WM6 Questions - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

I've been going through the WM5 tweaking area of the wiki and I notice a few things worry my newbie mind enough that I need to ask questions before I proceed.
Change the location of My Documents
Documents are opened in and saved to the device's internal storage by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\Storage Card\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
To return to the original location:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\My Documents" (REG_SZ string,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But my WM6 registry doesn't have a FileSyncPath expandable string.
Should I simply create one, or does WM6 handle things differently?


easy and quick way to make a reg. cab?

everytime I make a ROM flash (very often) I have to do some reg hacks to get my unit syncing (due to our firewire at work).
Is there a quick and easy way I can make a cab do this work for me?
the entry is:
Reg Sub Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\RNDIS]
Name of value to add: MTU
Data: 1514 (Value is in Decimal)
Reg Sub Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\RNDIS]
Name of Value to add: MaxOutTransfer
Data: 1642 (Value is in Decimal)
hi, does anyone have a clue how to do this?

iGO 8 on Universal - some tips - updated

Here are some tips for running iGO 8 on a Universal. I have been fiddling with it for a long time, now it runs just fine.
Here's my setup:
- Remove all items on your today screen (no plugins).
- Set the theme to Windows default (= blue theme), not Windows Mobile 6.1 (consumes a lot of memory).
- Using Schap's advanced config I have set file system cache to 512 KB instead of 'Auto'.
- I'm using Tomal's TOM version 7.7 which gives me 26,7 MB free RAM with all my programs installed (about 28 MB without extra programs though).
- Switch off wifi.
- Switch off the phone (I'm not using my Universal as a phone).
- Right before I need iGO 8 I soft reset the device.
- I'm starting iGO 8 using the right soft key. If you start iGO using the start menu, a bit of memory is used because of cached icons etcetera. See below for more info.
- Currently running iGO v8.0.0.41506.
- iGO 8 is set to show 3D terrain (terrain details on average, not high which is a bit slow); 3D buildings switched off.
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
Automatic bluetooth on and run iGO 8 script
For convenience I have created a small Mort script which switches bluetooth on and starts iGO 8 next. As soon as iGO is stopped, bluetooth is switched off again.
You need to install VJvolubilis and Mortscript.
Contents of script:
------ BEGINNING OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ---------
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueon.lnk"
RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe
Run "\Storage Card\iGO8\VJblueoff.lnk"
------ END OF \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr ----------------
Create two shortcuts in \Storage Card\iGO8:
VJblueon.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueon
VJblueoff.lnk: "\Program Files\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe" -blueoff
Somehow running VJVolubilis.exe directly in the script does not work, that's why I'm using the shortcuts.
If you want to program a softkey:
- install KeySwop.cab
- create a shortcut "startstop" in \Program Files\iGO8\ to \Storage Card\iGO8\startstopscript.mscr.
- run keyswop and program one of the softkeys to run \Program Files\iGO8\startstop
I hope this helpful for someone.
Thanks man, useful guide I'll test it and report it soon as I can
More tilted view
If you want a more tilted view (like TomTom), add this to
\Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
Please note: all settings should be added to \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT, not the file on your storage card.
Thanks "Insert Coin", it is now working great on my Uni. Before the road kept disappearing before my eyes!!
I'm using pdafun's Google Navigator with my Uni.
Anybody knows is there any map of Bangladesh available for iGO8?
FYI: I have been on vacation in the UK and have used iGO 8 on my Universal every day; travelled for more than 2000 km without problems, using the setup described above. No "out of memory" messages, no hangups whatsoever, no roads "disappearing" on the map. Very good software!
fatal error...
I have a strange problem. I have used IGO8 for a few months and suddendly it didn't work anymore. First I got the message that it was out of memory. Then I reinstalled it after several tries to let IGO8 work again, and now I get the message:
fatal error occured in main thread.
Address: 0x001ec3dc Exception: 0xc0000005
Is there somebody who know what this means and can help me?
This is awsome
I own you man. I was trying to make it work on my ****ty eten m800 with only 64mb memory. You rock. Although i did some change. Instead of 1500000 i did 2500000. Result, i can minimise the aplication and work without any problem
thanks brother
Hi, thanks for the app.
It works perfect on my old ipaq H4150 running WM2003. I tried to install it on my Ipaq 614c WM6.0 with build in GPS, it running very slow, when i tried to search for GPS, sometime it detected then it says "GPS is disconnected" or it freeze on me.
Please help, i really like this software.
Thanks in advance
I have a 128MB Uni.
IGO works perfekt with Standardskin, Ultra 5.0.
Only I use dimka (since 1.31) or byte Skin it is crash.
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 24 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 22 MB, 962 KB, 129 B
GarbageSize: 20 MB, 649 KB, 484 B
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 0 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 19 MB, 849 KB, 495 B
GarbageSize: 17 MB, 754 KB, 924 B
Befor the start I have 84MB (+- 3MB) free. When I drive 13MB free. An then when igo recalculate the route - Fatal Error
Have averyone an idea?????????????????????
Yes, does it chrashes with the original skin? No, then stay away from all those custom skins!
I have Igo8 running on a 128mb Qtek9000 with WM6, just returned from a 3week trip trough the States, did around 5700KM with IGO8. Did not crashed once! I run the standard version, the latest official one...
Sorry if this is not the answer your looking for!
I only have 64MB Uni, and iGo8 is working fine for me. But I don't have any 'bling' on my phone.
IGO8.0.0.54000 on Jasjar 64Mb and WM5
Hi all,
Just to let you know that this config is working well, thanks to the sys.txt as mentioned in this thread. My Jasjar has lots of "bling", and so far all looks well. I just installed it as a possible alternative for Igo 2006.
One question however: the default install from puts a directory on the main memory, where among other things the sys.txt is located. But the majority of the files are installed on the SD. I copied the latest update (igo8.exe + data.cab) on the SD. Launching the new IGO8.exe from the SD works fine. I didn't want to copy it to the main mem, because it is a LARGE file, 5 Mb. But this also means that I do not have a link in my program folder.
Any suggestions in how to fix this?
create a shortcut of the .exe and place it into the windows\start menu\programs directory
IGO8 on Jasjar
Hi Akpidis. Was was looking for a way to do this. Just figured it out ;-). Thx
Insert Coin said:
Contents of \Program Files\IGO8\SYS.TXT:
-------- BEGINNING OF FILE ------------
------- END OF FILE ----------------
The "cache" is set to 2048, so it will leave a bit more memory for iGO itself for calculations. "reserve_memory" is set to 1,5 MB: iGO may take all available memory of the device but leaves 1,5 MB unused. If you leave out this setting, iGO will leave 4 MB, but to my experience sometimes a "memory full" message appears with long route calculations.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. I will try these settings on my RoadMate 1200 and see it they can cure the out of memory errors I'm getting.
reboot script to start navigator
Here's my mort script if anyone's interested.
It will basically turn of my today items, turn on bluetooth, remove startup files, reboot Uni and then start navigator. When you've finished, running it again will put everything back!
You will need to tailor it to your own needs (i.e., which navigators you run, and which today items you have). Anyway, thought it may be a start...
# switch between Navigator and today items
# decide what to do (check for my startup file)
navon= FileExists( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
If( navon )
If( Question( "Restore Today Items and Reboot?", "Reboot to Normal", "OkCancel" ) <> YES )
# switch off BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueoff")
# restore startup files
Delete( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk" )
Move( "\Storage Card\iGobak\*", SystemPath("Startup"), TRUE )
RmDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
# check which navigator to use
iNav= Choice( "Navigator Reboot", \
"Choose Navigator", 0, 0, "iGo Nav N Go 8","Route 66 Navigate 7" )
if( iNav = 0 )
# switch on BT
Run("\windows\vjvolubilis.exe"," -blueon")
# move startup files to backup folder (changing reg entry doesn't work!)
MkDir( "\Storage Card\iGobak" )
Move( SystemPath("Startup") & "\*", "\Storage Card\iGobak", TRUE )
# create startup for navigator
Switch( iNav)
Case( 1 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "43#""\Storage Card\Program Files\iGO8\iGO8.exe""" )
Case( 2 )
WriteFile( SystemPath("Startup") & "\nav.lnk", "52#""\Storage Card\Program Files\ROUTE 66\ROUTE66N7.exe""" )
# enable/disable today items
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Messaging""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Tasks""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""TodayAgenda""", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\WeatherBug Direct", "Enabled", navon )
RegWriteDWord( HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\""Wireless""", "Enabled", navon )
# reboot
Sweet! Very well done.
Question: does anyone experience the same problem as I do that iGO 8.3.79297 (or older 8.3 releases) does not completely close after quitting iGO?
igo8.exe keeps running and I have to kill the process within 10 seconds or my Uni is stuck. I'm using a kill-script to do this, but it's a bit weird I have to do this all the time when I quit navigating. I have tried a lot of sys.txt settings, but with no luck so far.
re: iGO does not completely close after quitting
I have with no problems.
Perhaps it's because mort's running? (RunWait \Program Files\iGO8\igo8.exe)
Or have you tried it without mort?
No, it's not related to MortScript. If I start iGo 8.3 directly, without a script, it remains in memory also after quitting iGo.

remove reg keys with batch script

Hey guys,
I'm trying to create a batch script for deploying pda's and I need to disable the hardware buttons on a Pharos. Here's what i've found:
In a command line, you can use the command
REG DELETE \\HKLM\Software\microsoft\shell\keys\ /va /f
But i'm thinking this command deletes the LOCAL key on the computer, and I obviously need it to delete it on the PDA.
I've used this example:
REG DELETE KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve | /va] [/f]
KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey
Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine
Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines
FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey
SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY
ValueName The value name, under the selected Key, to delete
When omitted, all subkeys and values under the Key are deleted
/ve delete the value of empty value name <no name>
/va delete all values under this key
/f Forces the deletion without propmt
REG DELETE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp\Timeout
Deletes the registry key Timeout and its all subkeys and values
Anyone have a clue?
i would read up on doing it with morth scripts on the pda
I don't think that's an option, since I have 500+ devices to configure... I'll look into it, but i'm hoping someone could help me out with my first script.
/me = stupid.
I should've thought of this earlier: i can make a cabfile and then push it to the device with the batch script.
Problem solved.

Vox Menu Background?

Found this:
For the advanced user (involves registry modification) - but well worth doing:
How to set the start menu background image (note: you only have to do the registry modifications once
on your device - if you done them before you don't have to do this again - just copy the image over):
In a registry editor go to this key:
Check if you have an entry called "BKBitmapFile". If you do not, create a new "String" value.
Name : BKBitmapFile
Value data: \Application Data\Home\{Image}
Add the following lines to the same key :MSStart
a Dword value with the name BKBitmapLogPixelsX and the data value 131 in decimal
a Dword value with the name BKBitmapLogPixelsY and the data value 131 in decimal
a Dword value with the name BKBitmapTransparent and the data value 16711935 in decimal
a Dword value with the name BKDefaultGradient and the data value 1 in decimal
a Dword value with the name BKFlags and the data value 26 in decimal
and finally a String value with the name BKUnselected and the value data COLOR_ALERTWINDOW
Copy {Image} to
\Application Data\Home\
Soft-reset your device.
(I take no responsability for these modifications - modify the registry at your own risk).
(From Juni's Skins WM6 Skin Instructions... http://www.juniskins.com)
Has anyone tried?
still looking for a working method.

SamsungResgistry - noob question!

How to edit regestry values with the SamsungRegestry app?
It has "Path to value" field where I type in the path
And the second field "Value (Read/Write)"
Then I can choose if it should be a Dword or a string.
What am i doing wrong case this is not the right way :-(

