I had this app for my hd2 on wm and now am on android and can't find a similar app. If someone knows of it can you link me. If not would anyone be willing to make it?
WM version:
Simply this is a line right at the top of the screen that indicates the power level, which stays open through all navigation screens and apps which don't require running at full screen (ie. games).
Not sure of an app, but the MIUI ROM has this as an option.
Thanks, glad to know it's available. If I can't get an app I'll keep this in mind.
Hi, I am interested in the taskbar layout seen in the screenshot below.
Does anyone know what program it is ?
Looks like it might be usefull & I would like to try it but first I need the name so I can find out more.
Many thanks.
It's some of my voodoo, PhoneAlarm running a custom skin coupled with my VJToggleToday (I or II, depending on your OS) to map it as a replacement start bar.
All the gubbins are available here:
That particular screenshot is shown running my VJTodayButton, used for quick toggle access to the Today screen.
Here's another screenshot:
Thanks vijay555
Was wondering my MDAIII feels like its got needles sticking out of it.
For some reason, when writing that post, I was thinking about Monkey Island and the voodoo lady/rubber chicken. Don't know why.
Although most of my programming requires the sacrificing of farmyard animals
vijay555, doesn't your phone crawl to a halt with all those things on your today screen? (like ages waking from standby, switching to today screen etc)
Mudstuffin: in the screenshow, I'm running PhoneAlarm with my skin, at the top (using VJToggleToday to remove the softkeys and the start bar at the top), then AlarmToday with some custom hacks, weather plugin, can't remember which, VJTodaySpacer, and finally VJEphemeris.
So it's not many today plugins, just 4 (not including VJTodaySpacer).
VJEphemeris has a lot of functionality, but it's highly optimised so it doesn't use the resources of say 5 different today plugins - it replaces my quotes plugin, claunch, a battery meter, VJAudioNotes = a plugin I wrote to show my current operator and telephone number (because I use a dual sim), incoming SMS, missed calls, and a huge stonking analog clock/alarm indicator/calendar shortcut. The layour is optimised for right handed thumb usage.
All in, it works extremely well. I suggest you set up your system efficiently first, make a backup, and then try the various today plugins you want. Don't go for bells and whistles, stick with efficient and effective. This setup works very well for me; I like the idea of Wisbar etc, but find that I can do most of what I need one handed with this setup. That's paramount for me.
I've never had problems of the system slowing down or running out of resources, although I use VJOkButt to close running apps, so the only thing ever running is one app, the Phone, and Today.
vijay555 said:
It's some of my voodoo, PhoneAlarm running a custom skin coupled with my VJToggleToday (I or II, depending on your OS) to map it as a replacement start bar.
All the gubbins are available here:
That particular screenshot is shown running my VJTodayButton, used for quick toggle access to the Today screen.
Here's another screenshot:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
vijay, that quotes today plugin, what is it called?. it looks nice.. can i download it somewhere?
The quotes plugin is part of VJEphemeris, but it's based on code for VJQOTD, which is based on QOTD.
QOTD is open source, google for it, VJQOTD is unreleased although I make it available if asked, and VJEphemeris is unreleased. The VJEphemeris version is much improved/re-written, self resizing according to quote size etc and quote navigation etc.
You can see VJQOTD at the bottom of this (old) screenshot:
thanx vijay
found this one, QOTD 1.5 Copyright 2001-2003, priebesoft
will try it later today
well .that one from pribesoft didnt work so well, doesnt update everyday
Hi there,
Have done some searching but not found anything. I may just not be looking very well, so sorry if that is the case.
On my old HD I remember an app (that you set to launch with the long press of a key) that brought up thumbnails of the apps you had running and allowed you to select which one you wanted to go to. Quite like Macs do if I remember correctly.
Basically I was wondering if there is an app around like that still. Ideally I'd love an app that would do that when I shook the phone, so then I could shake the phone, thumbnails of the apps would appear and I could select which one I'd like to run.
Not sure if there is anything like that or if anyone has the time/knowledge to make something like it.
There are loads of taskmanagers to be found. Like HTC's taks manager, and there is a .cab which makes this work on the HD2 (search on this Leo forum). I myself use wktask, which give a taskbar with icons of running apps, and press them to give them focus. I do not know of one with screenthumbs....
the one you are asking for is taskfasade....
Apologies if this already been brought up before
Is there an app similar to battlinesvc
Available for android that shows a battery bar a few pixels wide across the top of the screen. Its probably the only thing i miss from wm.
I used to use this on WM as well, and I loved it! However, I don't think the android system is going to allow it, unless you go to a third part launcher that has it built in. LauncherPro feature idea?
So I'm curious about looks vs. functionality
Each one of my little drawings here satisfy both.
First off, I apologize for being a retard and using cam scanner to make these images sideways (although they were right side up originally).
Seeing as I can't attach images directly from my phone onto this site, I had to email them to myself, download them and then re attach.
Also another retard thing, I made a home button (app) thing on both of them even though there is a physical one on the phone itself.
Have a look
Also clarify with me which is which (theme or ROM).
How hard is it to design/engineer this and actually have everything function properly?
Theme/ROM 1
it looks like you want to pull the whole status bar to the bottom of your phone. i didnt think you could just move that stuff around. a Dev would would be able to give u a yes or no.
im leaning more towards a theme than a Rom. but you can only theme what the Rom has. and NO rom has that, that i know of. so its like a combination of both.
Those drawings appear to be a significant layout overhaul, a la Sense and Touchwiz
It would either be:
1) a full-blown ROM
2) A replacement for a number of system apps (but could be an add-on), at the very least the launcher and probably the lockscreen
More than just basic theming, that's for sure.
Well it certainly gives the phone a neater, "in my opinion more efficient" functionality.
The one with the radial app dial, that spins, (you guys probably could tell that already) can fit either 7 or 8 apps.
When you press the home button the phone app automatically aligns directly above the said home button (non physical assuming there are 7 apps not 8).
The apps that go on the radial thing-a-ma-jig are your primary apps.
However since that non-physical home button is not needed, then the phone would be in the center or perhaps you'd like the browser.
In any case whichever app you use most extensively (ie #1).
I certainly cannot do any of the ROM creating but I was hoping to spark interest with the ones who are able to do so with ease.
The one with the triangle side bars (next image) these have 1-3 icons on them, when you tap that icon the first time a box will come up over lapping everything else in the background (or with slight opacity) and that gives you more detail rather than just an icon.
I think it would be neat as hell if this was done.
So is it like, theme = aesthetics ; rom = function
In this case I'd like to do both.
Also the capability to assign any app in that 7-8 slot (radial) would also be nice.
Perhaps done through the command prompt.
This is a feature I picked up from a blackberry (ability to assign any icon to a specific design/theme).
Thanks for the interest, I'm going to try and fix the orientation.
Some of what you're looking to do (the home-dial concept) may be doable without any ROM development at all - after all, plenty of launchers are installable as apps and what you're describing there is a launcher concept.
Notification bar moving could be a lot harder though.
FYI I'm a kernel guy not an app developer, so I can't help you much other than say that I'm fairly certain one of the features you want to implement can be done as a launcher app for any ROM.
Alright alright, we're sifting through sonething here.
I have very little knowledge od 'kernel' 'launchable' 'rom' as far as developing them goes. Are there tutorials ? (search bar probably)
Thanks for your contributions
What about color (borders keys etc)
Nice drawings man
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Hey thanks DevilDogAK
It's one thing to draw the idea by hand but to actually create it with code...
That's where the tires hit the road one might say.
I need to do some reading to get an idea of what I have to accomplish.
Thanks for the interest, as always it starts with a dream
I'll let you guys know whats up when I actually get to the point of dev
But team work goes a long way (hint hint hint)
sweet... great concept imo, & hey, cyanogen started with just a concept. wish i knew more to help you out, but we're with you in spirit nice drawings too lol
from Sams inFuse... inFused GB
About the launcher comment, does having two mean more computing power needed to run the first and second launcher or can I just do one primary launcher?
If I can just move things around, what about putting some notification components under the wheel? Components such as the wifi toggle and the data image or perhaps the data and battery.
Anyone smart enough to do that probably isn't dicking around on XDA. You never know though.
Well... I'm here
Haha just kidding, I do wish somebody with some experience knowledge (ie developer of Serendipity etc... ) a man can dream... a man can dream.
I am looking for some help designing an app specifically for the SGSII as it will be useless on any other phone that can't turn off pixels when not in use. I know there are other phones out there that can but thats not my target.
Not sure this is the correct sub forum but please more if needed.
I am looking to create an app like NoLed but instead of it displaying icons and such across the screen I would like it to only display the status bar. I have tried to figure how MADMACK got the app to display when the screen is "off" but no luck. If anyone could help me with this I would appreciate it.
I know I could use the combination of a few apps to achieve this desired look but I really feel that I could improve upon having to use multiple apps and in turn cut battery consumption. I have a little experience so someone with some patience is needed but I do learn quickly and am not against doing my own research. I just need some guidance. I can do some basics in Eclipse and have read some Android Application development 101's but am not finding what I need to know where to start.