msn - Android Apps and Games

is there any msn messenger which when logging indicates that you are on a mobile device? just like the one on winmo

alankstiyo said:
is there any msn messenger which when logging indicates that you are on a mobile device? just like the one on winmo
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i'd think the official msn messenger app would do it... not sure if it does tho, since no one i know is on msn messenger to check right now.

I use beejive and it let's you set a status automatically
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App


MSN for WM6

This MSN is working in WM 6. I have tried in several ROM's and it is working perfectely.
Please, read instructions to install and you dont need to remove Windows Live Messenger.
i've been looking for the old pocket msn.
thanx thanx thanx
will windows live messenger be automatically removed?
Has anyone had the problem im having with the problem of it not logging on? I have tried logging on via activesync and wi-fi but nothing works.
your pocket msn don't work on WM6 on X51v...
the wm6 rom have a ssl problem so msn , and ssl website like hotmail will not work
seems like Pocket MSN died...
hate having Windows Live Messenger Mobile screwed up my Contacts!
mikeluv said:
seems like Pocket MSN died...
hate having Windows Live Messenger Mobile screwed up my Contacts!
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Well the last version gives you the option to not sync your msn contacts with your phone contacts and it works like a charm!
oh yeah? sounds just perfect, and hey, where can i get the lastest version of WLM?
mikeluv said:
oh yeah? sounds just perfect, and hey, where can i get the latest version of WLM?
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I don't know if it's the latest version, but you can find a working version witch allows not to synchronize with messenger contacts here:
thanks, don't really care if it's the lastest, as long as it doesn't messed up with my Phone Contacts, be all good...
teixeirabmb said:
I don't know if it's the latest version, but you can find a working version witch allows not to synchronize with messenger contacts here:
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can't seem to be able to access your links, could you please upload it here?
Can't log on
After install, I'm having trouble logging on to Pocket MSN.
"Pocket MSN sign-in failed."
I've tried everything. Any help?
thast's not instal
Eliam77 said:
your pocket msn don't work on WM6 on X51v...
the wm6 rom have a ssl problem so msn , and ssl website like hotmail will not work
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sorry but i have not instal the msn50. i have the WS6 and phone KS20. So i use the msnweb.
asyyz1 said:
After install, I'm having trouble logging on to Pocket MSN.
"Pocket MSN sign-in failed."
I've tried everything. Any help?
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I have same problem any help??
fala rodjo
I'm looking for it
Live Messenger
Here you can find a thread with a lot of versions

MSN Messenger for WM6

does anyone have a msn messenger for wm6 that works with GPRS, because live messenger always syncs contacts with contact list and if my friends want to sign on their contacts will get joined with mine, which i dont want. Also if it would be able to work with T-mobile US GPRS without having to pay for a plan like Pocket MSN did with WM6 that would be great.
Have you tried Windows Live Messenger ? It works with all your MSN contacts in WM6. It is available in Faria's real thing WM6 ROM, amongst others.
I'm not sure what you mean about the contacts, but the newer version of windows live messenger gives you the option to merge contacts with outlook or not to if you don't want it to do that. I use it just fine on the $5.99 t-zones plan, weather or not you can still get free internet without any data plan I am not sure of but that's something that had the same limitations as t-zones and it's not something to rely on always being there
use im+. Hope this helps
LiQuiD FrEeZe said:
use im+. Hope this helps
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But IM+ does not reconnect after a telefoncall. and for me it is the same windows live is too beig. SO what els?
Octrotalk is subdirectet through googletalk. but reconnects and even has autologin - by time.
it can reconnect after a phone call just change the setings make it reconnect like 99 times
LiQuiD FrEeZe said:
use im+. Hope this helps
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Dude this is not a warez site....IM+ is an commercially available messenger cant post that here unless its an trial version without pre-patched\cracked.
ANTC said:
it can reconnect after a phone call just change the setings make it reconnect like 99 times
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where can i set it?
thx. just didnĀ“t use it much.
No i mean, when i sign into windows live messenger it says i ave to sync my countacts with my messenger contacts. Thats why i want one without that. Pocket MSN on WM5 did not force you to sync contacts, and worked without a T-mobile data plan, as does OZ IM. is there something like that for WM6, or maybe even just the whole pocket MSN for wm6.

Mobile Messenger, without sync contacts

Hey have been enjoying my Vox just got it a few weeks ago, When i signed up for windows live messenger it sync's all my contacts as usual, but its quite a pain because i have over 200 contacts and quite a few people i dont really talk to. Is there a version of messenger that dose not sync your contacts to the phonebook? thanks guys!
Agile Messenger works very well and includes yahoo, AOL, icq, XMPP and google as well in the same client.
It isn't free though
hoice said:
Hey have been enjoying my Vox just got it a few weeks ago, When i signed up for windows live messenger it sync's all my contacts as usual, but its quite a pain because i have over 200 contacts and quite a few people i dont really talk to. Is there a version of messenger that dose not sync your contacts to the phonebook? thanks guys!
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Mail application and hotmail activesync

I finally was able to use the hotmail in android mail client using active sync.
but i have one problem, than even the junk mail comes, i get mail notification.
i am sure this question has been answered on here, but cant find it.
i like to use the builtin client and dont want to download as i know about touchdown. thanks
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Any help is appreciated?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
K9-Mail - best email app
k9 i was gonna try, but it says it doesnt work with most hotmail account on disclaimer. so i didnt give a try

Android Email Client?

Ever since I switched from my Tilt2 w/at&t to my Epic 4G w/sprint, I've been obviously using my gmail account more often. Thing is, the built in email client, even for gmail & even when I try it with pop3, just plain sucks. Also, I mainly use my hotmail account, which there isn't really an app for yet. So I have two things. 1. To find a much better email client for android. And 2. To find a way to get all my hotmail to my android. Now, I can fully access and export my entire hotmail account from inside outlook. But I haven't found a way to import pst's into android yet.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
zeoran said:
Ever since I switched from my Tilt2 w/at&t to my Epic 4G w/sprint, I've been obviously using my gmail account more often. Thing is, the built in email client, even for gmail & even when I try it with pop3, just plain sucks. Also, I mainly use my hotmail account, which there isn't really an app for yet. So I have two things. 1. To find a much better email client for android. And 2. To find a way to get all my hotmail to my android. Now, I can fully access and export my entire hotmail account from inside outlook. But I haven't found a way to import pst's into android yet.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I lot of people say K9 mail is the best. I would say its the best of the non-Gmail apps out there. I can't use any other mail besides gmail because I'm so used to the threaded conversations. BUT, Gmail could be better for sure.
zeoran said:
Ever since I switched from my Tilt2 w/at&t to my Epic 4G w/sprint, I've been obviously using my gmail account more often. Thing is, the built in email client, even for gmail & even when I try it with pop3, just plain sucks. Also, I mainly use my hotmail account, which there isn't really an app for yet. So I have two things. 1. To find a much better email client for android. And 2. To find a way to get all my hotmail to my android. Now, I can fully access and export my entire hotmail account from inside outlook. But I haven't found a way to import pst's into android yet.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Use Seven email client (latest version 7.5.4)with homescreen widget support
It supports Gmail/yahoo/Hotmail/AOl n more
It is push mail client.
I see that you've gotten some good suggestions. I just wanted to tell you to avoid POP3 at all costs. It's a very primitive protocol and should really only be used as a last resort. Use at least IMAP.
dr.ketan said:
Use Seven email client (latest version 7.5.4)with homescreen widget support
It supports Gmail/yahoo/Hotmail/AOl n more
It is push mail client.
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I'm having trouble finding that seven client. Do you have a link?
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gman8966 said:
I'm having trouble finding that seven client. Do you have a link?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
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Lol, maybe its just me.... ut I couldnt find any Android compatible software on that seven site.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Devil Aus said:
Lol, maybe its just me.... ut I couldnt find any Android compatible software on that seven site.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Same here. I can't find anything either.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
Here Seven mail client latest v7.54 with widget support, it using IMAP server.
Having schedule option for fetching email too, power saving option(disable at certain level of battery)
And yes site is not mentioning properly, It is my experience it worked on my SGS with 2.1, 2.2 and GB (2.3.3)
And just to note this is only third party push mail client for Yahoo as per my knowledge
Let's not forget Enhanced Email. Link is in my signature
zeoran said:
Also, I mainly use my hotmail account, which there isn't really an app for yet.
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Hotmail can be setup for push just like Exchange.
In the email app, tap Add Account, then put in your email address and password and then tap "Manual Setup"
Tap "Exchange Account"
Set the Incoming Mail Server:
Leave Domain blank
Set your username to your full @hotmail email address (i.e. include or
Enter your password.
Tap finish.
I recommend to use K9 mail. I use it with my 6 email adresses - 1 gmail, 1 imap and 4 pop3. As far I know hotmail does support pop3, so with K9 you should be able to check all your emails, including hotmail..
K9 is a very nice email client. I've used it for about a year now with imap.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
Using K9 with 4 mails accounts, 3 IMAP and one POP3.
Works flawless so far.
K9 mail client is useless as it doesnt accept Exchange, this is ridiculous

