[Q] Galaxy S -cant open picture in google, from the "Internet" browser - General Questions and Answers

Hi all,
Just wondering anyone has come across this problem or not.
it happen to me, randomly, thus i am not sure whether is it a bug or setting tht had given this problem, but as far as i can remember, i dont adjust the setting of the default internet browser(nothing much to be adjusted too)
The problem goes like this:
I went to google page, opt for "Images", theh i type in things tht i want the search(e.g. cat)
all the cat images will surface, in normal situation, if i press on any of the image, it will be maximise and showing the image in almost full screen.
in other situation, when i touch on any images, the screen just simply dont respond to my touch at all, the closest i can get is, pressing on 1 image for 2 secs, then an option will come out, asking me whether to save image or view image, and it is jus a thumbnail size...
i tried on and off the phone but it doesnt help. sometimes it will just turns back to normal again.
but today the switching on and off dont solve this problem anymore, damn...
i really out of idea of what is going on, and how to get rid of this problem before i have no choice but to go to a service centre. my phone is a galaxy s, not rooted.
if u guys know where is the fault lies, pls help me. thks thks


Black Screen Problem Solution

hello everyone,
i've seen throughout the forum, many users having the same problem as mine, it being the screen of the VOX going black, but the phone still working on the background, receiving calls etc.
i've seen that after the first timeout, the screen when its in a less brighter screen, it shows the phone perfectly
as no solution for this problem has been found yet
i wanted to know, if it is possible to someone to figure out if you can make the VOX work only with the less brighter screen, instead of the normal one.
maybe change something on the reg. i dont know
can someone please help me? or i can lose my phone for good because of this problem
cheers, and many thanks in advance
please, can someone help?
Yep. I have figured it out, but it's really booty how I have it working. I am binding a key press to kill and restart Tornado PowerControl with a dim/toggle argument. Attached are the 2 small scripts, I am sure it can be done cleaner than this however I didn't feel like it, heh. Simply remove .txt off the attached files, place them on your device and once you have TPC installed to main memory and MortScript, it will toggle your display when you run kill.mscr.
EDIT: Attached load.exe as per request.

[HTC s710] Display turns off all the time

Hi to all!
I have a strange problem with my HTC s710.
I bought it a month ago and it worked fine for a while, then it started to shutdown the display. Then it appears again, and the it turns off... it continues to work, but you can see nothing because the display turns off.
It's impossibile to use it. The HTC customer care sended back my phone after having upgraded the software but the problem is still here.
They wrote: "upgraded software and no problems found" but it's not really true.
I can't use the phone because the display turns off while i'm using it...
i tried to hard reset it several time without results.
Please, help me...
I would take it apart, clean the contacts and make sure it is seated properly. Does it happen when you're not using the device? Say if it's sitting on the table will the display flicker?
Unfortunately this is a very common problem with the S710... Since so many people are experiencing this issue with their phones even after hard resetting & changing roms I strongly believe it's a hardware issue.
It's not s710 only, even the microsoft emulator also have the problem
Look in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Power The Dword-key "Display". It sets the seconds for display timout. It overrides every other setting!
It happens while i'm using the phone...
for example, if i'm writing an sms, it suddenly turns off the display... then i have to wait for a while and the it appears again... and this go on for all the time...
same problem to me.... dunno what the source of the problem is
guess gonna have to take it back and ask for refund
i've already send it back to the HTC customer care and they said there is nothing to do because it works fine... (oh my god!)
I think it's an hardware problem...
Display blackout
I got the same problem too, did rom upgrades but no success, it s**ks
Its an intermittent fault.
Should someone identify the problem pls let me know !!
This is almost sure a connection problem of the Flex-cable between upper and lower part of the device. Search related threads here or on MoDaCo.
s710 display issues
Hi Guys,
This is not a LCD or flex issue, neither is it a connection issue.
The actual fault is the display driver on the main board, it seems to be an intermittant fault.
please post your findings on this topic....
bro am also havin the same problem but they say it seems to replace the board which costs 9k... hw can i fix this problem pls help me i bought this stuff for 17 k...
tjsa said:
Hi Guys,
This is not a LCD or flex issue, neither is it a connection issue.
The actual fault is the display driver on the main board, it seems to be an intermittent fault.
please post your findings on this topic....
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Click to collapse
What makes you so sure it is not HW related? The only thing that really changes over time is the HW (as you slide in/out the keyboard, move the device etc.pp) - SW stays as it is and if even ROM reload does not fix it, well I feel rather sure it is HW.
Anyway, hunting intermittent faults is hard to do and you may construct a causality from just coincident events - no fun nailing this down.
any solution for my problem..?
I have had so many power related issues so far. Sometimes it is the battery, sometimes it is the charging connector, sometimes LCD and sometimes even the whole circuit board.
When i had the same problem relating to intermittent off displays, I got it repaired in the warranty and they had to change the main board. I dont think there is any other solution to your problem!
Display failure
The failure of the screen is not the problem on my Vox. My screen always jumps back to the Home screen. Even while writing an SMS or scrolling in the application menu. Is there a possibility that there ever comes a Dutch version for my Vox?
It happens to me also. I tried to open the device, take everything apart then mount everything back. The problem stays. I tried hard rest, ROM flashing, soft reset, changing settings etc etc etc... The problem is still here.
Then, I left the mobile without using it for 6 month or so. I am using it again and the problem doesn't happen so often but still happens. Any news on this matter?
I solved this problem because my device was still under warranty: I had to get back it to HTC four times before to fix it.
They changed me three motherboard and finally it seems to work fine...
hi,behind the sim reader there is a small switch,either open it or close it,remove the sim reader to and push it back to open the switch or open the housing and do it manuelly.
cheyn said:
hi,behind the sim reader there is a small switch,either open it or close it,remove the sim reader to and push it back to open the switch or open the housing and do it manuelly.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And what is supposed to happen after that? Also, I guess we have to open again the phone to find this switch because I can't see any switch otherwise. Can you please post a picture of it?

G-sensor support in WM6.5?

Hey guys!
I hope i post this in the right section now!
Anyway, i recently bought a Sunno S880. Problem is i cant really seem to get the g-sensor to work. Does WM6.5 support g-sensor? Cuz for me it doesnt work in any menu, not in picture gallery.. well nowhere really. Is it suposed to be like that? It kinda feels like my phone has some homemade, halfdone WM6.5. I've seen alot of phones that has that little bounce back in the menu when you come down the the end, or the top. Mine does'nt have that. When i press on the g-sensor icon in settings, all i get is a white screen with a bunch of squares in the middle. I suppose they are chinese letter which my phone cant show cuz i dont have the language installed. The only option i have in there is to press 1 button, then a window pops up saying something else in squares, and i get the options "Yes" or "No". I have tried pressing both yes and no but it doesnt do any difference.Everything else on the phone is in the correct language. Has anyone else experienced this?
My build is 28205.5.3.3 if that does any difference.
I know the g-sensor is working tho cuz i can use it in games.
I also have another question that i hope anyone wants to answer. I've been reading quite alot on the forums about costum ROMs. But what i cant quite figure out is what exactly is it that determines if a ROM work on a phone or not. Cuz, as the noob i am, i would think that as long as the resolution is correct, any WM6.5 would work on my phone, but then again, im a complete noob. So if anyone could just tell my why not all WM6.5 roms work on all phones i would be happy
Same problem for me too, Last Week I purchased through online this phone Sunno s880. Exact your build mine too. I checked with those website, they are not responding properly. I installed Resco Photo Manager, then auto rotate works for viewing photo's. One more thing i couldn't use GPS. is it working for you? if works can you tell me the gps settings.

[Q] Camera Issue - HELP

Hello all,
I'm hoping someone an help with this.
I have already asked a few people, but no-one has been able to solve it just yet. I have faith though.
No matter which ROM I use (was using Vegan initially, then tried TnT Lite and even the stock TnT) when I try to use the camera it seems to "crash". The app loads, and I can interact with the app, but the camera screen seems to crash (colored lines for a split second, then nothing) then goes black. I can still change settings in the camera (such as change to video etc) but the camera screen is just black. When I click the shutter button to take picture, the picture appears at the top right in the little box but is just a green square.
Anyone any ideas?
Does it sound like a software issue? Or hardware?
I'm really hoping software as I don't want my tab to be broken.
I have not tried an nvflash yet, but probably going to do that tonight and fully reset it. Might that help?
Thanks in advance!
Mine was doing something like this. I found out with mine that when I opened the case, the camera had popped out of it's spot and wasn't pointing out the keyhole.

[Q] Screen problem(hardware or software..

I've got a problem with the screen on my OPO. As you can see on the pictures, all icons and text is double. It's almost like a shadow on everything.
I've tried to install new firmware(CM11s, CM12, ColorOS) and new Recovery and resetting the phone but nothing helps.
The phone is working fine and I have no problems pressing the icons or typing a text.
I'm already in contact with my dealer and they say it's a hardware problem and I have to sent it back(Warranty).
But I'm not quite sure that it's a hardware problem, that's why I'm asking here.
Anybody experienced something similar???

