloading so I can't speak on the long-term effects of staying connected to an AP for any length of time.
These seem like software issues to me so I wouldn't worry about it too much. There will be an official update soon and probably a good amount of roms to come. For now, I suggest toggling WiFi on only while actively using data.

BarryH_GEG said:
Out of curiosity, how do you use your phone? Are you using Exchange push? Wi-Fi calling to make and receive calls from foreign counties? Responding to Twitter and Facebook posts on behalf of a 10K person company? Connecting to a Cisco Bluetooth conferencing speaker system to hold multi-party conference calls? Do you average 8GB of data (not songs and movies) a month? Is your average monthly bill over $300?
I don't mean to be *****y, but after playing with three random samples of this phone I find it hard to believe that there could possibly be a perfect specimen out there as the majority of this is caused by software and we're all using the exact same ROM.
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If you need all this from a phone, you should not be an early adopter.

BarryH_GEG said:
Out of curiosity, how do you use your phone? Are you using Exchange push? Wi-Fi calling to make and receive calls from foreign counties? Responding to Twitter and Facebook posts on behalf of a 10K person company? Connecting to a Cisco Bluetooth conferencing speaker system to hold multi-party conference calls? Do you average 8GB of data (not songs and movies) a month? Is your average monthly bill over $300?
I don't mean to be *****y, but after playing with three random samples of this phone I find it hard to believe that there could possibly be a perfect specimen out there as the majority of this is caused by software and we're all using the exact same ROM.
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I'm a business owner so I push my device pretty hard. Exchange push, plus multiple other push accounts through K-9. Wifi calling placed and received from China, although I prefer normal network for that. I definitely pushing at least 5gb/month and my monthly bill is atrocious.

Out of curiosity, how do you use your phone? Are you using Exchange push? Wi-Fi calling to make and receive calls from foreign counties? Responding to Twitter and Facebook posts on behalf of a 10K person company? Connecting to a Cisco Bluetooth conferencing speaker system to hold multi-party conference calls? Do you average 8GB of data (not songs and movies) a month? Is your average monthly bill over $300?
I don't mean to be *****y, but after playing with three random samples of this phone I find it hard to believe that there could possibly be a perfect specimen out there as the majority of this is caused by software and we're all using the exact same ROM.
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I don't know why you'd be using a just-released phone with such a laundry-list of business requirements, either.

Yea the lovely iphone couldn't do MMS or exchange for 3 years. They still don't have a native Facebook app.
Anyway, I replied to this thread before but it was lost to the server being funny.
But what happened is quite logical and working properly. WiFi calling and WiFi Sleep policy are both set a default setting which saves the most battery. Using them both in tandem would require set and testing, which obviously wasn't done.
So really you can not blame the phone for the WiFi shutting down after X period of inactivity and WiFi Calling going stale.
I average about 6-7mb a month of pure data (I don't download anything on my phone except a rare occasion) in addition to what I use on WiFi. It is working great for me. Sure I'm not tethering a Cisco Bluetooth Speaker, but whatever.
I've used WiFi Calling on my Nexus One and it seems much more stable then I'm used to. WiFi calling is not a cellular repeater and depending on traffic may impede performance.
I do suspect there are odd/missing bluetooth profiles though. But lucky for us the kernel was already released so it will get fixed by the great developers here if not by Tmobile/LG themselves.

Irishdoom said:
I don't know why you'd be using a just-released phone with such a laundry-list of business requirements, either.
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Adequately tested, there should be no problem. The G2X is considered an "Enterprise Class" device which means it's recommended for National and Multi-National accounts. I had one of the first HD2's and G2's and didn't use them any differently and had no problems with core functionality. There's a big difference between quirky behavior and not being able to function as a phone which was the complaint posted by the OP.

player911 said:
I've used WiFi Calling on my Nexus One and it seems much more stable then I'm used to. WiFi calling is not a cellular repeater and depending on traffic may impede performance.
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Wi-Fi Calling is terrific and a feature that sets T-Mobile apart. I used it heavily on my G2 and it was pretty reliable. There is no setting to make it default to "on" yet out of the box it enabled itself and it's randomly enabled itself a couple of times when the phone's been up for hours. It hard-locks the 2/3/4G data signal to off so if the phone's drops Wi-Fi it's basically off the network. The app's supposed to revert to 2/3/4G in the absence of a Wi-Fi signal when you have the setting checked as "Wi-Fi Preferred" which it only does randomly.
So, if in the middle of the night, Wi-Fi Calling enabled itself on the OP's phone and then lost the Wi-Fi signal it was basically off the network. I've seen Wi-Fi Calling enable itself on my phone and the two in the store. I'm assuming it's the same version of the app that's on the G2 so, again, there's something flaky with LG's implementation of Wi-Fi, the 2/3/4G radio, or both.
I'm only belaboring this because of people saying "it's your phone" or "it's got to be hardware." This phone has issues with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth that need to be corrected.

jlevy73 said:
I've had no issues with this device but my post count is pretty low
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same thing here

Hardcore business users need a blackberry... Especially if they value their privacy, trade secrets, or if they handle government related information.
Sent from my LG-P999


[Q] Possible to use Android without any data plan at all?

I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
I'm very interested in getting a Samsung Vibrant. I wasn't a big fan of Android at first, but it's really growing on me. However, I have absolutely no interest in getting a data plan -- Everywhere I frequent has open wi-fi. If I got the phone, I know no carrier would let me leave the store without a data plan, so I'd just get one on eBay.
Is it possible to completely disable data, contact/email syncing, cloud connection, etc. and still use the full capabilities of an Android phone through wi-fi without screwing anything up? I've heard that if you don't have a data connection it's possible that your contacts will delete themselves when the phone tries to sync -- Is this true? Is there anything I should know about using Android without data, or are there any apps I should get to help with the whole process?
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
Thanks for the info -- I didn't know you could actually toggle the syncing!
I hope I get more into Android, too. I'm a huge Windows Mobile person right now, but after looking at the Vibrant, I think I've been converted.
I also hope I can help in the community a bit, too -- I've been coming here for a long time, and I think you guys are amazing at what you do.
guitargler said:
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
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I'm sorry, I've got one more thing to ask: So can you disable ALL data, except for the phone data (calls, texts, etc.)? I can actually still get apps and do pretty much everything data allows all through wi-fi without any issues?
You can do syncing/cloud connection over WiFi too.
Thee other say my wife forgot to pay her bill.they shut her phone off.. Connected phone to wifi in the house and was able to use google talk email market... No text or calls though
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
well i had a first gen my touch 3g, i unlocked it and put it on att. what i endened up doing was i set up a different apn and since the settings were wrong i couldnt get on the internet. i could be wrong, but i think thats what kept me from getting on the net with it. and then i realized i had a data plan on my contract so i put the correct info for the apn and got data.
U can delete all your APN Info so that your phone will not be able to connect via 3G or Edge only with WIFI ;-)
Have fun with this great os!
There is literally an option in the network settings to disable the "mobile network". This disables internet/3g data traffic but does not affect call/text (that is not considered "data").
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for. I have no idea why I was told it wasn't worth using Android without data - This all sounds like just what I had planned to do. Thanks, everyone! :-D
deathsled said:
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
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Relying on that alone won't work as soon as you get in the car with the phone...when it loses the wifi connection, it looks for a cell data connection again. You are right though, so long as it has a wifi connection, it doesn't look for 3G data at all.
People say it's no use having Android without data because there's literally TONS of awesome stuff you can do with data (Google Maps walking turn-by-turn, for example. And Zombie, Run!, which is the best game ever made). But if you're like me and are cheap/broke, or you just don't see yourself using data much, you'll be golden. But I think as you get into Android more and discover what you *could* be doing, you'll want to add data. I intend to put data on when I upgrade
i dn't have a data plan and when i attempt to use a data connection w/o wifi i get an msg from my provider (asking if i really want to and telling me how much it will cost). If your provider allows you access to their data network without you agreeing and then charges you that's pretty bull**** and i would definitely switch providers.

[List] Bugs and Glitches -- I Will Update

So there has been a lot of bugs & glitches coming out as we get to use the phone more and more and they just seemed to be all over the forum and the forum is looking very unorganized.
Request: Can any of our G2x forum Mod's made this a sticky?
Here is the list of bugs and glitches that i have compiled from the whole forum:
**Added 04/23/2011**
Media Scanner bug
After leaving a 4G area phone will say that is connected to 4G but in reality there is no data and will not change to 3G/2G
When pressing home button or just navigating the home screens, screen flashes/flickers (Happened to me too)
Kinetic scrolling could be improved and the screen shakes when holding a position with your finger: and
No System UI sounds nor a System Volume setting
Bleeding LCD mostly 2 upper corners
Overheating when playing games, tethering, HDMI mirroing.
WiFi not connecting with some routers. Seems to happen with Dual band routers
WiFi Profiles keeps getting disabled
Phone connected to UMTS but displaying 4G notification icon
4G turning on when WiFi is supposely "On"
4G disconnects too much and randomly switching between Edge/3G/4G in same area with 4G
4G is not as fast as other phones with same hardware
Battery draining fast possibly due to this connection glitches
Freezes and Reboots
Connecting Headphones, or any Input will make Mic mute. When connected to car input, caller can the other person but person called can't hear caller.
Music turns off when opening camera
Phone screen brightness gets really dark when opening camera and auto-brightness is enabled
GPS works but sometimes slow to lock (Work around: Thanks Mitta from LG 2X forums for getting a working fix and to the many other work around offered)
Cannot adjust brightness or Screen timeout settings anywhere only with market apps
Email signature keeps changing to default even after modifying it or removing it.
Bluetooth stops working after using WiFi or Wireless tethering
Audio would randomly stop working after having it plugged in to a TV via HDMI cable.
Lock screen sound won't work
SD card not been able to be mount
I know there is a Poll with an "Issue Summary" but it is lacking a list of bugs and glitches in the Original Post.
Anyways, So this thread is really to compile a list of the known bugs and glitches to make it easier for the Devs to determine what they should be looking at to fix and for everyone to look for known issues and make the G2x Forums neater.
I strongly believe that this forums are visited by manufacturers and by phone companies, almost 99% sure about this. So let's make the issues known to get them working on hardware optimizations and software.
Here is the link to the Issue Summary Poll:
I read all 10 pages and could say that the most common issues posted in that thread are reboots and freezes.
I will be updating this post as bugs and glitches comes out.
Please post your glitches if they are not mention in this thread. so that I can add those
Thanks for posting. Good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tenbeau said:
Thanks for posting. Good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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For a better G2x!
I have had the phone since release day on the 20th and have had none of these problems *knocks on wood* although I did come across something really weird. I had the phone in my pocket and I don't know if I accidentally turned it on or whatever but I took it out of my pocket at one point and it was kind of hot on the back. When I hit the power button I got nothing so I had to battery pull and then power it on and that worked. When it booted the battery was under 5% (battery was over 50% when I initially put it in my pocket which was only about an hour or so when I noticed it was off and felt hot). So I plugged it in charged it back to 100% and have been fine since that. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Nice work on getting this thread started. Is there any way you can also put links to the threads that these issues are talked about? I would be great to be able to read the thread easily if you have that issue with your phone. May help the devs find things easier too!
I am having an issue with my screen. if I am on a web page that is not designed for mobile phones and I push my finger on the screen and don't move it all, the screen will shake endlessly until I remove my finger. It will also do it if I hold when flipping between home screens. Does anyone else have this issue?
Please forgive my ignorance if these aren’t really bugs or are simply repeats of the above, but I discovered two new items with both my wife and my G2x’s that I’d like some feedback on.
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage. The phone display shows that I am connected to AT&T for voice with a GPRS signal. Additionally, neither navigation or Google maps give me my location when both of these features had worked when I had data.
I’d be interested in learning if these items are actually bugs of if they are simply related to the available networks and G2x hardware. If bugs, does it sound like they could be fixed through a software update?
Thanks in advance.
I have 2 more bugs to add. Both of them being pretty damn major.
1. Once you leave a 4G tower it will not downgrade to 3G or Edge for data but voice will still work. The 4G icon is still there but you will have no data connection. In order to get your data working again you have to manually disable then re-enable it through network settings.
2. After removing the device from my pocket, it is in car mode. (Had to freeze the app so it stopped)
One other minor bug people are experiencing is upon awaking the device it will flash your home screen before your lock screen.
I can't see myself keeping this device after the sensation comes out. In my opinion, the G2x is possibly the buggiest device I have ever had and was not ready for launch. I will keep exchanging my G2x until I get one that works 100%.
By the way, I had to freeze "My Account" app and "Wifi Calling" because they were accessing data constantly.
Kinetic scrolling could be improved and the screen shakes when holding a position with your finger:
Some are reporting slower data speeds than normal:
No System UI sounds nor a System Volume setting.
OP Updated!
Xeyro said:
Please forgive my ignorance if these aren’t really bugs or are simply repeats of the above, but I discovered two new items with both my wife and my G2x’s that I’d like some feedback on.
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage. The phone display shows that I am connected to AT&T for voice with a GPRS signal. Additionally, neither navigation or Google maps give me my location when both of these features had worked when I had data.
I’d be interested in learning if these items are actually bugs of if they are simply related to the available networks and G2x hardware. If bugs, does it sound like they could be fixed through a software update?
Thanks in advance.
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Thanks for posting Xeyro, few questions for you,
Did you had a T-Mobile phone before and did you used in this area?
Was it 4G? If yes, where you able to connect fine to the network?
If your answers are yes then your G2x should be connecting just fine as well if not then there is a glitch/bug with the phone. Try rebooting to see if that helps.
Xeyro said:
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage.
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Figured it out; user error. Apparently there's a check-box in the wireless and network settings to allow data roaming. Apparently this box is unchecked by default, and checking the box has restored data connection to the phone.
Thanks for the response Moshe.
Looks like we were posting at about the same time, but I figured out my error. The phones are set by default to not allow data roaming, and you have to manually make the change in the settings. Everything seems to be working as expected at this point.
Xeyro said:
Figured it out; user error. Apparently there's a check-box in the wireless and network settings to allow data roaming. Apparently this box is unchecked by default, and checking the box has restored data connection to the phone.
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If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
dasbin said:
If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
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Thanks for the heads up dasbin. I decided to give T-Mobile a call to make sure I wasn't being charged an arm and a leg and this is what I learned.
The T-mobile coverage in this area is actually provided through 3rd party networks, so while the maps show data coverage, it may not be T-mobile directly providing the data. Therefore, the option to roam data needs to be turned on. T-mobile only charges for international data roaming, so there are no extra fees as this is how the network is designed to work.
I think then the "bug" isn't as much of a bug as an understanding that the phone is not configured by default to allow non T-mobile data networks. I wonder how often this has caused some of the dropping of data that others have experienced?
I only have the bleeding issue and reboot issues. If I exchange, it could be a lot worse.. decisions decisions..
You should include the Media Scanner bug.
If I put any substantial amount of media (more than 3mp3s) on my sd card, media scanner glitches and never finishes scanning, making camera, music, video, gallery, etc unusable.
I've seen at least one other poster with this issue.
ericc191 said:
I only have the bleeding issue and reboot issues. If I exchange, it could be a lot worse.. decisions decisions..
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Yea, same here, and when I have some free time I want to look at the kernal source, I'm thinking the frezzing/rebooting is caused by it, its acting the same as my mt4g did using custom kernals until those were fixed, so I think once we can get some custom kernals out we'll be good to go on that issue.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
OP Updated with the Media Scanner bug and some other ones
dasbin said:
If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
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T-Mobile only charges for international roaming.

Does WiFi remain on in Mango update?

In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
Yes, it is. But it reconnect looooot faster.
Wow thank God I actually remembered to ask this before wasting money on a WP7. I don't care how fast it reconnects when it wont be connected in standby. Which means I wont be notified of emails, IMs, social network updates etc etc. Brilliant decision MS.
I think you're missing the point, it recconects every so often in standby to download messages/emails/notifications etc it just doesn't stay constantly on.
ammarmalik said:
Wow thank God I actually remembered to ask this before wasting money on a WP7. I don't care how fast it reconnects when it wont be connected in standby. Which means I wont be notified of emails, IMs, social network updates etc etc. Brilliant decision MS.
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Don't know if this is a troll or just a lack of understanding.
You can determine in the options how often you want to to check your various email accounts. For example, one of my accounts I only need checked every hour, while another one I have check ever 15 minutes.
Social network updates are pushed to the phone in real time. I just got a FB notification and the comment had only happened 30 seconds prior.
IM works real time like text.
MS knows what they're doing.
ammarmalik said:
In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
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I guess your machine will juiced out within 6 hours if your run WiFi all the time, which is simply no point. I don't think you will charge your phone every 4-5 hours or bring 5-6 batteries along with you.
Phone will turn on WiFi only when you are going to use the internet (while screen on) or when receiving the mails/messages as scheduled (while screen off), so you can still receive your mails and messages when it is idling.
tiny17 said:
Don't know if this is a troll or just a lack of understanding.
You can determine in the options how often you want to to check your various email accounts. For example, one of my accounts I only need checked every hour, while another one I have check ever 15 minutes.
Social network updates are pushed to the phone in real time. I just got a FB notification and the comment had only happened 30 seconds prior.
IM works real time like text.
MS knows what they're doing.
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I think his problem is that he's lacking a data contract(?) In that case he can't get any real time updates, but it should still connect to Wi-Fi for the periodic checks.
Yeah, it will still connect for email. I ran wifi only for a few months.
ammarmalik said:
In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
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It is still connected on WIFI. I use it since using Mango Dev.
WiFi is a little different in mango. If I am using and turn off the screen, WiFi stays on instead of switching to 3g. Nodo would turn off WiFi.
Few things to note:
Wifi will drop at screen lock if its not utilized. It will sign you out from your messenger and stop receiving emails etc.
If you have DATA (edge or 3G) that will keep the connection alive.
If you have plugged in your phone to a electric socket then and ONLY then the wifi will stay alive at screen lock.
Wifi drops in about 30sec at screen lock.
Android drops wifi at screenlock by default, BUT you have an option under settings to keep it alive. iPhone prior to iOS4 used to drop wifi at screenlock but not anymore and has no impact on battery life what so ever. 3G consumes more battery than Wifi.
wp7 mango is amazingly fast, but no OS is perfect. Probably in future it will be much better. For now if you are dependent on chat, email and other notification then wp7 and Data package work gr8.
All radios im the RTM are sinked, the system will use WiFi if available, and does real time updates. Aging WiFi, GPS, 3G, BT all on when not needed it is plain stupid and will kill your battery in no time. If anyone desires this get Android, there you can turn everything on till your device stops responding altogether... Embrace the way WP works, lots of taught has gone in for someone to simply criticize it like so... I think ur a perfect android customer....
Sent from my HD7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
hdfanatic said:
All radios im the RTM are sinked, the system will use WiFi if available, and does real time updates. Aging WiFi, GPS, 3G, BT all on when not needed it is plain stupid and will kill your battery in no time. If anyone desires this get Android, there you can turn everything on till your device stops responding altogether... Embrace the way WP works, lots of taught has gone in for someone to simply criticize it like so... I think ur a perfect android customer....
Sent from my HD7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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If my Android can last one whole day with Wifi on 24 hours(Galaxy S2) then WP7 should last longer. WiFi radio DOES NOT consume a lot of battery. Please get these retarded Android thoughts out of your mind. I'm not exactly aiming for the moon here. All I want is to get my push notifications AS THEY HAPPEN.
Someone mentioned in this thread that it periodically reconnects even with screen off to check for updates. Well if that's the case then I can forget about push notifications right? Because for those to work I'll need internet access on my phone constantly and not on periodic intervals.
I'm not trolling here. This was a genuine problem for me on my old WP7 device. The phone would disconnect WiFi when in standby. I have a perfectly fine working internet connection at home and I'm not about to sign up for an expensive data plan from my cellular network provider.
What I need to know is will I get IM push notifications, email push notifications
on WiFi when my screen has been off for a longer period of time? If I'm not then what exactly is the reason behind this? Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
ammarmalik said:
Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
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The simple answer is yes. It's Windows Phone. It's intended to work with a data, voice, and text plan.
thesecondsfade said:
The simple answer is yes. It's Windows Phone. It's intended to work with a data, voice, and text plan.
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well if that's the case then is there any app that I use to limit what app can use how much data and what app can use what kind of data (wifi or cellular?) Because if there isn't then its just a ticking time bomb before I get a bloated bill at the end of the month
ammarmalik said:
Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
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It's a smartphone so... yes. That's why smartphones are usually sold with data plans and that's why Microsoft implemented cloud services like Skydrive and Zune Pass.
ammarmalik said:
well if that's the case then is there any app that I use to limit what app can use how much data and what app can use what kind of data (wifi or cellular?) Because if there isn't then its just a ticking time bomb before I get a bloated bill at the end of the month
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Let me make this easy for you... WP7 is not for you and you should stick with your Galaxy S2 which is a great phone anyway.

WiFi using 300KB/s UPSTREAM - Why?

I was troubleshooting poor VoIP quality on my LAN when I discovered our upstream usage was a constant 300KB/s (yes, that's Bytes). I tried turning off all of our PC's one at a time but the bandwidth utilization didn't change. However, when I turned off WiFi on my Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE (Unlocked, Rooted, 77.8.14.XT897.Sprint.en.US) upstream bandwidth dropped to zero. I switched the WiFi back on but the bandwidth stayed at or near zero. Can anyone think of why the phone would use that much upstream when idle? Could this be malware?
By no means a dev or super knowledgeable but throwing some ideas out there: could be Google apps syncing, any online games, updates, email blah blah blah. Have you checked to see if data (3/4g) is doing anything while idle?
None of the Above
I don't have any games installed nor do I have Google apps. If it were some type of sync, nothing I do on the phone produces that much data, all I have is emails and some Evernotes.
3G and 4G are disabled when WiFi is enabled, so that's not the issue. Don't forget, this is UPSTREAM I'm talking about, not downstream.
It stopped immediately when I turned off the WiFi and didn't continue on the mobile data connection. I re-enabled the WiFi a minute later and it didn't reappear.
It's just bizarre.
It could be that something got stuck in the process of the phone's normal operation. For example, perhaps the phone was busy sending a (large) email when you transitioned from one connection type to the next, and due to the transition, the email app "forgot" to release the 300KB/s uplink. Or something else along those lines, but the app is closed by the system mid-process, thus the app never gives the radio the command to sever the upload connection (until you manually cycled the wifi).
In all honesty, though, this is just my best guess, so take it with a grain of salt.
Also, if you're running the stock ROM, I read that Motorola set up their phones to check in every 9 seconds or something crazy like that for whatever reason. Don't remember exactly for what, though. One of the main reasons I switched to Carbon.

Notification delays, orange icons, and poor data connection

My apologies if this has been posted elsewhere. I found a loosely related thread on google's support forum, but nothing here.
Bought a Nexus 5 and I've been trying out Straight Talk ATT and I've been noticing these problems, most likely all related:
I've been getting notification delays for push data services. Namely, my work email(exchange) and gmail. Sometimes the notification won't even come through. I'm up to a half hour on my last one, still waiting on it. SMS works just fine. Haven't tested MMS, particularly because I don't get many of those. The data connections does work though. I can manually load pages just fine, if a bit slow at first like the ping is astronomical. Almost makes me think it's establishing a connection each time.
When I check the color of the wifi or cellular connection icon, it's frequently orange. Most of the time it will quickly resolve itself to white in the few seconds it takes to check it. From what I understand, orange means it's having trouble talking to google services? This shouldn't affect exchange notifications.
I'm getting poorer connections quality than I expected. I live in Ithaca and while my home has poor Verizon connection(so I expected similar from ATT), I've barely found any place at work or the mall that can hold ANY LTE signal or a decent HSPA signal. HSPA speed tests give me under 0.5mbps up/down, while the only LTE test I've been able to run gave me 2.5/1 up/down.
The aforementioned thread on google's forums mentioned flashing 4.4.0's radio apk, has anyone else tried this?
Which APN setting affects the data part of the connection? Is it just the APN type?
I'm starting to wonder if my problem is exacerbated by my current postpaid VZW phone getting data notifications much quicker. I'm suspecting that Straight Talk has a lower priority on ATT towers, thus why my data notifications take up to minutes sometimes. Anyone know of a way to confirm this?
Always On Push Notifications android app
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
maucer said:
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
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What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
MrObvious said:
What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
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I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
maucer said:
I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
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That answered it. It must be a StraightTalk thing. Weird.
New observation on this problem:
- GMail notifications not arriving
- When I check I see that the WiFi icon is orange
- Phone is still connected to the internet, I can browse, but icon remains orange and no notifications arrive
- Only when I disconnect/reconnect Wifi does it recover
I also discovered that the WiFi icon actually turns orange at the moment that Google tries to send me a notification. It can be fine for hours before that.
It turned out that this only happens when I have the cellular radio turned off, by turning on Airplane Mode and then turning WiFi back on. With the cellular radio on and connected to the network, even with Mobile Data turned off, everything is fine with WiFi.
I think it's an authentication bug with Google Services. Somewhere in the message notification sequence it tries to either authenticate your phone or perhaps locate it via the cellular network, and if it fails then the connection to Google Services is flagged as faulty. The failure could be caused by having the cellular radio off, or perhaps by being in a bad reception area.

