[REQUEST] [ICON] text dock icons - Nexus One Themes and Apps


You can find them here
and here


[Q] LauncherPro Coloured Icons

Does anybody know how to get coloured Icons on the dockbar of laucherpro (plus).
I don't like the transparant ones and I couldn't find any coloured ones.
hold any icon on the dock and change it, then choose default icon

[Q] VLINGO transparent Widget?

Where I can find a VLINGO Trasparent Widget??
I would like to remove the sample bar

[request] diagonal clock widget / minimalistic Text

Hello is there any way to get minimalistic text diagonal (45°)?
Any one knows a text clock widget you can chose font and make it diagonal?
would be creat if any one could help me with this.
try this

Transparent Notification Bar [HOW TO?]

Hello, i need some help with Notification Bar on Galaxy S8+.
I created black wallpaper, but when i try use wallpaper then notif. bar not transparent.
Have any mod to fix notif. bar and make it transparent?
Nova Launcher. Can also add a shadow to the top of the desktop so that it completely masks the notification bar.

[Q] [HELP] Adaptive Launcher Icons

Hello everyone,
I am creating a Substratum theme where i am replacing the launcher icons of the stock apps of my phone. I've created the circular and tear shapes for the icons, but with Oreo we now have adaptive icons.
I tried to add the "ic_launcher.xml" which contained the foreground and background icon. The xml was supposed to replace the png icon, but it didn't work.
My question is:
Is it possible to add adaptive icons with substratum?

