It is official: Xoom = $800 - G Tablet General

Slightly better specs, and only an extra $400! I'm happy with my gtab.

VERIZON is also disabling wifi unless you buy a minimum of one month of subscription service. That is a MAJOR turn off in my eyes and makes me sooooooo glad I got my gTab!!!!!
Sent from my GTablet-TnT-Lite using Tapatalk

I am certainly glad i picked up a g tab. $800 is a little much, and one month data on top of that is just greedy imo.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk

The gtab certainly works great for me. I'm looking forward to the ROM's that are sure to follow the Xoom's release though.

I feel like the market value of my g-tab just increased
Xoom scored 1823 in quadrant
*Yes, I know it has higher screen res

first i would like to correct the people saying that $800 is a little much. you're incorrect. its way too much. a price point around $500 would make this device a hit.
the specs are a bit better. but enough to make someone want to spend an extra 400 bucks? i believe it will sell well to apple haters that want a tablet and aren't aware there are android tablets outside the galaxy tab and xoom.
viewsonic could make a killing if they would announce the g tablet was going to get honeycomb on a specific date. that would be enough to bring a lot of customers.

Umm ....Yeah. Now I'm glad I bought 3 G Tablets. I was thinkin, 499.00- 599.00...Maybe I can justify that. But 8 bills? gonna save my money and put it towards the BIONIC instead.
Tickled pink w/ my GTab's

$800 gets you a better hires screen, 32gb storage, 1gb ram, and 3g/gps. If we look at the various versions of the ipad, and how much the other configurations add on to it, I would imagine it would be similar for gtablet/xoom if it had other configurations.
If there was a xoom hardware version that is truly equivalent to the gtablet, it would come down to this:
$800 for current xoom
-100 for 16gb less storage
-130 for no 3g/gps
-50 for 512mb less ram (i'm guessing on this one)
This number sounds more reasonable, I just wish they would come out with more options similar to what we get for the iPad.
I'm looking forward to the toshiba tablet assuming the price is right, one thing I like most about it is FULL SD card (no more micro sd card crap) meaning cheaper and larger storage options. It also has a user replaceable battery.

no way
well i was waiting for the xoom, i was gonna get it based on the first rumor of feb 17th release date and $699. but now no way especially since wifi comes disabled, thats so lowbrow and nickle and dime the consumer to death. looks like ill just go get a gtab now. seems like everyones happy with theirs.

I refuse to buy any tablet or device crippled by someone unless I take their appendages in my orifices. Don't support these bastages if you ever want to see this crappy business practice stop(not that it will, but I'd die before I support it).

When nobody buys the thing expect this price to Manufacturers need to realize most people aren't using their tablets walking down the street, all we want is wifi!
Drop a wifi only for 500 and it will sell. I'm still a firm believer that the average consumer won't bite at $800, and would rather buy a new laptop for just a little more. Not to mention the ipad can be cheaper and has more name recognition.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Agreed. If someone has $800 to drop on this and extra $20 may not appear to be such a big deal IF it didn't smack of extortion. Look at the HP Slate that rolled out at a similiar price point geared toward the business community. Not sure how that did but one doesn't hear much about it these days. Now if the XOOM was a dual-boot (Honeycomb/Win7) I for one might, MIGHT, be tempted. And as long as the Win7 flavor was better than Win7 Starter.
Just my 2 cents

Very sad
I think it's overpriced. The specs are good, but I don't see how they arrived at that absurd price. And it's very, very sad Google chose Motorola to feature Honeycomb! I'll just sit and wait the gtab devs release their version of Honey in the near future.

abstrusius said:
I think it's overpriced. The specs are good, but I don't see how they arrived at that absurd price. And it's very, very sad Google chose Motorola to feature Honeycomb! I'll just sit and wait the gtab devs release their version of Honey in the near future.
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I'm sure the 3G components (and Verizon) had alot to do with driving up the price. Plus if they are launching the first tablet that officially competes head to head with the iPad, I think there is alot of, for the lack of a better word, snobbishness out there whereby some folks in the market for an iPad wouldn't consider an alternative if it was significantly cheaper - I know, sounds counter-intuitive but I've heard it from enough people to believe it actually is a factor. If its alot cheaper, it must also be a physically cheaper product and therefore inferior to the mighty iPad.

I'll just wait until its released so somebody can figure out how to get honeycomb off it and let the ports flow.

So sixvolt you raise a question for me. I'm no stranger to development (being in the field) and I've played with the android SDKs before as well as compiling various linux kernels (never an android kernel though). Is it currently possible to produce a working rom from the honeycomb SDK? Or is there something that I am missing here? How was this achieved on the nook?

I heard LG may be right behind at a much lower cost.... Im betting on that tablet right now... Motorola I am writing off as if I were someone looking for an amazing tablet in that price range with tons of developers and applications - why wouldn't I just buy an iPAD (or actually just wait for the iPAD 2).
The differentiating factor to apple has been its openness and most importantly the price. Most consumers dont care about the geek factor ("openness") as long as they can start playing at a reasonable price... the Xoom just is NOT that... I say it will be as good with consumers as the Galaxy Tab was which in all tense and purposes was a flop (technically ever android tablet has been a flop if we were to compare its sales to its competitors)..
I think Android 3.0 definitely has a very very strong chance of overtaking the iPAD - especially since Google has confirmed that all 2.x applications should work on 3.0 BUT only if these devices come in at reasonable pricing. If not - even I would potentially jump ship to just have a mature platform.
I personally like fiddling but fiddling only goes so far once you realize that you cant get work done... Right now the GTablet is a great fiddler -but honestly with the corruption (ie force closes of the core, reboots when in sleep) , battery life and very poor viewing angles I just cant use it for prime time work. I truely am hopping for a great competitor to the iPAD... lets hope and see..

I think this may be a misprint. Should say plan activation required to receive data. The $20.00 a month 1 gig plan is the same that was offered with the Galaxy Tab. Don't forget the activation fee of $30.00 or was it $35.00.
$800.00 is allot for a gimped lap tap, but compare the price to the top ipad and it seems what the market will bear.
Personally, after using a tablet for awhile now, I'm coming to my senses. The premium for their portability is too steep considering the limitations that a tablet has compared to a laptop. I would not spend $800.00 for any tablet. I would consider this unit in the $500.00 to 600.00 dollar range, but that would be driven more by want than an actual use for it.

This does seem like a steep price but we also need to remember this is the first heavily marketed Android tablet and is also running Honeycomb. This will be no different than any other overpriced handheld device, they demand a high price tag initially with no competition, but we all know the slew of tablets that are about to be released this year. I give them 15-20 days at this price point before competition/lack of sales drive them down.


question about buying a tablet

Hi peeps been looking around at the android tablets on the market and wondering if i should take the plunge?.Thought i would ask here as you guys probably have more experiance than most.Can you recomend a couple?, i'm not looking to spend a fortune just want something that covers most bases and doesnt struggle to run the usual suspects.HDMI out would be a plus but any ideas you can offer or just give me ideas on what not to buy.Any helps good, thanx in advance.
I have a smoldering interest in a tablet as well but I will continue to hold off as my Lenovo X61t and Windows Phone compliment each other pretty well and I don't "need" one.
However, I have taken note of the Archos' that were just released. The general feeling is that they feel cheap in build quality but the price and performance is right there. This is engadgets take on the two tablets they have.
I have used the Samsung Galaxy S and it is a nice device. Gotta be honest though, nothing seems to be "more complete than the ipad", just in terms of docks, jailbreaking, best apps, etc.
There are so many 'knock offs' in this category, let us know what you find!
I agree in the upset front, it's a great piece of kit but I refuse to spend that kind if money. Have found plenty of cheap ones, and I don't mind the price tag but most are just a bit gutless lol. But yeah likewise bring the info if you find something good.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Back again, on the subject off cheapo knock off tablets have you seen the a-ok pad lol now don't laugh. I could be persuaded to gamble on something as (shall we say rough) if it ticked the right boxes. Anybody heard if them? Any horror stories?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Buying a new tablet
I'm in the market for a tablet, and have taken my sweet time for the last 3 months researching and looking for the best one to buy. I've done my fair share of research and now i'm asking you: Should I buy the ASUS Transformer Prime with the dock, od should i wait for samsung/htc/moto/lenovo/acer... next-gen tablet? My fear is you see, that I'll buy The Prime, and that it won't be supported by some software develeopers, and left out in the cold with some apps, or not on par with the next-gen 2012 tablets. I want the best hardware specs, possible future windows 8 compatibility, preferably tegra device, 3g isn't a must, nor GPS but preferred. I don't mind waiting for a few more months since this would be my first tablet, wich i don't really need. NO IOS/IPad talk please, android tablet only (but like i said, with a possibility of win8 in the future). Any reasonable advice is more than welcome, and thank you all very much in advance!
IIRC Asus Prime will begin getting ICS/4.0 Jan 12th.
With that said, I would definitely play around with one before buying. Numerous reported issues that can't really be fixed through OTA's or software. (GPS, WIFI, light bleed, glass/screen loose from rest of tab).
Typical Asus if you ask me, crapshoot on quality.
Also depends on what you want in a tab. If you don't really want to play around/mod/customize then I think the Ipad 2 or hold out a couple of months for an Ipad 3 would be your best bet.
If you have to have an Android you have one of two options. Wait for more quad core tabs to be released, or start looking at what's available now.
Samsung 7.0 Plus is probably the best out for 7"ers.
For the 10"ers it's a toss up right now. Galaxy Tab 10.1 has good support, decent performance, light, easy to hold, good screen, great speakers (for a tab). It's cons to me are the Tegra 2 isn't up to snuff with Honeycomb OS.
The HP Touchpad is a great buy for the OS and specs, and can also be ported to Android (Still need to play with one)
Asus Transformer TF101 is also a good buy but again a crapshoot on quality but can be had for a good price.
The new Moto Xyboards are getting good reviews but they are overpriced for what they are, are only sold through VZW and were "technically" outdated before they were even released. Also locked bootloaders are never fun if flashing kernels are your thing.
Right now I'm looking at getting another tab so I guess you could say I'm in the same boat as you. I have an OG Galaxy Tab 7 on the way b/c I got it cheaper than cheap and just wanna play with it.
Considering picking up an 8" Xyboard also.
ETA: I probably won't pick up a Xyboard however until they come down in price or a WiFi only version is offered.
The SGT 7.7 also sounds promising. Decisions decisions.
First of all, thank you for the fast and torough reply... And yes, sweet sweet decisions
I forgot to say that I'm in the market for a 10" minimum tablet, don't want smthng smaller 'cause i allready have an SGSII so I'm covered for mobility.
As for ASUS's build quality, like I said I never owned a tablet so I definately will try out/play with one for a couple of hours before purchasing, and watch out for the screen bleed on an ips display. But currently most of my pc's componens (2xmobo, 2xgraphic cards, and a lappy) are ASUS made and i must say i'm more than satisfied with them, and as I recall, when I was buying my SGSII there was talk about screen burn-in, overheating and wifi problems too, but I haven't had a single one with my device. Besides that, I don't really need GPS or 3g in a tablet so it's not a dealbreaker with me on The Prime.
The problem is: I wouldn't buy any other tablet now existing in the market, mostly because of the Tegra3 chipset The Prime has, so if I'm paying a hi-end device (around 700$) i want the latest and fastest performer in the ring. And yes, in my book that is android only, as i find apple's devices a bit limiting sometimes (without any fanboyism, I come from a long line of iphones before my android). The things I'm worried hardware-wise are: the amount and speed of Prime's RAM (1gb od ddr2), possible wifi signal problems, screen bleed, and that it's topheavy when docked (a minor thing really). I love that it has a full USB 2.0 port, so you don't need a jack/ adapter of some kind (e.g. like on a SGSII microUSB to full USB). Not really worried about the one speaker layout eather, altough i was a bit dissapointed since the TF101 had a stereo layout, but still, not a dealbreaker (hey, it's still a tablet)...
Now you may laugh at this seeing your sig, but in my mobile history (25+ phones) the worst were accually motorolas (v3 being the worst of the lot, but than again A925 was more than excellent) I'm not so fond of HP either, last month i sold my DV6 3020em, (that's the i7 touchscreen version for Europe since i'm european), and i can say it was utter rubbish, overheating, shoddy build quality, squeaky, noisy fans, you name it... That's why I sold it, but it had a touchscreen which was more than handy, and that's why i want a tablet, I just might look a bit more into the HP touchpad after all.
Acer is great quality for it's price, really great. But I only had Acer's laptops, and the Iconia tablet is as ugly as a bullfrog from chernobyl, so I wouldn't want one.
Tf101 is ugly too by my standards, too big as well, but the looks aren't so important if it was an excellent performer, which none of the now available androids are compared to The Prime (at least not on honeycomb).
I played with samsung 8.9 a few days ago and I can report is't a great little device, thin, capable, satisfying all in all, but i'd like a bigger screen, and a real keyboard and it's not a tegra device (I play a lot of games so i'd like the tegra zone, as chainfire's plugins don't support all tegra tweaked games)
Now I do like to install a new ROM every few weeks on my SGSII but i srsly don't think that will be the case on a tablet (except Win 8, when it comes out).
So i guess the question remains: should i wait for Samsung's next gen 10.1 answer or just go with the prime now
P.S. sorry for my poor english
cavkic said:
First of all, thank you for the fast and torough reply... And yes, sweet sweet decisions
I forgot to say that I'm in the market for a 10" minimum tablet, don't want smthng smaller 'cause i allready have an SGSII so I'm covered for mobility.
As for ASUS's build quality, like i said i never owned a tablet so I definately will try out/play with one for a couple of hours before purchasing, and watch out for the screen bleed on an ips display. But currently most of my pc's componens (2xmobo, 2xgraphic cards, and a lappy) are ASUS made and i must say i'm more than satisfied with them, and as I recall, when I was buying my SGSII there was talk about screen burn-in, overheating and wifi problems too, but I haven't had a single one with my device. Besides that, I don't really need GPS or 3g in a tablet so it's not a dealbreaker with me on The Prime.
The problem is: I wouldn't buy any other tablet now existing in the market, mostly because of the Tegra3 chipset The Prime has, so if I'm paying a hi-end device (around 700$) i want the latest and fastest performer in the ring. And yes, in my book that is android only, as i find apple's devices a bit limiting sometimes (without any fanboyism, I come from a long line of iphones before my android). The only thing I'm worried hardware-wise is the amount and speed of Prime's RAM (1gb od ddr2), possible wifi signal problems, screen bleed, and that it's topheavy when docked (a minor thing really). I love that it has a full USB 2.0 port, so you don't need a jack/ adapter of some kind (e.g. like on a SGSII microUSB to full USB). Not really worried about the one speaker layout eather, altough i was a bit dissapointed since the TF101 had a stereo layout, but still, not a dealbreaker (hey, it's still a tablet)...
So i guess the question remains: should i wait for Samsung's next gen 10.1 answer or just go with the prime now
P.S. sorry for my poor english
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Don't jump the gun on the Prime until stock has settled in, right now retailers are price gouging due to low availability. The Prime should be $500 for the 32GB, $600 for the 64GB, not $650-700 for the 32GB.
I have a Transformer and an Iconia Tab A100, and I can tell you from first hand experience that the build quality isn't nearly as bad as the above poster is making it out to be. I actually like the finish on both the original Transformer and the Iconia series a lot, and the Prime seems to be a winner also. Another thing to consider for both ASUS and Acer is that they keep their Android releases relatively 'vanilla' except for a few bloatware-type apps of their own, unlike Samsung and HTC, who just can't help themselves but smear TouchWiz and Sense over everything they produce.
The only real reported issue with the Prime appears to be the GPS accuracy, but at least to me, it's a non-issue, since I disable GPS and bluetooth on everything.
The Windows 8 bit is yet to be seen, porting a device to another OS is something you can hope, but never hold your breath for. We've yet to see how Windows 8 distribution is going to work and remember that even if you do install Windows 8 down the road, it doesn't mean that you'll be able to run all windows-based programs, since mobile devices use ARM CPUs, and everything written for windows right now is made for x86 CPUs, so it will be up to each third party to rewrite their programs for compatibility.
Although I would never write out a company with pockets as deep as microsoft, they have proven time and time again that they are unable to compete in the mobile segment, so I don't see Windows 8 with as much hope and awe as many others do. (Especially since Ice Cream Sandwich is the first Android iteration we can really call "excellent")
TL;DR - If you can find a Prime for a decent price, then it's an amazing device to be had for a very reasonable price. If you plan on waiting, then checking out the upcoming Iconia A700 isn't a bad idea either if the dock isn't that important to you.
littleemp said:
Don't jump the gun on the Prime until stock has settled in, right now retailers are price gouging due to low availability. The Prime should be $500 for the 32GB, $600 for the 64GB, not $650-700 for the 32GB.
I have a Transformer and an Iconia Tab A100, and I can tell you from first hand experience that the build quality isn't nearly as bad as the above poster is making it out to be. I actually like the finish on both the original Transformer and the Iconia series a lot, and the Prime seems to be a winner also. Another thing to consider for both ASUS and Acer is that they keep their Android releases relatively 'vanilla' except for a few bloatware-type apps of their own, unlike Samsung and HTC, who just can't help themselves but smear TouchWiz and Sense over everything they produce.
The only real reported issue with the Prime appears to be the GPS accuracy, but at least to me, it's a non-issue, since I disable GPS and bluetooth on everything.
The Windows 8 bit is yet to be seen, porting a device to another OS is something you can hope, but never hold your breath for. We've yet to see how Windows 8 distribution is going to work and remember that even if you do install Windows 8 down the road, it doesn't mean that you'll be able to run all windows-based programs, since mobile devices use ARM CPUs, and everything written for windows right now is made for x86 CPUs, so it will be up to each third party to rewrite their programs for compatibility.
Although I would never write out a company with pockets as deep as microsoft, they have proven time and time again that they are unable to compete in the mobile segment, so I don't see Windows 8 with as much hope and awe as many others do. (Especially since Ice Cream Sandwich is the first Android iteration we can really call "excellent")
TL;DR - If you can find a Prime for a decent price, then it's an amazing device to be had for a very reasonable price. If you plan on waiting, then checking out the upcoming Iconia A700 isn't a bad idea either if the dock isn't that important to you.
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Tnx for the reply, and I have to say I think you misunderstood me. I don't think I said anything bad about acer's or asus's build quality just HP's (and only the perticular model of the DV6 I had), just that they're a bit on the ugly side, but that's totally a subjective stand, and irrelevant to anybody else.
As far as Prime's price goes, it should be available in Croatia, about 2hrs drive from my home in 10days for less than 700$ with the dock for the 32gig version, which is not a bad pricetag considering where I live, and I'm ready to give that kind of money for it. The dock is accually something i like about the Transformer, and it would probbably be a dead heat between TF101 just because of the dock) and the Sammy 10.1 if it weren't for the prime.
GPS, like I said, I don't mind. The SGSII has a great GPS reciever which i hardly ever use, maybe 6 times since i got it in july.
As far as ARM windows goes, I know what to expect from it , nothing special, but it would be nice to have that option when it's available
So you are happy with the TF101 and the Iconia? But would you recommend buying now the Prime if I'm happy with the price? I should mention I probbably won't buy it before ICS, and I'll try to get a hold of a stock ICS one when it's out after Jan. 12. because I want to make sure i missed the first version shipment
I believe you about Motorola. Until my Droid X I have ALWAYS hated Motorola. I never had a phone that worked right after some wear and tear and always had problems. From before smartphones thru the Droid 1, 2, and 3. (Went through multiples of those). I'm also a Samsung and HTC fan.
I've never had a problem with Asus computer components myself, w/ that said, there are quite a few complaints when it comes to the TF201 on quality. With that said, you, as I'm sure you do, have to take into account the dissatisfied ones are always going to moan and groan much more and louder than the happy customer.
I guess I just wish it was like cars when it comes to Tablets and would love for them to let me take the exact tab I'm looking to buy for a test drive. (Not leave the store but just open the box and get a good look at it and test everything to make sure I'm getting what my hard earned money is paying for).
I really want a TF201, but I'm going to wait til a few more Tegra 3 tabs come out. I really think Motorola would have hit a homerun if they would have put a quad core in their Xyboards and kept the price what they're charging now.
The three tabs I'm really torn between right now are the Xyboard 8.2, TF201, and Samsung 7.0 Plus. But man we are so close to seeing quad core as the new standard for tabs so the other part of me just wants to sit it out and wait.
So true what you said about the sitting and waiting for the quad core as the new standard, but on the other hand, HOW BAD DO WE WANT ONE!?!
Personally for me it's no competition between the Prime and other tablets, the Prime is just on another planet.
This morning the store answered my email saying that the Prime will be available mid january (in about 10 days) and said that maybe they could reserve one for me because of the small supply, but said the price may be different depending on the usd/euro stocks, but under 700$ for the 32gig version with dock...
Still I'm not planning on buying one before a test drive like you said (mostly to check for screen bleed). And yes, I took into account the moaners which is true like you said again...
I think I wathched every single review/comparison of the tablet on youtube, and read at least 10 reviews online, and it's all mostly positive.
I'll update as soon as i get my hands on a test one, hopefully in about 10 days.

Tablet Decision: Ipad vs. GTab

I'm about to buy my first tablet device and have the option of buying either the ipad or the viewsonic g-tab. Originally what i was going to do was buy the ipad and then sell it once a honeycomb tablet is released, but that changed after i read about the G-tab on here.
The number one reason for me wanting the ipad is the quality of the tablet optimized apps. Yes i know the android apps scale up nicely (my gf has a nook color that i rooted for her) but they're just not the same.
So if you guys were in my position what would you do? Get the ipad for now and wait for the honeycomb tablets to be released and then sell it ORRR get the g-tab now and sell that once the honeycomb tablets come out. The second choice im worried about the depreciation in value once the honeycomb tablets come out, the ipad not so much since the next ipad comes out in aprilish
I don't care about the price difference
and I want a tablet NOW like within the next 2 days
Im also kind of picky about screen quality. I dont care too much about viewing angles i just dont want a washed out screen (super amoled spoiled me lol)
If screen is your main concern then g-tablet wont fit your need when compared to ipad, for me after using it for a month I am liking it.
So you have to prioritize your needs, if you read this forum many of them said high about g-tablet except for the screen.
Guess it really depends on what apps are important to you. There aren't many tablet optimized apps currently for android but there will be once honeycomb comes out.
One important thing about the G Tab (or most android froyo tablets) is full web experience. For example, I never need to use the Facebook app since I can access the full facebook website just fine.
If you want it right away and don't have the time to tinker, ipad is your best choice.
geeter said:
If you want it right away and don't have the time to tinker, ipad is your best choice.
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i have lots of time to tinker. If i do go for the g-tab im loading Cm7 on it right away ..i hate decisions
geeter said:
If you want it right away and don't have the time to tinker, ipad is your best choice.
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If you will never need to use Flash... Gtab has flash now.
bobdude5 said:
I'm about to buy my first tablet device and have the option of buying either the ipad or the viewsonic g-tab. Originally what i was going to do was buy the ipad and then sell it once a honeycomb tablet is released, but that changed after i read about the G-tab on here.
The number one reason for me wanting the ipad is the quality of the tablet optimized apps. Yes i know the android apps scale up nicely (my gf has a nook color that i rooted for her) but they're just not the same.
So if you guys were in my position what would you do? Get the ipad for now and wait for the honeycomb tablets to be released and then sell it ORRR get the g-tab now and sell that once the honeycomb tablets come out. The second choice im worried about the depreciation in value once the honeycomb tablets come out, the ipad not so much since the next ipad comes out in aprilish
I don't care about the price difference
and I want a tablet NOW like within the next 2 days
Im also kind of picky about screen quality. I dont care too much about viewing angles i just dont want a washed out screen (super amoled spoiled me lol)
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From what you've specifically detailed, the iPad is more your speed. But otherwise there are too many variables that make it too close a call to recommend one over the other in your case.
iPad pros are optimized apps and a more streamlined experience as well as the obviously 'better' screen and the resale value.
GTablet pros over the iPad right now don't really fit into anything you've mentioned - and that is, that this is a more feature rich device, having a sdcard slot for expanded storage, a dual core cpu and better gpu than the iPad.
If I were in your shoes, how I see it is that the GTablet is an investment and something to look forward to tinkering with and upgrading now and when the software is available later on (possibly), not something to buy now and sell later. I doubt you'll get 80-90% the value of the G Tablet when you re-sell it.
The iPad would be a better purchase in your scenario, as something to use right now and then sell when this years tablets hit the market in early to mid 2011.
I already have both
For my personal use I have a Droid X phone and a gTab tablet. My job has given me "for work use" an iPhone 4 and an iPad.
For me with the use of VEGAn beta 5.1 and all of the tweaks I have been able to do on my gTab I get a lot of use out of it. I read digital magazines, play all sorts of games, surf all sorts of websites (with Flash and without) and watch all sorts of videos (both personally ripped or streams off of websites).
Plus, with my rooted Droid X, using Wireless Tether I can get unlimited 3G through my phone as a WiFi hotspot so I always have internet connectivity on my gTab for no additional monthly fees.
My work iPhone 4 cannot be used as a WiFi hotspot (yes it can be jailbroken but it doesn't belong to me). So my company pays for a data plan on my iPhone as well as paying a separate data plan fee for my iPad. If I had to pay out of my own pocket I wouldn't use the iDevices simply due to the extra monthly cost on top of paying more for the devices in the first place.
In the end, it's a matter of preference. Yes, the screen on the gTab leaves MUCH to be desired and the screen on the iPad is crisp and clear with way better veiwing angles. But I personally don't care so much about the veiwing angle issue on my gTab.
The only time I actually use my iPhone or iPad (in all honesty) is when I take the family out to eat and need to keep 2 little boys occupied so they don't make our time out a living hell. The Netflix app is only available on the iDevices and so I use them to show my kids either Shaun the Sheep (my 18 month old LOVES it) or a Batman/Superman animation (my 4 year old LOVES it).
So, like others have already said, if ease of use and screen quality is your main concern, go with the iPad. Or, get both.
I was facing the same discision and went with the G Tablet for now as it is built for the future. The Ipad will also be in my future but I will wait for the second generation of IPAD. The current IPAD is facing extinction and is running at the end of life cycle. Latest leaks say an announcement on the IPAD could come out at the end of this month.
Based on your requirements I would go for the iPAD 2 when it comes out. Unfortunately the G-Tablet is truly a 1st generation Android tablet... Its screen is horrible (useless Portrait, washed out or too dark if not at the right angle in Landscape), the OS is virtually unusable in its out of the box state, requires fairly high technical understanding and a ton of patience to get the custom ROMs working (for those of you say its easy.. yes it is when your technically inclined... If your my wife it would never happen)... Each ROM has a trade-off... Some are faster but unstable, some are stable and fast but have limited features, some just dont work!
Most simple games run but a good percentage of those do not fit the screen properly, most complex games just dont run or are unstable. Most applications run but a small percentage dont fit the screen properly.
All in all you buy the G-Tablet because your a geek, love to fiddle and cant wait for the next best thing... If your not a geek and have patience then in about 3-5 months there will be many good choices...
For sure the iPAD is must more mature... If want an out of the box experience its a no brainer...
I am not an apple fan boy or an android fan boy.. just a realist...
I do love my G-Tablet for what it is...
bobdude5 said:
I'm about to buy my first tablet device and have the option of buying either the ipad or the viewsonic g-tab. Originally what i was going to do was buy the ipad and then sell it once a honeycomb tablet is released, but that changed after i read about the G-tab on here.
The number one reason for me wanting the ipad is the quality of the tablet optimized apps. Yes i know the android apps scale up nicely (my gf has a nook color that i rooted for her) but they're just not the same.
So if you guys were in my position what would you do? Get the ipad for now and wait for the honeycomb tablets to be released and then sell it ORRR get the g-tab now and sell that once the honeycomb tablets come out. The second choice im worried about the depreciation in value once the honeycomb tablets come out, the ipad not so much since the next ipad comes out in aprilish
I don't care about the price difference
and I want a tablet NOW like within the next 2 days
Im also kind of picky about screen quality. I dont care too much about viewing angles i just dont want a washed out screen (super amoled spoiled me lol)
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If even considering an iPad, you should wait. The update will be huge- if you like Apple stuff, of course.
1. Dual core
2. Micros sd (about 90% likely)
3. Even better display than iPad (wow)
4. Front & back camera
5. Rumor of a 128gb version (no sure about that one)
I am glad I bought the gTablet, since paid $350 for it. There is a metric ton of great games and apps releasing for the iPad platform. I will probably buy one myself and give more time for Honeycomb at the app platform to mature for it. gTablet is a GREAT bridge.
Since you plan to sell whatever you buy once the new iPad hits, seems to me your best bet is to buy something second hand now. That way, you won't lose as much money when you turn around and sell a few months later.
bobdude5 said:
Im also kind of picky about screen quality. I dont care too much about viewing angles i just dont want a washed out screen (super amoled spoiled me lol)
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iPad, just because of that one sentence. The GTab screen is not washed out, but portrait mode is bad and the viewing angles are crapola (especially in portrait). The iPad has an IPS screen, which just blows the GTab screen away. It's a major difference between the two. I have an AMOLED screen on my Cowon S9, so I know what you're talking about.
If you are willing to wait a few months, more tablets should be released with IPS screens. And of course there's the Notion Ink Adam (if they actually ship today, and if the reviews are good). Plus the iPad 2 is coming out in April, so buying an iPad v1 now might not be the best idea.
Suggestion: Buy something that will hold back the instant gratification factor - I know that feeling and understand it quite well. Possibly an iPad v1 with the understanding that you'll probably lose about 15% of your money on the resale, as the bargain hunters wil be vying for v1's after the v2 comes out.
My other concern with the iPad is the walled garden factor - once you commit yourself to iOS, you are basically stuck with it. At least with a Gtab you have Android as the base and can move between vendors.
I had an iPad and sold it specifically to get my G-Tablet.
I loved the iPad but am really into tinkering - so the G-Tablet was more my speed. It's not perfect which is oddly what I kind of like about it.
If money is no object and you are just looking for a toy to use like a "normal person" I would probably just get the iPad.
festivus said:
Since you plan to sell whatever you buy once the new iPad hits, seems to me your best bet is to buy something second hand now. That way, you won't lose as much money when you turn around and sell a few months later.
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No not the new ipad lol. I want either the xoom or that unnamed toshiba honeycomb tablet but i have no idea when those are coming out. From what i've read the xoom is next month but thats mostly going to be a 3g/4g enabled version which i do not want. I am definitly going to jailbreak/root whichever one i get.
Where is the best place to get the g-tab? Sears, office depot? how much is it?
$399 sears and $379 office depot
If your going for the XOOM then you might as well get the iPAD... Android buyers want android due to openness.. other then that the iPAD is fare superior (at least for today - Later this year can be a different story)
Read here:
bobdude5 said:
No not the new ipad lol. I want either the xoom or that unnamed toshiba honeycomb tablet but i have no idea when those are coming out. From what i've read the xoom is next month but thats mostly going to be a 3g/4g enabled version which i do not want. I am definitly going to jailbreak/root whichever one i get.
Where is the best place to get the g-tab? Sears, office depot? how much is it?
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ipad vs Galaxy vs Gtab vs Matala vs Streak 5
Found this selection flow... very interesting
Depends on how you want to use the device.
Personally, I can't do the Apple walled garden thing.
If you can, then yeah, go for the ipad.
I found a new G-Tab for 350, no tax, no shipping on E-bay last week. Did the OTA update that came out late December. Installed the enhancement pack to which I added a Google contact syn apk. Did the market fix. I also use the paid version of ADW Launcher. Everything so far works great. At the college where I work all of the students are loaned iPads (and I am a previous 3GS owner). So I spend a fair time around the iOs devices. I will admit there is a certain amount of polish not found in Android. Having said that, my web experience is far superior to the iPad, and since that is primarily what I got it for I feel it was a better purchase.

Keeping my g tablet

Not sure that the "selling my g tab" threads are making sense to me. Or that they represent the majority of the faithful fans.
So I wanted a "keeping my g tablet" thread.
1. Ok, if you wanted an ipad they just dropped in price, but can you really go back???
2. Xoom is still at least 200 more right now. You can buy a laptop for 299 easily.
3. Some other dual core tegra brands "may" come out, but that is still iffy at best and they still cost more.
4. HC will come out and be supported by the devs on g tablet.
So do you have any thoughts here?
I am keeping my g tablet and really enjoying the freedom of android tablet fun. Try Dungeon Defnders to see the real potential of this HW!
keeping my gtab but getting an ipad 2 for gaming.Droid games suck at the moment
keeping my gtab but getting an ipad 2 for gaming.Droid games suck at the moment.
angry birds.... lawl. with the weakness..
Sigh...I'm hearing Sam's Club may be selling the xoom for $540, still a bit on the fence about it. If only the viewing angle on this screen wasn't so poor it would be a no-brainer.
Unless something gets donated to me I'll be keeping mine for a while, since i sold my netbook to get the g-tablet, plus a dozen or so odd jobs to pay for it. Work is bad and money is worse, so I tend to be Mr. Bargain pants.
Thought I should add I love it, as do the kids and wife
Just picked up mine a few days ago as it was the best decision I have made . Can't Really see the need to a motorola xoom (other then the 1GB Ram and 1280x800) and won't go with ipad (they don't even have emulators.... so sad).
Now if I could just find a good case
Got mine two weeks ago after doing some extensive research on which one to buy.
The viewing angles aren't great but don't bother me at all. Keeping till something comes out in the same price range with all around better hardware "screen, processor, memory, etc".
Keeping mine, as well. If anything else, it's a good Tegra dev unit.
I can fully understand why some people are jumping ship, and I did get a Xoom myself (on the super cheap). But the Xoom still has a LOT of problems to be worked out.
I'd still like to see HC on the GTAB - that would be the icing on the cake, AFAIC.
Love Gtab
I am not a Gtab owner, I am getting one actually. Before I made the decision, I was thinking to buy a Galaxy tab also (similar price, better screen but smaller size, and I feel Samsung is a better brand) ...I am talking about the sprint galaxy tab of course (T-Mo's and ATT's are more expensive) ......At the meanwhile, there is way more support (xda devs) for the Gtab than the Sprint galaxy, all in all, I chose Gtab, best tab in $300-400 price range so far..
ps: ipad 2 is coming soon, and we all know the 1st gen ipad has huge price drop....ipad is great, very good in quality and performance.. but..I just don't like apple, coz it is not customizable...
I plan on keeping mine as well, and I'm probably one of the few people on here that could care less about HC. To me its great eye candy, but it seems like we would loose way too much in terms of a trade off till google does some updating on it. (USB, MicroSD, etc...) I'd be perfectly happy if we could get some updated drivers for the Gojimi's Ginger Vegan. Now that would be sweet.
Apple is a status symbol and I have never been into that Would have considered an Ipad 2, but I much prefer the Android Platform and believe it will overtake the iPad/iPhone.
A not as good of screen and a little bit heavier than the iPad, but the external SDCard, Android Platform, Duo chip, 512MB RAM, and price has me not looking back. I have my music library and movies on the external card. I also have the hope of getting my honeycombs... Ha!
Got a Malata case from the group buy (see accessories section if you want one) and I am really loving my setup for under $400
Keeping mine too.
I will be keeping mine, until I find something I like better within the same price range. I will hand my tab down to my son who uses it more then I do anyway!
Keeping my Gtablet.
The power/$ ratio is just too good. I have seen benchmarks with the Xoom that put them neck to neck. Granted it doesn't have all the bells and whistles.
Keeping mine as well...absolutely love it. Anyone complaining about viewing angles should try getting a skinomi skin, it did wonders. And now that we have not just Cyanogen support but now Caulkin is onboard as well.
corwinmortac said:
Keeping mine as well...absolutely love it. Anyone complaining about viewing angles should try getting a skinomi skin, it did wonders. And now that we have not just Cyanogen support but now Caulkin is onboard as well.
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You mean this? It's a combo pack with a carbon fiber skin.
Not sure how a skin would improve viewing angles, could you pop up a pic at an upward angle for comparison? I swear, I want to love this thing, but the screen is kind of cooling me on it. I think it really is something I'd spend another $150 for if the rumors of that wifi Xoom are true.
Keeping mine. Does everything I need it to do with VEGAN 5.1. Try expanding your memory on the ipad2 2. Spent a bunch of money on a screen security angle protector for my laptop so when I travel the people next to me on a plane can't see the screen so No issue with the GT screen. Have an iphone and don't like being told what I can and can't do with my investment.
i use mine for news, web-browsing, email and writing. along with a few other random things like wordwise (words with friends doesnt align exactly right for me), and twitter (so i can keep up with the daily bits o' wisdom of colbert, charlie sheen and gilbert). it also kept me from going cabin crazy during recent flights, watching some shows i had recorded. for all of these things, this thing is perfect. i dont get the aggravation over the viewing angles; but then again, i havent played around with other tablets for comparison. i also dont use it much for gaming. i have a ps3 for that one. so yeah, im definitely keeping mine. i havent regretted the purchase for a single moment- thanks especially to all the devs on these boards.
btw, do tablets really need a second camera on the rear? i cant imagine someone holding up a 10" tablet to get a picture of their wife in front of the white house
keeping mine...unless another model meets some specific need i see no point in getting a different one. For me every other tablet out or coming out is missing some piece of the puzzle not to mention most are much more money...anything over what i paid for my gtab and i could buy a absolutely killer laptop so why bother. The people that are running from gtablet to go to xoom etc are going to be the same people jumping from that to the "next big thing later" have fun pissing your money away.
I could not imagine getting rid of this very inexpensive tablet.
Definitely keeping mine in anticipation of HC.
You just can't beat the price.

should I get a g tablet?

I'm casually looking into getting an Android tablet. I had the OG Droid and have since upgraded to the HTC Thunderbolt, but I would like to get a tablet somewhere down the line. I am really not in any hurry to purchase a tablet, but if I did get one now I would go with the G tablet. I would like to know your thoughts on whether or not I should get one though because I would not really have a problem waiting another couple of months (especially if there is talk if it dropping in price again) but if I do wait would the G tablet still be worth it? I know the new Tegra 3 devices are going to come out not too long from now, but I would also rather spend $200-$250 on a G tablet than $500+ for the latest and greatest. The reason I like the G tablet so much is the USB port, HDMI (with the dock),10.1" screen, processor+ram, and the wonderful development community here at XDA, all of which really make me feel like I'm getting a major bang for my buck. Any tablet I get would have to match or exceed the G tablet's specs without costing too much more.
Thanks to anyone who responds!
jruasap said:
but I would also rather spend $200-$250 on a G tablet than $500+ for the latest and greatest.
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IMHO the price you quoted above is the "go-go" price for the GTab, regardless of the naysayers (who have certainly went below the radar after the HC ports), you can't beat the bang for buck @ sub $250 (even might come with some accessories).
@ $300 or more, you might want to consider a $100 upgrade to an Asus Transformer.
no...............dont buy one...i have two...ones still sealed i'll sell it to you for $400 lmao!
Unless money is an overriding factor I'd get the Asus Transformer instead. The higher-resolution, beautiful IPS screen is reason enough, but it also functions better out of the box without any need for rooting/hacking (although it supports that too).
I say this as a three-month owner of a very hacked GTab.
jruasap said:
I'm casually looking into getting an Android tablet. I had the OG Droid and have since upgraded to the HTC Thunderbolt, but I would like to get a tablet somewhere down the line. I am really not in any hurry to purchase a tablet, but if I did get one now I would go with the G tablet. I would like to know your thoughts on whether or not I should get one though because I would not really have a problem waiting another couple of months (especially if there is talk if it dropping in price again) but if I do wait would the G tablet still be worth it? I know the new Tegra 3 devices are going to come out not too long from now, but I would also rather spend $200-$250 on a G tablet than $500+ for the latest and greatest. The reason I like the G tablet so much is the USB port, HDMI (with the dock),10.1" screen, processor+ram, and the wonderful development community here at XDA, all of which really make me feel like I'm getting a major bang for my buck. Any tablet I get would have to match or exceed the G tablet's specs without costing too much more.
Thanks to anyone who responds!
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You might want to consider getting an ipad instead. I absolutely love my gtab. But the gtab is not for the faint of heart.
My theory on this is this. Any fault in a $500 device you will try to overlook. But if you buy something half that price, you will always have the attitude of "of course, this is a piece of crap, it's only $250."
People have been crying bloody murder over the tiniest inconvenient about the gtab. For example, it is only .3 lb heavier than the ipad and there are people who claim left and right that the gtab weighs like a ton.
So, again, if you have to ask your question, the I highly recommend you getting an ipad. At least there you will know you spent good money on it and will not ***** about everything that's wrong with it.
... and of course the very day following your question, Gtabs are available for a great price on ..... coincidence? You decide.
/ sent from my Gtab of course /
I really enjoyed my Gtab but I sold it and got an Acer Iconia A500. The A500 has a full sized USB port and HDMI arleady on it. I wanted the Transformer but after having had the Gtab I wanted the USB.
If you even gotta ask, and you have money to go mainstream - go mainstream.
This prolly isn't the tab for you.
Sent from my Gtab dual-booting BT5 and Vegan5.1.1 oc'ed @ 1.6 through Connectify on my Asus-G73JH I7 usb-tethered to my OG-Droid GINGER oc'ed @ 1.0 using PDA-net 3.0 paid.
No, they not have support anymore, and developers are dumping this thing and moving to other tables. It's a dead end.
goodintentions said:
You might want to consider getting an ipad instead. I absolutely love my gtab. But the gtab is not for the faint of heart.
My theory on this is this. Any fault in a $500 device you will try to overlook. But if you buy something half that price, you will always have the attitude of "of course, this is a piece of crap, it's only $250."
People have been crying bloody murder over the tiniest inconvenient about the gtab. For example, it is only .3 lb heavier than the ipad and there are people who claim left and right that the gtab weighs like a ton.
So, again, if you have to ask your question, the I highly recommend you getting an ipad. At least there you will know you spent good money on it and will not ***** about everything that's wrong with it.
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Wrong the lack of flash diminishes the user experience major number one complaint of ipad owners plus the lack of input ports. There is also a dock charging problem and apps force close. Many mainstream app developers are scaling back there apps because of a memory handling issue there was an article about 12 ipad issues on infoworld. For $499 unacceptable but $250 no big deal.
edirector said:
Wrong the lack of flash diminishes the user experience major number one complaint of ipad owners plus the lack of input ports.
There is also a dock charging problem and apps force close. Many mainstream app developers are scaling back there apps because of a memory handling issue there was an article about 12 ipad issues on infoworld. For $499 unacceptable but $250 no big deal.
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All of these can be forgiven by most regular users simply for the fact that the ipad is a mainstream device.
Again, all the *****ings and complaints don't really stem from the faults of the device but rather from whether the device is mainstream or not.
Off the top of my head, I can think of a dozen issues with the ipad that I don't have with the gtab. But because the ipad is $500 and a mainstream device, most people will turn a blind eye to these issues.
kekinash said:
No, they not have support anymore, and developers are dumping this thing and moving to other tables. It's a dead end.
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Oh yeah ?!?
- Roebeets HC port : latest release June 6.
- CyanogenMod Team CM7 GB port : latest nightly May 25.
- tjohnsonjr's G-Harmony GB port (with HC elements) : latest release June 6.
- Cocide's Evervolv GB port : latest release June 2.
- pershoot's OC kernel : latest release June 4.
- Clemsyn's OC kernel : latest release May 1st.
Not sure which devs are dumping this thing and moving to other tablets though, in any case, the above (and the many others I missed) should do for now

Advice Needed - Return or Not to Return Xoom Wi-Fi

I really wanted this to be in a "General Android Hardware Forum" instead of the Xoom specific one, but I am not seeing that area here on XDA.
I am on the fence with my Xoom Wi-Fi and have two more weeks before my Costco 90 day return polity expires. First and foremost, the tablet is paid for and not sitting on some credit card collecting interest. On the other hand, financially right now, after unexpected layoff, I could really use the $750 back in my bank account.
For argument sake however I want to take cost out of the picture. My Xoom Wi-Fi is running the latest Tiamat Kernel, which really expands the devices capabilities.
Pro's: Aamazing community support [Tiamat/etc], MicroSD slot, a standard MicroUSB data connection, a HDMI port that works flawless, and is well built accept for that crappy charging plug.
Con's: This thing is a tank, its heavy as hell and much thicker then other upcoming Android tablets.
Wildcard: Tegra 2.5's and Tegra 3's are rumored to be right around the corner; with fall 2011 release dates. That's three months away.
The Galaxy 10.1 is the perfect size and weight, but not having a MicroSD slot is a deal breaker. The 10.1 also lacks a standard MicroUSB data connection, instead using some BS Samsung proprietary connection. That's total crap, in fact while I am located in the USA, I though that the EU passed some law that mobile devices had to use standard universally used [USB/MiniUSB/MicroUSB] connection ports? In any case, the fact they are forcing people to use some special cable only Samsung uses is almost reason alone to pass on the device. I thought we were past that type of nonsense; it feels so 1990's.
I have heard the 10.1 can output to HDMI, but again requires some special cable and/or adapter, again Samsung using non-standard hardware connections for the fail. Also, its unknown how much community support the device will get. Lastly, the back cover for the 10.1 is a really ugly looking design, made from crap plastic instead of a plain piece of Aluminum.
With the 10.1 off the table, there is nothing else that's currently been announced or is on the market which beats the Xoom. Again, IMO Size and Weight are the only real issues I have right now with my Xoom. The Tiamat Kernel boots slower then molasses, but I am sure that will be fixed in the future and the functionality it adds is worth the boot time wait.
The wildcard is the Tegra 2.5's and Tegra 3's that are rumored to be released in devices by this fall. While I don't have an immediate need for the extra hardware specs, an upgraded CPU never hurts. The problem is while there has been rumors of devices with these chips being released in Fall 2011, we have seen nothing leaked regarding any of these devices. I figured by now we would have something to go on, especially with fall being three months away. Taking into consideration the delay of most Android tablets lately, I am starting to think the next round of devices will not hit stores till December or sometime next year.
To return or not return that is the question. If there was a device that was scheduled to be released before Winter, with the same form factor as the Galaxy 10.1, and build quality and features of the Xoom; I would return the device in a heartbeat. I just don't see that happening right now.
There are rumors of the Xoom 2 this fall, but I doubt we will see that before March of 2012. Also, if the photos leaked online are anything like what the device will be, it looks ugly as hell and just as much of a giant tank. Realistically though, what do you expect from Motorola? It's not like they are the number one most technically advanced manufacture of LCD screens, like you can argue Samsung is right now.
On an unrelated note, anyone else getting really tired of the BS with the rest of the world getting the Galaxy S2 yet, no US carrier has bothered to pick up the device? By the time the Function hits Verizon, the technology in that device will be at a minimum over a year old. That's really obnoxious; its not like it hasn't been out in every other country but the US now for months. Then again, who knows with our look we will end up with some POS looking Galaxy S2 like what happened with the Samsung Fascinate, instead of original sleek looking Galaxy S design everyone else got.
Anyway, I know TL/DL but for those who did, thanks for your input.
EDIT: I am sure the rest of you Android fans will love this one: Verizon [Level II] tech support today stated "We dropped the early upgrade option from all our two year contracts to conform with Apples contractual agreement regarding the iPhone". Call me a conspiracy theorist, but if Verizon did not have the iPhone, we would have the Galaxy S2 by now as well as several other Android phones.
I would say keep it for now. After owning it for awhile, the weight becomes less annoying. I don't think the newer tablets are good enough to take a hit on your time and money.
Thalinor said:
On the other hand, financially right now, after unexpected layoff, I could really use the $750 back in my bank account.
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This is an answer all on its own.
Stealyourface said:
This is an answer all on its own.
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I only glanced at his post lol. OP can wait a few months for something cheaper + better. I am still kinda disappointed with the codec support atm with the xoom.
Stealyourface said:
This is an answer all on its own.
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Dude I LOVE my Xoom. And I wouldn't trade it for a galaxy tab 10.1 or any other.
That being said- you might want to keep that dough readily accessible.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
If you're questioning it, return it. Especially if you need the money.
My motto is .... "If in doubt, go without"
A tablet is a luxury item, if you need the cash more then rather use it for necessities.
I would return it and wait six months. I saw some news about a cheap tablet that has notebook specs. (Like over 100gigs of memory.) Granted it will be huge, it will also be under $400 and more advanced. I will try to find that link.
Edit: a link
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Thalinor said:
I really wanted this to be in a "General Android Hardware Forum" instead of the Xoom specific one, but I am not seeing that area here on XDA.
I am on the fence with my Xoom Wi-Fi and have two more weeks before my Costco 90 day return polity expires. First and foremost, the tablet is paid for and not sitting on some credit card collecting interest. On the other hand, financially right now, after unexpected layoff, I could really use the $750 back in my bank account.
For argument sake however I want to take cost out of the picture. My Xoom Wi-Fi is running the latest Tiamat Kernel, which really expands the devices capabilities.
Pro's: Aamazing community support [Tiamat/etc], MicroSD slot, a standard MicroUSB data connection, a HDMI port that works flawless, and is well built accept for that crappy charging plug.
Con's: This thing is a tank, its heavy as hell and much thicker then other upcoming Android tablets.
Wildcard: Tegra 2.5's and Tegra 3's are rumored to be right around the corner; with fall 2011 release dates. That's three months away.
The Galaxy 10.1 is the perfect size and weight, but not having a MicroSD slot is a deal breaker. The 10.1 also lacks a standard MicroUSB data connection, instead using some BS Samsung proprietary connection. That's total crap, in fact while I am located in the USA, I though that the EU passed some law that mobile devices had to use standard universally used [USB/MiniUSB/MicroUSB] connection ports? In any case, the fact they are forcing people to use some special cable only Samsung uses is almost reason alone to pass on the device. I thought we were past that type of nonsense; it feels so 1990's.
I have heard the 10.1 can output to HDMI, but again requires some special cable and/or adapter, again Samsung using non-standard hardware connections for the fail. Also, its unknown how much community support the device will get. Lastly, the back cover for the 10.1 is a really ugly looking design, made from crap plastic instead of a plain piece of Aluminum.
With the 10.1 off the table, there is nothing else that's currently been announced or is on the market which beats the Xoom. Again, IMO Size and Weight are the only real issues I have right now with my Xoom. The Tiamat Kernel boots slower then molasses, but I am sure that will be fixed in the future and the functionality it adds is worth the boot time wait.
The wildcard is the Tegra 2.5's and Tegra 3's that are rumored to be released in devices by this fall. While I don't have an immediate need for the extra hardware specs, an upgraded CPU never hurts. The problem is while there has been rumors of devices with these chips being released in Fall 2011, we have seen nothing leaked regarding any of these devices. I figured by now we would have something to go on, especially with fall being three months away. Taking into consideration the delay of most Android tablets lately, I am starting to think the next round of devices will not hit stores till December or sometime next year.
To return or not return that is the question. If there was a device that was scheduled to be released before Winter, with the same form factor as the Galaxy 10.1, and build quality and features of the Xoom; I would return the device in a heartbeat. I just don't see that happening right now.
There are rumors of the Xoom 2 this fall, but I doubt we will see that before March of 2012. Also, if the photos leaked online are anything like what the device will be, it looks ugly as hell and just as much of a giant tank. Realistically though, what do you expect from Motorola? It's not like they are the number one most technically advanced manufacture of LCD screens, like you can argue Samsung is right now.
On an unrelated note, anyone else getting really tired of the BS with the rest of the world getting the Galaxy S2 yet, no US carrier has bothered to pick up the device? By the time the Function hits Verizon, the technology in that device will be at a minimum over a year old. That's really obnoxious; its not like it hasn't been out in every other country but the US now for months. Then again, who knows with our look we will end up with some POS looking Galaxy S2 like what happened with the Samsung Fascinate, instead of original sleek looking Galaxy S design everyone else got.
Anyway, I know TL/DL but for those who did, thanks for your input.
EDIT: I am sure the rest of you Android fans will love this one: Verizon [Level II] tech support today stated "We dropped the early upgrade option from all our two year contracts to conform with Apples contractual agreement regarding the iPhone". Call me a conspiracy theorist, but if Verizon did not have the iPhone, we would have the Galaxy S2 by now as well as several other Android phones.
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to the least claim that 100$ price difference, I think I saw somewhere that US costco is to lower selling price to $499
P00r said:
to the least claim that 100$ price difference, I think I saw somewhere that US costco is to lower selling price to $499
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Got no beef with the Xoom at all but the Asus Transformer is the same hardware and less money also add that keyboard and you have a netbook. Check it out and if you get the 16gb its 200 less. You will lose nothing in performance. I like my Xoom but I am looking to buy that one as well
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Thanks for all of the advice. I just flashed my Xoom to stock, relocked and am returning it tonight. First and formost, I need to be responsible and with the the economy the way it is, who knows how long before I will be financially secure again. Second, the 3.2 Honeycomb update info is out and no mention of MicroSd card support. While the Tiamat Kernel supports it, it's not 100% working the way it should be working because the OS really does not support that yet. I also have a huge gripe with the way Motorola has been acting as a company towards the development community.
At this point I am going to hold off on an Android tablet till my finances are in order. I figure by that point there will be Gen 2 Android tablets on the market and I will be glad I waited.
Thanks again for the feedback.
I'd say return it. You can live without your xoom for a while. When you are financially stable again, then you can use the $750 from xoom and use it to buy newer and better tablet.
EDIT: didn't see you last post. Good choice =)

