I would like to oc my g2x with the my stock rom please any suggestions or ideas
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the trinity kernel is the only one that will run on stock and i cant stand running it... all my phone does is lock up, have wake up wonkiness and force me to pull my battery 10 times a day...
JHaste said:
the trinity kernel is the only one that will run on stock and i cant stand running it... all my phone does is lock up, have wake up wonkiness and force me to pull my battery 10 times a day...
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+1 Although not as much, maybe 1-2 times per day...but its soo good.
There's a lot of different Trinity kernels in the section they say cm7 eb none show stock
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Bspence415 said:
There's a lot of different Trinity kernels in the section they say cm7 eb none show stock
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use the EB1.0.4 FR kernel... Eagles Blood is a modified stock rom so the trinity kernel will run on it...
That's the one I tried I can't get past the boot screen after i flashed through cwm recovery
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did u wipe cache n then go into advanced n wipe dalvik then flash???? i had that prob way back n have always did this method n it works
faux123 has just released a beta build of a Stock kernel.
From the post:
faux123 said:
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Can someone help on how to restore a kernel. Kernel was from cm7 nightly 147 stock , try to install T15 kernel but stock on boot lop, so i wanted to restore the stock cm7 kernel without having to restore the entire rom, i did have nandroid back up . Thanks in advance . I dunno why i did it ( my dmb @ss noob brain , i guess t15 kernel is not compatible with cm7 nightly)
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I believe the only way to do it is to re-flash the ROM. And T15 is compatible with using it with MIUI which is CM based.
or try re-flashing T15 again:
Wipe cache and Dalvik and you should be good.
Try flashing the same rom, just wipe cache and dalvik cache and flash. You flashed the old morfic kernel, there is a new one in his thread towards the end of the thread, i think he didn't update the op.
Go here and get the newest one for g2x
babymatteo said:
I believe the only way to do it is to re-flash the ROM. And T15 is compatible with using it with MIUI which is CM based.
or try re-flashing T15 again:
Wipe cache and Dalvik and you should be good.
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It's my brothers g2x and he just want the older kernel so i end up restoring the rom which is just not bad cause i did the back up few days ago. Thanks for the info though , now i knw it's compatible with cm7 .
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fcisco13 said:
Try flashing the same rom, just wipe cache and dalvik cache and flash. You flashed the old morfic kernel, there is a new one in his thread towards the end of the thread, i think he didn't update the op.
Go here and get the newest one for g2x
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The new version of this kernel does it have the planet earth bootanimation thats electrfied? Or they all have the same boot animation . Cause that's were i dwnloaded t15 kernel( same site u gave me ) i think i downloaded it 7 days ago.
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No its not the green planet one, the new one has blue letters.
fcisco13 said:
No its not the green planet one, the new one has blue letters.
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Thanks , i'll download the new version.
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I just installed the [Kernel]CM7 [] on my phone with CM7 already installed. when I turned on the device after the LG logo my screen turns black?!! What coulfd be the issue...I apologize if i come off as a idiot....
You installed what kernel???
From who?
From where?
Cm7 rom has a stock kernel, so you must have flashed a custom kernel, did you check to see if it was compatible with cm7??
Yes its this kernel [Kernel]CM7 []. I downloaded from XDA and it says its compatible with CM7. When i rebooted the G2x from CWM the LG logo showed up and then went to a black screen
Just enable USB connection and put a different kernel on ur phone and flash it. Ur phone obviously can't handle the kernel
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Also this happened to me when flashing an underclocked kernel from cm7. But then i flashed a different version of it and its now working perfectly i get mad
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noobletsausecakebbq said:
Also this happened to me when flashing an underclocked kernel from cm7. But then i flashed a different version of it and its now working perfectly i get mad
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Which CM7 Kernels could the G2x handle fo.....Im new to the whole kernel thing & im tryna get some help & I want to get more power from my phone.
Each kernel is different for speed, battery life, experimental... so on and so on. Every chipset is different in our phones some can't handle certain kernels.
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So what kernels would work on any G2x?? Thanks for the tip idk all our chip sets are different.
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Personally om using latest faux's kernel, I'm on latest nightly - cm7
Don't forget to wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, then flash kernel, then run fix permission, reboot, enjoy
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Sounds they are referring to Faux's Kernel...
You have to match them up properly as CM7 just went through a few kernel changes and the Custom Kernel developers have to make them compatible. I think Faux has .44 out which is supposed to work...
Then you also have 4 options from Faux: Pre-OC/UV or Stock Speeds; and CM and DS battery drivers.
player911 said:
Sounds they are referring to Faux's Kernel...
You have to match them up properly as CM7 just went through a few kernel changes and the Custom Kernel developers have to make them compatible. I think Faux has .44 out which is supposed to work...
Then you also have 4 options from Faux: Pre-OC/UV or Stock Speeds; and CM and DS battery drivers.
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Thanks yall u helped out alot.............I just installed the WEAPON ROM with the FAUX Kernel & im using Pimp my CPU for OC & UC........Besides Faux what kernels would be good to use on all G2x phones?
So i just installed cm9, and my phone can only go to 1188mhz so how do i over clock because i know the sensation can go to 1.6
Install system tuner and try to raise the value. If not, install a kernel compatible with cm9 and u should be good.
On some of the early nightlies I was able to use faux123's 005b3 asop kernel and overclocked to 1.78. I only used it on a couple of the early nightlies. I tried flashing it a few days ago and got bootloops. I think that was on nightly 01, maybe 30.
Stock kernel works fine for me. Overclock will probably be available sometime down the road. Someone on cm9 dev thread is running faux's kernel now, apparently without problems. I guess YMMV, or maybe that should be MMMV.
Isn't there a kernel less than 1.78 like 1.67 or something. A 1.6 kernel should be ok and u don't need to turn it up to max.
Oomike said:
Isn't there a kernel less than 1.78 like 1.67 or something. A 1.6 kernel should be ok and u don't need to turn it up to max.
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For CM9, faux is the only one that maybe works as far as I know. There is a mod over in the dev forum that overclocks to 1.5, I think. Haven't tried it, so I can't verify.
cm9 was great, but it wasn't stable yet and couldn't be over clocked
so i tried aokp that wasn't as good the screen looked too small and spaced out, but yo ucould over clock. And unfortunately without me knowing my phone was backing up my apps, ON MY DATA, so i owe virgin about 200$ now =_= for using 70$
In the end i went back to arhd, do yo uguy have any recommendation.
Use faux kernel 005b3 it will over clock it to 1.728.and it is stable and will run great.I have been running it for 5 days no problem.
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im still a noob at the wholle android thing, so how do you flash a kernal?
anthonyly said:
im still a noob at the wholle android thing, so how do you flash a kernal?
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First make double sure the kernel is compatible with your rom and operating system and firmware . Then wipe cash.and dalvik cash, then flash like a rom. By downloading the Kernel to the root of your SD card and flash through recovery. I like 4 ext recovery. After wiping you install from SD card then reboot. Hope this helps.
Of course do the download first, then wipe, then flash
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DLittle2012 said:
Use faux kernel 005b3 it will over clock it to 1.728.and it is stable and will run great.I have been running it for 5 days no problem.
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How is your battery life
Sent from my Sensation 4G
how do i check if its compatible?
just flashed faux123 newest kernal for the sensation with cm9, the only problem is that when i try mounting it to the computer, it unmounts the sdcard
I want a stable rom and kernel. The camera should be able to take 8MB pics and capture 1080p video. If possible I want JB or ICS.
please help. I have been seeking for rom and kernel for a long time. The developers does not give understandable specs like openly for me...
0b095 said:
I want a stable rom and kernel. The camera should be able to take 8MB pics and capture 1080p video. If possible I want JB or ICS.
please help. I have been seeking for rom and kernel for a long time. The developers does not give understandable specs like openly for me...
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official CM 7.2 is my recommendation.
ICS and JB are not fully working and since you want a stable one I'd stay away from those.
Alright then I guess I need to tell like '' the most stable ROM and Kernel among the JB and ICS. Guys please help me! Camera should work 1080p
0b095 said:
Alright then I guess I need to tell like '' the most stable ROM and Kernel among the JB and ICS. Guys please help me! Camera should work 1080p
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The only way that will work is on Adampk's and Mazout360's CM10.1 Rom Build 7 which is the only rom that has full HWA to make the camera work properly. Downside is that the Radio (Cellular Network) will NOT work. This means no calls, SMS, data, etc. Anything to do with your Mobile Network will not work.
Yuvin said:
The only way that will work is on Adampk's and Mazout360's CM10.1 Rom Build 7 which is the only rom that has full HWA to make the camera work properly. Downside is that the Radio (Cellular Network) will NOT work. This means no calls, SMS, data, etc. Anything to do with your Mobile Network will not work.
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hmm I tried Adampk's and Mazout360's CM10.1 Rom Build 7. It did not work it gives me Setup Wizard has stopped error always...... (
If you want stable and fast then I highly recommended Singh-ui.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
there is no stable ics/jb yet. Stick with GB and use faux kernal
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Xura08 said:
there is no stable ics/jb yet. Stick with GB and use faux kernal
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for example what do you use ?
I use Hellfire with faux kernal and I haven't had any problems. The ONLY downside is the battery indicator that comes with it, its kind of annoying
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Xura08 said:
I use Hellfire with faux kernal and I haven't had any problems. The ONLY downside is the battery indicator that comes with it, its kind of annoying
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can it capture 1080p and is it gb 2.3.7 or what ? also I have kamasha 4.1.1 with stock kernel (which comes with the rom) I guess it is cm 9 so I can hopefully use harsh kernel right ?
Xura08 said:
I use Hellfire with faux kernal and I haven't had any problems. The ONLY downside is the battery indicator that comes with it, its kind of annoying
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You're using the faux DS kernel. Use his regular CM one.
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0b095 said:
can it capture 1080p and is it gb 2.3.7 or what ? also I have kamasha 4.1.1 with stock kernel (which comes with the rom) I guess it is cm 9 so I can hopefully use harsh kernel right ?
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If you have problems with Faux kernels try Trinitys. I could never get Faux's kernels to play nice with my phone and while they ran smoother the random reboots, black screens and having to keep phone from sleeping just killed it for me.
This was oh stock voltage as well.
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guys I think the best rom is that one for me! At least the developer tells the specs of the rom clearly... I just did not understand how to install v6supercharger, it seems hard to do.
I currently have KashaMalaga (jb 4.1.1.) with harsh kernel 1.4 GHZ everything's looking pretty stable except camera ( no 1080p ) well I'll go with that for a while than maybe install above rom and hopefully v6supercharger
I installed Hellfire cm7 GB 2.3.7. with v6 supercharger. All fine but screen sensitivity is really low.
0b095 said:
I installed Hellfire cm7 GB 2.3.7. with v6 supercharger. All fine but screen sensitivity is really low.
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Might be something to do with v6. Im not running it and everything is fine for me.
Sent from my hellpowered G2X
I'm using CM7.2 stable with Wolfscript and Harsh kernel and my phone is flying! Very stable and very fast (after Wolf script), though battery life has taken a hit after running the script. My next flash will be Mazout360's dual-boot CM10.1 unofficial with a GB ROM as my daily (still haven't decided which - they're all so good! )
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