Wow does this thing have a bad screen - G Tablet General

Well, I just returned my G-tablet to Staples.
The bottom line is that the hardware is overall pretty good - with one major exception: the screen. I'm used to TN screens with bad viewing angles (both my desktop and laptop have TN displays) but this is just ridiculous. In landscape mode it's basically unreadable if you have it sitting flat on a table. In portrait mode there's noticeable color quality problems if you move your head from side to side. Also, the screen has poor contrast in general, even if you look at it straight on.
This kind of display is OK on a $300 netbook or a cheap budget tablet, but it's not OK on a $400 tablet. The G-Tablet has a lot of positives (fast CPU, USB host, etc.) but it's just not nearly as usable as an IPS device (like the iPad) because you're forced to look at it head on.
I worry that devices like this will sour people on Android tablets in general. Between the bad screen and the crappy stock firmware I would not be surprised if there are a lot of returns.
If you are considering buying a G-Tablet you really need to try one out in person. Some users may be fine with the screen, but I think for many people it will effectively kill the usability of the device.

I don't think this will peeve Joe Consumer off all that much, although I agree with you myself. The screen angles are probably the worse issue with this thing, from a hardware perspective.
I think Joe Consumer is going to be more peeved at the crappy UI and lack of features, and I hope that they get a firmware update out ASAP. They need this NOW, not even a week from now -- Staples has them in and they will probably start selling over the weekend.

roebeet said:
I don't think this will peeve Joe Consumer off all that much, although I agree with you myself. The screen angles are probably the worse issue with this thing, from a hardware perspective.
I think Joe Consumer is going to be more peeved at the crappy UI and lack of features, and I hope that they get a firmware update out ASAP. They need this NOW, not even a week from now -- Staples has them in and they will probably start selling over the weekend.
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Hope some big issues are fixed, since a market & Flash update only covers some of the issues. Seems this "update" should have been out of box. Their CS folks will be a little busy in the coming weeks. So will Sears, Kmart and Staples, for returns if not a more stable device for non modders.
I like my G a LOT, but this device is as anti-consumer friendly for the average "out of box- not tech" consumer as you can get.
I have decided on this being my tablet of choice. Price and performance ratio is HUGE- even at $400. Sill will test the Archos 101 though.

rushless said:
Hope some big issues are fixed, since a market & Flash update only covers some of the issues. Seems this "update" should have been out of box. Their CS folks will be a little busy in the coming weeks. So will Sears, Kmart and Staples, for returns if not a more stable device for non modders.
I like my G a LOT, but this device is as anti-consumer friendly for the average "out of box- not tech" consumer as you can get.
I have decided on this being my tablet of choice. Price and performance ratio is HUGE- even at $400. Sill will test the Archos 101 though.
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+1. I've been showing mine off a little, hoping to inspire some anti-apple sentiment, but I've also been warning people that this one isn't for the faint of heart. Even considered the $399 iPad at TJ Max for the wife.
For those of us that have been around from day prepared for a lot of GT bashing next week.

yea black friday add running in Staples adds even says download from app store. if the update isn't done right on boot. People will be pretty angry with no app store and all the other issues.
I'm banking on getting one refurb'd the weekdays after BF.. that and my 101 should be here Monday

From the few reports I've read from users on the Archos forum, the 101 has similar issues with their screen. I'm interested to hear what a gtablet owner says about the 101.

Yea. I'll report how i feel about the screen when I get the 101 monday or Tuesday. I did 2 day air Thursday morning. Shipped Friday. Should be here soon

Returned mine for the very same reason a week ago. Notion ink has my name written all over it. I am positive however that all the work you guys are putting into the GTab will migrate over into similar hardware tabs like the Notion ink Adam

Archos 101 appears to have the same display as the Gtablet and the Notion Ink is still in "marketing conceptual stages". Notion Ink mass shipments are still months away.
After playing King of Fighters 2003 and Metal Slug 5 at 60fps with perfect sound- I am keeping this puppy
Those games (most bigger Neo Geo and CPS2 games) will not play on the Archos 101 due to 256mb ram. They play slow on the Droid X (same chipset as 101).
The Gtablet is kind of like the A10 Warthog of tablets


[Q] quiz: why did you return your g-tablet?

I got my g-tablet from Sears on November 2 and returned it to the store yesterday. I told them it does not have flash as stated on the box and the display is of very poor quality. I got full refund.
Why did I return it?
- Nvidia quality sucks: I had dead laptop, because of defective nvidia chip. If you don't believe it check this: Apple, Dell and HP got a class action suit against Nvidia: www nvidiasettlement com. OpenGL drivers are full of bugs they may have fixed Angry Birds, but there are plenty other bugs I'm sure.
- Nvidia does not conform to standards. No NEON instructions in Tegra. They try to play their desktop video card game, by providing custom APIs and making their applications incompatible with other ARM CPUs. So far it is the opposite - applications that run good on every other Cortex A8, does not play on Tegra.
- Nvidia keep their specs closed. I tried to get information on how to hook a hardware JTAG debugger, but all specs are opened only for partners.
- The device has the worst display I've seen. In portrait mode it gives me distorted colors even when looked at 90 degrees angle.
- The device is made by Malata and not Viewsonic. There is no track history for this company and I don't want to risk my money with unknown hardware quality (software we all know sucks)
For all folks expecting Notion Ink Adam: I'm sorry but this is going to be the same crap. Notion Ink has no proven record (neither Pixel Qi),combined with a low quality Nvidia chip, this is going to hurt.
I'm going to wait for the upcoming Acer tablet with a 10-inch screen that will run a Qualcomm dual-core 1 Ghz processor (produced on the new 28nm technology, supports out of order execution).
One good word about the G-tablet: the apx mode allows you to flash any OS, but the tablet has only 512MB internal Flash, which is not enough for dual boot.
My perfect tablet needs to be a laptop replacement: that means dual boot Android/Gentoo Linux, ability to boot every other ARM OS(windows phone,etc) from a sdcard. Also it has to have a case with keyboard and mouse pad (to be used as laptop when needed).
The TnT interface shows how clueless are Viewsonic about what the people actually need.
I bought mine about 3 days ago.. and I'm returning it today because of the poor viewing angles on the screen.. and also because of the laggy ui.. even with custom roms
edit: changed my mind and I'm going to keep mine for a while. there's a lot of great work being done with custom roms that might fix the lagginess. looking forward to notion inks announcement on december 9th!
i have had mine for about a week, the only way i'm returning it is if something better comes out within my 30 day window. it certainly does have flaws but i'm gonna give it more of a chance.
I am keeping mine because I am running Android 2.2 which doesn't take advantage of the dual-core processor, and because it is more of an accessory than a laptop replacement for me. This is definitely a hacker's unit more than an out-of-the-box laptop replacement.
-=Sent from my ViewSonic G Tablet using Tapatalk=-
To get a better one
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Keeping mine. Roebeet has been working hard to make this tablet worth something. I have no compaints with this device while running tnt lite other than the screen viewing angles. Even still, 9 times out of 10, im holding my device right in front of me so viewing angles are not as big of factor. This device is really just ahead of its time. The hardware is there, just the operating system is yet to be optimized for a 10 inch tablet with a tegra 2 processor. Roebeets tnt lite is just a sneak peak at what this thing is capable of. Once there is a 100% stock android it will run even faster, or even android 3.0. With this thing being completely open, its only a matter of time. This is a hackers paradise. Its so new that not everyone was able to get their hands on it yet. Give this thing time, i think you will be suprised what this thing can do and regret returning it.
I'm keeping mine. With a good bit of modding its actually nice to use. The screen angles are pretty bad in good lighting but is fine in low light situations. So I just use it in landscape in good light areas. Aside from the screen and sadly the TnT software this Malta pad is great. It even has a potential to be a beast as new products are released and Tegra 2 support becomes stronger.
Anything we get until Feb of next year is going to be a bit of a mess. All the top tier companies who only want to release a 100% consumer friendly product are holding off for Honeycomb. The current releases are either mid tier companies hungry for market share, bottom of the barrel companies releasing crap, and start ups like Adam using time as an opportunity.
We're on the bleeding edge and it shows. Likely the only company thats going to put in the effort needed to make this a good experience is Adam. They're a new company with something to prove. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the their tab ends up going for $600 and still selling well.
Bottom line: If you can put up with the viewing angles and 1 reboot a day this is a decent deal. Especially if you got it for $280 like I did .
Keeping mine and bought up Sears stock for today's sale, sorry about that anyone who shops near me. These rock after being loaded up correctly
No way I'm taking my back. After flashing to TnT Lite 2.02 it's a keeper. Now if I could only get wireless tethering to work it would be golden.
does this question really belong in development?
switt said:
Bottom line: If you can put up with the viewing angles and 1 reboot a day this is a decent deal. Especially if you got it for $280 like I did .
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For $280 this tablet is a steal. There is no doubt in my mind that I would keep this tablet at that price.
However, at $417 after tax I'm on the fence about keeping this tablet. Performance wise, I can't complain. It's easily the fastest tablet on the market right now. After loading up TnT Lite with flash, this tablet is amazing. It's so much fun surfing the web. Battery life is great, this thing sips power.
but the screen, OMG the screen. It's just bad. I don't know any other way to say it. In portrait mode, it's usable but you can tell the image looks different at the top than it does at the bottom. I've found that there is really only one way to hold the tablet to get a good view and that is directly infront of you slightly below eye level.
linckraker said:
does this question really belong in development?
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That was my question also, but I decided not to comment as I had assumed that a mod would've moved it to general by now.
Anyways ATM I'm keeping it. My primary reason for returning it would be driven by the form factor, as I REALLY MUCH prefer 7" for tablets. Just more portable and better for reading fiction, which means IF I keep that I'll also want a complementary 7" tablet. I just find 10" to be unwieldly.
As secondary reasons I would point out the absence of various features advertised on the box itself.
Just wish that a 7" Tegra2 would come out... I'd be all over it.
Where do i get one for $280
switt said:
I'm keeping mine. With a good bit of modding its actually nice to use. The screen angles are pretty bad in good lighting but is fine in low light situations. So I just use it in landscape in good light areas. Aside from the screen and sadly the TnT software this Malta pad is great. It even has a potential to be a beast as new products are released and Tegra 2 support becomes stronger.
Anything we get until Feb of next year is going to be a bit of a mess. All the top tier companies who only want to release a 100% consumer friendly product are holding off for Honeycomb. The current releases are either mid tier companies hungry for market share, bottom of the barrel companies releasing crap, and start ups like Adam using time as an opportunity.
We're on the bleeding edge and it shows. Likely the only company thats going to put in the effort needed to make this a good experience is Adam. They're a new company with something to prove. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the their tab ends up going for $600 and still selling well.
Bottom line: If you can put up with the viewing angles and 1 reboot a day this is a decent deal. Especially if you got it for $280 like I did .
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Where do i get one for 280$, see them at staples for 399$?
acuralegendz said:
Where do i get one for 280$, see them at staples for 399$?
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some sears outlet stores have refurbs for 279
I think the problem with the question of "why did you return it" is that the people who did return it are probably not scanning this forum anymore.
I've been scanning the negative comments (which are mostly valid crticisms, I might add), and I've compiled a list in my head:
- The crappy UI
- The crappy UI (important enough to be mentioned twice)
- The viewing angles, especially when watching while laying on a desk. (btw, flip the device around, so that the camera is on the bottom, and you can get around that).
- No official Flash yet, even though the darn icon is on the box.
- App compatibility issues, in particular the g-sensor issue in games.
- Lack of h264 high profile playback support (this is a Tegra 2 hardware limitation, btw).
- Performance, even with the UI mods. That seems to be more of an Android limitation, given that dual core is not being exploited.
- Lack of HDMI given that there's no dock, and a lack of accessories like a case.
- The bang-for-the-buck.
The last one is important because I have seen more than few posts from people returning the item who mentioned that they might have kept it of were $300, or if they could snag a $279 outlet device. It's not that the device is "bad", but more that you didn't want to break the bank for a device that is really not fully optimized yet. And I can understand that 100%.
roebeet said:
I think the problem with the question of "why did you return it" is that the people who did return it are probably not scanning this forum anymore.
I've been scanning the negative comments (which are mostly valid crticisms, I might add), and I've compiled a list in my head:
- The crappy UI
- The crappy UI (important enough to be mentioned twice)
- The viewing angles, especially when watching while laying on a desk. (btw, flip the device around, so that the camera is on the bottom, and you can get around that).
- No official Flash yet, even though the darn icon is on the box.
- App compatibility issues, in particular the g-sensor issue in games.
- Lack of h264 high profile playback support (this is a Tegra 2 hardware limitation, btw).
- Performance, even with the UI mods. That seems to be more of an Android limitation, given that dual core is not being exploited.
- Lack of HDMI given that there's no dock, and a lack of accessories like a case.
- The bang-for-the-buck.
The last one is important because I have seen more than few posts from people returning the item who mentioned that they might have kept it of were $300, or if they could snag a $279 outlet device. It's not that the device is "bad", but more that you didn't want to break the bank for a device that is really not fully optimized yet. And I can understand that 100%.
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I'm FIRMLY in the $300 camp as BOTH Staples & Sears had the gTab right next to a $299 and $249 Atom based netbooks(ASUS, Acer, Toshiba and something else...). Kind of a smack in the face to be asked to pay $400 for a less functional device, although I can kind of understand part of the reason being that the Tegra2 SoC isn't quite as cheap as ALL of the other SoCs. $400 still just seems like a hype price to me, and I do feel kind of ripped... would feel better IF it had a better camera(maybe 2) and GPS builtin... ...and if I had any REAL expectations of longterm VS support and OS upgrades, e.g. next Android version...
Yes, and I'd have to add viewing angles to my list of possible return reasons from using it a bit last night(in bed) with some sideloaded apps that forced portrait mode...
gturnersr said:
I got my g-tablet from Sears on November 2 and returned it to the store yesterday. I told them it does not have flash as stated on the box and the display is of very poor quality. I got full refund.
Why did I return it?
- Nvidia quality sucks: I had dead laptop, because of defective nvidia chip. If you don't believe it check this: Apple, Dell and HP got a class action suit against Nvidia: www nvidiasettlement com. OpenGL drivers are full of bugs they may have fixed Angry Birds, but there are plenty other bugs I'm sure.
- Nvidia does not conform to standards. No NEON instructions in Tegra. They try to play their desktop video card game, by providing custom APIs and making their applications incompatible with other ARM CPUs. So far it is the opposite - applications that run good on every other Cortex A8, does not play on Tegra.
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Wow, glad you were given an opportunity to complain about NVidia.... The class action suit you're referring to was in reality a problem of the OEM which NVidia and most OEMs covered completely. My Dell laptop at work died and was replaced with a newer model in ONE WEEK. Two year old information = FUD.
I returned mine after about 2 weeks. Didn't work well out of the box and wanted something with smaller screen. I went ahead and got the Galaxy Tab instead.
But I will be checking out the Sears Outlet for the blackfriday returns to play around with it.
Because of touch screen
I got my g tablet from Sears the day before Thanksgiving and had a lot of time to play with it. I had gotten to market to work and installed several apps and had even gotten used to the stock UI. But I am extremely disappointed in the responsiveness of the touch screen. There are time you have to press very hard on the icon to open a program. And typing is a chore. Unless there is something you have to do to calibrate the screen I will be returning it Monday. Also, I thought I read that it came with a temporary plastic film over the screen, but mine did not. There was a foam protector attached to the inside of the box.
Is there anything I can do to increase the sensitivity of the touch screen? I would love to keep it - but not with the way the touch screen is working (or NOT WORKING)
cutterjohn said:
I'm FIRMLY in the $300 camp as BOTH Staples & Sears had the gTab right next to a $299 and $249 Atom based netbooks(ASUS, Acer, Toshiba and something else...). Kind of a smack in the face to be asked to pay $400 for a less functional device, although I can kind of understand part of the reason being that the Tegra2 SoC isn't quite as cheap as ALL of the other SoCs. $400 still just seems like a hype price to me, and I do feel kind of ripped... would feel better IF it had a better camera(maybe 2) and GPS builtin... ...and if I had any REAL expectations of longterm VS support and OS upgrades, e.g. next Android version...
Yes, and I'd have to add viewing angles to my list of possible return reasons from using it a bit last night(in bed) with some sideloaded apps that forced portrait mode...
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Tegra 2 is in the starting point of it's cost curve, so about $75 of the price is cost and correlating profit margin, since companies are not going to scale to their cost
You will find that the newer Tegra 2 devices in Q1 & Q2 2011 will all be around $500, since you will then also be paying for better displays and brand names too
The display on this device is how they were able to put a Tegra 2 in it -cost balancing. Ironically, if the OEM would have rotated the display 180 degrees when building them, it would not be an issue. Display looks as good as the Archos 101- when upside down

It's been fun, but I think it's time to go back...

I've played with my gtablet since they first came out. I have to say, as a preface, that it's not that I dislike the device. I think, at this point, an Android tablet has more "wow factor" than sustenance. With a nice, dual-screen desktop, a convertible notebook, and a good Android-based phone, I can't figure where this device fits it. I'd hoped for a replacement for my aging laptop, but the tablet just doesn't cut the mustard.
I have known about the downfalls of the software (the main reason my local Sears will get for my return), and I really do think that with better developed software, this will be a good device for $400. It's got excellent hardware (the screen excepted) and immense potential for those willing to put in the time to get it working. However, for what I had planned to do with the device, it's just not up to par for the amount of time I have to invest in it.
I look at the issue in this light: for another $150, I can get a device that is much more in line with what I use a computer for in the first place. I take handwritten notes in class, and capacitive touch isn't good for that -- strikes to the Lenovo S10 and Dell Inspirion Duo. Also, with Android, I don't have a way to sync back to my network and my catalog of handwritten notes from previous semesters. It's not Google's fault. OneNote is really the best application I've used for taking and organizing notes, and if the online version allowed you to draw, I might even rescind this reason.
I suppose if I had a lot more free time, or if I were a developer / CS person, I'd attempt to port Ubuntu (something that I had contemplated anyhow) over and run it on my tablet. Beyond getting correct drivers for everything, I don't think it would have been that much of a stretch to have done. If I weren't returning the device, I would have even taken the time to make the side buttons on mine backlit.
I'm not jumping ship for an iPad either. The only piece of (cr)Apple hardware in my apartment is my girlfriend's iPod, and it rarely gets used (and when it does, it gets synced with Winamp). Right now, the tablet I would want isn't even on the market yet, and when it does surface, it's going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $1200.
So, if you're still reading, good luck. I hope my contributions to the community were of positive value. I would love to look back a few months from now and say that I should have kept it. I think it's going to take a lot of work from the community at large for that to happen, and you all are going to be the ones who lead the way. The work you guys have done (especially roebeet, et. al with the firmware mods) has been tremendous.
By the way, my tablet will be going back to the store at the University Mall in Tuscaloosa, AL if anybody is looking for one to pick up in the outlet. It will most likely still have clockwork recovery on it with the updated firmware in tow.
It was a pleasure reading your posts and I wish you well.
ehunyadi said:
It was a pleasure reading your posts and I wish you well.
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You'll be back. You're gonna return yours then by your own refurb haha.. jk. Is that even possible? Hmmmm
I also will be taking my tablet back at this point in time unless you can develop it cant really be a everyday dependable device. Iwent and bought the samsung galaxy tab while yes more pricey but i have since almost compltey replaced my smart phone and haven touched my computer for longer than 10 mins to sync some comic books
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
After all these mods, I'm keeping my g tablet, at least for the time being.
The galaxy tab is just awful.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't think the galaxy tab is awful but I don't think any tablet out today can practically replace a smartphone/phone or replace a laptop for that matter. IMO, tablets are for leisure. I'm also keeping my gtablet because I have a great smarthphone and an okay laptop already. I just need something more accessible than a laptop and a bigger screen than my smartphone.
kitzuki said:
I also will be taking my tablet back at this point in time unless you can develop it cant really be a everyday dependable device. Iwent and bought the samsung galaxy tab while yes more pricey but i have since almost compltey replaced my smart phone and haven touched my computer for longer than 10 mins to sync some comic books
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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I just have to say ew, and I'm a sprint supervisor for technical support.
Out of box and no modding, I would not keep this device either. Modded is another thing, since the device is amazing with the Nvidia driver patch from last night.
TnT Lite 2.0 + 2.03 Nvidia patch + Flash + Market fix = Kick a55 device.
Catch is 90% or more that get this device during the holidays will be non modders, so I understand the perspective, since fits the majority.
Viewsonic now have a community made FW package that would save their butts for massive returns with this device and actually make money. No way current state results in net positive $, come January.
Seems to me which is cheaper?
60,000 units sold x 70% returns (fair guess) = 42,000 x $100 (repack/refurb costs).......... $4.2 million cost impact for mass return scenario, or put a rom package on devices that works great and people will love and result in sales and increased demand......WHICH would you pick?
Viewsonic's decision will probably be an absolute marginal swing of about $7.2 million (for 60,000 units $4.2 million hit and $3M profit: for entire system)
Almost Going Back but Now .....
I had issues last night connecting to the internet. I was running stock ROM with a few sideloaded apps including Dolphin browser. Thought I had screwed it up. Unistalled everything to bring it back (close) to stock before the return later today. Then found out my wife was also having issues on her MacBook last night (PCs were all o.k.). Chalking it up to router (which I could see from the tablet).
So decided to play with the TnTLite V2 and 2.02. Now I am back on the keeping side of the ledger. I would feel better about this decision if I had paid much less for the unit, and I think we will be able to find lots of these returned and available in the next few weeks, but I am not going to wait that long. I have some travel coming and want to have this operational.
Last things I am hoping for: Music and Video off SDCard 2, tether unit to my Blackberry, Video chat operational. I am sure over the next few weeks, 2 out of 3 items will be checked off my list.
I only have a few more days to decide (14 day return at Staples!) but the scale is tipped toward keeping the device this afternoon.
xmr405o said:
I don't think any tablet out today can practically replace a smartphone/phone or replace a laptop for that matter. IMO, tablets are for leisure.
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Exactly... Tablet for surfing, video conf., emails, videos and games. Latop for work stuff. My wife does nothing more than surf the net, facebook, shop for stuff for the kids, etc etc. It's a perfect replacement for her aging laptop. If she needs to write a letter or do some "work" she can use my work laptop or the quad-core server in the office. For me, I just want something smaller than my laptop to surf and play games with.
So a replacement for a computer... No.
In addition to a laptop/computer... Yes.
anjenaire said:
I had issues last night connecting to the internet. I was running stock ROM with a few sideloaded apps including Dolphin browser. Thought I had screwed it up. Unistalled everything to bring it back (close) to stock before the return later today. Then found out my wife was also having issues on her MacBook last night (PCs were all o.k.). Chalking it up to router (which I could see from the tablet).
So decided to play with the TnTLite V2 and 2.02. Now I am back on the keeping side of the ledger. I would feel better about this decision if I had paid much less for the unit, and I think we will be able to find lots of these returned and available in the next few weeks, but I am not going to wait that long. I have some travel coming and want to have this operational.
Last things I am hoping for: Music and Video off SDCard 2, tether unit to my Blackberry, Video chat operational. I am sure over the next few weeks, 2 out of 3 items will be checked off my list.
I only have a few more days to decide (14 day return at Staples!) but the scale is tipped toward keeping the device this afternoon.
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When I initially heard about the GTab I was pretty excited for the hardware, but the software made me throw up a little in my mouth, so I completely dismissed it as a serious contender, and thus had my eye on the Archos 101.
After getting completely frustrated trying to track one down for purchase (Archos did a HORRIBLE job with initial supply) I was doing more research and saw that not only was the GTab completely unlocked (read: Hacker's Playground) and that the XDA community was already behind the device with several ROMs and hacks I actually scoffed at myself for ever considering buying the Archos.
2x as much RAM, easily 2x better CPU and graphics, 1080p out, android 2.2, and i could run down to my local Sears and pick one up immediately!!!
Ran down to Sears, grabbed a GTab, and w/in 5 minutes of opening it up I already had CM6.1, flash 10.1, full market, and all GApps. It was too good to be true. Decided to try out TnTLite and definitely a better "everyday" ROM than CM6.1 at this point, but that may not be the case in another week.
With the Tegra update from last night this thing screams. Flash plays just as well as my PC and the battery life is insanely impressive. I can't even imagine Gingerbread which *should* hopefully add support for the second CPU core.
Only complaints thus far: horrible viewing angle on the screen (turns out it's not so bad when you're actually watching a movie) and no backlit buttons.
COULD NOT BE HAPPIER WITH MY PURCHASE! This thing is going to make traveling this X-Mas with my kids a breeze. w00t!
xmr405o said:
You'll be back. You're gonna return yours then by your own refurb haha.. jk. Is that even possible? Hmmmm
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The thought's crossed my mind. All the convertible notebooks I want are like $2k and $3k, and I don't have that kind of money to throw around. I'm kinda swinging towards picking up either a Dell mini 10 and modding it, or grabbing one of the ASUS 101MTs. I've gotten the "eww, Atom" remark already, and what I use a laptop for, an Atom is fine. I've been working on a 14" tablet for 3 years now that's running a Core Solo (even started with a half-gig of RAM). It's starting to show its age, which is the whole reason I considered the gtablet to begin with.
rushless said:
Out of box and no modding, I would not keep this device either. Modded is another thing, since the device is amazing with the Nvidia driver patch from last night.
TnT Lite 2.0 + 2.03 Nvidia patch + Flash + Market fix = Kick a55 device.
Catch is 90% or more that get this device during the holidays will be non modders, so I understand the perspective, since fits the majority.
Viewsonic now have a community made FW package that would save their butts for massive returns with this device and actually make money. No way current state results in net positive $, come January.
Seems to me which is cheaper?
60,000 units sold x 70% returns (fair guess) = 42,000 x $100 (repack/refurb costs).......... $4.2 million cost impact for mass return scenario, or put a rom package on devices that works great and people will love and result in sales and increased demand......WHICH would you pick?
Viewsonic's decision will probably be an absolute marginal swing of about $7.2 million (for 60,000 units $4.2 million hit and $3M profit: for entire system)
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I agree completely. I was running TnT Lite on mine with the Flash APK, market fix, and a few apps. Viewsonic's update helped with the UI responsiveness, but Android (or the speed...) wasn't my problem. It just felt like the tablet was more like a toy than what I wanted it for.
Like I mentioned in the OP, if I would have kept the device, I would have put Ubuntu on it (or give up trying...) and modded it hardware-wise. Really, time was my biggest enemy with the tablet. If Sears return policy was at 90 days, I would have probably ended up keeping the thing. With the end of the semester approaching and a ever-growing list of things I need to do, I didn't have the spare time to invest.
If I learned anything from the experience, it's this:
If you're on the bleeding edge, sometimes you get cut
Capacitive touch screen devices are not good for note-taking. As such, if you ever intend to market something to students (I know, Viewsonic didn't...), either go resistive or Wacom. Or create an awesome stylus.
Release good products and the community will thrive on them. release mediocre products and you will have to thrive on the community.
teleknEsis said:
When I initially heard about the GTab I was pretty excited for the hardware, but the software made me throw up a little in my mouth, so I completely dismissed it as a serious contender, and thus had my eye on the Archos 101.
After getting completely frustrated trying to track one down for purchase (Archos did a HORRIBLE job with initial supply) I was doing more research and saw that not only was the GTab completely unlocked (read: Hacker's Playground) and that the XDA community was already behind the device with several ROMs and hacks I actually scoffed at myself for ever considering buying the Archos.
2x as much RAM, easily 2x better CPU and graphics, 1080p out, android 2.2, and i could run down to my local Sears and pick one up immediately!!!
Ran down to Sears, grabbed a GTab, and w/in 5 minutes of opening it up I already had CM6.1, flash 10.1, full market, and all GApps. It was too good to be true. Decided to try out TnTLite and definitely a better "everyday" ROM than CM6.1 at this point, but that may not be the case in another week.
With the Tegra update from last night this thing screams. Flash plays just as well as my PC and the battery life is insanely impressive. I can't even imagine Gingerbread which *should* hopefully add support for the second CPU core.
Only complaints thus far: horrible viewing angle on the screen (turns out it's not so bad when you're actually watching a movie) and no backlit buttons.
COULD NOT BE HAPPIER WITH MY PURCHASE! This thing is going to make traveling this X-Mas with my kids a breeze. w00t!
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My exact experience to a T. Now with the updated drivers pack Tnt lite screams. Smooth as butta
G tablet
Wow after reading all post and being past my prime and wanting a pad badly I have decided I should wait for a more stable and suitable pad for my age group thanks to all of you who contributed in helping me with the decision of waiting maybe for Gingerbread.
guarionexpr said:
Wow after reading all post and being past my prime and wanting a pad badly I have decided I should wait for a more stable and suitable pad for my age group thanks to all of you who contributed in helping me with the decision of waiting maybe for Gingerbread.
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If not a modder, the Gtablet is a dubious purchase, but 12/19 is when the official update comes for the Gtablet. Curious if they fix anything already fixed here.
Can anything involving the screen be improved with updates? I have been a fan of Android for a while and have a rooted EVO that I couldn't be more happy with. When I picked up my G tab I was thinking that all would be well with a little modding but I am not sure I can get past the screen.
I am looking for a good leisure device for the home and family, along with something and I can "hobby-mod". I am a little worried that with the viewing angles you won't be able to just relax and piddle on it. I think I grossly underestimated this shortfall of the hardware.
I swung by a Verizon store and spent about 20 minutes with the iPad and Galaxy Tab. Man, those are some pretty displays.
Is there any hope? I have TNT 2.04 and, performance-wise, I am content and can be patient for updates. Just those darn viewing angles....
J_Bone said:
Can anything involving the screen be improved with updates? I have been a fan of Android for a while and have a rooted EVO that I couldn't be more happy with. When I picked up my G tab I was thinking that all would be well with a little modding but I am not sure I can get past the screen.
I am looking for a good leisure device for the home and family, along with something and I can "hobby-mod". I am a little worried that with the viewing angles you won't be able to just relax and piddle on it. I think I grossly underestimated this shortfall of the hardware.
I swung by a Verizon store and spent about 20 minutes with the iPad and Galaxy Tab. Man, those are some pretty displays.
Is there any hope? I have TNT 2.04 and, performance-wise, I am content and can be patient for updates. Just those darn viewing angles....
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I was wondering this too. I am very happy with the performance but the angles are killing me. I've only had it for 2 days and other than that I'm thrilled. Sadly, that may be a deal breaker. Landscape is ok but portrait is awful.
DraglineDrummer said:
I was wondering this too. I am very happy with the performance but the angles are killing me. I've only had it for 2 days and other than that I'm thrilled. Sadly, that may be a deal breaker. Landscape is ok but portrait is awful.
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Apparently, Engadget's review of the Dell Inspiron Duo was equally harsh on the screen angles. Netbook screens FTL.
DraglineDrummer said:
I was wondering this too. I am very happy with the performance but the angles are killing me. I've only had it for 2 days and other than that I'm thrilled. Sadly, that may be a deal breaker. Landscape is ok but portrait is awful.
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I've had my Gtab for almost a month, I've gotten used to the angles. It did bug me for the first week but as I tweaked this device and performance increase I've gotten over the sub par viewing angles. I think the tab's display is tolerable.
xmr405o said:
I've had my Gtab for almost a month, I've gotten used to the angles. It did bug me for the first week but as I tweaked this device and performance increase I've gotten over the sub par viewing angles. I think the tab's display is tolerable.
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That's what I'm hoping for is I'll just get used to it. It's only been two days at this point.
I think it's the best option right now with the hardware and performance but I just have not been completely ok with the $400 price tag for the display yet. I had debated taking it back and just getting a refurb Ipad for $450 but it has it's shortcomings as well and I would much rather have Android.

Keeping my g tablet

Not sure that the "selling my g tab" threads are making sense to me. Or that they represent the majority of the faithful fans.
So I wanted a "keeping my g tablet" thread.
1. Ok, if you wanted an ipad they just dropped in price, but can you really go back???
2. Xoom is still at least 200 more right now. You can buy a laptop for 299 easily.
3. Some other dual core tegra brands "may" come out, but that is still iffy at best and they still cost more.
4. HC will come out and be supported by the devs on g tablet.
So do you have any thoughts here?
I am keeping my g tablet and really enjoying the freedom of android tablet fun. Try Dungeon Defnders to see the real potential of this HW!
keeping my gtab but getting an ipad 2 for gaming.Droid games suck at the moment
keeping my gtab but getting an ipad 2 for gaming.Droid games suck at the moment.
angry birds.... lawl. with the weakness..
Sigh...I'm hearing Sam's Club may be selling the xoom for $540, still a bit on the fence about it. If only the viewing angle on this screen wasn't so poor it would be a no-brainer.
Unless something gets donated to me I'll be keeping mine for a while, since i sold my netbook to get the g-tablet, plus a dozen or so odd jobs to pay for it. Work is bad and money is worse, so I tend to be Mr. Bargain pants.
Thought I should add I love it, as do the kids and wife
Just picked up mine a few days ago as it was the best decision I have made . Can't Really see the need to a motorola xoom (other then the 1GB Ram and 1280x800) and won't go with ipad (they don't even have emulators.... so sad).
Now if I could just find a good case
Got mine two weeks ago after doing some extensive research on which one to buy.
The viewing angles aren't great but don't bother me at all. Keeping till something comes out in the same price range with all around better hardware "screen, processor, memory, etc".
Keeping mine, as well. If anything else, it's a good Tegra dev unit.
I can fully understand why some people are jumping ship, and I did get a Xoom myself (on the super cheap). But the Xoom still has a LOT of problems to be worked out.
I'd still like to see HC on the GTAB - that would be the icing on the cake, AFAIC.
Love Gtab
I am not a Gtab owner, I am getting one actually. Before I made the decision, I was thinking to buy a Galaxy tab also (similar price, better screen but smaller size, and I feel Samsung is a better brand) ...I am talking about the sprint galaxy tab of course (T-Mo's and ATT's are more expensive) ......At the meanwhile, there is way more support (xda devs) for the Gtab than the Sprint galaxy, all in all, I chose Gtab, best tab in $300-400 price range so far..
ps: ipad 2 is coming soon, and we all know the 1st gen ipad has huge price drop....ipad is great, very good in quality and performance.. but..I just don't like apple, coz it is not customizable...
I plan on keeping mine as well, and I'm probably one of the few people on here that could care less about HC. To me its great eye candy, but it seems like we would loose way too much in terms of a trade off till google does some updating on it. (USB, MicroSD, etc...) I'd be perfectly happy if we could get some updated drivers for the Gojimi's Ginger Vegan. Now that would be sweet.
Apple is a status symbol and I have never been into that Would have considered an Ipad 2, but I much prefer the Android Platform and believe it will overtake the iPad/iPhone.
A not as good of screen and a little bit heavier than the iPad, but the external SDCard, Android Platform, Duo chip, 512MB RAM, and price has me not looking back. I have my music library and movies on the external card. I also have the hope of getting my honeycombs... Ha!
Got a Malata case from the group buy (see accessories section if you want one) and I am really loving my setup for under $400
Keeping mine too.
I will be keeping mine, until I find something I like better within the same price range. I will hand my tab down to my son who uses it more then I do anyway!
Keeping my Gtablet.
The power/$ ratio is just too good. I have seen benchmarks with the Xoom that put them neck to neck. Granted it doesn't have all the bells and whistles.
Keeping mine as well...absolutely love it. Anyone complaining about viewing angles should try getting a skinomi skin, it did wonders. And now that we have not just Cyanogen support but now Caulkin is onboard as well.
corwinmortac said:
Keeping mine as well...absolutely love it. Anyone complaining about viewing angles should try getting a skinomi skin, it did wonders. And now that we have not just Cyanogen support but now Caulkin is onboard as well.
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You mean this? It's a combo pack with a carbon fiber skin.
Not sure how a skin would improve viewing angles, could you pop up a pic at an upward angle for comparison? I swear, I want to love this thing, but the screen is kind of cooling me on it. I think it really is something I'd spend another $150 for if the rumors of that wifi Xoom are true.
Keeping mine. Does everything I need it to do with VEGAN 5.1. Try expanding your memory on the ipad2 2. Spent a bunch of money on a screen security angle protector for my laptop so when I travel the people next to me on a plane can't see the screen so No issue with the GT screen. Have an iphone and don't like being told what I can and can't do with my investment.
i use mine for news, web-browsing, email and writing. along with a few other random things like wordwise (words with friends doesnt align exactly right for me), and twitter (so i can keep up with the daily bits o' wisdom of colbert, charlie sheen and gilbert). it also kept me from going cabin crazy during recent flights, watching some shows i had recorded. for all of these things, this thing is perfect. i dont get the aggravation over the viewing angles; but then again, i havent played around with other tablets for comparison. i also dont use it much for gaming. i have a ps3 for that one. so yeah, im definitely keeping mine. i havent regretted the purchase for a single moment- thanks especially to all the devs on these boards.
btw, do tablets really need a second camera on the rear? i cant imagine someone holding up a 10" tablet to get a picture of their wife in front of the white house
keeping mine...unless another model meets some specific need i see no point in getting a different one. For me every other tablet out or coming out is missing some piece of the puzzle not to mention most are much more money...anything over what i paid for my gtab and i could buy a absolutely killer laptop so why bother. The people that are running from gtablet to go to xoom etc are going to be the same people jumping from that to the "next big thing later" have fun pissing your money away.
I could not imagine getting rid of this very inexpensive tablet.
Definitely keeping mine in anticipation of HC.
You just can't beat the price.

[Q] Xoom Migration

Is anyone migrating to the Xoom?
From what I can see, the Xoom has a better screen and Honeycomb. If the G tablet really gets HC is the Xoom really worth USD 200 more?
Ivanthompson said:
Is anyone migrating to the Xoom?
From what I can see, the Xoom has a better screen and Honeycomb. If the G tablet really gets HC is the Xoom really worth USD 200 more?
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Only you can make that decision; if the G Tablet fulfills the requirements you had for an Android Tablet then there really is NO reason to jump to anything else. This tablet is an open platform that does everything the Xoom does (except for 3/4G). Having said that this always boils down to personal preference.
The G Tablet still does everything I need it to do; the devs will LEAP on HC once the real source is released have no fear there. Also with guys like it2steve doing his best to bring us accessories that are available and at a good price we really have all the things we need going forward.
If you are the type of person that hops to the next new shiny thing that comes out then between now and June you will be jumping like a jack rabbit!
Personally I am satisfied with what I have... I am staying....
As a developer, I really want a Xoom just so I can start developing with the Honeycomb API w/o relying upon the emulator, which is slow and painful to use.
The G-tablet does everything I need for my own personal use and I'm still blown away by the speed of the hardware 5 months after purchasing.
If I had Honeycomb on my G-Tablet I wouldn't even think twice about the Xoom (other than maybe the screen, but it's pretty rare the G-Tablet's screen bothers me).
Plus, I have a feeling they'll be giving away a Xoom to everyone at the Google I/O conference this year and I'm waiting to see if I was 1/10 people to win a free ticket via their Last Call for I/O Android contest which I completed last week. So if I do end up winning, I'll at least wait until after Google I/O to see if I get a free Xoom. But I'm hoping Honeycomb source will be released by then....
GTablet said:
Only you can make that decision; if the G Tablet fulfills the requirements you had for an Android Tablet then there really is NO reason to jump to anything else. This tablet is an open platform that does everything the Xoom does (except for 3/4G). Having said that this always boils down to personal preference.
The G Tablet still does everything I need it to do; the devs will LEAP on HC once the real source is released have no fear there. Also with guys like it2steve doing his best to bring us accessories that are available and at a good price we really have all the things we need going forward.
If you are the type of person that hops to the next new shiny thing that comes out then between now and June you will be jumping like a jack rabbit!
Personally I am satisfied with what I have... I am staying....
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+1 here.
Very happy with Gtab. 1 tablet + 4 different roms to play with !
The GTAB is actually faster than the Xoom right now (I have both). HC actually needs a little bit of work, imo.
Eventually the GTAB will be the old horse to put out to pasture, but we're not quite at that point, yet. Xoom does have the better screen and camera, so points for that.
Thanks for your insights.
I'll probably wait for HC on the GT before trying something else.
teleknEsis said:
As a developer, I really want a Xoom just so I can start developing with the Honeycomb API w/o relying upon the emulator, which is slow and painful to use.
The G-tablet does everything I need for my own personal use and I'm still blown away by the speed of the hardware 5 months after purchasing.
If I had Honeycomb on my G-Tablet I wouldn't even think twice about the Xoom (other than maybe the screen, but it's pretty rare the G-Tablet's screen bothers me).
Plus, I have a feeling they'll be giving away a Xoom to everyone at the Google I/O conference this year and I'm waiting to see if I was 1/10 people to win a free ticket via their Last Call for I/O Android contest which I completed last week. So if I do end up winning, I'll at least wait until after Google I/O to see if I get a free Xoom. But I'm hoping Honeycomb source will be released by then....
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Checked it out today. The xoom screen has some poor quality viewing angles too. It is ok on a $379 tab but on a $799 ridiculous. Your choice, just thought I would mention, that the grass isn't greener--pun intended--from all viewing angles.
I personally plan to own several tabs in all sizes and flavors. Hey, why not? For me it makes good business sense to cross pollenate. Holding the xoom didn't feel as good as holding GTab. Verizon's logo permanently etched on the top right-hand side was distracting as well as tacky. They should have put on one of those peel off stickers like they do on laptops telling you intel or whatever is inside. Go for it, if it works for you. I went in for a 2nd tab today and came out empty handed. Oh well, the playbook will be released on April 19, they are taking prelim orders now at Best Buy.
I won't be buying it until I put my hands on it and drive it first. Oh yeah, the xoom had quite a few force closes while I was playing with it to my surprise.
Has anybody seen the Creative Ziio up-close? Some of the specs are mediocre and some good like the audio capability its boosting if it works. Also, it's a 7 inch coming in around $279.
roebeet said:
The GTAB is actually faster than the Xoom right now (I have both). HC actually needs a little bit of work, imo.
Eventually the GTAB will be the old horse to put out to pasture, but we're not quite at that point, yet. Xoom does have the better screen and camera, so points for that.
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You mean better camera. The screen has some viewing angle issues too. I went in to buy today and left out empty handed. $799 for a camera and operating system doesn't make good business sense to me. Glad you like it. Are you having the FC issues? Happened to me a few times while I was playing with it.
With the announcement of the new Galaxy Tab and it's lower price, the Xoom doesn't look all that appealing anymore. I love my G, but will seriously consider a switch in June to the Samsung due mostly to thickness, available accessories and HC.
Ivanthompson said:
Thanks for your insights.
I'll probably wait for HC on the GT before trying something else.
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+1 wait for HC on the GT
Love my gtab got it for 279 a month or so ago from Sears and picked it up an hour away from home. Xoom is overpriced for a little bit more screen Res and honeycomb. Screen is not as bad as many say on gtab if tablet is used as tablet. If wanna CPU use a CPU. Not to mention don't need data plan. not to mention someone will get honeycomb on it soon enough.Use home wifi and 3g hotspot hack with data throttle hack on my DX. Ha Verizon up your big red [email protected] Best bang for your Buck as far as tabs go as of today.
If you use wifi and dont need 3g I don´t see why to switch and pay a lot more for the xoom. Same processor, in benchmarks practically the same, just for a better screen and camera plus honeycomb that will be around us very soon I don´t think its worth it imo
Other than to be a "hey look what i have" kinda person i really don't see much point in going to a different tab. I'm happy with my tab. Lets face it...other than surfing the web and playing with some apps these tabs are limited. So why would i want to go spend $600 on one...i can get a smokin laptop for that kinda money.
Reports have shown that the xoom sales have been underwhelming.
I could buy a Xoom if I wanted to, not the issue.
But the Gtab does so much more than the other Tablets, and price is not the issue.
I use my Gtab everyday and it's rock steady.
Yes, I wish I could connect to a Cisco VPN (anytime connect), but not sure if the Xoom would even support that.
I played around with the Xoom for awhile and it was heavy and didn't blow my socks off.
Screen definately better...
Until there is a stable Andriod Tab that clearly blows the Gatb away. I'm staying with it...
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b5.1.1 using Tapatalk
I got mine about a month ago rooted it instantly settled on vegan. Checked the xoom out yesterday i was not impressed glad it got the gt. Great battery life. Now if it was thin like ipad2, oops can i say that word here? Im sticking with my gt.
Ivanthompson said:
Is anyone migrating to the Xoom?
From what I can see, the Xoom has a better screen and Honeycomb. If the G tablet really gets HC is the Xoom really worth USD 200 more?
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I'm not, but the gtab does for me. Even at close to $500, I'd still have to say Notion Ink Adam with PixelQi is a better value, but at this point I'll be holding out for Tegra3 kal-el and/or whatever the other SoC makers can do with cortex-a9.
I'll still want a PixelQi screen or mirasol as I'd REALLY like to be able to use them outside on sunny days and still have good battery runtime.
I'm guessing the xoom people are laughing at us now for getting something that's less than 800 they paid for theirs. Have you guys been to the xoom forum? They seem like a proud bunch over there. Yeah, proud to pay $800 for something that will be out of date 5 months from now.
I do not see a reason to upgrade to a new tablet anytime soon from the G-tab. Need to wait until a tegra 3 or 4 is out to make a decent enough reason for me to switch.
I've had the GTab since December and think it's an awesome tablet for the money given all of the great dev work going on.
However, after playing with the Xoom at Best Buy the other day, there's simply no comparison to the Xoom's screen and viewing angles. It's not that I care about others being able to see the GTab's screen, but I find it annoying that to watch a video I need to keep the GTab's screen just right, even in landscape, to keep the colors from washing out. And that's just for one person watching! And forget about portrait mode or watching with the tablet lying flat on a table.
The Xoom can do all of these things no problem. No washout, totally viewable from all angles and horizontally on the table. Seemed almost on par with the iPad. Also, while I didn't play with it long enough to make an informed opinion on Honeycomb, I thought the Xoom was plenty responsive, regardless of Quadrant scores. Maybe only slightly less so than the GTab with Vegan.
Whether the Xoom worth the extra money (to me, at least), I'm not so sure. But the WiFi version is in the right ballpark and is awfully tempting...

GTablet Out for Delivery - Thinking of returning right away....

So my GTab is on the truck out for delivery. I'm seriously considering returning upon arrival without even opening it. I know we are not suppose to talk about Honeycomb but I really doubt that this tab will ever get it. I am a ROM addict with my incredible and feel real comfortable with all that. But is the screen glare and lack of honeycomb enough to spend an extra 100-200 on another tablet. Think Asus or even Xoom.
What are your thoughts... Any insight will be greatly appreciated. I commute 75 minutes on a commuter rail every day to work. I use my device for movies, shows, reading and games.
Thanks all...
rmd0311 said:
So my GTab is on the truck out for delivery. I'm seriously considering returning upon arrival without even opening it. I know we are not suppose to talk about Honeycomb but I really doubt that this tab will ever get it. I am a ROM addict with my incredible and feel real comfortable with all that. But is the screen glare and lack of honeycomb enough to spend an extra 100-200 on another tablet. Think Asus or even Xoom.
What are your thoughts... Any insight will be greatly appreciated. I commute 75 minutes on a commuter rail every day to work. I use my device for movies, shows, reading and games.
Thanks all...
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This tablet will do all of those admirably without Honeycomb. Battery life is amazing, Video support under Froyo based roms is good. Gingbread still needs drivers, but Software Decoding works in many cases, depending on the quality of your source etc.
Reading might be the only disappointing area. If you hold the Tab in portrait mode, that's where the viewing angles get to be a problem. Might bother you, might not.
Having said all of that, If I didn't have a G-Tab, I'd probably be buying an Asus Transformer (not a Xoom). But, since I have my G-tab, it's quite capable and I'll be keeping it.
I would keep it...
Most of the other tabs will not be out until June or later. I would wait and keep the gtab until the market and prices stabilize. The gtab is more than capable of doing what u want.
As far as I know, there has not been an Android tablet released yet that has not had its share of problems and disappointments. How long will it take until the Asus has all the fixes in place....or until there are custom ROMs for it (if ever)?
I wouldn't spend a premium on a device that has not been on the market long enough to know if it meets my needs.
The Gtab at under $300 is a steal as far as I am concerned. I've had mine for a month, running Vegan-Tab 5.1.1, happy as can be with it. Many people have posted about the poor viewing angle. I disagree....I actually like the viewing angle as I don't want everyone in the neighborhood to be able to see my screen anyway. I just haven't seen the issue....of course, each of us is different in that regard.
I'd buy the GTab all over again. I think it will meet/exceed my NEEDS for a loooong time to come. And when I am done with it, my grandkids will have a new toy!
If you think the screen will be an issue then send it back and wait for an IPS from ASUS. $400 and Honeycomb
Joeb2751 said:
As far as I know, there has not been an Android tablet released yet that has not had its share of problems and disappointments. How long will it take until the Asus has all the fixes in place....or until there are custom ROMs for it (if ever)?
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Yeah the Engadget review wasn't very good of the Asus tab. Not that I have a lot of faith for them to review it without some sort of bias but the videos did not show it off well. The OS seems really sluggish and the screen, while IPS has some serious glare on it. Seems to defeat a lot of value of IPS when you still have to hold the tablet at an angle to see the screen properly.
I probably won't buy a high-end tablet until late in the year to see the direction the manufacturers go.
rmd0311 said:
So my GTab is on the truck out for delivery. I'm seriously considering returning upon arrival without even opening it. I know we are not suppose to talk about Honeycomb but I really doubt that this tab will ever get it. I am a ROM addict with my incredible and feel real comfortable with all that. But is the screen glare and lack of honeycomb enough to spend an extra 100-200 on another tablet. Think Asus or even Xoom.
What are your thoughts... Any insight will be greatly appreciated. I commute 75 minutes on a commuter rail every day to work. I use my device for movies, shows, reading and games.
Thanks all...
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I bought my g-tab from TigerDirect yesterday and was totally disappointed during my first 45mins with the machine when it was stock. The custom UI was probably put together by a gang of retarded midgets.
Then I installed Vegan 5.1.1 and my g-tab became the greatest steal of a buy in 2011.
For $280, you can't go wrong. With Calkulins Rom, Pershoots overclock kernal and Go Launcher this thing just fly's. It does everything you need it to do. Will I upgrade in a year or so, probably. By then the bugs should be worked out. This tab with Froyo runs great. Don't get caught up on Honeycomb, they all have their limitations.
If I was you I would hold out and keep my gtab because there are alot of tabs coming to the market you might favor one of those just keep your gtab in good condition because viewsonic has some strick return policy rules
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA Premium App
I have the urge to get the transformer or xoom as well, but I'm not giving up the gtab just yet. With the gtab, I can install different roms and play with stuff.
With transformer or xoom, I'm entirely at their mercy. There is no evidence that honeycomb on those devices are any more stable or smooth.
I do know gtab does everything I need....just not everything I want...(want gps!!)
Gtab doesn't do GPS?
californicatorz said:
I bought my g-tab from TigerDirect yesterday and was totally disappointed during my first 45mins with the machine when it was stock. The custom UI was probably put together by a gang of retarded midgets.
Then I installed Vegan 5.1.1 and my g-tab became the greatest steal of a buy in 2011.
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Eh? Did I miss the memo on short people being less intelligent?
Chiming in...
Here at work, Verizon dropped off a Xoom for me last week to demo. It's interesting, has a better screen, built in cell radio comes in handy, and a bit sexier - but definitely had it's shortcomings and definitely not worth the $300 premium in price.
Truth be told, it made me proud of my GTab (Vegan 5.1.1, pershoot's 1.4 kernal, and VTL launcher). I see nothing on the market that is worth upgrading to currently.
Love my tablet. Thinking of getting a second one for the Girlfriend. Running Vegan-tab ge rc1 and have it set up better than my computer in most instances. You can't expect this thing to replace all of your computer needs but it can come close. Sure it don't have gps built in but that is what we have phones for and if you need how just buy a Bluetooth one for about 40 or less bucks. It's a wonderful machine for the price you can't beat it.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
IMHO You'd be a fool not to wait for the EEE Asus Transformer. 400 bucks for a legit honeycomb tablet. another 150 for a legit laptop/notebook. Thats the way to go...
They took Honeycomb out of the oven too soon, they need to cook it for another few months before it becomes tasty. You'll see the shortcomings now that the affordable (or reasonably priced) tablets are arriving. It will take developers a few months of usage to make it better... I was going to get the Asus also but decided to wait until summer instead. Until then the G Tab with Froyo is all that is needed.
I have VegaN 5.1.1 and ADW Launcher on mine.
For reading, I like Aldiko because I like the two page, side-by-side presentation. I have also set up Aldiko as an Adobe DRM device, which means I can purchase books from Google/books then download and read them directly on the G-Tablet with no other steps in between.
Movies / Shows I prefer Rock Player. I haven't found any in my collections that don't play well with this setup.
Games; I have X-Plane 9, Leos RC Simulator, Angry Birds, Curling, Sudoku, ... No problems with any of them or many others.
I am so accustomed to the screen by now that I hardly notice the viewing angle difficulties any more. Sitting upright, like on a train, and holding the tablet is one of the best angles, so there is no problem there. The worst is probably laying the tablet flat on a desk in landscape mode. But if I turn mine upside-down, even that works very well.
I do have to keep my phone handy while not at home or in the office. Through the phone ( Samsung Galaxy S ), I can tether to 3G via Wifi and tether to GPS via BlueTooth.
I have no reason to need a more costly tablet right now. The G-Tablet does everything I want it to do.
Not sure what the return policy is but if it's 30 days, I would keep the gtab to at least try it. It's super easy to put it back to stock so that shouldn't be an issue.
I bought my gtablet back in November for $379. I recommended it at that price (at that time) so with the price dropping under $300, I think it's a great buy. IMO, it's the best 10 inch tablet for $300 and below. It's also a good "starter" tablet. It's a good tablet to see if you really want or need a tablet. The gtablet is not frustratingly slow so it's a good representation of an Android tablet's capabilities.
When holding the GTab in lanscape mode, the horizontal viewing angle is not too bad, the vertical viewing angle is terrible especially when watching dark video. For reading e-books, most likely you will be holding it in portrait mode, the viewing angle should not be an issue.
For $300, I don't regret buying the GTab and keeping it because I know there is a large and active community to support it.
I'm actually returning mine for the Acer. Taking a bit of a gamble that there will be good development on it, but for $150 difference, I thought that the better screen, newer software and hardware was a good move. I figured the support (both manufacturer and dev) of a new tablet would outlive the year-old gtab.

