[Q] How to make the application to establish GPRS/Edge/3G connection - General Questions and Answers

How is it possible (some script? reg tweak?) to make any application establish data connection on start-up of the app.? Some older apps don't connect automatically and I have to do it by myself before starting them. I know I could keep the connection always on but this would drain my battery - wouldn't it?

Spotty Dots said:
Bok, ispricavam se ako postam na krivoj temi. Citala sam o ovom modelu mobitela i cini mi se da je vecina ljudi zadovoljna, ali nisam do sad primjetila da netko govori o narucivanju s ove stranice
Zanima me ima li netko iskustva s tom stranicom?
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Oko tog shopa nema frke, ali za tu cijenu ga možeš skoro i kod nas kupiti, a iz drugih web dućana cijena mu je oko 900-950 kn...
Sent from my Jiayu S3


Flashing "Wizard" Devices FULL Tutorial in Serbian Language!

Hello everybody,
This is my first post. Some of the people here helped me alot with my device so I decided to give something in return...
THANK YOU : xda-developers.com, faria, Dr Puttingham, zoki and others I may forgot to mention!
This version of tutorial is v1 and final - from the collected material on different posts here on xda-developers forum. You may say that this is a "FOR DUMMIES" edition - STEP by STEP.
All the links from the tutorial are connected, and some of them even new ones.
Everything works, just follow tutorial carefully...
Link for tutorial in attachment / Link za uputstvo u prilogu
Pozdrav svima,
Ovo je moj prvi post ovde. Nekolicina ljudi mi je mnogo pomogla da sredim svoj uredjaj, pa ovim putem zelim da im se zahvalim i doprinesem neshto zajednici...
HVALA VAM : xda-developers.com, faria, Dr Puttingham, zoki i ostalima koje sam zaboravio da pomenem!
Ovo je prva verzija uputstva i konacna - sastavljena od materijala i uputstva nadjenih na xda-developers forumu. Moze se reci da je ovo verzija "ZA POCETNIKE" - KORAK po KORAK.
Svi linkovi unutar dokumenta su povezani, neki chak i novi dodati.
Sve radi, samo trebate pratiti pazhljivo uputstvo...
Hvala Brate, spasio si me...
nema sta ima nas =)
svaka cast za trud =)
Hvala prijatelju.
imam jedan problem sa Qtek-9100 aj sad da probam da objasnim o cemu se radi, prije nekoliko prilikom punjenja telefon mi je pao i dio koji je unutar mobila ( usb ) slomio se sad telefon radi i kupio sam punjac za bateriju ali interesuje me kako da ubacim bilo koji ROM preko sd kartice??
Unaprijed zahvalan
Druze svaka cast sto pomazes ljudima,inace vidim da je vecina vas upoznata dobro sa uredjajem tj, telefonom ovog tipa i stvarno po meni,....a probao sam sve i svasta i ono sto niko nije hteo...hehhehe...ovo je dosad jos naj zahvalniji uredjaj za licni customizing...i bilo kakve varijacije koje odstupaju od fabrickog...uglavnom puno pozdrava od dzoni2zr iz zrenjanina,samo tako nastavite,ako ikome nesto zatreba neka me slobodno mailuje na [email protected] ili cak neka pozove na 0644737241 bice mi drago ako mogu pomoci..imam na hardu svega i svacega za ovaj phon sto provereno radi
isprobavao licno i bio uporan do bola...romovi<soft i hard spl i ipl itd...itd...tako da budite mi dobri svi
hvala na uputstvu... mozda bismo trebali pokusati napraviti instalacioni paket s lokalizacijum (tastatura sa ČĆŽĐŠi ostali karakteri, MMS/GPRS podesavanja) ya nase prostore... ili cak prevesti windows...
pozzz iz BiH

Czech WM6.1 ROM ported from HTC Kaiser

Hi, I've made this ROM for MDA Vario from HTC Kaiser ROM RUU_Kaiser_HTC_CSY_3.28.462.1_radio_sign_25.83.40.02_1.65.16.25_Ship.exe
OS: 5.2.318 Build 19212.1.0.3
Known problems:
1) SYM key on hardware keyboard doesn't work - you cannot write local letters
2) auto complete doesn't work
- these are quite common problems with ported Kaiser ROMs, I don't have any solution yet, if you figure out how to get it work, please contact me or write your ideas in this thread
What you get:
- very fast WM 6.1 Czech ROM for MDA Vario
- very fast boot
- all WM 6.1 features
- integrated applications:
Adobe Reader LE 2.5
ArcSoft MMS
Bluetooth FTP
HTC Camera 3.0
Esmertec Java
HTC Streaming Media
HTC Touch Dialer + Jimm98y's patched Smartdialing CZ
IntelliPad 1.0
Pocket RAR 3.60
SAP Settings, Smartskey + VJ Calibrula
Total Commander 2.5 Beta
WM5torage 1.75
- all integrated apps are in Czech language
- Remote Desktop Mobile and Irda support included
Thanks very much for your tools guys, without these tools I would never make it.
Download links:
This ROM includes ExtROM, SplashScreen, HTC Splash and OS:
Prosím, abyste jako poděkování stahovali ROM přes free z rapidshare.com, mirror na leteckou poštu je zde pro ty, kteří kvůli IP adrese nemohou služeb rapidshare využívat. Děkuji.
Please use rapidshare.com mirror if you can, the other link is for those users, who cannot use rapidshare because of shared IP address.
G3 mirror:
This ROM includes only OS:
If you want to thank me for my work, encourage me or if you just like my work, you can donate me using the link bellow.
Pokud mi chcete poděkovat za moji práci, nebo mne motivovat v dalších úpravách a nebo jen máte rádi mojí práci, můžete zvážit malý příspěvek použitím linku v mém podpisu. Děkuji.
v nedeli urcite otestuju, momentalne nemam cas :-( (kazdopadne diky)
great work, I'll test it on sunday, I'm too bussy now :-(
Krasna, prace, uz jsem se bal ze to nikdo neudela.
Rychla, cista.
Nezklamals, Diky moc
Very nice job. I was afraid thet no one make it.
Fast, clear.
BT sync
Great job, thank you. But i found some other issue: BT sync doesn't work.
BT Sync works fine for me, I use it almost every day - check settings in your PC if everything is ok, but this problem isn't in ROM...
A screen by nebyl ?
crea_wizard said:
A screen by nebyl ?
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Screeny doplněny.
Pekna prace, dopurucuji vsem. FUNKCNI, RYCHLA a bez chyb
Mohol by to niekto upnut niekde inde ako na RS ???
Nainstaloval sem si MortPlayer a kdyz spustim Zpravy tak se zavre MortPlayer co s tim , pak taky kdyz dam napsat novou sms a zacnu psat do "komu" zacatecni pismena tak mi to neda navyber jmena v kontatech.
Díky za rady.
Šlape na jedničku fak dost dobrá práce
crea_wizard said:
Nainstaloval sem si MortPlayer a kdyz spustim Zpravy tak se zavre MortPlayer co s tim , pak taky kdyz dam napsat novou sms a zacnu psat do "komu" zacatecni pismena tak mi to neda navyber jmena v kontatech.
Díky za rady.
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OK takže ještě jednou - než to flashnete, tak se podívejte na známé chyby uvedené v prvním příspěvku zde nebo na ce4you - je tam jasně uvedeno, že NEFUNGUJE navrhování slov při psaní - z toho vyplývá, že nefunguje ani navrhování kontaktů při psaní sms, protože se jedná o jednu a tu samou aplikaci - zajišťuje to jedna a ta samá knihovna, která zde nepracuje. MortPlayer neznám a pokud nefunguje jak má, je to vinou WM6.1 nebo MortPlayeru, ne ROM - zkus použít google, pravděpodobně někdo už tu samou chybu někdy řešil.
PS. A pokud chcete psát česky, tak prosím pište na ce4you, popř. přidejte anglický překlad... Děkuji.
OK so once again - before you flash it, read the first post - there are known problems and word completition, which allows you to add contact name in Messaging, is one of them. I don't know MortPlayer, but if it doesn't work, it's probably incompatible with WM6.1 or some error of MortPlayer, not the problem of this ROM - try to use google, please.
AS pres BT
Jimm98y said:
BT Sync works fine for me, I use it almost every day - check settings in your PC if everything is ok, but this problem isn't in ROM...
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Synchronizaci pres BT jsem rozchodil az po aplikovani patche z Bluetooth.zip v tomto vlakne http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
V ntb mam integrovany BT modul s chipsetem Widcomm. V pda mi nabizi sluzby Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Po aplikovani patche se zmeni Seriovy port na Activesync a vse bezi jak ma.
Sync over BT only works after i use patch Bluetooth.zip from this topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
I have integrated BT with Widcom chipset and on pda i see BT services Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Seriovy port has changed to Activesync after i applied patch.
pgard said:
Synchronizaci pres BT jsem rozchodil az po aplikovani patche z Bluetooth.zip v tomto vlakne http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
V ntb mam integrovany BT modul s chipsetem Widcomm. V pda mi nabizi sluzby Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Po aplikovani patche se zmeni Seriovy port na Activesync a vse bezi jak ma.
Sync over BT only works after i use patch Bluetooth.zip from this topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
I have integrated BT with Widcom chipset and on pda i see BT services Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Seriovy port has changed to Activesync after i applied patch.
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Bluetooth - mne stačí v active sync na ppc zvolit "Připojit pomocí bluetooth", najde mi to počítač a kliknu na připojit a je to.
CAB z extended rom - problém je již opraven, viz první příspěvek - stahni si novou rom a flashni jí, pak již vše bude fungovat i při dalším hardresetu.
Bluetooth works fine for me, all I have to do is choose "Connect via bluetooth" in active sync in ppc, then choose my computer and that's all.
Extended rom - this problem is already fixed, look at th first post, download new ROM, flash it and all should work fine.
Good job, working nice. After installation of this rom, I had to restart device (wizard freeze with making custom settings on the first run). Thanks anyway!
spectrum123 said:
Good job, working nice. After installation of this rom, I had to restart device (wizard freeze with making custom settings on the first run). Thanks anyway!
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In the latest version (link in the first post) it should be OK.
EN: Super
mirror jinde nez na rapidshare
I ja bych byl rad poukud by se dala romka sosnout odjinud nez z rapidsharu, pac jsem na siti se sdilenou IP a porad tu nekdo neco sosa, takze neamm sanci si stahnout byt jen jeden soubor.
songo said:
I ja bych byl rad poukud by se dala romka sosnout odjinud nez z rapidsharu, pac jsem na siti se sdilenou IP a porad tu nekdo neco sosa, takze neamm sanci si stahnout byt jen jeden soubor.
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Tady mas G4 verzi ...
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po urcite nahodne dlouhe dobe prestane zvonit, pomuze jen restart, jako zvoneni je mp3 skladba

Today screen - Weather data no refresh

last 15 days my Touch 2 don't refresh weather data in today screen,
I was tray several options (off HTC location service.... clear storage....) but not work...
Weather in tab work normaly, data conection is OK...
Please help
Maybe you didn't set it to always update automatically !! try to check in settings
My device has the same problem
I've looked at all the possibilities, but I could not solve the problem
I have update automatically
No weather today
Even to me by a week since I updated weather today, and either tried hard reset but nothing.
If I update automatically goes on for days and nothing happens is written the "heater it to update weather" I do not know what to do, any of you not following that?

I have the same problem
It looks like the service provider support issue
Same problem as igorficko
I have the sam problem for last few weeks as igorficko described. I can see that we live in the same country (Slovenia) so I was wondering if this could really be an issue due to service provider or something similar? I would like to be sure before I addres my problem to my mobile provider.
Thanks for any help or info regarding this.
best regards,
pinty said:
I have the sam problem for last few weeks as igorficko described. I can see that we live in the same country (Slovenia) so I was wondering if this could really be an issue due to service provider or something similar? I would like to be sure before I addres my problem to my mobile provider.
Thanks for any help or info regarding this.
best regards,
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Pinty, izgubi vsako upanje....
poskusil sem pri mobitelu, celo urco so na novo vnašali nastavitve... brez pomoči
bil sem na HTC servisu (Emonagram), brez uspeha, edino kar so mi rekli je da imajo na servisu še enega Toucha2 in da ima iste težave, niso vedeli za težave in so obljubili da bodo ontaktirali HTC (bomo videli)
Po moje je napaka na relaciji HTC-Windows mobile in se bodo najverjetneje delali neumni...
Upam da bomo našli rešitev
Can not
It is not possible that this problem that we have so many has never been solved in one way or another, or it may be that resolves itself, but I do not think I lasted three weeks as well. Hopefully someone will give us a hand!
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
pinty said:
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
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Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
Hi everybody
I heard that the HTC Touch 2 production stopped.
Gelen.Benton said:
Hi everybody
I heard that the HTC Touch 2 production stopped.
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HTC WM 6.5 no longer uses the latest Mega models and then to others and over.
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
Snupk said:
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
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What do you mean, all the people who have the WM 6.5 terminals must throw away!
I believe that sooner or later the problem is resolved, I believe in guys that work to take forward work on the house because those HTC do not want to do more.
No i havent said that. Actually i own HTC Mega with WM 6.5 and i think its quite good. Of course its no match for Android but hey - it still offers quite good experience. But if the problem will be solved...thats another question. Let it give some time or try alternative applications
Snupk said:
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
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Sorry for my Slovene without translation.
Thank you for your translation.
As for other posts later on I also do hope that this will get resolved because I plan to stick to WM 6.5 at least for a while.
My goal was that of the previous posts, it is possible that this model does not support with htc service.

[Q] [Help] need some infos about aGPS !!

Hello ,
I have some questions about GPS , i use Bruce CM 10 kang, (07/12/2012)
I want to know , how i can use gps on my sensation without wi-fi or data plan , if i can do it .
I live in Kosovo ( Europe) .
I have set fasterfix to europe , and installed gps status , also i have downloaded map of my country, I have set internal gps on settings.
Thank you,
Best regards
any help , or anything else , please ??!!
artmusliu said:
Hello ,
I have some questions about GPS , i use Bruce CM 10 kang, (24/12/2012)
I want to know , how i can use gps on my sensation without wi-fi or data plan , if i can do it .
I live in Kosovo ( Europe) .
I have set fasterfix to europe , and installed gps status , also i have downloaded map of my country, I have set internal gps on settings.
Thank you,
Best regards
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O Arti mund ta perdoresh GPS pa internet, nuk ka lidhje. GPS nuk ka nevoje per internet. Nese ti deshiron te perdoresh harten e Google Maps, atehere ke nevoje per internet, por nese shkarkon nje program qe permban harte, si psh TomTom, Sygic, etj, nuk ke nevoje per internet.
GPS tregon thjesht vendodhjen tende dhe behet npm satelitit, NUK ka nevoje per internet.
Poshte po te jap linkun per TomTom Europe, keto lloj programesh kane harta te parashkarkuara. Gjithe te mirat!
Pershendetje elvis ,
se pari me vjen mire qe gjej nje shqipetar dhe eshte i gatshem te me ndihmoj ...
Un e kuptoj qe gps mund te funksionoje edhe pa data network , edhe tani google maps ka bere mundesin e downloadimit te hartave per shfrytezim offline , mirepo un kam problem sepse nuk po mund te lokalizohem , dmth te lidhem me ndonje satelit gps pa internet, dmth nuk mund te gjej vetveten pa internet , nuk e di a me kupton , ajo pjesa 'waiting for location ' zgjate pafundsisht..
Sidoqofte faleminderit qe morre mundimin te me shkruash ,nese ke ndonje sygjerim te lutem mos me kurse.
Mbetesh i pershendetur ,
artmusliu said:
Pershendetje elvis ,
se pari me vjen mire qe gjej nje shqipetar dhe eshte i gatshem te me ndihmoj ...
Un e kuptoj qe gps mund te funksionoje edhe pa data network , edhe tani google maps ka bere mundesin e downloadimit te hartave per shfrytezim offline , mirepo un kam problem sepse nuk po mund te lokalizohem , dmth te lidhem me ndonje satelit gps pa internet, dmth nuk mund te gjej vetveten pa internet , nuk e di a me kupton , ajo pjesa 'waiting for location ' zgjate pafundsisht..
Sidoqofte faleminderit qe morre mundimin te me shkruash ,nese ke ndonje sygjerim te lutem mos me kurse.
Mbetesh i pershendetur ,
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Aha, te kuptoj. Atehere ke probleme me GPS. Mund te jete problem software, si psh ROM, firmware, ose dhe hardware(defekt i antenes). Ai lokalizim qe merr kur ke internet nuk eshte GPS por nje lokalizim i perafert npm antenave te rrjetit ose wifi.
Te sugjeroj te besh flash firmware e fundit 3.33 si fillim.
Gjeta dhe nje faqe qe mund te ndihmoje http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1262652
Po me gps status a funksionon, e gjen vendndodhjen?
Mos harro qe GPS funksionon vtm ne mjediset e jashtme, jo brenda sepse nuk kap satelitet, gjithashtu dhe moti i keq nderhyn.
Une te sugjeroj te provosh nje ROM tjeter, mbase e ka ai fajin. CM 10 eshte akoma eksperimental dhe ka bugs. Provoje ViperS, ate kam dhe GPS funksionon shume mire.
Eshte dhe nje app tjeter gps test qe mund ta provosh. Nese akoma nuk punon kam frike se mund te jete problen hardware
Gjithe te mirat, uroj te kem ndihmuar sadopak.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
Just a small reminder, this forum is in English.
GPS doesn't need data, but loading a map on most applications do, and so does A-GPS (Assisted-GPS, which uses data to calculate your position).
edit: I've got a fix here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1262652&page=36
i patched version 3.1 without ssl
thnx to elvisypi
Ps: elvis me ndihmove shum me linkun qe me orientove , faleminderit shum .
artmusliu said:
edit: I've got a fix here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1262652&page=36
i patched version 3.1 without ssl
thnx to elvisypi
Ps: elvis me ndihmove shum me linkun qe me orientove , faleminderit shum .
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Me vjen shume mite qe te ndihmova. Gjithe te mirat
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

NOA H43 Rooting,custom recovery and custom ROMs! (OP PLEASE CLOSE THREAD)

Most of people won't own this phone because it is only available in Balkan countries.
But whatever,I have spent some time porting various custom ROMs to it and now I am making this thread!
For people who encounter soft bricks I will leave the stock firmware which is prerooted available to download!
This post will contain how to root this phone and install a custom recovery,the second post will contain all of the custom ROMs and bugs for some ROMs and the third one will contain how to restore the firmware to not make one very very long post.
To root:
1. Download the KingoRoot apk from this link:
2. Check your settings if Unknown sources is enabled,after you enable it go ahead and install the apk
3. Now it is very simple,open the app and press root,reboot your phone and you will be rooted!
To install custom recovery(recommended to install PhilZ instead of TWRP because of some random reason most ROMs you try to install on TWRP will show symlink errors) you have two ways:
First way(the easy way):
1. Download one of the two recoveries from the links below:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/719ms15k9mohyoz/TWRP_3.0.2-0_Recovery.img - this is TWRP 3.0.2-0,only MTP doesn't work(to locate your files you will need to go from /sdcard directory to /data/media directory)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/cuwn1g4zgl0y47c/TWRP_2.8.2.0_Recovery.img - use this older version of TWRP if the above version is giving you problems
http://www.mediafire.com/download/8h864710ov1r74x/PhilZ_Recovery.img - this is PhilZ recovery,this is the recommended recovery to use,the only thing you will need to do is go to Advanced Functions and change the sdcard location to /data/media from /data/media/0 (you just press the power button once you highlight that option) because it will not then show up your downloaded zip files
2. Download Flashify from the Play Store
3. Once in Flashify choose to install from other recovery image and choose the image you have downloaded
4. You should have recovery now!
To boot into recovery hold down volume up and power in the same time
If the first way didn't work here is an alternative way(and you do not need to be rooted to install the recovery by the way):
1. Download SP Flash Tool to your computer(firstly make sure you have the MTK drivers installed,and if you are running Windows 8 or above it is recommended to turn off Driver Signature Enforcement)
2. Download the stock firmware from the third post and extract it
3. Open SP Flash Tool and choose the scatter file from the stock firmware you have extracted
4. Press on the empty box where it would usually show where is the recovery located and find the downloaded img
5. Once that is done turn off your phone,press Download and just plug in your phone to the computer
6. Once it shows Download Ok try to boot into recovery and it should work!
Custom Logos(works also on any device with screen resolution od 540x960)(Screenshots attached):
https://www.mediafire.com/?ga088kbuttwuqxs - MIUI Boot Logo
https://www.mediafire.com/?0oqpm68va8idl3u - CyanogenMod Boot Logo
https://www.mediafire.com/?m97zqn9edm2esb2 - Marshmello Boot Logo
https://www.mediafire.com/?vsqmog0md864gdb - Jack U Boot Logo
https://www.mediafire.com/?sfhpie8hblx52ah - Stock Logo with "Powered by Android" on the bottom
Thanks to:
Ajit Guraya - he is the guy who made most of the ROMs so we can port them to our device!
Harry_ET - he also made some ROMs for the CherryMobile H870 which I managed to port!
Yuweng - he made the Easy PhilZ and TWRP installers!
Also hit that Thanks button if this was useful in anyway!
Custom ROMs
This is the post which contains most of the ROMs I have ported to this device.
This contains most of the ROMs I have ported!
Some of them are not included because they are just too unstable,like Bluetooth,Camera and force closes on the same ROM cannot be ran properly!
ROMs with their seperate threads:
Orion OS - https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/rom-orion-os-t3556052
MIUI 8 - https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/rom-miui-8-v6-6-16-t3556925
CyanogenMod 11 - https://mega.nz/#!9slnHJbZ!yPvwFdKKTc4qJITWtSjfXtOApfZzMSii7OwX1qAm0Cg
Exodus ROM(Lollipop based,YouTube app doesn't play video,no games work,only installs on TWRP) - https://mega.nz/#!Y1kCFB4Q!9MKnzHPjGa3NMS5ymToU7pHbBDtykBQtYOIT8Di2Ec8
Doogee UI ROM - https://mega.nz/#!gxd2WBSY!kAMlyYrWLLeHrMjavylFPXAyZBI_vj_Rkxi5Vb4Gvpc
EMUI 3.0 - https://mega.nz/#!dtFQ2ByT!6aDzRsQFqGDdDqqnDdLgiIOKGktmT9YQm1BGtntHjmM
Flyme OS 4 ROM(camera doesn't work) - https://mega.nz/#!dtFQ2ByT!6aDzRsQFqGDdDqqnDdLgiIOKGktmT9YQm1BGtntHjmM
Hive OS - https://mega.nz/#!Y8EChJKJ!3M00zqNlp6_4kPqOKRUX21oRC848Vr0KFSK7wtKmE90
HTC Desire 820G+ ROM - https://mega.nz/#!Qx1mSIrI!wU6L2EGt04iwV4SVKXSJjdcGzybl70g9jGgLCZfm4ps
Lime Light ROM - https://mega.nz/#!h80lDJqT!1ri3TfMjNDDBfDvpzSSfELGaIQJBQfoT9IT0TNhxQCE
PussyFap ROM - https://mega.nz/#!NskRSAja!_jmmd6UpmUwI-IffgsLVYEIiiXumkuMgfcoa4_TcJOc
Stay OS v3 - https://mega.nz/#!R0NSzaib!Y-kWcc3yLfOXEIIV7r_PkWeKPeTCF4HTU6esdWjrF34
Xperia Z3 Clone ROM(shows fake storage) - https://mega.nz/#!F8cSxa6C!hV-JF9g6qwN7Ip-fKMnuy-wHJpz6-Cpi6QzIICLQm-g
Who is maintaining noa roms and twrp?
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
bender_007 said:
Who is maintaining noa roms and twrp?
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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TWRP 3.0.2 I have ported from the CherryMobile H870,TWRP was made by TWRP Easy Installer and PhilZ as well,no much hassle there.
I am going to maintain TWRP on my own,if a new version releases I will try to port it as fast as possible.but school will be an issue as well so there won't be a lot of frequent updates when the summer ends very soon.
If you mean maintaining custom ROMs then I will be maintaining some of them,for example the CandySiX ROM is maintained by Ajit Guraya on mtkroms.com and I have just ported that using the guide below,nothing special.
Restoring from soft-brick
So if anyone encountered a soft brick it is easy to solve it,just follow these steps:
1. Download the stock firmware files from here:
2. Download SP Flash Tool if you don't have it already and make sure you have the drivers installed
3. Extract the firmware files
4. Open SP Flash Tool and choose the scatter file from the extracted folder.
5. Now for every single box choose the corresponding file(for example choose uboot.bin for uboot),and for recovery choose one of the custom recoveries(I will explain later why)
6. Make sure your phone is powered off,now press Download and just plug in your phone,and it will start flashing
7. Now when the flash is done unplug your phone and boot it up!
If your phone keeps on repeating the boot animation take out the battery and boot to recovery by holding volume up and power(that is why we flashed one of the custom recoveries because the stock one is in Chinese and hard to understand) and just navigate to Wipe Data & Factory Reset and reboot your phone.
ALSO: If you do restore to stock and you try to factory reset and it says "Cannot mount data partition" just restart the phone,Android will create it itself while booting for the first time
Can I get some feedback? Is anyone having problems with something? Come on m8 I know this phone probably only resides in Balkan countries and almost no one on XDA has it but at least someone who tried the recovery for example
Dinkec27 said:
Can I get some feedback? Is anyone having problems with something? Come on m8 I know this phone probably only resides in Balkan countries and almost no one on XDA has it but at least someone who tried the recovery for example
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Pozdrav Dinkec! Imam ja taj noa h43, i proba sam nekoliko ovih romova. Pitanje, Da li ovaj telefon može hardverski ponesti BLE (bluetooth low energy)?
Coyotee2 said:
Pozdrav Dinkec! Imam ja taj noa h43, i proba sam nekoliko ovih romova. Pitanje, Da li ovaj telefon može hardverski ponesti BLE (bluetooth low energy)?
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Prilicno sam siguran da ne može,usput je li imaš problema s nekim ROMom u vezi s GPSom i slično
EDIT: Ispričavam se,podržava hardverski,moja greška
Dinkec27 said:
Prilicno sam siguran da ne može,usput je li imaš problema s nekim ROMom u vezi s GPSom i slično
EDIT: Ispričavam se,podržava hardverski,moja greška
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Ne, želim da bi mi gsm prepoznao BT HR BELT preko Strave, ali ne ide. Postoji ovaj program koji radi :
Coyotee2 said:
Ne, želim da bi mi gsm prepoznao BT HR BELT preko Strave, ali ne ide. Postoji ovaj program koji radi :
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Koji ROM koristiš?
Trebam pomoč! Nekako sam pokvario data partition, Ne mogu ga više ni formatirati, ni mountati. Znaš možda kako bi rješio problem? Ne ide ni sa oni soft unbrick varijantom...
Coyotee2 said:
Trebam pomoč! Nekako sam pokvario data partition, Ne mogu ga više ni formatirati, ni mountati. Znaš možda kako bi rješio problem? Ne ide ni sa oni soft unbrick varijantom...
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Trebao sam to stavit u OP al sam zaboravio,ako ne mozes formatirat data particiju nakon instaliranja stocka onda ne trebas radit factory reset jer zapravo ni ne postoji,pa Android dok se pali napravi tu particiju,morao sam to tako napravit inace bi ovaj mobitel bio stalno u bootloopu,a jel mozes uci u OS nakon instalacije stocka?
Ne, mogu samo da idem u PhilZ bootloader, ali ne mogu formatirati e:/data particije, tako da kad mi završi za install novi zip, onda nakon reboota ide u bootloop. Isto je u bootloopu, nakom vipe-a
Coyotee2 said:
Ne, mogu samo da idem u PhilZ bootloader, ali ne mogu formatirati e:/data particije, tako da kad mi završi za install novi zip, onda nakon reboota ide u bootloop. Isto je u bootloopu, nakom vipe-a
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A jel se pali sa stock ROMom jer vidim da probavas instalirat neki ROM
evo mene, neakako sam došao u factory mode (vol- + power) i tam samo odabrao clear eMMc. Nakon toga sam došao u sistem, ali sada imam problem sa IMEI number (invalid IMEI). Imam neki backup kojeg sam uradio za philzcwm. Kako da dobim nazad IMEI nr. ?
Coyotee2 said:
evo mene, neakako sam došao u factory mode (vol- + power) i tam samo odabrao clear eMMc. Nakon toga sam došao u sistem, ali sada imam problem sa IMEI number (invalid IMEI). Imam neki backup kojeg sam uradio za philzcwm. Kako da dobim nazad IMEI nr. ?
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Ovako,znaci izvadi bateriju iz mobitela i zapisi IMEI 1 i 2 na papir,onda skini MTK Droid Tools(usput mob mora bit rootan),otvori MTK Droid Tools i onda klikni ROOT i trebalo bi ti izbacit da trebas dozvolit MTK Droid Toolsu root,i dopusti. Nakon tog u Droid Toolsu klikni na IMEI/NVRAM i sad zapisi oba IMEI broja i klikni restore.
Ako to ne radi,prije ovog odi u SP Flash Tool i odi na Format i klikni start,pa nakon tog flashaj stock ROM i onda se vrati na ovo sa Droid Toolsom
Evo, uspjeo sam da ga vratim na original stanje. Prvo sam sa sp flash tool stavio novi nvram.img nakle toga IMEI je počeo raditi. Jedino što nisam sada imao slovenački jezik, je oni tvoj stock firmware nema slovenačkog. Nakon toga sam napravio restore system.img, kojeg sam na sreču imao, jer sam ga napravio prije svega dok sam počeo u philz cWM ju. Sad radi kako je radilo prije svega.. Hvala ti za info. Još uvijek me zanima ali se može nekako uraditi, da bi ovaj telefon prepoznao BLE bluetooth....
Coyotee2 said:
Evo, uspjeo sam da ga vratim na original stanje. Prvo sam sa sp flash tool stavio novi nvram.img nakle toga IMEI je počeo raditi. Jedino što nisam sada imao slovenački jezik, je oni tvoj stock firmware nema slovenačkog. Nakon toga sam napravio restore system.img, kojeg sam na sreču imao, jer sam ga napravio prije svega dok sam počeo u philz cWM ju. Sad radi kako je radilo prije svega.. Hvala ti za info. Još uvijek me zanima ali se može nekako uraditi, da bi ovaj telefon prepoznao BLE bluetooth....
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Ne znam,ja nemam baš vremena to testirat,probaj sad na stock ROMu jer je tamo garantirano da nema buggova,i gledo sam da ako dode mobitel sa Android 4.3 i vislje da podrzava BLE hardverski i softverski pa bi trebalo radit s tim da ovaj mobitel dode s Androidom 4.4
As per the Forum Rules
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature).
Dinkec27 said:
Ne znam,ja nemam baš vremena to testirat,probaj sad na stock ROMu jer je tamo garantirano da nema buggova,i gledo sam da ako dode mobitel sa Android 4.3 i vislje da podrzava BLE hardverski i softverski pa bi trebalo radit s tim da ovaj mobitel dode s Androidom 4.4
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Coyotee2 said:
Evo, uspjeo sam da ga vratim na original stanje. Prvo sam sa sp flash tool stavio novi nvram.img nakle toga IMEI je počeo raditi. Jedino što nisam sada imao slovenački jezik, je oni tvoj stock firmware nema slovenačkog. Nakon toga sam napravio restore system.img, kojeg sam na sreču imao, jer sam ga napravio prije svega dok sam počeo u philz cWM ju. Sad radi kako je radilo prije svega.. Hvala ti za info. Još uvijek me zanima ali se može nekako uraditi, da bi ovaj telefon prepoznao BLE bluetooth....
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Dinkec27 said:
Ovako,znaci izvadi bateriju iz mobitela i zapisi IMEI 1 i 2 na papir,onda skini MTK Droid Tools(usput mob mora bit rootan),otvori MTK Droid Tools i onda klikni ROOT i trebalo bi ti izbacit da trebas dozvolit MTK Droid Toolsu root,i dopusti. Nakon tog u Droid Toolsu klikni na IMEI/NVRAM i sad zapisi oba IMEI broja i klikni restore.
Ako to ne radi,prije ovog odi u SP Flash Tool i odi na Format i klikni start,pa nakon tog flashaj stock ROM i onda se vrati na ovo sa Droid Toolsom
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Coyotee2 said:
evo mene, neakako sam došao u factory mode (vol- + power) i tam samo odabrao clear eMMc. Nakon toga sam došao u sistem, ali sada imam problem sa IMEI number (invalid IMEI). Imam neki backup kojeg sam uradio za philzcwm. Kako da dobim nazad IMEI nr. ?
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Dinkec27 said:
A jel se pali sa stock ROMom jer vidim da probavas instalirat neki ROM
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Coyotee2 said:
Ne, mogu samo da idem u PhilZ bootloader, ali ne mogu formatirati e:/data particije, tako da kad mi završi za install novi zip, onda nakon reboota ide u bootloop. Isto je u bootloopu, nakom vipe-a
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Dinkec27 said:
Trebao sam to stavit u OP al sam zaboravio,ako ne mozes formatirat data particiju nakon instaliranja stocka onda ne trebas radit factory reset jer zapravo ni ne postoji,pa Android dok se pali napravi tu particiju,morao sam to tako napravit inace bi ovaj mobitel bio stalno u bootloopu,a jel mozes uci u OS nakon instalacije stocka?
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Coyotee2 said:
Trebam pomoč! Nekako sam pokvario data partition, Ne mogu ga više ni formatirati, ni mountati. Znaš možda kako bi rješio problem? Ne ide ni sa oni soft unbrick varijantom...
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Coyotee2 said:
Pozdrav Dinkec! Imam ja taj noa h43, i proba sam nekoliko ovih romova. Pitanje, Da li ovaj telefon može hardverski ponesti BLE (bluetooth low energy)?
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Dinkec27 said:
Prilicno sam siguran da ne može,usput je li imaš problema s nekim ROMom u vezi s GPSom i slično
EDIT: Ispričavam se,podržava hardverski,moja greška
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Coyotee2 said:
Ne, želim da bi mi gsm prepoznao BT HR BELT preko Strave, ali ne ide. Postoji ovaj program koji radi :
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Dinkec27 said:
Koji ROM koristiš?
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Judge Joseph Dredd said:
As per the Forum Rules
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature).
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Sorry but probably most of the people who have this phone speak my language so I thought it would be easier

