IF THIS GOES WRONG (which it shouldn't) then my guide is NOT responsible. The app that YOU used it NOT responsible. YOU are responsible! Use at YOUR OWN risk!
Ok well there are two threads giving excellent guides on how to permaroot your phone, however PaulOBrien recently updated VISIONary to give a two-click permaroot to the desire HD and so we can get an easy basic permaroot without messing around with adb, terminal and whatnot!
Obviously this just achieves root, but doesn't get S-OFF. It also doesn't rewrite your Hboot...
The noob guide (for people like me...)
Step 0.5: If you have already got temproot using VISIONary r11 or earlier, make sure you uncheck 'temproot on startup' and then reboot your phone. Then once your phone has rebooted, remove VISIONary, reboot, and proceed with the steps below! (To let you know why, if you have temprooted with previous versions of VISIONary, r12 conflicts with it - this is because r12 checks for root and thinks the device is already rooted if a previous version has temprooted it...)
UPDATE: If you are having problems with your device saying it is already rooted try VISIONary r13 which Paul released as a fix I believe:
http://content.modaco.net/dropzone/com.modaco.visionaryplus.r13.apk Original post on MoDaCo - http://android.modaco.com/content-page/320350/10-nov-r12-test-visionary-one-click-root/page/120/
After you are all prepared:
Step 1: Download VISIONary r14: http://android.modaco.com/content/h...722/10-nov-r12-test-visionary-one-click-root/ and install it on your DHD
Step 2: Temproot your phone using VISIONary
Step 3: Use the Permaroot option to Permaroot your phone!
This is just a guide to get basic Permaroot on your DHD. However, if you would like to get S-OFF then please go to the guide written by sfjuocekr. He has prepared and written an excellent and (relatively) easy way to get it.
Here it is: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=835746
As a final note, I'm not sure whether this (VISIONary) works on all kernel versions, but give it a try anyway! There is also an option in the app to get a one-click unroot.
ALL credit goes to PaulOBrien for making and updating this fantastic app!
It worked for me.
I have a not branded DHD with the latest update.
I tried the unroot just to see and it worked.
Something I was wondering was is do we need to click on the options 1/ Run visionary.sh after root and 2/Set system r/w after root? And if we do what do these do?
i think we need a tutorial that uses VISIONary for permanent root, and then the remaining instructions to get S-OFF.
imo that would be the most noob friendly tutorial.
SupremeBeaver said:
i think we need a tutorial that uses VISIONary for permanent root, and then the remaining instructions to get S-OFF.
imo that would be the most noob friendly tutorial.
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Agreed that's the tricky part
Hi all. Im a first time android user and the DHD is my first ever smart phone. I only got it because of the informed posts on this site which constituted a lot of my research over the last few months.
I initially ran the temp root (R12) to remove Amazon MP3, facebook etc however I became frustrated at having to re root the thing every reboot. Just completed the Perma-root and it did exactly what it said on the tin with no issues .
Paul is a very clever guy and deserves all the credit he gets for doing this. Cheers for all the help XDA. I wont post much but will keep watching
SupremeBeaver said:
i think we need a tutorial that uses VISIONary for permanent root, and then the remaining instructions to get S-OFF.
imo that would be the most noob friendly tutorial.
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Agreed! Except i'm not so clear on the process on getting S-OFF and I understand that it is quite risky. IMO as it stands at the moment we should wait until we have an easier method to obtain s-off before we encourage noobs (like me) to do it!
is anybody out there willing to make another tutorial? Or perhaps alter the ones we have now to incorporate using this app.
willk22 said:
Agreed! Except i'm not so clear on the process on getting S-OFF and I understand that it is quite risky. IMO as it stands at the moment we should wait until we have an easier method to obtain s-off before we encourage noobs (like me) to do it!
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Flashing HBOOT is ALWAYS risky.
Refer to my guide on how to "easily" flash the engineering (S-OFF) HBOOT and you should be able todo it without much effort without a PC. So far I have done about seven or eight DHD's without problems.
Basicly if you make two dumps of the current HBOOT and they don't match, do not continue you will likely end up with a brick. My backup script will dump it twice and show you the MD5 sums, if they match reading and writing should go flawlessly.
SupremeBeaver said:
is anybody out there willing to make another tutorial? Or perhaps alter the ones we have now to incorporate using this app.
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I had this already done two days ago
Sorry to ask, but what is S-OFF once the Desire HD is temp or perma-rooted ?
funnyclub said:
I tried the unroot just to see and it worked.
Something I was wondering was is do we need to click on the options 1/ Run visionary.sh after root and 2/Set system r/w after root? And if we do what do these do?
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Could someone please answer my question above?
sfjuocekr said:
I had this already done two days ago
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ah cool.
So to make sure, what i would do is:
- Install visionary and get perm root. This involves first getting temp root i beleive.
- Extract that archive to root of SD card
- Write those commands into the terminal
And that's it?
My Italian Language Guide
Ecco la guida per rootare in telefono in maniera permanente, vi ricordo che è sempre un'operazione che potrebbe comunque comportare qualche rischio.
Però l'hanno effettuata già in tanti in maniera positiva e tra cui anche io
Ecco i passi da seguire:
1) Essere certi che sia attiva la modalità "DEBUG USB"
2) Scaricare VISIONary+ r12 : http://android.modaco.com/content/h...722/10-nov-r12-test-visionary-one-click-root/ (non cambiare nome all'applicazione!!!)
3) Se già presente, disinstallare la versione precedente di VISIONary (sia l'applicazione che i dati). Riavviate il terminale selezionado riavvia e NON spegni.
4) Copiare VISIONary+ r12 in una cartella della SD
5) Con il telefono NON collegato al PC installare e lanciare VISIONary+ r12.
6) Selezionare "Temproot on boot" (credo non sia necessaria ma io l'ho selezionata lo stesso)
7) Tappare su "Temproot Now!" ed attendere il messaggio di conferma.
8) Si aprirà una finestra in cui Superuser chiede di concedere i permessi di Root a Visionary, risponedere di si.
9) Tappare su "Attempt Permroot Now!"
10) A questo punto il telefono si riavvierà e vi ritroverete con il root permanente (volendo a questo punto Visionary si può anche disinstallare)
Buon root a tutti
SupremeBeaver said:
ah cool.
So to make sure, what i would do is:
- Install visionary and get perm root. This involves first getting temp root i beleive.
- Extract that archive to root of SD card
- Write those commands into the terminal
And that's it?
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Indeed, start with check it will tell you todo backup and afterwards it will tell you to hboot.
sfjuocekr said:
Indeed, start with check it will tell you todo backup and afterwards it will tell you to hboot.
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could you describe the steps after where i need to flash hboot. In your instructions you write "Read the instructions on screen on how to continue", but what would that entail? I want to make sure i understand what i'll be doing before i try anything.
SupremeBeaver said:
could you describe the steps after where i need to flash hboot. In your instructions you write "Read the instructions on screen on how to continue", but what would that entail? I want to make sure i understand what i'll be doing before i try anything.
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The instructions will show you the MD5 sums, check those if they match continue.
Once you get to the hboot step and the MD5 sums match up again you can reboot your phone.
You can also read the scripts using notepad to get a better understanding of what is being done.
The first step is to check if the HBOOT file you extracted is actually still valid.
The second step is to check if you can make a correct backup of your original HBOOT and recovery.
The third step is actually flashing HBOOT and checking if it flashed correctly.
The fourth step is to either reboot if everything went correctly, don't reboot if it failed and report back on the forums.
Howling Wolf said:
Sorry to ask, but what is S-OFF once the Desire HD is temp or perma-rooted ?
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+1 i need the same info
NoEnd said:
+1 i need the same info
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S-OFF I believe stands for Security-OFF, as apposed to S-ON...
S-OFF lets you flash custom kernels etc... but it is not needed for removing unwanted apps and needing superuser permissions etc.
willk22 said:
S-OFF I believe stands for Security-OFF, as apposed to S-ON...
S-OFF lets you flash custom kernels etc... but it is not needed for removing unwanted apps and needing superuser permissions etc.
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thank you bro for the instant answer
yes s-off is for the security, so we can flash from recovery when someone makes one.
Please mods move all other "Brick" threads here.
heres a few things to do if u THINK u have a brick
if you haven't wiped and your phone wont load, stop being a baby and wipe, if you need a phone with diapers or pull ups should invest in a different phone
if you have apps to sd and you experience the Android Loop (that sounds like a roller coaster ride
first off please dont try symlinking your /data/data folder to a /system/sd/data folder that has data from a pre 1.5 firmware build
if u get the loop
try renaming the app and app-private folder to something else like app1 and app-private1 and do the system link normally
if it boots proceed to install the .apks into the respective folders (see code below)
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/sd
mv app app1
mv app-private app-private1
busybox cp -a /data/app /system/sd/
rm -r /data/app
ln -s /system/sd/app /data/app
busybox cp -a /data/app-private /system/sd/
rm -r /data/app-private
ln -s /system/sd/app-private /data/app-private
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/sd/app1
install *.apk /data/app
cd /system/sd/app-private1
install *.apk /data/app-private
bump this up even if it won't help. we have another thread specifically for people that THINK they have a brick and yet daily we see at least one new thread saying they are stuck on either the splash screen, animated boot screen, or bootloader. i wish more people would read. as a general rule to everyone here:
unless you tried the new SPL from haykuro, we do not have a way to fix that just yet.
i have only seen one person who managed to brick his phone but he was playing with toys he shouldn't have and i will not let you know what they are because i don't wanna see another brick.
I had a girl msg me who thinks she bricked her phone. On her first attempt to downgrade to RC29 she says it failed.
Now each time she starts up the phone, she gets the RGB screen. I told her to start up holding down home and do a wipe, but she says it only goes to RGB screen. I asked her to redownload dreaimg.nbh and copy it to the SD card but she has no cardreader and can't hook the phone up via usb because it won't boot.
I don't know if there is really a problem or it's just her. Shouldn't flashing the dreaimg.nbh take her back to an operational device?
wimbet said:
I had a girl msg me who thinks she bricked her phone. On her first attempt to downgrade to RC29 she says it failed.
Now each time she starts up the phone, she gets the RGB screen. I told her to start up holding down home and do a wipe, but she says it only goes to RGB screen. I asked her to redownload dreaimg.nbh and copy it to the SD card but she has no cardreader and can't hook the phone up via usb because it won't boot.
I don't know if there is really a problem or it's just her. Shouldn't flashing the dreaimg.nbh take her back to an operational device?
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Just to add to this this phone is practically unbrickable unless you mess up flashing the bootloader flash jf mods or any other mod will not brick your phone just reflash if you can get the screen after holding the power+cam button if you can't get that then you have a brick you can load files by connecting your micro sd card to a sd reader I have a mp3 player that takes micro sd cards. I just use that to transfer files because it reads my sd cards without formatting it
i remember on the kaiser that even if you managed to screw the bootloader(which i actually tried to do many times) there was a way to fix it. there was a tool that you can find by searching properly(PM me for details) i do not know much about the tool but i remember there was a way to fix any brick. more than once i tried to brick my phone because i found small faults with it and AT&T refused to send a new one because the faults were too small. the member that was able to help was named GSLEON3, i do not know if he is still around but it was a simple command tool to reset some bad blocks on the boot sector of the phone
Hmm i tried looking for a search but i didn't find anything specific to my problem.
I had upgraded to 1.5 and wipe and had no problems what so ever.
I had apps2sd and dalvik cache done and rebooted with no problems after a day or so i tried installing overclocker and set it at 528 works great phone didn't crash.
My batt died one day and when i charge it back up, it was stuck in the 2nd android screen. I was not sure what to do, i was able to access the recovery screen so i did a wipe and started back again.
After 2 3 days i did the whole process again and it repeated itself. So how do i know what is causing this? Is it the overclock app? i tired a different one the 2nd time and thought that it wouldn't cause a problem because it would reset itself upon reboot.
Is it because i have to many apps on my sd? around 80 apps i guess? Anything else that might cause my G1 to stuck in the 2nd screen?
Anyway to pull out a log and see what is causing it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Edit : Hmm can the beta open home be the cause of it? How do you remove a app in recovery mode? Btw what is the new open hom beta apk file name?
Edit 2 : Yeah it was open home, used adb to remove the apk from the phone and phone booted up, now got to inform the developers. Thanks guys.
I thought I had done it this time for sure! I couldn't get past the G1 screen, no android screen, just black. I wiped, I wiped again, I got to bootloader, then didn't know what to do. Just as I was about to panic, I found this thread and pulled my SD. Dur! What a simple solution, that I never would have thought of! I re-flashed The Dude's Cupcake, and am rockin and rollin!
Thanks for helping the n00b! I am slowly learning....reading and learning!
Has there ever been a VERIFIED case of someone permanently bricking (e.g., impossible to repair) a G1 via firmware updating?
I see a gazillion threads that are along the lines of:
"hey, I was updating my ROM and the phone bricked"
"did you wipe?"
"wipe and then redo the update"
"ok, it's working now"
I have yet to see someone screw up to the point where no fix was available and the phone had to be tossed in the garbage.
I don't think I've seen it yet either
RueTheDay said:
Has there ever been a VERIFIED case of someone permanently bricking (e.g., impossible to repair) a G1 via firmware updating?
I have yet to see someone screw up to the point where no fix was available and the phone had to be tossed in the garbage.
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I recall one or two threads about unresponsive phones getting sent back to T-Mo (some time ago), but there was nothing about the situation that made me sure it was a modding catastophe rather than a hardware failure.
If this phone was not nearly bulletproof with regards to software mods, we would see a LOT of true brick threads flying around with all the crazy stuff folks try with their phones around here. Especially lately.
Just ask other than convenance why if you rooted your phone would you put ahome or open home when you could just flash it to your phone at a whim without having the 1.5 theme app bug plus I find flash the theme looks better on the phone. I've tried those apps never felt any of the themes where any good plus they caused the phone to lag real bad.
ho installato una firmware vecchia ed il telefono ora resta fermo nella schermata "htc g1 t-mobile" e non riesco ad entrare nella recovery mode credo di avere un brick come posso fare aiutatemi grazie
I installed an old firmware and the phone now maintains in the "htc g1 t-mobile" and can not log into recovery mode I think I have a brick how can I resolve? help thanks
markosky90 said:
ho installato una firmware vecchia ed il telefono ora resta fermo nella schermata "htc g1 t-mobile" e non riesco ad entrare nella recovery mode credo di avere un brick come posso fare aiutatemi grazie
I installed an old firmware and the phone now maintains in the "htc g1 t-mobile" and can not log into recovery mode I think I have a brick how can I resolve? help thanks
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I've got the same problem. Nobody around can help us? plz
thats said:
I've got the same problem. Nobody around can help us? plz
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wait and hope.
now we can't anything
go to a tmobile store and tellem u did something. they will check it den call tmobile and see if they can send in a replacement or 20 dollars.
hiroots said:
go to a tmobile store and tellem u did something. they will check it den call tmobile and see if they can send in a replacement or 20 dollars.
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I called tmo and had them send a replacement. As of right now, that is all we can do.
garsim said:
wait and hope.
now we can't anything
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so you think that soon will be possible tu unbrick it? I really hope so! thanks
thats said:
so you think that soon will be possible tu unbrick it?
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probably yes, will be possible
markosky90 said:
ho installato una firmware vecchia ed il telefono ora resta fermo nella schermata "htc g1 t-mobile" e non riesco ad entrare nella recovery mode credo di avere un brick come posso fare aiutatemi grazie
I installed an old firmware and the phone now maintains in the "htc g1 t-mobile" and can not log into recovery mode I think I have a brick how can I resolve? help thanks
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If your recovery mode don't work anymore try to boot in fastboot (power + camera)
You should see skateboard android little guys or a white page.
then on your computer download this http://jf.andblogs.net/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=12 extract it and browse directories to data to get the "recovery.img"
copy it to c:\
Assuming you know how to adb then type :
fastboot flash recovery c:\recovery.img
fastboot reboot
during the boot of your handset while it's still connected to your computer,
type :
adb shell reboot recovery
If everything went well you should have recovery back.
tubaking182 said:
bump this up even if it won't help. we have another thread specifically for people that THINK they have a brick and yet daily we see at least one new thread saying they are stuck on either the splash screen, animated boot screen, or bootloader. i wish more people would read. as a general rule to everyone here:
i have only seen one person who managed to brick his phone but he was playing with toys he shouldn't have and i will not let you know what they are because i don't wanna see another brick.
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So if I see the G1 splash, but do not have recovery or bootloader, there is hope?
I was bricked installing JF 1.43 *after* moving to Haykuro's latest SPL. Apparently, it JF 1.43 downgrades the radio (I'm guessing). Not the way to get Alt+B option back for recovery, regardless. No recovery or bootloader - just the G1 screen.
Keeping Brick posts as consolidated as possible seems like a good idea.
I added a link to the top of the round up.
Good Morning,
I was going to install OpenEclair v1.2.1 but i did some searches and apperantly one needs to flash the radio before then flash danger spl then the OS. Could some one guide me on what must be done first? I've just migrated from windows based phones to android... and the procedure is different ;-(
Please tell me you have root.
Shaquiel Harris said:
Please tell me you have root.
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yeah you need to have root first... lol. here is the thread to hykuros guide to install the danger spl/old radio http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=625886&highlight=death+spl
. once you do that, update to the newest radio. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=640535&highlight=death+spl
Yes its rooted... I need help with the steps because apperently one needs to flash radio danger spl etc....
Any ideasa
tetu_024 said:
Yes its rooted... I need help with the steps because apperently one needs to flash radio danger spl etc....
Any ideasa
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check out those guides i posted then
I'm using System Recovery Build CyanogenMod v1.4 +JF is this good or is there another one?
UPDATE: With all of the newer rooting and S-Off methods, and new hardware and firmware revisions, this thread may or may not help with your specific case if trying to unroot and go back to unrooted stock. I originally wrote this based of of the very first root methods known for the Launch EVO. There is a good chance that this method will still work, but there could definitely be something unaccounted for in your own specific case, so tread with caution. It is very doubtful that anything in this tutorial will result in your EVO becoming a fancy-schmancy paperweight, but if something goes afoul, you could have a nice headache to deal with...
Ok guys. There is a lot of partial and mis-information floating around out there about how to UN ROOT if you have to send your phone back for replacement, or you want the official unrooted OTA 2.2.
OLD NEWS!!!---> NEWER METHODS AVAILABLE TO ACTUALLY FIX PRI DOWNGRADE> SEARCH!!!! EDIT your PRI to show 1.40, thanks to sturmen for the pointer, and Calkulin for the method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7267559&postcount=66
This assumes you are full root, S-Off. Note, this is not tested with simple root but should work (EDIT, Simple Root is basically Toastcfh's method, so you simple root users should be set), only with Toastchf's root method and nand unlock.
After reading every thread on the forum here, I think I finally found a fool proof way to do it. All the info was out there, but in several places and each one was missing something.
1) Before you start clicking and flashing and running RUUs, Check your HBoot build. You need to have the 0.76.2000 from Toastcfh's method #2. If you have 0.79.0000 (whatever) go to step 2 below. If you're getting Bootloader errors when running an RUU, I can almost guarantee that you don't have the correct HBOOT. If you somehow still have 0.76.2000 from previous modding, proceed to step 3.
2) Toast's Nand Unlock method. Found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701835
EDIT: The more I think about it, I think you can just run Simple Root to re-attain the .76 HBOOT and engineering build. It would eliminate the need for any adb, and SHOULD produce the same results. Just run the RUU after you run and complete simple root. See notes in BLUE below too!
THIS STEP IS 100% NECESSARY IF YOU HAVE THE .79 HBOOT version!!!...Do step #2 in Toast's thread, just like you did when you originally unlocked NAND (OR YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO JUST RUN SIMPLE ROOT AGAIN...UNconfirmed, but should work methinks...). Not 100% sure which steps are necessary, but I do know you need to do steps #1 (Well, #1 is Nandroid Backup, so proceed at own risk if you skip) and #2 again. Make sure after you flash the Flash_Image, and the mtd-eng through adb, that you then load the PC36IMG.zip (Engineering Build), onto the root of your SD card, and boot into HBOOT, and let it install (just like you did when rooting). I didn't bother to flash the Recovery image at the end of step 3, but I don't think it would hurt if you're nervous about losing a custom recovery image in case this method for some reason does not work. It has come to my attention that flashing the engineering build (the PC36IMG from Toast's thread)through fastboot, might be as crucial as simply having the .76 HBOOT version. It at least is a surefire way to make sure you can run an RUU on top of it. There are probably other builds/roms that will work and allow you to run the RUU, but this one is confirmed, so don't skip that step!
3) If you have the 0.76.2000 HBOOT (can be checked by powering down, and booting by holding VOL down and Power), then you can go ahead and boot into the rom, and proceed with downloading the RUUs found here: http://shipped-roms.com/shipped/Supersonic/
Go ahead and download the first one (at least). I think the others are optional to "upgrade" but why should we care. We just want to go back to unrooted stock.
4) Make sure you have the latest version of HTC Sync installed, found here: http://www.htc.com/uk/SupportViewNews.aspx?dl_id=933&news_id=627
Install, and let it do it's thing. Will probably have to restart your PC when complete. Not even 100% sure this is necessary, but it won't hurt. It's basically for the HTC drivers from what I understand.
5) Run the RUU from your pc while your evo is in the phone loaded state of the Rom, (not the bootloader) with the phone connected through USB and have HTC sync selected. Even if it doesn't connect to HTC sync on your PC, you should be ok.
If you get a USB error after the screen goes black with the HTC LOGO, don't touch the phone. Exit the RUU via the EXIT button when given the option.
6) Run the RUU again and see what happens. The Error could happen 1 more time, but just exit again, and run RUU one last time.
7) Thank everyone here at XDA that our EVOs are so badass...I'm certinly not a dev, but these devs work hard for us to have the baddest ass phone there is right now.
Any problems, let me know. I assume your errors are the same ones I was getting, and it's all because of the wrong HBOOT.
I really take no credit for this, as I'm just compiling information in a tut....
Thanks op.
Or you can flash the new FroYo update release. =D
But thanks OP. Your hard work is much appreciated.
arozer said:
Or you can flash the new FroYo update release. =D
But thanks OP. Your hard work is much appreciated.
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You might be correct, but I couldn't get the FROYO OTA to show up in any of the roms I was using.
Question: what's the deal with the PRI? Has anyone been able to properly fix that yet?
sturmen said:
Question: what's the deal with the PRI? Has anyone been able to properly fix that yet?
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From my research, NO...Unfortunately, but this should get you as good as possible with what's out there now..
EDIT: Yess! See below and in OP!
Bang3r said:
From my research, NO...Unfortunately, but this should get you as good as possible with what's out there now..
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Hm. I think I remember someone made a hex-edited PRI that people can flash in case they have to return it. I'll find it...
sturmen said:
Hm. I think I remember someone made a hex-edited PRI that people can flash in case they have to return it. I'll find it...
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That would be cool, but I'm not too worried about that part. Phone is going back tomorrow!
Well, worry even less! Special thanks to Calkulin!
Thanks a lot for this. I have searched for a un root that worked and you were right the bootloader was the problem. Followed directions here and I am back to stock Froyo un rooted.
I followed your guide and ran into a few issues. From my experiences, you can only run the RUU from your software version or higher (Can't use a 1.32 RUU on a Evo with software version 1.47). Therefore, I think everyone should always flash the engineering build so they can use the earliest RUU. Just my 2 cents though...
I'm getting error 155 running Ava Froyo and trying to go back.
blix1337 said:
I followed your guide and ran into a few issues. From my experiences, you can only run the RUU from your software version or higher (Can't use a 1.32 RUU on a Evo with software version 1.47). Therefore, I think everyone should always flash the engineering build so they can use the earliest RUU. Just my 2 cents though...
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Yes, you are correct, but so am I. This is exactly what step 2 in the OP does (which is a link to Toastcfh's thread about the engineering build).
tonyk__78 said:
I'm getting error 155 running Ava Froyo and trying to go back.
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Ok. RE-read the OP. Everything is there. Check your HBOOT version by booting to the bootloader. If you have .79, you need to re-flash the engineering build before the RUU will work (Step 2 in the OP to get HBOOT to .76). You cannot run the RUU on top of AVA froyo or any froyo, or any rooted custom 2.1 for that matter if you don't have the proper HBOOT (Which I believe you cannot have if you are running any custom rom). Flash to the engineering build, then the RUU.
How far "unrooted" does this get you? Can you still re-root using toast's method or SimpleRoot?
joypunk said:
How far "unrooted" does this get you? Can you still re-root using toast's method or SimpleRoot?
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Yes you can still REroot VIA those methods. As long as you don't do a FROYO OTA or manually flash the UNROOTED Froyo...there is no ROOT method for FROYO yet.
It returns completely to UNROOTED stock, except for the PRI, which there is a fix for on the 1st page.
And incidentally (and I just figured this out last night) Simple Root is Toast's method, just automated...
EDIT: I think that you could even UNROOT and RUU to 1.3x (whatever it is), then use the ROOTING methods that were in place before the official 1.47 OTA rooting methods. But, I just did simpleroot last night on top of 1.47, and it is freaking SIMPLE....1 click for root...1 click to flash recovery.
tpdtopcop said:
Thanks a lot for this. I have searched for a un root that worked and you were right the bootloader was the problem. Followed directions here and I am back to stock Froyo un rooted.
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This is what were trying to show you on Androidcentral as well. Glad you are set!
tonyk__78 said:
I'm getting error 155 running Ava Froyo and trying to go back.
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As long as you have .76 HBOOT flash back to an earlier rom...one that has a 1.32 base. Then use the 1.32 RUU or 1.47 RUU. You should be set. Make sure you have completed step 2 in OP.
Yes. I have .79, thanks!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
i need to return my phone to t-mobile (button issue's) and can i use PD15IMG to unroot and revert it back to stock?
i have ENG Hboot and used gfree to root
so will it work?
alfadog77 said:
i need to return my phone to t-mobile (button issue's) and can i use PD15IMG to unroot and revert it back to stock?
i have ENG Hboot and used gfree to root
so will it work?
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The details are all in the guides. Pd15img will unroot you but it won't reverse gfree.
Go back to the gfree thread and read the reversal directions there. After you reverse gfree you can use pd15img for everything else.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
S-OFF but still not rooted fully??
Here's a question, might be a bit off but its still relating to the pd15img. [Didn't wanna start a new thread as well]
I did the 'alternate method' in the "Guide to permaroot" thread & then root in visionary & it did stick & all that. After that I flashed cm7 & took it for a test drive, then I decided to go back to stock so I flashed the pd15img & its back to normal. However, I notice my S is still off (S-OFF) but whenever I open terminal emulator & type su, I get denied. So my question is, once you flash pd15img does that mean you've lost root access so I have to do the process again? Or its partially gone so now I have to run visionary to make it stick??
Paso876 said:
Here's a question, might be a bit off but its still relating to the pd15img. [Didn't wanna start a new thread as well]
I did the 'alternate method' in the "Guide to permaroot" thread & then root in visionary & it did stick & all that. After that I flashed cm7 & took it for a test drive, then I decided to go back to stock so I flashed the pd15img & its back to normal. However, I notice my S is still off (S-OFF) but whenever I open terminal emulator & type su, I get denied. So my question is, once you flash pd15img does that mean you've lost root access so I have to do the process again? Or its partially gone so now I have to run visionary to make it stick??
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IF you s=off just download VISIONary Temp root, then perma root and you should be set.
neidlinger said:
IF you s=off just download VISIONary Temp root, then perma root and you should be set.
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Thank you! I had a feeling but I jus wanted to be certain before I went ahead & did it again
Paso876 said:
Here's a question, might be a bit off but its still relating to the pd15img. [Didn't wanna start a new thread as well]
I did the 'alternate method' in the "Guide to permaroot" thread & then root in visionary & it did stick & all that. After that I flashed cm7 & took it for a test drive, then I decided to go back to stock so I flashed the pd15img & its back to normal. However, I notice my S is still off (S-OFF) but whenever I open terminal emulator & type su, I get denied. So my question is, once you flash pd15img does that mean you've lost root access so I have to do the process again? Or its partially gone so now I have to run visionary to make it stick??
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The regular root guides give you an engineering s-off bootloader. pd15img.zip will reverse that. The gfree guide gives you RADIO s-off, which pd15img.zip does not touch.
So if you rooted with engineering bootloader and s-off but did not perform gfree, then pd15img.zip will reverse everything. So you reversed everything except gfree.
Hope that makes more sense...
Phateless said:
The regular root guides give you an engineering s-off bootloader. pd15img.zip will reverse that. The gfree guide gives you RADIO s-off, which pd15img.zip does not touch.
So if you rooted with engineering bootloader and s-off but did not perform gfree, then pd15img.zip will reverse everything. So you reversed everything except gfree.
Hope that makes more sense...
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Well I did the "right click on sdk folder & open command window & type conmands & get the forked children" method (wow that almost sounds like nonesense....lol), but I understood what u were saying tho. I was jus trying to fully comprehend what flashing pd15 did b4 I root fully again
Built by HTC, powered by RoyalGlacier, owned by Me =]
so here goes i have managed to root gingerbread i don't know how if its just for my phone cause i currently live in japan and have the softbank version of DHD so if any one wants to take a look at the rom maybe you can find something to make it easier to root the stock rom and yes when i restart i still have root
so what you do is use the new down grade method for 2.37 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1152233
after you do that root with visionary+ then S-off, Super-CID and Sim unlock with Easy Root & S-OFF tool V2.2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=857537
make sure you install clockworkmod recovery and you save just in case. now flash stock 2.37 rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056549
once its done check if you have S-off in the boot loader if so install and run gingerbreak http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1044765
it will say that something went wrong check to see if you have Super user if you do try restarting your phone then check if you have Super user again if so install busybox from the market and that's that your rooted. well at least that what worked for me
im not taking credit for this i just found this out by chance thank the people that made the tools
hey, I'm living in japan too...
I would like to know what you did with the ROM
I'm sorry I'm still poor in android
I have the DHD also...
please contact me on my private email mostafa13sabet at yahoo dot com
thanks for cooperation
just download the 2.37 ruu and follow the instructions on the dsixda kitchen's thread. There was really no need to post this in the dev section
with the Japanese DHD if you flash a custom rom you loose mobile network so if you want internet you have to keep the stock rom