Recieved a text from my wireless carrier stating that my tethering would be cut off or I can pay an additional $30 or so per month. I think it came down to me downloading the OS for an iphone 3gs I've been playing with. Last month I ended up with around 10gb of data usage.
Tried tethering after the deadline date and was directed to a site, stating I need to call customer service. I also tried using data on my phone at this point and was directed to the same site. Call customer service and was told to access their data I would need to give them my phones serial number. go figure.... after the past two years of playing with various phones, nexus one, vibrant, hd2, iphone 4, iphone 3gs, nexus s.... they want to know what Im using .....
a different android phone again, with tethering.
drop my sim card into my iphone 3gs for a few hours and switch back to the mytouch 4g
T-m0 said that?...
ok one are you using hotspots...if so stop im sure thats how they are monitoring your data...
try one of these
i personally use
try one of these it should help
otherwise call t-m0 and tell em #&***& 2^^ with a *!!!! !#*(& in your !(*&$*( so they$&!!!
and they understand fine
Seeing as how you are getting the same site from the phone browser and the computer browser, it seems they just assume, not know you are tethering. The hold should go off after your billing month is up. If not, well do they know you have a smart phone, or are you using it on a feature phone plan? If it is the later, then giving them a smart phone serial will probably make them change your plan to a smart phone plan.
I heard if you use the stock tethering app they charge you... what if you use the one that's built into CM 7? isn't that the same as using android-wifi-teather? I was always unclear about that
Well I have been using mytouch 4g and were using the original tether option and now I'm using cm7.never have had any problems.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
witeboy07 said:
Well I have been using mytouch 4g and were using the original tether option and now I'm using cm7.never have had any problems.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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Well for lite usage you won't have problem. But if you are using bandwidth excessively they will notice it and based on using DPI/SPI techniques they can determine which service and protocol is being used. They would never want people to use free bandwidth when they can get people to pay money for same exact thing. Talk about milking the cow for all its worth lol.
Before the mytouch I had a hd7 and before that the first 4g I had was the were massive and big..never got caught...I was always using the stock T-Mobile tether option..I guess cus I'm on an old unlimited android web plan...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Yes I did milk it, downloading the os for the iphone probably did it, will wait till cycle is over and do basic tethering again. Im going to my iphone and switch back to see if that works as well.
keepitfashion said:
T-m0 said that?...
ok one are you using hotspots...if so stop im sure thats how they are monitoring your data...
try one of these
i personally use
try one of these it should help
otherwise call t-m0 and tell em #&***& 2^^ with a *!!!! !#*(& in your !(*&$*( so they$&!!!
and they understand fine
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tried the other iphone and switch back , no luck . Im on cm7, and have been for awhile, tethered for over a year and now its being stopped. What are the links to and which one do I need for the mytouch? As for carrier its a local one , cbw,
Just got the text. Now down to edge less speeds
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
paczek said:
Just got the text. Now down to edge less speeds
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Edge has a speed? What? Oh yea, Slow . I can't do anything on edge other than check email
osugsxr said:
tried the other iphone and switch back , no luck . Im on cm7, and have been for awhile, tethered for over a year and now its being stopped. What are the links to and which one do I need for the mytouch? As for carrier its a local one , cbw,
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I downloaded 2.07 and it seems to work. Temp-Rooted.
hkbladelawhk said:
Edge has a speed? What? Oh yea, Slow . I can't do anything on edge other than check email
I downloaded 2.07 and it seems to work. Temp-Rooted.
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Yes I do use the tethering hotpsot often for internet at home. I downloaded the app you recommend, will test it out for awhile to see if itll make a difference and still allow me to tether.
I'm having conflicting information put my way about tethering. Is T-Mobile charging for using the WiFi Tether feature in froyo, or are they charging for the Wired Tether feature.
I can't even get a straight answer from store reps or customer service. It's like they don't even know themselves.
Trying to basically find out if I need to go back to using barnacle.
Update-June 1: If you have a Android data package Tethering is FREE.
RootUserDWR said:
I'm having conflicting information put my way about tethering. Is T-Mobile charging for using the WiFi Tether feature in froyo, or are they charging for the Wired Tether feature.
I can't even get a straight answer from store reps or customer service. It's like they don't even know themselves.
Trying to basically find out if I need to go back to using barnacle.
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I'm not with tmobile, I have been using android phones for over a year plus, starting with the nexus one. I have always been tethering and kept my data around 5-6gbs per month. Last month I hit the 11 or 12gb mark, and within the first week of the new month I was already up to 3.5gbs. Mainly from downloading the Iphone OS, and other tools I needed.
Over the past year, I never once was charged for tethering nor was I warned about it. You shouldn't need to worry about tethering with tmobile, if you hit the 5gb of data they will cut your speeds. I download the tethering app from the first page of this post, and it seems to be working fine as of now.
RootUserDWR said:
I'm having conflicting information put my way about tethering. Is T-Mobile charging for using the WiFi Tether feature in froyo, or are they charging for the Wired Tether feature.
I can't even get a straight answer from store reps or customer service. It's like they don't even know themselves.
Trying to basically find out if I need to go back to using barnacle.
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Yea. I've wondered this as well. I wonder at what point they charge us for tethering and how they prove it. Staying around that 5gb per month.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Vzw mobile hotspot from verizon has been extended again until july 6 and will receive a software update to remove the mobile hotspot offer. The $20/gb plan will not be available on 4G smartphones.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Where are you getting your Intel from...just asking....
sporty377 said:
Where are you getting your Intel from...just asking....
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Probably from here:
We just received some pretty welcoming news from Verizon concerning the free 4G LTE mobile hotspot promotion that has been available to owners of the DROID Charge, HTC Thunderbolt and LG Revolution for the last couple of months. According to our friends at Big Red, the promo has been granted an extension and will take users all the way through July 6. We had already seen one extension that gave us all free hotspot usage through tomorrow, but we’ll gladly accept another month.
Verizon Wireless has extended the Limited Time promotion for Mobile Hotspot and Mobile Broadband Connect on 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) Smartphones, ThunderBolt by HTC, DROID Charge by Samsung, and Revolution by LG. The following are the Unlimited Hotspot promotion details.
Limited Time promotion available through 7/6/2011 which allows customers unlimited 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot and Mobile Broadband Connect usage until July 6, 2011 with the purchase of a ThunderBolt by HTC, a DROID Charge by Samsung, or a Revolution by LG, with a voice plan and a data package $29.99 or higher.
The $20/GB (Gigabyte) plan will not be available on 4G LTE Smartphones. On July 6, 2011 a software update will remove the Mobile Hotspot offer. A message will be sent to the end user to contact their system administrator to subscribe to Mobile Hotspot.
So be sure to live it up for another month! You never know what sorts of prices we could see once July hits.
Has anyone else come across the complaint filed by Free Press with the FCC averring that for Verizon to charge customers for tethering using 4G would in fact be in violation of the terms under which Verizon bought its 700MHz block at auction? I've read that this could conceivably at least be partially behind this series of delays.
Edit: Link:
johnpwu said:
Has anyone else come across the complaint filed by Free Press with the FCC averring that for Verizon to charge customers for tethering using 4G would in fact be in violation of the terms under which Verizon bought its 700MHz block at auction? I've read that this could conceivably at least be partially behind this series of delays.
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I've heard this as well, I'm pretty interested to see how it plays out.
johnpwu said:
Has anyone else come across the complaint filed by Free Press with the FCC averring that for Verizon to charge customers for tethering using 4G would in fact be in violation of the terms under which Verizon bought its 700MHz block at auction? I've read that this could conceivably at least be partially behind this series of delays.
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The complaint is that Verizon is blocking the apps to access tether. You should be allowed to use whatever app you want to tether data signal. It has nothing to do with whether or not tether should be free. Mobile Hotspot (wireless tether) is a service offered for a fee and Verizon wants to make sure users pay accordingly. Please don't flame me for this but after the free hotspot promotion ends and you use a wireless tether app without paying for service, it is stealing...
knave68 said:
The complaint is that Verizon is blocking the apps to access tether. You should be allowed to use whatever app you want to tether data signal. It has nothing to do with whether or not tether should be free. Mobile Hotspot (wireless tether) is a service offered for a fee and Verizon wants to make sure users pay accordingly. Please don't flame me for this but after the free hotspot promotion ends and you use a wireless tether app without paying for service, it is stealing...
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Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
Lol I gave droid-life that info to post!
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Edit: deleted
Mobile hotspot just needs to be made free.. dumb that they charge for it when we have umlimited data anyway.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
The sources say that "A software update will remove the hotspot feature" so how's that gonna affect rooted users?
peyman_2002 said:
The sources say that "A software update will remove the hotspot feature" so how's that gonna affect rooted users?
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This is what I want to know
+1 10chars.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
We can tether either way. Who cares.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Stealing? As in breaking a law? How about merely violating terms of a contract?
Sent from my Evo
Question. I use the free hotspot while it has been free, to connect my xbox to live and play over 4g when not at home. Is tether possible after hotspot promotion is gone?
sent from my uprooted Thunderbolt. help me root XD
Its possible if you root your device. According to verizon tethering without their hotspots software is against their TOS
je2345 said:
Lol I gave droid-life that info to post!
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
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LOL nice info!
knave68 said:
The complaint is that Verizon is blocking the apps to access tether. You should be allowed to use whatever app you want to tether data signal. It has nothing to do with whether or not tether should be free. Mobile Hotspot (wireless tether) is a service offered for a fee and Verizon wants to make sure users pay accordingly. Please don't flame me for this but after the free hotspot promotion ends and you use a wireless tether app without paying for service, it is stealing...
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Really? Breach of contract, sure, but stealing? The fact is that carriers are using the subscriber-contract model to impose ridiculous rules on the way a commodity service is used. The fact is that this structure is unjustifiable and wouldn't survive for more than a day in any market that wasn't crippled by lack of competition. It's like you having to sign a contract with Shell stating you will only buy gas from them from now on, and in return you get a tracking device attached to your car and they charge you $1 per gallon more for fuel used outside a 5 mile radius of your home.
I just want to know your guys' thoughts on this, if Verizon offers VZ Navigation for a fee but we also have access to the free Google Maps, how does that differ from having Verizon offering Mobile Tether and a random dev giving us access to Mobile Tether for Rooted Users?
Is it some sort of contract thing, which I think it is, but it just doesn't make sense to offer free alternatives to "some" of your features then force charges on others. Again, I am sure there is something in the contract that specifically states "Tethering" is prohibited but why just prohibit one thing when probably 10x more people use Google Maps or some other free navigation?
I recently just noticed a 14.99 charge on my T-mobile bill and I don't think I should be paying for a feature I've been using for free for years. Is there any app or rom (since I'm S-OFF and rooted) that I can use on my Sensation 4G instead?
It IS free (at least on this phone). Call them and ask for a refund, since you never ordered that service. Now if they ask, just tell them you don't even know what that "Hotspot" is...
WiFi Hotspot that comes preinstalled on stock ROM or ARHD should work fine. No need for any other app.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda premium
In Germany the "Deutsche Telekom" mother company of T-Mobile is also marketing WiFi Hotspots in public locations under the T-Mobile brand.
Just to give another idea of what that point on your bill might refer to as the other user thinks it should be free.
However if they are really refering to the use of the Hotspot app, that will not change with using a different app for that purpose, they just bill any traffic not originating from your cellphone seperately (maybe as an additional flat fee).
At least that's what some providers in germany say in their terms about using their phone SIM for any other purpose but a mobile phone.
Also- I have been using the hotspot feature for free since June '11... Don't know if avoiding this charge is a function of my refusal to set up the 'T-Mo sync" sw that they constantly request of me. Otherwise I am up to date w all other requested android updates on my Sensation 4G. Now I finally want to sync device as they have informed me that I cannot play my first android market purchased mp3 w/o sync set-up. Q? Is my free ride a function of my non-set-up of sync? PS- I think device is rooted as they complied w my request for some such so as to be able to use device w other carriers when out of country. Afterward I paid the 200$ to go 'value plan', own phone, off contract. Thanx in advance, VecZed
I havent yet, I've been using Tether For Root Users. I tether my friends, my laptop sometimes, and I even tethered my PS3 to play Battlefield, with surprisingly no lag.
No messages/letters from AT&T and I've hit the 2.5 gig mark in 28 days and went over 5 gigs just once
What about you guys?
Rogers let's u tether from stock Haha but 5gb isn't bad I usually hit around 9-10 with no tethering
Not yet. I just started using it a lot more than before though. I'm just on the 2 GB plan so if I start going over regularly then I'll probably upgrade to the 5 GB and not worry about it.
By the way, I'm using the stock hotspot app with the mod that comes with Clean ROM LE.
Sent from my HTC One X
I thought I read somewhere that using the stock tethering app without an AT&T tethering plan is not a good idea - because they can see what you're doing. Folks previously suggested to use a third party tether app, like WiFi Tethering or Barnacle, or something similar. Am I remembering something wrong, or have folks heard that as well?
neocryte said:
I thought I read somewhere that using the stock tethering app without an AT&T tethering plan is not a good idea - because they can see what you're doing. Folks previously suggested to use a third party tether app, like WiFi Tethering or Barnacle, or something similar. Am I remembering something wrong, or have folks heard that as well?
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I could be wrong, but I don't think one option is any more stealth than the other.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
I feel sorry for you Americans and your carriers. Branded phones and limitations like this. Move to Sweden and tether all you want
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
ive never been caught. I used 3g for watching lots of youtube videos and stuff like that. 2 or 3GB quite easily but no problem. (Just don't tell my network )
powerwagon said:
I could be wrong, but I don't think one option is any more stealth than the other.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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You could be right, I just thought they had some way of seeing whether you're using the stock app.
sjrp said:
I feel sorry for you Americans and your carriers. Branded phones and limitations like this. Move to Sweden and tether all you want
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
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There's no reason to feel sorry for our carriers.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Idk how it works for android but I know a couple of friends that were grandfathered into unlimited plans with their iPhones that got caught..
But if your on a tiered plan what could they do? Bump you up to 5gb? It's not like you'd be forced to hop on that plan..
That's exactly what they do. Of course you can change it back but then you're flagged and will get caught constantly.
sjrp said:
I feel sorry for you Americans and your carriers. Branded phones and limitations like this. Move to Sweden and tether all you want
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
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If you have your bikini team waiting to greet me, I'm all in (my wife probably not so much ).
As for tethering, I only do it in case of emergency, so no problem so far. I'm on a grandfathered unlimited plan, but I barely go over 3GB a month.
Sent from my HTC One X
At&t offered me a 5gb plan with free tether. Should i switch to that rather then having the 3gb plan with no tether? My thought is i have wifi, and im on it constantly. But when i take trips back home, having tether would come in handy. I have the free root tether.....but i dont wanna risk getting caught. Thoughts??
Sent from my HTC One X using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
50 a month is a lot of money to have access to something you won't use that often. I say use the tethering app for free until you get caught.
I tethered for the first time today for a few hours, probably 400-500 mb. We'll see if I get the dreaded text.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I have tethered shamelessly for years, first on my jailbroken iPhones and now on my One X. I've never gotten caught.
I don't claim to be an expert, but from what I've heard, tethering is tethering. Devs will tell you their apps can hide it somehow, but this is hard to accept given that no one is quite sure how AT&T catches people. I myself have tethered using both hacked native capability and third party apps and didn't see a difference.
It seems to be related to bandwidth, but I've heard of people getting nabbed after tethering just once.
I suspect it's a mix of your data patterns and what you're doing. Once you get on their radar screens its very easy to get caught based on your traffic.
When I tether, I pay close attention to how much data I'm using, and I try to avoid doing anything that would be a dead giveaway, like updating my computer software. I also avoid streaming anything or moving large files; this means disabling autosync functions in things like Dropbox.
I'm a fairly heavy data user, but I always stay below my soft cap (5GB unlimited).
So far this approach has worked for me.
zounduser said:
At&t offered me a 5gb plan with free tether. Should i switch to that rather then having the 3gb plan with no tether? My thought is i have wifi, and im on it constantly. But when i take trips back home, having tether would come in handy. I have the free root tether.....but i dont wanna risk getting caught. Thoughts??
Sent from my HTC One X using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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I got that too it offered me 40 bucks for 5GB with tether. Same price without it. So why not. I just use the USB tether when my Internet goes down. Happens often with time warner Cable:-(
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
no tethering charges here in Canada, at least not Telus anymore. I do like to tether though, I have a PC in my car and when I'm on road trips its nice for the passenger to surf the net. I did almost get caught back in the day though.
I got a call from Telus saying that the system dropped my unlimited data and to call them. so I called and they said there was some error and they would drop the charges that incurred. that was on their old CDMA network at $8/mb
As long as you have >1GB data with Rogers, tethering is free here in Canada. tbaytel offers free tethering on any data plan.
Feel sorry for you 'muricans
I average about 20 gb a month for about 5 years now. Not all tethering though. Alot is actually downloading roms from phone browser. Haven't gotten a single warning about it. But for the last 7 months I've been throttled after I hit 5 gb.
Sent from my HTC One™ X, an WCX Illuminati 4G LTE smartphone
My coworker was informing me yesterday that Verizon is soon going to make changes when you upgrade your phone contract.
The big change he pointed out was that you will have to specify a WiFi network and then any WiFi network you connect to that is not the one specified will be counted as data.
Has anyone else heard of this? He didn't give me a source and I can see big red doing something like this.
I am not sure how credible my coworker is since I can't find any info about it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
That sounds pretty nonsensical.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, I think your coworker is full of it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
dohturdima said:
That sounds pretty nonsensical.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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BS! They can't charge you for data that they aren't providing.
ricecake2000 said:
My coworker was informing me yesterday that Verizon is soon going to make changes when you upgrade your phone contract.
The big change he pointed out was that you will have to specify a WiFi network and then any WiFi network you connect to that is not the one specified will be counted as data.
Has anyone else heard of this? He didn't give me a source and I can see big red doing something like this.
I am not sure how credible my coworker is since I can't find any info about it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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They can't do that, they have no idea what Wi-Fi networks you connect to. It would be impossibe.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Please post questions in Q&A
Thread moved
That's like the cable company charging you to watch a friends tv that uses direct tv hahaha
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Even though Verizon is hungry and eager to maximize their profits, it is not logistically and technically possible to do this.
Find a new job as you work with some dummies.
Thank me later.
I agree that its very unlikely but you have to think about it from the technological side, they already monitor everything we do even if we are on our own WiFi connection. Its completely possible technologically speaking, with all the random spyware they add to our phones and all the bull**** monitoring what we do with our phones so they can make more money on us by selling said information to a 3rd party, I can honestly see the greedy bastards trying to do this. Them getting away with it on the other hand is highly unlikely, I'm pretty sure there is something illegal about this, but even if there is it wouldn't be the first time they paid lobbyists to go bribe/help them understand why this should be allowed under the law.
I'm not saying this will happen, but honestly the way VZW and AT&T have been getting worse and worse lately nothing would surprise me.
I remember when I first got a MiFi, I can't remember what they called MiFi's when they first came out years ago, that they advertised you could use your MiFi account info to sign on to their WiFi hotspots and use them. Well what they didn't tell you, and this could have just been regional, was that when you signed on they charged you for using it, and then a year or so later they said you could be charged or it could count against your monthly MiFi allowance. It didn't last for very long but they did try that, and it seems similar to what the OP said.
I really just think your friend was full of it, but anything is a possibility with VZW, AT&T, or T-Mobile. There is always a catch, like with T-Mobiles unlimited plan. You get 100MB of 4G speeds but anything over 100MB and you get dropped to 2G speeds. I was considering switching to T-Mobile until I saw that.
I am hoping that Google and Dish don't get blocked by VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile. I will switch to Googles cell service as soon as they launch it in my area, even if I can't get service at my house, just to get the hell away from VZW.
Sent from one of the many Anthropomorphic Personalities on the Disc
Even though this sounds like bs i would not put it past big red to try a stunt like this....