iGO Primo 1.1 sys.txt - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I am runing iGO Primo 1.1 aug edition with 800_480 data file.
This is my sys.txt on the HD2. Copied and cut together from various sources. Everything works fine, except, only when I try to change the voice, it crashes. But TCM and everything else is functioning. I am also runing the whole world map incl Europe hnr green routing and dem, bulding, +++. I have the loquendo and nuance files for voice anstalled with several voices, and can hear them, but as soon as that happens, crash. I will work and try to find a solution. But help is needed.
It seem's to me that this now is clear, HyperGPS is NOT functioning.
Until it is, this tread will remain as iz. And the sys.txt as in this first post will only be here as an example for future work, when HyperGPS is functioning, let's hope the guys at the HyperGPS tread make some progress on that!
Check it out!
And please come with suggestions!
I will try to edit it where it's possible.
Here are the sys.txt:
type="HTC HD2"
sdcardpath="\Storage Card\Primo" ; change as necessary
has_secondary_root=0 ; do not search for other igo8 distributions
; default_latitude="XX.3737921"
; default_longitude="XX.9059051"
read_total_timeout=50 ;(100)
read_buffer_size=256 ;(128)
; discard_dop_level=49.0 ;?
min_distance_timestamp=3000 ;(20000)
;background_navigation=1 ;(0)
store_demo=0 ;getsysentry
show_musicplayer=1 ;getsysentry
show_pictureviewer=1 ;getsysentry
;lmg_all_days=1 ;getsysentry
shutdown_time=30 ;getsysentry > fixed in 22jul2010 version
show_minimize=1 ;getsysentry
show_exit=1 ;getsysentry
start_navigation_time=10 ;(5) GetSysEntry
show_tutorial=1 ;getsysentry
small_build=1 ;getsysentry
extra_settings=1 ;getsysentry (0)
;start_state="st_MainMenu" ;getsysentry
vfont_enabled=0 ;.vfont files
font_quality=normal ;normal lcd lcd_v light mono
align_style=ascender ;ascender full capheight legacy
enable_stateanim=0 ;0
uieffect_enabled=1 ;1
;show_bugreport=1 ;0
;bugreport_audio=0 ;0
unreachable_viapoint_as_target=1 ;0
max_distance_for_route_to_poi=3000 ;0x2700 (2000)
;screen_snap_distance=20 ;20
;mapfontscale=100 ;100 set to 130 in skincfg.ini
;mapfontscale2d= ;
;mapfontscale3d= ;
;mapfontscale3dframed= ;
;highlighted_cityname_first=1 ;0
night_mode_altitude=1 ;0
;make_up_exonym=1 ;1
showexitnum=1 ;1
;builtin_themes= ; skin *.gro *.zip
use_separated_daynight_list=0 ;0
minzoom2d=50 ; (100)
;maxzoom2d=100000 ;calculated
minzoomglobe=100000 ;() 100km 2d zoom before switching to globe view
blendeffect=4 ;4
laneinfo_signpost_enabled=1 ;(1)
show_detailed_posinfo=1 ;0
show_tmc_config=1 ;(0)
show_gps_config=1 ;(0)
show_orientation=1 ;(0)
show_calibration=1 ;(0)
traffic_voice_recalc=1 ;(1)
traffic_voice_trafficjam=1 ;(1)
max_flag_distance_3d = 5000 ;(-1) always show dest flag in 3d
capture_to_jpeg=1 ;(0) else bmp
highlighted_cityname_first=1 ;(0)
use_autohint=1 ;(0)
useminaspect=1 ;(0)
make_up_exonym=0 ;(1)
compass_velocity=20 ;(10)
disable_smooth_anim=1 ;(0)
daymode_until_no_time_sync=1 ;(0)
orientation_lock=0 ;(0)
signpost_nightshading=1 ;(0)
signpost_coloring=1 ;(0)
tmc_event_coloring=1 ;(0)
tmc_traffic_side=1 ;(0)
tmc_show_direction_arrows=1 ;(0)
tunnel_guidance=0 ;(0) 1 causes crash
; carcenter_y=35
label_rendering_order="texts,shields,icons" ;(icons,shields,texts)
building_draw_outline=1 ;(0)
building_maxzoomlevel=500 ;(500)
draw_polygon_contours=0 ;(1)
drop_little_road_segments=1 ;(0)
show_planned_route_arrows=1 ;(1)
road_simplification_level=5 ;(5)
adaptive_2d=1 ;(1)
group_poi_icons=0 ;(1)
max_icons_shown=20 ;(30)
enable_icon_fight=1 ;(0)
use_r1_roadnames_for_r2_if_missing=1 ;(0)
traffic_lights=1 ;(0)
mincarsize=80 ;()
maxcarsize=150 ;()
min2dplannedroutewidth=5 ;(5)
render_during_animation=1 ;(0)
;loading_screen_text_color=0xFFFFFF ;(0)
;loading_screen_color=0xFFFF ;(0xFFFF)
;### 3d landmark and buildings render distances, see also $skin$\common\clip_planes.ini
building_camera_distance_near=60 ;(100)
building_camera_distance_medium=120 ;(120)
building_camera_distance_far=180 ;(150)
disable_car_normals=1 ; mdl surface normals discard
anti_alias_buildings=0 ;(0)
anti_alias_landmarks=0 ;(0)
anti_alias_shapes=0 ;(0)
landmark_min_brightness=300 ;(700)
max_pois=60 ;(97)
max_pois_on_horizont=12 ;(17)
use_all_building_textures=0 ;(1)
render_buildings_as_shapes=0 ;(0) buildinds (3dc) flat on the ground
roads_as_line_stripes=1 ;(1)
reduce_line_stripes=1 ;(0)
asymmetric_projection=0 ;(0)
planned_route_visible_behind_mountains=0 ;(1)
;planned_route_track_width=8 ;(10)
;planned_route_track_contour_width=1 ;(2)
;planned_route_contour_width=2 ;(4)
car_antialias_mode=edgeblur ;(supersample) edgeblur
fade_around_cursor=1 ; when click on map buildings fade
fade_distance_for_car=40 ;(20)
fade_overlap_tolerance=50 ;(32)
fade_distance_for_guidance_arrow=50 ;(50)
tmcroadthickness="0.5" ;(0)
;plannedroutethickness="0.2" ;(0)
;guidancestrip_thickness="0.2" ;(?)
;elevate_guidance_strip=1 ;(1)
;guidancestrip_elevation=0.1 ;(0.1?)
min_camera_height=20 ;(0)
;global_ambient=0x7AE147AE ;(0x7AE147AE)
;poi_min_lod=12 ;(11)
;use_vertex_color_triangles=1 ;(1)
cell_road_density=300 ;(400)
;road_polytrack_switch_pixelwidth=10 ;(12)
minimum_flag_distance=5000 ;(50000)
min_task_processing = 5
;are the bubbles only active in navigation mode (0) or also in drag mode(1)
;roadsign_frame_space_size=4 ;(4)
;roadsign_font_size=12 ;(0)
disable_roadsign_navigation_mode=0 ;(0)
navi_mode_roadsign_dist_limit=800 ;(0)
navi_mode_roadsign_zoomdist_limit=1500 ;(1500)
;roadsign_max_refresh_time=400 ;(400)
;rotated_roadsigns=1 ;(1)
;hide_tmc_on_road=0 ;(0)
;default_label_colors=0 ;(0)
minzoom2d=50 ; (200)
; common settings
; 2D settings
; 3D settings
;### test
;### test
;### test
;close smartzoom
;normal smartzoom
;far smartzoom
;close smartzoom - signpost
;normal smartzoom - signpost
;far smartzoom - signpost
enabled=0 ;(1)
centery=20 ;(50)
enabled=0 ;(1)
handle_via_passing_as_destination=0 ;(0)
remove_reached_destination=0 ;(1)
pass_destination_radius=200 ;(0)
pass_destination_distance=50 ;(0)
pass_via_distance=100 ;(0)
show_prev_manuevers=1 ;(0)
show_only_till_next_viapoint=0 ;(0)
show_only_ahead_of_car=1 ;(0)
displayed_warnings="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17" ;(1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)
set_max_bubble_labels=8 ;(5)
3d_scale_carmodel=1 ;(1)
;3dcarsizemulwithfov=0 ;(0)
3dcarsizemin=6000 ;(10000)
3dcarsizemax=18000 ;(28000)
3dcarsizemul=30000 ;(40000)
3d_max_tiltlevel=8000 ;(7800)
3d_default_tiltlevel=7800 ;(7800)
zoomlimitedtilt=0 ;(0)
3d_min_zoomlevel=20 ;(30)
3d_max_zoomlevel=200 ;(600)
3d_max_zfar=64 ; still used?
minimum_3d_zoom_percent=100 ;(100)
tiltfactor=50 ;(150)
zoomfactor=1.05 ;(?)
rotfactor=20 ;(10)
max_road_segment_count=1200 ;(2000)
sieve_mode=1 ;(1)
housenr_corner_offset=0 ;(0)
;poi_iconid_near=1 ;(1)
;poi_iconid_distant=0 ;(0)
;poi_distant_distance=2000 ;(3000)
;speedcam_visibility=2500 ;(2500)
;car2wp_as_route=1 ;(1)
;speedwarn_icon="$speedwarn.spr" ;("$speedwarn.spr") take away the first ; crash!
;tmczoommin=3000 ;(3000)
;tmczoommax=60000 ;(?)
;tmczoommini=30000 ;(30000)
;tmczoomsmall=8000 ;(8000)
;3d_tmc_road_extra_width=0 ;(0)
;auto_nightmode=1 ;(1)
;nightmode_dependent_backlight=1 ;(1)
raster_in_2d=0 ;(1)
raster_in_3d=0 ;(0)
raster_2d_high_quality=1 ;(1)
shapes_in_2d=1 ;(1)
show_oneway=1 ;(1)
auto_set_2d_on_map=0 ;(0)
auto_set_3d_on_cockpit=0 ;(0)
poi_labels=1 ;(1)
;no_road_rotate_speed_min=10 ;(10)
enable_rotated_move=1 ;(0)
;move_zoom_divider=15 ;(15)
enable_move_cursor_on_move=1 ;(0)
;center_animation=1 ;(1)
;3d_snap_distance=50 ;(50)
;2d_snap_distance=50 ;(50)
;3d_jump_distance=500 ;(500)
;2d_jump_distance=50000 ;(50000)
;grayscale=0 ;(0)
junction_view_type="NNG" ; used by UI to determine which JV type to use, other options are "NNG_NQ" or "NQ"
waypoint_radius=800 ;(300) waypoint visited if< 300 mtr?
waypoint_radius_multiplicator=1 ;(1)
track_simulation_speed=5 ;(3)
;onlyguidancetime=5 ;(0) skip to secs before next maneuvre
;onlyguidancedist=500 ;(100) when simulate skip to distance before next maneuvre
autoreplan_action=AUTO ;(AUTO)
pedestrian_pos_filter_enabled=1 ;(1)
slowspeed_time=5 ;(5)
slowspeed_limit=5 ;(5)
show_city_in_next_street=1 ;(1)
show_city_in_next_street_distance=1000 ;(1000)
junction_view_at_maneuver=1 ;(1)
junction_view_on_highways_only=1 ;(1)
junction_view_distance=150 ;(200)
junction_view_distance_ramp=300 ;(400)
junction_view_distance_highway=400 ;(800)
simple_crossborder_warning=0 ;(0)
crossborder_warning=real ;(off) simple real smart
turn_direction_ding=1 ;(0) config/turndir.csv
max_exit_number=9 ;(9)
use_multi_poi_icon=0 ;(1)
;### poi_grouping_disctance etc in mapstates.ini
userpoi_has_mypoi=1 ;(0)
use_lastknowngps=1 ;(0)
; Airport, Business, Car_Dealer_Repair, Communication, Community, Finance Leisure
; Medical, Nature, Parking, Petrol_Station, Rent_A_Car, Restaurant, Shopping, Sport
; Tourist_Attractions, Transportation
sort_order="Petrol_Station,Parking,My Poi,Restaurant,Shopping,Accomodation,Medical" ;("Restaurant,Accomodation,Petrol_Station,Parkin g, Medical")
priority="Petrol_Station,Parking,My Poi,Restaurant,Shopping,Accomodation,Medical" ;("Restaurant,Accomodation,Petrol_Station,Parkin g, Medical")
sort_by_config=1 ;(0)
planned_route_weight=0 ;(7) 0 is less nervous recalc
correctness=100 ;88
;speed_profile_weight=100 ;100
;fixed_correctness=1 ;?
slow_car_speed=60 ;(80) eta, route time calc?
slow_car_multiplactor=80 ;(80)
fast_car_speed=100 ;(130)
fast_car_multiplactor=100 ;(100)
motorcycle_speed=120 ;(130)
motorcycle_multiplactor=100 ;(100)
offroad_speed=20 ;(30)
continue_with_ferry=1 ;(0)
handle_freeway_as_highway=1 ;(0)
allow_offroad_waypoints=1 ;(0)
permit_penalty=1000 ;(0)see [truck]
charge_penalty=1000 ;(0)
toll_penalty=0 ;(0)
bridge_penalty=100 ;(0) in meters?
tunnel_penalty=200 ;(0)
low_speed_zone_penalty=100 ;(0)
uturn_penalty=2000 ;(1000)
minimum_hnr_distance_km=100 ;(100) use hnr if trip> 100 km
auto_enable_crossborder=1 ;(0)
guidance_at_highway_entry=1 ;(0)
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Stoplicht Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Stoplicht Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert betaalde zone!"
activated_speech="U nadert geveerlijk punt!"
speedcam_enabled=1 ;(0)
speedcam_visualtype=1 ;(1)
speedcam_soundtype=1 ;(1) 1=warn if overspeed 2=approach
speedcam_soundtype_4=2 ;
speedcam_warning=1 ;(0)
speak_tts_only=0 ; (1)
speedwarn_alt_builtup_based=1 ;(0)
speedwarn_alt_limit=1 ;(0)
speedwarn_alt_tolerance=110 ;(100)
speedwarn_alt_toltype=1 ;(0) alternative tolerance type
speedwarn_tolerance=110 ;(100)
speedwarn_toltype=1 ;(0) absolute or percentage
;speedcam sounds (tts and non tts] are in data.ziproject_config\igo9.ini [speedcam_category:X]
max_display_count=3 ;(3)
show_timeout=10 ;(3)
show_vehicle_pictograms=1 ;(1)
preactivate_distance=100 ;(100)
;truck_policy=0 ;(0)
warn_method=2 ;(2)
cityhistory_size=1000 ;(300)
max_smart_items=4 ;getsysentry
show=1 ;(0)
;ding=0 ;no annoying announcement ding
maneuver_chimes=0 ;no annoying announcement ding
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Stoplicht Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert Stoplicht Flitser!"
activated_speech="U nadert betaalde zone!"
activated_speech="U nadert geveerlijk punt!"
discard_state_timeout=60000 ;(30000) 60 secs
max_position_distance=800 ;(300)
min_gps_precision=50 ;(0) gps.accuracy
max_gps_precision=100 ;(0) gps.accuracy
;min_discard_prob= 0.0 ;(????)
min_distance_for_move_at_low_speed=50 ;(20)
max_speed_for_stop=2 ;(0)
min_distance_for_switch_off_stopping=50 ;(100)
min_speed_for_release_stopping_off=5 ;(10)
offroad_handling=1 ;(0)
debug_offroad_alert=0 ;(0)
disable_heading=0 ;(0)
automatic_direction_conversion=1 ;(1)
tts_buffer=32786 ;(10240=10k) 32786=32k
always_say_road_names=3 ;(0) 1 or 2 or 3
skip_exit_numbers=2 ; 0, 1 or 2
announce_exit_directions=1 ;(0)
fmtx_enabled=0 ;needs proper nnghal.dll
enable_flow_icons=1 ;(0) need $traffic_speed.spr
enable_flow_events=1 ;(0) haven't seen any flowing
flow_stripe_blinking_time=1000 ;(0) in msecs
show_all_provider_list=1 ;(0)
near_provider_distance_km=100 ;(30)
auto_band_search_up=0 ;(0)
load_default_traffic_settings=1 ;config/tmcsettings.ini
detour_spare_time_threshold=900 ; detour if 15 minutes lost due to traffic
vtr=519 ;default truck VTR
;### other settings
;hazmatflags=5 ;Hazardous Materials 0-6
;use=1 ;(?)
;weight="10000" ;(?)
;weightperaxle="2000" ;(-1)
;loadtype="-1" ;(-1)
;maxspeed="90" ;(?)
;length="15" ;(?)
;width="3.5" ;(?)
;height="4.5" ;(?)
;max_restriction_level="2" ;(0)
;hazmatflags="5" ;Hazardous Materials 0-6
;### see also [route] permit_penalty=2000
;skip_suspend_process_all=1 ;getsysentry
powermgm_state=0 ;(1)
;### this creates detailed running logfile for tts etc
;log_1="\Storage Card\igo8_primo\_debug.log::5"
disablesmartdetour=0 ;getsysentry
tmc_provider_list_plus=1 ;getsysentry
skindebug=0 ;getsysentry
showsuspendmessage=0 ;getsysentry "Back from Suspend"
usenightmode_tunel=1 ;getsysentry
petza_enabled=0 ; somethings with recording/debug?
show_battery_percent=1 ; battery level text below bat icon
experimental_features=0 ; extra settings in extra menu
;leak_check=1 ;looks like primo leaks
skip_platformlock=1 ;(0) hmmm...
skip_wce6_deviceid=1 ;(0) hmmm...
tmc_all_stations=1 ;(0)
hnr=1 ;(1) use hnr, see [route] minimum_hnr_distance_km
skip_eula=1 ;skip end user lic aggr
;show_frc=0 ;0
smart_2d=1 ;0
earth=1 ;0
show_junction_view=1 ;0 see config\junctionviewXXX.ini
show_oneway=1 ;0
show_oneway_3d=1 ;0
show_poi_areas=1 ;(0)
show_poi_boundingrects=1 ;(0)
;render_without_focus=0 ;(0)
; TTS settings
tts_min_ready_wav=1 ;(0)
tts_getaway_time=400 ;(0)
tts_expected_engine_delay=1200 ;(0)
reserve_memory=2097152 ;(0) default 4Mb, don't use less that 1Mb (1mb=1048576 2mb=2097152 3mb=3145728)
;memory_low_bound=1048576 ;(0) bits? kb?
monkeytest_highspeedsun=0 ;(0)
;fov=48 ;(45) affects angle/zoom bigger makes 3d car smaller
; exclude_directories="PICTURE::%SDCARD%/,PICTURE::%myflashdisk%/"
; include_directories="PICTURE::%SDCARD%/Pictures/"
demo_enabled=0 ;1 No demo button in navigate
Thats it. Enjoy.
PS. My data.zip http://www.divshare.com/download/12684934-ed4
also you need a propper nnghal.dll!

could you please confirm that you got TMC running on the HD2? With the built in FM-Radio? How did you do that?
Thanks for your help,

Thank you!!!!
One question though. What do you mean that TMC is working? I thought that HD2 gps driver does not support TMC. Right??

I also have this question as HyperGps is not (and probably will never) working with HD2; maybe this "module" ?

HyperGps is working!
horusgod said:
I also have this question as HyperGps is not (and probably will never) working with HD2; maybe this "module" ?
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Yes and no, use the mod in mine if you use it on the hd2 with HyperGps.
I think you have to have this lines:
fmtx_enabled=0 ;needs proper nnghal.dll and i am not sure how I got mine.
; enable_flow_icons=1 ;(0) need $traffic_speed.spr
enable_flow_events=1 ;(0) haven't seen any flowing
flow_stripe_blinking_time=1000 ;(0) in msecs
show_all_provider_list=1 ;(0)
near_provider_distance_km=100 ;(30)
auto_band_search_up=0 ;(0)
load_default_traffic_settings=1 ;config/tmcsettings.ini
detour_spare_time_threshold=900 ; detour if 15 minutes lost due to traffic
HyperGps is working on my HD2! I remember, it won't work if you don't have the earplugs conected(signal). And you have to activate HyperGps before runing iGO!
I wish i cuold show you a picture of my start screen on the hd2 when igo starts.
I can choose many free and some paid tcm providers from the list.
Then it's scaning the signal.

HyperGPS working? This is interesting as in the HyperGPS Thread here at the Dev's it is clearly said that HD2 does not work with HyperGPS.
Did you do any modifications?

ScRePt said:
Thank you!!!!
One question though. What do you mean that TMC is working? I thought that HD2 gps driver does not support TMC. Right??
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Wrong, the gps driver and the tmc does not have anything in common, the tmc is depending on the fm radio driver not the gps driver! Thats why you have to use HyperGps!
Thats how i see it.
Hope this make sense to you.
Please correct me if I'm wrong!

smack said:
HyperGPS working? This is interesting as in the HyperGPS Thread here at the Dev's it is clearly said that HD2 does not work with HyperGPS.
Did you do any modifications?
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I did not do any modifications, I searched and found that there is two versions for the HyperGps, and the HyperGPS_WM6_HTC_V1.0 with the beemer_cert shuld be working, just remember the signal, the earplugs have to be in! Without it, no signal!
Now I would have to take a drive to my neighbor country's to test it out, couse the tmc servise in norway have not shown me any thing yet, but it seems to be working, it sure shows the providers, and the scaning.
Correct me if I'm wrong, or if this is confirmed not working from testing it other places. It sure seems as it is Ok.

i already tested this thing with primo 1.0, time ago.. you will not receive any events, because the rds tmc it's not working on HD2 - does not exist a compatible driver for it

Why do you "wish to show us a picture of when igo starts" ???
Take a video of the screen with a friend's cell phone.
I would love to see the TMC scan results that you claim you see. My scan does not return any results.

I keep getting a "Fatal error in main thread ". Same setup as yours and i used your data.zip as well to no avail. Might this be related to the nnghal.dll you mentioned earlier? I have gone mad over this the past week. Can you pls help or i should give it up and stick to igo 8.
Thanks anyways,

karapialis said:
I keep getting a "Fatal error in main thread ". Same setup as yours and i used your data.zip as well to no avail. Might this be related to the nnghal.dll you mentioned earlier? I have gone mad over this the past week. Can you pls help or i should give it up and stick to igo 8.
Thanks anyways,
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Avoid this: the question is if hyper gps is working or not....

private msg sent

The last sys.txt:
After back and forth many times, i am ending up with this:
type="HTC HD2"
sdcardpath="\Storage Card\Primo"
font_quality=normal ;normal lcd lcd_v light mono
align_style=ascender ;ascender full capheight legacy
junction_view_type="NNG" ; used by UI to determine which JV type to use, other options are "NNG_NQ" or "NQ"
waypoint_radius=300 ;waypoint visited if< 300 mtr?
autoreplan_action=AUTO ;(AUTO)
crossborder_warning=real ;(off) simple real smart
planned_route_weight=0 ;(7) 0 is less nervous recalc
speedcam_soundtype=1 ; 1=warn if overspeed 2=approach
speedcam_warning=1 speak_tts_only=0
always_say_road_names=3 ;(0) 1 or 2 or 3
skip_exit_numbers=2 ; 0, 1 or 2

Sorry, I seem to be a little dumb. Does this mean, that you are getting a working gps/tmc with this sys.txt in combination with hypergps?
Best regards

I can tell you, that there is no way recieving tmc with the htc hd2.
Search the forums here, the work is in it's early steps and hyperGPS is NOT supporting HD2.

End of discusion!
StePPB said:
I can tell you, that there is no way recieving tmc with the htc hd2.
Search the forums here, the work is in it's early steps and hyperGPS is NOT supporting HD2.
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It seem's to me that this now is clear, HyperGPS is NOT functioning.
Until it is, this tread will remain as iz. And the sys.txt as in the first post will only be here as an example for future work, when HyperGPS is functioning, let's hope the guys at the HyperGPS tread make some progress on that!

The hyper gps dont funcion on hd2.dont try it. and here i leave you an primo for your device ready to put in your hd2. is preparated for spanish guys but is enaf to put in your language and voice .sorry my bad english.
Mod Edit: please don't post warez.

Hi Guys!
Thank you for your work and that you shared with us
I installed it on my HD2, it works (somehow-i mean it is starting, connecting to the sattelits etc.), but if i try to go to Find->Find Address i can select the Country, but when i try to select Settlement there is no keyboard available and it stops responding. Do you have any clue?

keyboard not showing up
yeah, I have the same problem with the keyboard - not showing in Find/Address, and the program freezing, on my TMOUS (although my Primo version is
what can I do ?


iGO 8 on Universal - some tips - updated

Here are some tips for running iGO 8 on a Universal. I have been fiddling with it for a long time, now it runs just fine.
Here's my setup:
- Remove all items on your today screen (no plugins).
- Set the theme to Windows default (= blue theme), not Windows Mobile 6.1 (consumes a lot of memory).
- Using Schap's advanced config I have set file system cache to 512 KB instead of 'Auto'.
- I'm using Tomal's TOM version 7.7 which gives me 26,7 MB free RAM with all my programs installed (about 28 MB without extra programs though).
- Switch off wifi.
- Switch off the phone (I'm not using my Universal as a phone).
- Right before I need iGO 8 I soft reset the device.
- I'm starting iGO 8 using the right soft key. If you start iGO using the start menu, a bit of memory is used because of cached icons etcetera. See below for more info.
- Currently running iGO v8.0.0.41506.
- iGO 8 is set to show 3D terrain (terrain details on average, not high which is a bit slow); 3D buildings switched off.
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
Automatic bluetooth on and run iGO 8 script
For convenience I have created a small Mort script which switches bluetooth on and starts iGO 8 next. As soon as iGO is stopped, bluetooth is switched off again.
You need to install VJvolubilis and Mortscript.
Contents of script:
------ BEGINNING OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ---------
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueon.lnk"
RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueoff.lnk"
------ END OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ----------------
Create two shortcuts in \Storage Card\iGO8:
VJblueon.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueon
VJblueoff.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueoff
Somehow running VJVolubilis.exe directly in the script does not work, that's why I'm using the shortcuts.
If you want to program a softkey:
- install KeySwop.cab
- create a shortcut "startstop" in \Program Files\iGO8\ to \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr.
- run keyswop and program one of the softkeys to run \Program Files\iGO8\startstop
I hope this helpful for someone.
Thanks man, useful guide I'll test it and report it soon as I can
More tilted view
If you want a more tilted view (like TomTom), add this to
\Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
Please note: all settings should be added to \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT, not the file on your storage card.
Thanks "Insert Coin", it is now working great on my Uni. Before the road kept disappearing before my eyes!!
I'm using pdafun's Google Navigator with my Uni.
Anybody knows is there any map of Bangladesh available for iGO8?
FYI: I have been on vacation in the UK and have used iGO 8 on my Universal every day; travelled for more than 2000 km without problems, using the setup described above. No "out of memory" messages, no hangups whatsoever, no roads "disappearing" on the map. Very good software!
fatal error...
I have a strange problem. I have used IGO8 for a few months and suddendly it didn't work anymore. First I got the message that it was out of memory. Then I reinstalled it after several tries to let IGO8 work again, and now I get the message:
fatal error occured in main thread.
Address: 0x001ec3dc Exception: 0xc0000005
Is there somebody who know what this means and can help me?
This is awsome
I own you man. I was trying to make it work on my ****ty eten m800 with only 64mb memory. You rock. Although i did some change. Instead of 1500000 i did 2500000. Result, i can minimise the aplication and work without any problem
thanks brother
Hi, thanks for the app.
It works perfect on my old ipaq H4150 running WM2003. I tried to install it on my Ipaq 614c WM6.0 with build in GPS, it running very slow, when i tried to search for GPS, sometime it detected then it says "GPS is disconnected" or it freeze on me.
Please help, i really like this software.
Thanks in advance
I have a 128MB Uni.
IGO works perfekt with Standardskin, Ultra 5.0.
Only I use dimka (since 1.31) or byte Skin it is crash.
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 24 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 22 MB, 962 KB, 129 B
GarbageSize: 20 MB, 649 KB, 484 B
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 19 MB, 849 KB, 495 B
GarbageSize: 17 MB, 754 KB, 924 B
Befor the start I have 84MB (+- 3MB) free. When I drive 13MB free. An then when igo recalculate the route - Fatal Error
Have averyone an idea?????????????????????
Yes, does it chrashes with the original skin? No, then stay away from all those custom skins!
I have Igo8 running on a 128mb Qtek9000 with WM6, just returned from a 3week trip trough the States, did around 5700KM with IGO8. Did not crashed once! I run the standard version, the latest official one...
Sorry if this is not the answer your looking for!
I only have 64MB Uni, and iGo8 is working fine for me. But I don't have any 'bling' on my phone.
IGO8.0.0.54000 on Jasjar 64Mb and WM5
Hi all,
Just to let you know that this config is working well, thanks to the sys.txt as mentioned in this thread. My Jasjar has lots of "bling", and so far all looks well. I just installed it as a possible alternative for Igo 2006.
One question however: the default install from puts a directory on the main memory, where among other things the sys.txt is located. But the majority of the files are installed on the SD. I copied the latest update (igo8.exe + data.cab) on the SD. Launching the new IGO8.exe from the SD works fine. I didn't want to copy it to the main mem, because it is a LARGE file, 5 Mb. But this also means that I do not have a link in my program folder.
Any suggestions in how to fix this?
create a shortcut of the .exe and place it into the windows\start menu\programs directory
IGO8 on Jasjar
Hi Akpidis. Was was looking for a way to do this. Just figured it out ;-). Thx
Insert Coin said:
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. I will try these settings on my RoadMate 1200 and see it they can cure the out of memory errors I'm getting.
reboot script to start navigator
Here's my mort script if anyone's interested.
It will basically turn of my today items, turn on bluetooth, remove startup files, reboot Uni and then start navigator. When you've finished, running it again will put everything back!
You will need to tailor it to your own needs (i.e., which navigators you run, and which today items you have). Anyway, thought it may be a start...
# switch between Navigator and today items
# decide what to do (check for my startup file)
navon= FileExists( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
If( navon )
If( Question( "Restore Today Items and Reboot?", "Reboot to Normal", "OkCancel" ) <> YES )
# switch off BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueoff")
# restore startup files
Delete( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
Move( "\Storage Card\iGobak\*", SystemPath("Startup"), TRUE )
RmDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
# check which navigator to use
iNav= Choice( "Navigator Reboot", \
"Choose Navigator", 0, 0, "iGo Nav N Go 8","Route 66 Navigate 7" )
if( iNav = 0 )
# switch on BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueon")
# move startup files to backup folder (changing reg entry doesn't work!)
MkDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
Move( SystemPath("Startup") & "\*", "\Storage Card\iGobak", TRUE )
# create startup for navigator
Switch( iNav)
Case( 1 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "43#""\Storage Card\Program Files\iGO8\iGO8.exe""" )
Case( 2 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "52#""\Storage Card\Program Files\ROUTE 66\ROUTE66N7.exe""" )
# enable/disable today items
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Messaging""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Tasks""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""TodayAgenda""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\WeatherBug Direct", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Wireless""", "Enabled", navon )
# reboot
Sweet! Very well done.
Question: does anyone experience the same problem as I do that iGO 8.3.79297 (or older 8.3 releases) does not completely close after quitting iGO?
igo8.exe keeps running and I have to kill the process within 10 seconds or my Uni is stuck. I'm using a kill-script to do this, but it's a bit weird I have to do this all the time when I quit navigating. I have tried a lot of sys.txt settings, but with no luck so far.
re: iGO does not completely close after quitting
I have with no problems.
Perhaps it's because mort's running? (RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe)
Or have you tried it without mort?
No, it's not related to MortScript. If I start iGo 8.3 directly, without a script, it remains in memory also after quitting iGo.

VPNC to FritzBox works!!!!

YES with this patched vpnc you can connect from a rooted desire (or any other android device) to your AVM fritzbox with the original firmware. The included vpnc-script will help to fix the routing problems.
You need a rooted Android device with an tun.ko module
First setup your fritzbox like the iphone setup which is described at the avm portal (google-> "avm iphone vpn")
Install signed-FritzBox.apk to your phone.
Setup now your vpnc-gui and be happy.
Some detailed infos how to connect the Fritzbox with IPSEC via VPNC:
1.) you must use a IKE_ATTRIB_LIFE_DURATION = 3600 (seconds)
2.) you must use draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03
the original vpnc uses a IKE_ATTRIB_LIFE_DURATION with 2147483 (seconds) and only uses draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00 -> 02.
I change the timing to 3600 (seconds) and change the transformset 02 to 03.
Timing -> find in vpnc 000020C49B and change it to 0000000E10 (2x)
Transformset -> find in vpnc CD60464335DF21F87CFDB2FC68B6A448 and change it to 7D9419A65310CA6F2C179D9215529D56 (1x)
By the way these patch will help any vpnc user on every linux (i tested this with ubuntu and it works perfect)
update 20.12.2010
New APK to install on a rooted Android device. After installing you can connet via IPSEC VPN to a cisco device and to the FritzBox with the latest Firmware without modifying the FritzBox
For all who wants to use the FritzPhone App to make phonecalls via vpnc this will not work because the app did not use the 3G interface (only wlan). Download the app "3cx" from the market and in the setup menu "integration" you will find "Enable 3G", thats all.
Hi there!
Really nice one but I'm getting a forced closed when I push the connect button.
I'm using a SE X10 with android 2.1.........
Sometimes I hate my phone.......
Merry Christmas.
Is your Device rooted and had the vpnc the exec permissions ?
Please install "Quick System Info" and check the loginfos via the Logcat.
Maybe in your Kernel the tun.ko is missing.
Thanks for the signed-FritzBox.apk. I finally got it running on my Samsung I9000 Froyo XXJPU and Fritzbox 7390
First I had also the FC because the tun.ko was missing. Now it works but but I have to load the kernel module every reboot in the konsole with insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
I edited the file /init.rc with the line insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko but every reboot a "recovery" init.rc is loaded without my insmod line. There was also the tip to copy the tun.ko into /lib/modules/tun.ko but the tun.ko gets deleted after every reboot.
Kind regards
Thanks for your work and time for this patched Version.
For my understanding:
IPSec ID is what ? My e-Mailadress from the FritzboxConfig ?
IPSec Secret is the Passphrase ?
Is this correct ?
IPSec ID: Yes, your e-Mailadress from the FritzboxConfig (it is the entry "user_fqdn" which you have to replace with "key_id" in the config.
IPSec Secret: Is the Passphrase (also named Pre-Shared Key or just "key") in the Fritzbox Configs.
Perfect! It works with the correct tun.ko
Thanks @all and mp1405 for this patched Version.
my fritzbox said The import of the VPN-Settings faild.
And I did it twice exactly with the iphone settings.
anyone else with that kind of problem?
I'm using Fritzbox 7270 fon with the latest firmware.
have the same problem with 7270, every cfg that is "toucht" with any editor. dosnt work.
Im kontakted the avm support and wait to the answer.
PS. Sorry for my bad english
Thanks for the apk and the howto,
I've done everything as described, but I get always following (log) message :
D/VPN_Connections( 5436): process stderr: no response from target
Hi Sky, where You have found the right tun.ko?
Thanks for a hint.
I got the tun.ko from:
Best regards
Kernel hardcore k12h-500hz #2
Fritzbox 7270
Thanks for the apk and the howto,
but still a little trouble.
The Fritzbox cfg is changed according to ipfone config from AVM.
The VPN Connections says connected.
The Fritzbox says Status green, I have an internet IP, I see my asigned IP, but for the local net I get From there I do not get into my local network. When ever I try to change the Fritzbox cfg to
phase2localid {
ipnet {
ipaddr =;
mask =;
phase2remoteid {
ipaddr =;
phase2ss = "esp-all-all/ah-none/comp-all/no-pfs";
accesslist =
"permit ip";
like my Notebook runs fine on the tunel, the connection failed.
Any idea?
VPN dont work via GSM/UMTS connection
need help my VPN dont work via GSM/UMTS connection.
My configuration:
FritzBox 7170 with Firmware-Version 29.04.86-18946 (Laborversion)
and VPN configuerd as IPhone.
Dynamic DNS is aktiv and ready.
Handy HTC Desire with LeeDriod v2.03c
VPNC from mp1405 singned-myVPNC.apk
now if I'm connected via WLAN to my FritzBox I have a VPN connection,
but via GSM or UMTS I get no connection - why?
Thanks for your great work! My 7270 shows connection established.
However there seems to be a problem with your vpnc-script. I'm getting a
Device "default via <UMTS-IP> dev rmnet0 " does not exist.
Error: either "to" is duplicate, or "hoplimit" is a garbage.
backing up dns settings
vpnc-script ran to completion
on the console. Maybe I can further look into it tonight.
#Running Leedroid2.3a
mp1405 said:
update 20.12.2010
New APK to install on a rooted Android device. After installing you can connet via IPSEC VPN to a cisco device and to the FritzBox with the latest Firmware without modifying the FritzBox
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So, do you mean that i need only to install the attached signed-myVPNC.apk and i can connect to my fritz without doing the iphone patching procedure on the fritz side? or i need to do it anyway?
does this apk work with gingerbread too?
i imported the modified vpn config to my fritz, installed the signed VPN Connect.apk and set up the account, and tried to connect, it says connected on both Android and my fritz, but i cannot connect to addresses inside my fritz.
the build of android i use (NexusHD2 - Gingerbread 2.2) seems to have a tun.so file, so i don't need to import it, right?
what else can i do ??
mp1405 said:
For all who wants to use the FritzPhone App to make phonecalls via vpnc this will not work because the app did not use the 3G interface (only wlan). Download the app "3cx" from the market and in the setup menu "integration" you will find "Enable 3G", thats all.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you for this. The last thing that I will not get to work is to connect with Firtz!box fon to the box accross 3g
I have downloaded the 3cx an enabled "Enable 3g" without any other settings in the profile. But in fritz!box fon there the "not connected" is remaining. Any other hints?
Android "DHD Leedroid 2.2.2"
FritzBox "7270 Firmware 54.04.88"
I am running a HD2 with the latest CM7 ROM and I have a FritzBox 3270 with the latest firmware.
Thanks to this I can finally establish a VPN connection with my phone.
not work for me
Fritzbox config:
vpncfg {
connections {
enabled = yes;
conn_type = conntype_user;
name = "my mail";
always_renew = no;
reject_not_encrypted = no;
dont_filter_netbios = yes;
localip =;
local_virtualip =;
remoteip =;
remote_virtualip =;
remoteid {
key_id = "my mail";
mode = phase1_mode_aggressive;
phase1ss = "all/all/all";
keytype = connkeytype_pre_shared;
key = "my key";
cert_do_server_auth = no;
use_nat_t = yes;
use_xauth = yes;
use_cfgmode = no;
xauth {
valid = yes;
username = "my login";
passwd = "mypass";
phase2localid {
ipnet {
ipaddr =;
mask =;
phase2remoteid {
ipaddr =;
phase2ss = "esp-all-all/ah-none/comp-all/pfs";
accesslist =
"permit ip";
ike_forward_rules = "udp",
// EOF
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And log from android (MIUI):
pre-init phase...
connect phase...
vpnc-script ran to completion
quick mode response rejected: (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID)(9)
this means the concentrator did not like what we had to offer.
Possible reasons are:
* concentrator configured to require a firewall
this locks out even Cisco clients on any platform expect windows
which is an obvious security improvment. There is no workaround (yet).
* concentrator configured to require IP compression
this is not yet supported by vpnc.
Note: the Cisco Concentrator Documentation recommends against using
compression, expect on low-bandwith (read: ISDN) links, because it
uses much CPU-resources on the concentrator
vpnc version 0.5.3-mjm1-140M
S1 init_sockaddr
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S2 make_socket
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S3 setup_tunnel
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
using interface tun0
S4 do_phase1_am
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S4.1 create_nonce
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S4.2 dh setup
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S4.3 AM packet_1
[2011-07-29 21:05:48]
S4.4 AM_packet2
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
(Nat-T 03)
got ike lifetime attributes: 3600 seconds
IKE SA selected psk+xauth-aes256-sha1
ignoring that peer is DPD capable (RFC3706)
peer is NAT-T capable (draft-03)
peer is using type 130 (ISAKMP_PAYLOAD_NAT_D_OLD) for NAT-Discovery payloads
peer is using type 130 (ISAKMP_PAYLOAD_NAT_D_OLD) for NAT-Discovery payloads
peer is using type 130 (ISAKMP_PAYLOAD_NAT_D_OLD) for NAT-Discovery payloads
peer is using type 130 (ISAKMP_PAYLOAD_NAT_D_OLD) for NAT-Discovery payloads
S4.5 AM_packet3
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
NAT status: this end behind NAT? YES -- remote end behind NAT? YES
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
S4.6 cleanup
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5 do_phase2_xauth
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.1 xauth_start
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.2 notice_check
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.3 type-is-xauth check
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.4 xauth type check
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.5 do xauth authentication
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
S5.2 notice_check
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.3 type-is-xauth check
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S5.6 process xauth response
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
S5.7 xauth done
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S6 do_phase2_config
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
S6.1 phase2_config send modecfg
[2011-07-29 21:05:49]
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
S6.2 phase2_config receive modecfg
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
got save password setting: 0
got address
S7 setup_link (phase 2 + main_loop)
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
S7.0 run interface setup script
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
S7.1 QM_packet1
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
S7.2 QM_packet2 send_receive
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
S7.3 QM_packet2 validate type
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
S7.4 process and skip lifetime notice
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
S7.5 QM_packet2 check reject offer
[2011-07-29 21:05:50]
---!!!!!!!!! entering phase2_fatal !!!!!!!!!---
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
NAT-T mode, adding non-esp marker
disconnect phase...
ip: can't find device 'tun0'
ip: an inet prefix is expected rather than ""
ip: RTNETLINK answers: No such process
DNS not restored (no active default gateway)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please help me. What I should do ?
If this helps the developers to keep the stuff up to date, here's the Handshake from a fritzbox 7240 v. Firmware-Version 73.05.05 with default vpn config:
~$ ike-scan -v -s 0 --aggressive --id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx fritz.box
DEBUG: pkt len=380 bytes, bandwidth=56000 bps, int=58285 us
Starting ike-scan 1.9 with 1 hosts (http://www.nta-monitor.com/tools/ike-scan/)
x.x.x.x Aggressive Mode Handshake returned
SA=(Enc=3DES Hash=SHA1
Auth=PSK Group=2:modp1024
LifeType=Seconds LifeDuration=28800)
KeyExchange(128 bytes)
Nonce(16 bytes)
ID(Type=ID_IPV4_ADDR, Value=xxxxxxxx)
Hash(20 bytes)
Notification=(Type=RESPONDER-LIFETIME, SPI=741b17c61bce146aa79e96b1e2acf788,
VID=09002689dfd6b712 (XAUTH)
(Dead Peer Detection v1.0)
Ending ike-scan 1.9: 1 hosts scanned in 0.269 seconds (3.72 hosts/sec). 1 returned handshake; 0 returned notify
The fritzbox only answers aggressive mode, this may be the reason for faulting android vpn client, see android system logs...
Get osmonitor app exported logcat log (no permissions over sshfs):
$ scp htc:/mnt/sdcard/log1 .
grep it for ipsec vpn racoon:
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) ipsec-tools 0.7.3 (http://ipsec-tools.sf.net)
08/03/2011 17:01:44 [INFORMATION] ActivityManager(118) Displayed com.android.settings/.vpn.VpnSettings: +312ms
08/03/2011 17:01:57 [DEBUG] com.android.settings.vpn.AuthenticationActor(3067) ~~~~~~ connect() succeeded!
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.getIp(VpnService.java:108)
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.onConnect(VpnService.java:135)
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnServiceBinder$2.run(VpnServiceBinder.java:117)
08/03/2011 17:01:58 [INFORMATION] ipd(77) IP CMD: /system/bin/ip ru del from all to all table vpn prio 2500
08/03/2011 17:02:06 [INFORMATION] ActivityManager(118) Displayed com.android.settings/.vpn.VpnEditor: +479ms
08/03/2011 17:03:39 [INFORMATION] ActivityManager(118) Displayed com.android.settings/.vpn.VpnSettings: +328ms
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] com.android.settings.vpn.AuthenticationActor(3067) ~~~~~~ connect() succeeded!
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.waitUntilConnectedOrTimedout(VpnService.java:210)
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.onConnect(VpnService.java:139)
at com.android.server.vpn.VpnServiceBinder$2.run(VpnServiceBinder.java:117)
08/03/2011 17:04:35 [INFORMATION] ipd(77) IP CMD: /system/bin/ip ru del from all to all table vpn prio 2500
08/03/2011 17:01:57 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) Stop VPN daemon: racoon
08/03/2011 17:01:57 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) racoon is stopped after 0 msec
08/03/2011 17:01:57 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) stopping racoon, success? true
08/03/2011 17:01:58 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) Stop VPN daemon: racoon
08/03/2011 17:01:58 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) racoon is stopped after 0 msec
08/03/2011 17:01:58 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) stopping racoon, success? true
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) Stop VPN daemon: racoon
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) racoon is stopped after 0 msec
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) stopping racoon, success? true
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) Start VPN daemon: racoon
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) racoon is running after 0 msec
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] racoon(7090) Waiting for control socket
08/03/2011 17:03:49 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) service not yet listen()ing; try again
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [DEBUG] racoon(7090) Received 3 arguments
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) ipsec-tools 0.7.3 (http://ipsec-tools.sf.net)
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090)[500] used as isakmp port (fd=10)
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090)[500] used for NAT-T
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090)[4500] used as isakmp port (fd=11)
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090)[4500] used for NAT-T
08/03/2011 17:03:50 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) got data from control socket: 3
08/03/2011 17:03:52 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) no in-bound policy found:[1701][0] proto=udp dir=in
08/03/2011 17:03:52 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) IPsec-SA request for queued due to no phase1 found.
08/03/2011 17:03:52 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) initiate new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[500]
08/03/2011 17:03:52 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) begin Identity Protection mode.
08/03/2011 17:04:23 [ERROR] racoon(7090) phase2 negotiation failed due to time up waiting for phase1. ESP[0]->[0]
08/03/2011 17:04:23 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) delete phase 2 handler.
08/03/2011 17:04:23 [INFORMATION] racoon(7090) Bye
08/03/2011 17:04:35 [INFORMATION] SProxy_racoon(6207) Stop VPN daemon: racoon
08/03/2011 17:04:35 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) racoon is stopped after 0 msec
08/03/2011 17:04:35 [DEBUG] SProxy_racoon(6207) stopping racoon, success? true
I'm trying to adapt the fritzbox vpn config to match the faulting android 2.3.3 built-in vpn-client's requirements, further logs from other vpn-clients will follow.
The android vpn asks for xauth credentials, trying to configure fritzbox for xauth...
no success,
android racoon still phase 1 waiting timeout, changing fritzbox from agressive to main mode...
no success, still phase1 time out, taking and analyzing wireshark dump from
http://fritz.box//html/capture.html (if ath0 or guest1 etc)
Ok, here's what the android racoon sends to the fritz.box:
$ /usr/sbin/tcpdump -vvv -r fritz-ath0.eth src or dst port 500 or src or dst port l2f
reading from file fritz-ath0.eth, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
00:29:57.082587 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 380)
htc.fritz.box.isakmp > fritz.box.isakmp: [udp sum ok] isakmp 1.0 msgid 00000000 cookie 3958b87fd7c4e0a9->0000000000000000: phase 1 I ident:
(sa: doi=ipsec situation=identity
(p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=6
(t: #1 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #2 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #3 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #4 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #5 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #6 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))))
(vid: len=16 4a131c81070358455c5728f20e95452f)
(vid: len=16 cd60464335df21f87cfdb2fc68b6a448)
(vid: len=16 90cb80913ebb696e086381b5ec427b1f)
(vid: len=16 4485152d18b6bbcd0be8a8469579ddcc)
(vid: len=20 4048b7d56ebce88525e7de7f00d6c2d380000000)
00:30:07.104380 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 380)
htc.fritz.box.isakmp > fritz.box.isakmp: [udp sum ok] isakmp 1.0 msgid 00000000 cookie 3958b87fd7c4e0a9->0000000000000000: phase 1 I ident:
(sa: doi=ipsec situation=identity
(p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=6
(t: #1 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #2 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #3 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #4 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #5 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #6 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))))
(vid: len=16 4a131c81070358455c5728f20e95452f)
(vid: len=16 cd60464335df21f87cfdb2fc68b6a448)
(vid: len=16 90cb80913ebb696e086381b5ec427b1f)
(vid: len=16 4485152d18b6bbcd0be8a8469579ddcc)
(vid: len=20 4048b7d56ebce88525e7de7f00d6c2d380000000)
00:30:17.123829 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 380)
htc.fritz.box.isakmp > fritz.box.isakmp: [udp sum ok] isakmp 1.0 msgid 00000000 cookie 3958b87fd7c4e0a9->0000000000000000: phase 1 I ident:
(sa: doi=ipsec situation=identity
(p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=6
(t: #1 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #2 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #3 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #4 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #5 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #6 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))))
(vid: len=16 4a131c81070358455c5728f20e95452f)
(vid: len=16 cd60464335df21f87cfdb2fc68b6a448)
(vid: len=16 90cb80913ebb696e086381b5ec427b1f)
(vid: len=16 4485152d18b6bbcd0be8a8469579ddcc)
(vid: len=20 4048b7d56ebce88525e7de7f00d6c2d380000000)
00:30:27.145065 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 380)
htc.fritz.box.isakmp > fritz.box.isakmp: [udp sum ok] isakmp 1.0 msgid 00000000 cookie 3958b87fd7c4e0a9->0000000000000000: phase 1 I ident:
(sa: doi=ipsec situation=identity
(p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=6
(t: #1 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #2 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=3des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #3 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #4 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=1des)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #5 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=group desc value=modp1024))
(t: #6 id=ike (type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration value=7080)(type=enc value=aes)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=hash value=md5)(type=group desc value=modp1024))))
(vid: len=16 4a131c81070358455c5728f20e95452f)
(vid: len=16 cd60464335df21f87cfdb2fc68b6a448)
(vid: len=16 90cb80913ebb696e086381b5ec427b1f)
(vid: len=16 4485152d18b6bbcd0be8a8469579ddcc)
(vid: len=20 4048b7d56ebce88525e7de7f00d6c2d380000000)
00:30:29.149902 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 51970, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 97)
htc.fritz.box.51610 > fritz.box.l2f: [udp sum ok] l2tp:[TLS](0/0)Ns=0,Nr=0 *MSGTYPE(SCCRQ) *PROTO_VER(1.0) *HOST_NAME(anonymous) *FRAMING_CAP(AS) *ASSND_TUN_ID(798) *RECV_WIN_SIZE(1)
$ ike-scan -v -s 0 fritz.box
DEBUG: pkt len=336 bytes, bandwidth=56000 bps, int=52000 us
Starting ike-scan 1.9 with 1 hosts (http://www.nta-monitor.com/tools/ike-scan/)
--- Pass 1 of 3 completed
--- Pass 2 of 3 completed
--- Pass 3 of 3 completed
Ending ike-scan 1.9: 1 hosts scanned in 2.445 seconds (0.41 hosts/sec). 0 returned handshake; 0 returned notify
wireshark compatible file is attached.
I've found the allowed ipsec strategies for /bin/avmike in
# find / -name *ipsec*
# find / -name *ike*
# find / -name *vpn*
# avmike -h
illegal option 'h'
usage: avmike avm_ike [options]
-? - print this help
-D STRING - switch debug logs on. (NULL)
-d - debug service. (NOTSET)
-f - run in forground. (NOTSET)
-s - stop daemon. (NOTSET)
-v - verbose. (NOTSET)
-p STRING - Pidfile. ("/var/run/avmike.pid")
-w - [Hit return to continue]. (NOTSET)
-p INTEGER - port to use. (0)
ISAKMP/IPSec negoiation server
Trying to enable debug logs... debug options silently disabled in release build.
Matching fritzbox factory ike config for Android 2.3.3 racoon is phase1ss = "racoon-dh2-aes-sha", but --lifetime=3600 or datatype length or formatting, or wrong other config file settings:
# ike-scan fritz.box -M --retry=1 --trans=7/128,2,1,2 --lifetime=3600
Starting ike-scan 1.9 with 1 hosts (http://www.nta-monitor.com/tools/ike-scan/)
Ending ike-scan 1.9: 1 hosts scanned in 0.532 seconds (1.88 hosts/sec). 0 returned handshake; 0 returned notify
19:37:36.599736 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 116)
tom1.isakmp > fritz.box.isakmp: [udp sum ok] isakmp 1.0 msgid 00000000 cookie 84cdf79f56296b8b->0000000000000000: phase 1 I ident:
(sa: doi=ipsec situation=identity
(p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=1
(t: #1 id=ike (type=enc value=aes)(type=hash value=sha1)(type=auth value=preshared)(type=group desc value=modp1024)(type=keylen value=0080)(type=lifetype value=sec)(type=lifeduration [B]len=4 value=00007080[/B]))))
No answer from avmike, trying Android... no success.
Surely config file mismatch, see http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=161793&p=1672919&viewfull=1#post1672919 and search there under avm for posts containing phase1_mode_idp.
No. Tried to override the /etc/default/ipsec.cfg inline in vpn.cfg and > /var/flash/vpn.cfg but the box does all to prevent any tricks to change the ipsec.cfg, even removing the ipsec part from vpn.cfg when in comments.
Giving up and will remove the proprietary crap avm vpn daemon from the box, install something like freetz with racoon.
For those not able/not want to root their phone here's the solution for fritzbox:
(Mostly german, use google translator)

Navigation crashing

I don't think I've seen anyone else with this issue yet. My Navigation keeps crashing while in use. I'll get the "Navigation is unresponsive" popup and close out. Sometimes if I open Nav right back up it will act like it never actually crashed while other times I have to start the process of where I'm going all over again.
I've used a LogCat reader and from my very limited experience with these logs, it appears as if I'm running out of memory somehow:
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 427): V/locClientIndCb:969]: Indication: msg_id=44 buf_len=7 pCallbackData = 0x2b17c98
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 427): V/locClientGetSizeByEventIndId:1876]: event ind Id 44 size = 8
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 427): V/locClientGetSizeAndTypeByIndId:400]: indId 44 is an event size = 8
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 427): V/isClientRegisteredForEvent:443]: eventId 44 registered mask = 8703, eventMask = 256
07-23 07:26:06.411 I/LocSvc_adapter( 427): I/<--- void globalEventCb(void*, uint32_t, locClientEventIndUnionType, void*) line 84 QMI_LOC_EVENT_FIX_SESSION_STATE_IND_V02
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/LocSvc_adapter( 427): V/void globalEventCb(void*, uint32_t, locClientEventIndUnionType, void*):89] client = 0x2b17c98, event id = 44, client cookie ptr = 0x2c03050
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_adapter( 427): D/void LocApiV02Adapter::eventCb(void*, uint32_t, locClientEventIndUnionType):2100]: event id = 44
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_adapter( 427): D/void LocApiV02Adapter::reportFixSessionState(const qmiLocEventFixSessionStateIndMsgT_v02*):1811]: state = 1
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 427): D/msg_q_snd: Sending message with handle = 0x03085F10
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_utils_ll( 427): D/linked_list_add: Adding to list data_obj = 0x03085F10
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 427): D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0x03085F10
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_utils_ll( 427): D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 427): D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0x03085F10 rv = 0
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/LocSvc_eng( 427): D/void loc_eng_deferred_action_thread(void*):1456] received msg_id = LOC_ENG_MSG_REPORT_STATUS context = 0x2b18730
07-23 07:26:06.411 I/LocSvc_eng( 427): I/<=== status_cb line 886 GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN
07-23 07:26:06.411 V/GpsLocationProvider( 427): reportStatus status: 1
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/QMI_FW ( 427): QCCI: reader_thread: Received 14 bytes from 220
07-23 07:26:06.411 D/QMI_FW ( 427): QCCI: QMI_CCI_RX: cntl_flag - 04, txn_id - 0000, msg_id - 002c, msg_len - 0007
07-23 07:26:06.421 D/GpsLocationProvider( 427): [reportStatus] mNavigating:true mEngineOn:true mDownloadXtraDataPending:Idle
07-23 07:26:06.421 D/LocSvc_eng( 427): D/void loc_eng_deferred_action_thread(void*):1443] 392244 listening ...
07-23 07:26:06.421 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 427): D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc(17108): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x55344000 size:1474560
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc(17108): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x56876000 size:1474560
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc(17108): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x56186000 size:1474560
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x43d5d000 size:1474560 fd:37
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x43d5d000 size:1474560
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x448c0000 size:1474560 fd:74
07-23 07:26:06.451 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x448c0000 size:1474560
07-23 07:26:06.571 W/dalvikvm(17108): threadid=33: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40aada08)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 61105
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: java.lang.Object[] of length 1894855534 exceeds the VM limit(Heap Size=22307KB, Allocated=18421KB)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:75)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at D.ak.a(SourceFile:313)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ce.a(SourceFile:70)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cV.a_(SourceFile:933)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.a(SourceFile:1385)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.d(SourceFile:1295)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.a(SourceFile:834)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bm.l(SourceFile:1569)
07-23 07:26:06.581 E/AndroidRuntime(17108): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bm.run(SourceFile:1285)
07-23 07:26:06.591 E/EmbeddedLogger( 427): App crashed! Process: com.google.android.apps.maps
07-23 07:26:06.591 E/EmbeddedLogger( 427): App crashed! Package: com.google.android.apps.maps v609001403 (6.9.0)
07-23 07:26:06.611 E/EmbeddedLogger( 427): Application Label: Maps
07-23 07:26:06.611 W/ActivityManager( 427): Force finishing activity com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.driveabout.app.NavigationActivity
07-23 07:26:06.691 D/ViewRootImpl( 427): @@@- disable SystemServer HW acceleration
07-23 07:26:06.691 D/SensorService( 427): disable: get sensor name = MPL rotation vector
07-23 07:26:06.691 D/Sensors ( 427): handle : 0 en: 0, v010.0 - Try to resolve lock issue
07-23 07:26:06.691 D/Sensors ( 427): lock_status = 1
07-23 07:26:06.701 D/Sensors ( 427): Andy: MPLSensor::enable: lock1
07-23 07:26:06.701 D/Sensors ( 427): mEnabled = 0x10
07-23 07:26:06.701 D/Sensors ( 427): set_power_states++: enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 1
07-23 07:26:06.701 D/Sensors ( 427): Before if statment: cs:1 rs:0 en_ped:0 da_ped:0 en_g:0 da_g:0
07-23 07:26:06.701 D/Sensors ( 427): Inside: if ( dmp_started || start_sys_ped )
07-23 07:26:06.701 I/ ( 427): mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
07-23 07:26:06.711 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:4423680 fd:91
07-23 07:26:06.711 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:11304960 fd:94
07-23 07:26:06.711 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:983040 fd:98
07-23 07:26:06.771 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Allocated buffer base:0x0 size:4423680 fd:42
07-23 07:26:06.771 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Allocated buffer base:0x42ebd000 size:745472 fd:74
07-23 07:26:06.771 D/memalloc( 427): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x533ce000 size:745472 offset:0 fd:308
07-23 07:26:06.771 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Allocated buffer base:0x0 size:11304960 fd:83
07-23 07:26:06.771 D/memalloc( 204): ion: Allocated buffer base:0x0 size:983040 fd:91
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can anyone recommend a good app that will keep track of my memory (I'm assuming RAM) so that I can figure out why this is happening?
As for my phone's status, I've only rooted and have done a few changes - got rid of HTCLinkify, recent app button remapped as menu, added Google Now - and I believe that's it. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and start running a custom ROM, but for the mean time, can any one make any suggestions for this?
No suggestions? Could really use some help on this. Its frustrating as hell.
Sent from my htc_evita using xda app-developers app
Hate to bring up the dead horse, but...
I've flashed CleanROM this week and it still crashes. However, I notice that it only crashes when I'm using the Satellite imagery though. I did another logcat and again, it's due to an out of memory error:
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 3810
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Heap Size=22435KB, Allocated=17246KB)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:75)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at D.ak.a(SourceFile:313)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ce.a(SourceFile:70)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cV.a_(SourceFile:933)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.a(SourceFile:1385)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.d(SourceFile:1295)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ct.a(SourceFile:834)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bm.l(SourceFile:1569)
08-16 07:17:54.526 E/AndroidRuntime(22420): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bm.run(SourceFile:1285)
08-16 07:17:54.536 W/ActivityManager( 1374): Force finishing activity com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.driveabout.app.NavigationActivity
08-16 07:17:54.566 W/UsageStats( 1374): Failed writing stats to file:/data/system/usagestats/usage-20120816
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Am I really the only person having this issue? Can anyone offer suggestions on how I might troubleshoot this more? I don't understand how I could be the only one who's experiencing this and if this is the case, could it be a hardware issue? How can identify what the issue is?
I've not had any problems with the phone otherwise, besides battery life sucking until I flashed CleanROM (not sure if that's scrosler's doing or the new HTC base but either way I'm happy). I just find it really odd that this occurs on the stock ROM and on a custom ROM.
FWIW, the only "mods" i have right now are:
Google Now
ASOP KB from CleanROM
eqs-percent status bar from CleanROM
I'll try and use LogCat to post similar data from CM10 as were both running that now.
I'm back on CleanROM and I took this log this morning (which I find funny because I found your post later on in the day - wasn't expecting any others to have this issue). My issue really seems to be a memory issue but I haven't a clue why. I usually have 200MB of Memory at any given time. This line has me baffled:
10-26 07:25:15.332 W/dalvikvm(10536): -2047744016 byte allocation exceeds the 67108864 byte maximum heap size
Not sure where this negative number comes from, but negative 2GB allocation...really????
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 880): D/msg_q_snd: Finished Sending message with handle = 0x02361130
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_utils_ll( 880): D/linked_list_remove: Removing from list
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 880): D/msg_q_rcv: Received message 0x02361130 rv = 0
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_eng( 880): D/void loc_eng_deferred_action_thread(void*):1455] received msg_id = LOC_ENG_MSG_REPORT_STATUS context = 0x245a660
10-26 07:25:15.182 I/LocSvc_eng( 880): I/<=== status_cb line 886 GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN
10-26 07:25:15.182 V/GpsLocationProvider( 880): reportStatus status: 1
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/GpsLocationProvider( 880): [reportStatus] mNavigating:true mEngineOn:true mDownloadXtraDataPending:Idle
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_eng( 880): D/void loc_eng_deferred_action_thread(void*):1442] 21858 listening ...
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/LocSvc_utils_q( 880): D/msg_q_rcv: Waiting on message
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/QMI_FW ( 880): QCCI: reader_thread: Received 14 bytes from 255
10-26 07:25:15.182 D/QMI_FW ( 880): QCCI: QMI_CCI_RX: cntl_flag - 04, txn_id - 0000, msg_id - 002c, msg_len - 0007
10-26 07:25:15.242 D/dalvikvm(10536): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3002K, 21% free 12162K/15331K, paused 3ms+5ms
10-26 07:25:15.332 W/dalvikvm(10536): -2047744016 byte allocation exceeds the 67108864 byte maximum heap size
10-26 07:25:15.332 I/dalvikvm-heap(10536): Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 2247223280-byte allocation
10-26 07:25:15.382 D/dalvikvm(10536): GC_BEFORE_OOM freed 148K, 21% free 12120K/15331K, paused 55ms
10-26 07:25:15.382 E/dalvikvm-heap(10536): Out of memory on a -2047744016-byte allocation.
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): "GLThread 726" prio=5 tid=28 RUNNABLE
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40d711b8 self=0x221ae48
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): | sysTid=10659 nice=1 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=35762840
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): | schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=2988 stm=339 core=1
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:~75)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at o.am.a(SourceFile:370)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ck.a(SourceFile:70)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.dd.a(SourceFile:926)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.a(SourceFile:1418)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.d(SourceFile:1328)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.a(SourceFile:881)
10-26 07:25:15.382 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bq.m(SourceFile:1600)
10-26 07:25:15.392 I/dalvikvm(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bq.run(SourceFile:1316)
10-26 07:25:15.392 I/dalvikvm(10536):
10-26 07:25:15.392 E/dalvikvm(10536): Out of memory: Heap Size=15395KB, Allocated=12120KB, Limit=65536KB
10-26 07:25:15.392 E/dalvikvm(10536): Extra info: Footprint=15331KB, Allowed Footprint=15395KB, Trimmed=1352KB
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc(10536): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x55a1f000 size:1474560
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc(10536): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x57c7f000 size:1474560
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc(10536): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x57de7000 size:1474560
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x43751000 size:1474560 fd:64
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x43751000 size:1474560
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x43ff4000 size:1474560 fd:74
10-26 07:25:15.402 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Unmapping buffer base:0x43ff4000 size:1474560
10-26 07:25:15.452 W/dalvikvm(10536): threadid=28: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a9da08)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/EmbeddedLogger( 880): App crashed! Process: com.google.android.apps.maps
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/EmbeddedLogger( 880): App crashed! Package: com.google.android.apps.maps v612001403 (6.12.0)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 726
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Heap Size=15395KB, Allocated=12120KB)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:75)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at o.am.a(SourceFile:370)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.ck.a(SourceFile:70)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.dd.a(SourceFile:926)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.a(SourceFile:1418)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.d(SourceFile:1328)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.cz.a(SourceFile:881)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bq.m(SourceFile:1600)
10-26 07:25:15.452 E/AndroidRuntime(10536): at com.google.android.maps.driveabout.vector.bq.run(SourceFile:1316)
10-26 07:25:15.462 E/EmbeddedLogger( 880): Application Label: Maps
10-26 07:25:15.462 W/ActivityManager( 880): Force finishing activity com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.driveabout.app.NavigationActivity
10-26 07:25:15.512 W/UsageStats( 880): Failed writing stats to file:/data/system/usagestats/usage-20121026
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/ViewRootImpl( 880): @@@- disable SystemServer HW acceleration
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/SensorService( 880): disable: get sensor name = MPL magnetic field
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): handle : 5 en: 0, v010.0 - Try to resolve lock issue
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): lock_status = 4
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): Andy: MPLSensor::enable: lock1
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): mEnabled = 0x10
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): set_power_states++: enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 1
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): Before if statment: cs:1 rs:0 en_ped:0 da_ped:0 en_g:0 da_g:0
10-26 07:25:15.542 D/Sensors ( 880): Inside: if ( dmp_started || start_sys_ped )
10-26 07:25:15.542 I/ ( 880): mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
10-26 07:25:15.562 I/ ( 880): mpu3050_suspend: Will resume next to 03f0
10-26 07:25:15.562 D/AK8975 ( 880): Saving AK8975Prms to file...
10-26 07:25:15.562 D/AK8975 ( 880): Parameter saved
10-26 07:25:15.562 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:4423680 fd:87
10-26 07:25:15.562 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:11304960 fd:90
10-26 07:25:15.562 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Freeing buffer base:0x0 size:983040 fd:95
10-26 07:25:15.572 D/memalloc( 210): ion: Allocated buffer base:0x42550000 size:745472 fd:65
10-26 07:25:15.572 D/memalloc( 880): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x56b9c000 size:745472 offset:0 fd:296
10-26 07:25:15.582 D/Sensors ( 880): Exit: if ( dmp_started || start_sys_ped )
10-26 07:25:15.582 D/Sensors ( 880): MLSetMPUSensors: 70
10-26 07:25:15.582 I/MPL-ml ( 880): Actual ODR: 31 Hz
10-26 07:25:15.582 D/Sensors ( 880): Exit: MLSetMPUSensors: 70
10-26 07:25:15.582 D/Sensors ( 880): STOP timerirq_1
10-26 07:25:15.592 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 880): V/locClientIndCb:969]: Indication: msg_id=38 buf_len=73 pCallbackData = 0x245aaa0
10-26 07:25:15.592 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 880): V/locClientGetSizeByEventIndId:1876]: event ind Id 38 size = 201
10-26 07:25:15.592 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 880): V/locClientGetSizeAndTypeByIndId:400]: indId 38 is an event size = 201
10-26 07:25:15.592 V/LocSvc_api_v02( 880): V/isClientRegisteredForEvent:443]: eventId 38 registered mask = 8703, eventMask = 4
10-26 07:25:15.592 I/LocSvc_adapter( 880): I/<--- void globalEventCb(void*, uint32_t, locClientEventIndUnionType, void*) line 84 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
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I have this issue aswell on stock and viper xl 3.1, whole problem started when I put on JB...
knowskillz said:
I have this issue aswell on stock and viper xl 3.1, whole problem started when I put on JB...
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I've moved on to CM10.1 and the issue still exists there. Haven't had time to do a Log yet but probably will tomorrow.
With people having issues throughout different ROMs, I'm thinking we've got a batch of phones with a hardware issue. Anyone willing to offer up their serial numbers to see of there any that are close? Timewise, I bought my phone in May of last year, FWIW.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
I'm having the same issues, I can add a little bit more info though.
Running stock unrooted ICS, and stock rooted JB, navigation will last for a little while before it start crashing, and no amount of restarts will fix it.
CM 10.1 M-snapshot and nightly, navigation will crash immediately.
In all cases though, when it crashes and you hit OK to clear the FC box, navigation will fire back up in the background and continue to give voice prompts all the way to your destination, but as soon as you bring navigation back to the front, it'll crash again.
I've also noticed that, while it's working, the blue line showing your track will disappear and come back and come and go, but the arrows showing turns stay visible.
I've tried all combination of dithering settings, force 2D GPU rendering, and 4x MSAA.
garfnodie said:
I'm having the same issues, I can add a little bit more info though.
Running stock unrooted ICS, and stock rooted JB, navigation will last for a little while before it start crashing, and no amount of restarts will fix it.
CM 10.1 M-snapshot and nightly, navigation will crash immediately.
In all cases though, when it crashes and you hit OK to clear the FC box, navigation will fire back up in the background and continue to give voice prompts all the way to your destination, but as soon as you bring navigation back to the front, it'll crash again.
I've also noticed that, while it's working, the blue line showing your track will disappear and come back and come and go, but the arrows showing turns stay visible.
I've tried all combination of dithering settings, force 2D GPU rendering, and 4x MSAA.
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Would it be possible for you to start a log (I use catlog), fire up navigation and catch a crash? Every time I've done this it seems there is an out of memory issue. How about serial number? I've got HT24WW300561.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Google Now
I wish I had a logcat to confirm what I'm seeing, (or at least a standard software configuration), but I thought this was worth sharing, so here goes.
I've had "maps crashing during navigation" bug ever since I rooted and started running the CM10.1 Nightlies. I tried installing the linaro kernel to see if that would fix things. It did not. My present configuration is the latest CM10.1 nightly (20130312) with the v3 linaro kernel, (because I haven't rolled back to vanilla CM10.1 to test this yet).
Anyway, on a whim this morning, I tried disabling Google Now, and starting navigation directly from the Navigation App. This time it didn't crash. Subsequently, I launched navigation from Google Voice Search, and it still didn't crash. Since then, I have re-enabled Google Now, and the navigation app no longer crashes, even if launched from Google Voice Search. I have no idea why this is the case. However, if anyone else can try this sequence and reply back with your results, that would be huge.
I'm also seeing this issue. Right now I'm on CM10.1 M2, but it did the same thing for me when I was on the Jan 29 nightly (I think) as well. The Nav works fine if I don't do the 3D view, but once I switch to it it crashes. In the 2D view, the screen sees a lot of flickering and tearing. And like others people it seems, when it does crash, it will either continue to run in the background, or restarting the app will make it start where it left off.
jspidey said:
Would it be possible for you to start a log (I use catlog), fire up navigation and catch a crash? Every time I've done this it seems there is an out of memory issue. How about serial number? I've got HT24WW300561.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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I'll try to get a log later today.
jimmyjohns said:
I wish I had a logcat to confirm what I'm seeing, (or at least a standard software configuration), but I thought this was worth sharing, so here goes.
I've had "maps crashing during navigation" bug ever since I rooted and started running the CM10.1 Nightlies. I tried installing the linaro kernel to see if that would fix things. It did not. My present configuration is the latest CM10.1 nightly (20130312) with the v3 linaro kernel, (because I haven't rolled back to vanilla CM10.1 to test this yet).
Anyway, on a whim this morning, I tried disabling Google Now, and starting navigation directly from the Navigation App. This time it didn't crash. Subsequently, I launched navigation from Google Voice Search, and it still didn't crash. Since then, I have re-enabled Google Now, and the navigation app no longer crashes, even if launched from Google Voice Search. I have no idea why this is the case. However, if anyone else can try this sequence and reply back with your results, that would be huge.
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Interesting, I'll certainly give that a shot.
Looks like this isn't necessarily device specific...
It seems to be well correlated to Jelly Bean, which coincides with the arrival of Google Now.
There are a couple of settings in the Maps app that interact with Google Now. Lacking anything better than anecdotal evidence at this time, I have a building suspicion that the culprit is related to the following setting in Maps:
Maps->Settings->Location Settings->Location Reporting (under Background Location Reporting)
With this disabled, I get crashes almost immediately. With it set to "Automatically Update Location From this Device," it seems not to crash. I can't really *confirm* this at this time as I'm at work, and not attempting to run Nav for any longer than 5-10 minutes.
This would jive somewhat with my previous post that disabling Google Now stopped my Nav problems. Likewise, upon re-enabling Google Now, the above setting was automatically re-set to the "Automatically Report" position.
Again-- I'm presently at work, so no logcat or other evidence at this time. However, it may be another item worth testing.
jimmyjohns said:
Looks like this isn't necessarily device specific...
It seems to be well correlated to Jelly Bean, which coincides with the arrival of Google Now.
There are a couple of settings in the Maps app that interact with Google Now. Lacking anything better than anecdotal evidence at this time, I have a building suspicion that the culprit is related to the following setting in Maps:
Maps->Settings->Location Settings->Location Reporting (under Background Location Reporting)
With this disabled, I get crashes almost immediately. With it set to "Automatically Update Location From this Device," it seems not to crash. I can't really *confirm* this at this time as I'm at work, and not attempting to run Nav for any longer than 5-10 minutes.
This would jive somewhat with my previous post that disabling Google Now stopped my Nav problems. Likewise, upon re-enabling Google Now, the above setting was automatically re-set to the "Automatically Report" position.
Again-- I'm presently at work, so no logcat or other evidence at this time. However, it may be another item worth testing.
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I thought I had the setting turned on, so I thought that wasn't my problem, but I just checked and was tuned off. I've flashed so many ROMs in the past week that I've gotten confused as to what settings are on and off.
I'll certainly try cycling that setting and Google Now and see what happens.
jimmyjohns said:
Looks like this isn't necessarily device specific...
It seems to be well correlated to Jelly Bean, which coincides with the arrival of Google Now.
There are a couple of settings in the Maps app that interact with Google Now. Lacking anything better than anecdotal evidence at this time, I have a building suspicion that the culprit is related to the following setting in Maps:
Maps->Settings->Location Settings->Location Reporting (under Background Location Reporting)
With this disabled, I get crashes almost immediately. With it set to "Automatically Update Location From this Device," it seems not to crash. I can't really *confirm* this at this time as I'm at work, and not attempting to run Nav for any longer than 5-10 minutes.
This would jive somewhat with my previous post that disabling Google Now stopped my Nav problems. Likewise, upon re-enabling Google Now, the above setting was automatically re-set to the "Automatically Report" position.
Again-- I'm presently at work, so no logcat or other evidence at this time. However, it may be another item worth testing.
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Nice find. I'll see if that works for me on my way home too. I really enjoy Google Now's features (battery hogging is not one of them) but it'd be really great if the Nav worked as it should.
In my case I'm a bit leery if it will help or not since I've been having these issues since I first got the phone on stock Sense, but I'll try anything at this point.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
So-- I've posted the same info re: Google Now and Maps settings in two different google product forums, and the first two people to attempt things did not have much luck. Incidentally, there are three threads open about it right now. One for each of the One S, One X(L), and the Evo 4G LTE. URLs for all three are below:
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/GUMkWv5D0HI (One X)
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/1T_mDNfU8Z0 (One S)
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/CqwrpPHaPw0 (EVO 4G LTE)
I think most of the users on these forums are running stock roms.
Seeing as how I'm no longer seeing the crash right now, I need to figure out what changed here. The exact sequence in which I did things was:
1). Fully disable Google Now
2). Launch a Nav session *directly* from the Navigation Application itself (not from maps or voice search... directly from Nav)
3). Celebrate the fact that it didn't crash.
4). Stop Nav session.
5). Launch a new Nav session using Google Voice Search (with Google Now still disabled).
6). Still No Crash.
7). Stop Nav session again, and re-enable Google Now.... Notice that Google Now reactivates all those background location options in Maps that I previously had disabled.
8). Start another Nav session. Again, no crash.
9). Disable background location options in Maps.
10). Launch Nav session, experience immediate crash.
11). Re-enable background location options in Maps.
12). Launch another Nav session, no crash.
I drive about an hour to work, so each Nav test session was around 15 minutes or so.
Based on this sequence, you can see why I was convinced it had something to do with Google Now accessing the background location data from Maps. However, seeing as how a couple of users on the Google Product forums aren't having any luck, maybe there's something in this sequence that I'm missing. Likewise, I'm running CM10.1 with linaro kernel, so maybe that makes a difference...
Ok, so I don't have really any experience with logs. I've installed catalog and alogcat and both of them are a bit over my head. There are so many settings and I don't know what type, style, etc. I should set either to. Do I start the logging app first and then try Nav, or do I just try Nav and then open the log after a crash?
Some settings and step by step in your app of choice would be helpful, would like to learn how to use logging apps TBH.
Sent from my One X using xda premium
jimmyjohns said:
So-- I've posted the same info re: Google Now and Maps settings in two different google product forums, and the first two people to attempt things did not have much luck. Incidentally, there are three threads open about it right now. One for each of the One S, One X(L), and the Evo 4G LTE. URLs for all three are below:
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/GUMkWv5D0HI (One X)
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/1T_mDNfU8Z0 (One S)
productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/mobile-android/CqwrpPHaPw0 (EVO 4G LTE)
I think most of the users on these forums are running stock roms.
Seeing as how I'm no longer seeing the crash right now, I need to figure out what changed here. The exact sequence in which I did things was:
1). Fully disable Google Now
2). Launch a Nav session *directly* from the Navigation Application itself (not from maps or voice search... directly from Nav)
3). Celebrate the fact that it didn't crash.
4). Stop Nav session.
5). Launch a new Nav session using Google Voice Search (with Google Now still disabled).
6). Still No Crash.
7). Stop Nav session again, and re-enable Google Now.... Notice that Google Now reactivates all those background location options in Maps that I previously had disabled.
8). Start another Nav session. Again, no crash.
9). Disable background location options in Maps.
10). Launch Nav session, experience immediate crash.
11). Re-enable background location options in Maps.
12). Launch another Nav session, no crash.
I drive about an hour to work, so each Nav test session was around 15 minutes or so.
Based on this sequence, you can see why I was convinced it had something to do with Google Now accessing the background location data from Maps. However, seeing as how a couple of users on the Google Product forums aren't having any luck, maybe there's something in this sequence that I'm missing. Likewise, I'm running CM10.1 with linaro kernel, so maybe that makes a difference...
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I tried this last night but no dice. Maps did not crash instantly after step 2 however. It went about 4 miles before it puked.
I'm happy to see some progress toward a resolution - at least it worked for you. There has to be some commonality somewhere. I'll keep trying though. Maybe I'll luck out too sometime.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
garfnodie said:
Ok, so I don't have really any experience with logs. I've installed catalog and alogcat and both of them are a bit over my head. There are so many settings and I don't know what type, style, etc. I should set either to. Do I start the logging app first and then try Nav, or do I just try Nav and then open the log after a crash?
Some settings and step by step in your app of choice would be helpful, would like to learn how to use logging apps TBH.
Sent from my One X using xda premium
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I use Catlog. All I've ever done was set the widget on a home screen and hit it to start a capture. It will pop up a dialogue asking you where to save it and the filename. Conveniently its already filled out with the folder destination and filename - the filename is always the date and time. IIRC, it saves it in the Catlog folder. I usually send it to my Gmail and use Notepad++ to view it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
jspidey said:
I use Catlog. All I've ever done was set the widget on a home screen and hit it to start a capture. It will pop up a dialogue asking you where to save it and the filename. Conveniently its already filled out with the folder destination and filename - the filename is always the date and time. IIRC, it saves it in the Catlog folder. I usually send it to my Gmail and use Notepad++ to view it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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Here is the log I got, it's in the zip Catlog created cause if I expand it, it's over 3Mb, and XDA doesn't allow text files that big. I don't even know what to look for, so dig in and enjoy.

[Q] New to python program fault

Can anyone help why this PYTHON program will not work
import random
def is_same(target, number):
if target == number:
result= "Win"
elif target > number:
result = "Low"
return result
level = input("What level do you want to play? Easy (e), Medium (m) or Hard (h)")
computer_number = random.randint(1,level)
if level== "e":
elif level== "m":
level= 20
elif level== "h":
level= 30
while level != "e" and level != "m" and level != "h":
level= input("Sorry. You must type in one of the letters 'e','m' or 'h'\ne/m/h:")
print("Hello. \nI Have thought of a number between 1 and 100.")
guess = int(input("Can you guess it?\n"))
correct_guess = is_same(computer_number, guess)
while correct_guess != "Win":
if correct_guess == "Low":
guess = int(input("Sorry you are too low. Try Again.\n"))
guess = int(input("Sorry you are too high. Try again.\n"))
correct_guess = is_same(computer_number, guess)
input("Correct!\nWelldone\n\nPress RETURN to exit")

[APP][5.0+] 1000 Flowers

A few years ago, when my son was young, we took him on a trip to an historic villa near Rome. Looking at the trout that swam in one of the pools of the villa, he asked me if there was an app that could recognize the animal species that was framed with the smartphone. I replied that it did not exist, but that we could do it together. At home we threw down some sketches on a piece of paper and then it was forgotten in a drawer. The business was above my chances, but I always had the idea that if I had found an idea I would have taken it up again.
Suddenly the thing was reborn because I discovered that someone else, with knowledge and technology far more advanced than mine, had brought it forward: the TensorFlow project, the neural network of Google called Inception-v3 and the mobile porting through the TFMobile framework.
'1000 Flowers' is a first initial step to see realized that far, and by now forgotten, my son's desire: the recognition of most of the living species.
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You can download the app from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.puandr.flowers
The list of 997 flowers that '1000 Flowers' is able to recognize:
1. Rosa chinensis
2. Camellia japonica
3. Cercis chinensis
4. Photinia serratifolia
5. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
6. Anthurium andraeanum
7. Pittosporum tobira
8. Oxalis corymbosa
9. Petunia × hybrida
10. Orychophragmus violaceus
11. Taraxacum mongolicum
12. Ligustrum × vicaryi
13. Erigeron annuus
14. Alcea rosea
15. Pyrus × michauxii
16. Jasminum nudiflorum
17. Duranta erecta
18. Amygdalus triloba
19. Euonymus japonicus var. aurea-marginatus
20. Coreopsis basalis
21. Paeonia lactiflora
22. Eustoma grandiflorum
23. Mirabilis jalapa
24. Kerria japonica f. pleniflora
25. Tulipa gesneriana
26. Cymbidium hybrida
27. Nelumbo nucifera
28. Tagetes patula
29. Echinacea purpurea
30. Tarenaya hassleriana
31. Hosta plantaginea
32. Zephyranthes carinata
33. Mauranthemum paludosum
34. Asparagus setaceus
35. Primula malacoides
36. Dracaena angustifolia
37. Delphinium grandiflorum
38. Cymbidium goeringii
39. Helianthus annuus
40. Lythrum salicaria
41. Cinnamomum kotoense
42. Agapanthus africanus
43. Lobelia chinensis
44. Calathea makoyana
45. Edgeworthia chrysantha
46. Spathiphyllum 'Clevelandii'
47. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
48. Cortaderia selloana
49. Tradescantia ohiensis
50. Weigela florida
51. Spiraea salicifolia
52. Hypericum monogynum
53. Convallaria majalis
54. Crassula muscosa
55. Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii'
56. Allium tuberosum
57. Spinacia oleracea
58. Lycoris aurea
59. Picris hieracioides
60. Helianthus tuberosus
61. Ricinus communis
62. Cymbidium sinense
63. Pentas lanceolata
64. Merremia hederacea
65. Lamprocapnos spectabilis
66. Syngonium podophyllum
67. Plumbago auriculata
68. Maranta arundinacea
69. Yucca gloriosa
70. Cordyline fruticosa
71. Spiraea japonica
72. Hyacinthus orientalis
73. Mammillaria herrerae
74. Oenothera speciosa
75. Senna bicapsularis
76. Nymphaea alba
77. Echeveria pulidonis
78. Kochia scoparia
79. Hamelia patens
80. Ranunculus asiaticus
81. Albizia julibrissin
82. Ficus microcarpa 'Ginseng'
83. Bauhinia variegata var. candida
84. Ravenala madagascariensis
85. Cirsium arvense var. integrifolium
86. Bombax ceiba
87. Aglaia odorata
88. Luffa aegyptiaca
89. Opuntia dillenii
90. Sansevieria trifasciata
91. Phedimus aizoon
92. Heliconia metallica
93. Schima superba
94. Pilea cadierei
95. Aphelandra lutea
96. Farfugium japonicum
97. Amorpha fruticosa
98. Echeveria chihuahuaensis
99. Kniphofia uvaria
100. Nymphoides peltata
101. Dionaea muscipula
102. Osteospermum ecklonis
103. Malvaviscus arboreus
104. Spiranthes sinensis
105. Scutellaria indica
106. Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
107. Fragaria × ananassa
108. Nepenthes mirabilis
109. Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum
110. Jacaranda mimosifolia
111. Papaver somniferum
112. Gynura divaricata
113. Debregeasia orientalis
114. Sedum pachyphyllum
115. Chlorophytum comosum
116. Calathea zebrina
117. Syzygium jambos
118. Asparagus cochinchinensis
119. Pisum sativum
120. Pedilanthus tithymaloides
121. Portulaca oleracea
122. Freesia refracta
123. Citrus × limon
124. Smilax china
125. Papaver nudicaule
126. Philodendron selloum
127. × Sedeveria 'Markus'
128. Salix argyracea
129. Amaranthus tricolor
130. Citrus reticulata
131. Blastus cochinchinensis
132. Dracaena draco
133. Narcissus pseudonarcissus
134. Bryophyllum delagoense
135. Rhapis excelsa
136. Echeveria 'Victor'
137. Crassula muscosa 'Purpusii'
138. Litsea cubeba
139. Phragmites australis
140. Taxus wallichiana var. chinensis
141. Mandevilla sanderi
142. Bothriospermum zeylanicum
143. Terminalia neotaliala
144. Strobilanthes hamiltoniana
145. Aspidistra elatior
146. Sinosenecio oldhamianus
147. Agave sisalana
148. Pinus massoniana
149. Michelia yunnanensis
150. Paris polyphylla
151. Acacia farnesiana
152. Paulownia tomentosa
153. Geranium wilfordii
154. Cirsium japonicum
155. Yulania × soulangeana
156. Juniperus formosana
157. Echeveria 'Magic Red'
158. Amygdalus triloba 'Multiplex'
159. Kalanchoe tetraphylla
160. Eucharis × grandiflora
161. Crassulaceae × Graptosedum convar. Francesco Baldi
162. Hibiscus mutabilis
163. Sambucus williamsii
164. Fallopia multiflora
165. Vitis vinifera
166. Viburnum macrocephalum
167. Tussilago farfara
168. Lolium perenne
169. Corydalis edulis
170. Hibiscus schizopetalus
171. Ajuga decumbens
172. Muehlenbeckia complexa
173. Eucommia ulmoides
174. Euphorbia neriifolia var. cristata
175. Pinus tabuliformis
176. Periploca sepium
177. Pseudolarix amabilis
178. Glandularia × hybrida
179. Aeonium decorum 'Variegata'
180. Sedum hispanicum
181. Delosperma pruinosum
182. Oresitrophe rupifraga
183. Cornus kousa subsp. chinensis
184. Xanthoceras sorbifolium
185. Chionanthus retusus
186. Clematis florida
187. Delphinium anthriscifolium
188. Dichondra micrantha
189. Mayodendron igneum
190. Trichosanthes kirilowii
191. Celtis sinensis
192. Corydalis yanhusuo
193. Pistia stratiotes
194. Myriophyllum verticillatum
195. Heteropanax fragrans
196. Torilis scabra
197. Davidia involucrata
198. Lagopsis supina
199. Sphagneticola calendulacea
200. Rosa xanthina 'Normalis'
201. Pinellia ternata
202. Rosa banksiae
203. Ficus microcarpa 'Golden Leaves'
204. Cynanchum thesioides
205. Betula platyphylla
206. Allium giganteum
207. Selaginella tamariscina
208. Chamelaucium uncinatum
209. Philadelphus pekinensis
210. Vicia cracca
211. Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'
212. Bergenia purpurascens
213. Echeveria 'Neon breaker'
214. Buxus bodinieri
215. Asparagus retrofractus
216. Ailanthus altissima
217. Viola variegata
218. Salvia miltiorrhiza
219. Clerodendrum bungei
220. Gloriosa superba
221. Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa
222. Dasiphora glabra
223. Oryza sativa
224. Fagopyrum esculentum
225. Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis
226. Myrica rubra
227. Achillea millefolium
228. Dysosma pleiantha
229. Pterocarpus indicus
230. Rosa bella
231. Eupatorium lindleyanum
232. Vitex negundo var. heterophylla
233. Capsicum annuum
234. Scabiosa comosa
235. Rosa multiflora var. cathayensis
236. Lysimachia pentapetala
237. Salvia viridis
238. Cotyledon pendens
239. Graptopetalum amethystinum
240. Trifolium pratense
241. Daucus carota
242. Lirianthe delavayi
243. Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'
244. Acer buergerianum
245. Hibiscus moscheutos
246. Brugmansia arborea
247. Philadelphus incanus
248. Bambusa multiplex var. riviereorum
249. Livistona chinensis
250. Agrimonia pilosa
251. Aster tataricus
252. Diospyros lotus
253. Euphorbia cyathophora
254. Cyrtanthera carnea
255. Crossostephium chinensis
256. Potentilla discolor
257. Agrostemma githago
258. Laurus nobilis
259. Hemerocallis fulva
260. Acalypha wilkesiana
261. Malus 'American'
262. Daucus carota var. sativus
263. Brucea javanica
264. Avena fatua
265. Clinopodium gracile
266. Hedyotis diffusa
267. Origanum vulgare
268. Corylopsis sinensis
269. Eugenia uniflora
270. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. rubro-plenus
271. Strophanthus divaricatus
272. Cornus capitata
273. Excoecaria cochinchinensis
274. Lespedeza bicolor
275. Aster souliei
276. Ruta graveolens
277. Dracaena marginata 'Tricolor'
278. Echeveria 'Cassyz'
279. Phytolacca americana
280. Pharbitis limbata
281. Bergeranthus multiceps
282. Verbena bonariensis
283. Clematis montana
284. Jatropha podagrica
285. Eupatorium fortunei
286. Cucumis melo
287. Pelargonium peltatum
288. Euphorbia tirucalli
289. Rudbeckia laciniata
290. Epimedium brevicornu
291. Daphniphyllum macropodum
292. Parthenocissus semicordata
293. Cardiocrinum giganteum
294. Echium vulgare
295. Nuphar pumila
296. Camptotheca acuminata
297. Physalis alkekengi
298. Juncus effusus
299. Begonia grandis
300. Philodendron erubescens
301. Hibiscus syriacus var. amplissimus
302. Melaleuca bracteata
303. Euonymus japonicus
304. Setaria viridis
305. Angelonia angustifolia
306. Anredera cordifolia
307. Carica papaya
308. Ficus altissima
309. Cynodon dactylon
310. Colocasia esculenta
311. Mangifera indica
312. Paederia cruddasiana
313. Rubus corchorifolius
314. Alstonia scholaris
315. Melastoma dodecandrum
316. Amygdalus persica 'Atropurpurea'
317. Myosoton aquaticum
318. Lablab purpureus
319. Cupressus funebris
320. Averrhoa carambola
321. Ixeris chinensis
322. Buddleja officinalis
323. Ardisia japonica
324. Botrychium ternatum
325. Lactuca sativa var. asparagina (Leaf Type)
326. Echeveria 'Hakuhou'
327. Aeschynanthus acuminatus
328. Amaranthus spinosus
329. Rivina humilis
330. Chromolaena odorata
331. Adenostemma lavenia
332. Bixa orellana
333. Artocarpus communis
334. Antiaris toxicaria
335. Pellionia radicans
336. Clerodendrum wallichii
337. Brassica juncea
338. Ilex rotunda
339. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
340. Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'
341. Isodon amethystoides
342. Psilotum nudum
343. Sedum morganianum
344. Potentilla kleiniana
345. Chloranthus spicatus
346. Echeveria Fiona
347. Arachis hypogaea
348. Olea europaea
349. Amaranthus viridis
350. Allium ledebourianum
351. Acacia dealbata
352. Gardneria multiflora
353. Indocalamus tessellatus
354. Alternanthera brasiliana
355. Sedum versadense
356. Polygala fallax
357. Echeveria runyonii
358. Mikania micrantha
359. Melinis repens
360. Jasminum mesnyi
361. Ludwigia octovalvis
362. Hoya cordata
363. Diospyros ebenum
364. Sedum rubrotinctum 'Redberry'
365. Smilax glabra
366. Phyllodium pulchellum
367. Gonostegia hirta
368. Kalanchoe longiflora 'Coccinea'
369. Neolepisorus fortunei
370. Caryopteris incana
371. Primula sinensis
372. Oreocnide frutescens
373. Tribulus terrestris
374. Miscanthus sinensis
375. Bauhinia championii
376. Salvia farinacea
377. Crepidiastrum sonchifolium
378. Lemmaphyllum drymoglossoides
379. Anisomeles indica
380. Zizania latifolia
381. Capsicum annuum var. conoides
382. Cuscuta japonica
383. Kandelia obovata
384. Acacia confusa
385. Tetrastigma hemsleyanum
386. Psychotria asiatica
387. Senna siamea
388. Allium cepa
389. Bridelia tomentosa
390. Taiwania cryptomerioides
391. Dicliptera chinensis
392. Galium verum
393. Laggera crispata
394. Hedyotis hedyotidea
395. Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonso-Karrii'
396. Erigeron sumatrensis
397. Abelmoschus sagittifolius
398. Rhynchosia volubilis
399. Echeveria setosa var. deminuta
400. Meconopsis
401. Citrullus lanatus
402. Tamarindus indica
403. Vernicia montana
404. Echeveria 'Tippy'
405. Pistacia vera
406. Symphytum officinale
407. Dendrobium fimbriatum
408. Monarda didyma
409. Glochidion puberum
410. Nanocnide lobata
411. Juniperus sabina
412. Aeonium arboreum
413. Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa
414. Glycosmis pentaphylla
415. Desmodium sequax
416. Arenga engleri
417. Eurya emarginata
418. Sesamum indicum
419. Tadehagi triquetrum
420. Iris lactea
421. Cinnamomum burmannii
422. Curculigo capitulata
423. Hyoscyamus niger
424. Acronychia pedunculata
425. Wikstroemia indica
426. Pachypodium lamerei
427. Pelargonium domesticum
428. Arthraxon hispidus
429. Pieris formosa
430. Villadia batesii
431. Lysionotus pauciflorus
432. Paphiopedilum micranthum
433. Dianthus barbatus var. asiaticus
434. Vicia sativa
435. Sonchus brachyotus
436. Aristolochia debilis
437. Brassica oleracea var. albiflora
438. Tripolium pannonicum
439. Echeveria 'Supia'
440. Nicotiana tabacum
441. Potamogeton crispus
442. Spermacoce alata
443. Antenoron filiforme
444. Crassula perforata 'Variegata'
445. Zingiber mioga
446. Ipomoea aquatica
447. Lycianthes biflora
448. Wodyetia bifurcata
449. Picea koraiensis
450. Lactuca sativa
451. Alpinia japonica
452. Asparagus officinalis
453. Neolamarckia cadamba
454. Clerodendrum fortunatum
455. Physalis minima
456. Baeckea frutescens
457. Sagina japonica
458. Nymphoides indica
459. Ceratophyllum demersum
460. Fragaria orientalis
461. Canarium album
462. Dactyloctenium aegyptium
463. Lindernia crustacea
464. Lapsanastrum apogonoides
465. Artocarpus heterophyllus
466. Platycarya strobilacea
467. Smallanthus sonchifolius
468. Alocasia cucullata
469. Stephania cephalantha
470. Alternanthera philoxeroides
471. Ternstroemia gymnanthera
472. Kadsura longipedunculata
473. Barringtonia racemosa
474. Centipeda minima
475. Artemisia anomala
476. Hedyotis corymbosa
477. Tradescantia sillamontana
478. Convolvulus ammannii
479. Castanopsis sclerophylla
480. Onychium japonicum
481. Eleutherococcus trifoliatus
482. Melastoma sanguineum
483. Tilia tuan
484. Elsholtzia ciliata
485. Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki
486. Cinnamomum cassia
487. Mollugo stricta
488. Echeveria Spruce-Oliver
489. Thunbergia laurifolia
490. Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'
491. Helicteres angustifolia
492. Torenia concolor
493. Tetracera sarmentosa
494. Artocarpus nitidus subsp. lingnanensis
495. Corydalis decumbens
496. Sagittaria trifolia
497. Adromischus poellnitzianus
498. Panicum bisulcatum
499. Duabanga grandiflora
500. Setaria italica
501. Bidens tripartita
502. Chirita eburnea
503. Ficus subpisocarpa
504. Swertia bimaculata
505. Eurya nitida
506. Clinopodium chinense
507. Kalanchoe synsepala
508. Ludwigia prostrata
509. Phyllanthus glaucus
510. Cenchrus echinatus
511. Clematis aethusifolia
512. Ficus hispida
513. Euphorbia antiquorum
514. Albizia kalkora
515. Elaeagnus pungens 'Variegata'
516. Syzygium nervosum
517. Sigesbeckia pubescens
518. Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa
519. Juniperus procumbens
520. Tephroseris kirilowii
521. Primula maximowiczii
522. Diplopterygium chinense
523. Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki
524. Syzygium grijsii
525. Phyllostachys propinqua
526. Patrinia villosa
527. Morus australis
528. Arenaria serpyllifolia
529. Cirsium leo
530. Lysidice rhodostegia
531. Daphniphyllum calycinum
532. Embelia laeta
533. Polygala tenuifolia
534. Canna glauca
535. Pueraria phaseoloides
536. Bidens bipinnata
537. Picea meyeri
538. Vitex trifolia
539. Leonurus sibiricus
540. Clerodendrum chinense
541. Senecio vulgaris
542. Alsophila spinulosa
543. Idesia polycarpa
544. Cinnamomum bodinieri
545. Aster albescens
546. Gardenia jasminoides var. fortuneana
547. Osmunda japonica
548. Pteroceltis tatarinowii
549. Vaccinium bracteatum
550. Vigna unguiculata
551. Itoa orientalis
552. Cephalanthus tetrandrus
566. Quercus serrata
567. Sinowilsonia henryi
568. Phaseolus coccineus
569. Berberis amurensis
570. Dipsacus asper
571. Gypsophila oldhamiana
572. Echinochloa crusgalli
573. Pinellia pedatisecta
574. Adina pilulifera
575. Datura innoxia
576. Robinia hispida
577. Salvia nemorosa
578. Elaeocarpus sylvestris
579. Viola arcuata
580. Veronica peregrina
581. Parasenecio hastatus
582. Sarcopyramis napalensis
583. Oxalis griffithii
584. Dracocephalum moldavica
585. Premna microphylla
586. Phryma leptostachya subsp. asiatica
587. Aster flaccidus
588. Hylotelephium verticillatum
589. Crataegus pinnatifida var. major
590. Abelia uniflora
591. Rosa rugosa f. plena
592. Aster lautureanus
593. Leptodermis oblonga
594. Catalpa fargesii
595. Chloranthus fortunei
596. Delonix regia
597. Crinum asiaticum var. sinicum
598. Euphorbia neriifolia
599. Clerodendrum trichotomum
600. Bougainvillea spectabilis
601. Torenia fournieri
602. Nandina domestica
603. Metaplexis japonica
604. Cyclamen persicum
605. Dahlia pinnata
606. Thalia dealbata
607. Plumeria rubra 'Acutifolia'
608. Alpinia zerumbet
609. Ficus religiosa
610. Zanthoxylum piperitum
611. Senna surattensis
612. Fittonia verschaffeltii
613. Aloe vera
614. Chamaedorea elegans
615. Cuphea hookeriana
616. Zephyranthes candida
617. Ixora chinensis
618. Oxalis corniculata
619. Youngia japonica
620. Celosia cristata
621. Pyracantha fortuneana
622. Salvia splendens
623. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
624. Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. archerae
625. Cycas revoluta
626. Cotoneaster horizontalis
627. Abelia × grandiflora
628. Sedum rubrotinctum
629. Bryophyllum pinnatum
630. Euphorbia pulcherrima
631. Clivia miniata
632. Hoya carnosa
633. Diospyros kaki
634. Bellis perennis
635. Broussonetia papyrifera
636. Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii
637. Chrysanthemum morifolium
638. Lagerstroemia indica
639. Cosmos sulphureus
640. Euphorbia humifusa
641. Pennisetum alopecuroides
642. Haworthia fasciata
643. × Sedeveria 'Harry Butterfield'
644. Peperomia tetraphylla
645. Hibiscus syriacus
648. Dianthus chinensis
649. Sorbaria sorbifolia
654. Senecio cineraria
655. Casuarina equisetifolia
658. Mimosa pudica
665. Pelargonium hortorum
666. Colocasia gigantea
667. Ginkgo biloba
668. Mesembryanthemum cordifolium
669. Tropaeolum majus
670. Coleus scutellarioides
671. Amaranthus hypochondriacus
678. Nerium oleander
679. Epipremnum aureum
680. Cestrum nocturnum
681. Catharanthus roseus
682. Manilkara zapota
683. Agastache rugosa
684. Strelitzia reginae
685. Amygdalus persica
686. Michelia × alba
687. Murraya paniculata
688. Acorus gramineus
689. Quamoclit pennata
690. Radermachera sinica
691. Cosmos bipinnatus
692. Pilea peperomioides
693. Lilium brownii var. viridulum
694. Sempervivum tectorum
695. Ceiba insignis
696. Ligustrum lucidum
697. Acer palmatum
698. Osmanthus fragrans
699. Hippeastrum rutilum
700. Caesalpinia pulcherrima
701. Ilex cornuta
702. Zamioculcas zamiifolia
703. Trifolium repens
704. Tibouchina semidecandra
705. Morus alba
706. Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis
707. Spathodea campanulata
708. Duchesnea indica
709. Rubus hirsutus
710. Perilla frutescens
711. Pachira aquatica
712. Sedum adolphii
713. Lycoris radiata
714. Aesculus chinensis
715. Asplenium nidus
716. Zinnia elegans
717. Ficus carica
718. Sedum lineare
719. Xanthium strumarium
720. Setcreasea purpurea
721. Zanthoxylum armatum
722. Tradescantia zebrina
723. Cucurbita moschata
724. Lagerstroemia speciosa
725. Yulania denudata
726. Campsis grandiflora
727. Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii'
728. Boehmeria nivea
729. Ficus pumila
730. Matthiola incana
731. Adenium obesum
732. Metasequoia glyptostroboides
733. Cedrus deodara
734. Iris tectorum
735. Mahonia fortunei
736. Lilium tigrinum
737. Quisqualis indica
738. Sedum sarmentosum
739. Dracaena sanderiana
740. Bidens pilosa
741. Basella alba
742. Echinocactus grusonii
743. Fagraea ceilanica
744. Hymenocallis littoralis
745. Fatsia japonica
746. Eriobotrya japonica
747. Papaver rhoeas
748. Parthenocissus tricuspidata
749. Parthenocissus quinquefolia
750. Phyllostachys edulis
751. Billbergia pyramidalis
752. Axonopus compressus
753. Calliandra haematocephala
754. Araucaria cunninghamii
755. Sapindus saponaria
756. Aglaonema modestum
757. Portulacaria afra
758. Fuchsia hybrida
759. Schefflera heptaphylla
760. Ipomoea batatas
761. Rhododendron simsii
762. Rudbeckia hirta
763. Wisteria sinensis
764. Ficus microcarpa
765. Dianthus caryophyllus
766. Cerasus pseudocerasus
767. Aphelandra aurantiaca
768. Dracaena fragrans
769. Commelina communis
770. Crassocephalum crepidioides
771. Bryophyllum daigremontiana
772. Belamcanda chinensis
773. Senecio scandens
774. Bauhinia × blakeana
775. Jasminum sambac
776. Viola tricolor
777. Tradescantia spathacea
778. Ardisia crenata
779. Solanum melongena
780. Impatiens balsamina
781. Canna indica
782. Tabernaemontana divaricata
783. Celosia argentea
784. Carpesium abrotanoides
785. Dicranopteris pedata
786. Sinningia speciosa
787. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
788. Platycladus orientalis
789. Phalaenopsis aphrodite
790. Euryops chrysanthemoides × speciosissimus
791. Nymphaea tetragona
792. Forsythia suspensa
793. Daphne odora
794. Serissa japonica
795. Gerbera jamesonii
796. Ilex chinensis
797. Polygonum perfoliatum
798. Erigeron canadensis
799. Chenopodium album
800. Platycodon grandiflorus
801. Pericallis hybrida
802. Trachelospermum jasminoides
803. Hydrocotyle vulgaris
804. Chimonanthus praecox
805. Erythrina crista-galli
806. Magnolia grandiflora
807. Eranthemum pulchellum
808. Cayratia japonica
809. Gladiolus × gandavensis
810. Lantana montevidensis
811. Echeveria peacockii 'Desmetiana'
812. Triadica sebifera
813. Imperata cylindrica
814. Podocarpus macrophyllus
815. Humulus scandens
816. Robinia pseudoacacia
817. Cornus officinalis
818. Plumeria rubra
819. Pyrostegia venusta
820. Gynura bicolor
821. Gasteria minima
822. Cotyledon tomentosa
823. Solanum nigrum
824. Allamanda schottii
825. Ophiopogon bodinieri
826. Raphanus sativus
827. Hydrangea macrophylla
828. Agave americana
829. Alocasia macrorrhizos
830. Reineckea carnea
831. Cunninghamia lanceolata
832. Michelia maudiae
833. Nematanthus wettsteinii
834. Brassica oleracea var. acephala
835. Saintpaulia ionantha
836. Rehmannia glutinosa
837. Talinum paniculatum
838. Clerodendrum thomsoniae
839. Pterocarya stenoptera
840. Othonna capensis
841. Pandanus tectorius
842. Chaenomeles speciosa
843. Castanea mollissima
844. Lycium chinense
845. Echeveria arboreum var. Atropureum
846. Limonium sinense
847. Eleusine indica
848. Ilex crenata
849. Punica granatum
850. Ageratum conyzoides
851. Citrus maxima
852. Vinca major
853. Macleaya cordata
854. Mucuna sempervirens
855. Tulbaghia violacea
856. Callistephus chinensis
857. Gypsophila paniculata
858. Begonia subvillosa
859. Cornus alba
860. Euphorbia cotinifolia
861. Hemisteptia lyrata
862. Ophiopogon japonicus
863. Tillandsia cyanea
864. Gazania rigens
865. Verbena officinalis
866. Paeonia suffruticosa
867. Epiphyllum oxypetalum
868. Musa basjoo
869. Ipomoea pes-caprae
870. Zantedeschia aethiopica
871. Euphorbia helioscopia
872. Portulacaria afra 'Variegata'
873. Sempervivum arachnoideum subsp. tomentosum
874. Echeveria pulvinata
875. Mentha canadensis
876. Sedum emarginatum
877. Michelia figo
878. Echeveria 'Mebina'
879. Allium fistulosum
880. Datura stramonium
881. Mahonia bealei
882. Sedum anglicum
883. Haworthia arachnoidea var. aranea
884. Monstera deliciosa
885. Lonicera japonica
886. Gleditsia sinensis
887. Sambucus javanica
888. Coriandrum sativum
889. Ruellia elegans
890. Salix babylonica
891. Saxifraga stolonifera
892. Malus halliana
893. Ipomoea cairica
894. Ficus benjamina
895. Syringa oblata
896. Rosa rugosa
897. Argyranthemum frutescens
898. Dendrobium nobile
899. Viburnum odoratissimum
900. Lagenaria siceraria
901. Ulmus pumila
902. Zanthoxylum nitidum
903. Melastoma malabathricum
904. Pteris multifida
905. Emilia sonchifolia
906. Liquidambar formosana
907. Hylocereus undatus 'Foo-Lon'
908. Juglans regia
909. Rosmarinus officinalis
910. Musella lasiocarpa
911. Eichhornia crassipes
912. Aster indicus
913. Lycopersicon esculentum
914. Salvia plebeia
915. Citrus japonica
916. Digitalis purpurea
917. Zygocactus truncatus
918. Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'
919. Trachycarpus fortunei
920. Roystonea regia
921. Glebionis coronaria
922. Phyllanthus urinaria
923. Antirrhinum majus
924. Viola philippica
925. Passiflora caerulea
926. Echeveria purpusorum
927. Ananas comosus
928. Cinnamomum camphora
929. Aeonium aureum
930. Dimocarpus longan
931. Crassula perforata
932. Carmona microphylla
933. Ficus tikoua
934. Russelia equisetiformis
935. Erythrina variegata
936. Photinia × fraseri
937. Celastrus orbiculatus
938. × Graptoveria 'Titubans'
939. Lactuca sativa var. ramosa
940. Melia azedarach
941. Psidium guajava
942. Leonurus japonicus
943. Lygodium japonicum
944. Caesalpinia decapetala
945. Prunus salicina
946. Elaeagnus pungens
947. Callistemon rigidus
948. Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka'
949. Brassica rapa var. chinensis
950. Cocos nucifera
951. Adiantum capillus-veneris
952. Echeveria 'Black Prince'
953. Nageia nagi
954. Glechoma longituba
955. Beaucarnea recurvata
956. Houttuynia cordata
957. Calendula officinalis
958. Euonymus alatus
959. Clausena lansium
960. Vinca major 'Variegata'
961. Brunfelsia brasiliensis
962. Loropetalum chinense
963. Crataegus pinnatifida
964. Plantago asiatica
965. Kerria japonica
966. Gynostemma pentaphyllum
967. Chrysanthemum indicum
968. Rumex acetosa
969. Viola diffusa
970. Cnidium monnieri
971. Arisaema erubescens
972. Solanum lyratum
973. Pistacia weinmanniifolia
974. Urena lobata
975. Portulaca molokiniensis
976. Pinus bungeana
977. Rubus parvifolius
978. Lavandula angustifolia
979. Acalypha australis
980. Polygonum chinense
981. × Sedeveria 'Letizia'
982. Euonymus fortunei
983. Symplocos paniculata
984. Graptopetalum 'Bronz'
985. Citrus trifoliata
986. Forsythia viridissima
987. Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'
988. Eclipta prostrata
989. Melilotus officinalis
990. Centella asiatica
991. Rosa xanthina
992. Ulmus parvifolia
993. Orostachys fimbriata
994. Vernicia fordii
995. Chaenomeles sinensis
996. Reynoutria japonica
997. Quercus variabilis
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XDA:DevDB Information
1000 Flowers, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 1.10
Beta Release Date: 2018-12-10
Created 2018-12-10
Last Updated 2018-12-10
Great job mate

