[Q] Stopped receiving texts... WTF? - Captivate General

So Around 12pm (MST) I stopped receiving texts and found it weird people were asking why I hadn't responded and I thought it was a root or other tool that messed something up.
After trying to do a restart and taking out the battery I finally did a factory reset and got texts from WAY before I rooted my Captivate and everything was stock.
Has anyone run into this problem? And does anyone know if there's a way to reset the communication data (like in the iPhone)?

I've had this problem multiple times. I get MMS messages, and I can send texts, but not receive. Both with my current Captivate and my last one. I called AT&T when I had the old one and they had to reset the routing tables. Well after like 16 hours nothing happened (they said it could take up to 24) so I went and got my Captivate replaced. Put my SIM in, bam. 51 new text messages. It happened last night to me too. Called again, but this time it fixed itself. So give them a call, see what they can do..

It has only happened to me once and that was when I had just gotten the phone. I was told by an at&t rep to take out the sim card for like a minute...I did that and it hasn't happened since. I'm rooted now and no issues, so it's not caused by rooting.
Sent from my Samsung Captivate!!!

This happned to me too but all I had to do is reboot the phone then I was able to send and recieve again.

I noticed at work we sometimes get complete outages in service (we have an AT&T repeater on our roof at HP since we're out in the middle of nowhere and only get Edge) and after leaving work and getting reception I didn't receive any texts.
I shut down the phone, took out the battery, and booted it back up and sure enough about 6 text messages came in. So powering down the phone and just starting it back up didn't do anything but removing the card seemed to do the trick.
I just don't get why it does that :-\


[Q] Random rebooting, not shutdowns.

I'm having a rather specific and odd problem with my captivate(s), three of them to be exact. First I bought the phone, upgrading from an Iphone 3g, and the first day it was great, the second day, in the evening, I noticed that it started this strange rebooting loop. The phone doesn't seem to power off because I don't see the Galaxy S symbol it just merely goes black then comes back and searches for the network, finds it, then a few minutes later goes black again, returns, search for the network, and so on. It keeps doing that over and over again. So I tried a factory reset the next morning just to make sure it wasn't a problem with any apps installed. The same rebooting loop happened. So I called a rep and dropped by the ATT store and they said it might be the sim card, which was very very old (still said cingular) so we swapped it. Same problem the next day. Okay so I went and I replaced the whole phone. The second day with Captivate #2, this rebooting loop occurred again. The reps told me that I might have gotten two bad ones and to exchange it again, so I did. And yet again I have the same problem. So here are some quick facts about the problem that I have learned. Total time span has been about 3 weeks.
-The most important thing to know about this issue is that the only thing that prevents the phone from going into this rebooting loop is if I enable flight mode, no network connectivity. I believe wi-fi is okay but whenever I disconnect from ATT's network it stops rebooting.
-Occurs more frequently at night/evening (only happened once in the morning)
-Is not affected by signal strength, full bars, low bars.
-Is not affected by installed apps (Had done factory resets and with my third captivate all I did was put the sim card in and put it in my pocket)
-Is not affected by battery status, low or full
-Doesn't seem to matter if I have a lot of things running or nothing running, the loop starts when I'm browsing, texting, in a call, or just locked in my pocket.
-Does not seem to be affected by charging source (wall, car, laptop, ps3/xbox)
Another thing to note is that I had an Iphone 3G with an unlimited data plan before this. The Captivate upgrade was done on another line on my family plan then given to me with a 2gb data plan. After talking to multiple reps over the phone, they said they had the wrong IMEI number (I have no idea what that means) but that leads me to wonder what else is wrong and is it a problem with the Captivates or ATT itself?
I really need some feedback because I'm about to just give up on this phone, which is heartbreaking because I fell in love it. My 30 days is approaching and if I am indeed returning it, it'll have to be very soon. What do you guys think?

No Sim Card

My S3 has been giving me a no sim card issue. It happens when I try to text or make a call. I then have to wait approximately 30 seconds for it to reconnect then try to send the text or make the call again. This is very annoying. So annoying that I am thinking about taking the phone back into verizon and getting a different phone.
I have read others on the net that have had this issue as well. Are there different radios or is there something else I can do to resolve the issue? I like this phone but this 1 issue is ruining it enough to where I am thinking about trading it for a different model.
I got that after having the phone for about a month the first time last night when I received a call. It asked if I wanted to accept my friends call or send to voicemail. Then it started flipping out with no SIM card notification and screen turning off and refusing to stay on. Had to reboot to fix the issue. No idea what, but something went terribly wrong and definitely scared me. Network here gives all sorts of trouble on any 4G phone.

Pixel SMS/MMS issues

So my first pixel (32gb black) had microphone issues and had that replaced yesterday no problem. It was all working totally fine and like it should until after the ball drop last night when all of the sudden my phone would not send text messages anymore. So I went to bed thinking it was just tower overload from the new year celebration. Then I wake up this morning and my wife tells me she got 20 text messages from me all in duplicates. I think great, its all fixed. Then I realized throughout the day that while my messages were going out now I was not getting any back. We tested this and sure enough nothing is coming through.
So I chatted with a Google rep and after doing all the troubleshooting (Safe mode, cache clear, reboots, etc) we still had the same issue. At that point he says he talked to a specialist who says its a known issue affecting a small group of Pixel owners and they are working as quickly as possible to fix it.
Anyone else experiencing this? I haven't been able to find any other posts about it which seems really unusual.
I have the exact same problem as you! You're not alone...and yes this is very frustrating. I haven't seen much posted about this issue either. I also thought it was tower overload until my mother-in-law told me my mom was texting me and I wasn't getting any of the texts. Can you send texts? I can. What about phone calls? I can still make and receive those. I'm talking to google as we speak. See what happens.
Well I'm glad I am not alone. I can also still send messages and make and receive calls. Just no text messages coming in. They said it might be my sim card and they want me to talk to my carrier which is ATT. who is your carrier? Let me know what they say or if you get it resolved!
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
mdecker79 said:
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
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I had almost the same issue. I sent out some texts for the new year that night and they kept saying failed but people said they got them about 100 times. From there I turned it off and rebooted in the morning. Then it was exactly the opposite with them going through no problem but not coming back at all.
I had another Pixel prior to this and never had any issue after a month of use. My brother and SIL also have the same phone on my plan and live right up the road and have never had the issue. It seems unusual that its only affecting SOME phones and not all who have the same set of conditions.
I'm going to talk to my local AT&T store today and see if they will pop in a new SIM card for me and give that a shot.
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
prestonpeterson said:
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
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So I just tried turning off wifi and sending a few test texts. Still nothing for me coming back. I wish that would at least temporarily solve the issue so I could get on with my day to day life. It seems strange that others are having this issue but there isn't any chatter about it online. I thought more people would be posting about it but there is nothing.
ATT has an SMS test number you can send "test" to 151 and it will respond if all is working correctly. I have the same results with that test number as I do with any other contacts.
Okay so I got mine resolved. I went to the ATT store and they put in a new SIM card and reset network settings. They also reregistered the serial number of the phone to my number. After that all my messages came flooding in and I've been fine ever since. So many one of those three things fixed it though I had already reset my network setting before so I don't think that was it. Best of luck to the others out there!

Out of service area problem

Within the past 2 weeks my phone had been dropping calls or not being able to receive calls at all sometimes. Let me try to explain. Sometimes when I try to make a call my service will cut out and say "out of service area" and not but 5 seconds later it will show I have service again. I can send text messages surf the web anything but make phone calls. At&t doesn't believe that it's on their end. Whats going on??
You are not alone, I have similar problem. I went to Sumsang center in Bestbuy last weekend, the Sumsang guy there told me he loses DATA randomly too, he knew at least 3 people having the same issue since last OTA. And they are all AT&T users, all S8+ phone, the Samsung guy told me they already know this situation and investigating it, hopefully they will push another update soon.
For now, I reboot my phone every morning before I leave my house.
ericzhf said:
You are not alone, I have similar problem. I went to Sumsang center in Bestbuy last weekend, the Sumsang guy there told me he loses DATA randomly too, he knew at least 3 people having the same issue since last OTA. And they are all AT&T users, all S8+ phone, the Samsung guy told me they already know this situation and investigating it, hopefully they will push another update soon.
For now, I reboot my phone every morning before I leave my house.
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It's very frustrating. I've talked to samsung on the phone and they told me I could send my phone in and have it tested but I feel like it won't do anything. And they would send me a refurbished phone back not a brand new one like the one I purchased. I drop connection all the time during calls, when I try to make calls it doesn't matter. The people at at&t are no help.
Add me to it. And to me it is an intermittent problem. It does not happen all the time. I am on Sprint, and I have the phone unlocked through Sprint since I paid it off. Not sure if unlock changed anything.
Anyone got the problem sorted out?
S8 plus out of service area
I also have the same problem and this is not a software problem this is hardware problem you need to change the boot.
Theirs no other way
I had a similar issue. My phone showed I had network coverage but I kept missing calls. My provider sends a text message on missed call. I would call my number, phone would not show anything and i'd get a missed call sms.
I took it to the local samsung authorized service, they replaced the motherboard, the display and battery on warranty. Basically I have a new phone now and it works.

Calls and Messages Not Coming Through Even with Full Service

Hello All,
I have been a One owner for about three years now, have had it rooted and with a custom ROM since the day I got it, and have no issues until very recently. Within the last two weeks, I have started experiencing a strange issue. Basically, a lot of calls and texts aren't coming through. In the case of the calls, I never receive a missed call notification. With the texts, people will send me messages and I won't get them until hours later sometimes, and then they all come in at once. Sometimes however, everything works fine and I can have a conversation over text just fine, or I'm able to get a call. The weird thing is though, I can call people just fine whenever, and my texts send right away. Another strange thing: my phone showed that I had full bars all throughout this time. I immediately assumed that it was an issue on the carrier side (AT&T), so I called them up. At first they told me that there were three towers down in my area, and that was likely the cause of my problems. This made since, as they also said that the towers had been down since Tuesday the 6th, which coincidentally is when I got back into town, and have been back since. They assured me that the towers would all be fixed by today, the 12th. Well, I was still noticing that I was having issues again, so I called AT&T, and they told me that the towers were fixed, but that they would escalate my problem to the network engineers, and that they would get back to me in 3-5 business days. At this point: I'm considering that the problem must be a hardware issue with my phone, rather than a service issue, as it all didn't quite add up. I had already flashed a different ROM and had a new SIM installed so it wasn't either of those. So, I went to my local AT&T store and picked up a ZTE Mayven 2 for $40, to try and figure out if it was really a service issue or if it was the One. I've only had it for a few hours at this point, but everything seems to be working fine. I'll continue to use it for a few days to confirm.
Has anyone ever had a similar experience to this, or have an idea what the issue could be or how I could fix it on my end? I'm pretty unfamiliar with flashing radios/modems, etc., but I wonder if that could be the issue. Also, I am running Sultan's Cyanogen Mod build version 13.0-ZNH5Y-20120430-STABLE. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Phaildroid said:
Hello All,
I have been a One owner for about three years now, have had it rooted and with a custom ROM since the day I got it, and have no issues until very recently. Within the last two weeks, I have started experiencing a strange issue. Basically, a lot of calls and texts aren't coming through. In the case of the calls, I never receive a missed call notification. With the texts, people will send me messages and I won't get them until hours later sometimes, and then they all come in at once. Sometimes however, everything works fine and I can have a conversation over text just fine, or I'm able to get a call. The weird thing is though, I can call people just fine whenever, and my texts send right away. Another strange thing: my phone showed that I had full bars all throughout this time. I immediately assumed that it was an issue on the carrier side (AT&T), so I called them up. At first they told me that there were three towers down in my area, and that was likely the cause of my problems. This made since, as they also said that the towers had been down since Tuesday the 6th, which coincidentally is when I got back into town, and have been back since. They assured me that the towers would all be fixed by today, the 12th. Well, I was still noticing that I was having issues again, so I called AT&T, and they told me that the towers were fixed, but that they would escalate my problem to the network engineers, and that they would get back to me in 3-5 business days. At this point: I'm considering that the problem must be a hardware issue with my phone, rather than a service issue, as it all didn't quite add up. I had already flashed a different ROM and had a new SIM installed so it wasn't either of those. So, I went to my local AT&T store and picked up a ZTE Mayven 2 for $40, to try and figure out if it was really a service issue or if it was the One. I've only had it for a few hours at this point, but everything seems to be working fine. I'll continue to use it for a few days to confirm.
Has anyone ever had a similar experience to this, or have an idea what the issue could be or how I could fix it on my end? I'm pretty unfamiliar with flashing radios/modems, etc., but I wonder if that could be the issue. Also, I am running Sultan's Cyanogen Mod build version 13.0-ZNH5Y-20120430-STABLE. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Did you tried flashing different roms?

