Need help about ROOT - Droid 2 Android Development

I already search for how to root my D2,but in this loop my cocern is:
if I have the source code,how I can build a root image.does some one can share some information about this topic
Thank you very much.

Hi,If all of you can share some information about this topic.
thank you again.


[Q] I want Root device asus me173x

Hi there
I have this machine and I want to put him Root looked at the sites did not find its own Root I hope you help
I want a detailed explanation
thanks all of you

[Completed] Some help for flashing my XOLOA500L

Hello guyz i wanted to fl;ash my XOLOA500L with the teresus honami ROm .So It would be nice is someone helped me out with the flashing process. I cant afford losing my only phone#dont wanna brick it. SO if i could get some information about the process it would be great. I an do with some suggestions for other roms and your opinion aboutt his rom.
RAM512 mb
Android version 4.2.2
Kernel 3.4.5
.Also please tell me how to ulock the boot logger.As far as i have searched there aint much development for my phone so suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Thanks in advance .Hoping to hear from someone.
XDA Visitor said:
Hello guyz i wanted to fl;ash my XOLOA500L with the teresus honami ROm .So It would be nice is someone helped me out with the flashing process. I cant afford losing my only phone#dont wanna brick it. SO if i could get some information about the process it would be great. I an do with some suggestions for other roms and your opinion aboutt his rom.
RAM512 mb
Android version 4.2.2
Kernel 3.4.5
.Also please tell me how to ulock the boot logger.As far as i have searched there aint much development for my phone so suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Thanks in advance .Hoping to hear from someone.
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Hello, thank you for using XDA assist! First, register an account and then you can ask your question here:
You are correct, there isn't much info on your model, but I'm sure the experts in the forum I linked can help you on your way.
Good luck!

need help with root my one plus one

hello there, im newbie never root my one plus one if someone can help me to root my one plus one cyanogen os version: 12.1-YOG4PAS1N0 By step by step
thank you
Next time please search before creating a thread. We have a couple of step-by-step tutorials available. Here's mine:

Just5 Blaster2 rooting

Hello, i'm new in all of this rooting thing and I would like to ask if someone can help me with my old phone.
It's Just5 Blaster2 ,the rest of the info on the device is located in their site, i can't post it cause i'm a new member.
I would like to root it, but i have problems finding the right information sources i need.
If someone could use their time to help ,i would really appreciate it. :good: :good:

Need a good root guide

Hi there!
I suppose this is the millionth request here, so i also suppose everybody here have a link in reach. i would want to root my device so i would like you to share a link for an easy and quick guide to do that. thank you (tell me if more information is needed)
*feeding with the silver spoon*

