just noticied whatsapp is available on theire website for android 2.2
and tried woerkng very good
is there a version of Froyo for Freerunner?
I have a version of 2.1 (eclair) for Neo Freerunner,if anybody wants it send me an Pm.
The 2.2 version i didn't find it.
android froyo 2.2 on freerunner
for now there is no froyo for freerunner but as soon as will be available, you can find it on linux-mobile dot com
android on freerunner 2.2 froyo
android on freerunner 2.2 froyo on linux-mobile dot com
i've tried it,doen't work,it enters some kinda loop at the boot screen,but thank you for the news,there's hope
Who have MiPhone A3/A8 2.2 Froyo ROM
I'm really need MiPhone A3/A8 2.2 Froyo ROM
see here on toptrulysz.XXX . They told me that they had updated there Miphone A3 to Android 2.2 with Android Market.
i want to buy one but they do not retail :-((
I have default firmware in my S5830 that andriod 2.2.1 on samfirmware i was able to find andriod 2.3.3.
Mine is S5830DDKA7 that is
Region: India, (Branded: no)
Available languages: en, (hi),
January 2011 Revision: 7
Can i update is to S5830XXKPE is it possible and if yes then how ????
Anybody can reply this please ?????
I think, yes, it's possible. I have Galaxy Ace too and couple weaks ago I installed android 2.3.3 S5830XXKP9
Thanks buddy i will try 2.3 then, can u tell u what r major chnages in 2.2 and 2.3 for galaxy ace ?
i think mayor thing is only the video recording(vg[email protected]~30fps)
BUT, it's verrry cool that u have newer android build, because of new applications and better games.
secondly, newer builds are using better coding for applications and games and etc. so it will be smoother and faster.
(i love 2.2.1 too - i don't use videorecorder )
I just bought a tablet. It's running android 2.3.7. I need to run whatsapp in it but this version of android is not supported anymore. Is there a solution ? When i tried to update it..i didn't find its ROM. Table name is PocketBook A10.
Hello Reader,
I have a Samsung Z4 smartphone.
Model Number: SM-Z400F
Tizen Version:
Knox Tizen version:
MDM 1.2.0
Standard SDK 1.2.0
SE for Tizen 1.0.0
So, on 2nd October 2020, I am noticing that I am no longer able to use the pre-installed Whatsapp app in the phone.
The version of Whatsapp installed on Tizen OS was probably of the form 2.x.x.
So, my question is that is it possible to re-install the current version or an older version of Whatsapp on the Tizen OS? Even though, the whatsapp app is no longer available on Tizen store, may be if it is available from a third-party websites, can such apps be installed on the Tizen OS ?
Secondly, is there any app that serves as an Android Emulator on Tizen OS so that the Whatsapp for the Android can be used on the Tizen OS also? I came across an app named ACL. Is it any good for this purpose?
Is there any possibilitiy that any past versions of Android can be installed on the SAMSUNG Z4 phone?
Same problem here pliz help guys