iGO 8 on Universal - some tips - updated - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro ROM Development

Here are some tips for running iGO 8 on a Universal. I have been fiddling with it for a long time, now it runs just fine.
Here's my setup:
- Remove all items on your today screen (no plugins).
- Set the theme to Windows default (= blue theme), not Windows Mobile 6.1 (consumes a lot of memory).
- Using Schap's advanced config I have set file system cache to 512 KB instead of 'Auto'.
- I'm using Tomal's TOM version 7.7 which gives me 26,7 MB free RAM with all my programs installed (about 28 MB without extra programs though).
- Switch off wifi.
- Switch off the phone (I'm not using my Universal as a phone).
- Right before I need iGO 8 I soft reset the device.
- I'm starting iGO 8 using the right soft key. If you start iGO using the start menu, a bit of memory is used because of cached icons etcetera. See below for more info.
- Currently running iGO v8.0.0.41506.
- iGO 8 is set to show 3D terrain (terrain details on average, not high which is a bit slow); 3D buildings switched off.
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
Automatic bluetooth on and run iGO 8 script
For convenience I have created a small Mort script which switches bluetooth on and starts iGO 8 next. As soon as iGO is stopped, bluetooth is switched off again.
You need to install VJvolubilis and Mortscript.
Contents of script:
------ BEGINNING OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ---------
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueon.lnk"
RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueoff.lnk"
------ END OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ----------------
Create two shortcuts in \Storage Card\iGO8:
VJblueon.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueon
VJblueoff.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueoff
Somehow running VJVolubilis.exe directly in the script does not work, that's why I'm using the shortcuts.
If you want to program a softkey:
- install KeySwop.cab
- create a shortcut "startstop" in \Program Files\iGO8\ to \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr.
- run keyswop and program one of the softkeys to run \Program Files\iGO8\startstop
I hope this helpful for someone.

Thanks man, useful guide I'll test it and report it soon as I can

More tilted view
If you want a more tilted view (like TomTom), add this to
\Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
Please note: all settings should be added to \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT, not the file on your storage card.

Thanks "Insert Coin", it is now working great on my Uni. Before the road kept disappearing before my eyes!!

I'm using pdafun's Google Navigator with my Uni.
Anybody knows is there any map of Bangladesh available for iGO8?

FYI: I have been on vacation in the UK and have used iGO 8 on my Universal every day; travelled for more than 2000 km without problems, using the setup described above. No "out of memory" messages, no hangups whatsoever, no roads "disappearing" on the map. Very good software!

fatal error...
I have a strange problem. I have used IGO8 for a few months and suddendly it didn't work anymore. First I got the message that it was out of memory. Then I reinstalled it after several tries to let IGO8 work again, and now I get the message:
fatal error occured in main thread.
Address: 0x001ec3dc Exception: 0xc0000005
Is there somebody who know what this means and can help me?

This is awsome
I own you man. I was trying to make it work on my ****ty eten m800 with only 64mb memory. You rock. Although i did some change. Instead of 1500000 i did 2500000. Result, i can minimise the aplication and work without any problem
thanks brother

Hi, thanks for the app.
It works perfect on my old ipaq H4150 running WM2003. I tried to install it on my Ipaq 614c WM6.0 with build in GPS, it running very slow, when i tried to search for GPS, sometime it detected then it says "GPS is disconnected" or it freeze on me.
Please help, i really like this software.
Thanks in advance

I have a 128MB Uni.
IGO works perfekt with Standardskin, Ultra 5.0.
Only I use dimka (since 1.31) or byte Skin it is crash.
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 24 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 22 MB, 962 KB, 129 B
GarbageSize: 20 MB, 649 KB, 484 B
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 19 MB, 849 KB, 495 B
GarbageSize: 17 MB, 754 KB, 924 B
Befor the start I have 84MB (+- 3MB) free. When I drive 13MB free. An then when igo recalculate the route - Fatal Error
Have averyone an idea?????????????????????

Yes, does it chrashes with the original skin? No, then stay away from all those custom skins!
I have Igo8 running on a 128mb Qtek9000 with WM6, just returned from a 3week trip trough the States, did around 5700KM with IGO8. Did not crashed once! I run the standard version, the latest official one...
Sorry if this is not the answer your looking for!

I only have 64MB Uni, and iGo8 is working fine for me. But I don't have any 'bling' on my phone.

IGO8.0.0.54000 on Jasjar 64Mb and WM5
Hi all,
Just to let you know that this config is working well, thanks to the sys.txt as mentioned in this thread. My Jasjar has lots of "bling", and so far all looks well. I just installed it as a possible alternative for Igo 2006.
One question however: the default install from puts a directory on the main memory, where among other things the sys.txt is located. But the majority of the files are installed on the SD. I copied the latest update (igo8.exe + data.cab) on the SD. Launching the new IGO8.exe from the SD works fine. I didn't want to copy it to the main mem, because it is a LARGE file, 5 Mb. But this also means that I do not have a link in my program folder.
Any suggestions in how to fix this?

create a shortcut of the .exe and place it into the windows\start menu\programs directory

IGO8 on Jasjar
Hi Akpidis. Was was looking for a way to do this. Just figured it out ;-). Thx

Insert Coin said:
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
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Thank you. I will try these settings on my RoadMate 1200 and see it they can cure the out of memory errors I'm getting.

reboot script to start navigator
Here's my mort script if anyone's interested.
It will basically turn of my today items, turn on bluetooth, remove startup files, reboot Uni and then start navigator. When you've finished, running it again will put everything back!
You will need to tailor it to your own needs (i.e., which navigators you run, and which today items you have). Anyway, thought it may be a start...
# switch between Navigator and today items
# decide what to do (check for my startup file)
navon= FileExists( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
If( navon )
If( Question( "Restore Today Items and Reboot?", "Reboot to Normal", "OkCancel" ) <> YES )
# switch off BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueoff")
# restore startup files
Delete( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
Move( "\Storage Card\iGobak\*", SystemPath("Startup"), TRUE )
RmDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
# check which navigator to use
iNav= Choice( "Navigator Reboot", \
"Choose Navigator", 0, 0, "iGo Nav N Go 8","Route 66 Navigate 7" )
if( iNav = 0 )
# switch on BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueon")
# move startup files to backup folder (changing reg entry doesn't work!)
MkDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
Move( SystemPath("Startup") & "\*", "\Storage Card\iGobak", TRUE )
# create startup for navigator
Switch( iNav)
Case( 1 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "43#""\Storage Card\Program Files\iGO8\iGO8.exe""" )
Case( 2 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "52#""\Storage Card\Program Files\ROUTE 66\ROUTE66N7.exe""" )
# enable/disable today items
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Messaging""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Tasks""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""TodayAgenda""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\WeatherBug Direct", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Wireless""", "Enabled", navon )
# reboot

Sweet! Very well done.
Question: does anyone experience the same problem as I do that iGO 8.3.79297 (or older 8.3 releases) does not completely close after quitting iGO?
igo8.exe keeps running and I have to kill the process within 10 seconds or my Uni is stuck. I'm using a kill-script to do this, but it's a bit weird I have to do this all the time when I quit navigating. I have tried a lot of sys.txt settings, but with no luck so far.

re: iGO does not completely close after quitting
I have with no problems.
Perhaps it's because mort's running? (RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe)
Or have you tried it without mort?

No, it's not related to MortScript. If I start iGo 8.3 directly, without a script, it remains in memory also after quitting iGo.


WM6 Questions

I've been going through the WM5 tweaking area of the wiki and I notice a few things worry my newbie mind enough that I need to ask questions before I proceed.
Change the location of My Documents
Documents are opened in and saved to the device's internal storage by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\Storage Card\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
To return to the original location:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\My Documents" (REG_SZ string,
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But my WM6 registry doesn't have a FileSyncPath expandable string.
Should I simply create one, or does WM6 handle things differently?

Force Titanium to Refresh?

This is hopefully painfully easy for experienced developers on here, but I've googled till my fingers bled and have not been able to find a suitable answer.
How do I force the Titanium menu in WM6.5 to refresh... i.e. pick up new data from the Windows registry?
For the old "Today" screen, advice seems to be use the Send Message command to broadbast an INI change to all open Windows:
Public Shared HWND_BROADCAST As IntPtr = IntPtr.op_Explicit(&HFFFF)
ret = SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 252, 0)
But this doesn't seem to be working for Titanium.
Anyone got any ideas?
I'm just using the refresh Titanium.exe which can be found in Twolf's Multiplugin Cab found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3906994
Thanks for the link.
Couldn't see any exes in the cab, just what I assume are mortscripts. Do you write you apps in .NET or in mortscript? If the former, how do you "shell" the script from within your program?
digital_elysium said:
Thanks for the link.
Couldn't see any exes in the cab, just what I assume are mortscripts. Do you write you apps in .NET or in mortscript? If the former, how do you "shell" the script from within your program?
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Me & Twolf, use mortscript, the plugin you see there is by Twolf.
Owh yh, it probably is the Refresh Titanium.mscr, which i ment, there's just a link made in the start menu folder. Refresh Titanium will refresh the today screen...
To use it in another mortscript file, just use: Run(\Program Files\...\Refresh Titanium.mscr) where ... stands for the folder where you put it in...
Maybe a bit off topic but does somone know what is the command to disable and enable (not refresh) the today screen in wm6.5? I need it for use in a mort script.
claus1953 said:
Maybe a bit off topic but does somone know what is the command to disable and enable (not refresh) the today screen in wm6.5? I need it for use in a mort script.
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I don't really know, but i wonder why Twolf uses double RefreshToday in his mscr. So maybe just one time will disable it?:s not sure.
i figured it out for you claus...
So first write 0 (for disable) to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Windows Default":Enabled
Then RedrawToday
Now today screen will be empty and you can do whatever you want...
larbke666 said:
I don't really know, but i wonder why Twolf uses double RefreshToday in his mscr. So maybe just one time will disable it?:s not sure.
i figured it out for you claus...
So first write 0 (for disable) to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Windows Default":Enabled
Then RedrawToday
Now today screen will be empty and you can do whatever you want...
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Thanks a lot, it worked
Sorry, only read this now.
I used to use the refresh.exe made by a forum menber (I have no idea who... ).
Now Im using only the today refresh option of Mortscript that is simply:
claus1953 said:
Thanks a lot, it worked
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I don't know much about mortscript, I am looking for one that will reload Windows Default after I change the cpr ( I hope this is what you are talking about )
In case you dont have it yet...
Thanks Twolf, my life is easier now
digital_elysium said:
This is hopefully painfully easy for experienced developers on here, but I've googled till my fingers bled and have not been able to find a suitable answer.
How do I force the Titanium menu in WM6.5 to refresh... i.e. pick up new data from the Windows registry?
For the old "Today" screen, advice seems to be use the Send Message command to broadbast an INI change to all open Windows:
Public Shared HWND_BROADCAST As IntPtr = IntPtr.op_Explicit(&HFFFF)
ret = SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 252, 0)
But this doesn't seem to be working for Titanium.
Anyone got any ideas?
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I don't know if you still want to do this in .net but here is the working code:
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "coredll.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As IntPtr
Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "coredll.dll" () As IntPtr
Private Const WM_WININICHANGE As Long = &H1A ' 0x1a = 26 ; &HF2 = 242
SendMessage(GetDesktopWindow(), WM_WININICHANGE, &HF2, 0)
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have fun!

My list of running process. What are they ? Which should be replaced by alternative ?

Thank you for answering my question.
I have WM6.1. This is my process list.
What are their function ?
Which one I can replaced for a better alternative ?
Suddenly, my battery drain much faster than usual (Wifi, GPS both off. Bluetooth never been an issue before so should not be an issue now).
nk.exe 2 \Windows\nk.exe
filesys.exe 1 966 0.0 0:00:08 14 \Windows\filesys.exe
cprog.exe 591 0.0 0:00:04 9 \Windows\cprog.exe
repllog.exe ActiveSync 359 0.0 0:00:17 18 \Windows\repllog.exe
device.exe 3 283 2.3 0:01:19 149 \Windows\device.exe
gwes.exe 911 0.0 0:00:02 12 \Windows\gwes.exe
shell32.exe Programs 443 1.5 0:00:55 20 \Windows\shell32.exe
services.exe 147 0.0 0:00:02 26 \Windows\services.exe
rapiclnt.exe 607 1.1 0:00:18 9 \Windows\rapiclnt.exe
connmgr.exe 123 0.0 0:00:01 13 \Windows\connmgr.exe
tmail.exe 483 0.0 0:00:27 8 \Windows\tmail.exe
sintoo said:
Thank you for answering my question.
I have WM6.1. This is my process list.
What are their function ?
Which one I can replaced for a better alternative ?
Suddenly, my battery drain much faster than usual (Wifi, GPS both off. Bluetooth never been an issue before so should not be an issue now).
nk.exe 2 \Windows\nk.exe
filesys.exe 1 966 0.0 0:00:08 14 \Windows\filesys.exe
cprog.exe 591 0.0 0:00:04 9 \Windows\cprog.exe
repllog.exe ActiveSync 359 0.0 0:00:17 18 \Windows\repllog.exe
device.exe 3 283 2.3 0:01:19 149 \Windows\device.exe
gwes.exe 911 0.0 0:00:02 12 \Windows\gwes.exe
shell32.exe Programs 443 1.5 0:00:55 20 \Windows\shell32.exe
services.exe 147 0.0 0:00:02 26 \Windows\services.exe
rapiclnt.exe 607 1.1 0:00:18 9 \Windows\rapiclnt.exe
connmgr.exe 123 0.0 0:00:01 13 \Windows\connmgr.exe
tmail.exe 483 0.0 0:00:27 8 \Windows\tmail.exe
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nk.exe => Part of the Kernel Boot process
filesys.exe => Allows you to connect to your File System (Storage Card and internal Memory)
cprog.exe => The Phone App
repllog.exe => Part of ActiveSync
device.exe => Device Manager ... loads drivers
gwes.exe => Graphical Windowing and Event Subsystem
shell32.exe => loads for example the Today-Plugins and other stuff
services.exe => Service Manager ... loads Services / Apps to run in the background
rapiclnt.exe => RAPI client that handles file operations of ActiveSync
connmgr.exe => interacts with the applications requesting network connections
tmail.exe => Pocket Outlook / SMS ... all Messaging
If you want to replace one of them, you will have to cook them into your ROM
You can search this XDA-Site for "Battery Drain Threads" ... there are a lot of them.
OK Thanks.
Now what is the registry that list the start-up process, or is there any free app that I can see, then enable/disable each start-up process ?
Now I have poutlook.exe and GSensorApp.exe.
The GSensor MIGHT have been installed by a Alarm clock app.
The poutlook.exe, I don't know.
Right now, I terminate them using a process viewer, manually.
Any directions are much appreciated.

Sorting/merging files on android

eXtended Sort/Merge for Android​
Hello all !
I suppose a very few of you have ever needed to sort a file on your Android phone ...
Eventually, you can use the standard Unix 'busybox sort' program in a Terminal Emulator instance :
sort -k 1.1,1.10 -o myOutFile.txt myInFile.txt
This will sort the input file, ordering lines from the first ten characters of each line, ascending.
Applied to a 50 MB file (500,000 lines of 100 bytes each), it takes about 50 sec. on my Galaxy Note.
So, I did a port of a mainframe-like sort/merge, along with a Gui, that does the same job in 5 to 7 sec.
For those interested in testing this application (see attachments), remarks, ideas [and bugs ...] are welcome in this thread.
The attachment contains :
hxsm : the binary program
xsmgui-v.vv.apk : the Gui application
50mt.txt : a 50 MB text file, given as an example above
Installation (adb ...) :
download and unzip the attached file,
push or copy 50mt.txt to /sdcard/tmp (or any other directory you can access)
push or copy hxsm to /data/local/bin (or any other directory in the standard PATH)
make it executable : shell chmod 777 /data/local/bin/hxsm
install the Gui : xsmgui-v.vv.apk
Check you have to read/write/execute on all directories involved (chmod 777 ...)
SnapShots and further explanations on next post.
And run Xsm carefully, first using the default parameters showed by the Gui:
in all cases, I will not be responsible of any failure/dommage on your phone.
Please post if possible :
Brand and model of your Android box
Android version (Gingerbread, ICS ...)
Cpu speed
Size of files(s) sorted
Duration of the job(s)
Furthermore, if you have room on your sdcard(s), you can get a larger sample text file, by copying the basic sample (50mt.txt) several times on itself, and sort it :
on my G.N., a 1 GB file (ten millions lines of 100 bytes each) is sorted in 180 sec.
Still, enjoy !
eXtended Sort/Merge for Android
Advanced Use​
Those wanting more may directly invoke the hxsm command in a terminal emulator
For help, just enter 'hxsm' at the command prompt :
usage :
hxsm -c, --check -q|-v, --quiet|--verbose -h, --help
-m, --merge |--copy[|--sort]
-k, --key=all | start,len[,order(A|D),[format(B|C|I|P|Z|Y)] ]
-r, --recfm=F|V|M
-z|-l, --lrecl=nnnn
-i, --infile=in_id1[,recfm=x[,lrecl=nnn] --infile=in_id2....
-o, --outfile=out_id[,recfm=x[,lrecl=nnn]]
-f, --field-separator=TAB|BAR|COMMA|COLUMN|SEMICOLUMN|c|0Xhh
-uk|-ur, --unique-key|--unique-record
-t --sortwork=dir1,dir2,.. --sortwork=dir3,dir4,..
-y, --storage=nnnK|M|G
-f --field-separator=TAB|COMMA|COLUMN|SEMICOLUMN|c|0Xhh
-E --ignore-ioerror [ = ignore short lines ]
Example for the job given as an example in post #1 :
hxsm --verbose --recfm=V --lrecl=250 --key=1,10 --input=/sdcard/tmp/50mt.txt --output=/sdcard/tmp/6=50mt-sorted.txt/FONT]
hxsm -v -rV -l250 -k 1,10 -i/sdcard/tmp/50mt.txt -o/sdcard/tmp/6=50mt-sorted.txt/FONT]
Explanation for some usefull options
-k : sort/merge keys
You may specify several keys
For each key, specify the start column (byte number starting at 1), the key length in bytes, and eventualy the letter 'D' for descending order.
Furthermore, for each key, you may also have 'specific' fields format, most inherited from IBM main frames, like 'Packed' or 'Zoned' decimal fields, or just 'Numeric'.
example :
hxsm ... -k 14,3,D,P --key=1,10,A,Z -k35,40 ... --recfm=F --lrecl=100
This will sort the file on a global key including:
a packed, signed decimal field (5 digits + sign), descending order
a zoned, signed, decimal field (10 digits, including sign)
an alphanumeric field (40 bytes).
Note that in that case, the file cannot be a text file, because possible x'0D' inside the packed field : it should be specified as 'Binary Fixed' (--recfm=F)
-i : input file
you can have several input files, provided that the sort key are at the same place in all files
example :
hxsm ... -i file1 --infile=file2 -ifile3 ...
--skip-head=nnn : throws the nnn fist lines/records
-m : merge several input files already sorted on the same key
example :
hxsm -m -o resulting_file -i file1 --infile=file2 -ifile3 ...
-t : sort-work directories
It may improve perpormances, provided you have more than 1 sdcard (a fast one, class 10), or a fast usb stick connected
If this is the case, just specify a workibg directory on the corresponding mount point :
example :
hxsm ... -t /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/tmp (and check you've done a chmod 777 on it ...)
if the -i option is omitted, then the program will read from stdin
if the -o option is omitted, then the program will write onto stdout
You may filter the lines or records you want to be written onto the output :
-uk : unique key
if several lines/records have the same key, then only one will be written
-ur : unique record
if several lines/records are strictly identical, then only one will be written
--include=start,len,op,val ...
--exclude=start,len,op,val ...
takes in, or omits, lines/records whose field(s) responds to some criterias
hxsm ... --include=12,3,EQ,C'ABC' ...
this will keep only records where there is 'ABC' in cols. 12-14
hxsm ... --include=12,3,EQ,C'ABC',OR,12,13,EQ,c'ABD' ...
this will keep only records where there is 'ABC' or 'ABD' in cols. 12-14
hxsm ... --exclude=15,1,EQ,C'Z' --include=12,3,EQ,XC'ABC' ...
this will throw all records having a 'Z' in col. 15,
then, in the records left, keep only those having 'ABC' in cols 12-14
Sorting 'CSV-like' files
If the input file(s) has no fixed keys location, but rather varying length fields,
then the fields are "SOMETHING SEPARATED" (i.e. column, semi-column, tabulation ...)
In this case, just specify the 'SOMETHING' with the -f (--field-separator=...) option.
The program will considered that all lines are made of fields separated by 'SOMETHING',
and that each length given in the '--key=' option is a MAXIMUM length.
For 'SOMETHING', you may specify :
--field-separator=TAB (0x09) or BAR (0x7C) or COLUMN (0x3A) or SEMI[-]COLUMN (0x3B)
or any hexadecimal value 0x00 .. 0XFF
Example :
hxsm ... -f TAB -k 3,5,D --key=1,10,A -k 5,40 -k2,9,A,N ...
This will sort the file on a global key including:
an alphanumeric key in field #3, max length 5 chars, descending order
an alphanumeric key in field #1, max length 10 chars
an alphanumeric key in field #5, max length 40 chars
a numeric key in field #2, max length 9 digits
All fields being separated by a TAB char (0x09).
eXtended Sort/Merge for Android
All snapshots are in the following attachment
(if anybody can tell me how tu put the snapshots 'online' ...)
Thanks, not for the mass but useful tool though.
hhenault said:
All snapshots are in the following attachment
(if anybody can tell me how tu put the snapshots 'online' ...)
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Edit post -> Go Advanced -> Manage Attachments -> in the popup window add your pictures instead of the zip file, you can upload picts too.

iGO Primo NextGen Development

This threads will contains extensions for the navigation system based on NNG iGO PRIMO NextGen
Extend the functionality of regular buttons VIApoi remove from the route.
Standard button appears, if you have to route waypoints (VIApoi).
So it stays ... but when you click on it (click) menu appears, listing all VIApoi and
you are free to either tapnut elsewhere and remove the first in the queue
either by the victim ... long tapom remove everything to her ... and her too
Conveniently this is the case when you route with intermediate points and you for some reason "spilled" from it.
Re-start will lead to the fact that the navigator will lead to the first point ... but you have somewhere Intermedia ... here come in handy.
Plant ... in all weather conditions))
Debugger - debugging tool due to lack of log. You can view the result in ONLINE. You can "ON THE FLY" ... take snapshots directly from the cab.
Debugger You can use one or all of three ways at once.
Call in the right place at the right time ... and save the data
If the variable Global - transferred to the "name", or simply herself. The number of input parameters is not limited.
var1 = "hello"
local var2 = 8
t = {2,5, { "Bonnie Parker", "Clyde Barrow"}}
VW_Debugger ( "-------------------------------",
"Hex (var1)", - var1 must be GLOBAL
var1, var2, "t", "-------------------------------")
The result in the ... / lm_DebugToList.txt:
Variable # 1 = -------------------------------
Variable # 2 = 68 | 65 | 6C | 6C | 6F |
Variable # 2 = h | e | l | l | o |
Variable # 3 = hello
Variable # 4 = 8
t = {
[1] = 2,
[2] = 5,
Table # 3 = {
[1] = Bonnie Parker,
[2] = Clyde Barrow,
Variable # 6 = -------------------------------
Enter code snippet ONLINE
Enter the line of code as you write in the body of the program.
return hex (Help)
The results are on the screen and a file.
Complex. But requires some setup allows to get a snapshot at any time
For this purpose has already been declared a global table VW_Debugger_Table and the following structure is used:
hook_DebugSnapshot: register (function ()
****UX_Name = "<name of your utilities>" --osoboe attention. Utility field
****VW_Debugger_Table.v_integer = v_integer - your variable
****VW_Debugger_Table.v_char = v_char --Your variable
****VW_Debugger_Table.v_table = v_table --Your variable
It is desirable to place at the end of your utility body.
In other words - you need to put in your section (lua chunk) here such fragments, which will ensure the filling of the table
you desired variables. The process you manage yourself using SnapShot keys
I note that the third method does not require cleaning after the source code debugging. This tool can be left in the body of the program.
It can be activated at any time by pressing the button or VW_Debugger_Get_Snapshot () of the body of the program and does not interfere with the functionality of standard code.
All results are displayed on the screen and are available in /save/profile/01/userlist/lm_DebugToList.txt ... unless of course you do not erase.
Utility - informer. The name speaks for itself: CommonRouteWarnings.zip
All sounds and warning match again utverdennomu standard: SetAudioSignal.
Long press - access to the configurator.
Informer as a button in the cockpit. Informs about 12 developments on the route of choice.
They will be "PROKRUCHIVATYA" at one location in the cabin, but with different icons of different information and ... according to the chosen event he or events.
Upper information - the distance to the event, the bottom - time in the scene.
Now click on the icon will get a third of the current screen with an overview of the place, the relevant event, well, or automatically.
On the TMC. Upper infa - distance sobyliya, lower - latency, which makes this event (not to be confused with the overall delay)
Full set here
Hi there. working igo 8 would be interested. samsung s8 phone. I would like a link. Thanks

