wifi turns off in 10 secs - Captivate General

Today I turned on my phone's wireless and I noticed it turned off quickly. I thought it was odd so I turned it on again...same thing occurred. The third time I went into settings > wireless and network > wi-fi settings and enabled the wi-fi card from there. It shows it's scanning and then displays "unable to scan networks" along with turning off the wireless card. What the crap?!
I've rebooted the phone a couple of times - still nothing. I'm going to try removing the battery for 10-15 mins and try it again but I don't imagine that's going to fix anything. A quick google search has shown only a couple other people with a captivate are having this problem as well. I have to imagine there are more out there? Anyone have a clue. I'm really trying to avoid flashing back to stock.
Thanks in advance.

Did you go through the process of enabling Non-Market apps directly on the phone (editing settings.db) ?
If so, did you follow the chmod/chown commands?

max_warheads said:
Did you go through the process of enabling Non-Market apps directly on the phone (editing settings.db) ?
If so, did you follow the chmod/chown commands?
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How would that affect WiFi??

If the system does not have proper write access to the file, and then a program says to the settings provider "turn on wifi", but the provider is not able to save that setting, it will later turn around and say "yeah... thats not supposed to be on." Which happens to coincide with an approximately 10 second window.

max_warheads said:
Did you go through the process of enabling Non-Market apps directly on the phone (editing settings.db) ?
If so, did you follow the chmod/chown commands?
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Thanks for your help. However I did not edit settings.db. I've only rooted the phone. Haven't done any other manual edits to the system.
The only relevant thing I can think of that might be useful information is yesterday morning I installed wi-fi analyzer from the market on my phone. I'm 99% sure that my wi-fi was working after I installed it but then later in the day the problem started. Last night I un-installed wi-fi analyzer just to be safe.
Could this program have made some edits to Android that is causing the problem?

I found a similar problem in a google code forum from 2008. Individuals were using a G1 and had the same problem. They mentioned that it appears as if the wi-fi driver would load but then wouldn't be able to recognize the wireless card.
Hopefully some useful information to someone. Thanks again guys for taking a look.

sola fide said:
I found a similar problem in a google code forum from 2008. Individuals were using a G1 and had the same problem. They mentioned that it appears as if the wi-fi driver would load but then wouldn't be able to recognize the wireless card.
Hopefully some useful information to someone. Thanks again guys for taking a look.
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Ran into the same issue, my issue was solved by fixing permissions as mentioned in the previous reply. How did you root your phone?

div3rg3nt said:
Ran into the same issue, my issue was solved by fixing permissions as mentioned in the previous reply. How did you root your phone?
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Rooted the phone by using the update.zip file from the "Pimp My Captivate" thread.
How could I edit the permissions for the file to see if this remedy's the problem? I already have Terminal Emulator on my phone but I'm brand new to linux commands.

open Terminal Emulator and follow along
$ su
# cd /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/
# ls -l settings.db
You should see :
-rw-rw---- system system <snip> settings.db

max_warheads said:
open Terminal Emulator and follow along
$ su
# cd /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/
# ls -l settings.db
You should see :
-rw-rw---- system system <snip> settings.db
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Ran the code you gave and it returned what you wrote above:
-rw-rw---- system system <snip> settings.db
I take it this means that settings.db is already set as writeable which means it's not my problem?

Yuppers... :/

Thanks for trying max.
What about the wireless config file? If this was messed up could it cause it the wireless card to act up like this? Could I simply delete this file and android would recreate it when I turned on the wireless card? Along with - where is it on the captivate?
Just a thought, my knowledge in this field is pretty low.

bumping this thread

Update: A factory reset fixed the problem. However when I restored from a Titanium backup the wireless immediately stopped working. Obviously there is something in the software/files that are corrupt causing this problem.
Anyone have any ideas of which file to attack?

I am having this problem too. It is very annoying and I don't want to reflash the rom again. Has anyone else had this problem (and fixed it)?

americanbordercollie said:
I am having this problem too. It is very annoying and I don't want to reflash the rom again. Has anyone else had this problem (and fixed it)?
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ABC: Is there anything you installed before the problem happened that you think might be causing it? I'm guessing since you said "again" that this is the 2nd time or more you'll be flashing your phone if we don't find a fix.

I had to flash it with Odin because my phone bricked two weeks ago trying to enable non-market apps. I don't want to go through that process again.
I didn't install anything except the WiFinder app. It stopped working after a coworker asked me to turn on my wifi to test an app he got for his phone that turns it into a WiFi hotspot through its 3G data connection. The test was unsuccessful anyway, but that is irrelevant.

I had the problem of wifi not being able to scan for devices after 10 sec. This problem was only on my wifi at work.
I set the IP address, IP mack, gateway address and DNS servers statically and saved the config. This got me connected to the wifi at work. You could try this.
Just changed permissions on settings.db and now wifi seems to be working flawlessly without a need for static config.

americanbordercollie said:
I had to flash it with Odin because my phone bricked two weeks ago trying to enable non-market apps. I don't want to go through that process again.
I didn't install anything except the WiFinder app. It stopped working after a coworker asked me to turn on my wifi to test an app he got for his phone that turns it into a WiFi hotspot through its 3G data connection. The test was unsuccessful anyway, but that is irrelevant.
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I'm curious if WiFinder altered a file that is causing the problem. Mine came just 30 minutes after installing Wifi Analyzer. Just hunch since both programs use the wireless card.

santblue said:
I had the problem of wifi not being able to scan for devices after 10 sec. This problem was only on my wifi at work.
I set the IP address, IP mack, gateway address and DNS servers statically and saved the config. This got me connected to the wifi at work. You could try this.
Just changed permissions on settings.db and now wifi seems to be working flawlessly without a need for static config.
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It sounds like the same problem I had but I wasn't able to connect anywhere - At either one of my offices or at home. I tried to add in manual settings in the Android menu but it still didn't help.
I'll try messing with the settings.db file if this happens again and report back. I'm crossing my fingers that I never have this problem again but you never know. Hopefully we can get a couple of known working solutions posted on here since it sounds like there are plenty of people out there having this problem.


My WiFi won't turn on anymore... thoughts?

Hi guys,
In December, I started having problems with my WiFi. When I go into Comm Manager and press the WiFi symbol, I get the WinMo6 "spinner" to let me know it is thinking and then nothing.
Since then I've tried 3 or 4 different ROMs and I am still having the same problem. Is it just time for a new phone? Does anyone have any helpful hints or things to try?
Thanks in advance.
I got this exact same problem too....
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I would really like WiFi back.
I have a similar problem but it will turn on, find the AP but not connect. I have a g-only router ang a b-only router (both unsecured) it will not connect to either, it'll try for a few seconds then stop. I have activate the connect to G router hack in the registry.
from will
As a note, I just turned on the Today Item "Wireless" and WiFi doesn't show up at all. Does that give anyone any clues?
my phone sometimes does this not-connecting-to-available-router-trick, then my usual procedure is to reboot the router.
Sometimes it shows the Icon as connected, but in reality won't even turn on the WiFi, even after a reboot. Then it's a bit more complex... I switch off the AP, then the wireless subsystem, reboot the phone, while it's booting reboot the AP, and THEN activate wireless. This usually shocks it back into sense and it connects just fine. This usually happens after I accidentally use the popup window to control the WiFi, or sometimes randomly. Small problem, but when it happens, pretty annoying...
jrronimo said:
As a note, I just turned on the Today Item "Wireless" and WiFi doesn't show up at all. Does that give anyone any clues?
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Yep, sounds just like what happens to me sometimes...
I happened to have same problem with my jasjar for about a year,,,
i started to believe its a hardware problem ...
the thing is i have tried all available ROMS official and not....but sometimes it works most of the times it dowsnt...
well program conflict is not the answer coz even after formatting i still have same problem....
What radio version are you guys using? I think I have 1.18.00. I am using Laurentius26's 2.05.00 ROM.
Get a copy of TaskManager and check in the devices tab and check the wlan, also check your services tab.
It is likely that you either
1 Have a bad flash
2 Have a corrupt/unsigned driver
3 A hardware fault
My guess would be 2
Thanks for the response, Beast.
I see this: $device\WWN0(WWN0 Status: Loaded. Startup Type: Automatic. Dll: wwan.dll. Reg Key: Drivers\BuiltIn\WWN
I can stop it and restart it but it doesn't seem to do anything... Any ideas?
jrronimo said:
Thanks for the response, Beast.
I see this: $device\WWN0(WWN0 Status: Loaded. Startup Type: Automatic. Dll: wwan.dll. Reg Key: Drivers\BuiltIn\WWN
I can stop it and restart it but it doesn't seem to do anything... Any ideas?
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check out ZCF1 (zero config) device.
is it okay/loaded? which dll it uses?
and is there any other device that's unloaded?
beast0898 said:
Get a copy of TaskManager and check in the devices tab and check the wlan, also check your services tab.
It is likely that you either
1 Have a bad flash
2 Have a corrupt/unsigned driver
3 A hardware fault
My guess would be 2
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Mine would be 3. I'm using your ROM, so I trust you didn't include bad drivers
Although when fixed the way I said, it works A-OK...
shlomki said:
check out ZCF1 (zero config) device.
is it okay/loaded? which dll it uses?
and is there any other device that's unloaded?
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ZCF1 is loaded and using WZCSVC.dll.
There are 4 unloaded devices: DSK3, DSK2, COM8 and MIX1.
Thanks for your help as well. I hope we can get to the bottom of this.
mzalan - your problem seems different then jrronimo's.
mzalan's problem seems somewhat like something i experienced 2 days ago - relating to the wpa-tkip fix.
although i think your problem has nothing to do with the router, i think rebooting your phone is what does the trick. am i wrong?
i've made a cab for the wpa fix. after installing it my problems were gone.
give it a try - couldn't hurt.
jrronimo - maybe you should give it a shot also?
shlomki said:
although i think your problem has nothing to do with the router, i think rebooting your phone is what does the trick. am i wrong?
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Yes, you are wrong, I must say. You see, this only happens in the dormitory where stay during weekdays at school. There is one wireless AP there, a small Linksys unit, which only stops working if there are many connections through it(solved, since I limited the number of clients in the DHCP to 10, whit a 30min lease. The tech-man forgot to set a new admin password), or if the flow is too great. My tech-savvy roommate says it dies because the processor is too weak to handle the flow or the many connections, and the firmware hangs, that's why it needs to be reset.
The other thing supporting me is that those are the times when everyone with a laptop in the dorms comes running to me, or just yelling down the corridor for me to "do something about the net". So it can't be my phone only.
The second case, where the icon shows me as connected, however, is only the fault of my phone, but even then the router needs to be turned off before I reboot the phone to sort of "shock WiFi system back into life". Luckily, this does not happen often. But these are the times when everyone keeps asking why there was a drop in the service...
shlomki said:
i've made a cab for the wpa fix. after installing it my problems were gone. give it a try - couldn't hurt.
jrronimo - maybe you should give it a shot also?
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Well, I tried this and it didn't seem to help or hurt. I now see ZCF1: as having the driver wpatkip.dll but loaded or unloaded WiFi doesn't load.
A few times over the weekend, though, it WOULD load up (before I tried the .cab, I think)... but then it would turn itself off. Also, the page in the network settings where you would normally see a list of available access points is just sorta... gone.
sounds like your registry is corrupt. I would format the doc with mtty Task 28 55a and re-flash your rom mate.
That sounds scary but I'm certainly willing to try. The registry doesn't get overwritten when a new image is installed? Eesh.
So... what do I do? heh. I hate to be a noob about it but mtty is not something I've had to deal with before.
jrronimo said:
That sounds scary but I'm certainly willing to try. The registry doesn't get overwritten when a new image is installed? Eesh.
So... what do I do? heh. I hate to be a noob about it but mtty is not something I've had to deal with before.
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Firstly you need to download MTTY, it's floating around this Forum somewhere.
Secondly read the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Universal_Technical
This has details of all commands accseible through MTTY.
Yes the reg should be cleared when flashing, however it requires user input to "Clear Storage" after a flash, and it is possible that the DOC is corrupted.
If you still have questions after searching on MTTY, post back and we'll give more help.

[Tutorial] Quick Wi-Fi Fix

Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
yaldak said:
Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
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You don't need to do any of this noob stuff if your wifi doesn't connect to your home router or any router for that matter. It's unneccesary and time consuming, not to mention risky since you could "brick" your phone. All you have to do is reboot the phone, simplest way is hold power button and volume up simultaneously, then it should connect, assuming you entered the correct password if router has secure connection.
I just turn wifi off then back on. Works for me.
And stop with the noob stuff the guy just wrote he came from an iPhone to a g2x.
He will figure it out as he goes.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
mr.orange303 said:
He will figure it out as he goes.
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I see two band-aid solutions, a reboot, and a restart...gosh that is advanced.
Verse a solution to fully resolve the problem, and keep it gone. More importantly a possible isolation of the cause.
These super duper pro android interlopers are unapproachable on their savvy solutions. Ummm no
Since the OP says its linked to My account program, and I know on first run it says a newer copy is available, I am going to wonder that many users don't touch it.
So since I am already freshly on a complete reset of everything (erase all date, or hold down volume and power) I am going to try.
1. Full erase reset
2. First thing upadate new version of My Account.
3 Hard restart.
4. See how it reacts
My wifi is decent except sometimes it does clog up and I have to clear buffers and shut down programs to get it to kick up. Start and stop wifi solves nothing on mine.
Anyways its about 10 minutes of time to do, since my phone already is in near out of the box setup.
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noob" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
"My Account" from tmo has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me. I froze it using Antek App Manager (a free app). I used the same software to freeze the other garbage that came installed by tmo, and battery and booting issues have greatly improved. Just my 2 cents.
Other stuff I froze include: Car Home, ea games, Zinio reader, AppPack, T-Mobile TV, and wifi calling.
Of course some are big fans of wifi calling but I don't need or use it.
yaldak said:
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noon" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
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News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
LG is sending out a fix. What does that tell you? Only can manage till then.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
prettyboy85712 said:
News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
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Okay sorry, it causes the HSPA / Wi-Fi switching issue. Could you be any more polite about correcting me? FYI I haven't found any SOLID proof of this. Immediately after removing MyAccount and all of its derivatives from the phone DNS requests worked flawlessly; It's been 9 hours of constant wi-fi only use without issues (NO radio turned on). Prior to removing the app, only IP addresses would be resolved by the browser.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
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Seriously are, I was only trying to make a helpful post to those users or viewers who are not very tech-literate but possess the ability to root a phone and forget about it to fix an irritating issue with the phone.
dude dont worry about it....good job
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
sl0play said:
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
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No..Those people you're referring to would rather have people search before posting. This so called "fix" has been posted many times. No need to start a new thread.
I tried this and got no error lol. What I did was reinstalling MyAccount with the MyAccount.apk in system\app and now my wifi actually works with the Market.

Can't restore forgotten wifi network

I selected "forget" on one of my home wifi networks and there's nothing I can do to restore it back.
My phone: Atrix 2 ATT running stock 2.3.6
Thanks for any help
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
Apex_Strider said:
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
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Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
elic3 said:
Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
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Try a factory reset. I know it is a PIA, but most of the time, that fixes a lot of these oddities.
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
kousik said:
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
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WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
jimbridgman said:
WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
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Thank you all guys. My senses tell me that factory reset should do the job but since the ICS update is so close, I will save the trouble and wait for it, assuming it should work as well.
Just wanted to update everyone. I went on vacation and have connected to many different networks. When I can back, my lost network popped again on my device. My guess is it was hidden inside an internal queue, and once that queue overflowed it popped again.
Perhaps you can try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=51180156&postcount=2
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
yhendra said:
Perhaps you can try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...56&postcount=2
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
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If you look at the post directly above yours you'll see that this was fixed over two years ago. Also, the link you posted is either dead or incorrect as it just goes to "404: page not found". That's not even to mention that this is the forum for the Motorola Atrix 2 so your post is in the wrong forum anyway. If you're just trying to get passed your 10 post requirement then please try to do so in a more constructive way. Thanks. :thumbup:

[Q] Troubleshooting help! Won't remember any stored WiFi AP info

Hey guys - I have been trying to figure this out for a day or so but I'm not sure what the cause could be.
I still have my Note 3 up and running (minus phone network connectivity obviously), and even after sharing stored APs with WiFi Direct, they do not show up on the Note 5.
I have to enter my home router info every time I turn the WiFi radio off, and back on again - but it will reconnect if I simply out-range it and come back without disabling the radio.
The funny thing is that there are 4 APs listed in the wpa_supplicant.conf file but they don't show up on the WiFi list (on the Note 5).
Do you guys have any suggestions?
I have been trying to slowly debloat this thing since gaining root, and I thought perhaps I had deleted something on accident that related to the WiFI AP saved list but now I am not so sure since that .conf file has everything that the old phone displays.
Thanks in advance guys!
Check out this thread... there is a known issue after rooting... this link will take you to a fix... read the few pages of posts around this one:
dandroid7 said:
Check out this thread... that is a known issue after rooting... this link will take you to a fix... read the few pages of posts around this one:
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Thanks! Trying that now - after making the build.prop change and rebooting I still lost my home WiFi AP info, and don't see the older saved ones but I will reboot again and see if that fixed it. :good:

Hotspot issues with Android Pie

I am having issues regarding Wifi hotspot on Pie.
1. My laptop find it very difficult to find the hotspot. Sometimes I have to restart the hotspot 2-3 times before the network shows up on my laptop. On Oreo, this was always instant and worked immediatly.
2. In the last few days using a hotspot from the phone and my laptop I have had issues regarding DNS/internet. Even though my laptop is connected to the hotspot network, it doesn't have any internet access. When browsing the web on my laptop, all DNS requests always fails. It happens whenever I try to navigate to a site and tries to ping a url from CMD. But if I try to ping a ip address, let say, that works fine! I can also use my browser on my phone without any issues at all. The laptop works fine on any other network and the phone works well on its own but the hotspot causes great problems. It sounds to me that for some reason when using a hotspot, DNS requests doesn't come through properly. Also, if I connect to a VPN on my laptop, eveything works, even DNS requests but my VPN is somewhat unreliable so it constantly disconnects so that is not a viable solution for me.
Anyone experiencing similar problems? It's really annoying because now I can't get any work done on my daily commute.
Edit: It sounds similar to these problems: http://piunikaweb.com/2018/08/22/go...hotspot-tethering-issues-after-android-9-pie/
baxtex said:
I am having issues regarding Wifi hotspot on Pie.
1. My laptop find it very difficult to find the hotspot. Sometimes I have to restart the hotspot 2-3 times before the network shows up on my laptop. On Oreo, this was always instant and worked immediatly.
2. In the last few days using a hotspot from the phone and my laptop I have had issues regarding DNS/internet. Even though my laptop is connected to the hotspot network, it doesn't have any internet access. When browsing the web on my laptop, all DNS requests always fails. It happens whenever I try to navigate to a site and tries to ping a url from CMD. But if I try to ping a ip address, let say, that works fine! I can also use my browser on my phone without any issues at all. The laptop works fine on any other network and the phone works well on its own but the hotspot causes great problems. It sounds to me that for some reason when using a hotspot, DNS requests doesn't come through properly. Also, if I connect to a VPN on my laptop, eveything works, even DNS requests but my VPN is somewhat unreliable so it constantly disconnects so that is not a viable solution for me.
Anyone experiencing similar problems? It's really annoying because now I can't get any work done on my daily commute.
Edit: It sounds similar to these problems: http://piunikaweb.com/2018/08/22/go...hotspot-tethering-issues-after-android-9-pie/
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@thugslug @jbm76 I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
yldlj said:
@[email protected] I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
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Point 2 sounds like it..
jbm76 said:
Point 2 sounds like it..
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I can't remember what thread you wrote the adb commands that might fix it? Was going to direct him to that post.
yldlj said:
I can't remember what thread you wrote the adb commands that might fix it? Was going to direct him to that post.
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Yep that fixed for me ??
adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required
If the result is "null" or "1"
adb shell settings put global tether_dun_required 0
Reboot phone
yldlj said:
@[email protected] I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
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His first problem I don't have, but it's the second that's the same issue as mine.
Obviously he's never searched or he'd have found my lengthy post not very far back.
The solution is there too.
I've never tried turning the VPN on to see if I get through access to the internet that way. I can't now as I've applied the fix @jbm76 found, and I don't really want to back out the fix to try it.
Definitely an area where pie has gone backwards. For those of us affected anyway.
Edit.... Sorry, I didn't note that this was a new thread.
My post is in the OB4 thread (which I at first thought this was). I'm tired and didn't look well enough.
jbm76 said:
Yep that fixed for me ?
adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required
If the result is "null" or "1"
adb shell settings put global tether_dun_required 0
Reboot phone
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I will try these and report back.
baxtex said:
I will try these and report back.
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If you get errors at the cmd prompt make sure usb debugging is set 'on' on the phone.
Followed the commands and it seemed to do the trick! Many many thanks!
baxtex said:
Followed the commands and it seemed to do the trick! Many many thanks!
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Most people it works straight away. What region are you in?
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
jbm76 said:
Most people it works straight away. What region are you in?
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
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I want to remember that it did work before, then I have to reflash Pie again and that's when the issues started.
I still wanted to say that I still suffering from the first problem, having difficulties actually finding the hotspot at all.
Its very odd. This problem has started to arise again. I tried running adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required again but I get the answer that it is 0 so that looks fine. I haven't updated anything since I had this problem the last time.
To provide some more info and more things to try if you are rooted (I am in the US on T-Mobile). These instructions should also help you avoid tethering detection using the standard Android tethering options if you wish to.
1) Go into settings --> system --> developer options and turn off Tethering hardware acceleration. This will make sure all tethering routing is done by Android at the software level and not by Qualcomm's chipsets (so following steps will apply).
2) As suggested, put global tether_dun_required 0. Note you can also do this from a command prompt by typing su (get root access) and typing setting put global tether_dun_required 0. What this does is route tething traffic over the same APN as phone traffic, and not the hidden tethering APN that some carriers put on the sim cards.
3) Install Change TTL and in settings set it to run a boot and set TTL to 64. This ensures that all traffic leaving your phone will have a TTL of 64 and look like it is coming from the phone. (I am pretty sure this also set's ipv6 hop limit, as TMobile in the US is all IPv6 and this hides traffic.)
Reboot. If you still have trouble -- try Android's USB option to see if it is WiFi related vs Tethering system related.
- Verify that global tether_dun_required is still 0 after reboot (it should be if you are rooted).
- Delete the WiFi entry on your computer and re-join the phone's network -- sometimes it is on your computer's side.
Another thing to try is Easy Tether -- this is a good USB tethering option that won't use Android tethering system and it is guaranteed to route traffic over the phone's network APN.
If the issue is DNS, you can isolate that by manually putting a DNS ( into the tethered computer to see if that is the issue.
Also, google search xda VPN Hotspot. This app has a ton of options to change Android's tethering routing even if you are not using a VPN. This may also help you figure something out. You can activate tethering, then go in here and turn on the wlan interface and it should route traffic directly to that (which should be happening anyways because of tether_dun_required = 0).
Good luck!
MetroWestMA said:
To provide some more info and more things to try if you are rooted (I am in the US on T-Mobile). These instructions should also help you avoid tethering detection using the standard Android tethering options if you wish to.
1) Go into settings --> system --> developer options and turn off Tethering hardware acceleration. This will make sure all tethering routing is done by Android at the software level and not by Qualcomm's chipsets (so following steps will apply).
2) As suggested, put global tether_dun_required 0. Note you can also do this from a command prompt by typing su (get root access) and typing setting put global tether_dun_required 0. What this does is route tething traffic over the same APN as phone traffic, and not the hidden tethering APN that some carriers put on the sim cards.
3) Install Change TTL and in settings set it to run a boot and set TTL to 64. This ensures that all traffic leaving your phone will have a TTL of 64 and look like it is coming from the phone. (I am pretty sure this also set's ipv6 hop limit, as TMobile in the US is all IPv6 and this hides traffic.)
Reboot. If you still have trouble -- try Android's USB option to see if it is WiFi related vs Tethering system related.
- Verify that global tether_dun_required is still 0 after reboot (it should be if you are rooted).
- Delete the WiFi entry on your computer and re-join the phone's network -- sometimes it is on your computer's side.
Another thing to try is Easy Tether -- this is a good USB tethering option that won't use Android tethering system and it is guaranteed to route traffic over the phone's network APN.
If the issue is DNS, you can isolate that by manually putting a DNS ( into the tethered computer to see if that is the issue.
Also, google search xda VPN Hotspot. This app has a ton of options to change Android's tethering routing even if you are not using a VPN. This may also help you figure something out. You can activate tethering, then go in here and turn on the wlan interface and it should route traffic directly to that (which should be happening anyways because of tether_dun_required = 0).
Good luck!
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Hi and thank you for your post. It seems that windows had changed dns settings by its own to something invalid, so that is why it didn't work. However I am still having connection issues. Mainly I find it very difficult to connect my laptop (and other devices) to the hotspot of the Oneplus 6.
1) Done.
2) Done.
3) It was already set at 64 but I tried setting in to 64 again.
DUN is still 0 after reboot. I have also removed the wifi from my PC and changed name on the hotspot. Also tried both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. When the pc is connected the hotspot, I can ping google succesfully, so internet works but not DNS, all requests in my browser times out. I have also tried setting DNS to external providers in the phone (not sure if if affects the hotspot though). I looked at easy tether but root version was pretty expensive. I also googled XDA VPN Hotspot but I'm not sure which app you mean. Do you have the link?
Right now I'm just thinking of factory resetting the phone and installing the latest oxygen version (I'm still on
Here is even more testing:
What I am experiencing is that there are grave problems trying to connect when in an area with a lot of wifi networks.
I live on the countryside and I thought I would try using hotspot for a couple of times. Thing is, at home, sharing hotspot from the phone to my laptop always works instantly, both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. I might add that there are basically no wifi networks interfering where I live, except for my own. When I start my bus ride in the morning from my house to a city were I work, the hotspot usually works pretty good. But it's when I'm going home that I am start having problems. In the city, there is probably around 50-100 wifi networks when I start the ride home. And that's when it usually is impossible to connect the hotspot to the laptop. However, when leaving the city and entering the highway, it is usually easier. I have these connection problems on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz and if it does connect, 2.4 is hideous, it disconnects all the time.
So the conclusion for me is that it is having a very hard time connecting when there are a lot of wifi networks around. However, It never seemed to be a major problem on Oreo, only on Pie.
baxtex said:
Hi and thank you for your post. It seems that windows had changed dns settings by its own to something invalid, so that is why it didn't work. However I am still having connection issues. Mainly I find it very difficult to connect my laptop (and other devices) to the hotspot of the Oneplus 6.
1) Done.
2) Done.
3) It was already set at 64 but I tried setting in to 64 again.
DUN is still 0 after reboot. I have also removed the wifi from my PC and changed name on the hotspot. Also tried both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. When the pc is connected the hotspot, I can ping google succesfully, so internet works but not DNS, all requests in my browser times out. I have also tried setting DNS to external providers in the phone (not sure if if affects the hotspot though). I looked at easy tether but root version was pretty expensive. I also googled XDA VPN Hotspot but I'm not sure which app you mean. Do you have the link?
Right now I'm just thinking of factory resetting the phone and installing the latest oxygen version (I'm still on
Here is even more testing:
What I am experiencing is that there are grave problems trying to connect when in an area with a lot of wifi networks.
I live on the countryside and I thought I would try using hotspot for a couple of times. Thing is, at home, sharing hotspot from the phone to my laptop always works instantly, both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. I might add that there are basically no wifi networks interfering where I live, except for my own. When I start my bus ride in the morning from my house to a city were I work, the hotspot usually works pretty good. But it's when I'm going home that I am start having problems. In the city, there is probably around 50-100 wifi networks when I start the ride home. And that's when it usually is impossible to connect the hotspot to the laptop. However, when leaving the city and entering the highway, it is usually easier. I have these connection problems on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz and if it does connect, 2.4 is hideous, it disconnects all the time.
So the conclusion for me is that it is having a very hard time connecting when there are a lot of wifi networks around. However, It never seemed to be a major problem on Oreo, only on Pie.
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Seems more like WiFi / Computer related than phone. Did you try USB tethering? Is DNS get manually set in your computer by something else you installed?
MetroWestMA said:
Seems more like WiFi / Computer related than phone. Did you try USB tethering? Is DNS get manually set in your computer by something else you installed?
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USB tethering works fine, dns as well. Its just the connection, it is very difficult to connect anything to the Oneplus 6 in wifi crowded areas.
Will this effect Bluetooth tethering too? Or is there another command for that? Dang built in hot spot get horrible speed after this setting is set, at least be on T-Mobile.
Hi guys,
I also face a strange issue, the connected devices to the hotspot it keeps disconnected after some time.. 1min, 5min, 15min...is random and annoying. Dose anyone face this issue to? Tried diferent fixes but nothing works, it remained to do a factory reset to see if the problem persist..
khrisstyan said:
Hi guys,
I also face a strange issue, the connected devices to the hotspot it keeps disconnected after some time.. 1min, 5min, 15min...is random and annoying. Dose anyone face this issue to? Tried diferent fixes but nothing works, it remained to do a factory reset to see if the problem persist..
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Read this thread. Workaround in here.

