[APP] Recoreder writer app - Nexus One Themes and Apps

i was wondering if there is an app that u can recored something and it writes it down like a speech to text thing its really helpful for school...


voice to text?

hello im looken for an app that can take voice recordings and convert to text- i ive seen some however i want one that can specifically do so in text messaging app- so i can talk to text - is that avialable? thanks for your time
you may search around, there are some post mentioning this. Search is always your best pal here.
anyway, there is a site, google search "Desire nimbu" and you may get 1 as well.

[APP] Google App Inventor

i cant vouch for it's usability, but been forwarded this at work...
seems interesting and easy to use form the screenshots
hope some of you find it useful.
fwiw, im not the creator, im just spreading the word

[Q] Any.do app GUI

Any.do task app for android uses a very unique style of UI, probably close to windows 7. Any idea what kind of SDK or GUI kit is used for this?
Try sending one of them an email.
(Btw, move your mouse around the portraits )
Thanks for your reply. I have dropped a mail to them, lets see their reply.
Moving the mouse over the portraits was interesting . Thanks for pointing.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I'm one of Any.DO's developers. I developed most of the UI on the app and I can tell you that I didn't use any special SDK/Toolkit for that.
To get most of the stuff done over there, I just build custom component that gives me the actions I needed, for example the Drag and Drop list.
great app by you guys, will be writing up a thread about the same...
shalom udinic,
plz can U tell me why don't u add automatic sync support, I just don't understand why, some kind of "political" decision?
many thanks!

task recorder

Hi I am a total noob and petrified not to insult anyone after having watched your video!!
Anyway I did search for the solution I am looking for and something called Tasker is the closest I could find(which seems rather involved).
I am wondering if there is an App. for Andoid smartphones which enables you to record a series of actions (like open wifi when activatating an App, do certain things in that App. and Email a file etc.), and then create an icon to go with this (macro of recorded actions).
Hope I did not offend you guys too much.
I would greatly appreciate any input.

speech to text for kitkat devices

hi guys
today I'm going to guide you how to use the speech to text.
many of the android have feature of speech recognisatin and it workes great. but it uses resources from online. most of the uses did not have internet for the droid.
this is the best guide to change speech to text offline.
download the app from below and install it on your droid.
set the default language to english US.
open the app and hit the new microphone button. follow instruction in the app. speak near to the microphone and in the US asent of english and this app will change it to text.
this app is tested buy me on samsung galaxy core 2 and it works awesome.
it is good as this guide is dictated to this app and this app changed it to text.
feel free to ask any questions.

