[q] NumberPad Keyboard needed!! (attention: this is an ugly doublepost!) - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey out there!
Oh, I´m so annoyed by the default WP7 keyboard...it´s outrageous..and it´s getting worse!
Seriously: A few days ago I´ve posted this question in the HD2 forum too...and it drives me that crazy that I´m breaking all the good manner rules now, posting a "crosslink" right here, hoping that I´ll find some more fellows in misery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=986302
I´m begging for comments, ideas and solace.

something you have to bring up with microsoft on microsoft answers (social.microsoft.com). At present they only support the use of the current on screen keyboard. have you tried using the keyboard sideways? it makes the keys a bit wider. though you saying you posted in the HD2 forum, i'm guessing you're using a HD2... are you telling me you're still having issues typing on a 4.3" screen?

I can touch type 50-65 WPM on my HD7 depending on the day, with about 90%+ accuracy.
If you're having issues typing on a 4.3" screen, WP7's keyboard is not the problem - you are.
And no one is stopping you from buying a real WP7 device with a Physical Keybaord. The DVP I hear is quite hot these days...

Hey you both, thanks for your answers!
First: No, the WP7 KB of course is not that bad (I overplayed it a bit intentionally). But anyway I have to claim that I can still type much faster with an 12 button layout KB due to the fact you can type yours words absolutely blind (I´m sure you also remember these days where you were making a coffe with your left hand, ignoring that your right hand is typing something into your 1 m³ Nokia brick?!). The qwertz/qwerty layout is a good thing, but for me it´s still too small to type something in without looking at it.
Second: Since every mobile OS offers you a bunch of different keyboards (qwerty/qwertz; 12 Button; swype; etc) and every keyboard has it´s own fan community, I think it´s not that an absurd idea, to want this "freedom" on an WP7 too, is it?
Third: Yes, I do have a HD2 with an *goddamned, look at this very* big screen. But: The screen still has issues (eg ghost movements), what makes it sometimes difficult to get accurate results even when you make an effort to exactly hit the button...of course, this point has nothing to do with WP7 itself.

Stop texting in class under your desk???
Flash back to winmo and you can choose your keyboard.
Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express

And the question is: Any news on this topic?

Actually yes, they've opened it up and you can install any keyboard you want. Microsoft will also dispatch one of their top engineers to your house to help you as well.
Other options they've now provided include the ability for any wp7 owner to create their own UI on the go, so you can have a different one each day, and it will now print US, UK, and Canadian currency. Just enter the denomination and boom, it'll print money for you.
/Typed with ease on my LG quantum... Using the software keyboard

Thanks for your incredible effort, pal!
Now s.o. who just wants to share knowledge (as luckily most of us do), please? *g*

brooon said:
Hey out there!
Oh, I´m so annoyed by the default WP7 keyboard...it´s outrageous..and it´s getting worse!
Seriously: A few days ago I´ve posted this question in the HD2 forum too...and it drives me that crazy that I´m breaking all the good manner rules now, posting a "crosslink" right here, hoping that I´ll find some more fellows in misery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=986302
I´m begging for comments, ideas and solace.
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As you have mentioned, this is a double post. There are several posts in this thread already answering your question.
MS currently does not allow alternative keyboards.
There is currently no sideload hack for adding an alternative keyboard.
I've read your other post in the HD2 forum, and it seems in that post you are asking if there is an alternative keyboard. The answer is no.
In that post, it seems you're also asking for someone to work on this project and are looking to garner support from other XDA members.
In this post, It appears that you are just complaining that you don't like the keyboard. Thus, the less than supportive responses. You would haven been better suited searching for an existing thread on the WP7 keyboard and bringing it back from the dead. As you've stated, it is poor manners to double post, and it is also poor manners to repeat a topic already covered by a previous post (several posts actually).
I hope you get your keyboard.

brooon said:
Hey out there!
I´m breaking all the good manner rules now, posting a "crosslink" right here, hoping that I´ll find some more fellows in misery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=986302
I´m begging for comments, ideas and solace.
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The only thing your begging for is an infraction if this happens again.
Development forums are not for this kind of thing.
Please refrain from double posting and posting in the wrong place....
If you do insist on breaking the rules then at least plead ignorance.......
One warning.


It's a start, but...

Admins, thank you for EVENTUALLY listening to us.
However, can we take this a tad further? Somebody's obviously spent quite some time moving threads across and the result is....
a mess, same as every other XDA-Devs forum.
Is there any scope at all for even more sub forums under the existing x7510 one? Obvious ones that jump to mind is a sub forum just for bricked devices, another just for ROMs and perhaps one for performance related matters.
Having different sub forums makes everybody's lives easier and it means you guys have the opportunity to deliver highly targeted advertising (which should bring in more money for you). Everybody wins!
Alternatively we can just go with the present formula, which basically consists of 20 or so stickies at the top, followed by a mish-mash that makes it very difficult to find things even when using the search function.
I would LOVE to see how you lot structure folders on your own systems! If it is anything like XDA-Devs then I gues you often experience that "now-where-did-I-save-it" feeling!
I say patience...and thanks for the child-forum! Maybe we could make a sticky on how to use some prefix or header labels at the beginning of the thread title, e.g. Bricked: after Kaiser rom update my x7510 went black - HELP! or ROM-DL: official HTC X7510 at last! for ROM download links...
@ NanoRuler
I have read your comments here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437317 and elsewhere and now in this thread.
I feel I have to say there are a few things you have said that I find more than a little offensive - just a some of your comments in relation to Admin / Mods / Organisation:
"piss-poor organisation"
"admins here are stubbornly refusing to create a dedicated sub forum"
"admins, especially seeing as they cannot even be bothered to respond to any request"
"My, what an excellent example of good organisation....NOT"
Mixing the above style of comment into your posts, along with your tone in your first post in this thread, is not likely to endear you to Mods, Admins and long standing members here. You see there may be quite a lot of truth in what you say, but it is spoiled by those barbed and untrue comments.
We do monitor how things are going and how things can change, but you have to realise that only a couple of years ago the membership was only a couple of hundred, now it's grown to 195000 active menbers (We MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!) and a membership well over 1 Million. Add to this that the whole show is kept on the road by a handful of voluntary Mods and 1 Admin who does not have 100% of her time dedicated to the site.
The idea that she has "piss-poor organisation" and has "stubbornly refused to set up a forum", aside from being untrue, is also insulting. As you might imagine with only one Admin, you have to wait to see what overall demand is before leaping in to create new Forum. It does create added Moderation work when new Fora are added and there is nothing more disappointing for members to find a forum that never gets answers because nobody goes there. The demand is guaged over a period of time and when the level seems sufficiently high the Forum is created.
With the level of paid staff = slightly less than 1, you cannot achieve military style organisation and everything working like a Swiss watch. (... and do you know I don't think I'd like it if it did.)
Yes we have a few rough edges (that's what makes us so lovable) and believe me I agree we can improve things over time, only don't expect perfection from such a small team. We rely on members to contribute and make helpful suggestions and to do it politely 'cos we do the best we can with the resources we have - and that includes limited time.
EDIT: It was me who moved a lot of posts from the Athena Forum to here. You know, while I was doing it I was thinking, this will be awkward without sub-fora for ROM-Development etc. (You see I was thinking along the same lines as YOU). It somewhat cheesed me off though,when I came here, to be told it was a "mess". I disagree, "Mess" is too strong a word, but I do agree we may need a Development Forum at some point.
OK, let's take this from the top, shall we?
"piss-poor organisation"
Please go to this forum, http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=374, then tell me how to find a recent ROM in amongst everything else. I accept your arguments about the growth of XDA-Dev's (hey, despite my objections I remain a fan!) and the lack of admins and moderators. But let's be fair here, have you guys actually ASKED any more members to help out?
I KNOW what's involved being a Mod in a busy forum, I was one at MCMCSE.com, but you can still spread the load a tad more, and delegate tasks more (such as delegate the ability to create sub forums to Mods).
If anything, this struggle to contain the load supports MY argument that XDA-Dev's is NOT very well organised at all. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20 so it is easy for me to now say having seperate sub forums just for ROMs will make things better organised for everybody, and yes, I probably wouldn't have set it up that way had I been asked when XDA-Dev;s was started. But just because there was an oversight in the beginning does it now mean it must be perpetuated?
"admins here are stubbornly refusing to create a dedicated sub forum" and
"admins, especially seeing as they cannot even be bothered to respond to any request"
Hmmm....let me see..... Many requests over a period of more than three months and nobody even bothered to reply to us? Yes, that IS stubbornly refusing. As was stated here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=420259 "Mod Edit: Darn I was enjoying watching them suffer!!" was probably intended as a joke, but may well have been a freudian slip!
If you guys weren't being stubborn about it, why didn't you just come back to us and state your reasons for delaying. Why blank us for more than three months?
I think you'll find you guys pretty much scored an own-goal there.
"My, what an excellent example of good organisation....NOT"
Again, you've almost admitted that XDA-Dev's is NOT the best organised forum in the world. That comment was made in response to rorydaredkign's suggestion that using a few stickies would solve all our woes. It was NEVER aimed at this site, its admin or mods, but was only ever aimed at Rory's silly suggestion!
Nobody expects perfection, least of all me. Just don't blank us and don't ignore us. I find THAT insulting, because when you ignore somebody you're also saying through your behaviour that they aren't worthy of your attention. ('ll certainly bear this comment of mine in mind should you choose not to reply )
Nobody expects military organisation, either. Over-organising can be far worse than not organising at all.
Again, at the time that I stated so, admins/mods WERE refusing to create a seperate x7510 sub forum, so I have to disagree with your claim that what I had said was untrue. I'm a lot of things, but I'm NOT a liar, nor have I ever been. (Sadly "endearing" isn't a term typically used to describe me, either!)
Now, having said all of that, I'll also say that I WAS pissed off, especially by the lack of response/action, so I accept that I may have been too quick to accuse.
I wish to apologise for that to the admin, the mods and most members here.
Finally Mike, I NEVER intended the word MESS to describe the seperate x7510 section. Moving everything here in record time must have been an enormous pain and such a move can never immediately result in any degree of order.
Right, I can't change my signature message in that post, so this post is made purely to show the updated signature.
-Edit:- And yet, the signature has changed!
Okay, I accept there are some vailid points you make. I can assure you there is and has been no deliberate action to stop (or slow down) a forum being created. I think you do have a point about not hearing anything on whether a forum would be created for 3 months. I don't know if I'm proud to say it but that was probably due to a bit of "muddling through", rather than any deliberate action to ignore the forum request. (Almost a case of wait for the clamour for a forum to get very loud and then create it / if not then the request withers on the vine. NOT the most respectful way to deal with the membership I agree but with no guaranteed or co-ordinated hours being put in by Mods and admin (responsibilities for other things)then a more planned approach tends to remain as a good idea but does not get delivered in practice.
Whether Mods should have powers to create forums is an interesting one. Also not one for me to answer. The Admin reports to a Management group and I guess it would be their and her decision. I can see such a suggestion meeting some resistance if only because Mods come and go fairly frequently and to have power over the structure of the boards might be thought a step too far.
... and now I must go to work... late already
EDIT: I think it's likely you have a lot to offer this Forum, you are obviously interested and have ideas about it. All I would say is, start with the assumption that the Mods and Admin are not against you but with you. We may be slow to change things, for all the reasons I give, but there is no deliberate action to ignore members and you can always send a PM to Mods or Admin if you think something is being missed by us.
Now is time to BUILD the x7510 section!.
Thanks mike for moving the X7510 3Ds here, I am ready to listen suggestions and to better organize the section.
May be Mickyprima or Irus or some other chef would like to be the FIRST in releasing a new ROM?
A sticky "Rom development" thread is needed?
I agree, "it is a start", next step is up to you ( I have an X7500)
sergiopi said:
Now is time to BUILD the x7510 section!.
Thanks mike for moving the X7510 3Ds here, I am ready to listen suggestions and to better organize the section.
May be Mickyprima or Irus or some other chef would like to be the FIRST in releasing a new ROM?
A sticky "Rom development" thread is needed?
I agree, "it is a start", next step is up to you ( I have an X7500)
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Yeah, I moved the more obvious 7510 threads, but not being overly knowledgable about the device, it's entirely possible there are several other threads that need moved.
Also there were a couple that I stickied, because they appeared of on-going importance, but I could be wrong about them. So yes, as sergiopi says, feedback is needed.
EDIT: side note - many of the moved threads I gave a two day expiring redirect - so they will still appear in the Athena section for a couple of days - just in case that confuses anybody!!
NanoRuler said:
Obvious ones that jump to mind is a sub forum just for bricked devices, another just for ROMs and perhaps one for performance related matters.
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there is no such subforums for x7500 either...except for the one for ROMs of course, and I think that could be a good idea, or maybe rename this section as x7510 and x7510 ROMs.
slow...but sure...
NanoRuler...you need to remember that the 7510 is still a very *new* device and not many members/peeps have it. I have searched the net high and wide for info on the 7510 and to be honest the only place where I get any real info is at these boards...so it may be lacking in many things right now but it is the BEST you can find online...and I know over time things will improve as more people buy this device. I have mine for a few weeks now but I still prefer my universal only cause the 'cooks' have not started working their magic as yet and out of the box I think the 7510 is kinda lame/lacking...
I am reminded by something my dear grand-mom would tell me back in the day...'It's not what you say, but how you say it'.
Count me in if more hands are needed to get things moving faster...and thanks to all the peeps in this forum for making this place a blast to visit.
youmeus said:
I am reminded by something my dear grand-mom would tell me back in the day...'It's not what you say, but how you say it'.
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AGREED -- whatever the usefulness of NanoRuler's comments, the negative attitude that is so evident (even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said.
brucewilsonpa said:
AGREED -- whatever the usefulness of NanoRuler's comments, the negative attitude that is so evident (even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said.
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And you did WHAT exactly to campaign for a seperate section? Yeah, I thought so, buddy!
Currently I think you will find YOUR attitude is not exactly positive, particularly so seeing as you are raking up ground that has already been covered.
And you perceived no real change, nor a genuine apology?
I made my my apologies, after having defended myself first. In fact, I do believe I could clearly show that I was wrongly accused in some parts. Yet despite this I felt the need to apologise - I was not forced, sweet-talked or otherwise coerced into an apology. If that's nor real or genuine enough for you, well, though luck matey!
How bloody dare you judge me or anybody else? Who exactly do you think you are?
In your case you've just "skimmed" to the end, in your case too, I will be polite and allow you to pick the 1st word, but the second word most certainly is "off".
It is time to start talking about x7510 again here instead of members mood, attitude, friendliness...
Wow! I merely shared my perception and end up being attacked and castigated. No offense intended but surely I'm allowed to share with you how you appear to come across -- why are you so quick to assume I (or others) are "judging" you? I think the tone of your msg. vindicates my "perception" -- you can villify me and attack me but this is the last word I offer. Let's get back to discussing the important stuff.
Hmmmm....here's what you said:
"even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said"
THAT is judgemental. In case you don't believe me, look up the meaning of the word.
Don't back off with statements like "I merely shared my perception and end up being attacked and castigated", "No offense intended but surely I'm allowed to share with you how you appear to come across" and "I think the tone of your msg. vindicates my 'perception'".
If you merely wanted to share your opinion regarding how I came across, why didn't you think to do so in a PM, as opposed to a public critique? Why raise it at all well after the fact, when everybody's moved on? And finally, the tone of my message was exactly correct in response to somebody criticising me out of the blue.
At least have the courage of conviction to stand by your earlier statement, instead of trying to wash it away with dribble.
More importantly, have you signed up to put YOUR x7510 potentially at risk to test Cmonex's new unlocker? See, I don't simply spew hot air - I also walk the walk, which is why I've signed up.
Now unless you have something useful to contibute, do us a favour and don't post for a while?

Reminder about XDA

OK so i know this is the wrong forum, BUT I came across this and wanted to "bump" it so to speak. This was posted by kyphur in 08 and in a mods sig now. Please read and adhere to the spirit of the post. It is RIGHT ON!!!
I think what a lot of people forget is that this is not a "make my phone neat & kewl" place.
As implied by the name this is technically a Developers forum/community.
Now what does that mean? Well first off it means that there is an expectation that if you are here then you want to customize your device but rather than just installing something that someone packaged you want to understand how it works and maybe even enhance it yourself.
When I first came here with a Blue Angel it was a different environment. PDA Phones were not embraced by the general public because of the expense and complexity (I paid over $400 for my BA). A $400 phone 4 years ago was expensive, today the Tilt is $300 after rebates but with inflation & the rise in the cost of other devices and the fact that there are other sources out there giving them away for $150 our neat bit of kit has become popular with mainstream users.
Now we have a flood of new users who are asking not "How can I do this myself" but more like "Give me the quick fix" without caring to understand the process. See if you read the threads then you get to experience the learning process, you see how the issues were investigated and confirmed. Then you get to watch the different attempts at resolution and learn why some failed while others worked. That is called Development.
The NooB backlash is coming from users who have walked in the development shoes and is directed mainly at those who don't care for the journey but just want the end result or destination.
As a Development Forum we are just as much (if not more) about the journey. I've read so many comments like "I don't have time to read all of the threads" or "I don't care how it works, just that it does". These very statements are contrary to the heart & soul of XDA-Devs and that is why the backlash is so strong.
XDA-Devs is about developers & hackers helping each other and working together to get the most out of our devices by understanding them better than most.
XDA-Devs is not about helping everyone who wants a "Kewl bit of kit" make their phone better than the guy next to him.
Now do we go kicking users off who never contribute anything, NO. We tolerate it to an extent. Where the toleration ends is when these users start diluting the usefulness of the forum by repeating the same questions over and over again.
You ask us to understand your position. Well if you want to benefit from our experience and time then I think it is only fair that you understand our position.
Maybe you can recommend an alternative site for people who just want the newest tweaks and software.
the idea is not that only developers should be looking at this site, but that this is a place where developers communicate with each other and the beneficiaries of their work. This is not the place for someone to post threads about general questions about how to use or mod their device. This is a place that will develop the capabilities of the android platform if it is allowed. Developers WILL abandon this forum if it becomes a bulletin board or a technical support site.....and if you need a question answered, there are other forums on THIS site to address those.
Agreed 100%. While developing for the Windows mobile, I also got the same thing. I would post a thread and WARN people of a certain things and tell them how to fix it. Then I'd get 30 pages of "geeze, you broke something. how do you fix it?" That gets annoying real fast. I would love it if this forum forced people to take a test before they could post in the development sections... Before that, they should only be able to post in the regular sections.
One thing that really bugs me is the fact that the newbs don't want to search but don't realize that they take OUR time to search FOR them. No one knows everything. Every developer on this site searches and learns. I know that if you put together all the time that I've spent on this site JUST researching and searching, it'd be MONTHS and MONTHS of non-stop, no sleep searching and researching. So why can't the average person search for 2 minutes? Is their time worth more than my time?
/rant - while talking on the phone so it might not make sense...
Pinesal said:
Maybe you can recommend an alternative site for people who just want the newest tweaks and software.
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There are thousands, but essentially all they do is copy stuff off here.
Like the post said, if you just want to root your phone so it can do 'cool stuff' and not give a **** about how the damn thing works then maybe you shouldn't be modding your phone (that wasn't aimed at you btw, just 'people' in general the market place is made up of 99% 'these people' who don't/can't read and it's pretty irritating.)
Agree with the post 100%, fantastic
we sadly are living in the (ME) world
there is such a huge gape beetween the 10-19 generation and 20-29
10-19 generation is living in such an easy world, they never had to blow into their nintendo cassettes , know how heavy a quantum bigfoot is or what RTFM mean's
You said it, this is in the wrong forum.
You're not an admin and although you can spend your time here (and pretty much all of your posts) reporting out-of-place threads, you're still not an admin.
People always wonder into communities and it always takes a while to learn the way things work. Mickey is doing a good job on closing and moving threads that are unrelated to development.
With that said...
Agreed. It's really, really, really, really getting to me. I wish OP's had semi-moderator power. They could at least delete all necessary posts and ban that user - if required- for a certain amount of time from their thread only.
jubeh said:
You said it, this is in the wrong forum.
You're not an admin and although you can spend your time here (and pretty much all of your posts) reporting out-of-place threads, you're still not an admin.
People always wonder into communities and it always takes a while to learn the way things work. Mickey is doing a good job on closing and moving threads that are unrelated to development.
With that said...
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ughh, no i'm not an admin, and no almost all my posts, or the majority, or a half are reported threads, but i do try to help out the mods when i can. they are not on all forums at all times and can use the help, and they have said as much.
Oh thank you thank you! People here should want to understand why thing the work as they work. Not just want their phones to look cool.
As it you wouldnt know it, i have been with xda for years well since the titan came out. before that i was modding an ipaq and of course the old palms. everyonce in awhile i lose interest and move on only to come back when i have something new(major a.d.d). i do write java as well as c and even c++(so on) i typically find this place useful to try stuff out and even set up my own custom rom just for me. i dont post because i can google. while i have many of my own questions i would like answered i simply dont ask most of the time(such as using micro kernels and modding app2sd to make the os have two options sd in or out. however the problem is not the generations or age difference or anything like that. its social systems outside of xda. posting a reply used to mean an answer or something useful. now its normal to simply post "great job". thats nice and all but maybe instead of complaining about it we should come up with a new system that improves xda. like a sorting system or sub thread system and set up catagorys for our replys. like thumbs up would be for the "good job". i know its hard to keep everyone happy but this is a forum first, a forum has design problems when you get the number of people xda has. use advanced search it helps a lot. a sorting system with requirements for certain catagorys would help devs. its not easy modding and getting it right and you cant do it alone. xda is the help even if its not your phone sometimes others have solutions too. such as winmo users putting android on their phones(yes i did it too my old titan for fun). things i learned and other devs learn can help us and vice versa. i have yet to find bad technology only poorly thought out ideas that could have been. which is why we mod.
p.s. wtf is up with palm and blackberry ads all the time.
Most of those kids just want the answer or fix in the next 3min. with perfect steps or a patch that supposedly will fix and hack their device,after that they´ll never show up.
All they want is to show off without bothering to read.
I totaly understand. I do feel sometimes that certain devs do get a bit annoyed with people who just want to fix the phone and not understand. I'm not linux or coding wiz. But whe I got here in may I was one of the people who just wanted me phone to be better than urs. I still have that to some extent but I have developed more of a "how and what is causeing this issue" attitude. I try to contribute as best as I can. Helping out over at q&a as best as I can. I enjoy xda and without my days would be more boring than what the are now. I dunno I guess I'm just rambling. Bottom line is I have tried to correct my attitude toward modding. Hell I even post my email so users can drop a line if they need help.
i am 20 and i fondly remember blowing into my nes super nes and genesis games.
i am pretty new to XDA. when i first found this site all i wanted was a quick fix. now i am getting more intrested in the actual dev aspect. i want to be able to create my own rom eventualy. yes i do find myself asking stupid questions and getting some foul responses but in my opinion no question is a stupid one. only the one not asked. yes alot of people just want a fix but there are new users who want to learn. like me. so i appreciate the help i have recieved from most members. and i alwasy appoligise for my stupidity. so dont get down on all noobs because alot of us want to learn and the only way to is to ask.
saprano614 said:
i am pretty new to XDA. when i first found this site all i wanted was a quick fix. now i am getting more intrested in the actual dev aspect. i want to be able to create my own rom eventualy. yes i do find myself asking stupid questions and getting some foul responses but in my opinion no question is a stupid one. only the one not asked. yes alot of people just want a fix but there are new users who want to learn. like me. so i appreciate the help i have recieved from most members. and i alwasy appoligise for my stupidity. so dont get down on all noobs because alot of us want to learn and the only way to is to ask.
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nobody is getting down on noobs. ONLY the site users who FAIL to post questions and general comments in the correct forum
jaaronmoody said:
nobody is getting down on noobs. ONLY the site users who FAIL to post questions and general comments in the correct forum
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Just want to make a statement befor someone did.
I thank you for this post. I came to this forum a long time ago I have learned quite a bit and appreciate everything that is done here. There are very skillful people that are on here and I wish I had the amount of skill then thesemodders, hackers, developers etc... have I keep my mouth shut unless i feel there is some thing that i know how to answer, i have never complained about a single rom i simply research what can be done to change for fix it, all answers rely in a search somewhere either here or google. I just wish other people would do the same then we would be able to prevent a 300+ page threads where only about 25 pages are worth anything.
look at the amount of posts from someone who knows they are barley able to contrubute(but do what he can) and been here this long. compared to people who have been here dont have much to contribute but love to post everything that comes to thier minds.
Join Date
22nd October 2006
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samygent said:
we sadly are living in the (ME) world
there is such a huge gape beetween the 10-19 generation and 20-29
10-19 generation is living in such an easy world, they never had to blow into their nintendo cassettes , know how heavy a quantum bigfoot is or what RTFM mean's
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im 18 and clearly remember blowing into those damn games to make them work. but when they worked, so much fun i still think theyre better than the crappy xbox and ps3 games of today... but thats just me. lol
pleeease yall! let's keep THIS thread on topic! LOL!!

Anyone know a decent, free alarm app for the HD2?

The in built alarm sucks and id like a nice alarm app for the hd2, any suggestions?
G-Alarm ALLLLL the way: (not free, but cheap and worth it)
Although it does my head in trying to solve mathematics when I'm half asleep...at least it gets me out of bed...
I have the best suggestion for you:
at the top of the page you see a taskbar, when you click on search there will popup a new window. Now here is the tricky part, you should not type what you are looking for directly at the popup up screen but click on "use the built in forum search". Now when you have done that, you can search in the whole forum for a topic about a good alarm for the HD2 (because there are dozens of topics about this). To make it a little easier for yourself you should select the Leo forums section on the right.
Good luck
try spb time v3.2.0.
MalekoUK said:
G-Alarm ALLLLL the way: (not free, but cheap and worth it)
Although it does my head in trying to solve mathematics when I'm half asleep...at least it gets me out of bed...
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I agree, this is one of the best WM alarm applications i've ever seen. It even set's a dummy alarm in Windows Alarm, so in any Skin, Shell or other application displaying alarms, they show up (like in Manila or Sense and in SPB Shell).
If you having trouble waking up, you can use a puzzle or a maze to disable or snooze the alarm.
Filipek88 said:
I have the best suggestion for you:
at the top of the page you see a taskbar, when you click on search there will popup a new window. Now here is the tricky part, you should not type what you are looking for directly at the popup up screen but click on "use the built in forum search". Now when you have done that, you can search in the whole forum for a topic about a good alarm for the HD2 (because there are dozens of topics about this). To make it a little easier for yourself you should select the Leo forums section on the right.
Good luck
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WOW.... you just made yourself look like an elitist punk....
One thing that i DO NOT understand about you guys (Elitist) is that, why don't you guys just answer the question?! Is it that hard? Is writing a full paragraph in a sorry attempt to be witty easier?
You should try to acknowledge the fact that not everyone visits this page everyday or has XDA saved as their homepage so that they know all the topics being posted....
It was a simple question which for some reason was a little too difficult for you to answer... re-evaluate what it is that you're trying to "teach" the new members here ya??
and back on topic G-Alarm is one of the more popular ones... you can find the thread around here somewhere...or its even in your marketplace...
+1 for G-Alarm (and by the way G-Profile)
G-alarm is not free. Give a try to Klaxon or Spoon alarm. Both are freeware. the first one supports g-sensor for switching off alarms as G-Alarm does. I don't know for the second
G-Alarm 1.5.1 still floats around, that last free version, but honestly the best €5 you'll ever spend...
I've attached G-Alarm 1.5.1 for ya
ProjektFuze said:
WOW.... you just made yourself look like an elitist punk....
One thing that i DO NOT understand about you guys (Elitist) is that, why don't you guys just answer the question?! Is it that hard? Is writing a full paragraph in a sorry attempt to be witty easier?
You should try to acknowledge the fact that not everyone visits this page everyday or has XDA saved as their homepage so that they know all the topics being posted....
It was a simple question which for some reason was a little too difficult for you to answer... re-evaluate what it is that you're trying to "teach" the new members here ya??
and back on topic G-Alarm is one of the more popular ones... you can find the thread around here somewhere...or its even in your marketplace...
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Right to the point (the elitist thing and G-Alarm...)
If you're looking strictly for an alarm clock that's nicer the built in alarm, and you're really stuck on it being free, Herm's software, Nightstand, is a free (you can buy him a beer from his page), and it works well on the HD2. Not as customizable as G-Alarm, but, again, if you don't feel like paying for G-Alarm, this is a nice alternative: http://www.hermssoftware.com/node/41
^^ i have played around with that app as well.. but in all honesty.. i believe g-alarm is a damn good app.. well worth the couple cents.. but again.. the alternative that junga posted works great as well..
ProjektFuze said:
WOW.... you just made yourself look like an elitist punk....
One thing that i DO NOT understand about you guys (Elitist) is that, why don't you guys just answer the question?! Is it that hard? Is writing a full paragraph in a sorry attempt to be witty easier?
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I disagree with your view point and your attitude.
It is more important to teach someone to fish then to give him a fish. If we keep asking same questions over and over again, this forum will become a useless pile of junk.
alex fung said:
I disagree with your view point and your attitude.
It is more important to teach someone to fish then to give him a fish. If we keep asking same questions over and over again, this forum will become a useless pile of junk.
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true.. but you should keep this in mind... this is an online forum for our specified mobile phone... if we can't ask here.. then why are we here?? it's a discussion for ALL things related to our phone.. regardless of how much it comes up.... (it may be old news and recurring for someone that visits this page every day.. but for someone else... it may be new and fresh info... this forum is not only for your veiwing needs... its a COMMUNITY forum... and you should treat it as such...)
if we wanted an "scripted" or textbook answer then we would go to either yahoo or google and find some info there... but we ask questions here.. because it's "real" people with real opinions, with real input, and real solutions... all the responses here are personalized.. which makes it so much more relatable as opposed to an instruction manual...
if that's too hard to understand.. then i'm afraid this community has worsen since its earlier days...
either way.... your comment was OFF TOPIC... stay on topic or leave... since we like telling others what to do
sorry mods.. but i had to teach someone how to fish...
i use touch alarm pro. don't think it's free, but it's a pretty good program. btw, there's a free version is called touch alarm.
ProjektFuze said:
true.. but you should keep this in mind... this is an online forum for our specified mobile phone... if we can't ask here.. then why are we here?? it's a discussion for ALL things related to our phone.. regardless of how much it comes up.... (it may be old news and recurring for someone that visits this page every day.. but for someone else... it may be new and fresh info... this forum is not only for your veiwing needs... its a COMMUNITY forum... and you should treat it as such...)
if we wanted an "scripted" or textbook answer then we would go to either yahoo or google and find some info there... but we ask questions here.. because it's "real" people with real opinions, with real input, and real solutions... all the responses here are personalized.. which makes it so much more relatable as opposed to an instruction manual...
if that's too hard to understand.. then i'm afraid this community has worsen since its earlier days...
either way.... your comment was OFF TOPIC... stay on topic or leave... since we like telling others what to do
sorry mods.. but i had to teach someone how to fish...
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I agree with you somehow. In xda these days, it's becoming a routine for some people, to just jump in these kind of threads and said "why dont you use the search tools" and follow by "blah, blah, blah, whatever, etc". Why dont just answer the questions, or follow by an answer after your say? It doesnt take much time, does it?
I just joined in this forum not so long, and I am somehow proud that I've never asked these easy-to-find questions. With a new forum, a new device, I always search, and when I think I know it all, then I will jump in, post and join the community, share views, comments, helps, etc. But, not so many people have much spare time as I do, check xda everyday, read every posts and threads. They have works, jobs, families, and maybe only got lunch time to visit xda to get help. To search and find an exact answer to a question, it may take plenty of time.
So people, you may teach a lesson about searching, but it will be more kind of you if you give out an answer after your lesson. That's what I think

[Q] Pretty big design flaw with the wifi

Anyone else notice this? When you hold the phone in landscape, the wifi straight drops out? (Most notably when covering the power button end of the phone with the left hand.) Seems to me that having the antennae built into the back panel/battery cover was a wrong design choice.
Edit: And let me add that reception doesn't drop, just the wifi.
we both made a post about this at the same time. I'm having issues also. I didn't notice that it happens in landscape specifically. it happens all the time to me
Your post is a joke right? Or is this your very first time on the internet and you happened to randomly land on xda for your very first post ever; all the while managing to avoid the hundred of posts regarding the exact same thing?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
cirrob said:
Your post is a joke right? Or is this your very first time on the internet and you happened to randomly land on xda for your very first post ever; all the while managing to avoid the hundred of posts regarding the exact same thing?
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It could be possible, chances are probably as good as getting struck my lightning, winning the lottery and seeing pigs fly all at the same time, but still entirely possible...
Didn't know this forum was full of wanna be mods. If you came him in here with the intention of just ****ting on me, then shame on you. If anything you could of just pointed me in the right direction, like a REAL mod would do, then let this topic die.
mattm025 said:
Didn't know this forum was full of wanna be mods. If you came him in here with the intention of just ****ting on me, then shame on you. If anything you could of just pointed me in the right direction, like a REAL mod would do, then let this topic die.
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did the same in my thread. he's got a stick up his
We just gotta ignore this guy. Don't feed the trolls
Not mines fella.. You have defect. Get it looked at..
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
allholy1 said:
did the same in my thread. he's got a stick up his
We just gotta ignore this guy. Don't feed the trolls
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I'm am no such thing... I think perhaps you should first watch the Video titled:
'You are a NOOB on XDA-Developers'
before you post anything. This issue must have appeared 100s of times on this forum. It would be sensible to use the search feature in future to prevent the forum getting clogged up with the same old topics... I mean it is taking an age now to find anything which is new and worth reading on the sensation forums.
It is not my intention to cause harsh feelings towards other members. However, it's just sometimes easier to convey a point with a slight bit of sarcasm (a concept I know some folk find difficult to grasp) than doing what I am now and stating the obvious about the fact that you should search the forum before posting. IF your issue isn't already in the forum, or it is not particularly related, then you need to post a clear and decisive thread, detailing all of your issues. However I can assure you this has been posted many times in the past week or so and I'm getting sick and tired reading the same old thing!! I'm sorry if I upset you or dented your ego; you'll survive
I hope you continue to enjoy the forum, just as I intend to do myself
Thanks and again I'm sorry for portraying 'stick up my ' behaviour (perhaps a tad extreme response from yourself), just my way of communicating a message; which in future I'll bear in mind because I now know it can cause irrational responses from people, something which I personally do not aspire to cause.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
I have no intention of being a Mod - to much hassle. I would like to note that many Mods on this forum would have given a similar response that I just have - USE THE SEARCH, it's there for a reason!!
Well said hayden. he is right noobs. I think you should have read the forum rules first laid out by the mods. Read other threads. If your issuer isn't there then post and we will be more than happy to help
Swyped from my HTC Sensation Pyramid using my thumb and eyes
HaydenE said:
I'm am no such thing... I think perhaps you should first watch the Video titled:
'You are a NOOB on XDA-Developers'
before you post anything. This issue must have appeared 100s of times on this forum. It would be sensible to use the search feature in future to prevent the forum getting clogged up with the same old topics... I mean it is taking an age now to find anything which is new and worth reading on the sensation forums.
It is not my intention to cause harsh feelings towards other members. However, it's just sometimes easier to convey a point with a slight bit of sarcasm (a concept I know some folk find difficult to grasp) than doing what I am now and stating the obvious about the fact that you should search the forum before posting. IF your issue isn't already in the forum, or it is not particularly related, then you need to post a clear and decisive thread, detailing all of your issues. However I can assure you this has been posted many times in the past week or so and I'm getting sick and tired reading the same old thing!! I'm sorry if I upset you or dented your ego; you'll survive
I hope you continue to enjoy the forum, just as I intend to do myself
Thanks and again I'm sorry for portraying 'stick up my ' behaviour (perhaps a tad extreme response from yourself), just my way of communicating a message; which in future I'll bear in mind because I now know it can cause irrational responses from people, something which I personally do not aspire to cause.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
I have no intention of being a Mod - to much hassle. I would like to note that many Mods on this forum would have given a similar response that I just have - USE THE SEARCH, it's there for a reason!!
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Search wasn't working earlier. I looked through the first four pages with nothing similar to either of these posts on here.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
search has been down but teh googler works nice
Back on track... I have the same issue as the op (putting my palm over the top of the phone with my fingers on the back causes my wifi signal to decrease) I noticied it before reading this thread because the wifi calling notification would randomly show up while connected to wifi
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
Hmmm... this may call for a Recall by HTC... in return for Unlocked Bootloader Sensation Replacements.
Mine will be delivered tomorrow so I cannot do any testing right now but by any chance is there a way to change the power setting on wifi? If it is in power saver mode or something similar it could be more susceptible to interference.
Different phones but my HD2 had some weird quirks on Wifi till I forced it to full power on wifi.
Might not help but its something to look at perhaps.
No problems on wi-fi, so far so good, after unlock it will be perfect.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
power boost
10332007 said:
Mine will be delivered tomorrow so I cannot do any testing right now but by any chance is there a way to change the power setting on wifi? If it is in power saver mode or something similar it could be more susceptible to interference.
Different phones but my HD2 had some weird quirks on Wifi till I forced it to full power on wifi.
Might not help but its something to look at perhaps.
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Yea, 10332007 you nailed it... I went to settings > wifi settings > Menu > Advanced and turned on "Best wifi performance" and then it would only drop one bar. (previously dropped 3). battery sucker, but it does decrease the severity of the issue, besides I'd expect some drop in signal with my meaty paws in the way.
HaydenE said:
I'm am no such thing... I think perhaps you should first watch the Video titled:
'You are a NOOB on XDA-Developers'
before you post anything. This issue must have appeared 100s of times on this forum. It would be sensible to use the search feature in future to prevent the forum getting clogged up with the same old topics... I mean it is taking an age now to find anything which is new and worth reading on the sensation forums.
It is not my intention to cause harsh feelings towards other members. However, it's just sometimes easier to convey a point with a slight bit of sarcasm (a concept I know some folk find difficult to grasp) than doing what I am now and stating the obvious about the fact that you should search the forum before posting. IF your issue isn't already in the forum, or it is not particularly related, then you need to post a clear and decisive thread, detailing all of your issues. However I can assure you this has been posted many times in the past week or so and I'm getting sick and tired reading the same old thing!! I'm sorry if I upset you or dented your ego; you'll survive
I hope you continue to enjoy the forum, just as I intend to do myself
Thanks and again I'm sorry for portraying 'stick up my ' behaviour (perhaps a tad extreme response from yourself), just my way of communicating a message; which in future I'll bear in mind because I now know it can cause irrational responses from people, something which I personally do not aspire to cause.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
I have no intention of being a Mod - to much hassle. I would like to note that many Mods on this forum would have given a similar response that I just have - USE THE SEARCH, it's there for a reason!!
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No real criticism intended, but I would like to point out a slight flaw in your argument. I am not what I would consider a noob, and I am searching for the very same answer.
Had you actually been nice enough to help this person, you would also help others that are searching for this information too. We all have to wade through a ton of false leads when trying to hunt this type of info down. I find there is quite a bit to sort through sometimes, and it is people that are kind enough to answer these questions (noob or not) that also help so many others.
It seems that this is the spirit in which this community was built upon, I see so many angry and irritable people around this forum these days... it is such a shame.
In this situation, you would not only have helped a noob, but you would have saved time for all the other folks that are trying to locate this info and read the title of this post.
I think he gets it now, guys.
This was his first time posting, relax. Hopefully from now on he'll use the search feature, but for now the least you can do is just help the guy out AND advise him about the search feature. Let's not scare away a new forum member.
Wish I could help you, but I am only getting my Sensation next week.
I don't have this problem at all. Have tried and tried to replicate it, but can't. Glad I don't have this problem.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App


my name is dale,
sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum, ive been looking for a newby forum and wanted to introduce myself however its friday and im starting to get tipsy! this site has helped me upgrade my battery pack, and internal memory on my htc hd7, and even replace my screen! i just wanted to say thank you and contribute where possible. ive been looking at wp8 and think its awesome! considering my 3 year old wp7 keeps up with quite a few modern phones with its mods i cant wait to see what the wp8 does. i just wanted to say THANK YOU XDA! no one will even try to argue with me about phones anymore... they only know how to buy them.
i read on a random thread while looking for the newby forum that i can take 10 questions that will show m not a spammer, would anyone mind helping me out with that? this site is HUGE! and also does anyone know of a screachingly fast single core processor/motherboard that will fit my phone? its about due for an upgrade too! or if someone has found a twin core+ that will work with windows 7 devices i'm open for ideas! no unlocking though, im not willing to deal with all of the glitches that come with that.
Sir, there is a thread in place to say hi. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=961655
Here are some reading since you are new:

