[Q] Font Changer - NAND Unlock problem - HTC Aria Android Development

Hey guys i just downloaded Font Changer off of the Market and i started it up so i could change my fonts but i got this error: "System write required - Write access for the system partition was not established on your device and therefore Font Changer will have to be closed. Please make sure your device has NAND unlocked before you try again."
Couple questions... How can i check to see if it is unlocked or not? and if it isnt how do i unlock it?
HTC Aria - CM7 nightly build 33
Sorry guys got another question... but its about the MetaMorph app. I tried to open it and after it runs its checks, it closes and says: "Some files could not be extracted and set up. please make sure you have enough free space in /system".
How do i do that? and how do i clear space? Is it talking about how many applications i have installed? do i need to uninstall some?
Thanks for all the help

Both of those apps require nand unlock. As for the fonts, I normally restart into recovery and go into partition menu and mount system then connect USB and use ADB to push the fonts to the phone. Do a search for complete instructions for changing font and for instructions on changing whatever it is you want to change in MetaMorph.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App

For MetaMorph i just wanted to check it out and kind of play around with it

Army_Spec_Ops said:
For MetaMorph i just wanted to check it out and kind of play around with it
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You won't be able to as it requires S-OFF (NAND Unlock) as well...aria is S-ON...either it's not possible to switch to S-OFF or it's very difficult because no one has done it.
I'm gonna go with the "it's very difficult" option based on this thread:
This is for the evo, so don't try it lol.

If you wanna change fonts you can just flash these in recovery. Its so easy even I can do it


Skinning this android!

Un so um jesusfreke if I understand all this and I'm not shure I fully do, but if I take out thr framework-res.apk un pack it edit it pack it all back up and sign it with thr sighnapk.jar utility and throw it back on my phone which has been moded with your boot recovery and update it will work....well at least in theory????? What's the worst that could happen at a failed attemtp do ya think?
worst that could happen?
brick phone. and I dont mean zack morris.
But assuming you know what everything you just typed actually does, should be fine.
VR4Stryph said:
Un so um jesusfreke if I understand all this and I'm not shure I fully do, but if I take out thr framework-res.apk un pack it edit it pack it all back up and sign it with thr sighnapk.jar utility and throw it back on my phone which has been moded with your boot recovery and update it will work....well at least in theory????? What's the worst that could happen at a failed attemtp do ya think?
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I think you also have to re-sign all the .apk files in the /system/app folder. I just tried this last night and it all worked. I modified the default background in framework-res.apk. So now my phone is using the default background image with ugly black lines that I painted on it in gimp (see screenshot)
The only caveat is that you may have to reset the phone once you re-sign all the apks (alt+w in recovery mode). You will lose all your installed applications and data, and you'll have to re-enter your google account and password when you boot back up.
Try it without reseting, and if your phone acts weird, then try a reset and it should smooth things back out. After that point, you should be able to modify framework-res.apk without having to reset again.
The worst* that will happen is that you can't boot the phone normally. If that happens, put the modified RC30 update back onto your sd card somehow (external reader, another phone that uses miniSD cards, etc), and then boot into recovery mode and re-apply the modified RC30 update.
*I make no guarantees you won't brick your phone of course . But I can't think of anyway you would by doing this.
This isn't exactly skinning but it might help you start:
I modified the Launcher.apk so I could have my own wallpaper in the wallpaper gallery and take out the ugly stuff. Im sure you could change other resources in this and possibly other apk's as well.
I downloaded the android source from here http://source.android.com/download then slightly changed the source for Launcher.apk and recompiled it (make Launcher). My modified Launcher.apk worked fine on the emulator so I remounted my G1's /system partition as rw and replaced /system/app/Launcher.apk with my version and removed Launcher.odex then rebooted (dont forget to save the originals if you try this). So far its been working great in JesusFreke's modified RC30.
A screenshot of the modified wallpaper gallery is here: http://x8x.us/android/device.png
The signed modified Launcher.apk is here: http://x8x.us/android/Launcher_modified_wallpaper.apk
A tarball of the modified source is here: http://x8x.us/android/Launcher_modified_wallpaper.tar.gz
You can browse the modified source directory here: http://x8x.us/android/Launcher_modified_wallpaper/
The only changes I made were to src/com/android/launcher/WallpaperChooser.java and the res/drawable/wallpaper_*.jpg files.
Hopefully this will help you make similar changes on your own, at least until Google comes up with an easier method for changing skins and such. And maybe a wallpaper gallery thats not static!
Being able to do things like this are what I was hoping for when I bought the G1, sucks that they won't allow people to choose to enable root.
I just saw a detailed post from Living_Sword over at modmygphone on how to make the re-signing thing work. Thought y'all might be interested
JesusFreke said:
I just saw a detailed post from Living_Sword over at modmygphone on how to make the re-signing thing work. Thought y'all might be interested
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Looks alot like the method you described above... umm... there any way to backup text messages yet.. iv'e got a few hundred that i'd like to keep :*(
VR4Stryph said:
Looks alot like the method you described above... umm... there any way to backup text messages yet.. iv'e got a few hundred that i'd like to keep :*(
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It is. He took my idea and ran with it.
Re: backing up text messages.. not sure. Let me play with it a bit and get back to you
JesusFreke said:
It is. He took my idea and ran with it.
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lol I never ran away with your idea. I acknowledge it as yours and thanked you for the idea in the original post here.
I know we are all trying to get the best out of our G1 and stealing ideas isn't the right way to go about it. Hope I cleared all misunderstandings
I didn't mean that in a bad way I saw your article and was like "oh cool! He got it to work."
just to clarify...
the default wallpapers you see in the Wallpaper Gallery activity are embedded in Launcher.apk?
i always thought it read some directory of images.
i guess that explains why the process for converting images from the Pictures activity requires crop/resizing and the gallery activity doesn't.
JesusFreke said:
I just saw a detailed post from Living_Sword over at modmygphone on how to make the re-signing thing work. Thought y'all might be interested
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If i am just modifying a pic (.png) in the apk, does the apk still have to be resigned?
yes, it does need to be resigned.
Modifying Wallpaper Gallery
ive been trying to find a way to add my own wallpapers to the gallery and it seems its no easy task, isnt there a way to redirect the path to make it look in a directory? im a linux noob (especially on devices like this) so if im asking a dumb question i dont know that i am
also.. if the only route is to modify the launcher package, is it possible to add as many as you want? or is there a limit to how many you can put in/replace?
best bet is to modify the apk (i think it's launcher but it may be framework-res) but as far as i know you can only replace the wallpapers there unless you wanna try some hex edits
Apotheo said:
I downloaded the android source from here http://source.android.com/download then slightly changed the source for Launcher.apk and recompiled it (make Launcher).
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im trying to create my own Launcher.apk so i can include my own wallpapers into the Wallpaper Gallery. Everytime i type "make Launcher" (im in the /packages/apps/ dir) it just says:
make: Nothing to be done for `Launcher'.
so i figured i would try going into the Launcher dir, then trying it... then i get this:
make: *** No rule to make target `Launcher'. Stop.
how do you compile these things? ive also tried opening it in eclipse with the android plugin but when i try to compile it tells me to fix like 300 something errors first.


SOrry Guys Forgot 2 mention earlier. I moved To Xperia Mini Pro, So any1 else can take over and help PPL here taking hell outta there explorer
How to:
1. Download the files - "HTC Pico_Recovery,Boot with ext 2 3 4 support" , "BCM4330.KO" "superuser" from Below link,
"Superuser.zip" - http://www.4shared.com/file/KalrHXNj/Superuser.html
"Bcm4330.ko" - http://www.4shared.com/file/GbW0ZtaT/bcm4330.html
"HTC Pico_Recovery,Boot with ext 2 3 4 support" - http://www.4shared.com/zip/920-kXYc/HTC_Pico_RecoveryBoot_with_ext.html
2. Extract "HTC Pico_Recovery,Boot with ext 2 3 4 support" somewhere. say: desktop or some drive, copy "BCM4330.ko" onto ur adb "Tools" folder. Copy superuser.zip to ur Sdcard.
3. connect ur "Htc explorer(Pico) via USB" and open "recovery.bat from the folder u just extracted.
4. Wait relax, and watch ur device getting new underGarments. now as the time pass the "command Prompt" which just opened after opening "recovery.bat'' will show "adb reboot recovery" as the device boots to recovery, u will given new menu with blue fonts.
5. Now in recovery go to "Mount & Storage" and select "mount /system" with device connect via USB
6. I presume u have adb already setup on ur pc/laptop. Open "CMD" and type.
adb shell mv -f /system/lib/modules/bcm4330.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4330.bak
adb push /full/path/to/bcm4330.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4330.ko
7. Now, select "unmount /system" from recovery menu (from where u earlier mounted /system)
8. select "goback" from below. now go to "install zip from SDcard. and and slect first open (which says choose zip from sdcard, or somthing like this). find the "superuser.zip" which u copied to ur sdcard and flash by selecting it.
9. Now if flashing goes smooth and it says "install zip from sd complete" then reboot ur device and enjoy.
For getting more space on ur device, download "link2sd"
For link2sd to work, i have attached tutorial for this (which i found by googleing) in Jpeg format (picture)
after getting link2sd to work , u can link the apps to sdcard and save more on device.
there is another option for getting more space on device.
Just download "terminal emulator" from market. pls note: u need to be rooted for this.
and give su permission to the app when prompted.
just enter
pm setInstallLocation 2
now u will be taken to the next line and thats all
all ur apps will be installed to sdcard automatically. please note: when installing widgets, pls move them back to ur phone memory as they dont work on sdcard
Suggestion: You can pm me if you have some confusions or facing some problems rather than going some where else. I am always happy to help and there for the android community
For Custom ROM, Visit
Hey jitin02,
Thanks a lot for the post... But here are some changes I had to do to root my phone.
a. To install recovery:
The bat file kept waiting for the device infinitely. I just manually ran the two fastboot commands and the reboot command to setup recovery.
b. Copying superuser files:
Your method of extracting the zip file and then pushing them over to the /system directory will surely not work on windows systems, especially FAT32 file system computer, su file will not have executable rights when its copied into the dir.
right way is
copy superuser.zip to sdcard
boot into recovery
choose install from a zip option and point to that zip
Thanks for the post!
WIFI error and solution!!
rooted the phone manually with .cmd and then installed .zip from sd card.
when rebooting no wifi connection (error) and then formated using recovery but it didnt reboot (supose i have no rom installed now =$) how can i install another one, is there any for explorer?
any compatible rom would be fine for the time being.. =S
EDIT: found a ROM at last from a chineese site, (Eng and chinese languaje) the first one out there!!
here is the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3RC9EE9Z
Can i remove the sim-lock by using this method?
jaggyjags said:
bit noobish by the way
rooted the phone manually with .cmd and then installed .zip from sd card.
when rebooting no wifi connection (error) and then formated using recovery but it didnt reboot (supose i have no rom installed now =$) how can i install another one, is there any for explorer?
any compatible rom would be fine for the time being.. =S
EDIT: found a ROM at last from a chineese site, (Eng and chineense languaje) the first one out there!!
cant upload links for the time being, PM for me to send
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Did the same and I have the same error. Wifi does only show (error) on my HTC Explorer / Pico
I need that link to get it back working PM is on the way
Mr.Bruasca said:
Can i remove the sim-lock by using this method?
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sorry i dont know this , may be google can help.
this method is only to root
Unfortunately I bricked mine too. Oddly everything was fine for a while. Until it starting giving a wi-fi error and after that I tried to fix it with a reset and after doesn't go any further than the HTC logo. Any thoughts in how to bypass this other than flashing a new rom? I kinda liked my stock and didn't backup.
Mr.Bruasca said:
Can i remove the sim-lock by using this method?
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Mine is locked and I tried a different network SIM and it worked fine. Can't guarantee for sure because I didn't tried before rooting.
Dante Leonheart said:
Unfortunately I bricked mine too. Oddly everything was fine for a while. Until it starting giving a wi-fi error and after that I tried to fix it with a reset and after doesn't go any further than the HTC logo. Any thoughts in how to bypass this other than flashing a new rom? I kinda liked my stock and didn't backup.
Mine is locked and I tried a different network SIM and it worked fine. Can't guarantee for sure because I didn't tried before rooting.
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sent ROM in PM
install it through recovery after wiping all cache and memory (recovery option)
everything works perfect, you have to install android market separatelly and reboot for it to work (at least me). Full reboot (untick the fast reboot from settings)
I am preparing a custom rom with preinstalled apps and without the chinese ones, i will be posting it soon.
I have a good news for HTC Explorer users'. My friend, he rooted it successfully. I'll post a translator tutorials about it for u all soon.
Now, Register a account on http://www.htcdev.com first
Here's screenshot
Whether exists custom ROM for HTC Pico??
Hey guys, i've finished translating the tutorials HOW TO ROOT HTC EXPLORER. HERE http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=20197444#post20197444
Velvetsilk said:
Whether exists custom ROM for HTC Pico??
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Only one at the moment in all the entire internet, it has preinstalled the "superuser" and a file browser (some more but not used as thay are not in english), but has the chinese version of the market so we have to install it separatelly.
Preparing another one
---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------
Here is Only ROM available YET!
The custom rom is ok so far... still I am kind of a noob. Or feel like one. Is there a way to install other languages to that rom, specially the systemlanguage? and how to customize the rom?
Sorry for asking dump questions
Just figred, after I installed Market, and try to install an app, crashes. telling me the process has endet unexpected. :-(
Should have stayed with my original... anyone has a backup of an original rom?
CatOnAndroid said:
The custom rom is ok so far... still I am kind of a noob. Or feel like one. Is there a way to install other languages to that rom, specially the systemlanguage? and how to customize the rom?
Sorry for asking dump questions
Just figred, after I installed Market, and try to install an app, crashes. telling me the process has endet unexpected. :-(
Should have stayed with my original... anyone has a backup of an original rom?
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I didn't find any ROM but that one, managed to make android market work by rebooting the phone (full reboot, untick the fast reboot option)
dont know how to add new languaje (if possible)
to modify ROMs just eliminate the .apk you want from system/app inside the zip and add any you want, I just modified mine and added like 15 different apps (file explorer, Copilot, android market, music player, adobe flash...) and doesn't use any memory (just available ROM) you have around 50mb free . once you install it look for available memory left with programs like APPS2ROM (it doesn't work in our HTC but helps me see ROM memory left).
i am going to try now to add an app to ROM memory by just creating a .zip file with /system/app folders and the .APK in it, let see if it works
Yes I figured now, you have to reboot the phone. Works fine now. Already made a clean backup.
Ive seen a file which has many apps listed and SHA1 keys in it. hats why I am asking for howto cook your own rom. Let me know if it worked. Would be great if I could add and remove some stuff
CatOnAndroid said:
Let me know if it worked. Would be great if I could add and remove some stuff
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I am afraid it doesn´t, ("Installation aborted" message in Recovery). I will look for a diferent way to do it, not as simple as making a .zip file with "system/app/**.apk"
You can still uninstall them from rom memory using apps like "rom uninstaller" in andoid market
EDIT: found a way around it , just add the .apk inside "/system/app" in the "superuser.zip" found in the first post
you already have this app in your phone so there is no problem in reinstalling it everytime you like on top of it (it even is the "pro version" of superuser, not the one on the custom ROM)
everything perfect
just note that no ALL of the apps work perfectly in the ROM memory, some crashed when opening them and had to uninstall them using "rom uninstaller" and install them manually
(I found just 2 small ones)
Yes while experimenting I found rom uninstaller too. and I managed to get rid of Sense 3.5 and some other stuff.
I installed GO Launcher EX instead and it runs alo better and faster than Sense.
Even this is my first Droid, I love it. I will make some Screenshots of it as soon I am dne with work.
I thank XDA and all users for the great work. Now I need to figure out if there is a way to install more languages.
For all PMing me... Scroll up to find the ROM
Wifi Issue
Did anyone figure out why WiFi is not working?
We have not changed the kernel, so I don't understand the reason...
HTCa310eRastar said:
Did anyone figure out why WiFi is not working?
We have not changed the kernel, so I don't understand the reason...
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The funny thing is that it only affects the stock rom installed, I flashed the "superuser" after the custom rom and wifi works perfectly
I guess the problem is with recovery.img that we flashed, if there is someone who has not touched it yet, can you take a backup of it?

[Q] Supreme Sense Question

I recently purchased the Evo Shift 4g and i have perm rooted and have been able to flash to the supreme sense rom and back to the stock rom successfully. Mahalo for all the information that i was able to gather here to help a newbie like myself!
I had my shift programmed so that it will work with a local carrier here in Hawaii, MobiPCS. I am currently trying out the supreme sense rom now and so far so good. I have a few questions and hopefully, i didn't miss a post that has my answers.
1. I am using one of the cool lockscreens (Weather). How, if possible can i change the actual text, specifically "Sprint" that appears above the clock?
2. I can no longer gain access to EPST. ##3282# no longer works. Is there another code? I already have my MSL#. I am guessing that my first question must get the "Sprint" from data in the phone?
3. Voice Mail notification is the only thing that does not work. It did not function with the stock rom either. The only way i can get a notification is to run an app VoiceMail Notifier. Do i have any another options? I am assuming the sprint voice mail has no bearing on my voice mail service from Mobi. I don't understand if the flag to notify the phone is being changed to inform of a voice mail, why the phone natively does not send a notification. (Yes, the voice mail notifications is All turned on).
Not too sure if its okay to post multiple question in a single post, if not, i apologize!
Mahalo (thank you) for taking the time to help me!
Well, I can steer you in the right direction for question #1. Check out this post by one_love_420. I can't help you on #2 and #3 though. Sorry.
for number 3 would google voice help in anyway to help get notified when you get a voicemail?
To solve your EPST problem download this APK HERE
then it should work
BTW:Credit to Strapped365 for the link (which COULD be found in his second post on the Supreme Sense thread. .)
and if i knew who originally posted the EPST.apk a LONG time ago id five them credit here
stslivealoha said:
I recently purchased the Evo Shift 4g and i have perm rooted and have been able to flash to the supreme sense rom and back to the stock rom successfully. Mahalo for all the information that i was able to gather here to help a newbie like myself!
I had my shift programmed so that it will work with a local carrier here in Hawaii, MobiPCS. I am currently trying out the supreme sense rom now and so far so good. I have a few questions and hopefully, i didn't miss a post that has my answers.
1. I am using one of the cool lockscreens (Weather). How, if possible can i change the actual text, specifically "Sprint" that appears above the clock?
2. I can no longer gain access to EPST. ##3282# no longer works. Is there another code? I already have my MSL#. I am guessing that my first question must get the "Sprint" from data in the phone?
3. Voice Mail notification is the only thing that does not work. It did not function with the stock rom either. The only way i can get a notification is to run an app VoiceMail Notifier. Do i have any another options? I am assuming the sprint voice mail has no bearing on my voice mail service from Mobi. I don't understand if the flag to notify the phone is being changed to inform of a voice mail, why the phone natively does not send a notification. (Yes, the voice mail notifications is All turned on).
Not too sure if its okay to post multiple question in a single post, if not, i apologize!
Mahalo (thank you) for taking the time to help me!
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Well bubbaearl steered you in the right direction for the first answer. Later on in that same thread there is a flashable posted up.
HERE is the exact post.
As for the ESPT issue THIS should take care of it.
Your Voice mail should be working regardless of carrier. I would contact your current carrier, and ask them to help resolve the issue. They shuld be able to resolve the issue with you on the phone.
Mahalo to prboy1969, notsointeresting, bubbaearl, & youngcorruptionV2.0 for your help!
I'll ..attemp (lol) to do as suggested by the links provided to deal with question1 and 2.
As for the voicemail issue, the actual voicemail does work fine. its just the notification (visual, sound or vibrate) to let me know that there is a voicemail to be retrieved does not work (both the stock and supreme sense rom) As i mentioned, i am currently using Voicemail Notifier to resolve the issue, but i thought the actual phone would be able to notify me without a 3rd party app.
Unfortunately, google voice does not provide a number here out in the Pacific Ocean! but thanks for the idea...
I'll report back if i'm successful regarding the other stuff.
Again, mahalo for taking the time to help!!!
Did you follow THIS guide before flashing your Rom.
Yes, i did exactly (3x's) what the guide mentioned except for the skipping of the setup...I couldn't figure out how to get out of the setup so i just cancelled/skipped to the end (hope that was okay).
I also flashed back to my stock rom (to get the magic smoke live wallpaper apk, and to back up with Titanium Backup some apps that i missed the first time), then i followed the instructions again. Both times, the voicemail notification did not work. I had a difficult time installing the Magicsmoke live wallpaper but with some help, i was able to get it going. btw, supreme sense rom so far is pretty cool.
Got the "Sprint" removed and replaced with my text! Thanks for the info and the link. very cool...
As fpr #2, the epst, the update(thank you for the zip) did not address the issue. although i guess i don't really need it since i thought i had to change the info here to resolve my issue #1. Just for my info though, why does it not work anymore? wouldn't you folks want to be able to change settings from there? btw, i did wipe the davlik and cache before installing from sd/zip. (installed from boot recovery)
As this is my FIRST android phone (always had a windows phone) As i am getting more familiar with this rom, installing the apps, etc. any other suggestions?
i did partition my sd 8GB with a 1gb ext3 as i flashed with a2sd. However, i didn't see the app in the drawer, and i wasn't sure if that's right? than i noticed any app shortcut (not sure what you call it, one of the home screens) that i installed on the SD, after reboot, the shortcut had a generic icon, rather than the app icon. (just noticed this). when i move the app back to the phone, then after reboot the icon appear fine!
I know i read many posts stating to follow the guide before flashing, and i did!!
Again, mahalo for your help!
stslivealoha said:
Got the "Sprint" removed and replaced with my text! Thanks for the info and the link. very cool...
As fpr #2, the epst, the update(thank you for the zip) did not address the issue. although i guess i don't really need it since i thought i had to change the info here to resolve my issue #1. Just for my info though, why does it not work anymore? wouldn't you folks want to be able to change settings from there? btw, i did wipe the davlik and cache before installing from sd/zip. (installed from boot recovery)
As this is my FIRST android phone (always had a windows phone) As i am getting more familiar with this rom, installing the apps, etc. any other suggestions?
i did partition my sd 8GB with a 1gb ext3 as i flashed with a2sd. However, i didn't see the app in the drawer, and i wasn't sure if that's right? than i noticed any app shortcut (not sure what you call it, one of the home screens) that i installed on the SD, after reboot, the shortcut had a generic icon, rather than the app icon. (just noticed this). when i move the app back to the phone, then after reboot the icon appear fine!
I know i read many posts stating to follow the guide before flashing, and i did!!
Again, mahalo for your help!
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To fix EPST you're going to have to run RUU. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Also I highly recommend using FAT32 for partitioning an sdcard or just letting Clockwork Recovery do its thing.
stslivealoha said:
Got the "Sprint" removed and replaced with my text! Thanks for the info and the link. very cool...
As fpr #2, the epst, the update(thank you for the zip) did not address the issue. although i guess i don't really need it since i thought i had to change the info here to resolve my issue #1. Just for my info though, why does it not work anymore? wouldn't you folks want to be able to change settings from there? btw, i did wipe the davlik and cache before installing from sd/zip. (installed from boot recovery)
As this is my FIRST android phone (always had a windows phone) As i am getting more familiar with this rom, installing the apps, etc. any other suggestions?
i did partition my sd 8GB with a 1gb ext3 as i flashed with a2sd. However, i didn't see the app in the drawer, and i wasn't sure if that's right? than i noticed any app shortcut (not sure what you call it, one of the home screens) that i installed on the SD, after reboot, the shortcut had a generic icon, rather than the app icon. (just noticed this). when i move the app back to the phone, then after reboot the icon appear fine!
I know i read many posts stating to follow the guide before flashing, and i did!!
Again, mahalo for your help!
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You can also try THIS for the ESPT. For whatever reason sometimes you have to try a few different ESPT apk's. Also one other thing to consider is, since you flashed to a different carrier ESPT may not be available. Not sure who MobiPCS is asssociated with. But either way, no you don't have to RUU to get ESPT working again . Unless of course you want to start the whole process over.
When you use A2SD you do not have to move the app manually to the SD Card. I take it that's what you did before moving them back to the phone? A2SD takes care of that automatically. Although it appears the app is on the phone it is not. Also you can post up on the Supreme Sense thread with all your questions. We'd be glad to have you post up .
prboy1969 said:
You can also try THIS for the ESPT. For whatever reason sometimes you have to try a few different ESPT apk's. Also one other thing to consider is, since you flashed to a different carrier ESPT may not be available. Not sure who MobiPCS is asssociated with. But either way, no you don't have to RUU to get ESPT working again . Unless of course you want to start the whole process over.
When you use A2SD you do not have to move the app manually to the SD Card. I take it that's what you did before moving them back to the phone? A2SD takes care of that automatically. Although it appears the app is on the phone it is not. Also you can post up on the Supreme Sense thread with all your questions. We'd be glad to have you post up .
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I've had someone had EPST corrupted and the only way to get it back was RUU. Nandroid first of course, run RUU then restore Supreme and it works fine.
Yes, i did format the remaining partition fat32, also set to primary.
As to the ruu, i hope not! However thing to note is after flashing to my the carrier i use MobiPCS, I had already perm rooted my shift and getting into the epst to change things that needed to be changed was done (I purchased the phone used off ebay). So, i'm pretty sure flashing to my new carrier had no impact on being able to use epst. However, upon flashing to supreme, no access.
I will try the other link (thanks prb1969) and see if that resolves the issue. Jus curious but for all the others that have flashed to supreme rom, they also have the same issue regarding EPST? Just to make sure the access code is ##3282#, then call...right?
The a2sd..i am a bit confused. (Supreme rom with a2sd flashed) if i understand the reply, a2sd moves the apps to the sd (i assume the ext3 partition) yet it still appears to be on phone? is that correct? Also, a2sd will not in the app drawer at all? (i couldn't find it)
So, i guess what i did, screwed things up? I installed a2sd, it then reported many apps on the phone, of which i did start to move to SD. (thats when i noticed my shortcut (app) icon issue.
Again, mahalo for your help Vicodan and prb1969. I originally wanted to post my questions...pleas for assistance on the supreme sense thread, but since i am a newbie...I couldn't. From what i understand, not until i reach a certain level?
I'd be happy, well, sort of (realizing i would have go through the setup process again) to start over (revert back to stock rom or reflash the supreme rom) if you all recommend that....
Anyways, i'll try that new link for the EPST. will report back..
thanks for the new link for EPST prb1969, however no change..i did wipe davlik and the cache before updating. No errors encountered during the update.
in the dialer, i input ##3282 but when i add the last #, the numbers disappear.
I'll wait to hear back but i thought i might try to restore back to stock rom and see if ##3282# still works (it did the last time but before i flashed supreme)
If you have a Nand of the stock Rom, Nand back and check to see if ESPT works. As for the posts I believe you need at least 10, before you can post on other threads.
I've had someone had EPST corrupted and the only way to get it back was RUU. Nandroid first of course, run RUU then restore Supreme and it works fine.
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Hey VICODAN just for the record if you RUU back to stock. You can't just restore a Rom afterward . RUU equals no Root .
nand back to stock rom. Yes, EPST worked. copied epst.apk to sd. flashed back to supreme a2sd rom (clean).
will apply lockscreen banner update along with the magic smoke wallpaper..
Can i copy the epst.apk that i got from the stock rom and paste into the /system/app folder?
or do i need to something else first?
and btw, after flashing back to supreme a2sd rom, epst does not work
Don't know if this is the same EPST.apk you've used, this works fine on my phone running SSV8 A2SD with dodge kernel ext4. Hope it works on yours...
Sent from my "CRACKED" Speedy Evo engine... via Tapatalk!
Ok I'm back lol ha-ha with a fresh build station, man i don't know why you can't use epst, because all of us SS users can use it fine I'm not to sure about the metro users or not, and this has me stumped because SS is basically just a modded out stock ROM so i dunno but we will all try to do what we can to get you up and running as you see here
Shifted to the extreme, cause I rawk Supreme
Mahalo for the update file rhodiggah. I'll report back to see if it works.
also, can i use the epst.apk file from the stock rom, rename the existing one in the SS Rom, and paste into the /system/app folder?
do i also need the odex file?
btw i was able to get the magic smoke live wallpaper to work by copying the apk file from the stock rom, copying it into the ss rom and correcting the persmissions, and it worked. I didn't copy over the odex file. while it works, i read about what the odex file does, and now i'm wondering if i need this file also. the wallpaper seems to work fine.
Also, an update on a2sd, yes, it does move installed files to the SD card ext3 partition! lol. and i didn't install a newer version. (Since i started over again flashing SS) which begs to ask, what happens when there is an update to a2sd? I"m guessing there is a way to do it?
Again, can't say it enough about how helpful you everyone has been in helping a newbie out!!!
prboy1969 said:
If you have a Nand of the stock Rom, Nand back and check to see if ESPT works. As for the posts I believe you need at least 10, before you can post on other threads.
Hey VICODAN just for the record if you RUU back to stock. You can't just restore a Rom afterward . RUU equals no Root .
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RUU 2.2, reroot, reflash cwm, restore supreme sense. done.

Gingerbread and Google maps - not compatible

I'm running the latest version of Gingerstreak v2.4.4 and tried to post in that forum but some stupid rule of 10 posts tells me to post it here
anyways... Gingerbread (and ROMs like Gingerstreak) and Google maps are not compatible when I go to the Marketplace for updates
I have google maps installed, but want to update it but the Marketplace will not allow it
1) why is this
2) is there a fix
3) could someone please give us peeps a URL link to the latest updated Google Maps file so we can manually install the program (Engadget says that Google Maps just updated this file today: 2012.02.16)
I also google searched this outside of the XDA and many peeps are having this problem, so its not just GingerStreak version ROMs
any help on this problem would be great
Change the DPI to 240
clear the market data in app settings
reboot again
update the apps
change the DPI back to whatever you want
damn your good...
it was my screen resolution and Im still not sure how it got changed from 240 to 200 dpi
but I found this ROOT program for dpi setting, called
LCD Resolution (Root)
and also already had this program
App Cache Cleaner
for clearing all app caches
(thought I'd add that info for others so they dont have to go into the internals to change dpi and also an easy cache cleaner)
it was driving me crazy as to why the Market was blocking me
Now I can roam and download freely as it was before
thanks for your quick help
cajunflavoredbob said:
Change the DPI to 240
clear the market data in app settings
reboot again
update the apps
change the DPI back to whatever you want
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Just out of insane curiosity, how did you know this? How could the screen rez block the market?
AspiringDeveloper said:
Just out of insane curiosity, how did you know this? How could the screen rez block the market?
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It's a VERY common problem. The new Android market blocks strange DPIs for some reason. Tablets normally use 140 or 160. Phones use 240 or 200. If you use a non-standard DPI, the market gets crazy and blocks you out like a bouncer at a strip club.
If you want to use other DPIs, then you either need to do the steps I listed above, or use one of the hacked market.apks lying around the site.
Personally, I use 140 DPI on my HD2. What's the point of a big, 4.3" screen if you aren't using it?
I screwed up by setting my Dell Streak 5 to 240 dpi
and later on shut my phone off and now when I start it my numbered LOCK screen comes up for me to put in my unlock code and I cannot get to the entire bottom row of numbers on the touch pad
So does anyone know how to go into the internals on the Dell Streak 5 and reset the dpi to 160 0r 140
or can I use like superoneclick or another software to do this
Im running Gingerstreak v2.4.4
Also does anyone know how I kill this lock-screen code thing, I've researched it and tried to undo it, but the lock screen pad still comes up every time I do a cold start up
seb6000 said:
I screwed up by setting my Dell Streak 5 to 240 dpi
and later on shut my phone off and now when I start it my numbered LOCK screen comes up for me to put in my unlock code and I cannot get to the entire bottom row of numbers on the touch pad
So does anyone know how to go into the internals on the Dell Streak 5 and reset the dpi to 160 0r 140
or can I use like superoneclick or another software to do this
Im running Gingerstreak v2.4.4
Also does anyone know how I kill this lock-screen code thing, I've researched it and tried to undo it, but the lock screen pad still comes up every time I do a cold start up
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You can delete/move/rename the lockscreen.apk from the system partition. Just mount /system in CWM.
cajunflavoredbob said:
You can delete/move/rename the lockscreen.apk from the system partition. Just mount /system in CWM.
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sorry I'm not sure what u r saying here.
can u give me a quick guide on how to do that please
I have now problem getting into the streaks internals
like: Dell Streak 5/Flashing Guide
but if it means doing it on the frontside, I am blocked by that program
if they would have allow the keyboard use it would have been nice, but I can olly see 6 numbers on the lockscreen
seb6000 said:
sorry I'm not sure what u r saying here.
can u give me a quick guide on how to do that please
I have now problem getting into the streaks internals
like: Dell Streak 5/Flashing Guide
but if it means doing it on the frontside, I am blocked by that program
if they would have allow the keyboard use it would have been nice, but I can olly see 6 numbers on the lockscreen
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Do you have Clockworkmod installed on the device? If not, then you have to hard reset.
Some users say that you can input the wrong pin a few times and then it will allow you to unlock with your Google account. Again, if that doesn't work, then you need to do a hard reset.
cajunflavoredbob said:
You can delete/move/rename the lockscreen.apk from the system partition. Just mount /system in CWM.
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I habe Gingerstreak v2.4.4 installed
I thought I read in a forum here that Clockworkmod doesnt work with Gingerstreak v2.4.4
I do have Multirecoveryboot installed will that work?
or I can install Clockworkmod and try it
I just removed ROM Manager a few days back
and Clockworkmod cannot be installed if I cannot get inside the front door, past the lockscreen
seb6000 said:
I habe Gingerstreak v2.4.4 installed
I thought I read in a forum here that Clockworkmod doesnt work with Gingerstreak v2.4.4
I do have Multirecoveryboot installed will that work?
or I can install Clockworkmod and try it
I just removed ROM Manager a few days back
and Clockworkmod cannot be installed if I cannot get inside the front door, past the lockscreen
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Ask in your device forum. I don't own one of these things, so that's as much as I can help you. The information I provided is for general Android use. If those suggestions don't apply to you, then there isn't anything more I can suggest other than asking other users of your device for assistance. They will know more about this than I do.
ok... will do
at least now I have the 10 posts minimum
so I can do that, before I was blocked
thanks for all the help
seb6000 said:
ok... will do
at least now I have the 10 posts minimum
so I can do that, before I was blocked
thanks for all the help
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DO NOT ask a question in the development section. Make a thread about your problem in the QUESTIONS and Answers forum of your device. Asking a question in the dev forum will get your post deleted and get you an infraction. Please make sure to ask in the proper area.

workaround for crashing links (build.prop)

as many may have noticed with the new stock ICS ROM there are some issues regarding links, e.g. WhatsApp crashes if you click on a link etc. and there is a quick fix/workaround for it (you need write access to /system however).
Investigating the crash report it became clear that the issue is related to the Htc Linkify Dispatcher which was (as I understand it) implemented by HTC to comply with some apple patent-related stuff and to strip the device of Android's original abilities regarding the handling of links (more info e.g. on [1] )
So normally the device will have a running Htclinkifydispatcher.apk and in addition a build.prop setting indicating this "feature". With the ICS ROM however the build.prop says that the feature is enabled but a quick check in /system shows that the Htclinkifydispatcher.apk is not installed, so consequently this means that apps relying on build.prop will fail when handling links (as the dispatcher is not active).
The logical solution seems to be to adapt the build.prop accordingly. After a quick search I found the necessary steps to be the following (Source: [2]):
In the /system/build.prop file search for ro.da1.enable=true and set it to ro.da1.enable=false
Add ro.da1.method=false directly under it
I performed these steps and now am able to click on links in WhatsApp again without crashes. Maybe this will help someone else as well.
[1] commonsware.com / blog / 2012 / 07 / 23 / linkify-problem-patent-behavior . html
[2] androidcentral.com / how-restore-functionality-apple-v-htc-war-has-taken-away-root
Sorry for the awkwardly typed web URLs but I do not yet have the privilege to post outside links, so maybe some mod can fix it
some moderator should make this sticky.
yes this is the exact problem i encountered, in every apps except internet.. -.-
nice guide everything ok now! :victory:
Thanks for this workaround. However I noticed that I no longer have an option called something like "Aplications associations" under Settings menu. It was just below "Applications"... Do you think is related to the modification?
I think yes...
From what I have understood reading
[1] commonsware.com / blog / 2012 / 07 / 23 / linkify-problem-patent-behavior . html
the Apple patent is that when you click on a link (or something recognised usefull data...) a popup menu appear letting you choose what to do.
HTC removes that ability and using Htclinkifydispatcher.apk with "Application Association" gives you the choice (but only one...) of what to do on a specific type of link.
Since the workaround we are talking here needs rootted phones, could be also another solution to put in /system/app the Htclinkifydispatcher.apk and leaves build.prop as it is (to stop crash on link) ?
fblasot said:
I think yes...
From what I have understood reading
[1] commonsware.com / blog / 2012 / 07 / 23 / linkify-problem-patent-behavior . html
the Apple patent is that when you click on a link (or something recognised usefull data...) a popup menu appear letting you choose what to do.
HTC removes that ability and using Htclinkifydispatcher.apk with "Application Association" gives you the choice (but only one...) of what to do on a specific type of link.
Since the workaround we are talking here needs rootted phones, could be also another solution to put in /system/app the Htclinkifydispatcher.apk and leaves build.prop as it is (to stop crash on link) ?
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thanks for this, it works
where can we get the correct htclinkifydisptcher.apk that will work on the stock desire s ics rom?
can you post a link please
I don't have a link but you could try to extract the apk from any HTC ICS sense 4 original rom.
Anyway, I read in an other discussion that also with this apk there are some limits and then the mod of build.prop it is the better solution.
Who's awesome? You are
Worked for me! Thanks dude!
hahnbanach said:
as many may have noticed with the new stock ICS ROM there are some issues regarding links, e.g. WhatsApp crashes if you click on a link etc. and there is a quick fix/workaround for it (you need write access to /system however).
Investigating the crash report it became clear that the issue is related to the Htc Linkify Dispatcher which was (as I understand it) implemented by HTC to comply with some apple patent-related stuff and to strip the device of Android's original abilities regarding the handling of links (more info e.g. on [1] )
So normally the device will have a running Htclinkifydispatcher.apk and in addition a build.prop setting indicating this "feature". With the ICS ROM however the build.prop says that the feature is enabled but a quick check in /system shows that the Htclinkifydispatcher.apk is not installed, so consequently this means that apps relying on build.prop will fail when handling links (as the dispatcher is not active).
The logical solution seems to be to adapt the build.prop accordingly. After a quick search I found the necessary steps to be the following (Source: [2]):
In the /system/build.prop file search for ro.da1.enable=true and set it to ro.da1.enable=false
Add ro.da1.method=false directly under it
I performed these steps and now am able to click on links in WhatsApp again without crashes. Maybe this will help someone else as well.
[1] commonsware.com / blog / 2012 / 07 / 23 / linkify-problem-patent-behavior . html
[2] androidcentral.com / how-restore-functionality-apple-v-htc-war-has-taken-away-root
Sorry for the awkwardly typed web URLs but I do not yet have the privilege to post outside links, so maybe some mod can fix it
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I specifically rooted and unlocked my phone to do this as it was annoying as hell!
Thanks! :good:
You have unlocked the bootloader via HTC? If yes, after that what Guide for rooting have you used? I'm in the same situation as you are, I'm doing this only for the links. Stupid Apple patent! Also, if I un-root / re-lock the bootloader, the change remains? If I re-lock, would it show "Locked" or "Re-locked"?
Yes, unlocked via HTC-Dev. Can't remember the guide I used as I looked at a few for it to make sense to me.
In short, Unlocked boot loader, flashed ClockWorkMod recovery, then flashed super user. - You will have to find the guide that works best for you.
I have left it unlocked, but if you do re-lock it will say - Re-Locked, SECURITY WARNING. Nothing to worry about, just that HTC will know you have unlocked your device if you ever send it in for repair, not a problem for me as my phone is over a year old now.
I did notice though that if you DO re-lock the bootloader and try to edit the Build-Prop, it will always revert back to what it was before.
I had to leave it unlocked to edit it, and I haven't re-locked it.
MalekoUK said:
In short, Unlocked boot loader, flashed ClockWorkMod recovery, then flashed super user. - You will have to find the guide that works best for you.
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... this is my big problem! 4ext / clockworkmod / superoneclick ... mount SDcard... don't mount SDcard... install HTCsync, uninstall HTCSync... Help?
Spiry0r said:
... this is my big problem! 4ext / clockworkmod / superoneclick ... mount SDcard... don't mount SDcard... install HTCsync, uninstall HTCSync... Help?
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All I did was put superuser on the SD card, then installed the superuser zip via clockworkmod recovery, worked a charm. Anything else you will have to search the forum as I just jumped through a few threads to get the best method for me.
All the answers are in the forums
Thanks man.
For them, who doesn't know what is this all about.
After this fix>
o-> links in facebook work again - automatically open webrowser by clicking on link
o-> you can click on number in SMS message and this number automatically get transfered to dialer, so you can call it, or store to your contacts
o-> moar and moar, i have tried these two, because it was quite serious bug for me
thank you. Htc evo 3d with coolsense rom here had same problem that fixed it
Thx! this solved my problem!
this should be stickied or put in the INDEX thread.. thanks a lot for this, OP!
Spiry0r said:
... this is my big problem! 4ext / clockworkmod / superoneclick ... mount SDcard... don't mount SDcard... install HTCsync, uninstall HTCSync... Help?
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before you do anything, back up everything that can be backed up, such as contact, smses, APN settings and apps if possible.
after that, change the sd card with a blank one (this isn't necessary, but just to ensure that you will not erase your current sd card and the files inside it)
1. unlock the bootloader (follow the steps closely and also install all necessary files as mentioned in the instructions)
2. download necessary custom recovery (4EXT is what i recommend) and SU zip files, put in the root of the blank SD card (that is, not inside any folder, for the sake of convenience)
3. boot into recovery (can be done in several ways, easiest one is power+vol down and get to recovery from bootloader screen, but remember to turn off fastboot in settings)
4. flash the custom recovery first. Once finished, my suggestion is turn off the phone
5. boot into recovery again, it should now be the custom one
6. flash the SU zip..
7. done, you are now rooted with stock ROM
experts please feel free to add on or correct any mistakes..
sorry if I got off track a little, just want to offer some help because I'm in a good mood today..
hahnbanach said:
(you need write access to /system however).
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I tried frm es note editor in es file explorer but got error saving the file how do I get write access to /system ?
urmish101 said:
I tried frm es note editor in es file explorer but got error saving the file how do I get write access to /system ?
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In es file Explorer options. And remember you'll need to enable "browse as root" or something similar as well.

