I know that multiple Exchange accounts are not supported on Windows Mobile, but I was scanning through the registry on a 2313x build and came across these keys:
0x00000000 (0)
0x00000001 (1)
I'm pretty sure these keys are in older builds too.. but has anyone changed their values to see what the effects are? could be interesting
This is probably maximum connection on Active Sync and tell us how many mail accounts woul be synchronize between mobile and mail at moment.
The question is how to configure more accounts on mobile outlook?
See here posted by daveshaw some time ago :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=645316 regarding the very same subject.
I'll close this thread if you chaps dont mind, no point in have duplicates around
feel free to Pm me should you wish.
I keep several address books, some even in different applications, my private in Outlook, my business in Groupwise. On my Qtek wm5 ppc id like to have sync copies of all of them.
I wonder why this is issue so rarely discussed - am I the only one who keeps private addresses strictly seperate from business addresses, mainly for data security / privacy reasons? I simply don't like and don't want friends' and relatives' personal contact info to be stored somewhere on our office server... and yet i'd like to have them sync on my ppc.
Has anybody come accross a solution to this, in my opinion very common situation? at least to sync multiple address books from Outlook?
I searched the fora, found only very old threads but no answers.
When I sync my Hermes, I would like it to only sync the business items at work and not my private appointments.
I can mark my appointments as "private" in my outlook mobile, but they still appear on my work desktop.
does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
How about using categories? Just create a category "SYNC" and add this to all your business contacts. Obviously you'll have to adjust your ActiveSync settings accordingly.
I don't think it's possible to control exactly what syncs across. AS far as I know it's really an all or nothing.
/anyone get the pun?
I have a Tilt and use exchange 2007 for syncing email, contacts, task, calendar. I use the tasks feature also in outlook. What I would like to be able to do and it doesn’t seem to work is Flag an email for follow up and then have that move into my tasks folder. If I flag an email from my phone it shows on my desktop under tasks and to-do list, but anything in this to-do list never shows in the tasks on my Tilt. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. If anyone has a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. I need to find a way to be more organized with my email and following up on projects. Thank you for the help in advance.
I don't believe you to be doing anything wrong. It may have to do with differentiating between a defined task and the follow-up being not really a task, but more of a reminder. FWIW, I can duplicate that behavior on my WM6.1 device.
TMKnight, Thanks for the reply. Since this seems to be the way it works does anyone have any ideas on how I can do what I want. I would like to be able to creats tasks or to-do lists from my emails and even add just regualar to-do's (tasks). Alot of my tasks are associated with emails and I would like to attach them some how to the tasks since they usually have info I need when completing a task.. Thanks for the help. This site is the best for finding answeres to our mobile life.
My tasks sync both ways so maybe you haven't selected tasks to sync in active sync options/settings. As for associating emails with tasks from WM, copy and paste is the easiest but does not retain any linkage which makes that only marginally useful. There may be some other mail app that does this, possibly FlexMail.
from technet ...http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996303(EXCHG.80).aspx
Follow-Up Flag Support
Exchange 2007 ActiveSync lets you flag an e-mail message for follow up directly on your mobile device, exactly as if you handled the message in Microsoft Outlook. You can also mark a flagged message as completed. If you are using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, any items flagged on your mobile device will also appear in the Outlook 2007 To-Do bar.
I can't check, as we have Exchange 2003.
Does this work for somebody with Exchange 2007?
Does this also work in opposite manner (flag in Outlook 2007 and see in Tasks WM61)?
Good point about Exchange 2007 - yes flagging is only working in that version. I can confirm flagging worked both ways.
bump on this issue, i am having the same problem.
Using Exchange 2007, I can flag an email and it shows up in my Outlook Tasks on my PC but not on my WM 6.1 Tasks
Email flags synchronize with windows mobile
Has somebody already found the solutuion how to make to show the email flags in outlook 2007 within the task list on windows mobile 6.5 device? The normal task synchronization works with no problem, but flagged emails dont show within the task list on windows mobile - only in the outlook 2007 (works only one way).
even i am also looking for that, followup to synchronize with ms-outlook 2007 any solution it will be great and moreover when we download the mail in htc hd2 any option to add as followup
Hey, there appear to be a number of problems with birthdays in Outlook and Pocket PC, which i think i may have found a solution for. There are numerous threads throughout xda looking for solutions so i thought i would put this here, if thats ok, to try and create a major thread with solutions. Please move/delete etc if this is an issue. Firstly ill outline the issues as i see them:
Editing or creating a contact on a WM device and adding their birthday results in no event being added to the calendar. For an event/appointment to be created you need to add the users birthday to a contact in Outlook on a Desktop. (This appears to be on 2003, i havent tested 2007 - someone confirm?)
Syncing contacts through exchange results in the same as above.
There is no way to change the default reminder a new birthday is added for a contact.
I found an app called CustomBirthdays which is a plugin for Outlook on the desktop, which allows you to fully customise the automatic appointments that are made for birthdays when a contact is edited. It can search your contacts and generates the autoevent if you have just synced your contacts from your WM to a new Desktop outlook or exchange session. It also lets you set what the default reminder is for all birthdays etc.
I DO NO HAVE ANY AFFILIATION WITH THIS COMPANY/SOFTWARE. Its just this has been a massive pain in the A** for me in the past, and due to the number of other requests i thought i would share. There is a 30 day trial which lets you do everything. Heres the link:
The reason i want this instead of today plugins for my WM, is because this way it generates an appointment in the WM calendar, and is not a seperate app searching through your contacts to display on today. I also use TF3D, which only shows appointments and not today plugins.
I hope this is useful to some people
Please post any freeware or other solutions you may have.
HTC Fuze with EnergyROM 24.Dec.2009 WWE WM6.5 build 21885.5.0.95.
After upgrading from the stock AT&T WM6.1 ROM to a stable EnergyROM, I configured my corporate Exchange email account. Sync works fine. But when creating a new message in Outlook Mobile, the "from" address is incorrect. My address should be [email protected]. Instead, it shows [email protected]. See screenshot (oldcompany name redacted). I examined my Active Directory record through Outlook 2007 GAL. It includes eight SMTP addresses that have been used over the past 15 years, through an acquisition and eventual migration from Notes. This d244d55 address is not the first listed, but is coincidentally the first alphabetically.
I sent a test message to various other email accounts and the "from" shows properly, so the Exchange server must be substituting my correct email address. But this is annoying and I would like to fix it. I cannot find any way to configure the "from" address for my Exchange connection configured through ActiveSync. I searched the registry and the only place dd244d55 appears follows. I deleted the dd244d55 address from this value, soft-reset, but still no joy. I did confirm that dd244d55 is no longer in the registry.
Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Partners\<GUID>
Value: Email Address
Data: [list of SMTP addresses separated by semicolons]
How do I fix this? Consider directing me to a better forum since this is certainly not Raphael specific. Unfortunately searching for resolution is handicapped because the word "from" is overused. Thanks for your assistance.
Assuming you deleted and recreated the Activesync relationship and wiped the phone:
This could be a time-consuming war that ends up to be impossibile to fix. Don't let it turn into a crusade! Just from an "eff it" standpoint, which I usually take:
Kill ALL the garbage addresses. Everything that isn't necessary.
What's the worst that can happen? I obviously don't know who you are and what possible types of emails could be sent to any of your 15 years worth of addresses. If no one is going to die, the simplest solution is often the correct and best solution. I'm sure you spent enough time on this already.
Kill ALL the garbage addresses.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I assume you mean to delete the addresses from my Active Directory entry and then delete/recreate the ActiveSync partnership with Exchange. I was thinking along the same lines. I don't need any of the extra addresses but they might be there to support non-repudiation of historical approval records in corporate information systems. I don't have permissions to do modify AD myself but I will ask our IT support folks to do so.
I am sure this problem has been encountered before but don't know where to seek assistance. Having multiple SMTP addresses in an AD record is not unusual. I bet there is an easy way to specify the correct address for the ActiveSync partnership "from" email.
Success. My "from" address is now correct when creating new emails. My corporate IT support deleted a bunch of SMTP addresses from my AD entry. I can't see exactly which ones are left because AD changes take a while to propagate through to the cached Outlook address book. I deleted/recreated the ActiveSync partnership and the "from" email shows correctly now.
One other difference: The first time I specified my email address and password and let WM autoconfigure the connection. It ended up using my email address as the username and left the domain blank. This time I disabled autoconfiguration and manually specified the server name and my credentials (username/domain). This probably had nothing to do with the problem because both formats are valid AD credentials.