[Q] resuming gameloft download, or any other resume - Galaxy Tab Themes and Apps

here's the thing, i only got edge on my area for now
wont be in my hometown till xmas, when i can get a decent 3g for downloading
gameloft needs quite a massive data download
lets say dungeon hunter for 300mb
i did insist on downloading it, with some failure upon it
tried once, got 30mb, down to 270mb for next downloading
got 50mb on the next, down to 220mb for next
got 11mb, down to 209mb for next
after that, never got a reduce even if i left it for a long time, and when i check battery use, the MB on the app is actually increasing, the edge status keeps showing downloading
anybody know why?
i tried clearing data and deleting on gameloft folder, files that showing 0 on size
but of course i dont want to delete it all which would be absurd since it took me hard enough from 300mb to 200mb
can anybody help me?
what should i do or need to delete or anything to be able to finish my download, since it actually can be resumed from 300 mb down to 200mb with some fail download

I had similar issue, I had to finally delete everything and start from scratch
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

Same here... was doing NOVA on WIfi... stuck with 59mb left... nothing worked. Deleted the folders, uninstalled and cleared cache. Then reinstalled and downloaded. While downloading, I was surfing the net and doing some other stuff to make sure the connection kept on going... finally got it working

well, in that case, i need to wait till i can get myself a good internet speed then >.<


I think I have a virus on my IIs..

Just recently, my o2 has started to run slower and slower. Its so slow now that I'm unable to sync it with my PC anymore. When I turn it on, its like the machine is running at 1MHz. You can watch things get drawn up on the screen. I'm also unable to run any applications, because of "Low Memory" screens that keep popping up telling me to close an application because my o2 is running low on system resources. I've cleared over 50mb and uninstalled everything. Its still doing it.
It seems as something is running in the background and eating up all the memory, leaving only a few k's availabe for programs. I can't even run xBackup or anything, because when I do and it starts doing its thing, the low memory window pops up and asks me to select a task to close.
Can anyone help me here? Please?
Thanks in advance - Nate
Tell us what you've installed recently.
You should install Pocket Hack Master by Anton Tomov (or atleast try to install). You can see the running processes and close them, using PHM.
Maybe that helps. So far, the only solution i can think of is performing a hardreset. The fact that you will lose data does suck though...
Nevermind, I did a hard reset just now. Seems to be back to normal now. While the o2 was in the cradle, I was still able to access its files through my PC, which was weird - but wasn't able to successfully sync the data.
Backed up contacts, and appointments using that option with xBackup. Took about 20 minutes to back up about 200k of data. :shock:
Fingers crossed that everything will run smoothly from now on!
BTW, any apps you guys recommend me to install?

Verizon TP2 program memory

I am having a problem with my program memory on my TP2.
After a soft reset I run my opera browser and sometimes it will pop up and say my program memory is low and to close something down. I have 40 MBs available. Is this not enough? If not where do I start cutting. I really want to show off my phone to everyone but don't want to look like an idiot with it locking up every 5 mins.
I suggest a hard reset (check the manual), because that amount of free RAM is not normal. Most users boot up with around 80-90 free. More available using the "Disable Push Internet" and ResProxy hacks, found elsewhere on this board.
My TP2 (VZW) runs great.. so great, in fact, that i launched google maps, found my location, and guided my group to one bar to another bar in nyc last night before 2 of my iPhone friends could.
Thats a testament, right there.
i got my verizon touch pro to boot up with 102 megs free, i usually stay within the 43-48% of memory usage
i got my verizon touch pro 2 to boot up with 102 megs free, i usually stay within the 43-48% of memory usage
My memory also stays between 42%-48%. I disabled the push internet and did the resproxy edit and it runs great. After using for a while it will get up to the mid 50% range. When it does that, I will use the cleanram program and it goes back down without resetting.
that's exactly what i use too, but overall mine never slows down or lags
thats weird i normally start up between 70 - 75% and all i am running is gyrator 2.
What is that cleanup prog you are talking about i don't want to do a hard reset if i don't have to and reinstall all my apps and regedits...
it is even giving me problems now... but even at 75% i have like 35mb free why would it be lagging?
Would a lot of emails in my inbox cause that?
better yet is there a app that will show me what is taking up my program memory?
Eliteoomph said:
thats weird i normally start up between 70 - 75% and all i am running is gyrator 2.
What is that cleanup prog you are talking about i don't want to do a hard reset if i don't have to and reinstall all my apps and regedits...
it is even giving me problems now... but even at 75% i have like 35mb free why would it be lagging?
Would a lot of emails in my inbox cause that?
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do a search on this forum for DisablePushInternet and you'll find that cab that'll free up plenty of memory
I installed Dutty's disable push internet and reset 54% YaY!!
Thanks man I had originally thought this might of been a problem but since I had push internet turned off in my data settings I didn't think I needed to install a cab just for it. Maybe it was still holding memory from when I tried out push internet the first day I got my phone before I disabled it.
Thanks A lot I will monitor my phone today and see if I have anymore problems with it lagging.
ok It jumped back up to 70%
I tried to move my opera cache to my storage card to see if that would help
I soft reset
it started at 54%
I started opera went to this site page and then exited opera
and now it is 61%
I started opera again went to ESPN College football page where it froze for about 10 secs then resumed loading then exited
and now it is 65%
opened opera back running very sluggish now
click on another link exited
and now it is 67%
seems to be a pattern here
when I go back to Opera:config
user prefs the Cache Directory4 is back to default
changed it again this time to
\Storage Card\Program Files\opera9\cache\
(which someone recommended)
started up at 54%
opened opera loaded XDA Forum page
and now it is at 61%.................again
went BACK to opera config
cache file is STILL default
what am I doing wrong?
and am I even on the right path with the opera cache to correcting this problem?
Thanks for yalls help
PS: I just deleted my cache and it is still 64%.......
disable push internet
sorry if this is blatently obvious but i have looked all over this forum and i keep coming back to this same thread. does anyone have instructions on how do disable the push internet. i have found other forums for other phones but not sure if it will work for the TP2. im currently running CERegEditor to edit everything. also i keep following the instructions for turning off the "message sent" notification but again no luck. these are 2 of my biggest qualms with my phone right now. thanks for any help!
install this cab and do a soft reset to disable push internet
For the SMS notification
If you have a registry editor just here
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings SMSNoSentMsg = 0
HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Default Options = 0
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings DisableSMSDeliveryReceipt = 0
You just change all the values to 0 and then do a soft reset
worked for me
worked like a charm! thanks!
install cleanram, or if you want to buy speedbooster they both help my tp2 to stay below 48% while having a lot of apps on my phone including emulators
Ok, I've been having a bit of the memory problem as well. Not running anything out of the ordinary - software wise - yet, but booting with the Push Internet Disable to 54%...
First opening Messaging, dropping to 57%... Other TF programs show no effect...
Open Opera - Drops to 63%... Exit Opera - Raises to 58%...
I think 75-80MB of open memory speak for itself here... Course, you really wanna make it scream, just disable Touchflo... lol
I installed clean ram and ran it
its at 62%
Why can't I get mine to 48%
I hate to but I think I am going to Hard Reset and see what happens
Eliteoomph said:
I installed clean ram and ran it
its at 62%
Why can't I get mine to 48%
I hate to but I think I am going to Hard Reset and see what happens
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Sprint TP2 is set up in such a way, that after disabling the push internet feature, only about 38% of memory is used after a soft reset. The memory usage never goes above ~ 50%, if you truly exit Opera (clicking x by default minimizes it, and it won't show in Task Manager; one only needs to choose Exit from Opera menu and/or hack the registry to make it truly exit).
There's something wrong with programs you installed. You need to check your running processes (there's a number of programs available, I use memmaid) after a soft reset. Mine doesn't go above 16 - and that's just stock minus Opera push stuff.
I did a hard reset
I reinstalled my programs to my storage card
Advanced Config
Sprite Backup
XML Contact Backup
I am still running at about 70% but it does not seem to be lagging as bad
I ran memmaid and did a scan it only found 124kbs.
But it closed 1 program that was 23 MB
that took me down 4% to 66%
Eliteoomph said:
I did a hard reset
I reinstalled my programs to my storage card
Advanced Config
Sprite Backup
XML Contact Backup
I am still running at about 70% but it does not seem to be lagging as bad
I ran memmaid and did a scan it only found 124kbs.
But it closed 1 program that was 23 MB
that took me down 4% to 66%
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Go to memmaid, Jump To/Process/Running processes. Write down or take screenshots of everything in there. Post it here.
Someone here will be able to figure out what's eating your memory and how to fix it.

[Q] Suddenly only 10 megs of free memory?

Hey guys, I was hoping someone might know what's going on. My phone started acting really slow today then gave me a low on memory message all of a sudden. I checked and i only had 10 megs free internal memory for some reason. I've always had 100+ at least. I checked all over, including by using the file find feature and had no big files/pictures. Deleted my texts and emails. That all gave me a few more megs, but didn't go back to normal. I even tried using a backup file from a couple of days ago and it's still like that, so either this has been happening for a while and i didn't notice or backup restore doesn't fix it. Anyone got an idea as to what's going on?
This is a sprint touch pro 2 running energy rom.
Got the problem fixed. What I ended up doing was hard resetting, then restoring from SPB backup and i got all of the memory back. I don't know what was screwed up, but if you ever have this problem try doing that. I think it was probably a file system or physical storage problem.
I found a program called cleartemp that solved similar problem for me. Went from 15 megs to 60 just from using that program to clear all the temporary file garbage that builds up. Cleartemp has a lot of settings to work with and may solve your problem if it happens again.
brainrepairer said:
I found a program called cleartemp that solved similar problem for me. Went from 15 megs to 60 just from using that program to clear all the temporary file garbage that builds up. Cleartemp has a lot of settings to work with and may solve your problem if it happens again.
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Thanks for the tip. I'll look for it next time it happens. For now i reformatted my phone.
Did you ever try to just soft reset it? Sometimes mine gets bogged down from too many texts and numbers in my call log so I'll clean them all out and then reset my phone and all is good. Only do this like once a week.

Downloading - java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer

Recently (last few days) when downloading a podcast or mp3, the download gets to around 15% and then fails.
Doggcatcher reports java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer as the problem.
Dolphin Browser also fails after downloading for around the same amount.
If I keep pressing retry then eventually the % percent will grow until it completes but obviously fails on the way multiple times.
I have 1GB free on the SD Card (where I'm saving), I just don't know what the problem is.
At first I thought it was Doggcatcher but repeating the same on Dolphin made me think otherwise.
Is this a network problem or this is something wrong with my HTC Desire (2.2)?
My network says nothing is wrong on their side, and the programs I'm using work fine on Wifi, so I'm quite puzzled! As mentioned it has only started in the last few days.
Thank you in advance for your help

[Q] Bumping up 3G download size limit permanently? (SOLVED)

I am on an unlimited data plan and don't care if my phone downloads large podcasts in the background while not on wifi.
I found out that LKG_MOConfig.xml and Downloaded_MOConfig.xml from /My Documents/Zune/PimentoCache/Keepers control this setting. I can bump up from 20MB to 200MB and reset the phone and it indeed works; but just like when changing the OEM store, this appears to reset itself after a day or so. Does anyone know if there is a way to make this change permanent?
ken52787 said:
I am on an unlimited data plan and don't care if my phone downloads large podcasts in the background while not on wifi.
I found out that LKG_MOConfig.xml and Downloaded_MOConfig.xml from /My Documents/Zune/PimentoCache/Keepers control this setting. I can bump up from 20MB to 200MB and reset the phone and it indeed works; but just like when changing the OEM store, this appears to reset itself after a day or so. Does anyone know if there is a way to make this change permanent?
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Hey this really works. Just downloaded a 82MB file from Marketplace over 3G. Have been looking for this since i got my WP7. This should be in the Dev n Hack section.
Good catch. Unfortunately i have no clue as how to make it permanent.
If you can use the Root Webserver (see my sig) you could try marking the file as Read Only (there are other ways to mark a file RO, this is just an easy one). See if it gets overwritten then... I haven't tried.
Okay, I changed it and set it as read-only. Ill come back in a few days and let you know if it worked
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It's now been two days and they have appeared to stay, so it looks like this is a valid solution
Other files in this directory have updated more recently but the ones marked read-only are as I've left them.
I cant browse my phone with a file manager. I am interop unlocked. Does anyone have this in a XAP that I can install to my phone ?
I'm working on an app that will enable selecting the Marketplace options (OEM and MO marketplaces, max download size, etc.) and setting or removing the ReadOnly bit on the relevant files. It'll take a little time, but hopefully not more than another few days, depending on how much time I can spend on it this weekend (no guarantees).
Awesome! this is my biggest grudge with WP7, I have unlimited data, and my HSDPA connection is faster than my home internet connection! lol

